Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO Ardmore, Wednesday, January 9, ,57 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE Catarrh ii ti'-ualh' v v "l '.W.t r. of c.i -imp .ir. Ottd'lenly cl."iin ilim-it' : .' -tv '. . in- '' !"!. .it Scirctioii from the dnlt if .t f ' .i". . t : . r:i . ..' .i'.-r 1 in", i l..e '.. the unpleasant s-,i:iitt f t! c '1 -i - f : 1 1. . 'Ij.o r. a" Stopped tip and n, constant '!' i; l.'i,' "f n 1- .-. 1 ' 1 to t' - ti r nt k , ) up a continual La-tWin, .111 I tt:n-' 'n e ;''"'- l- ' :l 1 ' T.-lt--ringing- twin.- in ti c cnri, ar 1 oiun slight .' r .r.d a ' ;r-"u.. hz.t-w feeling nccompaniis the di aw.. "1 he blood becomes s. fully harmed witi catarrhal matter that stomach troubles are brought on, the kidneys an 1 bladder are affected, and If the Mood ii not purified of the poison the lunjrs hecome diseased Itdaiiw of the constant passage of impure blood t.irough them. CaUrrh cannot c curt-1 with unshes, sprays. Inhalations and such treatment ; these cannot reach the poison-laden WW where the real cause i located, and can only (five temporary rcllcl PURELY VEGETABLE culntioti. .im 1 ' ''1 v""t'".; disease permanently. When 8. 8. S. hat punfi'd t! IT. -.I r- .rt of the system receives a supply of frzUj, lie 1 1 1 1 v Moo '. . t!v ?1. rn. ! membranes heal r.nd every symptom f! C it irrh j.i r '"i I. f.,r our Uiolc containing information about irih, and .i-k t .r .111', 1 ' 1! advice vou desire No charge is made for mher. nir iSYJirr snenmn nn.. atiahta. r.n. STILL LIVi CBOROIA CITIZEN WHO VAS ONCE HANGED IS STILL ALIVE VAS A CONFEDERATE SPY Volunteered a Hazardous Attempt to Blew Up the Union Fort at Bar rancas, Fla. Failed and Was Strung up by Soldiers. Htsgerald, (la., Jan. !. In the per son of Hev. J. T. Mann, rotlreil clerKy man and tliu nuthot ti several roll t;l(His books, lltsKernlil has a cititvn who was once hanged mid wlm still Hwm to lull tlio tali). Accused of belli); n Confederate spy, no whs strung up 01 n tree by Union soldiers during the war, and was cut down by a Union olllcer biiruly In llnio to savo iiIh life. In thoso low mliiiitoH ho suffered all the terrible ngonlos of stmiiKlIni; and wns roscuiHl only nfter ho had become tinooiiscloiis, Mr. Mann enlisted In tlio soulliern army nt Now Orleans nnd was sent to llarrancaH, 1Mb,, niter volunteering to make 11 hninrdoiiH attempt to blow up the Union for located there. 1 bet ter HCcotnpllsh Ills puriAtso ho enlist ii in Hie fixleral forces at llarrancns and formed a close friendship with hub of tlio olllcer. lNitluntly lie await ixl nn opiHirtiuilty to put Ills plans Into execution and nt Inst It cntiie. Ho hail spent the evening In tne tent of the friendly olHcur mill, unknuwit to the latter, had turned tho hand nt hla watch forward an hour and n hair, with tho Intention of having nn nllbl handy In case ho should bo discovered. Thus lui ronlly left tho olllcer nt 11 o'clock, hllo the latter supposed It was 12:30. Immediately lie innde an Ineffectual attempt to mow np trio nisgasliio and shortly afterward was uapttired by 11 band tif soldiers who strung him up (o the nearest Iron without ruremony. Ills struggles and orios, heforo he lapsed Into uncou- wlmunuss. nttrnrted tho attention of an olllcer, who cut lilm down and In n fuw hours ho recovered. At n hour- lug mi (lio following ilay the soldiers tostllled that the attempt lo Mow up tlio iirscnnl wns Blinrtly after 11 o'clock, while Mr. Miinn's olllcinl friend xtHled that ho hnd not left tlio lent until after 12. The ruse of run ning up the otllcer's watch had nnved Mann's life, but ho wns afterward an Positive A soan cracker should be tho most nutri tious and 'hokicomo of all foods mado from wheat Comparative But ordinary soda crackers absorb moist ure, collect dust and become stale and soggy long before they reach your table. There is however, one Strperlative soda cracker at once so pure, so clean, so crisp and nourishing that it stands alone in its supreme escllence the name i3 Uneeda Biscuit bt a ilust tight. Qfi moisture proof pachao. MATiriklAl UKi-fll-r r-ttnAki; 17 IT 7TcJTl.firTi 1 A I iBLOOB DISEASE and comfort. A disease which