Newspaper Page Text
AtL e, Ft iij, Msve-tar 5, 'JSJ. I f.tvrs-PAP CHAFF. pr rout ma it . &- tw: Ytib a m r ' auiiigM; Afct a sU aaUl Ht kc.ta a tea f it yay a W BO Vat m ix mmt MM ft Jar lt Twat w Yartt VfM. X MM PntyvtV Oak K "He M) wlMtr AcwttM t tat -a Mf- Ma tw" nv hi fuaOr tMak Uat ft te v 4aW f afMKMaL MaM awn air Aiartcal uxrt. Uoa." aM tk pK Mtr Mtat-ii is ioi Mr tft r " 1 mmM Mr 1r caa rk?-, taaat. 'fla, i tea jawaa. tar-. ia. T-rft. ai i Mt kav mi" tag i fttOc 1. ttftM(MM, ta i.t. M ta bftur tlaxw i a rtr tt vat rvr- 1 44 aaf Uw arwmaa t alt aaL-v r4 aelafa aaaateoOr Uu.t a4 Wt a mot Wiu Aa Ajmv cm atHar aa ioOi BafLacOoaM ta l mm. Ta Witt tarwetf t tfea i afcftaifta. aaa f fjatrtt all: Hw caf r 'j 1 3 titar vHua? Tta aaaek. aoaahawM. at oH f1lr tv4. i UH Ukm mm turn Ham U4r k n-a4 -Tali latY tmt: warn to aoralac ta Jcrfai ttdtnotat. 'Oft. tut'Nt.' tat crt, Ukc aarrtx hat 1' trmad aaaw Mnr irof4' Ooo4,' atid tM JBMrt Hmb U4r- That Mr4 It io 4rfar 1 caaak. It rfu mm! Jrtak a frjr Hwtil wr4 tar kaaaaad uri u aw. Wast aoa ft at aenrT 'It kaaat a minmc aaM ta eook. taat aa, jroa eU loolV Kaaaat city fttar. Us, ftata Btraa Ix1U. lb 4ask rr of WlUuua Jwimiw Brrsa. aad ba coagnrtatatad oa tat aaccctt ol bar oaact pUr. "atrt. S. Holatea. UkftUW fOt taatlad tad aaawri Bat L aiata't grxw ocacit4, t 1? II 1 4o nr nt plar vlll fail or totaatafag ltt u dradfal vlll h" Va. Kotoiag. yoa kaow, Is at dtau- troat aa ceaeelt. "I aoerd oijr ataer tU tb oUie bay of tJ diaaatroua ouaelt 'tf a udy ia feiriia. Wbn Ahuiwi KtfanJi wh Um TorkUh amb4t.4or Ui Ur maar II bit cuaWn, at nit vc riM wiitrtalomnu, U) rlUtriluie TurkUk i.t Miat umooK tbu laij-u "At one ol tbt uxttt brilliant rcicep lium AbniM KUeadl dUtinxulNlnxi a litrHtWMi My bj kvIuk l:jr twiCH St Ma V'jM ax av Tit u tltu. Tbal i s i;rU hinur ir.J acoruff of uya, towii jakmn od witn-i uflgraiulalery, wuru tixwt (in tne yotlOK btdy abe atn of Krcat ttoru oi ttallcacle oo br plati. "8K cmiKI not help fj'u; protid. And to Mark br itlutniib i.i undar ttort It. aba could mi M9 ayla to the Interpret ar: "'Atk tb ambaaaad'ir wb ha bat bowad m wr.n tAt :) at .ptity kwaata aa toy otbar bvl.' "Tb lBtrprtr put b-$ fju"tUH. gut alt saawr, aod r,tul It ia a, load vole. "'Ilia ascallesey tun. tntulein, our iooatb It twle aa arK- hb any of tbo other ladiaa.' 'Kaittua CM Jaaraal. Cbauaeajr E. 8rwte- I), u. blaaop f 'oanaeUeut, okl m ttiry ibv ibir la whleh ba tayt la Mrt. OrawtUr fai '. It aaamt that 11 c i.hop I a4 a tnall boy ttiiiln upplt n ' t.-hiu'd, m aftar reproving ni'Q . .! for aoniM ttma no t-uld; A ; now, my boy, do o.i ituow why 1 t you all tbU? 1 lino t out- Iwforo wt a ron I am a crawling wo: m. Iw in, know who?" "Sure.' replied tlio I'oy pnimplly, "the mlttut." Kantat City Bur. "With you'd come over tonlglit. Jinx, If you have no otlior ongiiKO monU" Til do It, ojil man. We'll have 11 K(x)d oId-fatiIontn evunlnK llKo m'i um l liavn In tlm old dayn," "Von but!" I'll fetch aoine Kfxid cl)?arH and "Oh, my wlfo w(n't lot 11 Htnuke; !! curtains, you know." "Oh, whll, we'll cut that out; charm. lni;KlrI your wife. Til bi dellchtcd to come anyhow." Tlmt'H the muff. My little Klrl rv cltca 'Curfew Khnll .Not rtlnif Tonight,' Just" Whirm taw fcJaaf I a Ptprmmua f a tata mat wm M ajr-wiw wm. mm u ta mm a,r-T . rf w frata (a tw MM w I B it ff at fla pre a Vo r imitat I taa ' fMHIi ttBaa m mm uai . Taw jataiiaiil i taaae Ka L dsatt . . -. Tai '.if j" -.'