Newspaper Page Text
Ardmora, Monday, January 6, ISO. ... I mi DC ilium aromotwtv it the wwmi nBLisanc mm. J. L RIGGINS COL. SIDNEY SUGGS jinwcv Kiir.r.R. PrcildtnL ! THE DAILY ARDMOREITC i b 1 ar Af ,,,'r in , ,u . i .i Direct-re ' "'. '' f I Fhltt tr ' llyriK- H. T. jom rV Iji k It A li .tnJ ut..reil at the I'ostotflce at Ardmore, as Secoufl-tiass .latter TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 'uti Tht Dally Aramoreite n Wit k . A In, nftjnfti IK Co 16 ( Inn Yi-nr . The WeeMy Ardmoreite. nlA.. v m, 11 Cm ... .. . - Ci Ini'ore JUnibs ' Phones. luslne? 3 Manager OBm 'Ity i-Mltors Olli- r, ong Distance 63 '".rdmore, Monday, January 6, 1908. ro- .- ' i ,.- Sew Y'it)" jiT' Now York will be for Hughes an! rj, .t awajr from liim ' I'.i. Wtiii" Italian atandpont vba' an n,d, -liable cttlien tht- edi i or C :il ilium u.-. Secntar (orn-l)ou tMnks that 'ho financial s'orm la subsiding. I nit -ay3 hat lie f-ara the "jmnlc In j"Ki3.aUou vwli Ihj worsa than the . pan I in business." Ho doH not tIJ' n'ly liavo much faith In riiu- 'Alcan cwngriisriH-ii.and haa iwrcly lout KtojH) In Ilooii'vult luck. .i - - I. m.' m. nli..t. I nr. 4lint ''Vlth ha f th country conn daft ,in iTfj!.. Itltn ttv receliU of thu In rna n vitiuc bureau hnvn incnina. "'d during tho pant year mora than Vi ritv inli, luii ilollara. I'urliiiKM our t i... I Jl WllliMllUl. II v.l'tn V.t. l" .'..J h 00 S What would nei-iu to bu n very irnaiblc ooinirornls- on railroad nitoM j ins been nRreoil iijioii by (lovernor ' 'jlonn of Nortii Carolina. Tim Intni ' itnl 1 rit.trut 'if . otiUMK, ii'iil r!ifi III III )o two and out-half cents a mllu, OjjOOO inllo bonks two ceutH n tullo ,iml r,00 mil,' books nt two mid ono- 'ourth cents 11 inllo. IVcHtilent .toosevelt and thu IntiTHtnti! coin- i iWirnn itiititltiuliiil litivit tiinitl Ittl 'I till , id accniiipiltili as inucu lor luieraiaio fates after ears or eirori as huh jlcniocratle Kovernor or ortn unmn in hus done In two or threo iiionlhs. f oo Thtiru Is imioiikIi water power ko- ,nK n waste in ine ArnucKKt iiiouii' ' jilnu to run all tho mills, factories ' ind trolly lines which will over bo located within a Jiiiiidrcd miles of 1 ho mountains, Such streams as Hon y creek, I'ennliiHtou, Oil, Mill and .-(Hue, are swift flowing mountain ' treams wlthlnimeiiKo ower roIiik to vnste. Oklahoma has plenty of coal ,1' .lid t;as, but water power Is chi-apiT ',,iveu than Kas, niul as hihiii as It Is itllUed ii isrent Impetus will bo Klv-iiiniitifrK-tiirliiLT Industries In the ! itate The lei;isl.ituri' shouhl ttevlso KiniD plan looklui; toward the do 'vclopmcnt of this water jKiwur. It Is Inten-stliiK to observe, by eportJ Issuiil, that IMiUlumi. Tex- 'ls. South Dakota and WaKlilUKton vrere the stati-s that led the rest In Jio new railway mlleane ilnupletiil ?' ii I'J'i" Texas far outranked In 90fi all other states 1) a total of ''t35 tnllis of new line, Hh closest ompt'iltor In' Ink South Dakota, ,l',-tr)ilch had ".'S iiilli-H. UiulHlann hail 'St new 1U7 mlbs U hniK of, Tex- . ZVJ, WoshlnRton 3& mid South Ii ii ii., in ili.t titiii. if Miihsii v.' tt- n'ways conservative, no ) lew truck ih built In l'Jl7 nnd the Inonir of New Jersey crNratloiis I ml mo' 'Ui'ies Rot half a mile. 1111 rr-f l:i Julut il'J miieh to mmitlon, the rami t )'il of new inlleaKe for the car ')'. I1 ' linn the 10 miles lint '! put 'Iowa over tho fertile cFVhi at lan-l of Kansas. The HKKro ate cii I iirtion thniUNhoiit the d nlieil States fr the yisir was fi, (PiO ii-j iiKitiii i i.n:3 In luiw. -oo J WHAT AMCHICA NEEDS. V- .i; T f 1 lo