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1 1 ' l THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN INDIAN TERRITORYASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTSALL THE LOCAL NEWS FIRST. i For Picnics and Barbecues 4- 1 .---. J ' CARL D. DAVIS t Tailor-Mnde Clothing J t Clunlnif, Pri-mlnit ami Rrpnlrlni t 106 E. Main Phone 230 T ?? Solomon's Very Best Bread In Any Quanity. 4-I VOLUME XIV ARDMORE, I. T. MONDAY EVENING, ,! lTLV 1, 11)07. NUMBER 32 mm JUNE CLEARANCE -- - 0F Summer Goods Extra Specials in all Summer Merchandise The specials vc ofTcrcd Jast week were all picked up readily, this was because they were values indeed. Now comes others MORE WORTHY. SILKS AT HALF-PRICE We show the largest stock of New Silks to be found in this market this season. A large stock means more short lengths to be closed out. It is our policy to clean up each season. Visit our Silk Coun ter Monday, it will pay you well. 50 patterns in Wash Silks, regular Me nntl .Wo values, nro on o , Halo at, per yard wit IV-inch Talfotas, all tho Now Wanted Shades regular fiflc, Too A Q and bSc values, will go at tho yard : ftZL 'JT-lncli Taffetas, Kxtrn special values nt HSo and $1.111 these "TOp are the must duslrahlo fancy silks wo lmvo handled, will ho I t fl."." lllaek Tallota SlIkH This Is our guaranteed sllkj ono fljl Qf that will cost today at leat S2.00 per yard, tako it at pl. J Extra Specials in Wash Dress Goods A timely opportunity to buy new, seasonable Wash Dresses at less money than they can be manufactured for. lio Imported Lawns, theso sheer fabrics will havo a very long season to prove their worth. Wo place tho line In ono lot, 7 o A at choice 0-L :iO-inch wide Lingeries, n fabric so sight, values up to HSo per yard, at Ladies' Suits, Skirts, Waists and Dresses at Men's Clothing at Men's VIM and :i.0u Hats at IBHWI.UUI J.I IH.1H LJJitJP .1 Ul.' J- U i ttt nan a ai mmmm a ir HELP WANTED Wo want you to help us disposo t a large Khlpment of II. J llelnz'a mar malado mustard dressing, sweet gher kins and preserves of all kinds; our prices are right. Our prices on fruit Jars and Jolly glasses Mill cause them to muvo raie Idly. Our celebrated cotfeo and tea never fall to satisfy. Mr Jim Hlble, formerly with M. T. Felker Imb accepted a losltlon with us. Those desiring to share their pat ronage with him, we assure yuu. It will bo highly appreciated. W. J. LANE, 308 Eat Main. Pho"e 247. What about your Laundry ? Wo do better work. Give better satisfaction. Don't tear clothes. Givo a better finish. Now don't you think tho homo laundries should either do better work or not kick at you for Bend ing your work out of town. Ve ship Monday's, Tuesdays and Wednesdajs at noon and deliver Thursdays, Fridays ond Satur days. Givo us a trial bundle. E. L. JONES, Commission Ajpnt, Sherman Steam Laundry. Rate War in Clcago. lly Associated Tress. Chicago, July 1. What promises to to be a bitter passenger rate war was inaugurated today by tho Chicago, Cincinnati and Louisville road, which established a faro of to between Chi cago and Cincinnati. Notice of tho new into has been filed with tho Interstate - sheer that It will sell at ..19c One-fourth Off One-fourth Off $1.49 V m I have some very desir- a b 1 e residence nrooertv nicely located which I will sell on reasonale terms. If you want a home it will pay you to ee me at once. Also some laud near town. Phone 89 or 702. CHAS. E. FRALEY commerco commission and cannot bo withdrawn berore August 1, even it tho road should so desire. Tho reduc tion restulted from the refusal of tho other roads to accord to tho new lino a dollar differential ou nil passenger business. Tho previous rate was JG, but tilt) standard tare Is reduced to in today by tho action of tho two-cent law. Fear of a Lynching. Columbia, S. C, Juno 30. The body of Dock Williams, a farmer about -IU Jearb old, was found In tho yard of a negro family named linker, near Springfield, early today. It Is alleged that when hailed Williams refused to give his name or Ills business, where upon a boy of tho family shot him to death. Lato tonight It Is said that .1 posto of fifty men are in search, ot the boy who did tho killing, and it Is feared that lie will bo lynched If cap tured. See or Write Us for City and Farm Loan. Drew 4 Ramsey, ill North Washington Ardmore, I. T. Ne Indian Commissioner. Dr Assi ciatod Press. Muskogee, I. T., July 1. Indian Inspector J. George Wright today succeeded Tarns Illxby as commission er Hi tho live civilized tribes. The latter will engago In newspaper work. Commissioner Wright ban been in the Indian service for twenty.four years, Tuo Balary is $5,000 a year, (Subscribe for Tho Ardmorolto. REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS REFUSE TO SUDMIT FACTS