Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Thursday, January 2, 1908. THE DAILY ARDMOREI1 u. Take something home with you from the jewelry store something "SUE" has hoped to be able to gct-and you will find yourself the husband of the happiest woman in town. .' You never get the "doubtful" kind of jewelry here. Jewelry - atones Kor the largest and host woltctt'd lino of ChriLtinns Booklets, Cards, Tugs, Stickers, clc. sou Hoffman Drug Company, Phone 651. TO PLAY upon nny of tlio Pktnoa hero Is to npprcclato their many good poltita. Tlio dullest ear can not fait to bo pleaccd with their sweet, slear tone. Of course, tho Mcl'hall Piano ranks nlmvo nil others. It Is not only tho leader hero, but In musical centers nil over tho continent. It Is the perfection of mechanical con. utructlon mid tono qualities. PIANOS. 01 various makes nro offered at low prices. E. B. LUKE Eitabllihed 189J Ardmore, OHIa. IS THE TIE This Is n Rood time to cement your cellar nd fix up your storo house. Wo build anything In tho cement line. (Jet our prices on walks, barbs, gutters, pier bloifk and win dow sills. Ardmore Goncrete Co. Phono 877 J. W. PIELDKIt, Prop. Ardmore Transfer Line Tli'j only lirt-cluss lino in the, city. Calls Made Promptly Wagon Out All Night Packages nnd grins ban- dli d with cure. Phono 1201 STEVE ROWLES, Proprietor Open D.vv or Night. Ardmoro Innlan Conservatory teaches by methods that nro nbrenst of the times, using tho Art Technic nnd tho Now Teaching. Phono for price CSO. 19-13 3? NOW Diamonds: ebhkxsjbm YOUTH BADLY STADBED. Difficulty at Wade Between Two Young Men. Durant, Okla., Jan. 2. Sunday af ternoon ' Adlor Jackson and Klbert Howard, boys of about 15, and sotn of highly respected citizens of Wndo, a small town about .10 miles south east of Durant, became Involved In a quarrel and In tho fight that followed tho Jackson boy stabbed young How ard In tho back, JiiBt above the hips, Inflicting n very dangerous wound. After the fight, when young Jack son was mounting his horso to leave, nn older brother of tho wounded boy tore n picket from a nearby fence and struck tlio of his brother a wicked blow on tho head that for a tlmo completely stunned lilm; then tho older men Interfered and tho boys were separated. Young Howard's wound, while se rious, Is not necessarily fatal and unless complications arise lie will soon bo out of danger. Young Jackson was placed under bond and will have a hearing' before tho grand Jury now In session with in n few days. Dm't allow cold feet to dis turb jour rest. Have the comfort that a hot water bottlo will afford. Wo have good ones at various pri ces from .".Oc to ?2.00. 2! P. .1. HAM SKY, Druggist. A c-ank Is n person who thinks you aro a crank. Klght car trains nro to bo run on t'i Iloston Klevated lino In the en d nvor to cope with tho traffic offered, R0BIS0N OPERA HOUSE Monday Jan. 6th THE SEASON S EVENT H. H. Frazee's Piquant Musical Mixture ISLE OF SPICE 20 SONG HITS AND UNIQUE FACES The Peer of all Musical Comedies. The Original Production Company of 60 people. American beauty chortiF. Positively 'ie greatest, prettiest, singing, acting and dancing chorus ever organized. Entire pro duction richly staged, cleverly acted, handsomely gowned and perfectly presented. PRICES: lst5, nxt 9 row $1 50, last 4 rows Sl.U); balcony 75c nnd fiOo. Positively no freo list. Tiekots'on sulo Saturday. AL RICE Sends you the merriest greetings of the New Year and the most sincere wishes for your happiness and pros perity. May peace and plenty be yours, May your laudable undertakings be crowded with success. We kindly thank you for ) our generous trade during the old year and ask you to continue to be our customer in 1908. No. 19 Broadway .... Phone S7 CLERK MANDAMUSED R. F. BROWN, DISTRICT CLERK IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, MUST FILE SUIT. Judge Stlllwell 11. Itussell yes. tenl.iy nflernoou granted u manda mus tj nn attorney uf Jefferson coun ty, Okla., eompellln.'