atlects tnc entire blood supply as does Catarrh, must he treated with a blood purifier. S. S. S. is the best remedy for CaUrrh, which ha jrown to he a uni'-crsul disease. It ROM to tht bottom of ths trouMc. rids the blood of the catarrhal matter, reinvieorates the clr ot.jert of suspclon. Denied all oppor- imilty .f again attempting to perform hi mission, he soon deserted, and reiolued the Confederate rank. ! It Is undigested food that causes sourness and painful indigestion. Kodcd Is a solution of vegetable ac ids. It digests what you eat, and cor- re-t the deficiencies of digestion. Ko- dol conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug taw. Sold here by Hoffman Drug Co. WHERE THE "SLICK" COINS CO. The Street Railway Company Sells Them by th Pound. Fur old silver $10.00 This Item apicara In the books of the street railway company. It rep resents nearly a year's accumulation of "slick" coins, sold to a buyer of old silver. There wero dimes, ipiar ters' half dollars and dollars In the lot sold nt tho iKiiind rate. "Wo do not knowingly accept smooth coins (nun our conductors," said A ,K. limit, tlio comany's cash ier. "Hut sometime they slip In. Whenever possible we return the money to them. If they lake it in they must keep It or, perhaps, pass It nlom;. Tlio banks will not accept slick pieces, that Is, pieces 011 which all traro of the government stump Is gone. Tim treasury "deiwrtmont will not redeem them. When wo can't trace up tlio mail who gavo us theso piecos wo throw them In 11 special box nnd mice a year sell them as old silver." Kami s City Star. Mothers who give their children Kennedy's laxative Couali Syrup In variably Indorse It. Contains Honey and Tar. Conforms to tho National l'uro 1'ood and Drug I.AW. Sold Dy Hoffman Drug Co. MCMILLAN. Special Correspondence. McMillan. I. T.. Jan. 7. Luclu awl Shannon Cox left Saturday for To cuniseh whoro they will Attend busi ness college. Our school Is progressing nicely. Trr For some reason Mr. Armstrong did not como to fill his appointment Sun day. John (inrditer and Jack lloattnan left Saturday for Teciimseh. Pod llurton who moved to town last week commenced clorklmc for l)r. rT "" " Milium Monday mornlt.if. , reprewntatlvo. In Coimrots aKreo Mr. and Mr. Zeko Williams nnd practically the unanimous Amer family of Wonverton visited Mr. nnd,le1"' tllBt n Krnvp II'"ali0 waB Mrs. Pod llurton Saturday nnd Sun-' made when tho canteen wns abolish. day. The young people had quite an en Joalde time at the party given In hon or of the im) a' departure for Tecum sell on the Uth Inst. TO RESTORE THE CANTEEN, LADIES IN V, ASHINGTON HAVE STARTED CLUB MOVEMENT. "THE ARMY CANTEEN CLUB" And Their Work It Extending Throughout the States, Believ ing It to be In the Interest sf Practical Temperance. Ardmoreit-' fecial. Waehlngt. I), c. Jan. . A nore mnt has bten started In Washington by a number of ladies, friends and relatives of the American soldiers. having for it principal object the re- wation of the army canteen. To ac- compllsh this end the ladles have '""ued a society to be known as "The Army Canteen Club," and have taken stepe to form similar clubs In the states. As a result of their extension work Army Canteen cluba are said to have been Inaugurated In Chicago, Cincinnati and at several places In New York State. It Is proposed to contlnuo "adding links to the chain," ! as 4 member expressed It. "until we , cover the American continent from j Maine to California and southward , to Florida." It Is the belief of the members of the local club that the restoration of the nrmy canteen will be In the Inter est of genuine practical temperance and 'against what thuy designate as "tho mistaken theory of temperance:." They have iptoted from the unani mous endorsement of the American Medical Society of tho movement of tho restoration of tho canteen to tlio military posts and soldiers' homos. At 11 rop.ttlt Mttxattnir of the local 1 ---n . nn .It.i.ftMlJ CUH Ul linn, IJU vlU1l, -..... r.. ..,... I. ,.1.1 nt Vn lini.H.I . .. I .iiiiij nmi-cii vim, iiviii us - 13th street, northeast, Mrs. Inez Sey- mour McConncll, a noted Washington , singer, was elected president. The