Newspaper Page Text
4 r- '.ft THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN INDIAN TERRITORY ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS. VOLUME XIII ARDMOKE, 1. T., Til TKSDAY EVEXINC, NOVEMBER 15, !!)()(;. NUMBER 154 if f FIRST LOBBY ON HEADQUARTERS ACCREDITED TO CORPORATIONS. STANDARD. Much Secrecy In Connection with the Securing of Headquarters In Guth rie Hotel by Some Lobby for Work During Convention. Guthrie, Olc, Nov. 15. Much secre -y Is connected with the securing ol hoadnuartors In tho Royal Hotel hen Ity f-nmo lobby for work during thr ouilng session of the Constitutional convention. Tho presence of strang ers, who wore supposed to bp connect ed with o book concern, is one feat ure of tho rumor. Mtfhibors elect ol the constitutional convention, who have- visited Guthrie within the last few days, state they know nothing In regard to the matter excepting the knowledge, which seems to ho general that such quarters have been secured. Tho nowspnpors have had several interviews with men of prominence in regard to the cMnltllshmnr.t of n stato printing plant within tho now state, one of the purposes being to print tho Htate'H toxt books. Such a platform lias beun adopted la many districts nnd n number of delegates were elected thoroon. It Is believed that this action by the constitutional convention would bo opposed. It Is known that mnny of the domo e.artlc party leadors, including Chair man Jesso Dunn, Editor Hoy Stafford of the Okluhomau and others, havo In dorsed a proposoltlon offering a re ward of $500 for tho nprehciiBlon of Uic first constitutional delegate, who Is known to be undor the Influence of a lobby, with tho purpose In view of making an example of him. Tho democrat are considering sov oritl propobltlni's in regard to tho d oction laws of the now state. One of these Is the adoption of the poll tax System, an used in Texas, each vol", being compelled to show his poll tax receipt before being allowed to cast a ballot. Another proposition being considered Is tho Massachusetts edu cational provision In rcgnrd to voters. This, of course, would ollmlnatc some whito votes In tho rural districts of Indian Territory, but on tho other hand it would also cut off n big negro vote in several portions of the now state. The democrats as a rule consider the prohibition question and tho set tlement of the county seat locations In Indinn Territory tho two big stum bling blocks, which may cnuso divis ions in tho convention. Tho democrats elected to tho con vention arc n unit on the proposition that there must bo n coustttulonal pro vision making soparnto schools and Mjparnto coaches for negroes and whites. Some of the district plat .forms declared for separate r.treet cars also for negroes. Tho democrats as a rulo feel that they carried mnny districts on tho separate bchool and M'parnto coach platform and that tltlt plank must bo placed In tho constitu tion. Lone Robber Got $1800. By Associated Proas. Nowton, Kns., Nov. 15. Investiga tion today shows that tho lono rob tier who hold up tho ofllcors and cus tomers of tho National Hank horo yes terday secured elghtcon hundred dol lars. Tnero Is no trace of tho robber. A reward of three hundred dollars Is offered. ROCKEFELLER INDICTED. As Are Three Others Connected With Standard OH Company. Kindlay, O., Nov. 11. Tho grand jury today found Indictments against John D. Rockefeller nnd threo other persons In connection with tho Stand ard Oil Inquiry which was reopened niton tho reconvening of that body In ndjoumed session yesterday. Wha' tho Indictment nlleges or who tho four other defendants nro In addition to Mr. Rockefeller was not given out by Prosecutor David, who, howover. admitted tho Indictments had been returned. Tho bench warrants issued upon tho Indictments wcro placed In the hnndB of Sheriff Grovj3, who this nftornoon took them and went' to Cleveland, where It Is supposod they are to bo served. Ohio Masonic Reunion Ardmoreite Special. Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 13. Masons i rem all over Ohio and -.ur.i.nudiig amies aro arriving her otntiv in large numbers to take part In the union of the noi thorn liinsd'clloii nt Scottish Rlto Mr tons. Many Mnonlc dignitaries aro In nttendanco at the conclave, which vlll last Uuee 'uy TERRITORY PIPE LINE. Order Placed for 438 Miles of Eight Inch Pipe For Oil Fields. Jy Associated Press. Pittsburg, Nov. 15. It was nnnoune cd today that tho National Tube Com pany, n subsidiary company of the United States Steel Corporation, had received nn order for four hundro.' uid thirty-eight miles of olght inch Ipe, for n pipo nno connecting In linn Territory oil Holds with tho 10 Ineries at Port Arthur. Tho outlay for tfo pipe lino is said to be about six million dollars. MOODY IS AF TER STANDARD HE INSTITUTES PROCEEDINGS IN NEW JERSEY. ttorney General Says the Aggrega tlon Make a Combination, Which Should be Declared Unlawful. Control Ninety Per Cent. Jy AEsoclntod Press. Washington, D, C. Nov. 13 Attor ney General Moody today instituted proceedings against the Standard Oil company of New Jersey , under the Sherman anti-trust net, by filing in tho United Stntes circuit court at St. Louis a petition in equity against it and Its seventy constituents, coriK) rations and partnerships and soven individual defendants, making n combination, which should bo declar ed unlawful nnd In the future enjoin ed from ontcrlug into any contract or combination in restraint of trade, Henry !f. Rogers, Henry M. Flagler, John I). Archlbold, Oliver II Payne-, and Clias. II. Pratt. Proceedings wcro brought on tho strength of tho report just made by Assistant Attorney Genoral Purdy and Messrs. Kellogg and Morrison, who were appointed last Juno by direction of President Roosovolt, to Investigate tho btiblness of the Standard Oil com pany. In tho statement issued today, Mr. Moody says the Investigation tends o show Hint the Standard and Its var ious corporations control ninety per cent of the oil business of tho Unltod States; that "this share of buslnosB has been procured by a courso of ac tion which beginning in 1870, has continued undor tho direction of the same persons in Maine, down to the present tlmo, nnd that their designs throughout havo been to suppress competition In production, transporta tion and sale of roflned oil, nnd to ob tain as far ns possible a monopoly therein." "Tho report shows," ho says, "that this company has been cnab'od lo !) tain, In Inrgo soctlons of tho counto a monopoly on tho sale of rolliicd oil. with the result thnt prices to column ers within tho 'terrltdiy. w'c-o the monopoly prevails, iiio very much higher than within territory, whore competition, to some cxtout, still ex ists." Indian Mission Conference. Tulsa, I. T Nov. 11. At tho hossion today of tho annual conference of tho Indian Mission of tho M. E. church, South, W. P. Dunklo presented tho presiding officer with a gnvel made fom tho wood of a locust post In tho fence surrounding Riley's Chapel, near Tnhloquah bearing tho following Inscription: "Indian Misslou Confer- etcc, organized at Riley's Chapel, loar Tahlequah, Oct. 23, 1S44. Wall op Thomas A. Morris, president; Wil liam II. Goode, secretary." Fourteen havo applied for admis sion to tho conference. Threo pre siding elders will go off district work on ncount of limitation. Rov. T. L. Rippcy Is nientipned as onn of the iuccossors. Among the distinguished men of the church, who will address the con foienco Is Dr. W. I). Palmoro, editor of the St. Louis Christian Advocate On nccount of tho largo number o U legates, tho conference Is meotln' la the opera house. OSEVELT AT PANAMA VRRIVES AHEAD OF SCHEDULE. HAS TO WAIT WELCOME. Receives Newspaper Men and Express es Himself Delighted and Gratified at the Welcome Which Citizens of Isthmus Are Making. By Ausoclatcd Press. Colon, Nov. 15. President Roose velt this morning landede Irom the Louisiana, nnd was met by Cm i ill Commissioner Shouts, Chief r3nKinr Stevens and other oillclals. The school children assembled at the pier ami Ming "The Star Spangled I '.in ner. " President Amador Inter greeted the president. Colon,. Ncv. II. Tho Unit trip of an American president outside of tho boundaries ot tho United Stntes sns successfully concluded tills nftornoon ut 1:.10 when tho battleship Louisiana, having President Roosevelt and purty on board, dropped anchor in the har bor of Colon. Tho Louisiana, which ar rived ahead of schedule time, was con voyod by tho Tennosseo nnd Wash ington and tho tnrco vessels nnchoicd about a mile from tho dock during u heavy rainfall. Owing to the fact that tho Louisiana arrived ahead of tlmo neither Presi dent Amador of Panama nor Chairman Shunts wero on hand to welcome Pres ident Roosevelt. They left Pannma at 1:30 in a special train for