TO COMMITTEE AT GUTHRIE. MURRAY EXPRESSES HIMSELF Says the Thirteen Republicans In the Convention are in Honor Bound to Offer Objections If They Can Find Any to Offer. Ardmorclto Special. Tishomingo, 1. T., July 1, 180". Helatlve to the statement of republi can politicians contained in the press, to tho effect thai Ilouaparto hail ad Used thai tho enabling act Is uncon stitutional and that It attempted del egated authority of admitting states to the president, William II. Murray, president of tho constitutional con vention, had this to say to your re porter: '.Since whe mild tho republican par ty become a party of 'strict construc tion' of the constitution of tho United States? Tholr record has been that they were limited only by tho 'gen eial welfare clause' In the prenmblo of the constitution of tho United States. Now they say wo must com ply with both tho enabling net and the constitution of Uie United States, and yet they claim that tho enabling act, passed by themselves, Is uncon stitutional. Moreover, tho enabling act framed tho live congressional dis tricts of tho proposed state by tho most patent gerrymander, nnd then they say, wo must com ply with that enabling net, atiu that n compllanco must in part consist of a legislative apportion ment which contains no trace of ger rymander without furnishing us the population upon which to make an accurate and correct apportionment. I observe, also, they will refuse to sub mit any facts or make any requests of tho committee appointed to meet nt CiUthrie on tho Gth day of July, two of said committee appointed by me, aro Henry Asp, ono of tho nblest men of that party, and J. H. N. Cobb, another very able republican, both of them delegates to tho convention. Doubtless n committee of Individual republicans might decllno to mako re quests, or show any facts wherein tho legislative apportionment Is wrong, but tho thirteen republicans in the convention cannot, by nny rulo ot honor or any codo governing olllclal duty, fall to offer objections to tho ap- ortlonment If It Is wrong, nnd to point out specifically tho errors con tained therein, nnd their failure to do So cannot nbsnlvo tho mfrom the to sponslbillty nt least to their constitu ents and the party they represent, be t SELLING OUT l T- W TO LEAVE ARDMORE Tllfi inf-fiPSf- nf P TV TVfnRlrnvYniinl In 9Fi nt in the Highland of High School. All lots in Ardmore owned jointly by McElroy and Sass T-TnuQflin1H fiirnif-iirr nf oil L-Jnrlc pnn Kr eppn on second floor of first building Rink. Office furniture of all kinds. MY t bee me at t cause they nro members of that con entlon. charged with tie duty and responsibility ot submitting fans an 1 figures In order to secure n Just ap IKMllonment. This Is certslnh e pected of these thirteen delegate and if they fall It will lie proof to nil cltlrens of the statu that they hsu no Information upon which to base n clinrge that the upMirtlnnmeut Is wrong; or that having such luforma I Hon, they fall to perform their duly j as delegates to that convention. Til" majority of the convention desire to have an apportionment bused upon the iMipulntloti, If o could know ac curntely the population of each coun ty or district, and will gladly wel come ndvlce from any source. Hut, we subml" that charges of wrong do lnr, In general terms, without speci fying where, Is not ndUce'md Is not Information such ns the people of the state can expect of delegates, wheth er democrats or republicans, elected by them to that convention." NERVY ENGLISH GIRL TRAVELS TWELVE THOUSAND MILES TO WED SUCCESSFUL GOLD MINER IN ALASKA. Ardmorclto Special. Sonttle, Wash., July 1. Twelve thousand mites, from ,ondnn, to Can dle City, tho Northernmost mining camp ot Alaska Is the extent of tho trip made by Miss Clam C. Askwltli, a pretty Kngllsh. girl, in order that sho might keep an engagement to wed W. J. Wells, a, successful gold miner of the frozen Northland. Tho ceremony is set for today nt Candlu City, where Wells owns vnluablo min ing properties. Candle City Is 300 miles north of Nome, tho trip from tho latter city being made by sledge. Miss Askwltli passed through Seattle some time ngo, boarded a steamer hero for Nome. Tho (ducky young wo mnn made the trip because her fiance In a letter .accused her .of not having nerve to keep tho daf uf the wsddlng becauso of the Immense dlstnnco that separated them. New Paris Law In Effect. Ardmorclto Special. Paris, July 1. A new lnw making obligatory tho registration of all Am. cricuus residing in l'arls, with full de tails of age, place ot birth and ticcupa tloti, became effective today and caus ed a decided Hurry among tho 8,000: members of tho American colony. Tho now act defines tho status of American children born In l'arls. Retires After Fifty