other nlllcors chosen at tho samo tlmo wero Miss Charlotte Mulliofor, vice-, president; Miss Ilusslo Winchester, secretary; Miss l.lsso Mulliofer. treas tiror; Mrs. K. (!. Mitchell, financial secretary; Miss Narclasa Hayes, ser geant nt arms; and Mr. M. Dav idson of Ctitcago, organizer and spon sor. "Wo expect to be seconded In our 1 effort for the return of the army canteen most heartily by tho wives, 1 mothers, flsters and daughters or 1 soldiers, as well as by all American' women who agree with us that the enactment of tho antl-cantc-en law , was Ill-advised and has resulted in a large Increase of habitual drunkards! In the army, as Is shown by the re-1 1 cent roiort of Surgeon General 1 O'Reilly, U. S. A.," Bald one of the lolllcers of the club. "Wo also agreo I wiiii nntwrnl Cnrhln. who Is n real -"-Itemperance man. that ..nco the aboil - tton of the canteen there lias been an Increase In Immorality, drunkenness. lack of military discipline, desorllons. and gonoral dissatisfactions In tlio army. "Wo nlwi bellvo that at heart 11 chI. Wo are believers in ran. not 'theoretical, temperance nnd fanati cism. It Is also our opinion that thoso who nro petitioning Congress by tho thousands for tho restoration of the post exchanges, or canteens. Know exactly what It best for tho ar my of which they have been liioin- ! hers, while many of those who petl (loind for Its abolition did not know lint wns meant by 'canteen.' " This olllcer of the club also gave It as her opinion that tho absence of the canteen nt tho military post near Ilruwnsvllle, Texas, resulted In all the trouble there and caused the color ed soldiers to shoot up tho town. It was aim her belief that had thoro been a post exchange thoro tho sol diers would have been satisfied and would not have gone to llrownsvllle. The ladles composing the Washing ton Army Canteen club have adopted a miniature tin canteen, aftor the model of those won by Uncle Sam's fighting men, as a badge and emblem, and declare they have tho courage of their convictions and will light for , the restoration of tho catlteim until Wctory perches upon their banner. Why Scotch Whltky Is White. I "Po ynu know yhy Scotch whisky is light In color nnd American whls K) Is of a deep amber color?'" asked a traveling whisky salesman. "The reason Is," he continued, "that Amer ican whisky Is stored in casks that lime Imu charred Inside and thlB plui It the amber coloi. Scotch i ( I'lt vrv r . M-n . f t I th iie 1 rjiie -.far- In Sw Uar.d c.i--- ii: hlch herr nine has been n.atii:- are very much sougnt alter (or torlng of whisky. A good sherry nk often sells for as much as SO, shillings. The sherry wood is said to leld a peculiar and desirable fla-. or to the whisky." Attention Eagles, Regular meeting tonight at 7:30. The attendance of all members Is de sired. W. A. WOKMSY. I'resldent. THE DILL COLLECTOR'S DREAM. He Only Imagined That; the Skinflint Paid Him, 1 The bookkeeper was jollying the bill collector. l)o you ever make any col-; lections?" he aeked lightly. j "I)o 1? Well I should smile," ruuHed the collector. "Know that old balance for tSO. don't you, against Goldstein? ye? Well, I got It last night and p ten dollar bill to booL Made an all night Job of It.' "Don't say," replied the amaied bookkeeper. 1 "Yep; went lifter It about 12 o'clock last night and finally landed the main-1 ma. The junk shop was all lit up, you 1 know, and there was a gang or fel-, hanging around the office door, anA of '" kicking. Itemlnded me of the n)ob nt 0,lllM "l0- drama. Tha funny part of It was they were " collectors. 1 "i mitten in. 'wnata tip, boys?' say I. I "He's In there.' replied collector , from Kvan & Co. 'And we're after I blood or muney.' " Lot's get bth,' said I. 