Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Wednesday, January 9, 1907 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAOE THREE NEGROES USE FIRE BRANDS Ins stolen horses. They hud nil boon In the. Liberal army of the Constitu tion. Tho guard iloo vory Rood service but ennnot be everywhere. Tho In flammable nature of sugar cane at this season, Its exposed comtltlan, tho LIBERALS IN CUDA BURN SUGAR mso m"1 wll whlc 11 c"n 1,0 MV N PLANTATIONS. were captured fully nrmed and lid- many have nothing like the corruption net Tho act was a drawing room In tho government that we have, slm- in thu scene tne nam ncaricu parem lily because they pay them enough to orders his daughter from his house, bo honest. Most men prefer to be ' nd. ns she remains, Imploring tils honest but we must not put too great ' forgiveness, he pulls n bell eor.1 for a temptation before them. If con-1 n servant that she may be removed by grossman wore paid $10,000 per an-, forf ' , iVll wuiil won umu imn point, hhb 1 num. and circuit Judge who Interpret our laws paid likewise, these offlchls .I-..., ... ..... i i.... I tvt.nlii iri'a na much liftltr. ami cor- mercy of these fellows who are paid ! rnptlon would be reduced to a mini- v I . for Immunity with sumclent frequeii- mum g U uUhIKUL loLAriU lug attractive to them, and costly to - I those who deny them. " I It may bo necessary for tho United Yes, raise their pay! Conservatives and Property Owners States to take n hand before this sort Look to United States for Prop er Protection Rural Guards Are Doing Their Best. i of outrage Is stopped. The troopers are Impatient to begin It, but the pro-1 I visional government's policy Is, for 1 a while at least, to rely on the native I guard. This Inertness of tho Amerl-1 A Cuban dispatch says: lea,, foreoi, due to the desire that Cn- Frequent Incendiary II res on sugar bans shall control Cubans In the mere ' estates continue to annoy the Provis- enforcement of law, Is not understood Senator Koraker In his vain endeav or to puncture Itoosevelt's jvopularlty, Is mlng as a champion "coon" advo cate. In rebuking tho president for discharging those negro murderer) and accessories from the army. The people of this country, regardless of party, approve what the president did. In discharging the negroes who shot tip llrownsvllle. NEWSPAPER CHAFF. lonnl k vemment. These nro held to 'y the people at large. It does uot , A1( ftwyOTH like to tako a rest, bo due to the natural Inclination of n' conduce to the restoration of public j.iio WM,t tit ns, nnd sllll certain element of the Cuban itopula-1 confidence. Trade In the Interior lias i BVerge lawyer's happiest Hon that for -i-s has amn.l Itself 1 fallen olT to practically nothing. Aj when working with a will, in thu vr.,. It is asserted that no , low wholesale house In Havana, I Philadelphia Preta. pjitlculnr attention should be paid , with an extensive Island trade, re. I ! . . . . I 1 ... i.. i. Tltltn Inlmnr tmvlnff 111 111 IHllte" to the wldesprend liululgonco there- ir nw iraiumui. m .in,n. ......v ...... - part for me In Marks tho barrister " In this season and the Idea that pol-' doing a little business, but say, that .Ion a couple of ie" h ch lir mi mMarkt. tho barrister. 3 been made la'" very i-bb. mm.,...,. ( t reached, t'nlucklly, however, Instead tif pulling tho bell cord, he caught the one which opened the snow-box, and inslanty tho largo white flakes tilled the nlr and covered the carpets and furniture. "llah! I have opened tho sky-light!" the actor said, with well stimulated disgust, and gave tho proper cord an angry Jerk. Llpplncott's. .1- An Kngllsh actor of some promi nence was dining with some friends In this countr). One of them asked him If he had found any American plays that he thought he could use In Kngland. "Oh. yes." ho replied. "I lure seen one or two that I fawncy will Iks on the other side. In fort. I have en tered Into negotiations for several. One that appeals to me strongly Is a, play called "Ten Krenlngs In a Pub lie House," where I