Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 8IX. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE Ardmore, Wednesday, January 9, 1907 TUB HINDOO FAKIRS THEV ARE PRINCES OF JUGGLERS AND MAGICIANS. Somr of llir Wmiilrrful IVnli of II Itlalnfi nnit ll-li-rll J- 1 lic-nc Mit-trr i.f llir llr-lll- Aria nf I lie llrli-ul .rr n lil I" IVrliirin. "tft.ippe.!!" In the suddei stlllm- that iwrvndes t' great liner mluni ororyliody pin. i without knowing It and looki ur the captain. Ttil- gentleman fiifroiy settles to liti linn Iii-oii imire comfortably than b f .1 .-. while ancltor chains rattle out mi! I hi- steam whistle Mow awl the . is.fiigera hnaten on ilurk to feel it In i, tropical wind blowing off n low i.'. w. n limn which tiger and allien t i may creep to the water's edge by i M. Imt wltcre now a nnnti aim Him . i. ii-iiv mi the hula and rice fields Min.'h nre the atranger'a Unit glimpse i. il. utla. I I ' liner swings Well out III tin I rtn-iu, I I'i. -inll.v flashes through the brown, i.l'.- of (tie Iloogly river a dusky l, ..ill. mill iii the aiirhur chain nimbly n - ii i mlikey a riiiiilha a man, rind I i l Ui n loin rloth and having a tiny, j i ,lit i .iliil red bii ml le fnatclicd at the ' l . I. ir hla neck out of roach of tlx u it r. 1 1 1"' tnnii'a flrat ai'llon la to pick ni fi .in the deck a liall of twine with ti'.'. Ii n sailor lit mending n lnvlln ii ! unwind the string, which gnos " nu' it up lii Urn air In defiance of tin' law of gravitation which should li M- '. .'led It iiIoiik the deck. x- i''c fi.klr meH itnnlhcr sailor Wll.i llliH hOtlgllt n eiKiMinut mid In cr irking It open, ln gently taken from the iimn'M IihiiiI half of 11 it still full hl.i II, Inildn It high nliovo n -.hip's buck ct Int.i which will it Ntrcnin from tht ci ut until tin' bucket linn been tchi' tlmea lilted and emptied. Next tli Jinruler nska for a large enrtheii di-li. p.itirs Into It ti gnllim of water, r i hc It nlnft In hla left h.tliil - hla ii. lit being liilil ngnbiat hla Tl 1!hIi gmwa xuinller by nl'iimt Im perceptible ilcgrci'a of Mhrlukngc until .1 completely dimippettm. Then, lifter ii piuise. n tiny brown speck U seen III die Juggler's hand. It Kiowa larger nml l.irjer until the dlah Ii vMlld.' n.i lit I rsl. tllleil to the brim with v:iter, v. hi. Ii the Juggler poiiri out nml whlili run. down Into (Im doek guttera. A little nlonf from the eager circle of apeftiitont Uri u jouiig American wo rn, ;n. her Imliy swinging In n ham iiioi k, her llvo-yenr-old daughter on n cuvlilon nt her feet. The Juggler Mtutiil perfnily Mill. Mi eyes fixed nbacutly upon l lie group, apparently eoui'i'iitrut In,- IiIh forces upon hiiiiio fnuli wonder. The Amerlciin Hhrlnks backward with n ininemciit of repulsion, which the uuglcr evidently u it leva, for he turut lux un7i up m mi r.imllnli iiiIhh of r.r I. 'i n uliii HtiuuN on the opp.i,ilti al.le of II ! ueinleln-le. sihI lenly the young mother a.'ea tSie Kc.lish itlrl lieitlii to rlae froi-i the deck anil tl'Wt aeroaa the apace be tv. ..mi her and tlio tiatumoek lu n-hlrh r.-.N the hlifplnu baby. To her Imr-r..i- the Klrl at'i.ipa over and take u Hie Infant. Then the Klrl rlae.i fr.i.i Hie lick, higher mid lilsber, until ulie I . I In the elouda. I he uioiher la tielplvaa ti cry out or I.. She la In n aoft of M'lkln.' n .