Newspaper Page Text
PACE EIGHT THE DAILY ARO' IQRUITC Anlmore, Wednesday, January 9, 197 RUBBER WORTH We sult-ft rufobor goxlN '.ari-r,llv ixcnus.- earpfal chowilriK is noconsary. A hlltflit lifr.r-u- in quality tnaKerf R mtf iHITorenre in the turn- u !i .' id last .lust now Hot Water Bottles ar' very hnn it!- anl wi h iv. Rood ones at various prices from ."xk- to jl'.od. A hot w.m-r bottle is tho most suitable antidote for colli feet. It w aKo constantly useful f ir rursTtj,' pain of eer n. is the harmless c ure for pail ; Full lm-ls, nf Fountain, Mill) anil Coin hi tuition Syringes ami oil r runic 1 (yumis Phone 30 F. J. RAMSEY Druiifiht Corner Cndtlo and Main Street GO TO J w$ J L L For Your Xmas Perfumery and TOILET SETS Fine Stationery, Games, Mechanical Toys, Animal Toys, Hobby Horses and Automobile Wagons We have the MOST COMPLETE line of DOLLS IN THE CITY, also Doll Beds and Bufji-ies. In fact EVERYTHING that SANTA CLAUS can use PLOW'S CANDIES Frank Berryh! Prompt. us-. Knowledge and Absolute Indemnity arc tho characteristics of our agency i llli'M-'KM N DICKER MAN & oO. V. u.tiki it -perl iln of Furnacn HcntiniiOin r.t Mill Stirtinns IHuw Pipes and Hetvvy Sheet Metal WnrK AID AND MISSION SOCIETIES. Methodist Home Mission. Tin- Ilium- Mission mii-li-t nf tho r.ioadway Methodist rhuii'li meets tin- llrst ami third Tuesdays In each month at I lu church. I'icslilont, Mm. CIiiiB Muiililn. Sec Hi.ny, Mr. V. II. lucrum, Troasur im. Mr. V. V. Whlttlngtun. Methodist Foreign Mission. Meetings of the Foreign Mission -m-ti-ly of tho Methodist .lunch aro held the llrst Thursday In .ii li month. l'icldcnt. Mr. It. W. llamlol; 1st n-i president. Mrs. V. F. Whlttlng ion 2nd vice president, Mr. Nettle l -ncs; 3rd vice president, Mm. Johu ll-rfiiian; CorresKnding secret e-v, Mi" P. P. Kearney; Recording sccro I in. Mrs. P. II. Woods. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Broadway Methodist. S inday school at 0:30 a. ni ; Su l i iiitemlent, J. W. Hanks; Secretary, Uutcher; Librarian. John Huff man, Jr. Eighteen classes. r Junior Epworth League. Junior 1-eague meet at Hroadway Methodist church every Sumlin af ternoon at 4 o'clock; President. Si-1 1 1 Uutcher. Epwerth League. The Epworlh league meets even Sunday afternoon at 2. 45 at the M'.i.idwgy Methodist church; I'n-.l ni. W. Q. Dltller; M vice pre-l d-nt. A. A. Bagwell; 2nd lce pn-l .1. nt . Mamie Nlsbett; 3rd vice pr.-l -l- iii Ulla Oavli; Secret ury and tn-iix n :. Lena Sullivan. Presbyterian Mission Soc'ty. Meets once a montu; Pn-l-li nt Mis 8. 8. Carr; Vice president. Mis H C. Potterf; Secretary and ti--4 -in it. Mrs. J. K. Pennington Cumberland Presbyterian Aid. M.-ets first and third Tueuims -if k Ii month with Its momhi-m. l'i-h l-l nt. Mrs. Ed Hyrd: Vice pri-ldi nt Mis l. II. Pennington; Bern mid treasurer, Mm. It. C. I'otterf Subscribe for Tho ArdmorolU. THE DRUGGIST Exclusive Agent for HUYLER'S CANDIES For hvcrythir". That Is i Made of TIN. I Tin Hoofing a Specialty "HQ HoIxm'Is & Bonner, INSURANCE and BONDS. J J m mi-hkki:i.mi:yi:ii PHONE 383 TROUBLE AT NOGALES, MEX. (Continued I rum paKe one) ' declare that the will kill him on slg'u ! hat the limn In well guarded by the IllKipS. I The government U much wruught I up over the turn affair have taken In i tho textile strike nnd declare that I such punishment wll lie meted out to the leaden of the present movement an an oliject lesson to all tuher work men who resort to violence. No City Election in Oklahoma. Guthrie, Ok., Jan. 8. Piesent In dications are that no regular city elections will bo held In Oklahoma this