shall play John ! Morgan, and another Is named "Undo l Thomas' Hesldence," which has a fine Socialist to Speak. Telephone Subscribers, Notice. Tn Soolallstw hnvo arranged to Wo wish to nnnounco that wo aro have Mlsi May Heals of Mnrysvllle. transferring our lines to tho now ex- Tenn., tho author of the publication, "Tho Holiel at l.argp," to speak In this city tin Wednesday night nt tne court house. The young woman com hornlded as nn eloquent talker, and no doubt a largo crowd will gather to hear her discuss socialism. illcs can have anything to do with 1 absolutely no sales have iiri. nn. nf iiiMintiir ts imimiiiiipwl since August to those In absui d and unwarranted. town. l'rlvate Information shows that pol- The prospects of the early retire Itlcs lins very much to do with u con-! niont of the provisional Interior I1'"- R,,ln 11,0 next nl,rnl"K l" i the fowl-mn, Johnnie's tamer was sur prised to find nti ostrich egg tied t one of tho lieams, and above It a dltlon that ran not bo cured until government and the announced Inten- ' mj ;hg aml J() politics is laid aside In dealing with tion of handle over contiol to the ,..T,, )mg It. Tho negroes who are doing tho successful pau In the new eUctlons, hHVt, ,,,ayeil n ,)rftctcnl Joko burning are Liberals, hoping for gov-' which will surely bo the iwrty to wrUorg , my tme. ,,, ti10 vet. tinn.ent places and trying to live off vvnicn me marauding negroes A yellow-haired descendant of the Vikings wnlked Into the oiilco ot n prominent attorney thi other day and said: "Ay want you to make somo iwivers vmt. Ay buy n farm In Powell Valley nnd Ay tank ,y want n mort gage." "Why do you want n mort gage," exclaimed tlo lawver. "If you liotight the farm? Don't you want n Speoial Notice. To the l'hysleians of Ardmore: As somo ot tho physicians of this city have failed lo report Infectious and contagious diseases to me as City Health Oltlcer. at required by law, I desire to call the attention of all phy sicians to the following City Ordi nance, relative to your duly In such cases: "Sec. 473. That hereafter all physi cians, practicing within the City of Ardmore, be and are hereby required to reKrt nil cases of Infectious and contagious diseases Immediately after coming under their treatcimit or to their knowledge within the city lim its or within five miles thereof to the Hoard ot Health." "Bee. 471. Any phslelan falling to report a case of Infectious or con tagious disease under treatment by htm to the Hoard of Health Immedia tely, after hat reasonable grounds as a physician to believe that tho case Is of that nature, shall be guil ty of a misdemeanor and upon convic tion before the iiollce court bo lined In any turn not exceeding I'ifty Dol lars." 1 desire to state that hereafter 1 change nnd will render servlco with as little Interruption ns possible, but there wilt necessnrlly bo a number of telephones cut out temporarily ami ns our switching facilities ha twoen tho old and new systems nr.s limited, there will bo more or less do lay. Wo therefore kindly nk our stio scrlbers to bo n patient with tho op erators as possible ,nnd to limit their uso of tho telephones to actual bus I in i requirements and not allow tin time of the operators to bo taken tp by children nnd outsider. CHICKASAW TIM.Hl'HONi: CO. Win. II. Ilerry, Oen. Mgr. 4-10. Tho bunco man apHtluts himself n divorce Judge for the purMse of sea rating a fool from his coin. r-run miiiTHisimr. .in mi nun m in .... ... ,., . ,, ... . ... tho Miinlrv t.v l.lnrkmnll nli.l nlllnirn. CatlSCK dealet In nil KllldS OI Sllll-, ,.,... ii ,l, ii..Iq,. ravn. iwin.- ' . ,..v ........ , e,. ,t (iinnuii. iiiiiiijiiiK ........... while they wait for the new elections ' plies to consider It unwise to carry i lltmii no Wroto from Moscow to a that will put their party In power. , any moio stocK tnan is necessary io rlmrcll lm,lcP n descriptive letter, Tiw.v m.. neniiv 7o i.r epnt of that 1 supply tiioir trauo, which ior uio party, and what they will demand un- tam(, reason Is gradually decreasing-d-r tin next Hepubllc hat been sot Hut for tho grinding ot cane which forth i ci. neral Hstanox and it now Is ripe the country would lie at a echoed b Col. Lucas Mnrrero, chief standttlll. Tourists promote a little Vhlcli ended: '"Hut I can write no more. Tho gorgeous domes ot the city beckon mo, and 1 go.' "'I,' said tho veteran, with a loud of the Kihloplans in San Juan y .Mar- irnue in iibvhiih, um mw rmuim liuigu, iimuu uumn ujiih. line? who Mivs- luess It reported as uaviug iniion on , i-niiH(ieipnia iiiuieun, It Is not possible Hint wo the long 80 per cent. suffering sons of the colored race be longer the victims of tho whlto Liber als who were Inordinately ambltloiu." Tho "victims" claim four senators nnd fourteen con congress and at of the offices In tho several govern ment departments. In the menntlme the ntplranta for OLD HICKORY CHIPS. "Mother, does Dr. Smith wear his everyday clothes under that long wlhto gown when ho preachos?" nsked a lit- According to the Atnerlciia, Cla., tle Rlrl who had seen the edge ot the In the next T'"10 Hecord. "Mitt Amerlcus would . ministers trousers undor his robe, -".."inr.o lnio liav" appreciated an electric plant In "Yes, donr, was the reply. ? . "... rvl.r I ur Chrlttmat ttocklng." Does Mitt i "Well," she continued, "now I know Amerlctu hall from Chicago? I It seems that Mr. Itootevelt had n why It Is called a surplus." Harpcr'a Weokly. ago Ay buy a farm and gotta deed and nodiler feller come along with a mortgago and tako da farm. Ay tank Ay talc a mortgage." Argonaut. MISSOURI HANGINGS. positions of public trust "'' M, hol nl wlllI gol)b)or , Senator Tillman tolU a story on Ylnrlnl. hut mlBfotl. i. - nt.t nn ntf f linlr1 ntMinLT, z 'picnic:- a;;;;: Ttr dubbed moir . It's only the i himself as to how ho was ldontldcd by a postonico monoy order cicri; Two Murderers Will Hang In That State Tomorrow, Ardmorelto Siwclal. St. Louis, Mo. Jan. 9. For murder ing his foster patents, Henry Venter and wife, by cutting their throats with a razor while they wore asleep, William !-:. Church will bo hanged at Warrcnton, fifty mile west of here, tomorrow. It It stated that Governor Folk will not Interfere with the execu tion of tho sentence mid that tho only chance ot delay is through the federal courts. tlclan to have the aliovo ordinance onforcod to the letter. Only by so doing can tho best interests of tho public health and safety he served and my duty faithfully per formed. I sincerely ask the assistance of each nnd every physician in Ardmore that overy precaution possible may bo obtained, hoping to ultimately have n city absolutely free from fur ther preventable diseases. Ilespect fully, C. K. SHACKHLKOHD. C-3 City Physician of Ardmore. Handcrlnc conception of tho last revolution, by fcc-tlng fire to tho cane of planters who refuse to send or pay in nrinln mini-tors Ihuro Is a live-1 City, hem a few ' tliat 'e nuxt I,ru'd"t of the I e'" " c"f " them n few ' " ho dronned In at tho nostoinco to cash weigu mree nuiiu-1 , , . , , .... I tiers of Wntren county, who had rear whon he first arrived nt the Capital i oil joung Church aud In tlielr will left Wnrka wnnilpr- It prnduro. htr Jtmt nrlv n. r.ilu nnd aMnhini, itrodurn rrn". It iriililr n thick growth ! liixiirlnnt hair uhun nil iti,r r-m-i1ptt fnll. Wn icu.r- iiiitnH llnnil,.riHM All ilru....., , .. Tlin murder occurred August SO. ' tuonml fi.itiir ii'itim Tn lirii m lln wnMh' 1903, tho victims being pioneer set-', Z'llX'ZV: WS"!:. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Condensed Statement of the Condition of Tho Ardmoro National Dank AT AHDMOIlK. INK. Tr.R.. AT TIIK CI.OHB 01' 11UM1NKNM. NOV. I'i.lwt. ItnCAI'lTULATKJN. flenourees. Umaa $3&S,o:iG.S3 IT. S. Hands 1CG.U00.U0 Fixtures L'.UOO.UU Cash CCG91.S7 S72,C:8.4U Liabilities. Capital Stock l'ald In J100.000.00 Surplus nnd profits (net) .. 