Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. ArdmOre, Tuesday, February 11, 1908. A LAST LIVER j only a tired liver, or n starved liver. It would be n stnpM m sava-ic tiling to n weary or starved man because he tanned Wo.k. vSo in treating the lagging, torpid liver it is a gierst 'i to lash it with ..trng drastic drugs. A torpid liver is but au on of nn i!l -nourished, enfeebled body whose organs arc weary J'cr-work. Start with the stomach and allied organs of digestion 'trit.ou. Tut thetn in working order and see how quickly your ' ill become relive. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery hns many marvelous cures of "liver complaint," or torpid liver, (wonderful control over the orgtns of digestion and nutrition. It s the normal nctivity of the stomach, increases the secretions of ooA linking glands, cleanses the system of poisonous nccumu , and so iclieves the liver of the burdens imposed upon it by the 3U of other organs, )totiifl. If you have bitter or to iii thu ipiirniiiK. r or van Mo, routed tongue, n xi i nreain. tcd or irregular liowels, feel asdy t roil, despondent, frequent jcs, pain or distress in " hiiiiiII of gtinui ,g or distressed leeiing m li, perhaps iuuic;i, hitler or sour " In throat after eating, nml 1 vinptuns of weak Huna.-li rpi 1 liver, or hihoininesH, no iu will relievo you inoro promptly you more permanently than Irce's flolden MMlirnl Discovery. As only a part of the above symp ill ho preeiit n' one time nml in lo iiirpid liver, or niuousness. ak t una -h. A void all hot hrenil u,iiiilu ....l.ll.t ...!.. .a mi. I jnvillto, 1 miliu iimin ..' .... . fUhlv food mul tnku tho "(iolilen il Discovery" regularly nnd ttuk "iise until yuu nru vi;oroiiH mul iolden Seal root, which is one of iti-1 limit f tt (friu t iiit ( a n f ( ttililntl al I)novcry," Dr. Roberts Itiirth of Jr feraon Medical College, says: useful aa u stomachic (stomach) an 1 in atonic dyspepsia. C'ureH i (stomach) catarrh mid head accompanying Mime." (irover Cop, of New York, says: raslis ((iolden iVal root) exercises peciiil itilluence over mucous sur Upon the liver it acts with equal nty and ellicacy. Ah u cliolagoguu invnwrntor) it hai few equals." 'oo also advises it for affections ef ileen nnd other abdominal viscera jally.juul for r crofuhnis nml gland diseases, ciitaucoiiH eruptions) in- ItiOII, debility rjiinif .riuxfipt tinntlnn. nln in ftiV',iril tiffertliitiH liar to wouienT in all chronic neemenls oJUW liver, nlio for nlcJuIimtnatn of bladder, for -hl)r (TTfrvjays "it is one of the ft-nllnhl rtneiiUi ilf rim (V John King. M 1) , late of Cin JatTuiJ ol the Amkiiicak Dirt lATOltV, gives it a prominent place 'ni medicinal agents, reiterates all 'foregoing writers havo said aliout a does a'so l'rof. John M. SVtidder, Into of Ciiicinnati. Dr. Scudder -, : "It Mimulatcs the digestne pro les and Increases the assimilation of t. lly these means the blood is fil ed. the coii-'iineut improve- it on the glandular and nenous sys Trof. Finley F.lllnpwood, M. D., rf Renni'tt Medienl College, Chicago, sau of Golden Seal root: "It is n iixt (iiiperior remedy in catarrhal gaMritis (inflammation of the Momm-li), chronic constipation, griicnil debility, in con valescoiica from protracted fevers, In prostrating night-sweats. Jl m nn iw jmitunt lemedy m disorders of the womb." (This agent, '(iolden Seal root, is an important ingredient of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for woman's weak nesses, as well as of the "(iolden Med leal Discovery.") Dr. I'.lhngwood con tinues, "in all catarrhal conditions it is useful." Much more, did space permit, could ho quoted from prominent authorities ai to the wonderful curative propciticti possessed by tiolden .Seal root. Wo want to iisur the reader that "(Jnldcn Medical Discopry" can hu relied upon to do nil that is claimed for (iolden fcenl root in the euro of all the various dise.ihes as set forth in tho above brief extracts, for it u most prominent and important ingredient is (iolden Kent root. This agent is, how ever, dtrongly reinforced, and its eurr live action greatly enhanced by tho addition, iu jnM tho right proportion of Queen's root, Stone root, Mack Cherrvbark, llloodroot. Mandrake root and chemically pure givcerine. All of these arc happily and harmoniously blended into a most perfect phar maceutical compound, now favorably known throughout most of tins civilized countries of tin) world. Hear hi