Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Sunday January 19, 1908 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. PAQE THREE u tt u a n tt tt tt PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt ti :i :i tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t: "lawyers. II. C. I'ottcrf. E. A. Walker. POTTERF A WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors at Ijw Ardmore, Okla. DR. E. J. WOODWARD Dentist, Office over Ikinner's Old Stand Phono 6S. GEORGE R. WALKER, Lawyer. Ardmore, Oklahoma. WILLIAM W. WRIGHT, (IlcKlatored Attorney) Pormerl With Dawes Commission. Contest. Citizenship Cases and other matters beforo the Interior De partment, Exclusively. Offices Washington Loan & Trust DulMIng Washington, D. C. Compiler Indian Chas. J.' Kapnler. Chas. II. Mcrllllat Compiler "In.iin Aetlvo Court Laws and Treaties" Practitioner. KAPPLER & MERILLAT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Practice, beforo all Courts! Con. Kress. Oovornment departments an 1 Commissions. Indian Cases a cue- clalty. Office. Hond nid'B. WashliiRton D. C. W. L. Freeman. Olllo Anderton, FREEMAN 4 ANDERTON Lawyers. PnmliiRton & 81ms DnlUlliiK. M. F. WINFREY Attorney at Law. Justice of the Peace Notary Public Rooms II and 10, iN'ohle IIUIr. Phones: Ileal 830 blue. Olllco IOC. PHYSICIANS. DR. F. W. BOADWAY Physician and Surgeon. Offlco In Ilandol Ilutldlng. Offlco Phono 91 Ilesldenco Phono 395. ARDMORE SANITARIUM Drs. von Keller, Hardy A. Henry. Modern equipment for tho sclcntltlo treatment of all surgical cases. Trained nurses In attendancco. Ardmore, Okla. DH. J. L. COX Physician and Surgeon Ofllco in Ilandol DulldlnR. Phono 91. Ardmoro, Okla. BROWN A BRIDGMAN Funeral Directors and Licensed Embatmers. I-irRest Lino of Funeral Goods In Oklahoma. DR. J. M. VADEN Offlco In Frcnsloy IlulldliiR ovor HotchklHs' Jewelry Store. Offlco Phono 572. lies. Phone 71 W. M. ANDERSON Veterinary Surgeon. Ardmore, Okla. Offlco: Smith's Livery Ham. Phone 125. C. B. CLARK, M. D. Practce limited to Diseases of tho Kyo, Ear, Nose and Throat. Offlco I.edhatter-Frensloy DulldlnR. C 1-2 Main St. Ardmore, Okla. MARVIN WOLVERTON Notary Public. Have mo write your deeds and morti;np3 and mako your abstracts. Work correctly and promptly done. Phone 21. TALIAFERRO'S UnoVrfiklnn and Embalming. North Washlnpton SL Phones 341 and 433. ARCHITECTS. W. A. TACKETT Architect. Offlco In Slms-PennlnRfon nulldlng. Ardmore, Okla. Ilesldenco Phone 170 Illuo. Office Phono 170 Hed. tt tt n it it tt tt it tt tt tt tt tt tt n tt tt ARDMOREITE DIRECTORY tt tt OF OKLAHOMA HOTELS. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt GAINESVILLE, TEXA8. LINDSA HOTEL Hates $2.00 per day. GAINESVILLE, TEXAS. THE PENNINGTON. Tishomingo, oKia. First-class accomm 'atlons, nates $2.0v per day. PEYTON J. PRUETT, Prop. ADA, OKLA. HYHD HOTEL. Hates, $1,50 per day. THE ATWuOD Finest hotel In Durant, Oklahoma. W. F. OILMER, Prop. DUNCAN, OKLA. ItOYAL HOTEL Best $2.00 bouse on the Hock Is land. McKAY & SONS, Props. MADILL, OKLA. ROCK HOTEL. W. W. CARTER Prop. Hates $2,00 por day. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. GRAND AVENUE HOTEL Fint-class in every respect. PROPOSED NEW PARADISE J. S. ARtiew, state game wardon of Oklahoma, has dratted a new frame law which ho will have Intro duced for passaRo by the state leg islature at Its present session that contains many radical changes from the old Oklahoma law, and which will bring delight to those sorU men who would like to see the game and fish of the new state properly protected. This proposed bill provides that It will ho unlawful to kill deer, pheasants or antelope, or molest them lu any manner for a period of five years. It shortens up the quail season from tho present law thirty days, making tho opening season from November 1 to February 1, In stead of from October