Years. Ardmorclto Special. Lexington, Va., July 1. After fifty years of continuous service at the Vir ginia Military Institute, General Scott Shlpp today retired as superintendent t that famous school. He Is succeed ed temporarily by Colonel IMwnrd W Nichols, the bcnlor t..ember of the faculty. Subscribe for the Arltnorelto. Park Addition LOSS YOUR GAIN once if you want f. TRAGEDY IN FORT WORTH SHOT DOWN WHILE SEATED ON RAILROAD TRACK. MAN KILLED GIRL WOUNDED Couple Was Approached by Two Young Men, Who Opened Flro Instantly Killing Arthur Hodges and Injuring tl. Girl. Arthur Hodges Is donil nnd Gusslo Itoldiifton is badly wounded In the arm as u result of an assault committed niton tho two joiing people nt 1:30 o clock this morning by two unknown men. According to tho story told by Gus sle Itoulnsou, sho and Hodges were sitting on the truck of the Internation al & Great Northern railroad, nenr the renter of l.tila street about 1 o'clock this morning, when two men approach ed them, ordered them to hold up their hands nnd Immediately com menced shooting. Hodges was killed outright, and his body rolled down tho embankment, while the girl van uhot In tho arm. Tho girl declares that sho does not know who tho two men were who did the shooting and that sho has no way of lueulirjlng them. The first news of the tragedy reach ed the police through an old negro Iiihu who ihoar tho shots. He walked down the tracks In the direction whence tho shots camo and found a woman's skirt, unci further along n shoo. Ho went In search of a police man, found him nnd took him to tho scene. There tho girl was found wounded and at tho bottom of tho fill was tho body of tho man. Hodges was dead, but the nature ()f his wounds had not been determined at 3:30 thli morning. Tho pollco does not know Hodges and tho name does not appear In tho latest directory. Tho girl lives with her parents In tho neighborhood. Hodges 'ns about 24 or 25 yenrs old and Qussio Hoblnso'i Is about 21 or 22. The girl was greatly excited ami could not tell n well connected story ot ll.o shooting beond tho bare atate merit that tw'o men came upon 110? and her companion nnd after ordering them to hold up their hands, began shooting at tho two of them. HodgCB was hit at the first Bhot and rolled down tfro embankment. Shu was be wildered and half crazed wdth fright and pain when th0 policeman and tho old negro found her about half an hour nfter 'ho shojtlng occurred. tort Woilh Hecord. New mackerel and dill pickles at tho Grand Ioader. I'hono 777. 30-3 four blocks west 5 5 west of Skating J Horse and buggy a t extraordinary b. Mcelroy j Old Banking Houio Falls. By Associated Press. Ilalttinore. July 1. The bnnklmr nnd lirokernge 4imiM of MrKam nnd company was placed In tho hands of a receiver today. Withdrawal of de posits and KHir business are given ns the cause. The house was established fifty. fle enrs ngo. The assignment creat ed much sentiment, because of Its old established rharncter, but It is not re garded as hliowing wenknoss In nuy other ipmrter. Liabilities tiro proba by two hundred thousand dollars. Plumbers Strike. Ily Associated Truss. St. Iiuls, July 1. I'our hundred Journeymen plumbers struck thd) morning for an Increase of wages. Nearly nil tho plumbing concerns In tho city nro affected. Mob Hangs Assaulter. Ily Associated Press. naltiin. Ga., July 1. Dock l'osey, a in ll dl.' aged white man, self con fessed assaulter of his nine year old stepdaughter, was taken from tho county Jail Jiero early this morning uuil hanged to a railroad viaduct In the middle of tho city. Earthquake Reported. Ily Associated I'resi. Washington July 1. An cnrthrpiAko was recorded at Cheltenham, Mary land, obesrvntory nt 8:11 o'clock this morning, lasting an hour. Tho shock was comparatively gren'- er than nt Kingston, but not so great as at San 1'ninclsco. No reKirts of damage hao been received. Stricken With Paralysis, lly Associated Press. Gaylord, Kims.. July 1. Webb Mc Nail, who ns statu superintendent of Insurance under Governor U-edy gain ed notoriety hy ousting several Insur anco companies from Kansas, was stricken with paralysis last night. TIs morning his condition Is preca rious. Publicity for Newspapers. Ardmorelto 8pclsL Albany, N. Y., July 1. Ilffectlvo to. day, a new stuto law requires news papers, magazines and other period!. cnls to print upon tho cover or editor lal page tho full name nnd address of tho principal place of business, and tho names nnd adresses of the presi dent, secretary nnd treasurer. Subscribe for Tho Ardmorclto. WILL SHOW CONSPIRACY TO WRECK MINERS FEDERATION llolse, Idaho, Juno 30. The alleged conspiracy of tho Pinkerton National Detective agency, under retainer from the Mine Owners' association and the Citizens' alliance