Newspaper Page Text
Ar&nfrt, 7eUy, Fevrvary 11. laot,. he Dally Ardrnoreite ' 'j'-t oCfc. fntuttm. r -f-r 7 n- ' -r rv i . 7 h k. '-mm ; . y-n'rj"" at ArdsM fficiaJ Paer Car Cuttr County A FEW DAYS MORE THE MARKETS G-a r r-. f, f . j Tr c - ( T,r...-ni to worsen, ctrr, :v j -w i-i ir.ii i " - --FCS3 CCT70H . - 1 1 B I T-V M I 1 K va C23 ii u cr-ieal uin sai -;v erA no psj HaKing rowaer 10 oe most me efiiclent in strength, of highcsl No - :2.n vbo uses Mother's FrUci" cetd for suffer" sd dar.c;r inciient to b;nh; for it rcbs tlcore-. a'. i its fc rror snd iz-ures saictv to life of mothr and child, and r.- ia a ccti;t:.n aore" favorable to speeciy ret.ove.-v. 1 he ch.'.i 13 MOftf. purity and healtMoiaess -Ofi? a.i MM J dow: arid n tL" Ardoiw-;! ' im iff Oraf teady. mid 11 3-4 iis ibt ia gold to every "VO n P 8 H 1 Ard many other painful and senoua KfsSUS agents "from which most nr. H S PS &S su5sr. can avo: d Sy th u: f LB 8 3 CClfg f nan m wf i r i rTi a i n i x ! mil CJJ?X lite uuiucii 1 ( TT II 1 I " . W 1 1 I I a 1 I ll-T, W s.o heaitc v. strong an-i m r-; y"-. 5 r r r S gnod matured. Our book ! t .'.,17 J Motherbood." with feVfil t i LlL 1 fe. J wo.2n. aad oe sen. :ree in p.i t r - 1 , ( I . v a ii ? I' i u !i ' I Fa It ' il M '''' i O 11 Anr .1 r 1 JB I1' 1( t H , Ki Hi ' Ki . 'hu tt 'tanac?1! Ofltca Ml Ofll i Ut ,it A4";-' kl V, '.' ! . . ' , j; ' 1 'r k- a 4fx.,J: r, t... r,, n. m WENDELL WOOD SENTENCED MOMC HUMMifl, t I ' arvt Ut rvtf to tit- r l oOtry," tb ' . 'Jtln ( jpiO lu r -. m.o niltar to od n - , tMlt with fu .' point ' r ! r. : ii i- th ..! : n, -,l x 'nllK r wl v. frM . ffj. 'f JlMlS Hr)(l ' r'. , ' rtpurt m 4lu (Cm(1w4 trvm Put- O.-. K sot trotn Um by b im lU wlUi U - fjumtwgrin fait r ':.--'ri tnorv word r of ntfttUrr r"!l : r h WlrS, -.;. ' ' ! j by 'hr rjir y 11 initf i I I' . .i v. '. I .It ' till ' V ' i ; . i !) 1 ' I ' I .. i 'lully , ! W I -t i' hi " I'-lfi !" rH 1IH . . 'liiiori i , Hat-1, ftb-f it 'U- til ft Woods of f.'a-fcr.., H-l it..--f.SMy. !". ."it a-'.5 t:. court, stao dine b-i4 bit ie tMtteioajr wax itiwi Uj ' git'Ag clrfrJHi- of tb- . , Tb tUir. H O, WvJ a 'a&ettBt to C'-KJrt :it - - is), who i t a n.iil r.(jfrrd )uBg naa and )wt in Um of maBiwod. Unrt&c t& . 'hf At Mr. Wo4a u mas ti rlatttxrt, bit (raiu ahoOK Hnotlon aad Anally U old mas o"'K- down and wept ltk a child T..- fa-ta aa brought out showed ' a WIIUK, tt man who woa f. .-. a lroUr ln-Uw of U layer, .:-! t--n la the habit of batlog his and whit ncMd la Uta art latrrottd Uf- yonag . Wood hH Wlllett. Ju4,t- RuaaHl In paaafne aenutio ziw tfijj jroung man a bit of whol- advlc. and mioko only an a r could i-ak to bit aon. l'.ir.-dat-ly ftiT afrfjtfTi':" ;. i '!, a UrK- ij'iri.Vtr of fr!-i. !- i- ;.nontr, arxl fj c faU-r m'' ' ! i- .j-.'i th; )0'jfiK ii. in ti, , 1 'I tye. II.- fathi-r ap;ilr. t. olii- '. t ' i !- Kuft'U ?"t 'i'n r.' ii and uttai'i -H'l- th- i. ' i nd wort, vn '! '('. caw o U' H-l, i ! iiif:t m ;t : : - 1 ami a , nl (f'lllty 'lltfi I '." 'H for trial ai.t ' d'f' i.'l U .Ht'lfQ to J.ii. Hi iJi'fU'l I '.' No Aloia, No Phcsohate ol Lime No alum or alum-picrphale baking rowder has been guaranteed or approved by the United State or any State authorities. The adver tising claims of the c!um powder makers to that effect are "faked. makers to that effect are " faked." H a : High Low Com ' Ss S.M4 Sir- S t: $ t:j r:-t Hw Yar t rtwf;. 