Newspaper Page Text
-'IS I T Ardmorc, Thursday, Nov. 15, 1906. You can save money on your fall purchases at this store. W e study your wants and strive to supply them, don't you thinR the merchant who strives to ascertain your desires and Keep the goods YOU WANT, notwithstanding the fact that they cost him considerably more, deserves your trade rather than the man who buys the goods every time on which he can realize the most profit? Good, honest merchandise is the sort we sell at the big store and sell "better qualities for same money" and same qualities for less money. no MiiilomPet&imMm IDS 8 MM TERRITORY BREVITIES. Tito CatliollCB at Antlors, I. T., wl'l huihl a now church. Shawnoo Klro today damaged tUu ootton room nnd contents at tho Shaw ano Kla, $300. A match In the cotton was Ignited In sonto manner. South McAlcstor U. S. Russell ol tho Cnpltul formerly announced hi. candidacy for thu chief clcrlishtu nt tho constitutional convention today. Oklahoma City Fred Douglas and Luther Ocerlng, both colored, hne heen arrested by tho pollco authori ties for complicity In a number of hold up " Oklahoma CltyItov. W. H. Plnr-r has delivered his farewell Bcrmon n pastor of tho St. Lulto'tt M. R. church, South, and will hhortly locate In Klot Ida, whero ho hopes to bcnoflt hi health. Oklahoma City Uldoll. tho 3-ycai-ild daughter of S. H. Goodwill, Is in a lorleua condition the result of havln; been bitten la four placos on tho Iwa 1 and faco by a dog. Tho animal csenp Hi. South McAlestur Among tho r cent candidates for state offices from this city Is William Horton, formur United States attorney. Mr. Horton wishes a placo on tho supremo coutt lcnch. South McAlcstor P. Hill of thh ity, who was oftorod tho cholrmnn ublp of the OUhhoma Democratic central commlttco to succeed Josao Dunn, will ho a candidate for tho su premo bench. 1 Pawhuska Led by tho Pawhuska band, COO school children paraded th3 Mtrcots todty carrying appropriate tanners pcrtnlnlng to tho issuance ot lionds to tho amount of $20,000 for a school building nnd which was cnrrlod by a voto of 332 for and 7 against. This Is Worth Remembclnrj. As no on- Is Immune, evoiy person should romciubor that Folev' Kldnoy Curo will curi any case of kidney n fcladdor troublo that is not boyond tho roach of medlclno. Hoffmnn Drug Co., and City Drug Store. Uur prices aro tl.o lowest n plumb ing and you dun't have ti havo it dono again. 7tf HOLMAK & UEST. Thai's fjood, hut when youare fjettinrj a comfortable Overcoat why not also get a STYi ISH one. They wear just as well and look far better. Remember you war overcoats on the outside that's why we lay strexs upon our "ti. Q W." "Naumbers" and "Ster ling" Overcoats, made especially for us by the most skilled tailors just from the bench want one? A sood heavy t ray mixed Extra heavy irray mixed- UOICOai KOOU you Warm lnst lor $7.50 A Dandy now chock, and vory pretty lor. . . $10.00 The Drossiest over our pretty black u finished worst at $15.00 WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GOES FARTHEST CANADIAN PARLIAMENT OPENS Insurance Question and Other Matters Will be Handled by Canadians. Aidmorelto Special Ottawa, Out., N'ov. 15. The Cana dian .parliament ro-assembled today for what will probably bo tho longest session In Its history, sotno of tho members expressing tho opinion that It will not closo before noxt May. Tho insuranco question, tho revision of tho tariff and tho immigration problem will probably