Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Wednesday, January 9, 1907 THE DAILY ARDMOREITF. PACE FIVE Watches! Watches! SIjiI the new year wjffi one of WALTER Fine Robison's Opera House Thurs., Jan. 10th Macaulcy H Pntton's Production of The Most Charming Stage Sloiy of Recmt Years THE MINISTER'S BY W. B. PATTON A PLAY OF - PURITY AND PURPOSE A 1'roiluctlnti Perfect In Kvcry Detail N'pw ntn! KlnlnrntpHoi'iury atut Kiectrlc lifTi'd. Prices: Lower Floor 75c; Gallery 25 and 50 Cents! HULLY GEE! There's tho whole family and how pleased they look. They've a right to, as they've just been round to this store look ing over our PIANOS nuil making noma purchanen. You'd do well u Imllnio them Bomt'liody you furiroi necilH n present or perhnpn vhu ni-fil one your ni'lf 1,1 1 her wny, f m a naMriK imjink from m nml heftlilea ru net what yuu want E. B. HE Ardmore, I. T. H.tatill.beil 18T3 T.i.4..!..M.-:--:"H"H"i-:--J'!": I "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine." 25c worth of Ked Cross Cold Curo may save you a S9.00 doctor bill. - Wo till Prescriptions cor- t rectly with tho Drugs tho j doctor orders. t Rubel $ Allegretti's Chocolates and Bon-Bons f Aro tho best. A trial will convince you. DRUG STORE WE DELIVER J Your Purchase I Phuno is BONNER'S 01D STAND f r ! ! !' '! ' Reward for Lap Robe, I will pay $5 roward and ask no questions for tho return of tho lap robo taken from my buRgy, while hitched on I) street, northwest Sat urday nlRht. HAItUOI.I) WALLACB, C-tf At Ardmoro National Dank, I T. N. COLEMAN The City Phone 4 C DEAN'S Watches and always be "on lime" Fine Wakh Repairing 108 IVcsf Main Sired Kzrasi: Andy 0.1'di i ; v In in the city from Muskogee t ;p"n 1 .1 lew ilajs Mrs. Stllvl 11. Unsscll lias rvttin: cd fioni n visit to point In Texas. Mr. and M Itny Miller ic lurncd fiom .i visit fo two weeks to relatives I i Kjr.jas. father Wnllrapp left today for Mr 'dill where he goes on business. Falh or Wallrniip hns recently been given charge or tho Catholic Indiana of thta n.-i I Ion and hla tlmo la all taken up in his work at present. Heretofoif ! their charge u .a been In tho handa of Father Uport of Antleri. Hefore leaving today, father Wallrapp stated I that preparations wero IiuIiir inado for the Itlght Ilevcrend Hilltop Meers jchaert, 1). I)., to lio hero Sunday week nml conduct tnaaa at the Catholic , church. The further announcement I will be made later by Father Wall 1 rapp. J. W. Klrach, formerly connecteit I wlih the O. L. Dunnes dry goods eis- tabliBhniont of thla city, at present liv ing In Denlson, enmo to Arliuoro Tuesday evenitiK on the Fihco. Ho spent tho night here last night and returned to Denlann today, t-lnco his Inat visit to Ardmoro Mr. Klrach had been Injured painfully by a knife tut In tho arm. Will- whittling; on a piece of board, the knlte slipped and tho keen blade cto-ol his left arm at the wrist. Tbo principal vein lr tho wrist was severed While ho Is r.-covering from tl-i' wound his arm Is still In n bad rnilltlon and It will bo somo tlmo before ho can uso It. With the Sick. Miss Alice Moore, who was Injured In a runaway accident Monday morn ing near tho IIIkIi school building Is up and about tho house. Tho injuries received wero not as serious as wag at llrst anticipated. Mrs. II. C. Itutherford Is HI at her home on .Mill street. WE Sell Typewriters Kent " Repair " Exchange " (ah Make.) Sell Tabulating Attach ments Sell Typewriter Supplies " " Furniture Furnish Stenographers and Operators CAN WIS SERVE YOU? RliMINGTON Tvi'KWKITKR Company No. (5 Broadway Oklahoma City, Oklahoma -i--H-M- I Roofing Iron I ALL LENGTHS Peter Schuttler Wagons Oliver Plows Klondike Cultivators Highball Cultivators Full Line Buggies and Implements MMWIIWHI'lH'fl B Come and see them T. K. KEARNEY Drus&ist 109 West Main il $ PERSONAL $ j i SOMETHING mm MISSOURI FARMER HAS A KICK AGAINST