! the district clerk of the county, H. P. Ilniwn, to fie a certain suit brought by the firm of lawyers to coniel the district clerk to accept and flto a certain civil suit brought to re cover personal property. Tho title of the ease Is Woodlo Stuard vs. It. P. Itrown, clerk of the district court of Jefferson county. A suit of replevin was broiuht by Stuard against the sheriff of the county and was offered for filing to the clerk, together with the bond to cover tlio costs In tho case and the property. The district clerk refused to accept the xipers and hence tho action of mandamus was brought. The cause of the bringing of the action of mandamus In this dis trict Is on account of tho absence of Judge Ilallcy of that district from tho state. A proper showing was made to the court and the mandamus granted. Death at Glenn. Mrs. Sarah J. Stewart of fJlenn, mother of Mrs. C. H. Davenport, died of heart trouble at 11 o'clock Inst night. Mrs. Stownrt was f.S years ef age and had grown feeble. Her health had been bad for some tlmo but sho wns able to bo tip until about five minutes before her death. Tho remains will be burled this afternoon nt Springer. Mrs. Stewart, was a native of Missouri and moved to Texas dur ing her girlhood days. She was one of the pioneer women, who are fast passing away. Her resilience In this country dates back ten yearfs. Her son-in-law, C. II. Davenport, and her eon, H. P. Stewart, were hero today purchasing n burial outfit. Tho Turks nro manifesting great delight In automobiles, but their lioor roads mako It dllllcult to uso them, i DoWltts Little K.-.rly Ulcers nr- the best pills known. Sold by V. 11. Prnme ,.w a? ; m 1 gu PERSONALS P. D. Pattou nnd family n t moving K Mulkoy, wliero they win re side. I:. S. Johnson of the Johnson l.uitl Co., of Durant, Is In the city on bus iness today. Mr and Mrs. Jesse James have returned from their honeymoon trip to point lu Texas. They will tnako thter homo on Wi-st Main street, this city. Jack Saddling Is spending tho d iy In Mnrlctta. Kssle Head has returne dto her home In Murletta, after n pleasant vlwtl with Miss Maud Curley of this city. L P. M. I 'ox of Corpus Cristl, Te.xas, Is a business vMtor to Ard more. W. C. Ilium returned from a hHUliii'Mt trip to various cltle In the new slate. SANTA FE BRAKEMAN KILLED. A. H. Hutchlnj Met Instant Death Near Purcell. . II. Hutchlns, a freight brake- man on the Santa Pe, iv;n Instantly killed between Paoll and Purcell Tuesday. The dead brakeman was burled yesterday -at Little Hlver. Hutchlns had made but few trips on the Hue when the unfortunate accident occurrid which caused his death. Tho facts ascertained about tho icehlent are about as follows; It seems as If Hutchlns stepped In be tween tho tender nnd a box car to make a coupling, when the draw head of tho tender slipped under the engine which pinned Ilutehlus beneath and caused his death. Prior to accepting servlco with Jthe Sn;ii IV IIiite.hlns was lu the employ of a road In the Republic of Mexico and held the position of brakeman, fireman and engineer. The deceased was a member of tho llroth- erhood of Hallway Trainmen, Loco motive Plromen and leoniotlve ICn- glueers. He Is survived by a wife and one child .having married a I'rcnch lady In the City of Mexico. IN POLICE COURT JUDGE GALT MAKE REPORT FOR MONTH OF DLC?MRER. SEVERAL CASES FINED. T'. einonth of December wns n banner month In police clrdes nnd the Chief of Pollco Judge Gait for tho last month of last year will show up bettor than for tho several mouths preceding that month Luring December flnea were col lected