US editorial from u re- j, ent IS3UO of theWall Street Jour -i ml, Is somewhat remarkable, appear 4 UK In a purely financial paper, and I s certainly woithy of serious eon- llile'Utlon , ' Wiat Ami rlra needs morn than rnl!wuy exienlon and western Irrl k fatten, and low tariff, nnd u bluucr .wheat crop, anil n merchant ma .Vine, niul n new navy, Is a revival of ' ploty, tho kind mother and father ' used to have piety that counted It ,-ood buslni-:-.s to stop for dally fam ily prayer before breakfast, rliilit ''in the middle of harvest, Hint quit 'field work a half liour curlier on t' Thurtdny iilKht, so ns to gettho The Ardmoreite Sunday Morning ConUintd more to cgrat h nuwv, inoro local ncwH, m irn cliisifl.'d ads than at y other regular lfsue of any upor fvor published In Ard more. This rows of the Petti bomi acquittal was in lis columns-it subject in which all labor peoplo are inten sVy inWefted Other p.i jkts that make a great no. so about V eir now- ser vice were as silent as tho sphinx fl? ?It fl4 fl? fit ?1? fH tl? ?It rl? $C fc Cr M 5 Z G 9,$ 'Aft chores done and ro to vrayer ini-et- , Iiik, that borrowMl money to pay the , preacher's salary nnd praed fer- j yentlv In wecretfor the salvation of tho rloh man who looked with acorn on such unbusinesslike Ixtha vlor. That's what we need now to clnan tbts country of tho filth of Kraft, and of creed, petty and IiIk: of worship of fine Iioiik-b and blK Innils nnd IiIkIi officii nnd Krnud mi olnl functions. Wlmt Is this thlni; we are uorshlpplni; but n vain repe tition of what decayed nations fell down and worshipped Just before their IlKht went out? Head tho his tory of Home In decay and you will find luxury there that could lay a hlK dollar over our little ilouxhtmt that looks so larnu to us. Creat wealth neer made a nation substan tial or honorable. There Is liotlilm: on earth that looks kimkI that Is ho duiiKcrnus for a man or a nation to bundle ipilck, easy, IiIk money. If you resist Its deadly Influences the chances are that It will Ret your son. It takes (-renter and finer heroism to dare to bu poor In America than to rupture a battery In Manchuria." n-fro THE HEARST REVOLT. The Independenu i U-nKUe Is to be continued ns n national organi zation, itccordhiK to Its master man iiRer. As Mr. Ilisirst Is the creator of tills rival of the democratic party, he must not feel hurt Ifdemocrats decline to support the Hearst pa pers In this effort for disruption. There can lie no obji-cdou to Inde pendent political netlon by any cit izen, that Is a privilege that dem- oraiiv Mould be the last tor estrlct mid as Mr. 1 hurst has declared that he Is not In suiKithy with the democratic party, lie Is entirely free to support this new party, or push the socialistic propaganda, or In company with Tom Watson and Pres ident Hootuvelt urge n coalition of such discordant elements as he can bind together. Hut those who nro democrats and believe that reform ulll only ho brought about by that party of the people, will hardly care to support the Hearst paiers, which are run to make money, nnd for the advancement of the jKiIltlcal fortunes of their proprietor. Interior Department RullnQ. Ardmoreite Special. I'.iuhiiHkn, Okla., Jan. ii. Tho de partment of the Interior has ruled that uhi u nil Indian dies Intestate, leaving but very little pecuniary mean I hat his heirs are entitled to the entile amount. Heretofore It has lieeu the jsillcy to absorb n goodly portion of the "louvinKs" In commissions and other department rd Inpe. It has been said here that when a rich Indian dlea the