RAILROADS. RATES ON CAR OF APPLES From Southern Missouri to Chlcka.ha Four Times as Much as the Rate on a Car of Flour from That Point to Missouri. Tho tie-up on rnllnmda which hns Hrontly discommoded many shippers In thla section, hns also been affect ing tho entire country. II. 1'. CHtt of Aurora. Mo., Is In Ardmoro with ft car load of apples fiom his home town. Mr. Cliff, snys the tlo-up on the roada In his country Is worse than ho has ever known It to be. lie states that more than half the applo crop rnlaed in Missouri this year will have been wasted lieoaune of the in ability to secure cars for shipment. This Is tho prlncll article raised In that country, (heat apple combina tions exist for handling the ciop and thousands of bushels of apples are shipped out of his neighborhood alone. This year there has been a shortness of cars which lias made It Impossible for the apple growers to market their products. Mr. Cllft says there Is at present waiting fur ears to haul them, hund reds of cars of apples, wasting and being destroyed. Tho ralo has also been exorbitant. As an Instance of tho rate charged from Aurora to Chlcknsha on a cur of apples, Mr. Cllft snys ho paid $113. A Rrocer in his town shipped a car of flour from Chlcknsha to Aurora, Mo., for $30. Tho samo distance and over tho mimo road, yet tho produce being brought Into tho terrlUly rest about four times as much freightage as Hint being shipped out. llverythlng b1iIh ped to the southwest Is on thu same basis. When asked what caused the exor bitant ralo to tho southwest and tho shortness of cars over tho country, Mr. Cllft replied that he was unable to say, as he had only his personal i opinion on the matter. However, ho thinks It Is not on account or ove productlon or n great prosperity, but a combination between tho big pio iluccra and cold storage men and the rnllioads. which crowds tho Independ ent producer out. Mr. Cllft says when ho loaded his enr of npplos which ho shipped to Ardmore, there wero llfty other men wanting the same car In his little town. lie stated that the only way ho got It was to be thoro and load one end of the cur with apples while tho other end was being unloaded of the produce It had brought In. UoWItt's Kldnoy and llladdor Pills drives tho poison from tho body. A 25c box holds a week's treatment. Sold by Hoffman Drug Co. Do You Know? At tho sign of tho lllg Horso Slum on llroadwny you will find tho equipped shop in Ardmore, lor doing nil kind of buggy and carnngo wont, wagon wurk and horso shoeing. Onu trial will convince; you. 8-2 WILL DoVKNY. PENNINGTON GROCERY COMPANY Held Annual Election of Officers Tuesday Afternoon. The Pennington Wholesale Orocery Co., a corporation of this city, hold Its annual election of officers yester day afternoon with tho following to Mill: J. It. Pennington, prusldont; W. (5. DoaL. vice president; II. C. Polterf, secietury; A. C. Slaehley, treasur er. The board of directors Is com IHised of J. It. Pennington, W. (I. I)oak. A. C. Slaehley. II. C. Pottorf, .1. N. Dmlson, It. W. Itandol. Leo Cruco, liyron Drew and C. M. Campbell. Tho affairs ot tho concern wore carefully gone over and investigated, and everything found to bo in llrst class shape financially. Satisfaction Insured. If you havo a difficult Job of buggy or carriage work, or a very partlcula Job of horseshoeing, that yuu wouil like well done, bring It to tho sign ot tho "Dig Horso Shoe" on llroadwny. 