47,077.11 Circulation 100,000.00 Hills Paynblo 10,000.00 Deposits 314,951.29 WARNING ORDER. In tho United SLates Court In the In- dlan Territory, Southern District: Jno. S. Seeds, plaintiff, vs. Hhod.l Reeds, defendant. No. 0901. Tho defendant, Hhod.l goods 1.1 warned to appear In this court In thir ty days and answer the complaint of tho plaintiff. Jno. S. Seeds. Witness tho Honorable Hosen Town send, Judge of said court, nnd tho seal thereof, this 4th day of January 1907. (Seal). (!. M. CA.MIIHLL, Clerk. lly W. S. Crockett, Deputy. 1' II. W. McGIll attorney. Attornoy for non-rotldent, S. II. Hut ler. First published Jan. 4, 1907. How to Avoid Pneumonia. Vott can avoid pneumonia ami oth er serious results from a cold by tak ing Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough and expels the oold from the system as It Is mildly laxative. Refuse any but the genuine In the yel low package. Sold by Hoffman Drug Co., and City Drug Store. De.ilh Is n welcome relief to the man who is forced to hustle 18 hours a day In order to keep tho premiums on his life Insuranco policies paid up. "I hnd tried everything for my baby, until Dr. Lle recoiiimend"it Cascasweet. I enn truthfully say It Is the best medicine I ever used for babies."' Nannie L. Taylor, Hedford, Vn.. Cascasweet Is told by IIoTman Drug Co. Only n mother can distinguish be tween tho inlschlevousnoss ot hor boy nnd tho badness of the boy next door, Subscrlbo for Tho Ardmorelto. S72.G2S.40 I No bettor index to tho growth of Ard tho constant mil steady Incrense In moro can ne found than Is rcilccted In j j tho deposits of tho Ardmoro National Hank. I,EE CRDCB, President 9. W. 8TUAIIT. Cashier. DROWN & DRIDGM AN Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmero. Largest lino of Funeral Goods In Indian Territory. W. P. POLAND Knowllnn l)anU'lil, l , . tucnun. Ill, Court Dockets. Those Interested In tho proceedings of tho court may obtain n neatly printed copy of tho dockets for tho January term of tho federal court ut the Ardmorelto olllre. l'rlco 50 cents. Dealer FARM LANDS Wants to buy 1000 ncrcs In tracts notlusa than 60 acres. See Mt at Once Office over First Natl. Bit. . ,4f uuueu maic into numii tt.ttro ..i,.... centemes on demnnu. lompiauuB , itim,i.i,.i n monoy tinier. shortage of labor como from overy , .' ' .. . "Do you know- nnyono l.oro who trni nnd icnurU of an unusual ""- could identify you7" nsked tho cleric. him all the property they possessed. Church fled the comitiy nnd was later arretted In I'hlladelphln, where he was stationed In the marine cijrp,, h.-ivtuir enlisted Rliortlv after coinmtt- f-nntrnl ami leporis oi m uini.. ... . ., uuum luemiij juui unnni iiiu tii-ii. m".b.'' of vagrants from overy vll- "'" l)f flar otUer m,artcrs lImt Well, no," tho senator answered, j ting tho deed. Ho was convicted and lage Truth Is many membort of the 110 mn' Il0t' "Is that necostary? I nm Hen Tillman tho sentonco of death affirmed by Constitutional army are "toldlery." ,. -p-r- , lleI. of South Carolina." , tho supremo cou.t. Judge Ilmg..,, .1- , still in old Cuban style. In bands ot n ) ' Btate-! T" B'"1"f,,'1 ,hon ;ho ,e r me, to 'u U ...r ,.. ,0.1"""' "", ..nn w If lin illiln't hnvo nmi) loll, ra nllnl III llnlldUll Hlnir tv III the CI 111 ml I nent reference without tounuaiion in , o more and efuso to w ' " ho didn't have somo letters allel In llendlsl. atr.K-Hy in ,1. e,l. ";,U B f 1 .1 o ambl-! mmt U S ratuI 0 1 ,c or papers that vmuld make hint know,, , inal records ot the state and with., urn . .-. nent reference wi noui lounuauo, . poitofflco nuthorltes. - of " f o ' me 1 lfact" U Sma b0Uer fr " ,)U"" Tl.o senator had put on a new suit they can dls po of. on d 0 000 Amer , (o K thnt wa. can troops who aro going nv a . ttand between thorn and what they aro Mf ,,, ,, suppose,! to have fought or. saying that ho would give 0.000.0 0 ho It is undeniably true ha t the ne- , ro,mblllrte uvGov. Odoll In poll- llla walIct mil, im,ceC(Ie(1 to goarch for gro olomont fully expects tho 11 j ties. Mr. Harrlman evidently realizes nrtc)o o WcnU(,0B,Ion but cmlM try to be turneu over . "- "" that It vvouiu tie a strenuous um.e.u.iv- m)ti,nB but a small photograph of ItiB- 1 himself. BU1T0N iim Americans dopart. nnd that