Colon nnd at 8:30 tonight boarded the Louisiana and extended cordial greetings to America's chief executive. In Prcsl dent Amador's party wero Mr. SiiontK. Chief Engineer Stevens and Secretary Reed of the Commission and Mr. Squl era, the American minister to Pana ma. ' Dili ing the afternoon President tcosovelt received tho local newspaper correspondents on board. He said that his voyage had been pleasant and une ventful and expressed himself gratified at tho welcome which tho citizens ot tho Isthmus aro preparing foT lilm. Ho' stated that ho proposed to look Into the Jamaican labor question nnd also Intended to seo everything possl bio concerning tho cnnnl. Hxtenslvo precautions have been ta ken to protect Presidont Roosevelt during his three dnys visit on the Isth mus, aud it is reported that a number of known anarchists havo been arrest ed hero or nt Panama. All steamers ar riving at tho Isthmus nro Inspected and suspicious characters havo been Imprisoned and will bo held In custo dy until Presidont Roosevelt doparts. Tho president will begin bis tour of Inspection tomorrow and nn extensivo program or olllclal ontortaintuents has been prepared. Ward-LevIs Bout Tonight. Vrdmoreito Special. Grand Rapids, Mlsh., Nov., 1. Mtlf! Wind and Harry Lewis of Philadel phia wll fight ten round nt 13S pounds hero this evening. Wlion the tnntch was made Lewis was consid ered easy by Ward backers, but the cent victories of the Philadelphia over Fitzgerald and Dougherty huve put a different aspect on the probable losnlt of tho bout. The winner will bu matched with Jimmy Gardner. Indian Pastor Dies. Tho Rovercnd Morgan Colo, a Choc taw Indian, who had lived In Indian Territory for flflj-slx years, died nt Ills homo in Antlers last week. He was pastor of tho Cumberland Pres byterian church nt Antlers. Terrorists Pillgae Jepot. Warsaw, Nov. 15. A band of ter rorists attacked the railroad depot at suchednlow this morning, kiled a gen darme, blew up tno safe nnd escaped with a considerable sum of money. READ' -READI -READ! On nccuiint of our sph-ndpl Short O'd Innii- wo nro compelled to disc nlinue Mu M -rcliants' L'ineh lifter Sunday, IHtli. Wo will conHnuo the best Short Older Sorvieo in the city. Kespcctfuliy, , UnHrr Mr i, Theatre BIJOU CAFE VI- STATE EXHIBIT PLANS ADOPTED BY COMMITTEE OF FEDER (VTED CLUBS. Every Line of Business Will be Cal ed Upon to do Its Share, Even tt School Children. ExWiuu win be Second to None. The executive committee of the Federated Coinmorcial Clubs of the new stale Imvo mot and decided that it ts Just and proper that we sh n ! have a place In the picture at the Jamestown Ter-Centcn:ilal okimipmn next you-. It war. decided thai an ex hihlt valuifl nt I3H.000 be n'i.tng! for. Now it is up to tho various com mercial bodies of the new state to d their share toward getting the rund together so that the exhibit can be cured and put in place. If the nn-ttei la carried throuah, au It will b- the exhibit from tho new statu will 'e second to none of any of the states ol the union. Ardmore will do Its share as the business Interests have already beer, felt In this regard and no one l.i or pohfd to it. A demand will be made on overv lino of trade to do It:, natt. Tho exposition company wil! give a lease on a plot of ground on wi le:, can be erecteil a suitable bulldli C. ;d a cost of $5,000. The lumbonni i ,ii the stnto will bo called upon to fur nish timber for tho construction ut the building on the plun, perhaps of a modem farm house, such as do ihc prairies of the new stnte nt pren t The hardware dealers and nlumViuv will in all probability bo asked 'o ,lvo the iioeossary hardware nnd pli-mbing material to proporly equip the vruo turn nud after the building is com plotter1!!, will be for tho furnltiiri; men to sec that the furnishings of the "last star" building be second to none, not even any of the older status. When this Is dono tho plan to se cure the necessary casli with which to keep up the genernl expenses for the maintenance of the building In keeping with tho prosperity of the country Is up to tho bankers and banks. Tho plan to ralso tho cadi fund is to assess nil of tho hanks and bankers of thy new I'uto. Th(iM Of $10,000 or less capital slock, each, all of $25,000, $10; all of $50,000, $15, and all of $100,000, $20. Tho real es tate nion of tho now stato will be ask od fo rtho money to pay for nil print ed mnttcr