8-2 WlLbDoVKNY. CHICKASAW LUMBER COMPANY. Stockholders Met Tuesday to Elect Board of Directors. nnther coriwiratlon of this city to hold annual meeting Tuesday and lei' a buuid of directors for the en c nni 'rai vwis i bo I'hu ' a w I. urn jbn 0- iiti t in o in iiini lun jdono much to benefit Hi cu. The "..till, In Of (111 i I III -. W1- Ii.llil d tor another ji-nr Thev mil hold a meeting In a few du when office "ill lie chosen and In nil in nbahlllM i l.i .".,mi' official i. ilicti I The ai present I' i mniiii- il of (' I. Ilrin W. t". HKi. .1. . IIIw'Iih. Jnr Weiss nnd F (' l'i'iili . ln t buy real estate in Districts 21 or 26 until we have made abstract, of title. CHICKASAW TITI.K CO.. 7-1 in Ardmore, 1. T. FIRST ONE IN. J. Goldsmith First to Take Advantage of New Law Passed by the Ardmore Commcrelal Club. J. tloldsmlth, of the rkm-nard Asp halt Company was the first man to take advantage of the $10 rate and pay his Commercial club dues In ad vance for one year. The new rule which was made at the meeting ot the directors of the club Tuesday, whereby a tymtit of to In advance paid Commercial club dues, which are ordinarily $1 lier month, for one year. As soon as Mr. Ootdsmith bean! of tho new rule he mailed a chock for his duo'. 8,-crotary San- ders since then hns lecelved a imm-' her of others and now quite a mini- j ber have receipts for the year. The revived Intel out which Is being taken In the club Is evident by the manner In which hack dues are being paid. The action of Mr. (Toldsmlth was the first step which will lie taken by many. With a balance In the bank siilllcient for all purposes the club can get out and do things. TAMS BIXBY WRITES. A Letter to James T. Durns Explain ing !.he Law of Remuneration for the Election Judges. James T. Hums, wlivj acted' as elec tion commissioner In this, tho 103 constitutional district, at tho recent delegate election, has received tho following letter from Tama rtlxby, chairman of tho districting and can vassing board In the Indian Territo ry, In reply to nn Inquiry concerning tho amount the clerks and JtidgoB lit tho election were to lecolvo for their sorvlcos. Mr. Hums' Inquiry was oc casioned by tho dissatisfaction of a. number of Judges and clerks In this district nt tho meager pay they re ceived for tho work November 6. The Impresslnn has been created In this dlstrlt that onch clerk and Judge was to recelvo three dollars per day for his services during tho elec tion. As nil clerks and Judgea worked sixteen hours oir election day, tho opinion was formed that they would recelvo pay for two days work, as un der the Oklahomn law eight hours Is a working day. When tho checks ns payment for tho work wero received by tho forty-five election Judgos and clerks in this district they wero ' r $2 as payment for their scrvlcok sixteen hours work. Tho matter was brought to tho at tention of Mr. Hums, who communi cated with the board and received tho following letter In reply: "Muskogee, I. T., Jan. 7. "Hccelpt Is hereby acknowledged of your letter of January 2, 1807, respect ing compensation allowed Judges and clerks of olectlon for their services on November C, 1808. "In reply vour attention Is Invited to Section 2, Chapter 2H, Session Laws of Oklahoma, 1S85, wMch rends, In part, as follows: " ' tho Judges nml clorks ot election shall receive two dollars nor day.' "Prior to tho election It was tho un derstanding of the districting and canvassing noard that these officials In Indian Terrltmy would receive ns compensation, the sum of $3.00, and tho payrolls were certified on this lia sls by the election commissioners. "Tho matter was submitted by tho special disbursing agent of tho depart ment, nml It was held that tho provi sions of tho Oklahoma law nbovo quot ed wero in force and that thoso offi cials Bhould bo paid in accordanco with tho same. pt urlwo p v $ e sodla tir shr mhl "The compensation nllowcd tho Judges and clorks serving In the cle Hon, In both Oklahoma and Indian Territories, was tlied by the statute. "Tho chairmen woro allowed mileage- whero It was necessary to mak? trips to secure the ballots and deliver tho returns. In your district It appears thatuo amounts are due on account of distance traveled, as all of your pro clncts wore located within tho limits of Ardmoro. "Respectfully, TAMS HIXHY. Chairman ' N mm ci i rain tn his fom enrrywa bo ihboi a bu din OFFICE!! ARE ELECTED BY NATIONAL OANKS OF CITY TUESDAY. THE - . nr- ARE F NANC ALLY STRONG All of Old Officers Re-Elected for An other Year The Reports of Officials Show the Institutions to De In Excellent Shape. As per the requirements' of the laws governing national banks in the t'nlted Htntes, nil the national banks of this city held their annual meeting Tuesday afternoon for the purpose ot electing oltlcers for the ensuing year. Tho same officials were re-elected In all the banks, which shows that tho stockholders have all confidence In the management of those Institutions by the gentlemen who have been nt tho helm for some time. The pride of tho business world ot this clly is the bunking facilities of fered hero. All of these Institutions are run slrlctlv on business princi ples and while the officials are accom modating to their patrons and have al ways stood bv the business world III tile time of need, all of (hem show a good surplus and are In flue shape Hnnuclatly. Bankers National Bank. The Hankers National Hank Is tho youngest of the bunking Institutions of the city, but for the time the bank has been running that corporation Is making an excellent showing. Tlio meeting ot the stockholders held yes terday afternoon was for the purpose of electing (ho board of directors, and this nftemoon the lAiard o directum will meet to elect tho officers for tho ensuing year. Tho following Is tho re sult of tho election of that bank: C. W. Haiiinbach, P. C. Dings. J. H. Sprnglns, K. A. Walker, 8. T. Hied soe, Mike (iormnn, II. P. Poland, (leo. D.ishner. O. T. tlregory, J. M. llalrd, C. P. Vandenberg, H. O. Siting, W. M. (Jwyn, J. M. Jones and H. V. (keen. Ardmore National Bank. The Aldmnre National Hank, one of tho oiliest Institutions In the city, that has a capital slock of $100,000, with a good surplus on hand as well, ro. elected all of tho official family and tho Biinio bonrd of directors which was as follows: .1. C. Thompson, 0. W. Young. (!. W. Stuart, I.oe Cruco, It. W. Hnndnl, H. A. Jones, .1. II. Pennington, Sam Noble and C. M. Campbell. Prom the directors the following officers were chosen: Lee Cruco, president; (1, W. Stunrt cashier, T. H. Sturgeon and P. 1). Maxwell, assistant cashiers, C. M'. Campbell and J. C. Thompson vice presidents. City National Bank. Tho officers of tho City National Hank for tho ensuing year nro na fob AJW'BT J. A. Dlvens, president; Don Lacy, vice president; A. H. Palmer, cashier: '. C. Cnrr, assistant cashier. Tho hoard of directors Is composed of tlio following members: J. A. Hlvens, H. O. Pottorf, Wm. (i. Vcmor. A. IL Palmer, Don Lacy, C. I). Carter and I). T. Lacy. First National Bank. This bnnk has n capltnl stock ot $f.0.ono with a surplus or $210,000. and elected nil of tho old officers and direc tors oxrept one. Instead of having a board of bIx directors only flvo wero elected, Mr. Potter retiring from tho bonrd. The following was (ho result or tho election of that board. J.. I. Anderson, president; II. K. Frensloy, vice president; C. L. Ander son, cashier; t. S. Mnupln, assistant cnshler. Tho board of directors Is ns lows: I I'. Andorson, H. F. Frons lev, C. L. Anderson, C. S. Maupln and Miiran Scnti. Corn Mill For Sale. I have n steam corn mill, with 20 horso jKiwor engine, nnd a 30-horso powor boiler In good repair, Tho mill is well located, lltilldlng and lot In cluded, which I will sell nt tho moder ate prlco of $700. Appy to or wrlto J. O. GILLIAM, 9-w2 Hsrwyn, I. T. New Suits Filed. T. K. Ilclkcr filed suit against A. L. Sanders, Dr. F. A. White, and M. N. Sanders, a firm trading under tho firm namo of A. L. Sanders & Co., at Ab ner, I. T., for tho balance duo on a note of $156.29. A petition of Involuntary bankrupt cy was filed agilnst the firm by tie following creditors Tyler & ,almpoa Co., $760.20; Oalvcst