sprlngai- usual, it being held that the art passed by congress Just prior to the passage of the enabling act grant lug joint statehood to the ten iti les eliminates tiny ni-cei,ltj of holding a city elertlon In the same manner that It eliminated the tu bling of the regular muniy election on Nov ii, last, and the election of a deb-Kate to coiiuiisk at that same time When you n member al-mt avoid ing temptation It s too late TELEPHONE FOR CARRIAGE OR DAGOAGE Ardmore Transfer Co. W. R INGRAM, Manager. largest Union Carriage Uno In the CI17. Nijrht tr.un calls ."n i-ints. Evory f.ill spot cash. YERNMENT rcn AM7MORE MEETS WITH FA VOR BY CITIZENS. . . ALDERMAN P E N N I NGTON Expresses Himself as Favoring that Plan at Does Ex-Alderman Whit tlngton City Attain Should Be Handled at Any Individual'! Ardin-ire Hill In all probability h tin rlty hi (he new state to try the commission form of city govern-m-tit H.-wral of the business u.-u of tin- ilty were m-ei Wednesday morn-it-v iiml their opinion asked aa to l,ai thi-y thought of that form of iiiaii.-iKlng the affairs of the city. Aldi i man J. It. Pennington of the i-ii-Kent city council when seen on tin- subject, had the following to say fiunilnn the "business man's form of tmmlr-ipHl government:" 1 urn heartily In favor of the com mission form of city government and think that It Is the -rest solution to the problem. A tnuntcliial corporation in the creature of a legislative body and the busluess of u city should be looked after the same as any private enterprise. N'n Individual corioration can exist whose tlnniices aro handled by a different set of officers ever;, year. Then again, the o Ulcers of a private coriorntlon receive enough salary to live on, while tho officials of a municipal corporation such as the aldermen whoso business It Is to look after the affairs of a I'lty are compflli-d to have other occupations lo make a livelihood. A set of husl-ii.'-h men flint usually forms the com nilsnion of a city to look after It's af fairs nhotild be pali enough salary so in they could devote their entire time i'i that business and Instead of Just uMiig an hour or so .once or twice a month to the affairs of the city, they can give all of their time thereto.'' i:-Alderman W. V. Whlttlngton witj approached on the subject, and Ills annuel- was about the same as that of Aldermnti Pennington. Mr. Whlt tlngton favored the plan and had tho following to any coiicerihng It: "N'o one or two or a halt a doteu men can handle tho attaint of a city like Anlmore or even amnllcr by Just devoting an hour or so twice a month to Its affairs. The oalary will not permit one to do so. Hut If the affairs of the city wero placed In the hands of a set of bttsineas -y three or more nnd the salary tnndo aulllclent so aa the cnmnilHsloiier can devote his en tire time to municipal affairs then the tux payer will get results. 1-ook what Galveston has done under the coniiiiisHlon form. A laborer Is wor thy of his hlie and u::tll the ;-f fairs of a city are handled the same as any other business then you will find to, us growing deeper In debt. The pay of an alderman or any oth- i municipal officer who hag tho ex ecutive management of affairs tuulor he existing circumstances Is not nut 'icient for him to devote all of his 'line to It. I will gladly heed tho day v. hen we can secure the commission form of government for tho city. U. W. St uar: N ashler of the Ard more National bank, is another citi zen thui favors the commission form of government for municipal affairs. Mr. Stunt t's iv.isoim an- nlnmt tho lime in those