OCR Interpretation

The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, November 15, 1906, Image 2

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042303/1906-11-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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w '.
: rf itn. u; ix tuanit.'-jtt. v.'
. i ;i tot; sW ru tt
Cht'. mi rtt J uMtr (4 33 vUrr
.r- v
Tuw --nr ur: u-.t:n a ;i."t'
iM W e
.. . -.i to.' taoit a.
M) db
X r Kabg ef ttt a ML, K 3L. Ar
3:. L T, aT: " I k !r (
i 'jbf brk w abkot 1 tu kv
iral fairs ao by fait I fatrt---a
mbxcuo aQ r fcMr m
' Cow IWt
tm .-u.i ii t'l "rr "
MVUt IP"." St.- It"4-! I. .' "-!
r T v.
.. "k,-
i- sr ft
tar-it. " "- '.-.nuxusie
jtrrw aab feo I ni owt
mi SODL. r EM' rOfUC ' x - - -.r fig ? TbMMH af avu ttt awl
I Mit tnm turn ii mc -mk a tu.- i ow u
V M, k.
Kit .
tut Zsnir
4( u- jnr. ii- v b 1
vb owjisa ! w aaQtf? 'i
ft P 1W. I
vyntMtt br Jtorkstjn
! J.
bmm 'iar H b sar i4 -tr-
-' MUOfa U- ITU '.waawiaaw
" 7,M'1'
i Mtacr :m wte - itt
if far ti - -
aawa .oakaj r i -Jkcat
m O. - 1
wr -' - I
B -wj ,t 5.
Txma im i w
c i- -.- iw r iri
i- u yr fur U
MBj MM I' r. Vtt t ftNV
- V4 i ivw r avajoas
tafc f Marb tb ncr lr lb Obb
vl f ta ftvMBcaa i i u
fc aw awl tbas tk flckf
r Ik i 1 1 al f ta
mmrmnm, -m
'4 Ofwanmi by tlm mivi
TTWf ia w wan nalieix aaeify
bartf tkat ba rel4 mo acvrfe vrmi
t4 aaaar irto Ut
u Chaaibiaia'i Ca aialr f
H mm 3mMH parr&t cj7- br
(r tt ti.t o.' 'hri ft U err
Ul er ior tww a4 pr-j
tk atuek U c at trat ,iiaar
mm of tb Ui, It to c;!;
i4at u eilMr u K Ii
at Uk as OMtaJ aotkus l'.r
awa Kr. E. A. Hbr7.
aMiat s4 cto t tb wr
Kr. X. lefc. f ABa. Oa Cotaay
yt Arlca. wr- 1 ban
(9hMJMrtJ'i Co la47 to
Ttnp 4 cold is s facallr
!04 H to M very atlfsejsrr ! i
at bm atar to rwiawaal H
Twr at br i. Mammy. W. I
tsj. Ardnxer Drac 0.. a4 Boe
tar ft Ho-. r.
t-j t,B Mcl ?wc-.
' t ';r.
-t wjr
i rotitn
-t 1'
' r -
f" t'.'-'.nt . ai
. rt'stijaal To
v.t, 'itr tyir
' j'f-.t.'.zilK t
--.ktsuat s '.
vr.t ail -.i
anj w.
H . tbo
I) 1- r
'- fcl -
4Uut r.-r
. -.
- tk
' - "ule oooftipaUoa. A-' .
a Dros Co., aa4 OHr t'iif
OivsaaartCrAtr twt
- ' npoelat
' r. Iowa, Mfr. 'i -Jimmy
- ar.d iacfc Oewktn' wtl
' r:uwi at rateh -ti, m
' -vfit of a ji wiifx-' u
' th Irlritr Atl'-n- 'n,
1, inaptly la la fia oevI-
4!-'r,t tb amj'i '-oitw.
' '-r faat boit k b ar
- ' thjj vbk Paetrr U-
ff Cblaso, will mt Totm
'f Kohs. Wl., ia & vts
' 4u4 Mnt. Ml Jlramr Con loo r
ttco. a4 XM Ktitrt of X lJ.