vt Shoo nnd IItt Co., $501.10; fialiesnn Oi.v (loods C" $300.20; anil Ardmore Wholesale M,". cantlle Co $11)3 37. Judge Townsend a Winner. In epi; ur the reports onoiinc trsg the apremmrnt of JudL'o Town ml .is Veib ial .Indue In the new slati i hi K.inaas Clly aas: "The icports from Washington that .Indue llosea Ttmnscnd of Ardmore m) be appointed fwderal Judge In the Knilcrn district tinder statehood are h no means without foundation. Man iiKi'ra of a number of aspirants agree that Judge Town.enil. weer It not for bis aite. would be possibly the strong est candidate In the Meld. Ho has the , backing uf members of the former Mc- Klnley-llanim combination In the . Towsed. Mn. ii...i.,e.. manager of an Influential Philadelphia newspaper, is an Intlmato friend ot President Hoosevelt. I Eagles to Meet, ' The liasles will meet this cioning a( their club rooms In regular weekly session. Several officers who were elected at the lant tegular meeting will be Installed and other business of Importance attended to. The Kagle hxlge Is In better condition than for jears and has a good balance on hand. Members and officers of this Instl (lull have In mind the erection of n chili room building In the near future. Substitute Mall Clerk. Otto P. llooth of this clly has been aptolntod substitute rallwsy ntall clerk. Mr. Hooth has for hoiiio tlmo past lwen one or the local mall car criers. Wo havo In a very fine lino of now buggies and aro making the prices and terms ntlrnctlve. Cnll In, look through our stock nml get our prices beforo you buy. NOI1LK HHOS. Our stock contains blank books In ' nil, rulings and qualities. Any- thing you enn possibly want Is horn ' and at prices, too that will please you. 1 C, F. J. UAMSUY, Druggist. PROSPECTS ARE SLIM. For a League Baseball Team In Ard. more During the Summer of 1907 Town Is Badly Handicapped. As the approach of tho baseball season draws near, Ardmoro Is still on tho outside to far as any prospects of getting Into n league Is concerned. Oilier townj In the Oklahoma part ot the new state and a tew In tho terri tory have made preparations for piny lug league ball the coming reason, but not so with Ardmore. Tho Now Stnto League recently formed nt Oklahoma City to consist or, sovernl or the territory towns and also Oklahvinm (owns which were not Included In tho All Oklahomn League, was to havo taken somo action with ro' gnrd to granting a franchise to Ard more. If this was done baseball en thusiasts In this city havo not been In formed or It. Hoprosentntlves of tho lengiio were to havo met In Oklahomn City on January 3 tn decide what ad ditional towns, besides tho charier members, franchises would bo grant ed. H Ardmoro wns Included In that niimbor tho ruct has not been mafio known. Tho proposition now Is that Ard moro In company with towns sur rounding this both in Toxns and this territory form an Independent lenguo for the coming season. This solution to the question as to whether Ard more Is to play lenguo ball seems tho most tangible new beforo tho baseball advocates In this city Ardmoro Is ready to support a ood tonrn nnd is willing to go Into n lenguo with towns In a radius of ono hundred miles of this point. Ardmoro Is rendy to put up a forfeit that alio will play tho season out nnd n guarantee of a specified amount for each game. H. II. Hracy of this city, who 1ms nlwnys taken n great Interest In tho gnmo here, Bald today In spenklng oi tho matter that ho. In company with I others would furnish tho necessary forfeit and guarantee money to lnsuro n team for Ardmoro provided n lenguo could lie formed of the towns near enough to Ardmoro to lnsuro the transiHirtatlon oxpenso not being too heavy. 