'I'm with you.' "Well, sir." pioceeded the hill col lector, scratching the mud from his coat, 'wo made a dash for tho door It was locked, jou know and bust It to sllntors; didn't last as long as a I snowball In in July. Then we mado a 1 rush for tho old skecsicks. He nlways waa n . .r naM ...... i. ....... nun ueuu-u u collector iiko lie would a book agent. Hut he got his, all right, Kun? Why it wns better than loopimr tho loop. Tho old Milan's clerks were there, too, hut wnen ho hollered for help, they Just sneered nnd Bavo him 'o uomnn net turnca their thumbs down, you know. "Then enmo the crowning pjory, continued tho collector, with a right eous Hush on his face. "One f the pi rates found a big roll of money In tho victim's HJcliot, nnd a bin roar wont tip. 1 " 'Dlvy up! nivy up!' shouted a doz-' en voice at onco. j "So I grabbed the roll of nmnnv 1 and peddled it out. 1 kept SCO for our balance and $10 for myself, and then thon tho alar mbroke looso nnd 1 camo away. It was only a dream you know." Would Evanncllic the World. Ardmorelte Special. Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 0. "Clo ye therefore into all tho world and i.ranni, 11. ... . ., .. ' carrle(1 0llt century if the plana of the delegates ( Ul.. ,,inoent, anuai conference of the 1 r. elgn Mission boards, which nut toc'iiy In the Young Men's Chris tun ei-soi'iallen building, aro brought to 11 i".iosfnl completion. Promt nuit hijn.u: -oprosentlng every Prot tusunt clii.icli, lucltiiiliig many mil lloiialres and business ni"n aro Interested in tho movemont, nnd there will bo no lack of funds to nc compllsh the great task set before them. Tho laymen's missionary move ment for tho eviingellzntlun of the world hnd Its origin at tho' centennial celebration of tho haystack prayer meeting, hold nt tho Fifth avenue church in New York last November, and since them has spread throughout J the country. Among the prominent men who will deliver addresses 011 the subject nt tlio meetings today and tomorrow are lllsluip Ilashford of Chi na, ex-Gov. llenvor of Pennsylvania, Ilobert 12. Spoer of Now York, Wil liam Jap Schleffelln of New York, and Joshua Levering o! Baltimore, John S. Iluyler of confectionery fame. Mayor A. P. lliirchfiold of PIttBburg, John XV. Foster of Washington nnd N. W. Harris of Chicago. TUSSY, Special Currosponilonco. Tussy, I. T., Jan., ".Pino weather marks tno opening of tho new year. Farmers have gathored all their cropt and aro now preparing for nn other. Several of our penplo Intend moving to New Mexico whoro thoy have homo steaded hinds. J. A. Peddycoart loft for that country a few days ago. I J. D. Dhon hna two very sick chil dren. Jesse McCarty has beon very low with pneumonia but Is reported Im proving. Don't follow In the footsteps of your competitors. Set tho pace. A MYSTERIOUS CARD. Murk Titnln'a OiM ttrqtieiif nml IIimt ?lr. llptrlmiil Ititcliril It. Whi-E I w-ni l.av.R II fut Wablngtou upon 'n- kt.k "m i irlfe said: "t have wrltti n a -i . warning nnd put It In a i k t .vmr dress vet When ymi ar: lr it to po to the authiiM' rp iti"ti tit tl.e White House on will iiflturady lut your fingers In your m-M - -r. a. cording to your vi-t in. ntid ) w.'A Hnd that little note there. It. -nd it carefully and do as It telU uu. I cannot I with you. and so t d. :. -ut'' my sentry duties to tins little ti' te. If I sbonkl give you the warning ''J' word of mouth now It would p.m fr.n your bead and be forgotte.i tti n few mlnntes." It was I'resldent rievcl.m Ts first term. I had never seen his wife, the young, the beautiful, the goxl hearted, the sympathetic, the fusoi-. iiuu Sure enough. Just as I bud (li. . -IieJ drewtlng to go to the White II u 1 fouwl that little note, wln.h I had long ago furgotten. It v.. is n i we little note, a serious Mttlo ti-.t lik. Its writer, but It made 1110 liuh I.lvy's gentle grnvltle often pruili-i-1 that effect Uion tne where the cxtM t humorist's best Joke would have fill, ed. for I do not laugh cosily. When wo reached the White Iloue anil I was shaking hands fie president bo started to say sometliint;. bttt I Interrupted lilm and said: "If your excellency will exeuso m--I will come bnck In a moment, but iiou I have a very Important matter to .it tend to, and it must bo attended to at once." I turned to Mrs. Cleveland, tli young, tho beautiful, the n nnd gave her my card, on the I n !. of which I had written "Ho didn't." 11 I asked her to sl-n her uamo below those words. She said: "Ho didn't? Ho didn't what 5" "Ob," I said, "never mind! Wo cannot stop to dlsctws tbnt now. This U urgent. Won't you please sign your