custom should be to keep the news of his demise ItHck at leatt one day to keep de IMrtmeut officials from boating him to tho doorkeeper of tho "Happy Hunt ing drotind" nnd charging n commis sion for filing his application for ad mittance. Wo do gas piping mid gas fitting of all kinds, nnd our prices are right. STCVIJNS. Ki:.NNi:iM.Y R-5-4 SI'UAfJINS CO It takes nn uplifted eye to keep u clean heart. To Insure safety, havo your Gas Iniiie nnd !n't fillliiu' done by STIJVKNS, KIJNNUni.Y & 5-t SI'KAOINS CO. I? rHflitirflil!? ti iXi t iSi ... .4- f I? ?I? fl? fit t5?i H REPORT OF FIRE CHIEF (Continued from pago one) this report all tho information that I deem necessary to give you an in telligent Idea of the workings of tho department. In It will be found statements of tho number of fires and alarms for each day mid week of the year, ami cause thereof as near as could ho ascertained, and mi estimate val ue of buildings mid other property Involved, the loss on buildings and contents. I have nlto doomed It necessa ry to call your attention to somo needed Improvements. Number of flro alarms answered, CC. Number of false alarms nnawre cd, C. 1'ourtcon more than any preceding year in tho history of tho depart ment. Alarms AnawVed Each Day and Month. S M T W T T S w 0 January . , February March April .... May June July V... August . . . September October . November Dot'iinbcr ..1 ..I 1 0 1 o 1 0 0 ..1 ..0 .0 , .0 .0 ..0 ..1 Total ....13 ! 7 11 J 1& 8 72 Cause of Alarms I'iiIkc 0 Unknown ID CukoIIiiu ' Deficted Kltles 7 Matches 2 Over Heated Stoves 5 Sparks from 1ocomottves 4 Sparks from Trash 1'lles 3 Ixunp Hxploslou 3 (irass ' Probably Incendiary 1 Steam Heater 1 Soot 3 Total d'nllons of Chemicals used ... 1 395 IVct of hoso used 15 100 Amount of prourty Involved In buildings $233,100.00 Amount ot proerty othor than build lugs J13G.fi26.00 Total $36S,725.UU Total loss on building. . .$50,785.00 Total loss on contents .. 32,090.00 Total $S2.S75.D0 Cause of So Much Loss. 'Hie great excess ot lossnge tho pust twelve mouths, otor the previ ous year. Is attributable mainly to not having enough hoso wagons to carry the hose to tho fire. To Illus trate: Tho Hargrove College fire, i although tho alarm was not slow ill coming In, i't If we had had enough hose on the ground the 1oh would not have been near so great. Tho John Whltemiin nsddcnco flili, where three nice rosldences binned, could linve saved last two buildings burned, if wo had had sufficient hoso, The damage at tho Alexander Ho- I lei could huvo been greatly curtail ' eil If wo hud had the second hose wagon. 1 There are numerous other instan ces where much property could rl? The Weekly Ardmoreite Goes Into the homes of more farmers than any other newspaper published in Oklahoma. It is especially edited for th man on the farm It has tho cream of the news for tho week It hiis not missed an issue for fiu tern years. Its vlsi s areiagcr ly awaited b the peopon the farm. It comes from the press every Wednesday. Have your announccm n's ready for ihis paper Tues day. Call phone 53 and wo will onto for your copy. fl? fif fJifffHfIffIffIffIffI?fIfff DS?H'rtt'b& have Im-cii saved If the department had had another wagon and team to carry the proper amount of hose to tho fire. Recommendations. In my iait report, you remember, I asked you for a second hoso wa gon. There has been no addition in tho way ot apparatus during the past five years. The city in the moan- tlmo lias almost doubled Itself in 'jiopukitlon. I would recommend, nnd I cannot Impress uion jour body too