i .h -s. 1 b tin- oilier 'i-titli tiu-ti n ibis tnouilnu burnished by Private Wire of H. T. Rutherford & Company. Members New Orleans Cotton i:cbge. Anlmore, Wedned.i , .lanua-'y 9. Census report on cotton ginned tt January 1st, 1 1,750.01-1 vs. 0.72a.i:C last year, tissued today 1 p. m. Ard moro time,) Port Receipts, 10,026 vs. 12.S25 last year. Estimated Tomorrow. Houston 14,000 to 15.0C0 vs. 3,011 ast year. New Urlean 12.500 o I"f-'0 vs II. 07 last year. CahiMoti 15.100 to 17 '"' s. 4-.o ' ist year. . , ... . i Spots; .laverpool steady; B poluto ui lid tales 12,000, New Yolk firm, unchanged. Mid ' II 5, New Orleans Arm and un hanged Mid. 10 0-lli; sales 3000; f. ob irv.o Galveston llrm; Mid. 10,. -ales 1 7.1. f o b. 1400. New lork Futures. Close Opm High l.-jiv 1 icm- Yctdy m.i :' .-Tt) 'j"!)t ps-. sj Mn USH 101"! !(-: 1-'ij-01 9 9S-S Jnh il'Jl 10.12 !'.( ;-i 1011 10.04-Oi T"tn- very steady. New Orleana Futurei, Close Open High Low Cloo Yestdy Mar 1.33 l(t,5 10 32 10.53-64 10.10-41 Ma' 1"H 10.S1 10 12 10.8301 10.51B J,,i ,n 55 10 lo-69T0 10 Tone steady. Liverpool Futures, i Close Open Close Vest. Jan-Keb 5.81 S.fiOt 6.!ft March-April 6.58 S.8IH 5.53 H May-June 5.6S S.5SH 8.17 tt Tone barely steady. ' Chicago Markets. ' UImq Open lllgb Low Clot Yes'y i Wheat May ..75 7 75H 75b 7Jb July ..76M 76 75 76Ha i Corn .May. . .434) I8H 13 43 43b July ..43H $3 43H 18 43b outs May ..85 j. M S6n July ..33 3BK 33 33b 33W WANTKI) A cook. Apply Mrs. c. A. Hammous, cor. 1st Ave and 1) St. S. W. 9tf WRECK ON THE CHOCTAW NEAR MILBURN YESTERDAY AFT ERNOONONE INJURED. Tracvk Torn up for a Distance of Two Miles Train Delayed Several Hours Injured Passenger Re ceives Aid. Dr. C. C. Savage of Hartshorns was painfully Injured and a number of other passenger on Incoming Choc taw local considerably shuken upTjy a derailment of the front trucks on a freight car of that train Tuesday aft ernoon two miles oast of Mllburn. The local which Is due at Ardmoro nt 5 o'clock out of HalleyvIIle was wreck ed at that point by a beam breaking on the front trucks of a car. ien the derailment occurred tho train wag running at tho rate of alwitt twenty miles per hour. When the beam broko the entire train was given n tremon doim Jerk and passengers wero thrown from their seats. Many fearing tho cas would bo plied up Jumped from the train. Only ono of tho number, Dr.. Savage, was Injured, as he jump ed he was thrown on his shoulder I knocking It out of pulace and other wise received Injuries. I Other passengers Juiniied from tho wrecked train whcli wants 1 wrecked train which was still keeping the tracqs but luckily nono were hurt. The train ran a dlstanrr of two miles before It could bo stopped. Tho entire tracks for that dlstanco wero torn up. lloth engineer and fireman Jumped from the engine after throw ing on all brakes nad shutting off the power. Tho local carries both freight ' and passenger cars nnd was heavily loaded. Tho tracks over which tho dcrallod trucks had been dragged were torn up and damaged to tho oxtont of about 1,500. The damage to tho cam was slight and amounted to only about jr,o. Scoffern Goes to Panama, Chclkasha, I. T., Jan. V. ScoN fern, one of the best knnwj men ot oklalmma Ii iv -s thlg w.ik for Pana ma, w here he ie-i t ncc ',); a icsltlon with the canal commission. Mr. Scot fern stands high In nMsonlc and so cial circles. Hp hn held various posi tions of trust, being mayor of tho city for one term. Ho recently resign ed hi iHisltion as olllco deputy mar shal here. Minnesota Governor's Message. Uy Associated Progs. St. Paul Minn., Jnn. 