to February. It Is further provided that no mm person will he allowed to kill more than fifteen quail In any one day. A hunter's llcento la provided which requires the hunter to make appli cation to the tuunty clerk and pay a foe of $1.25. In case of a non- tesldtnt of the state, tho hunter's fee Is 2.r.IU, and such n permit also e'ltltles the hunter to carry out of the state with a hag not to Include more than fifty quail, and his bag must he open to Inspection at any time. Possession of game will bo pri ma facie evidence of the hunter hav ing killing same. Another provision of great Inter est Is that for tho protection of fish. The proposed law prohibits the killing of fish, taking them In nets, selns, traps or any devlco whatever, except with rod and line, though exceptions are made Tor tho Arkan sas, ClmaiVon, Canaitlan and Salt Fork streams. It has long been n custom of the Indians to kill all of the fish they wanted with gigs, dy namite, or to poison them, and for this reason many of tho host fish ing streams of the state have been depleted of fish. Tho Indians aro especially adept with tho gig and they can kill fish the year round. It Is no trouble for them to tako a boat and gig and kill great piles of fine bass In the clear streams of Oklahoma. Tho new law, if pasB ed, will prohibit this, and tho Indldcn tally means that the fishermen who fish with a real nnd rod will soon bo able to find fine sport In nil the old Indian Territory streams. To on- flor o such a law will be Infinitely better than to try to restock tho streams. There Is a provision which ImiKis es a fine of not more than 1200 nor loss than $50 on any person who Bhnll bell or expote for sale any game killed within the state, and the provision against transporta tion companies taking game out of the state Is extremely drastic. No person Is allowed to hunt upon the public highways of the state. , To prevent tho use of dynamlto or other explosives commonly used In killing fish, It Is provided that overy dealer In such explosives shall keep a record of tho name of tho person purchasing same, tho date and amount purchased and such oth PAULS VALLEY, OKI.A. HOTEL HAMPTON Hates $2.00 per day. SULPHUR OKLA. McKEMIE HOTEL Flrst-riass accommodations. ARTESIAN HOTEL. Sulphur, Okla. Fl.icst Hotel In Southwest, Hates $2 and up. WAURIKA, OKLA. IIHYAN HOTEL Tim lending hotel of the city. THE ARLINGTON HOTEL The New Hotel at WAPANUCKA, OKLA. WYNNEWOOD, OKLA. MJHTON HOTEL. MRS. HUIITON Prop. Hates $1.00 per day. RYAN, OKLA. HOTEL ROGERS. Mrs. J. A. RoRers, Proprl tress. Hates $2.00 per day. DAVIS, OKLA. GRAND HOTEL H. H. Allen, Proprietor. TO OUR CUSTOMERS Wo aro ablo and willing to carry your grocery accounts 30 days, but not ablo to carry thom for a longer yerlod. All thoso who havo accounts with us aro roquosted to mako im mediate settlement and hereafter wo oxpect all bills to bo paid on tho first of each month, and not later than the fifth, of tho month. 9-tt M. T. FBLKER. This Is Worth Rememborlng. Whenever you have a coils' or wild. Just remember that Foloy'B Honey and Tar will cure IL Do not risk your health by taking any but th Pennine It Is In a yellow package. Sold by all drutfiaU. GAME LAW FOR SPORTSMEN er dntn ns will make bucIi purchases traceable, and failure to do so Is punishable by a fine of 25. The proKsed law provides that tho state game wanton shall receive a salary of $2,500 per annum nnd nil necessary traveling expenses and his asslstnpts shall receive $ 1.600 and lie t, bsary expenses. Deputy game wardens are to he appointed In each county and shall receive $2.00 per day and expenses while eiiRaged In actual service. In cases whore It Is necessary to apHilnt special wardens to see that the law Is enforced, It Is provided that tho wardens shall receive one-half of tho fines assess eil against the persons