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The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, January 19, 1908, Image 7

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Ardmore, Sunday January 19, 1908
Stock-Reducing Sale
The right sale, at the right time, the most successful sale
this store has ever held, successful because it is conducted
along lines that meet the approval of the people, successful
because the people know that when Madden says a sale it
means a sale.
More goods left this store the past week than during
any week of the fall season, except the week before Xmas.
The coming week will be even better than the past.
This store force and the people generally have combined to
break all January records in merchandising.
In order to do this we have cut the price on all winter
goods. Every line that savors of winter has been cut
Now is your time to save money on anything for
immediate use.
You can buy at One-Fourth Off You Can Buy at One-Third Off
Blankets, Comforts, ool Dress
Goods, Trimmings, Silks Skirts, Ki
monos, Ladies' and Children's Shoes,
Shawls, Fascinators, Short Kid Gloves.
Infants' Sacks, Bootees, Toques. Baby
Caps. Silk, Net and Wash Waists,
Winter Hosiery, Underwear. Men's
and Boys' Clothing, Odd Pants, Yarn
Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skirts. Misses'
Suits. Coats and Skirts, Infants and
Children's Coats. Outing Gowns for
ladies and children.
You Can Buy at One-Half Off
Choice of all Purrs, a lot of Ladies'
Suits and Skirts, a lot of Men's Hats.
Men's Sweaters and small lot-; of
various things tabled out for quick
Specials for Monday Only:
One lot of light weight Outings, suit
able for quilt linings, worth 5c and
6 1 -jc a yard, Monday a
a jard
50 full size Cotton Bats, sufficient for
a quilt all in one piece, much better
than small bats, 50c seller 'lf
Monday special each
One lot of Cotton Muck Towels, sec
ond of a good 1 5c retailer on
sale Monday at each 2
Lonsdale yard wide bleached Domestic
worth 12 i-scyard, on sale Iflf
Monday, 10 yd. limit, a yd 1UC
Big lot 5c Laces in Valsand Torchons,
a clean up of last year's goods but just
as good as new stock except in few
yard pieces, on sale Monday o
a yatd
Embroidery Special A lot of 81-3
and ioc retailers. Some from last year
and some new stock. Asa 7'f
special for Monday, a yard 2
A Pearl Button Special 10 gross of
splendid Pearl Buttons, all sizes
from 14 to 20 line, on sale J
Monday, a dozen
Ladies Belts and Neckwear on sale
Monday. Wc will give you choice of
any ladies' Belt or Wlf Dr jrp
piece of Neckwear 111 A
Kcmnants! Remnants! Wc will have
a big table full readv for you Monday.
Remnants of everything all marked at
prices and for Monday this
price will
Cut in Half
Comfort special Here is a chance lor
rooming houses to add some new cov
ering Monday wc will give you choice
of 100 Comforts, regular si AQf
sellers, 5 limit, at only Uyl
Children's Wool Gloves and Mittens.
We have an accumulation of small
sizes for children, ages 1 to 5 years, in
Gloves and Mittens that are regular
2 ;c sellers, and come in white and
f-incy colors, on sale C
Monday, a pair UL.
Ladies' and Children's Knit Under
wear. A big table full of our regular
25c garments in Union suits for child
ren and vests and pants for women.
This line will be specially 17r
reduced for Monday to 1 C
As usual we'll take no phone orders for these specials, you must be here in
person to get thebenefit of these specials any time Monday.
Are worthy of your special attention. Small lots, last pairs of Women's and
Children's Shoes tabled out at less than HALF PRICE,
About nevontyflve "ears n;o there
lived In tln wmt two brother, bolli
mou of education atul tiitcrcatcd hi
Ki'oIok)-. II. I). Kokith was a resi
dent of Pennsylvania ntul V .It.
HoKom of VlrKlnla. liich -.ih In
Icrentod In 1 110 material development
of lila Hlalo and each al various
I lines conducted lincntlKutloiiH on
tin Kt'oloKy and mineral resources
'f liU own ntah Ilach man found
about tbo same things. II. I. Hott
er.) found that In IVnns) hnnla there
ua plenty of roal, Iron, Mime, chiy
.mil sumo nilncralH of minor 1 11 1 -liortatuv.
