Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore. Sunday January 19, 1908 THE DAILY AKOMOREITE, rAuc F Take something home withyou from the jewelry store something "SUE" has hoped to be able to gct-and you will find yourself the husband of the happiest woman in town. .' You never get the "doubtful" kind of jewelry here. V. C. DEAN Watches Jewelry Diamonds BUCK GARRETT INDICTED LOCAL COTTON RECEIPTS OVER 18.C00 BALES MARKETED HERE THIS SEASON PRICES ARE BETTER HERE. ARD.MORE'S CHIEF MUST ANS WER FOR KILLING OF J. W. PETERS. Royal Entertainers We have them in the Edison Phonographs. All prices from $12.50 up. We carry every Edison Kecord catalogued. We jell Edison and Victor machines on easy payments. E. B. LUKE Piano Man. The A'dinere cotton market lias passed the 1S.O0O warn, with pros poets of the receipts on tlio local timrki't reaching 25,000 before the season ends, should ditton continue to rome In during the next month ns It lias been coming In for the paBt week. The managers of the local cotton yards report that they have heen kept as busy as hoes keeping up with tlio purchases of J ho huycrs for tlio past two weeks anil that should tlio rush continue, which It will do In nil prolmblllty, this reason's receipts will ho ahead of last scasou'B re ceipts by sevenl hundred hales. All of the cotton that has been grown In this Immedlato section Is being marketed In Ardtnoro and n consid erable number of bales of cotton that wns grown In U.n surrounding counties nro being marketed here, on account of the fact that lo.vil 1 buyers have been paying a higher . luu oM.j.tu iiviv mail null. Is being paid nt any other town or market In the stnto or In tlio south west. Cno firm had to leave Ard more this season beeauso It could j not keep pace with tho local re ' pre;enintlves of cotton firms and the local firms In paying tho top j price for cotton.. Tho farmers who j told their crop on tho local market I are well pleased and have ocen ! walking advertisements for the lo j cal cotton market. i Tin, i-.,p.litta 1111 tn vi.atnril.iv wnm Hu.sba.nd I is2 1:1 imlt's ana wor" (iv,,Mi auut as follows on. the local yarjls: j Wcsthelmer & Dnube, 7.C03. I Compress yards, G.C40. Tanners' Union yard, approximate ly 4,000, making n grand total of 18.213 bales of oUtou marketed In Ardmore. Ardmoreltc Sprclal. Oklahoma C'llj, Jan. IS. Iluck Car et, eiikf of Kilce of Ardmore, was Indicted here yesterday by the grand Jury for killing .1. V.'. IVters In an liiimolnl during tho Cattle men's Convention lu March, 1000. Sheriff Garrison immediately tele phoned (iarrett that he had been in dicted mid told t.l 1:1 to como hero at once. (Iarrett nrrlvod here last night and was arraigned this morning. Ho pleaded WOT OIUITY," and Ills bond was set at (5,000. Ho Immediately telephoned friends In .inlntcire and tl.ey are now enrouto to Oklahoma Ctly and will appear Monday mouiliig to give bond. One Night Only MONDAY, JAN. 20TH Tlio Musical Foolishness Ma's New A Comedy With Music 15 SONG HITS 15 A Laugh a Mitiutu. Pries: 7.rc, r0c, 25o: box seats SI. 00 Sonts on sale Saturday morning. COMING I Paul Gilmore in "The Wheel of Love." Tuesday Jan. 28th You laundry your shirt once or twico a week, don't you. Now, how often do you have your bat cleaned? 19-2 JOHNSON, the Hatter. Nq Naval Enllsiticntr.. The navnl recruiting iiarty that vtsltrd the city during tin past week did not meet with any success In securing applicants for enlist .iienls, and of tho ionr young men who applied, none were successful lu passing tho required physlial ex oinlnatloti. Tlio party left this morning to ic turn to Oklahoma City, where a per manent recruiting offlco hns been established. Subscrlbn for tho Ardmoreltc. TROUBLE AT OKLAHOMA CITY. Aden Davis, a former resident of this city, who wns recently npioltf led n deputy sheriff of Oklahoma City by Sheriff Garrison, last week fig ured lu n bloody fight lu a resort there, which wns formerly "Two John's" saloon, nnd In which place a drinking establishment In still be ing run. DavU' identity was dlsuvered by (lily Ilrasln-r, the bartender ,wbo Is said to have made mi attack upon Davis wllh a knife, cutting suveral severe gashes. Davis to protect him self, shot llrashearo in thu right cheek. Davis claims that fie was not only attacked by Ilrashear but by several hangers on of the place, one of whom grabucd him from behind while Hrnsho.irB Inflicted dangerous wound with n knife. Mrs, Harry Stlofle