-ht urn re. As she atnr a ahe per ecu i .. NjHit lu ttio fleecy elmida nenr 1 1 nc.ircr It coinca he dlaeerna the f.Min i.i her baby aafe In the iirina of ih.' Diu-IIhIi girl, who irrnilunlly de- n i.n to the iln l; and lays the infant li.i. I. in the liuinmo.'k. with a frantic effort the mother l.ui -.1-. the aHll that bind her anil m u.lici up the child to find It aouml a-l. p. "How could yon lei that tiin.' clrl tako your little br.nher in. j " alio acroatua to her Htartle.l i .. liter, uho Bits qulotly ou the eualt- i ti "Why, niaiunin," rcnllea the child, "brother hna been aaloep In Ilia b im- ii " l. ..II the time. No one bua t.iuch I lit in " li n but one moro trick of the i. pla.xeil by the holy man frmi In li. i It wna utterly luosplleable. lhc fellow cauio over the abln'a rail di ipi'ini; wet after n louit awlui fru::i Kh .ie Hie liner hni Jut droppisl tin eh, ir after a voyage of ai'veml'l niltea. A confoilerate la mi liu P i-,ililllty. An audience of about ."-DO l.c. ileal peniouii cnwda elnae anniiiil the JucBlvr. Tlmro Is no chance for ill i'i i'ii.iU N'. the Hindoo untlva the bum!; fi.mi helilnd hla nork. open a n.piarc .if red doth, paeaca It to the r.udieiiee f..r Inipeetlon and then apre.i.U It Hut mi tlie deck, tlla i')ii turn In war, .ii I I .-,-oiue tlxed. lie muttera to liitn -. 'i anil, after walklntt thive time in niii'l the aiiunre. he thruma liU hire l -ml and arm under the cloth and I., ui' forth n rudely carved little Unit lue.isiirlus not more than K by t Inchei. Ii u utiilerkcd and empty. The olio tliv irt nrriMH It ta pierced nltb a uiaat h.'lc With the boat ho brings out a Hinall ciicoaiuit. He offer the boat and the nut for the Ki-rutlny of the imntoiiKerii. lly tlniie who si'o mid touch It tlio nut H prunoimced to be scnilKsl clean and to be pierced with three auinll hole. The JtiKRler Ktlcka it thin IhiuiImi.) wmid of nlnut two feet Into tho mant Imlc. then phu'iM the nut on the end of the wand, rctretita to a illntaiioo of live yii nil nnd coinniaiiils (In Hindoo htlllieei ".Spout"' V KllttiTlns Jet of puro water sprlnc upward from the nut Into tho blnzlut; dtitnliltie mid Kcnller dlnmond drop until the JtiKitler nKnlu Rive n cum mniiil: "Htop!" "Stop!" And It atOIH. Once more:' "ftpotltr' And llni the rryatal fountain nHint mid atop a hidden until more wnter I riitiuliiK oier the deck than la alto nether comfortable for bystander. Inir!n hla uhole iierforiunmc tho Jugnler pN'tit ui or nfalu the myatlc but apiioreiilly irrelevant word: "llnndar kn kopra! llnmlnr kn Uo irar ("akull of a monkey! .kull of a monkey!") "ilnckauceh!"th4 holy man nowauR (.rata and ludlcnli the red cloth a au aproirlntt' leceptncle for cnuli ac knnn leditnient of hla occult (atwer. Aa colna fall be deftly recover them and bile each one to teat IH genuine Ilea, At hint lie plli" the contribu tion nenllj. ahnke the cloth rtml airnln irend It on the floor. A sain the Jugglcr'a eye llx litem aelvea In cataleptic trnnce. Aa;flln lie (Hire around the ii'l aijUan1, tutltterlllK otttlaudlub nonla. HoinethlliR beirltl to mo e beiieaUl the cloth. It Krw I.; also aa tlio apellb'iund nudleiice vnxct. There I.i n faint a lund-ni'.d out Imp a ftrtnninif, chatlcrlnir monkey, while from the fur ther edge of the nil rair a cobra pike It rciioitioitx bend and writhe Its bulk atonic the plank. The pnaHenaora even the sailors ahrliik ami ahudiler. but their feet acorn aplkeil lo the dm-k. No one