be tho features of tho session. hi regard to tariff revision, Premier Lauricr today announced that hu fav ored radical changes in the preferen tial tariff, which now favors tho Uni ted Kingdom nnd tho colonlos. As no returns havo beau granted to Canada for theso preferential rates, It Is ex pected that parliament will abolish or limit them. It Is likely that tho Immigration question will also tako up a consider Ohio portion of tho tlmo of the mom bors of parliament at tho present ses sion. It Is alleged that Chlnamon and diseased anil undeslrablo Immigrants have been smuggled Into tho country ay tho thousands and legislation to prevent this is urged upon parliament by tho labor unions. The New Pure Food and Drug Law. Wo aro pleased to nnnounco that Foley's Honey and Tar for cougliB, colds nnd mug troubles Ib not nf fected by tho National Pure Food nnd Drug law, as It contains no oplatos or other harmful drugs, nnd we recom mend It as a safo remedy for children and adults. Hoffman Drug Co., and City Drug Store. New Mexico Baptists. Ardmorelto Special. Portalos, N. M., Nov. 15. Nearly every Hapttst church In New Moxlco hns sent delegates to tho territorial convention, which will open In tho Hapllst church-horo this ovonlng. Re ports from all over tho torrltory show that this has been tho best venr in tho history of tho denomination, all churches reporting Increased mom borshlp nnd contributions. Many prominent Hapttst clenjvmon will de liver addresses during the meeting. Pneumonia Follows a Cold, nut novor follows tho use of Foley's Honey anil Tar. It stops tho cough, heals and strengthens the lungs nnd provents pneumonia, Hoffmnn Drug Co., and City Drug Store. THE DAILY uwuu u u ,J vii h yf I Comfort is the first qualily you looli at - m an 0 vcr co at Imi vnnnc nt on nn Raincoats, strines and fan eios-keep you WAKM and DrtY for.. ..$12.50 to JS25.UU One lot boy.-,' 5.tiC and sG.OO Overcoats to close nt special prices. niONES: Upstairs 29 Uow n- 195 Arizona Miners' Contest. Ardmorelto Special. Proonlx. Ail?.., Nor. 15. A miner' drilling contest for tho cliumplon ship of Arizona Is a uniquo feature ot tho program nt tho territorial fnlr today, and has attracted Bcores of mi nors from tho various Arizona cnuipa. HandRomo cupj. suitably inscribed. will bo presented to tho winners of both tho Individual and team con tests. A Younn Mother at 70. "My mother has buddenly been mad0 young nt 70. Twenty years of In tense suffering from dyspepsia had en tirely dlsaole-J her, until six months ago, when she began taking Electric uittcrs, which havo completely cured hor nnd restored the strength nnd ac tivity which sho had in tho prlmo of mo,- writes Mrs. W. L. Gllpatrlck. of Danforth, Mo. Greatest restorative medlclno on tho umbo. Sots stomach liver anil kidneys right, purines the blood, and cures ninlarla. billions ness and weaknossos. Wonderful iicrvo tonic. Price 50c. Guaranteed at Uty Drug Store. TIM? TABLE. Frisco. Enstbound No. 42 lenvos No. f 1 leaves Westbound No. -13 nrrivoB No. -H nrrivoB . C:03a. m .12:50 p. m .SiOj a. m . 