V. II. Honor found
about tliu sumo things In Virginia,
iiuncly, coal, Iron, Mono, cl.iy, etc.
Kneli man wont before the lottlsla
turn of bin own state rciiui'stliiK an
appropriation to continue hU luvoxti-
;atlons and publish reports selling
fortb tliu minerals of the slate.
In one Htato the rcipiost wan Kraut
eil and an appropriation made. Mr.
Holers c uitlulicd bin Investigations
and published reports imIIIuk (he nt
teullou of manufacturers mid capital
tuts to tbo unduveloped resources of
tbo state. As a result capital boitan
to How In; inlnex were opened, ipiar
rles developed, factories were erected,
plants put In opeiiitlou and a great
part of the available res urces of tbo
-late were developed. Tills state has
vcr since Mood In the very front
rank of tliu nianilfncturlnt; states of
the unl'.n.
In the other state the legislature
denied the request of .Mr. Honors and
refused to appropriate any money
'Mther for Keolofilc.il InveatlKatlous or
for the publication of roHirts. As a
cult tbo vast mineral wealth of tbo
tate lay dorman for more than fifty
ears. In fact It was not until the
rnnuracturln.i Industries of the rst
New Cardinal for U. S.
ivy Southwestern Press.
Home, J tin. 18. Announcement
was made today of another consis
tory to bo held by Pope I'lus sboitly
jefore Easter, nt which tlmo It Is In
tlmaled that a new American cardi
nal will he named.
Despite, the pressuro brought to
bear In favor of Archbishop Ireland
of St. Paul, It Is not thought that I10
will be selected. Archbishop Farley
of Now York, Archbishop O'Conncll
or Iloston, Archbishop ltyan of Phil
adelphia and Archbishop Illordan of
San Francisco, nro most prominent
ly InientJoned in itiinectlon with
tbo dlSK)sal of the new red hat. A
new South American cardinal and a
successor to tliu latu Cardinal TnbO-
herau of Canada, will also likely bo
appointed nt a consistory to bo held
later In tto year.
-Lite overllottod Into the second that
these res urces were developed.
Is It necessary to tell which state
published and which state did not?
Oklahoma lias more kinds of min
eral and more mineral of a kind than
either Pennsylvania or VlrKlnla. all
undeveloped. The people of Oklaho
ma can pursue the one Killcy or the
other. We may bee nne wealthy In
tht products ol our mines and factor
ies, or u mil) permit our resources
to lie undeveloped and remain com
paratively poor.
Which shall wo do?
The lacK of iii.iuiifiii'tiirlMK Indus
tries In Oklahoma Is brought home
to the inrmer with especial force
when he buys his bulblltiK material,
when he sells his produce and when
he pays his laes.
If the mineral product of the new
statu were beliifi developed the far
mer could liny such things as press
ed brick, Portland cement, lime, ..tit
mil the like at about half the price
ho now pays.
If these products were being util
ized It would mean a law number
'if mills, Idauls, factories, mines and
piarrles, with an army of worknen
which would Insure a home market
for all sorts of farm produce.
If the plants, facilities and other
mutiufurturlUK establishments were
located In Oklahoma Ley would
pay tneir proportli mile share of the
taxes anil the tax on the farmer would
In greatly reduced.
t'nlll the mineral re-mi'c-'s of Ok
lahoma are developd the 'armor must
continue to sell ill.. lir-idil' til a
low- price, purchase h supplies at
a nVn price and pay e :.e taxf.'
Consequently the farine - I . Intel Moil
more than any one else In the estab
lishment of imiiiufuctuiliitf industries
In Oklahoma. Capital.
Notice to Farmers.
The stihool land commission has
a lot of money to bo loaned 011 first
niortBiiKo or Improved farina. Wo
Invite all honest borrowers to apply.