they will fight whoever else may fail holr to tho control. It Is also true that the conservative classes seo tho ih. slblllty ahead nnd nro preparing for them. Thoy will never remain tjuiot under negro domination. There nro n lot of illtlcal compli cations In the case, but these are the main factt when .U hnvo been anal ytot: , , Tho Liberal parly will probablj cut into two or tliroo factions, but that will not niter the indicated result. Xo ttablo republic U regnred possi ble by serious men whoso oplnlcn Is n shadow of mitigating clrciiiiiBtniin s. Church declares that he Ik nnxlmw to lie hanged and that the only favnr he wants Is "A chume to cut th. heart out of John Young of Warren ton.'' He refute to explain his ennil .ty for Young, who was formerly ono of IiIb friends. Many people believe that Y'oung Is mentally deranged. . I "This will do, I suppose," ho said, A famous Clerman nttronomor tnys lmI11I1K ,t , ,ho (mIer c,ork there Is smoko on tho ninon. 1'orhapt ho lias discovered a sou of lunar I'ltttbtirg with hit sky-glass. Panama has glvon President Ama dor, formal permission to return Mr. Hootevelfi vitlt. Fortunately for our protident, ho dooa not have to ask anybody when ho wants to mako a few pop calln. The "Superb" a now battleship for tho Drltlsli navy, will be oven moro uvery I formidable than the "Dreadnought." "WhyOZI 030.. the:' Somn..$ etn "Why, sure! That's you, nil right." remarked tho man behind tho countor, handing over tho cash. Llnplncott's MY GOOD. vrdmorelte Special. Centorvillo, Mlttouri, Jan. 9 Wil liam Spatlgh, Jr., will be hanged hero tomorrow fur tho murder of Sheriff John W. Polk of Iron county. In Mas, ; 19CG. The cote was triod here on a chango of vonue and the coiidemued I man convicted of murder In the tlit ... .. 11.. l,lr,rai1 llV OVCry ' lOrilllllUUlO UIUII UIO " conlldentlally indorsed by cv ir to (uw ,n fr,n nmiliist to the -biieereu may cuuno u - the Liberals to mako tho election teem less a farce. Promise of offlco Is a groat organising, force, but tho opposition wilt contain no truly rep retentntlvo or serious minded body of citizens. Tho conservative policy U to lenvo It all to the Liberals nnd tho United Statos. The property owners look to tho lnttor. whatever happens. Much of tho disorder Is In Santa Clara Province. From there have como tnlos of uprising, which were merely tho operation! of roaming, tilackinalllng negroes. Political con ditions nro particularly bad In tho province and Oov. Magoon has had an additional S00 Amorloan troopors Font there. It Is not proposed to uso tho United States forco to p'lt down Cuban bandits or hot headed parti san unless tho rural guard fills to do lt. At Clnlnoss this Week a -lards- man shot aud killed a negro n-aud The Chicago Journal says tho na tlvos of New Guinea make dip-not of spldor web, sit on tho banks watch ing for pasting llsh, and whon thoy appear, scoop them up. As a starter for tho New Year, that's a fairly tall Ish fish story. Vlco President Fairbanks returnol I 1,1 W'aBllltllFlnil Plnrliln, l,vt. ' pressed with tho reception there and , Krc- IIIa bro,her' A"1 S,,a,u:"' with the cordiality with whech tho ' ""w ervlnK a ,lr, llvo yei" 8"" , peoplo who gathered at Tampa to hear tenco In the state penitentiary for his him and Indorsed him for protident for ' complicity In the cilme. Mary I. IflOS. "How was llio ornniro cron. Mr. I Spaugli, mother of the two boys, v as Vlco President?" ho was atked. "Fine. Jointly Indicted with them for the ( ho replied, "Fine." And tho lemon j murder of Sheriff Polk, but was crop?" "Oh, thoro nro no lemons left; 'granted u teverance. Later she was Mr. Hearst got thorn all." Kansas ! convicted of complicity and sentenced i Now that tho holiday season : over, and, also, our '"stocH taHinii" finished, wc aro aifnin ready for lots of business. Our inventory shows that wo have quite a lot more jioods than wc desire to carry over in many departments and by shopping here you'll find wc are jfivinji you tho best of it by ODDS, all over the house. Our business