against whom the warden makes tho complaint. It becomes the duty of every coun ty peace officer to assist In the pro tection of the gnme under the now law. It Is quite likely that In what was formerly known ns Indian Ter ritory the game warden will have n hard time enforcing the game law. There Is a large Indian population ami they live largely in the rough mountain owuntry wheio there are lots of game and the streams aro mil of fish. The Indian regards It ills Inalienable right to hunt and fish when and whore he pleases, and he has never heard of a law that would prohibit It. Added to this Is tho fact that lu such coun ties, a majority of tho county offi cials are of Indian extraction and their sympathies will not tie strong ly In favor of the enforcement of this law. In such places the game wardon will have to depend largely upon spiclal deputies. NEWSPAPER CHAFF Put some of jour small change away For you may readily suppose What you lay by for a rainy day Will come In handy when It snows. liootli Tnrklngton tolls of an In quisitive Jndlanapulls woman who was talking with James Whltcomb Riley about the Inadequate compen sation to poets. "Hut you, Mr. Ill Icy," observed the lady, "surely you have, no cause for complaint. On the contrary, you must be a rich man by nuw. Why, 1 understand that you have paid a dollar a word for all ou write." "Yes, madam," said lllley gravely, 'but sometimes I bit all day with out being able to think of a single word." I.lpplncott's Magazine. A well dressed young woman got on a llroadway car going north at Twenty-third street and handed tho conductor a shiny new half dollar. "Ain't you got a nlckle or a dime?" asked the conductor.but tho young weman only held out her han'd for her change. Reluctantly ho handed her a quarter and two dimes and then he retired to tho rear platform whero lie proceeded to blto at the new cola. He wasn't satisfied and took out his knltt and cut nt It. Tho young woman began to get embarrassed and when ho entered the cr again she stopped him. 'lf you tiro not satUtled," he said, "tako the faro out of this," and she handed him n $5 hill. Apparently much relieved the con ductor gavo her tho now half dol Inr and $1.95 In chango, At tho next corner the young woman got off. A block up the street the con ductor remomberiHl that rIio had not returned to blm the change ho first gavo her. "You'd better get familiar with new money," said a passenger. Now York Sun. It Is seldom that anyono thinks of laughing nt a funeral, but an nc- cl lent happened to n funeral in Providence not long ago that cans ed a smile. The regular preacher was sick and a minister from a nearby town was asked to take charge of tho ser vices, and he arrived at the last (moment a total stranger In tho town. When he started to speak ho launched Into nu eloquont eulogy of tho deceased, ns was his custom and was Jtut beginning to pay a glowing tribute to tho departed when It suddenly dnwned ujon him that ho did not know wiother it was a man or a woman. Stooping down ho whispered In tho ear of an old man who sat be- sldo him, "Was tho deceased a brother or a Bister" The old man was a trlflo deaf, so the minister repeated tho ques tion. "No, no," said the man, "only n friend, that's all." January Harp er's. ! At u term of the circuit court lu Ohio not bo very long ngo a horse caso was on trial and a well known horseman was called as a witness, "Well sir, )ou saw this horse?" ask ed counsel for the defendant, "Well sir. 1-" "What did you do?" "1 Just opened his mouth to find how old he was; and I s,i)s 'Old Sport, I guess you're pretty good, yet.' " At this Juncture counsel for the opposing side entered a violent ob jection, "Stop!" ho cried. "Your hon or, I object to nny conversation car ried on between the witness and tho horfo when tho plaintiff was not present'." Harper's