0;a High Low C.ce Ye-t ..: n i. j.; : -.:: i: :: .: i-.3 io; : -2 : J I Or1n I r wtor e Orn High Low C vt T: 11 31 ;i : :: 4 n 1: 11.ii 11 z :: : .:: o: n.11 :i .. ', : cave. : by addressing app'.:ca Bradfield RequlaLor Co. Atlantu One Hundred Dollars Free WHISKEY A K D D RUG HABITS . i- . 1 v..' - 1: fill L SAMTKILM. Ardtnor. OLIa CfcieaM Craln. Opn High Low Clous Wheat Ya S2H 91 HITCHCOCK MUST APPEAR WEALTHY BAVARIAN DEAD. '.V"T REFUSES TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR TRIAL OF THE YOUNO COMEDIAN. Sim York. N. Y., Fob. 11. -Tb trial of Raymond Hito&cock, the co-' median. u sot today for Fabroary 21th. dMplto tb objactloo of bia coana! and affldarlu of th repra wntatlv of the theatrical manager that Tiltcbcock had been booked to appear In varloaa parta of the coun try up to March Sth. Il.tchoor'i'a counaelora wore notl-fl-l that the ball of .W would ''.rfi-lt'-d If he was not In court on P.-1. 24'h Btcanrt Rich in Vnitaalt ifeulneaa In Kanaa City. Kv..iu City. Mo. 11 Joan lyng. aged Gl, a waitby ratirad wh'.eal grocr, died here today. Hr waa born In Bavaiia, bat came to Kansas C.ty in Ce early W. Ilucklnii Courfhs . . 1,... ... HH mi' f l .u ...... m a - , I III HIW HU lil '" . -nabM to j Th rourt w;tH iiit f i(1 tliat v. ' '1 the vrv ...... ... t imiht, a iii-n.i-r or an k ii'i'i f , . .1 1 1 rh not to I , .1. from tin- Ixrii. i:ow- atN.-tloii .i 1 "ii tiiornina ' I T .') or T.Vxi , wire acrnn, ioi at car' 'linon li. will continue an I IlilH tO Klvi- tilt. pl'iif I Mi 1&1 1 I Corn Mav !4 Oau May . . 53V 1H S4 Loans, Abstracts Insurance, Bands A.'l Jruji;lt tnl A Mil- t a J" "jlll. t -. V. U '1 mi'! not MRS. SAM DAVIDSON DEAD II Ui'-'th T'.r r VAt IN AHOMORR AT ;F HER DEATH lUt, T A SHORT TIMS. with pnfiitiioma On ttl kfio-Aii.r Mr litirr kih i-tr-oaed, and to lotn-rn nworn Th" nfw grand luiy was fnpann'l-d this afternoon uii'l 1 another rharg madft. Afttr th criminal docket for tin ilay was clttfi-d tho otirt w-nt Ih'ji tlx- trial of non Jury case. Y' irtmdav afturnoon, John K I ((s-vi'H wiihilii'W IiIm pli-a of not itullty to larceny and fntorod a lfa of guilH, and was tit-nced to two 1 'ur at haul labor lu tbe penlten- tlary ' John Wi; on, another wtilti- man M-iiii K- lu pii-a of Kui'ty. to larceny, i.l! Hp.- ' ! 11 Ifo of i l);t idif Hi. I ' I ll'HJU II' ' . ill f'r tin- j 1 .line kud ' 1 rdiiioiM, -iti, at ' 1 ii.' her, till I 1 Iifii" at h :i2 y'8i I or Nor"" l'r 1 mi .oiiii .- ' 11 11 . I .Hid a O ' III to ll offlcpR at the cltl bati 1 d tomorrow throuKh ro ' 1 deceased, j and waa M-nterici to two and one 1 half years a hard lalMir In thn lin- MltlK l flltl-Ut,t . NATURAL GAS SITUATION i.-i t 1 11 11 1 1 . ii INDIANA CiANKHR SU1CIDKS. f .,1;,., !( icb. 11. Pmiwia I' H'm ,niHldit of lhi Mrst Na '' .ml, fMittmiltted auloldu 'bare o'lii 1, inciting bimaelf. lie 1. i'l ! i'ii In III health for hoiih ill I ' 1 r , I r 1 1 1 ' it I rj;l ' i' l 1 1 " ' ' 1 I 1 (tiff. II f ' I ( Ifjtl ( i r, l 1' Mtii l I'nin l,i v.