.e nil I at jitwai1 . k ; re tn mm. J T ftar-j ttatr tmt r i wu trfcc, lor awrri reams was a aay aracral atari t at ad v araat at aaM AH Waftitft t tafcaa t aa tabn ataarU -Jbt M aav boat, at aaMtiy t&aa ooatned aaalrat to &ad a Bt- It'Wjt BOOK r aatata h u )aidUaT u tbt v 17 au act d at Tlctartt axetat ht: imm tV-U taa alae. K ta aaaaagre- at lar aamrt vate 1 rt f- r ucart rra- tort U-ntUt lb ia.-nr m rrtW poar iaio aia raratfaa roof awata. Whta r. lltmmftitla Mtatki hit raatttaary t lioaday aight a kmad a amaa aprawlad oat at fall bnagUi oa ft, Toacfelax ta UKradart aaoatUw Ctauiy, the Utprtaarto aaM: WU1 fom pltatt aver tdoag t T7 brad tad I ut to aft down. Tb knag ta thaauieal .acr a. pttrfatg fcwk. Owa:" b Mart. "Oo im' att do a oa la carb U yoa'r Urd. X'j talk at U yo oad tb pteat!" Amd aacb 1 Uaa:" rxcteaalaeaf Mr MaaamtrratNta aadly b attkttt oat a wvft apot oa tb wail to lat tairL Xw Tork World. 'r OrUialy ao 00 would thlak of raJiag t dictionary for amuacaatat or w ta I rt a bun mm b -voaM loa ta thread of the aiory th graa ntat of oouiL No oa oald expect to gad lokat la aoeb a book, barring Mark Twain' about t earbusel. But that learned sad otb- erwla tarioua dieUoaary, tb Cnnr roataia at leaat on laugbabl ent y. L'ader the word "ouettloa ' it tb -,-krwtag: "To pop the daaatlon tec pop." X:oaaa City Star. "What," asked tb twatt gl1 jrrad uate. "was tb happiest moment of your life?" "The bapplott moment of ray life.' aaawrred the old bachelor, "was when tbe Jeweler took back the engagement rtnc and gave me collar bu'toni in exchange." Chicago Kwfc John Kendiiek Hant wan dltctita ln In a New York club a ease of pla Klaritm. "The man admitted that plagiarism wan Dunpccted "f hltn." said Ur. Ilani "rnllluK. "Hi; almoel Bdmlttd It was prortsd. H eremlnded me of a Yun kern boy, I uked to know. "Tblt boy ha Id to bit chum one tnornlni;: "1 bbi under lb', parlor sofa lea: night to bear, wnat young i(oflleKb would ay Ut my titter.' - 'Well wbat did be tayr the other boy atkoil. " 'He frfUy talked religion and oll tlea. and be kicked about thirty timet oh the bead.' " He knew you w.r there, 1 citem, tald tbe aeeoad boy. Tm afraid be tutpecud It-' ' Kew York Tribune. 'r A cashier In the nntncltl dlttrlct of Xew York on being advised by bit physicians to take a vacation not long j ago, wrote tbe agent of a Koulb Amer icas tteawablp :ne aa folio wi: "At I am thinking of taking a trip to South America, please advise me timnodlste ly wltb pftrtlcultri relative to ratet. accommodation! and ao on, to and frc-m tbe various porta ututlly viilf.'il by tourists at Hilt teaton of tbe year. ' The answer rarne by apedal delivery marked private and confldentlil: "One of our tamnrs will tall for V.ii. paralto noxt Wednesday. Shorten fid qulcki'tt way out of the country." Kansas City Star. A young man at Cay lord, Kan., told hlg f;lrl the other night that If ahe