Is In the city from Gainesville lulling relatives. A. C. Cruco returned from a trip north yesterday. S. T. llledsoe left for the uth on business trip. Warren Martin has returned from business trip north rf here. Jerry Dolllns has gone to Galnes- lllc on a short recreation trip. I'. J. Merrick, traveling rcprescn- Uthe of the Guthrie U-ader, was a iiistuess visitor In Ardmoro Satur- :iy. V. A. Iluchanan of Durwood wns a business lsltor here yesterday. Kd Huberts, of thu firm of Huberts Poland, Insurance agents, left Sat urday for points north of here on business. Charley Drown Is In Pauls Valley on business. , Attorneys It. U. and A. C. Cruce have returned from a business trip to Marietta. , M. K. Plume, with the Pauls Valley nterprlse, wns In the city jester- lay. Mr. and Mrs. 15. A. Ault of Wahoo, Neb., nro IfT the city to spend a bllo with tho family of Mr. and Mrs. John Sklpworth. Dr. J. P. r.inn has returned from business trip to llerwyn. , Harold Wallace of the Ardmore Na tional, Is In Kurt Worth on business. Walter McCharen has returned from a holiday trip to Toecoola, Miss. I. E. Hamilton and son Itamond avo returned from u visit and busi ness trip to Ilusnelkllle, Ark. Fire on Mill Sticet. The fire department was called out yesterday afternoon in response to an alarm of fire at the boarding house of Mrs. Joanna Roberts, 27 Mill street, southeast. A couple of roomers had forgotten to turn down the wick lu an oil burning stove and tho loom becaiiio full of smoke. Mrs. Iljberts, fearful that the room was on fire rang In the alarm. Tho damage done was by smoke and was fully covered by Insurance. Every Cuitomer Of the Sherman Steam Ijiundry Is a leased customer. Leave your bun- lies with Johnson, the hatter, 3 doors est of court house. 10 Tho Dally Index, published at Mill cral Wells, Tex., Informs us that our former townsman, Marcus M. Ilrlght cashier of the First National Hank of that city, has been promoted to the directory of tho bank, Mr, llrln'it lias many friends In Ardmoro who will be pleased to see him ns cend thu ladder. NOTICE. I want to trndo or pay cash for second hand office desks and chairs Phone 173 A. C. YOUNG Successor to Ardmoro Furniture Co 10-tf. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take I-axatlvo llromo Quinine Tab tels. Druggists refund money If It fails to euro. I'. W. Grove's slgna I turo Is on each box. 25c. sW. sM, fc afrfe afcfc jmj, j.v, vv 5W 5$ 5ptf W H Ihe Tm Get a Gas sl0Ve Wi" Actually if and Save Lessen Your w we-haif Your p Gas Bill. &6 fjgi Cas Bill. THIS 18 THE "BLUT" DURNER The "Garland Gnu Stove aro tho only Gus Stoves m ule tliat are litted with the Great "Hint" Hnrners. They h i o excluslvo rights to um tht "Ulut" iiurnor in the United StutPH. This burner was invented bv Von Hlut. u German inventor who lias done more, for Natural Gin Appl'ancus than any otfier liv ng man. It will bo to your interest to buy a Gas htovo that is usin th.s burner. Cull and lei us explain the in. Stevens, Kennedy S Spragins Co. Ardmore, Oklahoma. '4 personals ARDMORE 1895 AKUmURL NUW A DIFFERENT TOWN IN EVERY WAY.APPEARANCE, ETC. THEATRICAL MAN'S RETURN To Become a Cltlien How He Viewed Ardmore Then and What the Town Looks Like at the Present. K. I,. Cioodninn. manager of local Western Telegraph office, received telegram this morning announcing the sad fact that bis sister. Miss Mill le Goodman, died at tho homo of er p'irents In Mill Creek, 111. It was Impossible for Mr. Ooodman to leavo hero to attend :ho funeral. MISMATED PEOPLE SUITS FILED BY WOMEN IN DIS TRICT COURT FOR DIVORCE. Abandoned with two hclplesj chll dreu and without food lu the housu Is too plea bet u by Mrs. N. L. Sa ders In her petition tor dUorco filed igalnst lief luuband, J. A. Sanders, n thU city. The petition further al uges that the defeudJiil Is a man of wealth and is able to pay alimony eiich mouth lu the sum of u(J per mouth. Attorney Sam Duller yesterday af ternoon filed suit for divorce lu tho llstrlct court styled X. L. Sanders vs . A. Sanders of tills city. The etltlon or complaint alleges that tho couple were married Sept. 3, 1V03, and lldd together until December 1, 11)07, when tho defendant abandoned plain tiff mid took with him from tho Iiousl ill of tho groceries that were In tho house and left her a.ul two children In a t.elplejs . mdltlou. That the plaintiff has from time tu time acted lu this manner in leaving the plain tiff and going off and returning when- over