Weekly. I lloltu Wlenerschnltzel was awa kened by his wife In the dead of the night. "Ililnz! Holla," she whispered, "wake up. Theio's a burglar down stairs. I hoar him." Heinz was out of bod In an Instant. "Hist!" he said. And slipping on trousers and hI.oos Blolo softly from the room. Some time passed. The wife lis lenlng Intently hoard nothing. Anx iety overcame her at last. Sl.o crept to the stairway, leaned over tho balustrade, and Hilled: "Heluz!" Well, what Is It?" her husband's voice replied. It came not from below but from above. "What on earth," said Mrs. Welncrschliltzel, "aro ou doing up In the nttlc7" 'Why," said Ilelnz. 'didn't you say the burglar was down stairs?" Exchange. - Hob Fitzslmmons, the pugilist, In tho course of one of his lessons In physical culture that lie had been giving to the police of Patterson, N. .1., paused and fah!: i dont tulto miiili block lu feints and tricks. I like best open, stalght- forward work, both In boxing nnd wrestling. With tricks, ns a rule, one only gives oneself away. It U like the case of the beggar. 'A beggar, you must know, sat on a cold and windy corner with n sign on his breast, 'Deaf and Dumb.' 'Two men passed, and ono a kind hearted chap, stopped looked at tho beggar, and said: 'I'd like to give this man some thing, but how am I to know that he 1s deaf and dumb?' ' 'Rend the sign, sir,' tho beggar said cautiously." Kansas City Jour nal. The public spirited lady met the little 1k- on tho street. Something about his appo.iranco halted her. She stared at blm In her near-sight ed way. Tho Lady Little boy, haven t you any home? I.lttlo lloy Oh, yes'm, lvo got n homo. And loving parents? Yes'm. I'm ufrnld you do not know what lovo really Is. Do your parents look after your moral welfare? Yes'm. Will you ask jour mother to come and hear mo talk on "When does a Mother's duty to her Child Ilegln?" noxt Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Lyceum hall. (Explosively): What'B tho matter with you, ma? Don't you know me. I'm your little hoy. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Captain Wntts, of tho record break ing Lusltanla, at a dinner In Now Yolk said In nu nrgument on speed: "Forty knots an hour? Nonsense. An exaggeration, I assure ou. As much oxnggorntlon as tho mint's tale about his ntnler out. "There was a man, you know, who lute lu tho autumn purchased a thick undervest of red flannel and the first told morning put It on. "Afterwards he returned to- tho dealer, and wanted his money back. Tho undervest was not satisfactory. "It Is unsatisfactory, sir?" said the dealer lu a sad volcp. "In what way U It unsatisfactory? Has I: faded or Bhrunk?" The mnn whacked his fist down on tho counter. Faded or shrunk?" ho shouted. "Why. young ftllow, when I camo down to breakfast In that under vost my wifo said: 'What aro you wearing my pink coral necklace around your throat for?' "Now Orleans States. A young clergyman in a remoto Hmntry district wroto (o Hlshop Potter saying that ho was atait to tako a wife and asked if, to save somo other clorgyman a long nnd tiresome Journey, ho could not mar ry himself. Tho blshopB reply was marvelous ly concise. It said" "Could you bury yourself?" Exchange. LABOR WORLD AND INDUSTRY THE NEWS OF BUSY WORKERS The number of unemployed In Now York City Is estimated at 75.000. Hudson, Wis. unionists have or ganized a new machinists' union. The United Mine Workers' organi zation has a membership of 40,000. The Glass Workers' ITnlon has 000J members and $10i,ou0 In the treasury. A branch- of the Canadian labor party has boon formed lu l,oiulou, England. The advance lu wages of miners has boon general throughout Groat Itrltaln. ' ilartendors of Denver Colo., are tak ing stops to organize a union to pro cure the eight-hour day. Harbors Hamilton, Out., want more ages and threaten to