"'fit e lgkt tmn4
Case y'Stt 1 a barialM AOfiMHtsd
f tall ttrtrtc that la wodr-
fnl .-nv'- .1 ''', or ! "i
a' 'if bl !mi at-l rl'i-n llorn
rrc a!'! i"' TI'7Tii. rr.rCo
-vit. SS.4 KVf SMBfe. IC OMOCt If
ttfcl? SPfc Wil Uf Sir
tut ii am iii im umm.r.i . , . .. . s 1 t V6i2' 73iM
a Osos iMui J
m i ri nai sati a tazimtm r
-.n. urar urf falrtae .-wBn atf fft
WMr Italia' vra
lfcrtft w m f ,,w m
-M ra lfTir t
t b vnmm v
J-g tt4 wtfBw. rjw
7 r r afSVaaJ 4 Sb :-4te Tr
rVJf7 rj6ffX ,1, ae
u rar Tfa c
w i, M mrf susmb-
, .r -ue.-. a
wau... Mmi
il4 tkax ct'
tb abcri akvsH wrm
tk traatwtky w ain.
Tb fttibn Trtw7-rc keli
;k tk tfeetn aaii
tte -vwrfc f tk XdJ Ca.
ft 5oi Wr H tfaMJk, 4
vHk, tk lonftty ta UiUhd
rc mmm b au! Ivi
mMo b ajliif to tk Xkt'oa-.:
roaxiio k tv tk rn
leriatitA tit tk strer; boM vratTr
t mil um r4r to rkk. 4
i4 iii a tb actio of 3o
'tif. abiCt to ta pttaHaat of 'i
Ofr 4 tt coUtdoa.
WKk a nftMicx taJtb ta tke H-a:
LrHuaak of . cmm, I ;mu.
SooTj rwaiwri' I T Bta CVn
Cvt aVsfhlt OtkfU.
Kr BokOTt O. Mark. Bartrs. M
rHw Bafor 1 tarl4 to mm
mr Ximmrr Cms. I b4 to c
. T
( twvtrc to tvvBtr timm a Jist
aa f "r al! bVMJtwf p -wltfc 4ropr
a4 asr Ttkt ao lsiaJr4
rmHA aramfr r tajt
eroaa ik roo I ka4 4a ko
A llrla wow frts4 reiaif-1
rVWi ITH)r Cjr Ob lr bXJ
woflrM vyaif'i aa4 kfbr I b4 l-
'b Wr4 VXt tk 4rac7 k4
)- wil as an tkr rrmplomi
? ffljdlt'a HaJ"
t'-'fain Drwr . a4 CKjr Drac
Kansas fcr' C5vrtf
f'j.-.'irejt 8tUJ.
l.r'i-n KM. S' . TM a'
c-ul svaUs of tk Kaa Baa
r aMH'. : opett tfiis aftmfjoa
rh an aK;ws of wlm by CoK!
'. I. Voora ff thii tl'y Mora thaa
" i'!ior w.i! Ilfn w arftfr
' -i f.'.Brtl r,a.': of t
- t,; !-ri'Ti ,f NwrJM Asa;-!
'-.' to th liar. kl nit Iw," by J
Cy lwy ut lak 'Kimtr:'B-.'
T4. lota! haDl:f wt!l (po4r a ksa
, to -fci; ii'ori X'.n Kt ' 'I ';a'ir'.v
a.",rtKyo th ti:'r will J
ir. 'i"i.otll rHfe to tb ai ualv
titjr, wbre b- will ttatea to in a
')ra on ' So"Ul Pra4oa1" by rro
F. W. Btarkmar To coo tit; t loo will
tko tAymn
Tk b-t tratnest for ia4Katloa
and tro -" ' '" it-iach .
th atjfrarh I taa b rtM by a
corvl 4l(ataat. KaHiA pqi tb itoc
afc ta abap t aatiafartoniy prfB
Its fnartlona Good for SadlfssUoa.
sour toms:b. flatoloc, pal pat at toe
of tk heart an 4 draper: a Kodot ia
mad la trliK mctorafty vita tk
Satk.aal pqr Food sad Dnta; tA
go 14 by liotfau Drs Co. '
Opfl AuUrrvHt Shl.