inline?" I lianiUil her a fountain pen. "Why," she snld. "I cannot commit myelf In that way. Who is It that didn't? And what Is It that he didn't?" "Ob," I said, "time Is Hying. Hying, tlylug! Won't you take me out of my dlntrem nnd sign your nnmo to It? It's nil right. I give you my word It's all right." She looked nonplused, but hesitat ingly and mechanically she took the pen and said: "I will sign It. I will take tho risk. Hut you must tell mo all about it right afterward, so that you can bo arrested before you get out of the house In ense there slmuld be anything criminal about this." Then she signed, and I handed her Mrs. Clemens' note, which was very brief, very simple and to the point. It snld, "Don't wear your arctics In the White IIcue." It made her shout, nnd nt my request she summoned n mci senger. and we sent that card nt once to the mall 011 its way to Mrs. Clemens In Hartford. Mark Twain's Autobiog raphy In North merlcan l.evicw. Wufi-r In (Hit l.omloii. I)iidon's original water supply, says tho Chicago li.illy News, was the river 'Thames, and every apprentice was -Hp-plloil with 11 water tankard for train Iortlng liquid to the house. As early u 1 170 there were "water thieves," "for III this yero a wex chandler In I'leet street had bl craft perced a pipe of tho condlt wlthynne the ground, and so conveled the water into his selnr: wherefore he wns Jugld to ride thrugh tho elteo with 11 condit upon bis liedi..'." The first oltk-lal water supply for Lon don was mado In Cermnuy. In l."S'J Peter Mnurlce, n (lermnn, made an en gine nt London bridge by which water was conveyed In lead pipes to tho citi zens' houses, nnd lie and his descend uuU became rich on the proceeds. ClirUtimiM laliinil. "I spent last Christmas on Christmas Island," said 11 globe trotter. "In tho morning I bathed In the sen nnd In the afternoon, dresied In white llnnucl. I played tenuis. Christmas Inland Is In the Indian ocean. It Is always summer there. The thermometer nev er falls below 70 and never rises above IX) In the shade. There's nlways u cool, pure wind from the southeast. Fresh fruit and (lowers and vegetables are as plentiful in Jnnuiry as In July. This little parndNe Is nine miles lun;; and ten miles wide." 'I'rt'titliof the IriNiiiie. In 170(1 William Tuke. n Quaker, opened the first national nsyluiu for tlio Insane In York, Kagland. A fuw years earlier a Frenchman named PI net had mado n similar effort to restore the mental1)- deficient to the rank of human beings. Plnel's plan was that of nonrostralnt, n system then unheard of mid, of course, to bo ridiculed as a preposterous heresy. It Is now being followed o cry where. llfr l'liui. lie Do you bellevo In long engage ments? She It nil depends. Ho 1 don't understand. Shu If ho has plenty of money and Is Inclined to bo liberal n long engagement Is the thing, but If ho cannot afford boxes nt the opera and such thing? I nlways make his regime very short. Cotiuterliiir 11 Touch, "Don't you think you'ro wasting your time talking tho value of econ omy to lllnnk? Ho hasn't nuy money." "I know, but I hnrc." Detroit l'reo Press. Thoro nre stars so distant that n fly. Ing machine moving at the rate of !00 miles nn hour would reijuiro 500,000. (W yetirs to reach them. Stomach is A Danger Signal Gai on ' jr a H, Yc' ' m- , p:i)S arJ weaken. Ing pert; ra- m rc a. ,ng ti f a: 't ire the iign nature rrjv.Jd as it' r irh uarmnj:'. The mot general and on. cure for nuh ai!mcn;s ii to prompt'y cleanse the bowels. If the proper phytic ii taVen, relief is almoit immediate, but because the proper phytic is not taken, chronic casei of consti pation, indigestion, dytpepiia and many other ailmenti that are directly due to theie duorderi are let up. The phyiics uiually taVen nits, pills, tablets.etc, do cleanse the bowcli but not without causing a great lost of itrength. The boweli cannot then perform their functioni without another physic and continually a itrongcr drug is required, until a dangeroui "pill habit" has been formed. Dr. Caldwell's Syrupjfepsjn has a strengthening influence upon the bowels and intestines. It is pleasant to not weaken or gripe, and never establishes the dangerous habit which most other remedies do. Dr. Caldwell's Svrun Pepsin is sold by all druggists at 50 cents and Your iniinnr linclc If It Pepsin Syrup Co., Monticcllo, 111., U. S. A. We Di but New type, new presses, most skilled work men and the best selected and largest stock of paper and envelopes in the city TELEPHONE and a solicitor will G order will be delivered when promised. I Ardmoreite VELIE C. SUfiGS, Manaetr I - sJ C sssmsss-m ill 1 1 r 11 - - p " rjT.',g.;aM.