7:35 p.m. Choctaw-Rock Island. Eastbound No. 81 (local) loavog 7:00 a.m. No. 10 loaves 2:-!0p. m Wostbound No. fi arrives 1:30 p. m No. S3 (local) arrives C:30p. in banta Fe. Southbound Vo- 5 4:00 a. m N'- 17 4 :20 p. m So- 10 i 42:35 p. m Northbound C 12:50n. in So- IS n .or,,, , No. 20 K.V, ... Kino of All Cough Medicines. Mr. E. G. Case, a mall carrier of Canton Contor. Conn., who hns boon bi tho U. S. Service for about slxtem years. Fays: "Vo havo tried mans eough modlrlnos for croup, but Cham berlain's Cough Remedy Is king of nil nnu one to be relied npon everv time Wo also find It tho nost remedy for coughs nnd colds, givin; certain re sults nnd leaving no bad effects." For sale by v. J. Ramsey, W. I), Frame Ardmorc Drug Co., and Uonner & Donner, mF.DMOPEITG ttttt LOCAL UNIONS. ) ! Till: AHDMOHR TYPOGRAPHIC M. I'NIO.-;. No. C19. MurU flrnt J-rl toy in each nur.tii it :15 p. m at Vnlon Hall. J. v. rjo.'lfdire. l'rvi dent; D. B. Oalnet, Sacretary. MARHKHS" JOt'HNKYM UN INTKU NATIONAL UNION Meet Bnl .v! third Monday tiUhtn In eiieh ronntn. Jim Wilkin, president: HI tnor Wriyht. wcrotary. Ailf'KNTKItS' AND JOlNKitS' Ol AMERICA, No. tOi'g Meotn tivtjrj Thursday night. 7:30, at Union Hall. H. V. cox, p.-oslder.t; D. N Porguson. recretnrj. iNTERNATIONAh IlROTHKRHOOl) op i:m:ctrical workrrs- Mecta eoconi nnd fourth Frldiij nlghUi of e,ich mouth. U. M Parker president; A. A. Holcotnb, ecr tnry. URICKlJYKRS', MASONS' AND PLASTERERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION No. 9 Moots ovory Sntur day night. J. II. Ulxon, president. A. H. Ilrown, eccrotary. RCTAIL CLERKS' 1. P. UNION, No C35 Meet second ami fourth Moa dny nights In etch mouth. lu! S ShelkowlU, preildetit. L U. Horn, si'i-retary. i'AINTF.RP. DECORATORS AND PA PhKHAXUUKS' I'NION NO. 22S. Meets the tirat and third Saturday nlghus of each month at Union Hall. UUY CRENSHAW. President. .1. A. SPEARS, Secretary. ARDMORE TRADE'S COUNC1L- Meota first and third '.-Idny nlgbtp In each month nt La Dor Hall. V. C. Reavea. pre6ldert; D. N. Fergu son, secretary TEAMSTERS' UNION, No. 583 J U. DoArtnond, presideut: O U Vnunr neorntary Notice Moved C. P. Hall, .uimorly at 122 Main itrect, Is now open for business. Hlg- .1 New and Second Hand stock o. Houso Purnlshings In tho city. Repair ing, renting, exchanging nnd buying Savos $2500 por jear over Main .ceo. competitors. Givej you back 10 per cent for overy 51.00 cash purchase. Runs two wagons to all parts r.f the city freo. My country customers can stop In my yard fre0 of charge. Pho" JGG or call nt Texas Vagon Yard tii Caddo street and 3rd avenue, o .'y threo blocks north of tho WiIMlngton Hotel. Remember wo give you 10 per cent off for cash purchases only. C. P. HALL The House Furnisher On Easy Payments at Cash Prices. Moved Moved Moved TUCKER'S MARKET (las inovod from West Main t NT. Washington, near LlamiitonV Shoo Store. Phono 91. TfieDest Way M Is via MEMPHIS and tho tavilk 8 M I P. WITH TWO TRAINS DAILY TO Louisville and Nashville on convenient scheduloa, and making direct connections in Union Station with all lints for points East and Northeast. All Trim i "iilil Vsilibale MODERN SLEEPING CARS. ELEC TRIC LIGHTED COACHES. If you contomplato a trip East let mo quoto you ratos and mako sleep ing car rosorvatlong for you. Addross N. U. BAIRD, T. P. A., Little Rock, Ark. Or MAX DAUMGARTEN, D. P. A., .. . .Memphis, Tenn. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP For nil Courht and assists In "Dt. n2 Colds Ircm Ihi, ivi. Tbo Red tot iei,. iy rer.uif rrvinff tha vowei a terrain liOLcy Bet li on every totUe. relict lor rcup and whaarinar-ri. i7h c I- If.