In order to roi a loan write direct
ly to tbo secretary of tbo school land
,c,iinMhalon, loan department, IK)
not employ an iiKent as we will deal
only directly with tliu applicant.
When wo Ket your letter, wo will
send you blank application and full
Instructions. Wo nro organized to
assist tbo honest borrower no graf
ters need apply.
Sec'y. to School laml Commission.
To nil knowing suff, rers of rheu
matism, whether tnti.-cular or ot
the Joint, sciatica, lumbiiKos. bark,
ache, pains in the kidneys or lieu
ralgla puling, to write to her for 1
home treatment which has repeat,
edly cured all of these torture.
She feels It her duty to sMid to all
sufferers FUF.II. You cure )ourelt
nt home ns thousands will testify
no change of climate being neces
sary. This simple discovery ban
ishes uric arid from the blood, loos
ens the stiffened Joints, purifies
the blood and brightens the eyes,
giving elasticity and tone to tliu
wholr system. If the above Inter
ests you, for proof address Mrs. M.
Rummers, Ito- It, South lleml, Ind.
Thrco regular meals sered 'ach
Weekly rates in ,.-r.jonat!e prices.
Open ilav and night.
I.ti'ich nt nil hours.
Special bill of fare on Sundays.
Don', forget the ladles' Exchange
conducted by Mrs. Taylor.
IrV. i. TAYLOR, Prop.
We have .Mr Joe .McF.irlaud with
us to take charge of our pressing
and cleaning ileMrtuielit. Any gar
ment you may send us will be prop
erly done. We guarantee all his
work and every order will be call
ed for mid delivered. Phone No. 10.
latf AltDMOIll-: ST 1 2AM UUJNDIIY.
Real Estate Association.
The Chickasaw Ileal Kstato Asso
ciation will meet In the office of J.
I., ltlgglns, Monday, January 20th,
at 1:110 p. m. Considerable business
of Importance to be transacted ns
well as tbo election of olllcers for
the ensuing year.
W. J. Ml I. Ill' UN, Pres.
J. 1.. r.U.r.VS, Sec.
Take lKiWItfs Kidney and Iltmlder
Pills. They promptly relieve luck
noho and weak back. Sold by W. II
Frame. d&w
The Crescent Hotel
The Crescent Hotel In tills city
has been recently refurnished
throughout and Is today tno best
are prepared to give tho very best
accommodations to trr traveling pun
lie and wo solicit tho patronage of
regular noariiera ami roomers, r-o
hotel has a nice sample room In
coiincciion. ah inn rooms na.o out
side exposure and aro equipped with
hot and cold baths and nro well
linnl.,.l nn.l I li a imnlllillnM ... .... -.....
Hates. 2.00 per day.
firm 0 nr tin n
i j iiini 111 i'iniiiiicinn.miiiK mi 1 nunc
West Main utrret
Tclrphonu I. ... 9 V. Main St.
has Unique Expcrlen;e.
(iuthile, Ok., Jan. 18. Senator
Tom .Moore of Olustee, Jackson
JjouiWy, presentH a riddle to his
most intlniatu menus wnicii stamps
him ns unique. It Is this:
I havo lived In two counties, two
states and 0110 territory and have
not moved. Figure It out."
After allowing tho sought ouo to
concentrate his thoughts upon tno
rlddlo for a few moments, tho scna
lor explains:
i lived In Greer county, Texas
ono state nnd one county. A federal
court decision said that C.reor coun
ty was part of Oklahoma
ono (l)uuty, ono siato nnd one terrl
To Sill Famous Flag.
Southwestern Press.
Ixindon, Jan. 18. At nn auction
salo to bo held In Iondon 0110 week
from Wednesday, tho offerings will
Include an article of great Interest
to patriotic Americans. It Is tho
flag of tho United States frigate,
Chesapeake, tho vessel captured off
Iloston harbor in 1813 by tho Brit
ish warship, Shannon, and towed to
It Is likely that all tho bidders
for this historic flag will bo Ameri
Uns, and that the relic will soon
occutiy a plnco In wimo Aineilcaii
Will Try Bankers,
Ily Southwestern Press.