move, thotisli dlaiiuat mid horror lire ninnl fet on every face. A much larger object henves beneath the clntli-Mlowly. gracefully, n Hindoo girl tine to her feet, enata the nil cloth from her ah mldera nnd am lie 1 1 h ii i ii alilp'a cnuipiiuy, na "allent mid aiihnat a were the voyiigeri III Hint diend ahlp, the Myatery." ltefore nnybiNly la able to atlr the Juggler clap hla InimU. til creiitunn vanlali, ho mlla up Ida coin In the rod cloth. Ilea It iirouiul lil.i neck, lenp over tlie rail Into the stream nnd n wlin away. There can be no doubt ni to theao uiyntlc performance beltm llltwloua, for .my iitt inpt to pliotogrnph them ro-Hiilt-i In no empty plate. Hindoo JusKlera sin ply have tin-power t.i make not only one person, but mi unlimited number of pcr.i.iiu, see, taate nnd hear t:i!in; which d not exlat. To attribute till power to h.vp i itlam do- n it detract from the mimcl of the 'lenou.eiia. We intuit nduilt t!iat the ' bnale principle of the myatery In tho atihjtigntloti of the weaker to tlio ' atrouger will. J Sccoiidnrlly, there I In the Hindoo I race an lucreneo In tlio power of i thought, remitting from their Intonao love of aolltary meditation, one of the initlon'a iniMt priiiiouin-i-il tralta from 1 linio immemorial. We emiuot dlapute . that tho Hludooa have ncipilrcd mentnl t.ii-ultlea of which the younger weatcrn elvlllaall n nro altogether Ignornnt. a n matter of experience. ' The Hindoo hna nttiilnoil innrvelnus reaulta on speculative phtloanphy. i Through ceiiturlea ho hna develupeil Ida mental power by pcralatcnt excr i clo mid pt-ralateut effort na with tia, athlete develop and perfect the lima i clea of the IhmI;.'. i The Itlitdo.i conjuror la no uiiIIcciikchI , eharlnliiii. He lu a mnn with a "vo.'n tloii." It limy be while he work In ' the rice Held that tho Hindoo boy hear the uiyaterloua call of llrabma and tell hla parent: "KomiI me llkkba." ("It li written upon my forehead.") At flrat "the choaeii" wnudora 1 through tho atreeta of hi native town j black rope of dan!; hair falling nlmut Ida face, atronka of clny ncr.w bla forehead and down hla none, a sin gle cotton rag wound about Ida mid dle. The million goda that a.noo nih il m years have accumulated for faith- 1 ful aonla know that the "choacn" bn i rowed a pl!-,'rlni:ii;i' to Heuarea tho , realdeuiv of the goda tho Hindoo I lilympua, not atridlug over the Juurney ercet. with atroug young tlniha, but ' fulling flat on hla fnce, menmirlng Ids , length with Ida braaa water bottlo for nil the weary way. Thua doe the "cli.iaeii" accunipllali i hi pilgrimage, never kicking food or ' drink or "looping mat, for nil dwellers In tho know that be la "a Italr agoo!" lie helia to keep tho world atralgbt with the g.l. At laat, eyes blomUbot, fwt blltered, ho waahea lu the altered (lunge i mid bows III tlio great temple lit Ilennrea and tho prleata recngulxe Ida bollueas and any. it la written ukiii hla forohcad." Aft er which the "claucn" 1 fur yeara ae 'eluded In t1.' l!e:it il:ieci of Il:dl:l that by prnjei mid muter;." ami misll !atl -ii bo may auln'.ue the tmdy ami de vel ip the mind until he aeiiiiire tho occult force whereby ho coniieU his f.