I didn't marry him he'd get a rope and hang himself rlKht In front of her houn. "Oh pleaae don't do It. dear," ahe Kald, "you know father dounn't want you hanging around here.'' .Vw York Tribune. A MUHOurl fanner whouo boR wai killed by a train, wrote the company'i claim scent for (lettlcuient. Ho onn jed his communication thiu; "My ra fir back strolled down your track a wt-ck sco lodsy. Your 29 catao down j the lino, and muffed Ms llfo away. oat tattaSaV tta. aty gfttM. aaaaaa taan ta. TmHr at Itiatrattoa. at clan I t. Maaatar taat batmai aft arte la Uaat haafWInaa ritk -Tmm umj. Otrtw l;i -x : v-t "-ti lv . ; ; tArrtc t c:u pi ' PC -!&.' f"s k : l J; :i Ur Bed ? 1 1 1Ht BU the ::.lK--a r ! rsr -CM cum A-t ba , Mat (Bm your tecr. to, n- aor c ndL-oM track r. tea mr -oe. Tw5Ik:, ! tnm4. w eHM Mia ta etaret fce WW r 1AM M lAMt )a tMMvwkliktM: "Her In a I . fi in be; kmc th 4 M 7 l ate bartr autaa Tw taar. 1 eaaaaaaBBaJaBlat J6flaVli lUtal 1 f"-a34 J "How 04 rot km ia atr. aaat mj joabot boy htd my rXrki To lt j 1 k of Mtnur ccaasac ta 1 vttaoai arm bffiar bt yocr suaa.' I Tb aagra taok aa aad aaM tart 't a ea fat tb ogvtr aOe - "a ao r aatr ta vralcft t reolMM: "1 aat iMklag far irH; tttd -r: It t4; aat vHftac to ao HHtaatr ar a aayiaaat;'' Ta Mtfctat as iza ti you drtm):r" Ta attpra rtaatd; It If . arfy. taat bi flarlaaiTI nrran .. aaf Trfbtme. Taacar (tteraJyt -WTaai 7tm biagatag at, Jaatmtr laabhy vmm't ania' my eaaapbnloa aataduhai'i tit.- Yottb't Coatpaaloa. "'ba: b yer Mars? t , faaeral attic ta yer pr? aa mu u mum -itmu a tU: aa ibea." Tat Oo4 httrTJCt: A' rm nnr brother was atz :t Uh." Ttt-Bet. The aeeatttrw,, htaos a aU of aiai- daty. Aad I rots her hoaeet toll eoatet aoatat sheer; White others thread the petht of wealth awl bataty. Lf ta t teat tw- ja her beatatrHnib. Klsoa Wattrrasaa ta Woataa's Home uoMpaaioa. Ia oa of the model School l oor twa a firet grade teMber was bur a? a "laaoa on the oow.' sh" was tryinit to Imprest on th youn m:ads tb various utea of the milk. Butter, cheese, etc., bad been ditpoted of. ar.d bo- tbe farmer fed tbe surplus sri she wanted atmo bHht gealus to tell to tbe pica. IdiBK ap to tb'i sb aaked this quvt'ion: Now. cbildrea, alter the farmer hit made all tbe butter 9od rl.eett he needs, sad uaet what milk oe whblt for Us family what do? he do with tb milk that still revile 7 Dead silence follows for a.'n,-yiH'M, and then one litti hand waved fran tically. The teacher smiled and tald WeU 3amet. "Jle pourt It btoic Into the cow!" Pipyi James WcmT h lfie com panlon. 7200 Bottle. In Pour M.nths. Dr Mndnball'H Chill and Ytf-x Cur h RuinH raTOr w(th th? tradfl mor? rapidly that any other Chill Tonic. V. har- eold neerlr 69 rroi In four roonthn.