ArdmorIU Special-
Tairuwn. M. Y., No. 16. An aa.
nvbll acbool was today op itf
he local braaeb ef Tnuur Mea's
rrbriaUaa Assorts. Tb eovrs
ditds a sort of iaetur by iaet
rtmwneti4 vHb local motor nr fato
rl-, a !! aa Uo; wo .. aad pritl
'a! rr,a4 ralninj
aT m iiwm. !mJIC- mini, Tk fca7 "l i. u -. o-
cw ' T u Mau m b .. rr, . I
1 fc3BteS
ce ff w vAt auc( a.
Tiara a Tuey Asm r.
t r f Di'wau. Csar.at
-J ratSaa t mat Mr. C-t. fkat
uupshi f ra
t 3
T I ftf tlas tk iaurlercr
1rMiff Byocrr' ii TJa Mt raas
!n tii tTt b? -; O. rv-
- m fu u rwH! t b.
:nVjaji ivtr. It i a.i
rtttiri tut tk cssJMate-
2e BTracr W akoi k k,: ,
f it bv7 ef tk tkteca tkt Kr amrn.pr
fkrc aSatOM rmcai far tka
Mr. OMI aM.ktt Xr. fam.
craJy atWBtinaU as a yoOtMsJ !
uar br ta, rtiaiaji 4 tat v.
tdcfct au t lt4 onrr-dst. "a tt
fatar- H m Umu & yaWatioai a
Brraa aad Haarat woi'l h a kt-4
oa fcr tk Bseablk-iat ';
726 3U1i i- rw. Ho.-thu
"Dr M4eaaU!a CUT! aa4 rwr
w fci cuc4 Jatot tk trvl
aort r,)T tfcaa aer 7ibr Chin
Twrf W tT Ba.lT S
-a tw month ' Sekak lra Co .
lKwi Dracfisu. Cairo. I1L SoM
aW smnatr br w. B. Tmme
0eaJt l M.-i.,-7itr.t.
IrdaMwrtte SpcfcaL
;kVja. Mlu. Nor !i 0ria.,r
A!Wt B Casuaiaa U Iowa, scon
!sid y kis oatelaJ party, Oa Fatty-
tftk Iowa WKittaauJ a4 aai 'atrr
al k'sadred rsttnuu of tb Hawkey
! . b"r u parUtipar tossy it
h ui:Ul (? tfce Uwa aKiaaaMSt
? a XiOvsal Jf!ll'ry pa-k. Cr--sot
Vardaca'. of Miu asippi wi-
4:Jr an a44a.f. Tb manatfi
w,3l tm uavHIM a Mia Orae Bisby
il-I M!s ICnora Slattor. aa-i will o
trRt4 t- tbe fericr vf Iowa .-.
C;ta:a Job a F Mr en.-aa :7
ii Iowa M.jitiT Park rnsmla:
''I'ntrrut.' c isnlw w..j is tora !
t?v ti-nu: Sai t i be Catted 8
T'Jr5fa'--t rp?rr.t'-i by 0S
''! f;rT.ri. M Dodif At tk eo.-f!ii-a
rf -r-Tiori- 't aefcool
'.:)-'. 'f vifiL.t.rj; . aia ia
:r:r.f! TJ S'.ir ilaaaT."
""'r7;a-. M'-r--. 'V Icwa torn-
: ii'.Tt '.Mjr.nar. iKj!-a'-4 tb
ii, .hri-i' f.f u ';r.jr j5 Nation
i Mdi-'sr.. irk asid ai i'.. .eatiai ia
tr.uK the p3.ik of t:. art of
ctniM. rrtakjjss aproprtattOB for
KMol for rrippsia coauias tk
4Jctl )1c cf n ksHby toaaacfe
tad will pnt yoar ttomack lo akas to
-icrfanB its Important fnactloa of mis
ilrtag tk kody asd krala vftk
rastk belMiBg blood. Plcuvhai
m MtU rcKcvea ladlcsUoB. Bold ky
rlotrsasa Dr Co.