0. Governor Johnson In his tneswtgo to tho legis lature today demanded a further re duction In frleght rntcs, advocated n two-cent fnre and asked that appro priation be mdno to ennble tho attor ney general to prosecute those res ponsible for the nllogod extortionate Increase In the prlco of lumber. An operation Is always necessary when the doctor needs tho money. A DOL'LAR'OR TWO ' WEEK TO FURNISH A HOME AT PAVING WORK IS DELAYED 1 ON ACCOUNT OF THE EXCESSIVE RAINY WEATHER. Travel Almost Impossible, Teams Dog Up to Knees cn Main Street. No Relief Except Cessation of Rain. The unusual sight of a horse bog. gwf up uver Its forelegs in th si nets of Ardmore attracted a great deal of attention to passersby on l'lfth me ntte and South Washington stteet this morning. A fanner bad driven to town with a wagon load of cot 'on He sold the cotton and started to the cotton yard. When b taihod Fifth avenue where he was to turn off Into the yard he ran his team Inio a ditch which had been dug for the w. ter mains. The rains of the p.r week had made the ditch soft an-l i he dirt loose. When the horse step,.. I Into it he went down. Aft.-r w-nl. ing about two hours with the -.sMst aneo of employees at the city h ill. the farmer got his h- - out. The rains which l,a.. nad- the ditches soft and dantirous nave also played havoc with the streets of Anl more. Never before have tlu-v b, , u In the condition they arc at present. iind there seems no solution to the problem. There Is mud, tnud everywhere nnd the officials are helpless to better tin condition. The great amount of dltdi work which has been done In the city the past six months has loosened the dirt on all streets with the result they are In a very bad condition. While the rains continue work Is sutiiended and nothing can lib done to better conditions. For tho past week It has been the Intention nf the paving com pany to begin tho work of putting In curbing and grading the streets to he paved. During that time the rain has fallen almost steadily, and to work Is Imiiosslblc. Whenever the rain ceases for a time a force of workmen havo been placed on the streets, but they havo been driven off by the rain which ttndoos all work they have accomplished. It Ik Im possible to do anything toward pav ing while the weather Is In Its pres ent changeable mood. Secretary lkmnell of the Amorlcan Light and Water comiiany, who has charge, of the laying of wntor and sewer mains In Ardmore, left today for Kansas City, his headtpiarters. llo foro going, Mr. Ilonnoll stated that given fifteen days of pretty weather and ho would havo every sewer main In the city laid. Tho water mains have been completed. The rains and bad weather have con tho water compa ny hundreds of dollars. Their work would havo been completed some time ago had the weather been fa vorable. II. K. Mcftllum of tho Mc Quutters Paving company, which com pany Is to pave the streets, said not a week ago, that given thirty days of pretty weather and he would pavo nil Ardmore's business streets. Two propositions of groat Importnnco to Ardmoro being held up, with not a wheel moving. Tho delay is to be regretted, hut unavoidable and from present Indications will last somo tlmo. Local Cotton Market. The local cotton market ranges around the prlcea paid during tho past week. Tho highest price paid was 0:75 cents per iiound. A great doal of the cotton marketed brought as low as eight cents. Tho receipts to day havo been the lightest of the season. Revising Anti-Trust Laws . Iv Associated l'reas. Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. S. Among tho four bills revising i o nntl-trust laws drawn tip by Attorney Oonoral Ilndloy ami Senator Gllmore, one in troduced In the senate tiXay by Gil more provides for a Jail penalty for violation of anti-trust laws. Murderer Gets Respite, Ily Associated Proas. Jefforson City, Mo., Jan. 9. Gov. Folk today granted Win. Spatish, Jt., a respite for ono week. Spaugh whB to have been Imaged to morrow In Iteynulds country for tho murder of Sheriff Polk of Iron county. Somo men nro able to bear misfor tunes and some otlieis have sense enough to avoid them WILL DO- JONES' THINK MORE Why Is it that the overage man Is worth so much lets in money nnd property than we havo a right to espect him to be' H Isn't becnuso he doesn't make tho money for tho aerao man Is Industrious and has earned from $10,000 to $30,000 In the pa .1 ten years. It Is because ho doesn't give much serious thought ci ther to his Income or his outgo. Serious thought would teach him tho value cf a dollar; then ho would spend carefully and save steadily. That system soon places any man ahead of his fellows. A bank account helps you to Invito your account and will help Ardmore Loan HOFFMANN DRV(i CO. l?UKKCUIlTION DlU'CGISTS THI.HPIIONI-J o(W 4.4..).jt.. - H"i; - : - 4.4 - - K - t THREE LINES, THREE WANTED. WANTED A colored bo for geueial housewoik. Mrs. W. It. Moore, 720 2nd avenue southwest. Mf WANTUD 500 horses and mules to slme nt $1.00 a head at DeVeny'a lllacksmlth and Carriage Shop. Hroadway Street. Horse Shoo Sign. C-G WANTKI) Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes, wages Satur days, tools given, diplomas grant ed, beautiful 1907 catalogue Just out innlk-d freo, write Moler Harbor College, Kansas City, Mo. C6t WANTED livery body to know that wo buy furs as well as hides, eggs and jioultry. Don't forget to call on tis whon you havo an) thing to sell. Kmpiro Produce Comiiany, 135 N. Caddo. 3-Ct WANTKI) TO TltADK A now $100 Fox typewriter for n good horse, or to apply on horso and delivery wag on. 2f WAN i KD An nil round blacksmith. A. W. Mlnford, Lindsay. I.T. 11-lm WANTKI) All kinds old Iron, bones, copper, brass, rubber, 7.lnc, load, bottles, rags nnd feathers. Will pay spot cash or more In merchan dise. C. P. Hall tho House Out fitter, Texas Wagon Yard, Caddo St. S-lm WANTKD ltollnblo laundry agents In cvory town In tho New Stnto of Oklahoma. High grado work and liberal commissions. Wrlto to NEW STEAM LAUNDIIY, Frank Honnor. Manager, Ardmore, I. T. 2Mf WANTKD Local representatives to Intiodttco our now chart of tho Unit ed States showing Oklahoma as a stato, up-to-dato In evory respect nnd bound u bo a winner. Get In lino with tho proposition In which ovoryono Ij Interested. Wrlto us for full particulars. Hand, McNally & Co.. Chicago, Ills. 7-5 FOR RENT. FOR PENT Furnished or unfurnlsh od rooms for light housekeeping. Apply 301 South Washington. S-3t FOR PENT Cash tonus, my farm. A. D. Chase. S-C FOIt PENT Olllco Host oinco In postolllco building. Apply Carter & Cannon. 40 FOIt KENT Furnished mom. In rjiilro DoVItt'a Pool Hall. 30tf FOIt PENT modern now cottage In desirable portion of tho city. Ap ply M. P. Pann. 11-lm FOIt SALE My household goods. somo big bargains. M. P. Fnnn. 11-lm FOIt KENT Pour room houso. Sec ond nveuuo and F street. Wrltd W. H. llawllngs, Mill Creek, I. T., 0-tf TERRI'l ORY BONDS INVALID. Such is Decision of New York Author Ity Affects All Cities. South McAi.