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THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN INDJAN TERRITORY ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS ALL THE LOCAL NEWS FIRST. CARL D. DAVIS Tailor-made Clothing Cleaning1. Vroilnr:, Repairing L dles'a.ndGents'Ctuthlng. All uorH guaranteed. Next door to Button Peel. Telephone 230. We do noth- DDTMT ingbut . . . rJUPil Ardmoreite Job Depart ment, V. C. Sucbs, Mgr. S PHONE S VOLUME XIII AKDMORH, I. T TlKSDAY KYKNIMi, JANTAIiY 8, 1007. NUMBER I'll; JUDGE FOR THE CANDIDATES ArUraorclto Special Washington. Jnu s The r port that President Ronaiieli Has decided to appoint Judge Towii.iend to the fed oral bench In the new mate of Okla homa was expected. Judge Townsend rii virtually assured of this appoint ment when he was In Washington last. Townsend and the president are rwracMWl friends and the appointment must be considered mure of a person al affair than anything else. Judge, Townsend's age Is the only thing that has made people bllove that the president would not appoint, the man. HI record In the territory has been good. (Ill, Humphries, Shepherd, Parker. COLORADO'S GOVERNOR. Delivered Inaugural Address In Meth cdlst Church Closed with Prayer. Ily Associated Press. Denver. Jan. 8 ltev. Dr. itenry A Ilitchtel was ImiiRUiateil g'lvt'nor to day. Tho oath was nilmltiMlorcd to him, ami he ttcliie rd hit mii(,u'-al address In TmiiI y Methodic, rhi.'rli. The gover.ior i (winded lit me wt0 with pri.-or, followed by the Lord's prayer. Taft Would Increase Artillery. Hy Associated Tress. Washington. Jan. S Secretary Taft on military nffulrs today and urged nppeared before the house committee tho necessity for an Incrense In tho artillery corps. PLATTING OF TOWHSITES LEUPP'S LETTER TRANSMITTED TO CONGRESS. GRANTING HITCHCOCK POWER To Lay Off and Plat Towns on Seg regated Lands In Choctaw Nation Whereby People Can Secure Titles to Improvement. Ardmorclto Special. Washington, Jan. S. Secretary Hitchcock today transmitted Ui Con gress, Coimulslotior I.eupp's lottor miROetlliK that the secretary of the Interior he authorized hy Congress to lay out and plat tnwnsltos In tho flvo civilized tribes. This communication has special reforenco to towns on peg regated lands In tho Choctaw natnm. Judgo J. H. Shcppord, who has been urging tho platting of these towns, has at last convinced tho Interior de partment that the people of these town aro untitled to tho samo conshl oration as other towns In tho Indian Territory nnd that by platting tho towns a largo sunt of money will ho realized for tho Indians, and that tho people who have invested their nil In Improvements on t'.iosj lands will be able to securo tho title. Among tho towns that will bo plat ted according to Secretary Hitchcock nnd to which there Is no objection made by any ono arj Chant City, Hushy, Dow nnd Ilache. Interstate Commerce Hearing. Hy Associated Press. Chicago, Jan. 8. Tho Interstate commerce commission this morning look up tho cattlo rates and terminal charges nt Chicago, on shipments of stock. Chostor M. Dawes, of tho Ilur lington road, assorted It was not pos sible to furnish certain statistics re garding shipments which had been requosted by Attorney Cowan, rep resenting the Texas Cattle Growers' association. Cownn declared tither roads had furnished theio figures, nnd It should bo possible for tho Bur lington to do tho same. Minnesota Legislature Convenes. Hy Associated Press. St. Paul. Jan. 8. Tho lo;lslaturo convened today tho session "tob de void ot Interest, fur tho slate i fixed by tho Republican majority went through according to schcdulo. NEW STATE ARE PLENTIFUL f'.n!i"i niul many otliirs are said to lie candidates for the oiliei ledeml jllilci ship. TlU-le 1MB I" ' II some gns- sip here that the president Is .i : t to J. Henry Shepherd of South MiAl ester for the other H)Hltlon. Judge Shepherd has every qualification for the office, lie halls from Louisiana and Is a Democrat. It 1st very likely that the president will apimlnt a Dem ocrat to the office. For thN reason Judge Shepherd's chances are not to he undeicdMnited. 