- Schah brn? Co Wholeial DruscgUts, Cairo. III. Sold en a Mgned guaranty by W. E Frame. The MaJrtlc Mfg. Cn . of . lynln. Mo., kari; a man at IJIt-dn. Corhn & Hrennl-y's T. tfa, wy showing th. ilajmtlc Range In actual opera Uon. bklng and s-Tinq blwiults to the large crowds j2.5 Kodol for, D.THr-ia contain., the t T n." JUl f a htmhh' rtomach and will put jour tomnch In ahapo to W-rforra ttn Imporunt fjaetion of hud rdylng the ftn,i brain with strength building blood. Dlg.t what von et. relieve Indication. Sold by Hoffman ru; Co. 7 We sometlmet love a man for the enemies he hat made, but not whon be Is ; is own worst enemy. In Pralte of Chamberlain-! Cough Remedy. Th-re Is no other medicine manufac tured that hai received so much praise a tld so maiir .r i.ruui,...o ..... , a- Chambarlaln a Cough Ueiuedy. It lu effective, and prompt relief fulowg Its use. Orateful parent everywhere do not hemtate to tatlfy to lu morita for the Uneiu of others. It In a cor- '"' ''" ior croup an i will prevent of the attack If given nt Ural appear ancu of the dlnease. It U eieclall adapted to children aa It Is ploaiwiiit to take and contalna nothing Injur- lOUB Sir I .1 II - ..mhijiiiiuj, n null known resident and clerk In the store of Mr K. Ick. of Alice. Cnpo Colony. South Afrlra. saya . "I hare usm Charnberlain'H Cough' Ilomody to war off croup and colds In my family. 1 fouud It to be very satisfactory and It give rne pleasure to recommend It." i " r. j. juimaoy. vr. is. r'rame. Ardmore Drug Co., and lion sor & fJooser. It's awful unlucky to try to kiss a girl In the dark and find out It's her mother. True aat trUt frl4a nt IK fnn.Hu -De Wit ft IJttle fairly Ulcers. Oood pllht. Bold by Huffman Drug Co . OFFICIAL LIST OF DELEGATES WEN W-0 YVtLi. fP.,VE CD-rSTV .- tf .s.-5 DVJK nu'rt tt ?; OiJn "4tsn.MK. 7 Do-tmttU: iT'e-. Ttrr-r.t -y The rtttra erf the 4cxx ki tgtiiDaatil citarriFM. a. i tZTu ta 4ecUa ul t tat tn temtoriM ilirt tL ftaaav iag BtbtfCt k9r4- 1- OtU&eaa, t 2.e- :4xa ksji 4T LVcatrsraU. lr I r 41 1.1 TerrJrr t B.eWiat n i--acras.1. At tbe a. 44e ta uw x-t stae: 5.1 e-0it ik va rws siai uretcai ao tens; tae 001 ) Ottxrve. rcOe-dag 1 lb HK c tbe ite--f rul eta t6ttt ae4 taetr rtxtweaee-t: OKUHOM. 1 T. O. Jtxaet. Its, Oayciea. 5 Pit G Trier. T" , Bver. 4 H. P Cc try. R J t-to. OVIl 1 O. II McCtntn, D UtteO. Otla. Dr. C. X. Sirkf . D, aJti, Oklt. C y.zjork. D, Graalo:. Otli. ( Geo. Wni, 9, OUa. J D. C. Hered. D, KiBg-tod. Ofcla. 10 IT. V. Ha4tiit, D, Wtkau. Otls- 11 C. K. Pitman. D, Hsatf. Okls. IS J. A. Aaiersoa, D, Pool Crt-t Okie. 1 U Mcom. D- Bald. 14 A. n. HUt, D, Ortacdo. OfcU. It D. D.. DtaeLwen. 0U&. . V. Kiae, D.. Newark. Okla. 17 R. S. Jobaioe. D.. Peer-. Okli. 150. M. Berry. D, Pawnee. Okla. U a. i. Newell. D. Wle. C4Ja. J4W. E. Hfctr, a. Stillwater. Okla II It- & Houetco. R.. Agra, Okla. 21 J. W. Sandi.c, D, Prigr.., Okla. 21 H. L. Cloud. P, Welltwt. Otli 21 K. U HettcB. D, MarahaH. Okla. 26 H. E. Ajh. R-. Guthrie. Okla. 20 W. D. Jenk!s. R, Guthrie, Okla. 27 TT. T..S. Hjnt, D, Oklahoma City, OHa. 2S X. C. Hagbot, D.. Oklrhcma City. Okla. 29 J. 'U Mitch, D, Oklaborsa City Okla. JO B M. IUmcy. D.. Tecurateh. Okla. 31 J. H. Matey, Hhawnee, CU. 12 I. B. LiUletoa. D Eorlgboro. Okla. UT. C. Wyatt. Annette. C4:la. 34 J -S. Bschasac, D.. Nennaa. Okla. 6 J. K. Norto, U., ITdment, Okla 30 J. J. Oerney, D., 13 Reao. Okla. 27 11. T. Kane. D . Kingfisher. Ok'a. 28 T. D. Rice. D- HltcbcocV. Okl. 33-C. C. Ilsher. D.. Hlnton. Okla. 49 TL Kdly. D , .Mlnco. I. T. 41 C. IL Bowers. D.. Orient. Okla. 42 H. O. Tenor. D.. faloga. Okla. 43 Oavld Hovs. Graad, Okla. 4 4 