New York, Jan. 18. Prosecution
of tho llrooklyn banker In connec
tion with the rocimt failures will
beuln Mondny. when tho Jenkins
tory. Tho stutehood camo and (Ireer l)rotlu,rs wlu j,0 placed on trial for
alleged conspiracy. It was tho orl
county was cut, nnd I found inybolt
I11 Jnckson county, Oklahoma two
counties, two states and 0110 territory.
Wild Deer In Reserve,
lawton, Ok., Jnn. 18. When the
fonco enclosing 8,000 acres of moun
tain nnd valley in the Wichita for
est reservu wns completed today It
was found to contain fifteen head
of wild A'or that had entered while
tho fonco was In course of construction.
Tho nineteen head of buffalo will
not bo liberated from their rtirrals
until spring. Tho fence, erected of
strong woven wire, Is built for tho
retention ot any kind of gamo of
valuablo size, nnd Is declared to bo
tho best fence of Its character In tho
glnal Intention to lead off with the
trial of Director William Grow of
llorough bank, but as Martin W
Littleton, Grow's counsel, is also at
torney for Harry K. Thaw, tho Gow
case has been postponed until tho
completion of tho Thaw trial
It Is vcrv Imnortnnt and In fact
It Is absolutely necessary to neaiin
that wo glvo relief to tho stoiiiach
promptly at tho first signs or trou
bin. Tnko something onco In a whllo;
esneclally after moals; somethlnt
llko KODOI. For Dyspepsia and Indl
gostion. It will enable your stomach
to do Its work properly, boiu uy
U, Frame. ow
If virtue Is Its own reward, pa-
tlenco must bo a poverty stricken
1200 bales bright now pralrlo hay,
25 cents por balo at my bam.
The Hed Headed Grocer. 14-3
No, Cordelia, a man isn't nccussa-
rlly stingy, because ho keeps hi
troubles to himself.
When tho baby Is ciom nnd nas
you worried and worn out you will
find that a llttlo Caicasweet, tho well
mown remedy for babies and chll-
Iren. will nulet tho llttlo 0110 in
diort time. Contains no opiates. Sold
iy W. II. Frame . d&
Laugh and tho world .auglM vvltn
ou If you aro not laughing at tho
Pazo Ointment Is guaranteed
nro any caso of Itching, IlMnd
Heeding or Protruding Pllo s In li
1 1 days or money refunded. DOc,
JIlM fosurancc Bon(k
People who buy Groceries are requested
to phone us at all times for fresh country
produce. Fresh eggs and country but
ter arc our specialties.
W. M. R I G G S
West Main Street. Phone No. 12..
The Ardmore Sanitarium
Miss Hinds hno clmrgo of training school for
nurses. Receive? both medical in tl curgiciil pa
tients. TlioioufMily tuodt re in every particular.
Special operating 100m. Good service, terras
reasonable. The medical profehsion solicit' d.
Ardmore, Oklu.
J. II. KMDSEN, Pfts., . J. 1HSIJHII, Sec. S Trtas. il ID. J. fUlG, V. P.
Ardmore Supply Company
Wholesale and Retail Gas Appliances.
Onlv a few of our coods iiavo arrived. Ainontr them are a
number of hunters now ready for delivery.
The Economy Heater
will in our opinion extract the greatest possible number ol
lieai unns irom a cuoie 1001. 01 naiurai gas nnu uisinuuu
tlio lieat evenly througli 11 greater sp ie tiian any othei
neiiier 1110 line is very coiiiDiett1 anu inn woihiuucsiii
n nil material used aro the very highest grodo ootatnaoie
II u lll it -i nifiiau mijJi.'i iiiciju iiiu iijii.i'i.t ivii ui
rt gulato to obtain perfect rest Its from till t'oods sold by us
Wo aro from Missouri and will show you.
mm . mm mum mm m mm u m mm mm M mm 1 .
- - wi I iin I u iiiu 11 1 ui u 1 - ..w

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