-ll iw mortala to aim thing which nro not. In the wild receaaea of lit mountain -behind the walla of hla temple eurr ,l Into the aolld rock- tho Hindoo atltl holda the key of myaturlea that defy the lugeimity of tho beat, mot logical mid moat acleiitllle reaaouer of tho modem clritlwtiou. - Im Augelo Tlmea. The llltTiTi'iil't'. i A rich man once vUlted his stable and walel l an old groom currying a favorite I urse. "You huo worked for me a Ion? time, haven't you, SmJ" nuerlel the rich "Ye, sir," re .died the groom, "llo nn' thl ho have worked for you Bcrcutoen year." "Ah. nnd 1 hope you have been well tranted. Sam," auld the einpljyer. "Oh, 1 nlu't complalulu' nunc," t.nld Sam, 'but tue an' the boss was sick nt tho name time, nn' I noticed that, while lou hired a doctor for tlio ho, you 1 ickeil inj- pry the time I Iwt." ouunoi-er OLD TIME PUNISHMENTS. Colli Wnlrr Ililli. Ilrlpi'it in lure enrlim iiiol taiililltia. To puulli n rlilld In m-li a way that it will ace the direct connect Ion lie tween the correction and the fntilt H one of the pre-ept of mmb rii educa tion. The Judge of llie eighteenth cen tury vn not worriiil h n'h jtai chologlcnl theorlc. but hi decialon often had the grim humor of lllnea. What could lie liettcr for the aeold than a cmillng plunge or for the wife lKMtcr thau a few Inalie on hi own lmckT A titimber of lender linndeil Knglla-i gallant Joined a pioneer exieilltlon to Virginia. The weather was cold and tlie work hard. Wheii th-wo (ft inn cloil ,'mng men were t at chopping treea their haiul were aoroly bllalereii by tho ax helvea. With the crle of pnln many ontha were beard. The president of the company woon put a atop to thl awc'irlng by ordorlng a can of cold water to !w (toured down Uio aleuve of the guilty one ut every oath he uttered. In colonial day hog stealing wa considered one of the nimt acrloti of Crimea. At the flrt offenao the thief onra were kilt, at the aecond hla cur were nalbl to n pillory, and at the third lie auffercd death "without lame nt of clergy." Deceitful baker and catele Hah dealers had to "lose their ear," while ho who apoko detracting word had 111 tongue bored by a bodkin. , A I'i'eui'liiiimi. traveling hi America III IToi). deacrlbe the ducking stool as n "plenaant mode" of ptmlatiliig a scolding woman. In ltUTi Thomn Hartley of Virginia wrote of hi witnessing the execution of a ducking atool sentence: "I)ny ltefore yoalerday nt 2 of yo C'hK'k, I anw till puiilshmeiit given to ono lletsoy Walkor, who by ye vio lence of her tongue mnde her bmwe and her neighborhood uncomfortable. They hut n machine for ye purpose, yt lieliim to )o l'arlah. It haa nl roady Iieen used threo tlmea till siim mer. "Ve Woman wa allowed to go un- drr yo water for ye apnee of i.j niln I tile. I let icy had a stout st.nnaelie ; nnd would not yield until ahe had boon ' under live tlmea. Then she cried pile i otialy. Then they drew back ye Ma chine, in. tied ye Hopes and let her walk home a hopefully ienltciit wo mnn." Yoiitn's ('ompnnlon. BUSINESS PROVERBS. Not the big earner, but the wle In lnvolor. I the future capitalist. The wise man know that wealth I nut worth getting anve for tho purpusj of using and so get after It early. Investment I putting money Into - chicken farming; speculation U count , lug tho chicken before they are 'latcheil. The chap who does Id work Indiffer ently because be thinks ho la ab.ive hi Job thereby prove bla nullities for the Job that I above blm. 1 Tlio man who yield to honeat per suasion slowly mid liniercoptiblj . a I rock to water, may make a loyal In vestor when won. Hut be who la ipil.