forcibly, the necessity of It, that you secure another hoso wagon and hook and ladder truck. We have n team of horses should be condemned. One of these Is eighteen years old and tho other is conblderahly stove up, mak ing both of them unfit for service, I would roiommend that you get another team In their Etead. If I were fitted out with 'thfso Items, I believe your flro depart ment would bo able to cope with the fire to tho satisfaction of all. Coit of Maintaining Fire Hones. For feed, I333.SU, Average cost for one horse per mouth $1.06. For shoeing $71.50. Average cost for one horse per month S7c. Oil for lights 18.00 Miscellaneous 69.40 Soda nnd acid for chemical.. 4C.78 Value of Department at Cost. fi Horses $1,000 1 Chemical onglno 2,20 1 Hoso wagon 935 1 Steam Knglne 4,400 1 Chief buggy 185 Harness 255 2,000 feet 2 1-2 inch hoso .. 1.S00 1 Flro bell 325 Tools nnd fixtures 200 Total $11,300 In conclusion I wlshtothaiik their honors, tho mayor of city and tho members of tho city council, both ) past ami present, for what Interest they liavi taken .Especially do I thank the members of the flro com mittee, our chairman, M. Shelton, who has taken great Interest in tho department and if he had gotten what he demanded tho de. i"tmcnt would havo been what it should bo today. The thanks of tho department nro duo to tho chief of police for his valuable assistance nt nnd dur ing tho vnrlous fires. I wish for mjself nnd the entire department to return thanks to tho Chickasaw Telephono company for tho prompt sorvlco they havo ren dered us during the past year lu turning In flro alarms. Am glad to be able to state that the force under mo at all times cheerfully respond to tho call of du ty. COMMERCIAL CLUB WORKS CONDUCTING A CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATION MEETING OF DI RECTORS TOMORROW. At tho regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of tho Com mercial Club tobe held tomorrow, a number ot ImiKirtaut matterM nro to I'liinii up for consideration mid a gen eral rovlow of the work that has Ih'oii accomplished b tho club will ho Hindu, The committees that nro to bo appointed will bo to materially nld other committees In certain lines of work that 1ms bean mapped out. Secretary Spauldlng ot tho club Riggins-Sug Realty Company (SUCCESSORS 70 SMITH RIGGINS 0 WEST REALTY CO.) This company owns and has power of attorney for some SliiO.OOO worth of city and town property. Wo buy, sell and exchange city property. We collect rents, and p.iy over tho same day We loan your monoy aul make investmen .s for you ve have the exclusive list of some $300,000 worth of property. Titlu guaranteed t every died wo make. Hoe us if vou want to buy either c-tv, business or resident property. Se us if you want to sell or rent city, ton or country property. A l business instrusi"d shall have nur per sonal attention A comple'o list of property will son be jiublished. Write, phone or seo us fo- what you want. Our aim is to seitle this city and country witn gaud pdople. Our motto is quick sales and small prollt Visit, our elegant ap trtm n(s UKKKItENCKS Ard more National Hank, City National Bank of Ardmoro, Hrnt National UarV of rdmore. Hankers National Hank of A rdmore and the Ardmoro Ixian and Trust Co., and a njm'v r of Hanks In O, lahoma and Texas, whose names will appear later. Riggins-Suggs Realty Co. Rooms 7 and 9, Potfetf EUg. is nt present busl!y engaged ia a i.impaign of education mid thl3 mor ning was sending out a largo num ber of letters to the pajiers through out tun stato explaining the workk that