W. S. Deerlns, D.. Cllstoa, Okla. 45 3. U. Harrison. D., Sayre. OVIa. 46 F. E. Herrlag, D. Elk City. Okla. 47 K. E. Bryant, D.. Gcebo, Okla. 48 J. J. Savage, D.. McKnlght, Okla, 43 I-oke RobortB. D.. Otnstee, Okla. 10 W. J. Caudlll. D.. Granite. Onla. El yr. E. Binks, D.. Hoes. Okla. 52 J. B. Taik. D.. Hobart, Okla. 53 W. H. Edley, D.. Hetcfcer. Okla. 64 John M. Carr., D., Frederick, Okla. 65 m: Tucker. D.. Comanche, I. T. T. J. Ijahy. D. PawhnBka. Okla. 60 J. J. Quarrels. D.. Fairfax, Okla. 67 J. J. Curl, D.. Bartletvllle, I. T. 6S W. D. Hnmttfrey, D., Nowata, I. T. 65 W. H. Kornegsy. D.. Vlnlta, I. T. Co D. P. Willis. D.. Cheltea, I. T. CI J. W. Swaru, D., Cheltea, I. T. 62 lUIey CopeJtnd, IX, Falrland, I. T. IS J. K. Hill, D.. Catoosn, I. T. C4 C. V. Rogers, I).. Claremoro, I. T. 06 J. H. Muvler. 1) , Pryorg Creek, I. T. CO J. T. Edmondson.'I)., Mayeavllle, I. T. S7 .1 H. N. Cobb. R., Sapulpa. I. 'i. 88 Nelson Flowers, n.. Ttilta, I. T. C9 W. T. fUlton, D., Broken Arrow. I. T. 70 A. .. Husan. D.. Oiwea, I. T. 71 J. A. Harris. Jt, Wagoner, I. T 72 A. 8 Wiley. D . Tahleqnah. I. T, 73 C. W. Board, U., Okmnlgee, I. T. 74 W. A. Cain, It, OV.taha. I. T. T5 1 li. HoiricluH, K., Maskogee, 1. T. 7 C N. Hmt-.f-n. D., Mtskogee, I. T. 770. H, P. Barfwcr, D. Webber Finn, I. 'i'. 7 W. N. UtUeJrthn, I), Bushy, I. T. 73 W II. Hudson. R., Henryetta, f. T 8 N. o. Turk, R., ChecotLh, I. T. j Wewofca. I 7 ;- Ta. C Letdtter. D. J&mtxnlL. f4 D. M raaiisitr. D. Quit, t T 1 . O Hiy. D. CiJekmki. X T M Cau. VrCatiz. D- Pareetl L T. 1 Cajvtoi "rtTc. U, A&i, i. T. tf ft. '. Htrrlras, D, Newtmre. L T. Er-J. a. T."A. Sdatm. L T. K ?!? Hturaty. D. Sovta MeAl eer. t T 11 N P 0rd?xr. D, Strltr. I. T I! E. T Strreli. B. Hehoa. t 7. U - As. cfJer.t.'it. 1. 7. 14 .Vil-i tostfter. u, Pialt Val ley, i. T. ! F i. Stove, Jii, Wyaacd. L T 11 C S. i-fT. D, Saddam.-. L 7. IT ?cr- WbU'JI, D- Leiatsji. I- 7. J! i- C rtirti. DT Htcii4tva. Lr. . ". U LiUttaer. D, Wlaairtoa, 5 C C. KitUt. D.. Macro. 1. 7 Itl J. Altrr. D T.'oodlocd. I. 7. Itt Citas iotiti. a, Ryat. 1. 7. 1 tt W. A. LeJbeue.-. D. ArdaMre. 1 7 14 V H. UziT'-r. D.. Tlfbosalsga. L T. It5 J H. Citsber. D, Ataka, I. T It J- C. Oriits. D, Marietta, I. 7. 17 O Heaebtw. D, MadlU. I. 7 1W P- U K'nilLmi. p, DuraaU I. T. G. E. Park-.-. D Bokos&e. I. 7 1. B P. D, H. I. 7. Ill S. i Hersdoa. D, Mabel. L7. Ccatr by p. H. SulMrai, Dens.. StfTlw.t;.', Okla. t7 Costef4 by V?. vr. Biaka Dem, Brijtow. I. T. oetter Any other. Jiero. 7 jz.. Mar 23. l'Si. -Sbrp oe ?rcf Dr. M.eadesbaU i Chill and Fever C jt T.'e tare na? Tonr Chill Core for four yein ad h glr-; better resersl re !. tiaa say Chill Tlc we tav. re.- sold." Ctero Urag Co. Sold by W. B. fraae. Tie average man kaowj so little abcut wbat be Is rotiag for that It snake blm crazy niad 1; he bat to e plaln IL Cured ef Srljhte Blte. Mr. Robert O Darke. daL-a. X. T.. write: "Be .'ere I started to se Fo-' ley's Kidsey Cure. I bad to ret up from twelve to twenty tl a clrht. ad I was all bloated up with draper and ay eye!gbt w8g so irapaired I could srarcely t'e ose of my .' aero the roo. I had given fccj-? of living when a friend recommended Foley's Kldcr Cure. One 50c bottle worked wonders and before I bad ta ken the tfcrd bottle the dropsy had ;on. as well as all other symptoms of Brltht's dlsees." Hoffman Drug Co., and Cltv Dm? Store, If a man weren't married he could afford to have pretty nearly every bad habit there 1. The b"ft treettsent for Indigestion and troifl ; i-r stfiiach . o t"t the stomach. 