'Shepherd, fto, however, Is an elderly man and this may deprive him of the office. If one may he permitted to prognosticate a Httlo It Is snfe to say that the president will npiiolnt a oung man for the other Judgeship. CHEROKEES IN WASHINGTON. Representing the Full Oloods in Va rious Mailers Before Department. Ardmorclto Special. Washington. Jan. S. Messrs. John Muskrat and Dai Id Muskrat, I.. 11. (irlts and J. II. Dick, of Tahlequuh, are In the city representing the Cher okee full bloods In various matters before the departments and congress. The delegation represent the Kee tooah Society which claims credit for tho successful termination uf White man's case In the supreme court nnd as a lean It asks that half of the $60, 100 attorney feo be awarded it for services rendered attorneys Murclil son nnd Hemphill In the prosecution of the case. Those attorneys howeer show no disposition to divide ttielr "hard earned money" with the "Kee tooahs" nnd It v 111 tnke nothing less than nn act of congress to make them llviile tho JCO.000 feo they have earn ed in this case. Tho society wants tho court of claims to examine Into tho equity of tlulr claims. Tho delegatlun has also luought word vo Washington that tho Chero kee full bloods pioposo te contest tho government's right to :unho tho great number of allotments to freed men In the Cherokee nation nnd will sue for tho recovery of their lands or the equivalent In money out of the federnl treasury. Tho full bloods claim that anywhere from $10,000, 000 to $15,0011,000 Is duo them ns n result of this Illegal allotment. It Is said that tho suit brought by tho Chor okees will cause n long drawn out fight between tho full bloods nrray ed on one side and the freedmcn nnd tho government on the other. Municipal Change Wantfd. Denlnou, Tex., Jan. T. Tho city of DenUon wants a municipal commis sion form of government. A mass meeting of tax payers under tho alls pices of tho Denlson hoard of trado last night unanimously appointed n committee to petition tho city council to call an election within tho next fifteen days to hnvo a voto for and against n commission form of govern' ment. Tho chairman was also nil thorlzed to appoint another commltteo to draft suitable amendments for a chnrter, to tho cud tint Denlson may he put under commission govern ment. French Peter's Pence. Paris, Jan. 7. It Is announced to day that tho l'opo will no longer ac cept Peter's penco from France. All donations from French Catholics will hereafter bo devoted to tho support of tho clergy of this country. TWO CENT RAILWAY FARE. Committee So Reports to Constitu tional Convention, Hy Associated Press. Guthrie, Oltla., Jan. 8. Tho com mltteo on railroads and public sor vice corporations reported to tho con stitutional convention today, rccom i 'ending a two-cent railway faro nnd ' e enactment of a fellow servant law. Prominent Shriner Bound Over. t- Associated Press. Kansas City, Jan. S. Harry H. Al ln, charged with emboszllng $7,000 u i recorder for tho local chapter of P' rlners, was todav bound liver to tho criminal court. Hall was furnish ed. He Is ono of tho best known Shriners In tho United States. Subscribe for The Ardmoreite. PREACHER AS GOVERNOR. Rev. Dr. Henry Duchtel Inaugurated Governor of Colorado, Ardmoreite Special. Denier. Col.. Jan. S. The ltev. Dr. Henry Ilitchtel of Denver university, was today Inaugurated as governor of Colorado, suceedlng Governor McDon ald. A large escort of the national guard accompanied the new noverr.ur and the retiring executive In tho pa rade down Hroudway to tho Capitol where the governor's salute of sev imtcen guns was flrad. l'romlnent ltepuldlcnn from all over the state were nere to witness the Inaugural ceremonies. This Is tlm first time lu the history of Colorado that a min ister has been Inaugurated governor. Night and Day Dank. Ardmorclto Special. New York, Jan. 8. At the organi zation meeting of tho new Night and Day bank today, A. 1). Dennett, pres ident tif the Commercial bank of l'ort Huron, Mich., was elected president of the novel Fifth Avenuo "continu ous" financial Institution. Ho suc ceeds Oaklelgh Thome, bend of the Trust Company of America, who was the temporary president of the N'lght and Dny bank. Ilennctt Is nliout 12 years of age and Is well known lu western financial elides. Tor many years ho has ndiucnted tho night and dny plan of conducting banks In large cities and it was partly for till reason that he was selected tu head tho present experiment. A lirge number of leading New York hanks held their annual stock holders' meetings today. : Democratic The time for Democratic activity draws near. The people are wondering what we are going to do when we get the offices. Meet with the Democrats in Grand Rally at the City Hall, Friday night, January , 1907. H. H. BROWN, Chairman. GIFT FROM CARNEGIE. Gives $750,000 for Home for Bureau of American Republics. Washington, Jan. 7. It Is announc ed