was being done In this section of the country uy social agent Ham bcrgo of tho department of agri culturo In teaching tho farmers ot tuls section the art of fighting the boll weevil, and also assisting mater ially the workof seeking to have the farmers diversify their cro. Tho Interview of Congressman Chas. D. Carter on the removal ot restrlltions as was exclusively pub lished In tho Ardmoreite, Just be fore his departure for Washington. Is being Bent out to nil of tho papers In the eastern section of Oklahoma so as to secure tho assistance of ev eryone In getting a law pasted to remove restrictions on tho sale of Indian lands. Wo carry Oas Humors and Gas Fixtures of every description. STKVENS, ki:nnkiu,y & 5-4 SPRAGINS CO Tho nlco thing about having a lot of rich men In financial trou ble Is you can pretend that'3 why you are. "Garland" Gas Stoves heat when others fall, for salo only at STKVKNS. KENNKRI.Y & G-4 SPRAGINS CO. WHY BUY LENOX SOAP A dollar spent for Len ox Soap will buy more real soap than the same amount of money spent for any other brand. It may not buy more bars of soap, but it will buy more soap. And the soap will be better. It will be of good quality, all the way through. It will be fall weight. It will do as uod work as any laundry soap, no matter what its price. It will do far better work than any of the cheap soaps. These are reason s good reasons why you should buy Lenox Soap. For sale by all grocers. Tyler & Simpson Company Alt DM ORE, OKLA. THOS. NORMAN, Attorney Ladies Aid Society. Tho Ladles Aid Society of Hroai way Har'tltt church will meet tomor row nftcrnoon at 2 o'clock, with Mrs. Ingram, corner H street and Cth Ave.. N. W. MRS. T. A. THURMOND, Pres. A man thinks he has a generous nature when he gives up the bath - tub too into for anybody else to use It. E New Year Bargain to Subscribers e r- - According to the I he Ardmoreite we offer the fol lowing bargains to out-of-town readers of the paper: $3.95 for One Year $3.95 $2.00 for Six Months $2.00 In order to take advantage of 15 this special rate your subscription must be paid up to Jan. i, 1908 at the regular rate. - 5 Subscriptions at this rate will 5 not be received after Jan. 10. 1908. Look at the date on your paper, 3 IB count the number of months to Jan 1, 190S, send 50c for each month you are in arrears and add to this amount $3.95 for onc year's subscription in advance or $2. 00 for six months in advance. The Ardmoreite is the only Associated Press paper in a radius of 100 miles. You will find its columns re plete with news from the state capitol. Our special Washington service is of intense interest to evcrv Oklahoman. People in adjoining states who arc considering the matter of fS- moving to Oklahoma will find the ZJJ Ardmoreite a true barometer to the business prosperity of the country. Residents of Carter county will Sl find in its columns full reports of the board of county commissioners 5; and of the county and district courts. You can ill afford to do 3l without The Ardmoreite. Send your check or money order today. W. Man St. Phone 726 A. C Young has bought tho Inter est of W. A i'ayne in the Ardmoro Furniture com; any and will conduct tlie business nlono from this dito. M . Young has gold furniture in Ard- nnon frm llin 1 a t fan Vftfl rfl O Till . g onc o tho 'hPtt known' ,JU8ncss men in the city. Ho has a magnificent lino of furniture and will do n good business as he lias always done. it takes somo froit to ripen tho ; best fruits of tho hcarL Ho denies himself the best who - cannot deny hlmsc'.f usual custom of