-l; ! '3 lay hold of a good Investment luiikei , tho mint money. 1 Multitude of (icople aleep soundly nights, believing their anvl-.ig to be I protected In the bank, not dreaming that the lunik hnve Invested them lu business enterprise thut the depositor taemselvc declined to buy share in 1 ecnuse they thought their earning were too large to bo anfe. Cent Per i ."'out. , Willing to rimi.-e II. i It la reported of the Unrl of Mini. ' ' eld that bo once dlamlsacd a servant. ' ut wrote for blm a "character." as ' llowa: "The bearer, John . ha ' 'rved me for throe year lu the e.i- puclty of He I an aide '.river and a very aiber man. 1 dU- i hargetl him because he elicited me." ' .V da) or two later the man leturiie l to .'lank III old muster for the help ho ' 1 ad afforded him lu gelling blm n new ' l.lrth. How bad the heip- e.I him? The mm c';;htltied that hi I I w mnster bud olwrve.. that ability , 1 drive nnd aabrlety were llie qtialltle I retpilred In a coaclitnnn. As for the I c'leatlng. Id employer bad said. "I'm , .i Yorkshlremaii. and I'll Do Ituugod If y u cheat me." The nuslUb of li. An Kngllsh netnr of aome primlne'icp ! ' la dining with aomo fr'eud In tbli ' c itmtry Ono at thnn naked him If he I 'd fmtnil ii'iy Amerlenn phiya tint he I Mtg'it I P en'ild Ue In Kngl.lirl. "(111. J '." he re'i'l tl, "1 htive neen one or ( t vo thnt I fawney will tw ou the fl'her to. In fact, I Invo cnteri'l hit ik 1 - itlatlou fur several. One that np- I i In to me strongly la n p'.ny ,-..;.ivl ' Ten Itveulngt lu a Pnbl'e IIji e.' 'te:) I r'uiII plr.y John M-tn. and ' a ther ! rstticKl 'fni'le Tliotniis' Ileal- i' 'iii, wh'eh haa n line part for me In ! irUs, tho barrister "-Uuu.'iia City I taim' 1'anll. Pather I hno Juat heard that that Incorrigible ann of mine has jut tnur r ed a well Un.nvn nctriaa. Daughter Well, you have yourself ts bbime, fa t'.er. Father-How do you make that I out? Danghtor-IIaven't you often I t ld 111 in to hltt'h Ida wag m to n star? i Young's Slagasliie. II nn Lit!. Tho elephant trumpetel lutdly. "What's the trouble?" asked the clilnipnniee. "Soineliodj's worked the shell game in me," if piled the pach.i lenn na he t' rew nr the bug of empty peimut ells h;li had Just been handed to h'm. LITERARY CLUDS, Ladles of the Leaf. President. Mra. Not a VnnDenherg; 1st Vice President, Mra. Elizabeth Gooduln; 2nd Vlco President, Mra. Minnie Wall; Hecordlnx Secretary, Mrs. Ida Alexander: CorreajiondlnR Socrotary, Mrs. Dalay Dunham; Treaauror, Mra. I'loreiico Dexter; Critic, Mra. Letltla ldbetter. Program Committee Mra. Klalo Polterf, Mrs. I.iura Marr, Mrs. Eliza beth (looilwln, Mrs. Nannlo Iteunle, Mra. ITorence Dexter. Music Commltte .Nira. Gertrude (iilllot. Mlaa I'ny lhirnltt, Mrs. Car rie McCoy. Tho club holds Its regular meetlnga every other week from tho llrat week In October to the llrat week In Juno, on Mondays, with Ita member aa re corded lu the annual )ear book. Orlo Club. President, Mrs. C. I.. McCann; 1st Vice President. .Mis. (1. II. Webb; 2nd Vice President, Mra. Walter Hardy; CorreaiMindlng Secretary,, Mra. C. li. Carter; Treasurer. .Mlaa Zoo Ollvo; Auditor, Mra. II. I. McHlroy; Libra rlan, Mlas Sue I-'rame. Program Committee Mlas Vora Olive. Mrs. T. Norman, Mrs. J. S. Downard, Mrs. C. S. Mmiiln. Itegiilnr meetings of the club are held every I'rlday of each week from 2:30 to C:30 p. in., with one of Its