the past year has shown up very favorably, which proves that lioods and prices arc correct, and to Keep up our standard of offering you nt ALL times fresh, new lioods of BEST QUALITY, it is necessary to malio the extra special "clean up" prices. We list below a few items, but come let us show you our choice selections and make you the PRICES. We have the Goods you want for all hinds of weather; City Star. Persia recolveit a constitution fot a New Year's protent. If Portia Is v.iso sho will nail tho flag lo tho c -Munition whllo tho latter Is young t l Intact. Thero Is n groat amount of Sntcrost 'i- ing manifested In tho nuettl.j.i ' n'l.ios paid to government orai'uu. F- -v fair-minded thoughtful man mut admit that salaries paid to con grssmen and tenntors nro too unall. W "ay 15,000 per annum to t'..em, which Is not ns much ns a capablo msn could mako outside, and besldt. T'rnnklln K. Lane, Intorstato com merce commissioner, wont West last Saturday. Ho wanted to roiorvo n berth from Chicago to Minneapolis. to Ion yonrs In prison. " A new trial i was grnntiHl by tho circuit court nnd the caso la mill ponding. Ten Dollars Reward. Stolon January 3; from hitch rarlt Ho wired tho request to Chicago nnd nt COurt house, one gray hone, ten this reply camo back: "Can't do It. In-1 yenrs ,, jg handB high, heavy built. ( tersiato commerce commission win i g10(j no ),randB scar from wire cut not ullow It." Li.nv., i.-noo bml on good red leuther Ho fired a wire to Chicago, reading: Ln,,,n win nav JM00 reward for "Hy whnt authority do you say Inter state commerce commission will not allow you to reserve a berth in n sleeping car?" The Pullman agent answered: "ny the authority of a recent ruling.' Mr. Lane wn Interested by this time and ho telegraphed: "I am a member of tho Interstnto commerco commission nnd nm not familiar with tho ruling. Olvo mo n reference." And a short tlmo afterward ho re ceived this telegram: "Ilerth reserv ed." Washington News Letter, The manager of a New York thentor Ladles j illored Suits 14! oft Ladles Coats U oil Children's nnd Mlsso Cloaks.. 1-3 oft All Ladles' Heavy Melton, Unfinished Worsted and llroadcloth, aud some light-weight skirts at Vi oft IjuIIcV Illousos, or Sweaters.. U eft Ladles' Waists, Including our swell lines Woolens, Silks, Swiss, Plali Waists, slmrt or long sleeves, hand somely trimmed off -PEEL i COMPANY a llnest lino ComfsrU and Blantc . In tho City. NOW Is your chance to get somo nt U oft Fascinators and Shawls 1-3 oft Illg lino Itubber Hoots, Hubbor Slip pers and llucklo Arctics, just re ceived for men, vw.mon nnd chil dren. Keep your feet Jrv and pre servo your health. All Men's nnd Hoys' Suits.... 1-3 off All Moii'h and Ilviys' Ovorcoats U oft All Men's and Hoys' Sweaters. . yt oft roturn of horso and ssddlo to lloblnson llrowu, Ardmoro ,1. T. 9 SIMON. Special Correspondence. Simon. I. T., Jan. 7. Mrs. M. U Mitchell, who was reported 111 last week. Is still very low. Her recovery Is extremely doubtful. Our school began this morning with Miss Salllo Edwardt of Check at tho head. A fairly good nttendanco Is ro-1 ported. W. M. Phillips Is reported to bo n very sick man with a complicated caso We want you to sue what we have to sell whether you buy, or not. Our Staple Goods You'll find are from 1-2 to 2c per yard cheaper than other stores examine them; compare quality and price. We want a Chance to Show Tou We Can Save You Money! Spot Cash No Credit It subjects them to a great temptation er nnd Major. Slocum Immei: tely , to accept annual retainers from rail- u,lla of tno quickness of thought of a I of pneumonia promoicn iiim insiruu m hjiuk mm ronus, inisis anu me iiko, i " i certain actor, tno ptay neing prodiic- . for murder, ns tho peoplo wanted out for their Interest when they nro Cd was n good old-fashioned mclo-' An operation Is always necessary done Several of tho bandit's band involved. Hngland, France and Gcr-1 drama with a snow Btorm la second ' when tho doctor needs tho money 108-110 E. Main Where Every Lady Trades Ardmore, OKIa