that Andrew Carnegie hns given $7C0,000 for tho construction of n building to be used by tho Huieau of Aemrlcnn republics. Provision for tho slto has nlieady been made by tho I'nlted Status and tho South American republics. Mr. Carnoglo was at tho statu de partment today, and was In conference with Secretury Hoot, who Is chairman of tho board of governors of tho bu reau. Secretary Hoot Informally thanked him for his gift and indi cated that ho would at onco send him n formal letter of acceptance. Proel- dent Iloosovclt already has written Mr. Carnegie, expressing appreciation nnd acceptance of tho donation. The gift hnvlng been made to tho bureau of American Republics, tho permission of congress to accept It will not bo necessary. Several years ago congress appropriated $200,000 us tho share of the United Stntes toward tho alto nnd building of tho bureau, and between $25,000 and $30,000 nl ready has been contributed by tho South nnd Contrnl American conn tries belonging to tho bureau. Kahn-Dreyfuss Wedding, Huff. I. T., Jan. 7. Miss Annntt Dreyfus of this placo nnd Mnx Kahn of Coalgate, I. T., were married nt tho rcsldenco of I-oon Kahn at 6 this afternoon. Rev. Dr. Hlatt of Oklami homa City officiated. An operation Is always necossary when the doctor needs tho money. SPECULATING T I OF SENATE TERRITORIAL INVES I TIGATING COMMITTEE. CONGRESS WILL BE ACTIVE Belief that Mr. Bixby Will Receive i Some Drief Mention But He Has j an Everlasting Friend In Secretary iHtchcock. Ardmorclto Special. Washington, Jan. S. The select com mute of the senate which spent the summer In Indian Territory Investi gating the affairs of the lire Civil lied Tribes will report Its findings to tho senate within the next ulffltt of ten days ami possibly svoner. There Is much ieruliitton here as to what the committee will recom mend to congress In the shape of legislation to remedy the cilia known to exist In the territory. Ono thing Is certalnc nngress will not do things by hah cs this time. The legislation that will bo enacted will be drastic and calculated to remme the canc?r from which Indian Territory has been suffering for so many years. Theie is nuthorltv rr the state ment that Senator' leport will ceusuro Chalnnaii TaniB iilxby tor certain practices luought to light by tlie committee and which are consid ered not to reflect credit to the com missioner. In oilier words Mr. Iilxby will be charged with Indiscretion ami will bo publicly reprimanded. It Is barely imsslbly that tho commission er will bo forced to resign ns a re sult ot the charges against his office Surely Hlxby'B usefulness has beon greatly Impaired since tho Mott-lln'i- linger and I.eo chargos wore preferr ed against his olllco ami tho senate inquisition. Iilxby though has a warm supporter In Secretary Hitchcock. No official In tho servlco Is consldoreJ with hlfhor regard by Secretary Hitchcock, Mr. Hitchcock persists In tho defenso of Hlxby and It Is no se cret that the secretary thinks that ttio charges against tho commission er to tho flvo civilized tribes were In spired by territory grafters who have no use fur an honest man lu federal office. Ah to the coil and asphalt lands of tho Choctaw and Chickasaw nations It is reasonablv certain that tho com mittee will rerommond the wile ot tho surface lands to bona fide homo steiider'' and the leaso of tho under lying mlnorals on a royalty basis. The existing leases aro not to bo In terfered with and will be allow d to expire as provided by an act of congress passed last year. Tho salo and leaso of these lands on this ha sis Is calculated to furnish Choctaw I nnd Chickasaw Indians with tho much needed money tor tho Improie- mcnt of their allotments, If congress provides for this plcco of legislation It will oa diametrically opposite to the wishes of the Choc taw and Chickasaw people whoso leg- I-I.iiuie only recentli; petitioned on i ess tor the Imntcd ate sale of the l.inils in question. These people hope ( nalle $10.11011.0011 in more for their possessions. They want the coal and asphalt hinds sold at once under tie- pietense that their Hople are ac tualh going to their graves fnr writ while others are barely subsisting rtir t,.e lark f money. SCHOOL FOR FARMERS. Third Week's Course Deg.m at Still water Today, j Anlmorelte Special, i Stillwater. Okln.. Jan. 8. Tho third , annual week's course In stock Judg ing and seed selection for tho far mers of Oklahoma and Indian Territo ry Im unn today at the territorial ng 'Iriiliiinil and mechanical col lego with a mh ui