Uendn Mtr Sbcc,
ArdraoririU Spsclal
Ide4n. Nor. 1 5 Tk
Olycapia motor show, vsieb
'jday. la by all odd the
let eiblbttioa 'A aitoasobiles r
,bovii Is Aiglasil. Tk abow vfH mat
istll XoreKfcer I and will b vfalupd
by motor ea eatkastats from mxy
- Btia-.aia! coaaUlos.
dttter Tnan Any Other.
Jwm, r.-z.. Mit 23. 1W.
nl i z:ur Dr. JtadeahaU'i
"rill aad Ktrrer t it Vt'e haro tn
wlt'Dic war Chill Cor for four
fri asd It r1v bUr Ktneral re- M by many aathorttl?s oa plan; til
tilt, than any Chill Toalc we bare t.Jre v,n laU three
ir om. - vuciu ui us vai, pviu u
W n Kramf.
3 su
SMa j- x k jur. fcc ' Ct -tKt t!z?visi W t
: m otkn tkas tkt xsari u j aaiicic. tt tat lastotaftoi 1.
i'. p-!bRt a ar - -' C2ko3t C.-j ot S:-r :t Tii
Hv"Tr tk? art :- , ttriL rocs, tx ti yctioi i
1 " ' '"r? Iron. U.
' ' " 9 fct A l
- i t 'iocirs Kur
' -'.: '.f a rc
-jnstJn tv vi bta-t of
a tries??
itkM. be sSri&c w
Tar are aost aas ussim. , attiifd by tk catcttoa of T. J. Mc
kary or lac. Tk ryrkaaJe yar ef a ' Ckat. Bktteaa. wer S. i. Bands,
lostac aataaatry vork eat a rvfraia riaanria. ia tk Oa Bs&irai aad
taat aka a cmaakt by tk ekotn
tk ikiwiaii aaat
Ok. tkat raeaat aaae ibai tmz
u ataa Notiesx ,
eaa kt tkat borribi siek ta oar
Tkat awfal caasai m aertr
aa4 b ae aw to as. '
U"ka ax as tkK U' TrboCj eomM6d aad ukalaMd.
strsiaia for tk Hb4 cr. fry! VI Cksira Jiso of tk aad
body paJfttac for artc taforaMUoE . "-- mwrt Ires
Tryboy tr1 to -K a pp tekfrd :CTty
tk ae irooi l&dUa 7 err: lory, izi -rfeiex
Hewr is tk spot sks :lJi; ? 04
K . so aod ! yo. caa . If ' 'T' ,
tkwrort. Kaxy a nSaa-r Hl"TT UJ '
aafad tkaac.la U, -orM V f ? ' lori
A tbaii; tkat eesu yo aotktag caa
kare ao sls to yo. Fee tkat rcaoa
tk stti sad acapcred ekIMrea of
tk rick ofttim tkrow tkdr laksri-
taac to tk wlads la a desperate f-
fort vj wast it oa tkexeelT.
Tbr arc only a few dark day ia asd Treasurer Ram to caaraid tke
tk yar. Borrow is 'aooa (wee: Jo. electioa rttara Irom tk Osaxe aa
bmu forerer. Moat of oar trial tn yesterday aad tae resett was jir
make as wrwne4 for a day. bet . tk asm as that rjTea oet by W. S
we bare '.. p. we wak to fiad tker OUI wbea be arrived la tkls city with
go. mt:ae tkr I. a jve .1 baflou avst week,
tkat wii sot dowa Tk board fovad maay siarias Ir-
Tker la as old teceed S. .-aarabuiU! ia t -eaty oa; of tk thirty
which aaya that as be welke-J vay rTci t the kitfoa bet as eoae
from hi era re on th mcratac of tk
rerrectios wt flowers rw to tk
rh t.mH him Hem Mmmnrnt tk.
lives rd mr.v' la th nalh whan tkr
walk tkorsa sad tkisties grow.
It's as raa Kaad tkat holds in
malic Day by osy tbe skiflfa! cat
tint eoes oa aad oa. We aha!) silent
ly 'oe worked Into beauty. Tb d
isb4 labor will sorpru acnrl eyet
8' rax re tkat la boundless patience a
skouid eacrar kis featt'es o
cru4 aad stabbora stoae Bat. b will
and that's eaoega.