members. Mothers' Club. President, Mrs. Milton Iknrd, Vice President, Mrs. J. II. Snyder, Secre tary, Mlas Virginia llrooks; 1 runs tirer. Mrs. .lotenli Plttmnn. This club meets the fourth Thurs day In each month at the fourth ward school bullillng. Ferndale Review Club. President. Mra. Milton Ikard; Vice President,, Mra. .1. M. Ignition; Secre tary, Mrs. W. It. lliitupnas; Treasur er, Mrs. Andertdu. Tho club ineeta on Wednesdays of ' each week with tine ut Its tnombers, from .1 to C p. m. Chautauqua Class. Tho Chnutauipia class meets I'rlday of oacli week with ono f Its mem bers. President. Mrs. Preston II. Woods; Vlco President, .urs. Wiley II. Weak more; Secretary, Mrs. II. II. Penning' ton. THE CHURCHCS. i Christian Church. IOcnted ou A street, northwest; services ovory Sunday morning at 11 in clock, and evening nt 7:30; mid week prayer meeting on Wednesday ovenliig at 7:30. I Pastor, llov. S. H. Holmes; Hlders It. T. Dallas. I. It. Post, (5. II. Webb; Deacons, A. C. Young. U 11. iove. Win. Dovlny, J. IC. P. Campbell. J. M. 1 Vaden. i Sunday school nt 9:30 every Sun day morning; I. It. Mason, superln i tomletit. Broadway Baptist. Located ou llromlway. between Washington nnd A street, uorthwost; services every Sunday nt 11 a. m. prayer meeting at 7:30 Wednesday night. Pastor, Itev. V. McKlnney; Dea cons. D. II. Vernon. W. li. Ryan, J. N Shlnholser. It. A. Wilson. M. M. Grif fith. J. C. Proddy; Church clerk, C. It Iluchanan; Church treasurer, A. V.. Coleman. Ituainess Session Wednesday night after the first Sunday In each month. Cumberland Presbyterian. Located at corner A street and i First avenue, southwoat; sorvlces ov ery Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock, In lovonltig at 7:30; mid-week prayer meeting observed overy Wednesday evening nt 7:3i: btistnoss session tlrst Monday night In each month. Without a paator nt present. Killers, II. C. Potterf. Kd ll.vrd, W S. Smith, W. Kenuer, A. L. Cruco. Episcopal. LocntPd on D street, southwest sorvlces every Sundny mornliiB at 11 o'clock and In the evening at T:30; Sundny achool nt 0:20 a. m. Paator, Itev. Ualoa: Veitrymen, J. W. QoIIedge, Sr. Wnrdon. C. O. Ilunii, secretary, Chaa. U Anderson. A. (J. lldwards, J. K. Humphrey. T. N. ltob uott. roadway Methodist, Iicated. Corner ot llromlway and D street, northwest; services overy 8untlii morning at 11 o'clock, and ev- ,enlng at 7:30; mld-weok prayer meet ing every Wednesday ovctilmt nt 7:80; choir practice every Thursday evening; business sessions tlrst TueB- I day night In each mouth. i Pastor, Itev. J. W. Sims: Stewards lV. S. Wolverton. J. W. Hanks, Mor ris Saaa, P. P. Kearney. W. M. fivn, . C. E. Carter. Frank Frensley, It. W. 1 itandol. Han Webb, W. G. DiUler, W. W. Taliaferro, 1 First Presbyterian, j Located, Comer llromlway nnd C i street, nortwest: services overy Sun day morning at 11 o'clock, evening services at 7:30; prnyer meeting ov ,ery Wednesday evening nt 7:30; bu siness sessions are called. I Paator. Itev. C. C. Weltlr. Killers, David Itedflehl. W. I. Cruce, 8. S. Csrr. W. P. Duff, Mr. Dawson, C. Mc 'Coy; Treasurer, P. D. Maxwell; Doa Icons. Leo Cruce, L. P. Staples. Fred ICarr, C. II. Clements, a. C. Straeh I ley; Trustees, Sam Noble, A. C. Cruco, O. M. Itedtleld, Lee Cruce.' ' Sunday school nt 9:30 every Sun 'day: W. I. Cruce, superintendent. I The County Medical Society will j hold Its next regular meeting Tuss I day, January sth, nt the K. of P. hall in this city. All physicians who havo net become ni- inbers are requested to at'end nnd Join. Dlt. PHII il' STKV1LNS. Pres. DIt. ALVIS. Secy. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of tho I'nltcd States for tho Southern Dip! r let, at Ardmoro: In tho matter of W. M. Cox, bank-1 nipt, In bankruptcy. To the creditors of W M. t'ox In tho Southern District In tho Indian Terri tory, nt Ardmore, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on tho 31st day of December, 1D06, tho said W. M. Ctix wna duly ml J mined bankrupt, nnd that the first meeting of his creditors will bo hold nt my orflco at tho court house In tho city of Ardmore, on tho 10th day of January, 1007. nt 10 o'clock In the foremion, nt which tlmo tho said creditors may attend, provo their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt and trnnsact such other business as may come befuro said meeting. JOHN HINKLi:, Ilefcree In llankruptcy. First published Dec 31'u. All of our hot water bottles nro ade tit new rubber. No old, worked v'er rubber In them. That's why tho? xi so tough and long lived. 50c to ..00. F. J. IIAMSHY, Druggist. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN LAWYERS. C. C. Potter J. C. Thompson W. D. Potter POTTER, THOMPSON &. POTTER. Attorneys at Law. Office Oxer First National Hank. Ardmore, Indian Territory. 11. C. Potterf. D. A. Walla-. POTTERF &. WALKER. Attorneys and Counselors nt Law. Ardmore. Ind. Ter. cnpt. j. w. kiiis. w. u. Hainan. ; ELLIS & HALFHILL, Ilooma 21 and 22 Homeatead Illdg. Chll and Indian Imsitu-sH exclu sively. Muskogee, Ind. Ter. WILLIAM W. WRIGHT (Registered Attorney.) (Formerly with Dawes Comtnlssloni Contests, Citizenship Cascg and other matters before tho Interior De partment, Inclusively. Omces Washington Lcm & Trust llulldliiL'. Washlnaton, D, C, Chas. J. Kappler. Chas. II. Mcrldit. Compiler "Indian Active Court Ijws and Treaties" Practlonor. KAPPLER & MERILLAT, Attorneys and Cjunselors-Jt-Law. Prnctlce before ell Courts: Congre!!. (loverntnent Departments and Coin missions. Indian Cases a Specialty. OlUce, Ilond lllilg. Wa'inqton, D, C CLIN I'UN O. DUNN, Attorney at Law. Ardmoie, Ind. Ter. W. L. Froman. Olllo Anderton FREEMAN & ANDERTON L.iwycra. Pennington & SIiiib nulldlng. PHYSICIANS. F. P. vonKeller. V. D. It. II. Henry. M. D. F. P. vonKeller. M. I). Ilea, phono 41. It. II. Honry. XI. IV lies, phone 376. Olll ce phono 1 IG. vonKELLER & HENRY, Physicians and Surgeons. 3yo, Har, Noso and TIroat Si ecbllsti Spectacles and Uvn tllasaes acct stely nttcd. Oll'r e r IW1 "ritf; Drii-' Storo. rtooms c :i - Ofllco: Stone llunomi:. M. illllls' Store. Telephone: OnV Hosldonce CSSi G. E. GOODWIN, M. D. (Offlce over W. M. Illllls ) Phones O nice 319; Itesldcnco 307. C. E. SHACKELrORI. M. l. Physician f.nd r -Qtop. Olllce Itandol Du. r.-JB. OOlco Phono fifil. Itesidonco 714. ANDERSON t HITAKER, Viterlr ourneons. Ontco: Smith, 'very Darn. Phone 12 o. 1.. FERRO'S. Undertsklnn and Embalmlnn, North Washington StreeL Phones :itl and m. J. L. WILSON. ITtKlflllT, TltANSFKH AND IIAOOACiK LINE. Offlco nt American Itestnuraut. Gomo Good Advice, jr better buggies for less monoy tl'm tho pcddlors soli and on as good terms seo Noble Urothers. When you trndo here your noto Is with home people. 