'At prosent Ardmoro has no sulta bio grounds for basebnll within th city limits, as tho former grounds used, lmvo been purchased by cotton men who oxpect to erect buildings on tho slto. Thore Is a movo on foot, however, by bnaoball enthusiasts to sociiro a leaso or purchase tho Fall Association's grounds with n view or plnjlng lenguo ball. Tho only objec tion to this Is the transportation raro to tho park and back patrons of tho game would have lo pay. Could some mclhod or securing choap rnre bo do vised (ho park would bo an Ideal plaro. Hut until this Is oden tho prolmblllty of playing ball thoro Is slim. However, this Is one of the minor dotnlls and H other towns surrounding this will como into a league with tho necessary guarantee there will be plenty of league ball In this end of the new state. A good baseball team 1 ono merit od of advertising a town Tho Dally Ardmorclto 50e -nonth ARDMORE I0N0 ISSUE JAFE NO FLAWS 'JOULD BE rouND BY LAWYERS. MAYOR DICK IS PREPARED The Papers that Passed the Eagle Eyes of Leading Atorneys of th East City Liable for Its Debts. Ardmore bonds are In no l-e af fected by the opinion of Judge luii.. of New York on the South Mi-Menu r Ixmd Issue. The two Issues of ninm. Ipal bonds Heated by Mayor I n- i, have stood the test and hae ln-n found to be all right and safe While Muskogee, South Mcli-tr and other cities In the ferritin li u. been handicapped by not propeih oi deling the election and shaping u,, tho papers correctly, so as to vnlidiir the Issue of IkiiiiIs. Mayor Olck r this city, who financed the two H- u-i of Isitids Tor waterworks and school purjioses, has not had his Issue qui tlonml on account of the prt -autlou-nry methods used by that olllclnl In nttendlng the details. The first l suo put on the market and which was tested by the leading bond law yors of the country, was for $1 "u.'ino for waterworks and the second was for tho ptiM)se of building i-cliool bouses ami for the sum of $120,000 Hastem capitalists Invested their money In Ardmore bonds because they were sare and the credit ror which Is due the mayor, who attenu- ed to all tho details In person Tho South McAloater curies, '" i ent of tho Dallas News was wrong In making tho statement that nil cities In tho territory woro affected. Love Elected Speaker. Tho Thirtieth legislature has hon ored the Dallas district by electing to the Speakership Hon. Thomas 11. Love, ti citizen of Dallas. The compliment Is highly appreciated by Mr. Uivo'a con stituents, albeit nssurances betorehanj thnt ho would win the honor had ac customed his neighbors to the Idea that he would bo tho speaker, ani this renders lets demonstrative rno applause that would have cOmo or. n closer contest nnd or n winning with HWnoof tho elements or surprise about It. Mr. Love Is ono of tho ablest mem bers or tho loglslaturo and ono ot tho host Informed men In thu state. He is ii man who keeps his balanco well nnd who Is thoroughly equipped Tor tho trying office to which ho hns be?n elected. Tho Nows Is conlldent that as n presiding officer ho will dlspatci business In an able and orderly man ner. Dallas Nows. Attention Redmen. llogular Council of Washita Trlbo No. 33, I. O. IL M., at 7:30 tonight at 'tho wigwam. Tho raising ot chlcts will bo an Interesting feature. Let all bo present. I Hy order, SACHEM. Notice. Don't let your buggy run down or your horso go bnro footed when you can get work dono right and reasona ble at WILL DoVKNY'S SHOP, Dig Horse Shoo Sign on Broadway St. A Card. This Is to certify that all druggists aro authorized to rotund your money If Foley's Honoy nnd Tar fulls to curo your coughs or cold. It stops tho cough, heals tho lungs and, prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneu monia and consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine Is In n yel low package. Ilefuse substitutes, Sold by Hoffman Drug Co., City Drug Store. C. P. Hall House Furnisher Every tiling from tho linest pioco of now Purnlturo to a second liaiiil slop jtr :: :: :: Sells everything fnr less N. Cnddo St. : Ardmore