-'. H:nflyiTar: ts lha t r 5. cor.ims to Oi f-tcs h:MW h LAXATIVE 13 H0NEYTAR rirID AT TKI LtlOItTOtT Or E. a DbVITT A CO., CHICAGO, U. 8. A. For aaio by Hrffmann Duri; Co. UNIIEl) STAIES DEPUSITOHt Condented Statement of the Condition of IligifrfniorB National BanV a. Clote pf Business September A, 1C6 ItKCAPITUUVTH'N. '"f- 313.610.04 stocl s and S;nrlt:er, U, 0. S. Honda U8.000.0f I'lxturca S.00O.0P CMh .7,103.20 jr.00.7S1.3l Liabilities. Capital Stock Jioo.ono ! Surplus and Profits (net).. 13,173.51 Circulation 100.000.01 Hills PaynUo 20,000.00 Deposits 327,607.85 J500.7S1.36 No bettor liidox to tho growth of Ard tho constnnt r.nd titeady Incronso in moro can be found than Is rollectwl In tho ileposlts of tun ArdmoTo Nmtlona' Hank. LEE CRUCE, President 5 V 8TITART. Caahlnr DeWlttV Wllcb luiel Sa!e the nrli.'lnal :md Hie tintm- Is stamped on 'M-ry box. ri(i( for eczema. t(tlfr. Iiiill;. cut-: aiid lirulho.. nnd esperl.illv n connii- !k.', .ur j.II.-h Sold bv Huff mini lit iik Co. tgmatrowTT--gHBii,raTfrrtiti,ut; W. P. POLAND - Denier : FARM LANDS Wants to buv lOitO neriu in trtcts not loss tii;, n 80 acres. I See Me at Once Office over First Natl. BR. White Market HELSLEY & KERNER. Carry ft full stock of fresh nnd cured Meats, Vegotnbles, Fruit nnd overythlng In tho mnrltct lino. Prompt delivery to ony part of tho 'Ity. Telephone 612 BAGCACE TRANSFER LINE Phone 261 DAY or NIGHT STEVE ROWLES, Proprietor J. L. WIL80N. FREIGHT TRANSFER JLND BAGGAGE LINK. Offlr it Amnrlcin Bytrii Cheap Rates to California and Mexico Daily until Oct .hor 31st, Col onist' licltits will bo on Kale to California and Mexico points at exceptionally low ru cs: arU'nini'lHOi. Mullen City Ounilulnjini Lot AllKi'lltH Chicago St. Louis Kansas City Ouinha I'arHonH OUlnhotna CH 524 $21 ?2i ?20 $27 $32 120 f25 26 J25 125 Thmuuli tourist skepors from St. Louis and Kansas (litv nn Tuexlay of eacli week Y. -u stej) into the cars h-re and do not lea-e thorn until you reach San UYancHco. Ask vour niMiiost. tvilroad agt. fo. rates or address w. st. o bo nan General rassongor Agent M. K. & T uy., wainwright Uldg. St. l.ouH. GKO. It. tlHCKBIt, D. V. A., M. K. & T. Ity. Oklnhoina City, Okla. THREE J Wi ii.i i. ,, ,,, ii ,,,it. ;j; 1 tho hi st w i. -.i t i.ii.l S iniiliil ftoii. it i DSn Untirl rimif IrWIVKPUJJ.IHWSISSWI IIIIIIjI IUI nimwi nnd can recommend it lo you. li is well (o buy Hour tlmt lias u reputation to up hold. At times it is hard to distinguish thu Kood from the bad and indilTerent. It. is always well to get the B I G HAND because il is reliable. Hy sodoinjf you tula rin chances. TYLER & SIMPSON j COMPANY DISTRI13U TO R S a. ALLEN'S Carriage Shop for All liutitly Repairs 4 . i. Blair Shoenfelt f (JSx U. o. Indian Aiccnl) ? ATTORNEY AT LAW ? MUSKOGEE, I. T. Homovnl of restrictions, con tents, citizenship cases and oth er matter's boforo tho Intorlor Department. t Prompt attontlon glvon to T in ujnu auuii, jum:iuilK ill Hi uung X of oil nnd gas leases. T Your patronngo Bollcltcd. .i . A. G. Fullerton A. 8. Gulllot I'rlvnte Wlro to All Markota. I A.G.FULLERTON 1 &C0, Bankers - Brokers Cotton, Stocks, Grain nnd Provisions Ovor Kenrnoy Hnrdwnro Storo. OHlces Ardinore, Pauls Valley, Wynnewood. Sulpuur, I. T. nnd Lexington, Okbi. l'hono 720. Chambcriain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at tome time during thr year. This remedy u recommended by dealeti who have $old it for many year and know its value. It has received thousands of testimonials from giateful people. It has been prescribed by phy ticians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. It only costs a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much foe so title? BUY IT NOW. if or