On th ton. I) of Joseph II of Aas
tr.a in tb royal ctatery at Vlesas
Is thii pUlabi epitaph, ptpred by
tb kief himself: "Her N a taon-
arcb -bo. witb th b.'. : jti.tif'ons.
tfT-r carried eet stalf ,)' If
the trstk wr known today, a rM
nsasy epitaphs weald be scratch1 est
and U5K on pot la tktr nUc
Tb MajestW: Mis, Co, of St Isxxlt.
Mo . hare a man at BIts9, Coras &.
T.'alT' store UsU vk aowtss
Of MaUe Raa ia aeuuJ eers
Uos, baVla aad Mrttef MiU to
tk lara crowds. IM
Ccnver.tion ef FlorliU.
Ardmoreite Special.
;v Orteaaf. Ia-. Nov. 1$. Ths
iioaihni norlsu asMdatioB epos-!
Us annual session here today 1U
membrs from alt orec th soath la
attend AddrMs will be deMver-
C i.L CO.
t4tSVM a rn t by ta Otabocrati:
-in trati fer don tk ttaaffisg
Deoscmbr Vi. Saiia li.
atb:-,Avm. 1 Th BsttiicaAs rix
taa2y kai fwaii wh. as tk lit
ae7aats.t. Br. F J Slew of U
ViSiety-TUIi diatrirt. W rosewood, wss
iiKd-li tit c4k(sa! 13U tk SI
ca issVniotc: BvcLcul la BMtiig
tu eosat das crsaxnatioc docs w
a4ac ktai irttk tkt Bepskcaa partr
ckaa fross fosaacr jssu was ae-
CTirnita district, -akack Is located bt
ta Mmtmmbtrm mux ef ladtiaa Tr-
" t'tu ce sue isu .-t. wn ae
total mt ea tk toul xaaorit2i art
arm oisc a wy ta getuar
OUikeaai. u ladia TtnUorr
OzUziii Ccc.-.t 0d lie. Chan; vr.t
Firti ve: 7r. Ritvtt.
Gstkric, 0. T, Sot. 1 4. Secretary
i Fllaos, Atxorsty Ge&tral CrotaweJ
" vtrt t OTf-
."Oked and um moras aaeroroa jsst
M tkey wer Sled. U maay case- tk
ta ostk to
Tk followbjs is tk eSciftl rot ef
ta Ones made:
T. M. rtnay. Bos., rot
Isaac i ay lor. Rep, UsS.
T. J. Lky, aa, H4L
i. i. Quries. L-nv. lkU.
W. P. Beck, 3oc tt.
D C Saecer. Soc-, li.
Rerjantze a Rite Cstaf any.
Ardmorcit Speiat
X' York, Not. 14. At a ayyiUns
of tk toeUMirs cf A'aaUc
Ric Mioas eompaay tossy It 111
probably b decided to dtssolr ia
Nev York eorporatloa aad r-orsaalx
sadr tte laws cf Texas. TkH rtioj
U betas; taken ts order tu U-ilfiat
th traasportatloa of the compeity'i
bnslas is Tszsb.
H4quanrs of the eompaay '.aier
th nev lacorporatios will -uaV
hshfrd at Uauaaost, Texas.
Admit Southern Cattle.
rdmoreite Srlal
TojwrWa, Kan, Not, li. la accord
anc lth the ordor of Jobs B. Ba
ker. Mat live stock Mnltary comrnl-
sfoner, soathera cat lie win be admit
ted lo Kaasns after Inspection, beta
aisK today. Inspectors barf1 hn
placed at ill Important stations oa the
south stat Has and will examine all
Mmthera cattle to prevent Texas fever
Infection. The ofa eesios will end
January 31
Ttrt (baail vt t.
i-F f aat f iagbr t ia mj t
1 a a I tvwk.