of Colorado and Ida. ho, to destroy tho Western Federation ot Miners, will be taken up tomorrow imirnlng, when tho trial of William D Haywood Is resumed nt 10 o'clock. Tho defense sets up this Is the coun ter conspiracy of which Hurry Or chard, It Is charged, was simply an agent. Tho chief witness is one Mor ris Friedman, formerly a stenograph er for tho Plukertons at the headquar ters of tho western division In Den ver. It Is nlleged that Friedman, as an agent ot Socialists and Western Federation, secured the position In the Pinkerton emproy for the purpose of spying ou the Plnkertons. Some of tho dally reports of tho "operators' employed by the agency tu Join tho Western Federation and attend meet ings' of tho locul unions, and It pos sible secure tholr own election hi of fice In these unions, Friedman testi fied, were given to him to copy. He made a copy for himself, nnd now produces a number o' these rcftirts, which havo been marked for Identifi cation us evidence, but which huvu not been read In court. Tho admissibility of theso copies f roporrs as evidence will bo argued to morrow morning, Ily the introduction ot tho witness Friedman on the last day of tho first week ot the Inning for tho defense, a more positive light Is thrown upon tho position taken by tho attorneys who nro endeavoring to clear Hay wood and the other ofllclals ot the Western Federation of Miners frou tho charge of conspiracy to murder. it is clearly Indicated that It s pro posed to show that a conspiracy to MOTHER'S DEED ENDS FATALY WIFE OF A PROMINENT ROFF CIT ZKN WOULD END LIFE. KILLS HER OWN DAUGHTER And Inflicted Wounds With Pistol on Herself Left Notes Telllna of Awful Ahalr Woman May R;cover. Tho return of Joo U Thomas, a prominent clUen nnd property owner of IUift to lila homo yesterday after noon from his farm was Indeed a sad one, and tho sight that mot his gazo In ids house wus enough to mako one's blood chill. Ou tho bed In tho sparo room upstairs of tho homo wns loimd thu body 0f his sixteen year old daughter, Mamie, u deaf mute, cold in death, with a wound Iti tho lelt side nnd In tho back of tho head nt tho base of the bruln. Ilesldo tho daughter wns the form of his wiro with a slight bulet wound In tho lett sldo of tho head and a wound In tho moulii Inflicted with a pistol. Both mother anj daughter were weltering in blood. Deputy Marshal Ed flrent stationed nt Ada, was sent for to Investigate, as It was thought necessary to do so. Mth. Thomas will In all probability recover. Tho facts as gathered from Mr. brunt nro about ns follows: "I received word lato last night to como nt onco to Iloff to Investigate tho affair, and when I arrived Uuro I found that Mamie Thomas was dead and that Mrs. Thomas was severely If not fatally wounded. It siems ns If Mrs. Thomas had been In ill health for some time, and on Saturday Mr. Thomas loft to visit his farms near Iloff, to return Sunday afternoon. When Mr. Thomas returned ho found his house locked up nnd all ot tho windows down, whlo aroused his sus picions, and ho was compelled to (Continued on page four) exterminate tho Western Federation went so far ns to secure tho indict ment of tho highest ofllclals of tho federation on tho. charge of murder. It Is charged that when Orchard was arrested on the charge of tho murder of former Governor Steunen berg ho was Induced by tho Plnko' tons to make a confession Implicating Haywood, Moycr, Pettlboue, Stevo Adams, Jack Simpson and a num ber of other officers nnd members cf the Western Federation to such an extent that Indictments could bo se cured agalii-U them In Idaho. Jn furtherance of tho alleged mine owners' conspiracy. It Is charged that further Incriminating evidence was manufactured by the Plnkertons lit support of Orchard's confession, to that Haywood, the secretary and treasurer of tho Western Federation; .Mojer, tho president of the organiza tion, and Pottlbono, a former member of thu executive board, might be con victed of a capital offense aud exe cuted, while many other otllcers and members of tho federation were plac ed In Jeopnrdy of trial on a similar charge ot conspiracy. A rovlew of tho evidence -traduced In the course of the mst five days brings tho Inevitable conclusion that coiniBcl for the .defense will endeavor to prove to tho satisfaction ot tho Jury that tho Plnkertou agency and tho Mine Owners' association, with tho knowledge aud approval ot tho governor of Idaho, the former govern or ot Colorado, the former adjutant general ot Colorado .and other Influ ential people, conspired to secure tho death by hanging of William D. Hay wood, Charles II. Muyer ami Georgo A. Pettlhono, and that. Incidentally, the mine owners nio directly respon sible for the killing of fourteen men in tho Independence depot.