strike If their demand Is not met. The pay roll of the Consolidated MlnliK and Smelting company of Can ada amounts to $l,7r,il,l)o.i a oar. The forty-first annual trailo union congress of Great Itrltaln will con vene nt Nottingham on September 7, lltOS. The Farmers Educational and Co operative union of America has grown from nothing to l.i'OO.OOO In five years. I nh-r organizations of Baltimore are assisting tho policemen of that city in an endeavor to have ono day off each week. Apprentices on tho Santa Fo road have heon given a voluntary Increase of 2 cents mi hour lu wages for 10 hours' work a day. In the early 'fifties the best I.0111I011 artisans and mechanics who had serv ed an apprenticeship seldom got more than $7.50 a week. In Austria 517 per 1000 work 10 hours or less per day. anil 43S from 10 to 11 hours. Comparatively few work more than II hours. A convention of Independent shoe workers' organization Is to bo held at Lynn, Mass., this mouth. Since the national convention of textile workers of the United States in 1 HOT. the International body has Is- belied CO charters to now unions. United Hrotherhood of locomotive Firemen and Engineers will attempt to unify tho wngo scale, making tho eastern schedule tho same ns the western. Trainmen nnd conductors on all the railroads east of Chicago will defer action on their demands for a gener al revision of wages and wo M'.r, conditions. Lord Mllnor In n recent .-tpo.n, lent the weight of his great nam to tho advocacy of a "mln'.uiil.ii wair.v' to bo fixed by wago lioi.-ili ri.iuul by lj'H'atlon, Tho first quarterly meeting of the general executive 'hoard of the Hoot and Shoo Workers' Union will be held In Hoston, Miul., tin first Monday lu February. W. E. McEwen, secrel'iry-treasur or of tho Mlnuesotn Stato Federation of Libor, Is being urged ' ninny of his friends to run for Mayor of Dulutll nt the spring election. At n conference of representatives of national lithographic organizations recently held In Washington, D. C, It was decided soon to amalgamate the allied lithographic trades. In consoqiionco of a dlsputo ovor an agreement between tho employers hnd tho bolli'rmakers, tho (ilxlr barometer In tho shipbuilding trade of Great Britain at present shows "stormy." The Grand Trunk telegraphers nro taking a plebiscite to discover A tho members will stand together to strike f' r a 30 por cent Increase anil un eight-hour day from mid after March 1, 190S. Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Is arranging terms of agreement to unite tho Associated So ciety with the Amalgamated, which will Increase tho latter by over 0000 members. Hen Tlllott, tho English labor lead er, has sent word that ho Is again to visit this country. He Is now In Australia, Mr, Tlllott is also n member of parliament. Ho Is a docker union olllclnl. Newspapers of New Zealand and tho politicians of the country nro dis cussing why It Is that thu Industrial conciliation nnd arbitration uct has not heon successful In preventing strikes and lockouts. Tho Eight hour leaguo of America is conducting an agitation aong tho trades unions with tho object of mak ing tho "universal eight-hour work day" tho paramount Issue of tho com ing presidential campaign, Tho Stato Federation of Labor of Oklahoma at a recent session adopted a resolution In favor of woman ieuf frage, Tho federation proposes to mako tt'ls a test question In tho sup ort of candidates for offlco. A BChool for teaching tho technol ogy of bakliir, the first lu the Itilt ed States, soon Is to bo opened nt Purdue t'nlverslt), Ijifayette, Inil.. under Hie direction of a committee of the national association of bakers. .Massachusetts, which generally leads the state of the Union In pro gressive and pu!ar legislation. Is tr lug to alter Its Injunction law so as to tunke Its application less frequent and