ho got ready nnd thereby niak- ng llfo with htm unbearable. That on Decomber 1 of last jear thu de fendant left thu house with all of tho groceries and thereby rendered tho plaintiff and f.o children In a helpless condition. Tho petition further nlleges that thu plaintiff Is tho owner of considerable property on Main street In tho city of Ardmoro and Is amply able to pay alimony In the of .'0 per month for the support of plaintiff and chil dren, and for tho costs and attor ney's fees 'n this suit. Wl'orcby plain tiff prays to tlio court that divorce ho granted and that the defendant bu made to pay tho sum of $50 per month as alimony and tho coaU of this action. Mrs. Maggie McDonnoush through Iter attorney, II. II. Drown, has filed suit against her husband, 1.. F, Mc- Dinnough, for a divorce, alleging that tho defendant has been ai'tliif in a most cruel manner toward the plain 'Iff and that on ono occasion did as fault nnd strike plaintiff with a bridle This couplo wero married neaY tho town of Keller about six years ago, and lived together until two years ago, when tho defendant aban doned and deserted plaintiff, where- 'ore plaintiff seek3 to have tho bonds of matrlmniy dissolved, "Ardmore puts on a different n- pearauco lu more ways than one from the first week of March,, lSHG, the ocruslon of my first visit to the city," remarked J. 11. Knudseii of the Ardmoro Supply Co.. y.Mter- day morning, "I was hero the first week of .March, lS'J.", with a. show, and I can tell you I was glad to get out of town nllve. At that tlmo 1 wns trouplng through the Miuth western country with u show, play ing the trombone In a bnnd seeking a location, and when I struck Ard more I thought It the toughest town lu the country, and during those days I expect It was about ns tough :i town as you could find. "Tlio company 1 was with was known ns "Our Dorothy Co.." nnd the players lu tho company wero about ns tough n lot, with the excep tion of the baud whlcth wns compos ed of fairly good musicians. The plr.jers were playliu; for pr'iaps sal aries, perhaps the nctor and band man would g -t his salary and per haps ho wouldn't, with odds lu fa- or of him not getting It. Tim man ager was planting all of thu money that wns taken In, and the working people were getting board and no money. "I will never fotget our first ap pearance In tho city when wo put on the big parade. I was on the lead with the band, playing a trombone, and tho main street of tho city was lined up on both sides with wagons of fanners, and the town was full of cowpuucliers nnd Indians. Wo commenced to play and mules wero darting this way and then that way and for a time reigned supreme, hut a number of cowpuucli ers had come lo town that day for tho puriioso of witnessing the pa rado and seeing the show, and told us that wo would have to continue, wMch wo did, although wo wero scared almost to death. Wo finished the parndo and drew a good house that night. After thu show several of the young men about town wnnted to show us the sights and wo loaded up on white lino and tanglo foot booze and went down through tho acre to see what was going on In tho lurg. We wero '.ink that night In getting started out to seo tho sights, .lust a few moments lieforo wo got started tho deputy marshals were coming up tho street with n number of young men of tho city whom they had pulled In a raid in tlio tenderloin district. Wo saw tho sights and had a glorious tlmo drink ing tarantula Julco and tobacco Julco wet goods, Wo wound up with big iii:i and omp'v , ,ckoi book can't see why wo wero not punctur ed full of holes on that visit. "Since coming hero to live I havo been ifideavorlng to locate some of tho old land marks of my former visit, but up to tho present tlmu 1 brve not bee,t abb) to d.i fo. "Ono Incident that occurred dur- ln the time, which I will remember, was tho action of a blx six-feet enwpuncher, who canio up to mo after wo stopped tho parado and wanted to know what was tho mat ter that wo did not cpntlnuo. I Uh him that wo did not caro to make tho torses and milieu runaway. He replied: Vo came hero to hear tho hand und seo tho parade, and we in tend to seo the parado.' Those re marks were enough for us and wo continued the parado. i:eryono in those days wore a slxshootor strap ped around hint, that mndo tho eas tern man feel a bit creepy when ono of tboso fellows walked up to him. "1 was talkhi.; to Manager llohUnn of tho opera houso about that visit, and