-:j'j..v:cM BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. In tho mater of Douglas & Lee, bankrupts, In bankruptcy. To tho Honorable Hosea Townscnd, Judge of the district court of the Unit ed t-tntes for the Southern District of the Indian Territory: Douglas & Lee, of Glenn, In tho Southern District of tho Indian Terri tory, In said district, respectfully rep resent that on tho 19th day of No vember, last past, ho was duly adjudg ed bankrupt under tho acts of Con gress relating to bankruptcy; that ho has duly surrendered all his property and rights of property, and has fully compiled with nil tho requirements of said acts and of tho orders of tho court touching Ills bankruptcy. Whoreforo ho prays that ho may bo decreed by tho court to hnvo a fuB dlscharco from nil debts provahlo against his estnto under said bankrupt nets, except such debts nn nro except ed by law from discharge. Dated this Ith day of January, A. D. 1007. DOUGLAS & Li:i:, Ilankrupts. Southern District of tho Indian Ter ritory, BS. On this Ith day of January, A, D. 1907, on reading tlio foregoing peti tion, It Is ordered by tho court that a hearing bo hnd upon tho samo on tho 17th day of January, A. D., 1907, beforo said court at Ardmore, In said District, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, nnd that no tlco thereof bo published In tho Ard morelte, n newspaper printed In said district, and that all known creditors and other persons In Interest may np pear at tho snld tlmo nnd placo and show cnuso ,lf any thoy have, why tho prayer of tho petltlunor should not bo granted. And It Is further grunted by tho court that tho clerk shall send by mail to nil known creditors copies of snld petition and this order, ad dressed to thorn at tholr places of res idence as last stated. Wltnoss, tho Honorable Hosen Townscnd, Judgo of tho snld court, and the seal thereof, at Ardmore. In said district, on tho -1th day a. Jan uary, 1907. Distress 'X,. .-t i,,, $ per bottle. don't bonoftt you call upon you. Your Job Dept. (Seal of the Court.) C. M. CAMPIIELL, Clerk. IJy W. S. CItOCKhTT. Deputy. First published January C. 1907. Hoffman's Throat and Lung Syrup renders coughs harmless It cures. Money back If It doosn't. Price 23c. C F. J. UAMSRY, Druggist. Notice In Dankruptcy, In the District Court of the United Status for tho Southern District, at Ardmore. In tho matter of Hdgar Smith, bank rupt, In bankruptcy. To tho creditors of F.dgar Smith in tho Southern District In the In dian Territory, nt Ardmore, n bank rupt: Notlco Is horoby given that on tho 31 day of Dec .1900, tlio said Ed gar Smith wns duly adjudged bank rupt, and tbnt tho first meeting of his creditors will bo held nt my olllce at tho court house In the city of Ard more, on tho 10th day of January, 1907, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may at tend, prove, their clnlms, appoint a trustee, examine tho bankrupt nml transact such othor business ns may coma before snld meeting. JOHN HINKLK, Iteforeo In llankruptcy. First published Dec. 31, 1900. Disturbed the Congregation. Tho person who disturbed tho con grcgatlon last Sunday by contlnuall) coughing Is requested to buy n bottl of Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold b. Hoffman Drug Co., City Drug Store. The Poetical Calendar. January Wind nnd snow. February Illlzznrds blow. March More wind to stir tho dust. April Showers nnd thunder gust. May Tho applo blossom snows, June Tho violet nnd tho rose. July Tho lovely summer maid. August Hammocks In tho shade. September Summer's second birth. Octobor Finest immth on onrth. November Hauling In tho com. December Haik, tho Christmas horn! a Notteiag Friiit S Subscribe for Tho Ardmorelte.