In the sum of $S!il.6(, lie sides fined amounting to about $250 wero worked out by parties on tho streets who wero without tlio lu-c-essary funds with which to pay. In the police court this morning one woman paid n, flue for pros titution, a pistol toter cnughed up n tow shekels to keep off tho Ving, nnd so did n young man who would not work thu streets. Tho caso against several negro boys charged with breaking Into a house and stealing pies was dis missed. Tho fact of tho liouse-bri-.ik-lug caso aro about as follows: A step motihcr had put away several pies nnd her step-sons went homo and found tho house locked up, got In through n window and proceeded to mi ple.i, which act enraged tho wo man go, that sho had tho boys ar rested. SATURDAY MATINEE "Tho Cow Puncher Co." will glvo a special iimtlnee next Saturday nt 2:30 p. in.. Adults CUc, children 25c. Simple Remedy far La Grippe. Ii grippe coughs nro dangerous as they frequently dovelop pneumonia. Foley's Honey nnd Tar not only stops tho cough but heals and strengthens the lungs so that no serious results need bo feared. Tho genuine Foley's Honey nnd Tar contains no harmful dmgs and is In a yellow package Itcfuso substitutes. 3-1 SATURDAY MATINEE "The Cow lyncher Co." will glvo a special matlneo next Saturday at 2:30 p. m Adults COc, children 25c. Smoking meat with n nrush pro vents tho shrinkage, which nlwnys results from tho old smokehouse process, preserves tho meat better mi gives It a finer flavor. Ubo our Liquid Smoke. 75c. 29 P. J. UA.MSKV, Druggist. LEDBETTER NON-COMMITANT WHEN APPROACH ED ON THE SUDJECT OF BEING A CANDI DATE FOR SENATE. It Is a mooted question as to whether or not Ardmore will furnish a cnndldnto for the toga that Is now Mng worn by Senator (lore It has been rumored that W. A. I.edbetter would be a candidate, and many wlo ones have picked him out as a f.mirlte on account of the close rel.itlonslklp that exists e- tween him and Governor Haskell. It Ik a known fact that slnro the constitutional convention Mr. I better has rendered the state much service, and In the republican fight against statehood .Mr. ldbetler fought for tho convention and won lu tho Oklahoma courts. It was W. A. Lmlbotter who in troduced the amendment to the corpo ration commission which made the corporation commlss'on of Oklahoma law, ni It was originally inlmduc .1 It would not havo held water lu tho courts. .Mr. I.edbetter wns approached this morning nn( asked whether or tot lie would allow his name to bo used as a candidate for the seiiatorshlp to succeed Senator T. P, (lore. .Mr. LiHlbetter replied; "I have not au thorized any otio to use my name. I am practicing law nt this time and endeavoring to make n living." Other than making tho above state ment ho would not commit himself. HARVESTING PECAN CROP. Profitable Industry In Southwest. Immense Yield This Year. Ardmorclte Siecln!. San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 2 Har vesting of the greatest pecan crop In the history of Texas Is rnph'Ij Hearing completion, and the returns to the grower aro showing up splen did result. P. II. .McClurg of San Saba county, Southwest Texas, show ed up one tree that produced $150 worth of pecans. This In the record for a single tree, but a yield of a tree is profitable since by planting tho trees thirty feet apart 111 trees will grow upon a single acre. At seen years of age, a grove of pecans will average $1 a. tree, anil during that time tho land can bo cultivated for other crops. Por the next twenty years tho crop In creases In value at tho ratio of $1 a tree for each year. There nro many pecan groves In Oils section yield ing from $.'100 to $100 an acre. San Antonio has the largest pecan ship ping and selling firm In the United States and the Industry Is n thriving one. BASS