ho recalled It to me, especially about tho arrest of that largo crowd of young men who wero up until early Sunday morning fixing up their bonds." im Shoe tm Box Calf Bluchnr Goodyear welt with solid leather, smooth insoles which insures com fort tiiul service. Cheap shoes are hijjh atrany price. Good shoes are cheap at this price. LYNN, The Shoe Man DoWltt's C.irbolized Witch Hazel Salve Is especially recommended for dies. Sold by W. n. Framo. d&w ..BURN OAS. Have us do your fjas work and furnish your gas stoves. We can fill your orders at once. There is no strike at our shop, we work only union men which insures good work add safe work. Pmr.ticnl Tinners and Plumhcrs. South Washino-tnn Rr COLD STORAGE MARKET RETAIL AND WHOLESALE DE PARTMENTS FAST BECOM INO LARGEST IN STATE. Ono of Co most successful nnd progressive business enterprises in Vrdmore Is thu Cold Storage market This market, under tho management of Jesho James Is forging to thu front ns one of tho largest buslna of tlio kind In thu state. It supplies fresh meat not only for Its own retail department but Mip piled nearly all tho other markets of tho city and a vast number ol others In different towns of tho now state. Tho cold storago building hns re cently undergone a great change for the belter. Tho floor lu the refill and wholesale dopartmenU has been inado of solid con treto and aro as sanitary as they can bo mndo. Tho flooring In tho cold storage rooms la made of tho fame material, which adds greatly to tho method of prop erly caring for fresh meaL Thu retail department of the cold storago Is growing more popular, ns this deiiartment Is looked after close ly In uvery iletull and every order no matter how small, Is given ino most prompt and careful attention. Card of Thanks. Wo desire to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to our frlend3 nnd acquaintances for tho kind deeds done ami tho -symrpnthetlc words spoken to us during tho recent ill ness and death of our companion and father, J. A. McCullough. "Wo feel that our bereavement would bo toi great for our poor hearts to hear, wero It not for tho tender arms of Jobus embracing us and suili un tiring deeds of love. MHS. J. A. McCUI.LOUOH, CAH1. McCUI.hOUOU, SAM McCUI.I.OUdll, MUS. P. W. TAYI.OH, MUS. J. W. POST. IN THE SICK ROOM. Postmaster Stephen Douglas Is re ported to bo quite 111 at his home How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of npiK'iidlc.tls art thoso who nro habitually constipated Foley's Orlno laxative cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver und bowels and restores tho natural action of tho bowels. Poloy'B Orlno Uixntlvo does not nauseate or gr'pe nnd li mild nnd pleawnt to take llefuso substitutes. S,old by all drug irlsts Mrs. Don I-tcy Is reported to bo initio 111 at her homo In southwest Ardmoro. Little Ilcrnlco Sullivan, tho daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sullivan Is reported to be betet'r. s Avon Club A New Coffee Coasted by new meth ods. Su enor to any other cohTcc put up in sealed tins. lias a fine rich llavor that people who know how to judge coffee appreciates. 1 pound 40c 2 ppunds 75c Sold by MARTIN, The Grocer 229 West Main Street Phone 391 ARDMORE HACK LINE D. E. FLY NT, Prop. Ifnck leaves for Hcaldton at 0:30 a. tn. a. m. Direct connections with all Inland towns west jf Ard more. I-eavo nil packages at the City Drug Store. W. A. PRID Is now preporeit to do all kinds of I PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING T Seo our stock of plumbing ttx- tures and get our prices. t Call phono 388 and wo will call -;- ami make your estimate Tom Dyer, tho Injured drayman, Is doing nicely nt the sanitarium. Local Cotton Market. Cotton ranged In prlco from 9:50 to 11 cents yesterday nnd receipts wero fairly liberal for the last day of tho week. Grades ranged from ordinary to good middling. The Theatorium 212 WEST MAIN I? where you seo the latest and highest class moving picture 1 . 1 . I In. mm iiiKuiuru Dviiho, .tut. , mtutti'., lunula uuvi v,j uuuw tiful entertainment for ladles and children. DR. B. F. BARKER Chiropractor nttlo.x In fh-ii-ii-Mnxwell Klats. ! Offlco hours 10 to U a. m., 2 to 5 p. 111., exiupt Sundays. Telephone 312. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINA TION FREE. ' West Main street Ardmoro. Okla. Ad-M'V-in, adults .. Children ,.. 10o ... .6c Illustrated songs toy Miss Hun ter. Open 6:30 to 10-30 p. m. Matlneo ovory afternoon, 5: SO.