19-tf When tho cold winds dr and crack the skin get DoWItt s Witch Haze) Salve. Sold by Hoffman Drug Co. Grand Avenue Hotel! TUB IIDST $2 Pl.ll DAY IIOTBI, IN NEW STATU WIIKN IN CITY, CALL C. T. WILLIAMS, Prop. OKLAHOMA CITY. OKLAHOMA ;$ Your money judiciously. t There's no q it c s t i o n t . Ij: about your money being . it :e . i 4. wen spent, ii mvcsicu m Mfi HfiNHf ( P 1 i U U n ) LUU 1 1 r- yvmv.r.'tty,a,'.'Av"JwV.'''"!'J $ t X for entire satisfaction re- .i ; suits from the use of it. For sale at all leading i dealers and groceis. t ! TYLER & SIMPSON I COMPANY I DISTRIBUTORS tT ljmi-lLUuUrJU W ymZSLi.'ZlCSSl ARDMORE HACK LINE u. f.. iLini, i-rop. Hack leaves for Healdtoa &t 6:20 n. m. li lTnpV lnfivna fni- jiMlr mt T r 111 n. m. Direct connection with all Inland towns went at Ariinoro. H Loavo all bundles ut Noblo Ilros.' Store. BACCAGE TRANSFER LINE Phone 261 DAY or NItlllT STEVE KOWLES, Proprlrtor M-V H"H-t" T- I AMERICAN i Hotel and Restaurant ;? . Euroiu'an I'lm JW. J ALEXANDER, Proprietor. $ . Cuter tn First Cl Trade Onljr 'X t OI'K.V DAY AND NIOIIT ? -M--M-H-r WARNING. ORDER. I In tlio Unite I States Court In the Indian leirltory. Southern District: W ,D. Irby, plaintiff, vs. Jewel i.Jy, defendant. No. CSC0. Tho defendant, Jewell Irby, Is warned to appear In this court In thirty days and answer tho complaint of tho plaintiff. W. D. Irby. iiti tho Hon. Hosca Town send, Jtntgu of sa'c fitil and tho stal Ui-rwf, this Htn da ot iJi in bcr, :?" (Seal)' O- 41 "AMI'BBJj, Icrk. lly W. S. crtOCKETT. Deputy. II. A. Ix'dbetter, nttornoy. S. II. Ilutler. Atty. for non-res. First published Doc. It, 1906. Citizenship Claims. If you have u citizenship claim pond ng and nro not yet enrolled, or have other buslneBH boforo tho Interior De partment, wrl'u imracdlaiely to Wll lam W. Wrlrut, registered attorney, Offlccs, Wash'agton Loan & Trust Building, Washington, D. C. Subscrlbo tot The Ardniorelte. fit 5 ? BUGGIES AT COST Bg-njr-.i'issai M-avam(w .i i it Wo have a splen' did lino of Bug gies, which for a brief time will bo sold at cost. OUR OFFER IS A SNAP t i'e Come and See ir Stevens. Rennerly ? Sprains ff rfS .... a. li. huitenon . .a. s. uuinot f 1 l 1 TTTI . SSI 1 A.G.FULLERTON I ? o nn &C0. SanJtcrs - Brokers Cotton, Stocks, Grain nnd PrnvUinn I Over Kearney Hardwaro Store. T Olllcca Ardmoro, Pauls Valley, X Wynncwood, Sulpnur, I. T. nnd 1ixlngton, Oltla. T Phono 720. 7 HELSLEY &. KERNER. Carry a full stock of fresh and cured Meats, Vegetables, Fruit and ovcrythfng In tho market line. Prompt delivery to any part of tho city. Telephone 612 Mistletoe The Great Tcmpcrnncn DrinH Every bottle made in con formity with the law. A favorite beverage with everybody Gives absolute satisfaction to every dealer Send your orders to JOE BASTIM Manager New State Hrcwinij Association ARDMORE, - - IND. TER. FRIEND to FRIEND Tho personal recommendations of pooplo who havo been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlain' Cough ltemedy havo dono moro than nil clso to mako It a staplo artlclo of trado nnd commerce over a large part of tho civilized world. An Insidious Danger. Ono of tho worst features of kidney trouble. Is that It Is an Insidious dis ease nnd beforo tho victim realizes his danger ho may havo a fatol mal ady. Tako Foley's Kidney Curo at the first sign of trouble as It corrects Irregularities and prevents Drlght's disease aud diabetes, Sold by Hoff man Drug Co., nnd City Drug Store. WW! Ml