attendance. Fine specimens ot cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry have been secured for the stock Judging Instruction, In which tha college pro fessors will be assisted by experts from other states, A corn show will be glen tomorrow and prize awarded for tho best exhibits grown lu Okla homa. Seed selection for kaillr com, cotton, oats nnd wheat will also bo considered. Tho Itistttuto will last through the present week. Pardon for Solomon Hotema. l'arls. Texas. Jan. 7. Information has been recalled tbnt President Itooseielt hns pardoned Solotmm Ho tema, who was comleted In the fed eral court at Paris of murder and who was undergoing life Imprison ment nt l'ort Mel'horson. near At lanta, tia Tlu i anion was Issued on New Year's Dav :--:---:-4:--n.-:. ANOTHER MOVE FOR HEARST. New York Attorney General Enters Suit Against Mayor McClellan. New York, Jan. 7. Attorney Gen eral Jackson on behalf of the people ot tho state of New Yoik, today on- tercd suit lu tho supremo court ngalnsl George 11. McClellan, praying that tho latter be ousted fiom tho of fice of mayor of tho city ot New York, on the ground thnt he linn usurped and unlawfully holds such office, wnereas Wllllaui Randolph Hearst Is legally entitled to the same. It Is stated that this new proceed Ing has until I ng to do with the quo wnrrnnto action which last week was tempornilly enjoined at the applica tion of Mayor McClellan. Open a Public Night School, Ardmorelto Special. Savannah, Gn., Jan. i. Final ar rangements were completed today hy tho board of education for tho open ing this evening of a public night school, where young people employed during tho day will be afforded an opportunity to acquire nn education nt t. expense of tho county. In ud dltlnti to tho common school branches a complete commercial course will lie offered. Including shorthand, type writing ttnd bookkeeping. The faculty has heun chosen from tho preont teachers employed In the day schools. This Is the first attempt In the South to establish public night schools, and tho result ot the venture In awaited with Interest by educators of this section. Tho boll boy will tell you that many aro called, but a few aro dozln'. Call CITY OF PANAMA IS SAFE THRILLING STORY OF TRIP Hy Associated I'less. Mexleli City, .M.- . Ian. 7 l.mils Kaiser, consul fur the Inltid State-i lit the isirt of Miiatlau, Mexico, lias telegraphed to the ssiM-lntcd l'ress the story of tho trip of the Pacific Mall line steamer Cit ot Panama, which was thought to hnvo been lost off the California coast. The story was related to the consul by Captain Xelsen of tho City of Pal atini and shows that tho fears for the safety of the vessel were well grounded, for It recounts a thrilling trip, replete with danger, narrow es rapes and heroic action on th part of the olllcera and crew of the boat. Throughout the terrible trip hut one life was lost, that of Manual Acuna, n Chilean, who was a member of Ihe crew. Captain Nelson related tho story of the trip In the following words: "Wo left Sim Francisco on Decem ber 01 wllh thirty-live passengers on board. While we were crossing the bar n terrible northueslen struck us nnd the little steamer was tossed like ii chip on the seas that ran nniim tain high, The storm, Instead of abating after we hail crossed tho bar. Increased In fury and we were In the teeth of the hiPTlcauu for seventeen consecutlio hours. "During the height o ft he gale the life- boat davits crashed against tlio deck and were hiMkeu ami every thing movable on board the steamer wb washed tiverlionrd. XIato George. Iloiitswaln Telecen and two seamen were ordered up to secure tho remain lug life rnftH. Hut these men no booii- Kansas Legislature Convene. Ily Associated I'roas. Topckn, Kan., Jan. S. Tho legisla ture enlivened here today. Gov. iloch will not be Inaugurated for the sec ond term till January His mes sage will probably bo rend lato this afternoon. Hoch lu his message today recom mended the appointment of a com mittee to Investigate tho mattor of reduced railroad fnios nnd favored nn employment expert to ninko n thor ough Investigation of freight rates. lie siibl the nuixliuiim lnw and the nntl-dlscriinlliallon law passed by tho hist legislature made It posslblo to stabllsli ten Independent oil refin eries, and that tho laws nro saving users of coal oil u halt million dollars every year. TROUBLE NEAR ADA. One Farmer .Kills Another Slayer Escape- rVrdmorclto Special. Ada, I. T., Jan. 8. Trimble botweon farmers seven tnllos wintli of bur