to bo used lu connection with tho exhibit, because It Is believed they will bo more bonoilted than any one else. The coal dealers of the new stato will bo naked to furnish the displays of coal, oil cement, asphalt and salt, mid to stand the expense of a man In charge of tho displays nt the exposi tion, tho commercial clubs fumls'-ln t lie transportation. Tho mllles and grain men aro to furnish a mm tr gather a display of milling products and grtln and to take charge of it. o.i the exposition grounds. To general public, which will also luclu... the general business Interests, wl-i be h; pralcd to for donations. The educational dlsiday w'!l be fur nlhhed by tho school children rf he state, nnd the plan conlcioidutea a very unlquo way of getting It up. Cards will bo furnl:i'ie,l ovor school In tho state, on wh'.-:'. -vlll bis wiltten tho naino of tho tower and i"I.oi', and accompanying UHa will bo u 11. t of tho children corn'j it live cei:, tho wholo to bo ined :? a ,art of the dlspl'iy Another p.".i Is simfiar but calls for n ten cent lGiiuttnn from each school child, a portion of which fund will be, used for buttons. The latter will be used for advertising pur poses. It Is not settled, however, which plan v. Ill bo finally adopted. Mississippi firemen Orgjniie. Udmorolto Special. HnttioHburg. Mihb., Nov. 15 A per manent organization of the firemen of Mississippi will probably bo effdcteii as a result of a convention which op ened hero today. I RECEIVES CERTIFICATE. Ledbetter Will Leave Monday for Guthrie to Be at the Openlnn. Hon. W. A. Ledbetter received tho certificate of ills election Thursday morning. Tho certificate beam tho elg. nature of Ulecuon Commissioners lllx by, Clayton nnd GUI nnd Is n ccrtlfl cnto that ho has boon duly elected from tho 103 district, us delegato to tho constitutional convention. Mr. U(ibotter Btnted thnt ho would leave Sunday for Gulhrlo to bo thoro Monday. Tho convention begins on Tuen lay. the 20lh, and Mr. Lodbnttcr will reach t he-re In tlmo to look over tho situation before the convention In called. BALLINGER BREAKS IN SAYS SENATOR CLARK DID NOT MAKE SUCH STATEMENT. As He Is Belno Accredited With Says It Would Have Bee" Merest Kind of Foolishness For Him to Have Done So Here to Find Out. .Muskogee. I. T Nov. II. Webster Ilnlllngor, u prominent newspaper man of Washington, I). C, who Is accompanying tho senatorial party composed of Senntorn Clark of Wy oming. Clark of Moutann, Teller of Colorado, Long of K.iusas nu' inn d6gee of Connecticut, on their tour thiough tho Indian Territory for tho purpose of familiarizing themselves ns to conditions hero with n view of reporting to tho United States senate legislation which they deem ncceftsary for tho benefit or the Indinn 1n tlio now state Is lu the city, having left the party at Kansas City. When asked by a reporter regarding tho authenticity of the report from Kansas City to tho effect that Senator Clark or Wyoming, said In nn Into view with a newspaper man a- Hint place that ho was agnlnst tho whole sale removal of restrictions from the lands of the Indians of the live tribes ho said: "I heard Mr. Clark make the remark In tho presenco of myself nnd n number of other newspaper men, that tho occasion ot the visit of tho party to tho territory at this tlmo was to gather information looking to tho onnctmont of legislation In the coming congress for tho best Inter ests of tho Indian. 'I havo found thnt tho seunto as a body is woefully lack lug lu Information, relative to tho In dian Territory and for that reason, I intiodiiccd th resolution myself authenticating this committee, to go to tho territory and get nt tho facts aR tlioy really exist aud seo for our selves.' " Continuing, Mr. Ilalllnger said, "Tho Idea of Mr. Clark, making such u statoniuut thnt ho was against any ponding legislation, when he was then on his wny in nn effort to as certain Just whut tho Indian needed is foollBhnesB. Mr. Ciark never made such n Htatomont notwithstanding tho fact thnt he Is credited with It." ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION. Bass Reeves, a Negro Deputy Marshal, Shot at Near Wybark. .Muskogco, I. T., Nov. II. An nt tempt wns mndo to assassinnto Deputy Suchcdnlow this morning killed a gen Bhnl'H otrico about 10 o'clock last night, north of Wybark. Hass Is a negro doi uty nnd has been In tho service for over thirty years. Reeves was in his buggy north of Wybark and was driving under a rail road troatlo on which tho assassin was posted when a six-shooter cracked nnd a bullet splintered the wood of ono of tho tlos In tho trcstlo directly oror his head. Ho saw tho man and reu ed the flro hut tho wouni-ba assassin got awny and was probably unhurt. Hoeves hnd been over In tho vicinity ef Wybnrk serving papers nnd looking ror criminals and as the population In thnt vicinity consists mostly of uo croes it wns mere tnnn likely some noTo criminal for whom he has a warrant. Re.'ves declined to say whom ho thinks it wns, but It is thought that ho has a pretty good idea and will eventually get his tnnn. A PREACHER INVOLVED THREE CITlEB INTERESTED IN WASHINGTON DIVORCE CA3E. The Husband a Government Official, the Minister a Brooklyn Divine and the Wife Lives in Omahi. Well Known Persons. Wnohlngtou, Nov. II. The null foi divorce brought by Charles C. Hakt of the geological survey nga.nst his wife. Kannlo Rico llassutl, tho dautk tur of Heuutor Rice of Arkansas, U which tnu Rev. K. i,uwrouco Hunt, imHtor ot tho Noble Street Proubyto Hun church in Urooklyn, Is named ;ui cii-roHpoudoiit, lias been set lor trial mloro Judge Asnley Uuuld in the uiHtrlct oi Columbia lu the equity court Novumuur 22. Tho trial of this case promises to be senBiitlonal, for It will hivolvu In one way ir nnotnor uu ex-member or the cabinet, ox-member ot congrcsu, the wife oi it retired nrmy otllcur and other persons nigh In the social ami olllclal lire of tho capital. Mrs. Ilnssett, who is now' living In Omaha wlier stio lias brought a coun ter suit ngalnst her husband, is not contesting the present suit, not oven entering uu appearance. It Is bolng fought solely by tho Rov. 13. Lawrence Hunt, Who la represented by Henry K. Davis. Tho announcement a few monltu ago of tho illlug of HnsBOtt'H suit, wltk limit named us co-rospondunt, created u sensation, not only lu this city, but in nrooklyn. Hunt'u Urooklyn congro- gatlon agreed to suspend Judgmout on him until after tho conclusion of tho cnbe. Tho taking of uvidonco In tha Biilt was completed todny and under the District or Columbia codo it wilt bo read lu court when tho trial be Elus. Much of It Id Interesting. Among thoso who win ho broucht Into tho case are Hilary A. Horbtrt, secretary ot tno navy undor Preside Cleveland, who wns a noraonal friend of Mra. Hnssott; Mrs. Elizabeth N. Rutherford, tho wlfo of Major Ruther ford of tho array, nnd porhaps Mlds Helen Cannon, I ho daugntor of Spoak er Cnnnon, who waa frequently ontcr tnlned In tho Hnssott homo. Uassctx. alleged unfaithfulness on tho part cl his wlfo, and named a number ot plnceB whero ho chargea his wlfo met Hunt. Ho asks for tho custody of the four children, but makes no claim re garding n Uftti child, which bonra the nnmo of Lawronco Hunt DnssoU. This child was bora In Baltimore, March 12, 1905. Mre. Jonn G. Gibson toatlflod tha. Hunt, in tho summer of 1905, nnU-d. two rooms In her boarding house U Atlnntlc City for himself, hla "sister," nnd tho Iattcr'a two children. Tho Pin ter turned out to bo Mrs. Uassct' An cxcIUng sccno occurred horo, for Baa sctt and ox-Congressman HilrchlU up. pearcd suddenly ono dav nnd nttenut- ed to carry oft Chestor, tho oldost oor aunt nemos all chargeB of wrong made ngalnst him. Ho says ho will marry Mrs. Bassott if tho divorce 1 granted. Thin Intention ho coufldefi to ex-Secrotary Horbort. Automobile Held Up. lly Associated Press. Now York, Nov. 15. A hold up by six men In an automobile In Central park, west, early today, codt ono auto mobillBt, Wlggo Brandt, his leg. The polico believe tho hold-up was lntonded merely as a prank by a halt dozoa chafreurs returning from a ball. PREACHER'S MYSTERY. Bullet Hole Found In Mouth Reaching to the Brain. Shnwneo, Okla., Nov. 15. At 3 o'clock today J. A. Johnson, a Baptist minuter, died mysteriously nt his homo at Dale, near hero. Ho had been preaching for tho Homo Rollor Association at Comancho and loft homo Saturday, arriving snfo nt El Reno. Saturday night his wiro re ceived a measago from El Rono, sent by Bomeono unknown, tolling nor to meet tho train at Dalo with an ambu lance, as her husband was vory HI. Slio found him unconscious, In which condition ho remained until rev.h. A bullet hole was found, two front teeth being mlnslug. The bullet had ran ged through his mouth to tho brain. Corpner Fleming la investigating.