- Om-l "'I the ie'iclon of the g:th cNnpati;. to rntage in the pliiuiiiinK and appll Utile hUnJlie-H and MU'fk'e.ted tliat jarUn Ket tnK'ttier ainl imKour to arrangn tmiii. ti.ilH upon ahirh the work could Im done. Mr Neei) aaid that while the gas ' ii. 1 .an v had imn forced to take the 11 he was hi I II willing to make im- ,11 laiu'eiiii nt If poNdhli for the ' of the city to do the work , AH 'OtllMUy. upon It was dr illed to call tt uieellug at 3 o'clock (hi. afternoon at the cliyhall to k over the matter. The plunibiiiK firms concerned are at follows: AnUnore Supply Co.. elevens, Ken ily ft Hpraglns Co,, Hprekelineer A Co. W. A. I'ride, llolumn & itest and Arduiore (las Fixture Co. TO CUHE A COLD IN ONE DAY. 'I'll e I ,x . 1 ' o H'l 11 t 'I'-p, 'l H ' f ' ( ' i' I 1 en i 11 ''1 I 1 1 1 ' P (Jr u n'rrn t ire I in ir'i lux !i( LENOX SOAP IN HARD WATER I I.ird watrr adds to the labor of tin: laundress be cause the lime or other niineral.s in it act in op position to the cleansing power of the soap. Lenox soap is designed especi ally to overcome this dif ficulty; it will do almost as good work in hard water as in soft. With your next wash ing try this: Before put ling any clothes into the water, lake a small piece of Lenox soap and agi tate the water as though for suds; the Lenox soap will send the lime to the top in flakes. Skim them off until the flakes cease lo come. The water will then be ready for use. For sale by all grocers. Tyler S Simpson Co. Ardmore, - Old ihoma Ksiic? is All Read Peple. There is a prevailing Idea tfcal tile County Commissioners art di rectly responsible for ail roads bat we want to pot the people rlgtoi on this subject. First, each precinct has a trustee who la supervisor of the roads in his precinct, and appoints all road overttvra and makes his re-1,,, :.rt to this board. It la nlao the duty of each ;-r- : to take an Interest anc help tri "iwntblp boards la getting th: a' '.im worked out to the - of all alike. We hra notified each lrni ' 1 hlb overseers to go to w.r : ! do - 1 h work aa will be to c -- int .-' it of all the peo;,:'. Ar. : at- , or work that Is n -In .r ;reclnct, make it known wur and If act.o. , .'u. n. I - same renown to th-i-'l o' ' ri.TjIssloners. and we wi:; - that y,,i get relief. If It I? in -r ionr Yours to serve, HOW. F. BCIVAJ.LY. ''ifiirman County Board, Carter ( Di-ftt Sul: Filed. Add!e Reeves C rough hr at tor-j nr. James M. Mathers, has filed a suit for a divorce against ter cu band. J. E. Reeves in the district rourt. The petitioner seeks to hare the bonds of matrimony annulled on the ground that the defendant has been convited of a felony in the district court of this county. The couple were married Fvb. 19. 1905 and lived together for eighteen months. . t.-.p rlf-?.-n1ar. iri th! a"- PROMPT GERViGE. RELIABLE COMPANIES. ROBERTS POLAND ARDMORE TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 74 TOM CARTER .Prop. EUGENE COOK, Manager Phone 74 We offer to the poople the best transfer service in the city, Our hactcs arc nfv. our drivers are honest, sorxr and courteous li'iit List w f:5iit. nils tmiti Promptly al all Hoars El I ml . if 1m f, 4 4 4 H? Ardmore Real Estate Will Double in Value f..f.t.'''f''''''t''' t ?...?...?.... 