yesterday afternoon resulted lu tho killing of Robert Glpsou by u man named Cruhmo, who was u newcomer to that section. Hoth men aro middle aged men and have fnmllles. Tho cause of tho trouble cannot bo nsccr- tallied, other than that it nrosu over a woman. Crume escaped nnd hns not yet been located by the officers. Warren Will Succeed Himself. Hy Associated Pross. Choyenne, Wyo., Jan. 8. On tho first ballot, Republican members of the legislature in caucus today unan imously voted to support United States Senator Warrou for ro-olcc-thin.. Tils assures his election. Hearst Elected Chairman. Hy Associated Press. Now York, Jan. 8. William H. Hearst was today elected chairman ot the state committee of tho Independ ence League. Shah Is Critically III. Hy Associated Pross. Teheran, Jan. 8. Tho Shah's Ill ness hns taken n turn for tho worse this afternoon. Ho is declared to be In a very critical condition. Sensational Report Untrue. Ily Associated Press. Augusta, Ga., Jan. 8. In a wreck on a Georgia railroad this morning, nenr Harnett, Ga., two or threo cars were turned over. As far as known only ono was Injured. A sensational report that twenty-flvo persons were killed, proved untruo. The more sunshine there Is In some men's lives tho less hay they make. cr re.irlird i U, i aft , ih.m tiK werj all nw i i t o, i In, ir.! III! Ilinr'l i' '". .JTV & llfCI n i, cninmiuideil by Mate Moibn, wai fl hall) l.iunelied Mi .iiiwlille time tr the men who were being tosseii ab.nit by the sell Mate George, Iajat-,w uti Teleceaand one of the sennn n I , 1 succeeded In reaching one of th. in. rafts' that had been swept Into He sea. With great heroism, Mnie Mo den and his crew reached the Mini, en men and succeeded In Kawi, them. Arunn, one of the tide n, was seen to be tossed up by a hu.- wavo and then to disappear. "A the sturm ws Incrcaslnc it was decided to run for a haven ,m,l the crippled eraft was finally limn ur safely Into Drake's Iluy on the ma. t of Calirornlir. Although tho boat had lioen badly tuiirutrd by the sen. id was not so badly Injured but tbnt Bhc could proceed on her Journey. Tho boat waited fur the storm to subside nnd then proceeded on hor Journe southward, arriving at the port of Masntlnu at (1 o'clock Sunday night" When tho boat steamed Into .Mazat land, the imssengers were loud In prnlse o ftho bravo conduct and em prise of tho brave conduct and clll cloncy of the captain and tho crew A collection was Immediately taken up, the proceeds to be used In tlm p i.chose of gold medals for the crew that manned the life boat during tho height of the storm nnd saved tho lives of their companions, Tho condition of the steamer was such thnt she proceeded tin her Jour ney southward today. MACKLIN'S ASSAILANT NEGRO CORPORAL ARRESTED FOR MURDEROUS ASSAULT. IS NOW IN MILITARY PRISON A Dllod-Stalned and Bullet Punctured Khaki Jacket Found by Boys Led to His Arrest Has Seven Flesh Wounds on Wrist. Fort Reno, Ok., Jan. 7. Tho finding ot n khaltl Jacket, one sleeve ot which Is covored with blood and punctured presumably by n bullet, led to tho arrest this afternoon of Corporal Knowlos of tho Twonty-llfth Infantry, colored, on thu charge of murderously assaulting Captain D. U. Macklln on tho night or Dec. 21. When arrested the negro officer was found to hnvo a severe flesh wound in thu wrist, which ho said ho had been treating himself for over three weeks. The wound lu tho wrist Is declared to have been Inflicted by tho snmo size bullet as wont through tho sleeve of thW Jacket -which ' boro Knowles' Initials. Tho Jackot, which led to Knowles' arrost, was found near tho fort Sun day by two boys In tho direction tak en by tho bloodhounds that followed the trull ot Macklln's assailant. Knowles refuses to talk and Major Penrose," commanding offlcor, refuses to give any Information concerning thu arrest. ATTEMPT TO ROB BANK. Building at Crawford, Ok Badly Dam aged, Guthrie. Ok., Jan. 7. Word has been received hero from Crawford, In Day county, of nn nttompt to rob the Cot ton Kxclianno bank thore. Tho bur glars worked from midnight until aft- or I o'clock tnlng to enter the aafo nnd gavo un only after they had wrecked tho entire front of tho build ing and vault. A number of charges of dynnmlto wore exploded and tho outer doors of tho safe blown off. Tho robbers wero very near tho mon ey when they were frightened away hy John Jones, n Crawford merchant, who discovered what was going on and began firing Into tho building with a Wlncnester. Thero was some thing over $5000 In tho safe.