. :r taal dartaa; rA wj tae
. - tia f OUfttr pmt 2 t :-j
B rsM trtf atore kj4 cot a
x aK sta; txicai I kt ao-. ad
tj to toakaibia ct mr Wk. b
Ik-- ; air crr fcatf'a of
Vt Uterrs aaw
tu-u- a4 trIr da tbr 4J
HtftSit o V'arii'i 3ftu rurtri t-"
;-jtr: s Hsr tft.- A Vt'.nis
Seraaior, Fa. Not. it Tcurit.
a say ta .r-f-s u
freaU; U Taeaaas Loaxie.-.j c! Ihv
aaar. wa 3Ut4 ay tH
ia ts Men by a tea twdi. u ioca."
prJSC 12ti Ci-i'.y ictJT- P.Uv
deid4 to w u.ir wtrraat tk,'
kad Ja tDt '.- arres: rA Ka
O Bsrs. r-". -- ;s".:
c Larxi taa-e-i Ik afkrr.y c't
Tk aC-br". tre of lb o:i.. .-t
tkat tk sH u jiioc-j.t of csriiTo-.-ttXfBt-
St sa; itat ak bai jee
aacediac kcr oretkera cl-Ji? v.a
a toss; d. ad breii: - :r
isisjItTb aslacrt kcary osr-r cfcxt
tag sad tkat oa BOtaz to tcwa ia ta-.
whag sk stack tke pia ia vke tcs
oaa ef kr draw. Dcstkerty. -rfco a&i
kees ar rs4ttert. ta ''. ker as4
asked kcr to take a w&Uc -a-itk sua
msiapted to eabrac ar axd tk
potat of tbe sdk tkat -ris la fcr
d.-t eaarkt ia fen rc v-at tk
"T" or btaat end rted alst hr
ecracc Ia ta eniirac iht aed.e -ls
lonti mto Mi body, cad.- th aftk
Urfb iaio -J CiTTty bet-res ta pert
eu-diaat and tk aan. Kauarra5 t
rwait! tkat eaad death.
Tree aad lrld !riadi of the
-C-rWitl i UtU Early ksr. Goi
palfe. SoH y HoSms D.-u$ Co .
Gwli Pleated Over Diverse.
rsw. Kot H. Gorr J. GoeJi
aad a party of boflaets aMOciat.
-sko jut ba taapettia; th Goeld
properties la tklf utat for'th past
t-M days. dpartd for the east ria
Feebio toairkt. Wken iaformc-i today
cf tk saceessfa! cencnsion uf hi
EM-'i suit at Paris for dirorc from
Count de Castellan. Mr. Gsold tail
TbVdecistoa U a fair and rait one
It was really tb oaly aadln tka:
could have bese mad by an imp;
tlal eoart In riew of (k eridene. I
am certainly pleased with the oat
eom. but don't care to discn th
maur farther.''
orks wonders It produce hair Inst
as snrely as rain and sonohtne rsls
-row. It produces a thick rrowth at
ivxerUst hair whn all other remc-
liss ML We pisrsntce Dspdertn.
U! d.-twrrJsts sell It. tic. 10c and $1 04
,r bottle. To prove its wonb. send
this ad vtth 10 cent In sumps or U-
er and we will mall ou a .ante free
tempi Know lion Dsnderine Co.. Chl-
ce, IU.
Pr-eeis-us Stone valloed By ChleV -en
Awarded to its Owner.
EnnU. Texas. Nct. u Charles !'
Keadall and Charles L. Allen went t
Swrilag City recently to attend a suit
for possession of a diamond found In
the gimrd of a chicken In that covin
ty. Tkey have returned and Mr. Kj'i
dall wore the diamond home "with him
He sy that th ch'cken was causa
aad killed full' mile from where he
loft the stone In 101. It was foun4
la Sstmber. Mr. Kendall ot
fered the finder a reward of a
cow, to be picked from his Herd ou;
there, for the return of his sparklet,
but the party snt him wori that n
could ro and buy hira a diamond It
he wanted one. The courts tril the
caie twice and the verdict was favor
able to the Enals man. while the oth'v
party wss assossd the court cost
araountlns to soraethiag like 1150.
Tn'o und trlfrt fr'ends of the famllv
Df Witt's Little Firlv Risers. Gcort
pills. Sold by Hoffman DniR Co. '
Sabtcrlbe for The, Ardmoreite

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