1 tcsn be rested by s god dltestast Kodol pats the stom ach In shape to satisfactorily perform Its fnnctloas. Good for Indigestion, oir stomach, flatulence, palpatatior. of the heert aad dyspep.ila. Kodu! 1? made la strict conformity with the National Pure Toed and Drag Liw Sold by Hoffman Drag Co. One of the disappointing things about marrying for money is how much there Isn'L Cwcasvreet Is a harmless compound of vg'etable extracts that Is vonder fill In eoK."l r'icts nn the l n cb of babies and children. Recnm oiendM and sold by Hoffman Drug Co Subscribe for Tho Ardmorelte. Danderine GnEW THIS HAIR: AND WE CAN PROVE IT 1 I MISS JEANETTE WALLICE, 343 W. Uth BTHCCT, NCW VoKK CtTT. Wben the scalp throws on either diodnifl or a gummy lubtUace, It li an erldenco of se&lp dis rate, and do time ihould b lott In correcting II. You certainly woild not iieiltate ta take treat ment wora you to took at this matter through a magnifying glan, When highly magnified It re sembles a working niu of Inucti. These creatures absorb the nutriment or llto-sap ot the sealp causing the sealp to become dry and fever ish, resulting In the loss ef hair and finally bald ness. Danderloe works wonderi la all soeb cues. II thoroughly eradicates all tract of scalp bacteria aad makes the balr grow nn usaally long, strong and be autlfuk One. 13 cent boltl Is enough to show jou that It will do all Ibis and even mere. TlOVf at all druggists. (bree sties. 9Ja.. A mt .Mm er bottle. khowltox da wuink eo., m m 6 im wild m PROHieiTION WILL mi WIN '.DEFEAT FACES THE OKLAHOMA CONSTITUTION -DRY" CLAUSE. Le;ue Claimt Ens-jjh Dtl;;atti, Hut Indtsatlont Are That It It Wrors; Liquer Que tt;n 1 Paramount One. Gathrte, Ok, Nov. Ik What win tbe eoattitatiosal coaveatloa do. sot with proaiMtioa, but wtta the liquor qjes tloaf Bvery cttlzea of tbe aew sute latereeted la practical politics woull ! like to kaow the aatwr. NotwitheUalag tbe cUlms of tbe An-U-5Ioob letgae maaageri, that more tbaa a i)orKj of the delegate elect ed to the eoaMitatioaal convention are pledged to tae Mtbmlttloa of prohlb -tloa at aa Integral part of the const! tutloc tbe public generally seems to hold a contrary opinion, aad this op'-a-loa will aot be witbeat e&ect upon del esates who art coca pell el against their vttehet to accede to the demands o! tbe problbl'Joalsti. Better erldeste that the prohlMtloalsts were defeated It found in the data concerning each eaaditate carefully gauertd by tbe op poilvos. Tbe probable defeat of Integral pro hlbttioc la the oocventlon, however, does: aot remove tbe with among man aiert In both parties (or a settlement of tbe liquor coeetlon. Tbey declare that tbe Honor traffic should not be tol erated as a factor In olltlCf. that It is a sword tblt politically cuts both , ways, as dangerous to Democrats as to Republican, and