REEVES A POLICEMAN. Well Known Deputy Marshal Has Beat at Muskogee. Muskogee, Okla., Jan, 2. Pass Heeves, for nearly twenty years a deputy United States marshal In old Indian 'IVrrltnry, Is now a liember of tho Muskogi-o pollco force. Reeves Is a neg. six fect tall, and is over seventy years old, I lo was In many kittles in tho old days and a terror to tho negro outlaws and bootleggers. It Is said of hint that ho nover failed to bring In u man ho went after. Ho would get them either dead or allvo. In recent years, how ever, the chango did vuway with tho man with tho gun to somo oxfnt and Heeves was kept In .Muskogco to servo subpoenas lu o'.vll matters Negroes In tho north end who had been Imposing on tuo negro jiollco in tho negro districts, havo men compelled to walk tho straight and narrow path slnco Hass Heeves .Tas been on tlio force. DoWltt's Carbollzed Witch Hazel Salvo Is especially recommended for idles. Sold by V. n. Frame. d&w It Is very ImiKirtant and In fact It la absolutely necessary to health that wo glvo relief to the stomach promptly nt the first signs of trou ble, Tnko something onco In a while; especially after meals; something llko KODOL For Dyspepsia and Indi gestion, It will enable your Htomnch to do ILs work properly. Sold by W II. Framo. d&w Captain Comegys Appointed. Superintendent VS. P. Comegys of tho fialncsvlllo public schools, who Is well known In Ardmore, has been npixilnted as n member of tho Tcxbb state text hoard, but has not yet recelviil official notlco of tho gov ernor's nctlon, Ho has not yet an nounced whether tho jiosltlon would bo accepted or declined. Why not personally Jnvestlgato Ardmoro Uandon Conservatory meth ods and learn Its prlcos? You know that you want tho best for your chil dren. Phono CSO, or call at 109 Sec ond Ave., S. V., between D and K streets. 19-1.1 Kxperlenco begotten of matrimony Is a great teacher. 3ommerset llllLIi THIS is a model it is not character. 1 he sideration, however, has been to produce a shoe for tender feet. A splendid lilting last and will appeal to neat but quiet dressers. LYNN, ! i WILL MAKE IT INTERESTING We will make the prices on our line of "QharterOak" 1 1 eaters interesting to you. If you burn wood or coal you must have a "Charter Oak," which has been the world's standard for more than half a century. You will also find here Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Majestic Steel Ranges. 1 John Deere, Velie and Columbus Bug gies, Mitchell and the New Moline Wagons We solicit your trade and will iake at tractive prices. Bivens, Corhn Frensley . Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves and Buggies ..BURN GAS.. 1 Iavo us do your gas work and furnish your gas stoves. We can fill your orders at once. There is no strike at our shop, wc work only union men which insures good work a tid safe work. WEEKS BROS. Practical Tinners and Plumbers, South Washington St. It's never too late to reciprocate with some nice present in Silverware, China, Rings, Pin or diamonds. We are still in position to save you money BULARD & SON i nnnnnr Tn I ftKlflflUKC IKANorcK UWANI Phone 74 TOM CARTER .Prop. Phone 74 EUGENE COOK, Manager IVo offer to the people tho bust transfer sorvico in tlio oity. Our backs are new. our drivers aro honest, sober and courteous Baggage Line in Cocoetlion. The Ardmore Sanitarium Miss Hinds has charge of training school for nurhus. Receives both medical ai d nirgicul pa tients. Thoroughly modern in every particular. Special operniing rooir. Good service, toruis reasonable. Tlio medical profession solicited. DHS. IIAUDY, VONT KELLEK & 1I13NIIY; Ardmore, Okla. ;u Last comfort" liking i n first con The Shoe Man .ft ri tT'i ii"Ti-"'iiniir-r-iir'iirrrT'irrgr- norrn nnnaniuir Calls Ansnrtd Promptly il all floari 1 H? a