-ster, 1. T-, Jnn. S. Judge Dillon of New York, the ack nowledged bond authority In tlio Unit ed States, has decided that McAles- ti-i'a issue or $200,000 In bonds for school and w.ter purposes Is Illegal. This affects tho validity of all bonds Issued by Indian Torrltory mu nicipalities In five years. John Young Burled, The remnli i of John Young, win died Monday morning nt 10 o'clock, wero burled this aftornoon nt tho Huso Hill c -metery. Mr. Young' death was caused from Injuries re ceived In a fall. Ills remains havo WAIT COLUMN in si siiiiiiiiinumiJiujiiinuiMMirowjij.niiraa SPEND LESS reallzo tho valtto of money and wo you to Bavo. & Trust Company 4 - n - n - .r - - : - i - t -:--:-.n--.v-:--:".N-t I 4 TIMES, THREE DIKES J -!--HM.-t"t--H- FOR SALE. FOIt HUNT OK SALE One 40xC0 tent, suitable for camp meetings Heasonable rate. J. Goldsmith, s ) FOR SALE 1500 bales or prairie hay at 25 cents per bale at bam. Jim Watklns, Ardmore. 7-w3t-d3t KOH SALE Somo heavy wrapping paper, desirable and convonent for uso in laying carpets. It's cheap at 2Cc a roll. Ardmorolte. 28 FOIl SALE L. L. Tyer & Son have three houses nnd lots for snle at a bargain. Alo 50 ncres of land near Ardtmiro. Will take good t-.un as liart pay. 2Str FOIt SALE A Becund-hnnd safe. In Mdo measurements 30 Inches high, IS Inches wide, 13 inches deep. Out fddo monsurcment '48 Inches high, cnqulro nt Ardmorolte office. 2tt FOR SALE Oil KENT lllacksmlth shop, tools and everything com plete. The old Havens stand. Ap ply Al Illco. 3-tf FOR SALE A six-column quarto Kockford newspaper folder In good condition. Will soil cheap. AHD MORKITE PUDL1SHINO COM PA NY. ll-tf LOST. LOST Piece of link watcli fob, set with pearls and another laige stone Will pay reward for Its return to Ardmorelto office. Ttf been held slnco death In tho hope that his brothers or relatives who live in Oklahoma could bo I-card from. All efforts to communicate with them havo been without avail however and ho was burled In the cemetery her. FRATERNAL. Woodmen Circle. Meets tho llrst Monday afternoon and tho third Friday evonlng In each month nt K. of p. hail; Guardian. M. G. Hargrave; Advisor. Joanna Hub erts; Attendant, Alice Stnples; Magi cian, Vina Young; Hanker, Pauline Colo; Inner sontlnel, Alllo V. Dolllns: Outer sontlnel, Lizzie llelsey; Man agers Sophronla Httlllon, L. P. Sta les. Lena Y. Homier; Physician, J. 11. Ilargravo; Clerk. Salllo L. Sturgeon. Lady Maccabees. Meet tho llrst and third Monday af ternoons of each month In the Odd Fellows hall: Ijidy Commander, Mrs. W. II. Ingram; Past commander. Mrs. I. H. Mason: Lieutenant i-n!iininn,tr Mrs. A. II. Hnlcomb; Chaplai.i, .Mi Ilottlo Taylor; Record and Finance Keeper, Mrs. Fnniilo Goff; Sergeant. Mrs. Snlllo Jordan; Mistress nt Arms, Mrs. Hass; Physician, W. T. Hugle. Eastern Star. Tho meetings aro held tho first Monday In each month In the .Mason ic Temple; Worthy .Matron. Llllle Palmer; Worthy patron, w. A. Wlm blsh; Associate, Molllo Peel; Secre tary, Fannlo Humpnss; Treasurer. Hertha Warren; Conductress. Hessle Palmer; Associate conductress. Ada Smith: Chaplain. K. C. Chastnlne; Ada, HcbsIo LeGrando; Huth, Hen Wolvorton: Esther, Sndlo Gaskln; Martha. Mny Wlmblsh; Electra, Mar Humph: Organist, Josslo Chasfctltio Kent; Warden, Llzzlo Helsey; Senti nel, Sam Lane. Royal Neighbors. Meet tho llrst and third Tuosday ev enings In each month nt 7:30 o'clock at tho K. of P. hall; Oracle, Mrs. Fannlo Goff; VIco orncle, Mrs. Wal ling; Past oracle, Mrs. Mary How man: Chancellor, Mrs. u. W, Hoteli er; Physician, J. M. Vaden. Benevolent Scclety Meeting. On account of the Illness In the homo of Mrs. A. C. Cruco tho Honev olent society will meet tomorrow af tornoon nt tho homo of Mrs. J. C Thompson. A full attendance Is re quired.