that If the const tutlon should remain silent upon tbe subject all future elections will be In great turmoil and uncertainty bees ie of tbe liquor question. This Is tbe attitude of many men op posed to prohibition. Some of them are fer local option and high Accuse, aad express the wish that the constitu tion should declare in some form for their plan ef regulating the sale of In toxicants. Ose of the strongest argiiruonis that belp4 defeat the prohlnltlonlsts .as taat integral prohibition was unfair be cause It left the voter no alternative except to vote for prohibition or vo'e against statehood to express his disap proval of prohibition. It would be j-m as unfair, say prohlbltior.Uis. 'o lnsUt that the conetluUon should oatrln a high license and local option plank as It would to say that It should not have a prohibition plank. Leaders of both parties are groping fcr a way to cir cumvent the obstacle of the saloon la politics. It Is not Impossibl: that they may meet in secret conference to dis cuss the matter. The statement has been made tbat the brewers and liquor dealers helped the Democrats In the last eampaicn. The assertion cAi be made positively, in spite if all denials, that the Demo ocrats did ret this assistance. The po litical manager of one of the largest breweries in the United States Is a Re publican In politics. Early last summer at his headquar ters in another state, he expressed re gret that he would be compeled to work against his party in the organ ization of the state of Oklahoma, but that apparent majorities in the Demo cratic party ani the known tendency of the Democratic party not to support prohibition made it Imperative that he should give to this party his nid and assistance. Prohibition in the conbtltu Hon would not only destroy his busi ness In the state, but would confiscate hundreds of thousands of dollars of In vested oapltal. Even Republicans ac cept the statement of Democratic cam paign managers tnat thoy took no gifts of money from tho brewers and liquor dealers. The lattor were not compelled to give this kind of nid. as the Demo crats were glad to got the voting strength that would be rallied to their support by the antl-prohibltlon work ers. Danderlne works wonders. It produce! hair Jut as surely as rain and sunshine rnlso crops. It produces a thick- cmirth nt duxurlaat hair w'hen nil other reme dies fall. He guarantee Danderlne. All druggists sell It, 25c, 50c nnd $1 00 per bottle. To nrove Its worth. rpmH this ad with 10 cents in stamps or sil ver ana wo win mall you c :nrgo free sample Knowlton Danderine Co., Chi- ago, 111. Genius would be lots more useful if It were self-supporting. Wo have secured the nnttifr tnr Orlno Lxatlve Fruit Byrup. tho new laxative tnat makes the liver lively, purifies the breath, cures headache md regulates the digestive organs. "ures chronic constlD&tion. Aw m about IL Hoffman Drug Co.. anrt Citv Drusr Stere. Out of Twenty Kinds the Oett. "Shin one gross Dr. Men,l.nhnll Chill and Fever Cure. It gives tho best satisfaction of about 20 brands I oarry." J. R. Hafford, Druggist. Rector. Ark. Children llkn It Hold on a signed gnaranfy by W. l Frame. 1