objectionable In labor disputes. It Is said that tho longest strike on record In England was that of I Is conducting nu ngltntl m among the commenced In lflOO and did nut tor luliinlo until the close of 190.1, It cost the district $1,820,000, Granite cutters In llardwlck, Vl have had an agreement signed for four oai-8 by which their wages are liter, used from $3 a day to $3.10 n lay for monument cutters and $3.20 a day for building cutters. Habeas Corpus Writs Filed. lUilmorclto Special. Guthrie, Oku., Jan. 1" Two writs of habeas corpus were filed In the state supreme court today, ono for the delivery from custody of Jltn Cain, charged with selling liquor, nnd tho other Tor W. .1 Bellows, charged with murder, lu both cases It Is charged that the court Iihr no Jurisdiction. Hollows Is In the county Jail at Ardmore. Ho says that as lie was sent to Jail on a commitment Issued by E. M Payne, .. Tnlle'l States commissioner nnd under nil or der of the United Siate? dlitrlct court charged with vlolitlns a law (gainst the United StiiifJ. tho stato Is without Jurisdiction lu tho caso. Cain asserts that the county court which tiled him for sel'lng liquor had no right to do so, Simple Remedy for La Grippe. L'L ITrltMIO OOtllfha nrn ,ln ln.nri,o na tllev rreniiontlv ilnvnlon iitimii,..,in Foley's Honey anil Tar not only stops tho cough hut heals and p-mnsthens the lungs so that no so' a results need bo feared. Tho genuine Foley's Honey nnd Tar contains no harmful cirugs ami is in a yellow package. Refuso substitutes. 3.1 Collection 1907 Taxes. Ardmorclto Special. Guthrie, Okla.. Jan. 17. Tho nt. tornoy general's ofllco has received n letter from Perry, Okla., In which tho writer complains that tho county treasurer, hns continued to collect taxes since the passage of n bill by She legislative, remitting tho tax of 1907, mid extended the tlmo for pay ment of taxes to Mani 1, 1908. llllam A. Mosley, who writes thu letter adds: "I wish you would ston our county treasurer from collecting the 1C07 stato tax." Assistant attorney general- Spill man In an opinion holds that tho law In referenco to tho tax of 1907 Is now operatlvo nnd that If persons chooso to pay tho tax thcro Is no law to prevent thorn doing bo, If tho treasurer will accept tho raonoy. Wo havo listed with us somo vnrv nttractlvo bargains In both business and residence proporty. 9tf maaiNs-suoas realty co Subscrlho for tho Ardmorolte. The People's Favorite Chase and Sanborns Roasted Coflfee. Roasted and packed once every week in air tight cans, expressly for Felker, The Grocer SOLE AGENT. Phone 174. ARDMORE TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 74 TOM CARTER .Prop. EUGENE COOK. Maaager Wo offer to tho people tho best transfer service In tho Mf Our hacks arc now, our drivers aro honest, sober and courteous liti Ik ii CmetiM. ' Notice. This U to certify that we. tho market men of tho city of Ardmoro will closo our markets on Saturday night nt 9 o'clock and remain clos ed untl the following Monday morn ing, until April 1, 1908. George Hoffman, Leon Ehrct, W. M. Moycr, J. W. Davis, T. J. Cox. IVvoney & McKlnzee, W. A. Gilliam & Co. J. L. Cox. Will Herryhlll. Jess James I. M. James, Jake Williams. Clydo Fraser. 13-6 All kinds of Rood coal. Every order delivered promptly. Hudson Houston Lumber Co. Phono Z? THE TELEPHONE NUMBER ...OF... The Ardmore Heat and Light Co. 168 IS THE CITIZENS WILL CONFER A GREAT FAVOR, SHOULD THEY DISCOVER ANY LEAKS, BY CALL- NO UP AND NOTIFYING THE COMPANY. THIS IS FOR YOUR IN TEREST AS WELL A8 OURS. Ardmore Heat and Light Co. Still Overstocked On now nnd second-hand Household goods of all kind but to keep tho business Boini,' wo still buy, swap, rent, repair, store, pnek und ship and sell to anybody on easy payments C. P. HALL Phono 000 Tho House Panic Outfitter Phone 74 tilUimrriftiitty tliNlNrt COAL