4 -. t' 4 . .. f. -- HERE ARE THE REASONS: - 't' ? A WW r it v li n i i. i. : w I'OM- ( . ill; - (Kj In the I'ii!'.-! States Dlttrict Co-, for t: ; - "rn district of Jr.l horn a. In the tna'ter of II Blank &. c Ilanknipts. iki.ikniptcy So. I'.'i. Whereas. Appllca'lon hah t" made for the confirnatlon of ri compoaitlon offered bv the a'.i n. uned hanltr , tv.t It appeir. On such wuni-i'ion ban dei-n a-1 in writing b a tua.yit'.y li ni of all hl inill'or have been a'lowed, ! reprei.ent, a n.ajorl'y i:i at' tj:,i such c-'altii'.; atnl th-n the ci - erailori for .,!, c,...;-ti'"u I ul nil by Kee-ion 2 Ii of the Ii i ruptcy la of Ki. has )" i ,., depOHltC'd. Now, on the motion ' W f' -. nnii, K , attorney for u . rnjn H Is n!.-"-d, Th it nil " illtors .,' I Illai.U .V Co, hhtikru,.t . as w- I i all o'h'T ;it'tie in ii.terent CA'lf at a heaiim; to had on - e anpllfatlon te fore the ItUtrici c-if of the I'nlted states i ,r tin- ;t ert DUtrlct of Okia'ninin. at t ' (Vnirt House In th- city of M kogee, in suld Iilstrlct. cm the 1m day of February, 190S, at IM o'l'l'K , a. m., or as soon theronft, r -such hearing Is culled, win- m-, application nhould not be grant. -l that notice of sueh hearing he t-. en by mailing a copy of thN onl. i Ut o.ich of tho oradltora, pu le, :, iiuoresi, ana attorneys etnu nodce in this proceodlnx; publishing a copy hereof In ignated newspaper In t'jo of th. Hunknipt: resldeti providiil by such law; th; notli-e be ho given by or undr the dlnt'tlon of tho Hoferee in (hai.e of this proceeding. J Witness, the Honors hie u. k j j C.fiiphell, ,'iidno of the sabl Court i u . I the 'e,i thereof, a' 'he C't ,f 4. w iia'.i 4 4 ft .. . WW I4 4 .ninjor' has natjfdl iras. Arda ore La a street railway. Ardrr.oie has oil The town will by made, the fuel supply station of the Santa Fe system which means a division point for Ardmore. Within 12 months Carter county will double in population. The removal of restrictions will produce this result. Factories, one by one, are locating hero. Tt eie are hundreds of prospectors in Ardmore every day. . . hat you inve.-t in Ardmore property will oome back to TittirVfrtt? jou dou jled in value W We hnvf mjimj i.ropertv listed with us that must be sjld W and we olli-r mjihu ynuine bargains. .4. ::.'7i- 4. id. 4' writ ? 'f' 't' 't' 't' 't' 'V' 't' f '4' '4' '4 '4' '4. 4' '4' .4 . 4 T4T 7iT THrXIRTQS?Tf,lM R PATTY miWPAWY lit . r r 1 1 1 I L U U VA LJ LI Jll XT. "J i i V J. i JL Jl If 1 V . . . .. . . 1?: Hi e4e -t-I-wij4t w-; (- 4 t 4 9 W If "".r'Vkw..A' .... ...v . . lr ;-s.- 'rv t. ft; rv I ii.'jvoue. 4 . ,.ti rr. ti;-, i fj u ? vrir -,ci." ver. v. '.. t,t. THE ARTESIAN HOTEL, E. E. Parnell Pronrietor. Snlohur. Oklahnmn. M 'Ko.-e. in tio -,iid In 't, d t' ( Mca'cd at tho i;rentct All thiYcnr. Hound Health anil IMcaaure Itosort I-i to wnrlii C 'i (In ' Fi'nnry. i.s I Ira'n c-ives Ardmore at 11;C0 n'i-1 nrrlvis in Sulpliu- in tlmo for lunch nt the Artesian. lUhl'll K CVMI'ITM., Judgo I Trnli 1 ;iveH Ardmoro nt 5 p, tn. and arrives in Sulphur in tlmo for dinner at tho Artesian llII.UO0 FMIK FROM A II D MO UK TO SCM'HUIt 75c. r mo Artesian. Tho jieeplo of Sulphur extends a hearty Invitation, especially to strangers, to visit them. by