mind that each and every Ingredient entering into the "Discovery" lias received 1 tie endorsement ol lire leading medical men ol our land, who exiui each arliclt proaent iiccomtnodntloim aro Inade quate for the amount of bus!iioe that li done at that point. I.HWIS SHIELDS THE ATTORNEY. Says District Attorney Carson Took No Part In Whitewash. llarrlKonliurK, Pa., Fob. 10. Stan ford II. Lewis, assistant to Architect Houston, took the stand thin iiiorn Uik In the capital fraud eiuo, and .virreeted bin testimony of Friday, n which he Implicated Attorney Gen eral Cumin In an alleged "wihlto wash" of thoxo licensed of fraud. l.wln. In hK correction, said that hu had confused ttio title of tho state official, and that Caroti took no part In the conforonco whoro nn aliened "whltewnstt" of tho Htato of ficial took place. A Sensation. The marvelous curutlvo proportlo of Foley Honey and Tar ha prov en a seiiHiitlon In iiiany caoa of severe ,oukIi nnd cold that had refused to yield to other treatment. Foley' Honey and Tar will atop your eouich. heal the lunn and expol tho eold from your system. Contain no harmful -li'ugs. For sale by all drug Hist. d&w parmer Assasslnatea. Alva, OUla.. Feb. in. Carl Ko inalne, a Wood County farmer liv ing near Waynoka, was aalnatet last nlnht by an unknown party llrliiB n load of buckshot through tho win dow and Instantly killing Hoinalno as e sat In presence of hi ontlro family. Homalne' wife lininedlatoly aroused tho neighbor, but no clew to thu iimsussIii was found. ii:iiim-iI .1 1 i iv f- in ttit liiL'liehl ternn yJQit older inTHlicme inn up lnr salj tbl!jMi.'li driiggistH can show any men tiii siiiiiiK eiKiiirn'iiiem i ror ovs pepsiiiriTver troubles, all chronic catar rhal affections of whatever name or nature, lingering coughs, bronchial, thront ami lung affections, thu "Dis covery" can bo relied upon as u sover eign remedy. A little book of extracts treating ot nil tho several ingredients entering into Dr. l'lerce's medicines, being uxtracti from Htandard medical works, of ths different schools of practice will In mailed free to anvone asking bv postal is aro natural results." Dr. Scudder 1 card or letter), for the same, addressed her says, "in relation to its general 1 1 'r- K. V. Fierce, Ituffalo, N. Y., and "tuponthe svrtem, tlieie no mall- I giving uie rner a iuu ouet-uuitu ho ureen iidiriiy wniien. Don't nccejit a substitute of unknown composition for this non-secret mkdi- CINE OK KNOWN COMl'OSITIO . No Case on eiecord. There Is no case on record of n cough or cold resulting In pneumo nia, or consumption after Foley' Honey and Tar has been tnkon. It slops the cough and breaks up tho cold quickly. Kofuso any but tho genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In a yellow package. For salo by all druggists. AIRSHIP SEEN AT EMET ROOSEVELT A DREAMER OKLAHOMA CITIZEN DECLARES ONE PAS3ED OVER EMET ON LAST FRIDAY NIGHT. Mllbnrn. Feb. !. vMr. T. W. Har vey of ICiuot, was In Mlllxirii today talking ulr ship. Mr. Harvey say that la t night at about 10 o'clock, while hu wa sitting up with sick folks, that ho saw an air ship or balloon of nouiu doscrlptUm pa over ICmet. It had a vory bright headlight and wac traveling at a nip Id rate, going in H northeasterly direction. What Everybody Wants. Kvorybody desires good health, which Is luiposslblu unless the kid neys aro healthy. Foley's Kidney remedy correct Irregularities nnd cures all forms of kidney nnd bind dor disorders. Tako Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and prevent Bright' disease nnd dlnbutus. For salo by all druggists. d&w Wants Porter's Place. Muskogee, Ok., Feb. 9. Having ad vance Information, so thoy claim, that tho United State senato la about to refuse to confirm the ap pointment of II. S. Marshal Porter, a number of patriots aro after tho position. Grant Yictor, chairman of tho Third district convention committee, who may or may not bo nblo to do liver the votes of this district for Taft, Is now at Washington Hound ing his own praise and Incidentally seeking tho appointment, but others arc on the way and tho probabilities are that no new iiaiuos will bo sent In until President Roosevelt tries out the numerous applicants In the coming congressional and sUite conventions. COL. BACON WANTS LETTER OF SYMPATHY TO REV. LONG OF NATURE FAKER FAME. New York, Feb. 0. "President Itooievelt la it dual genius of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde sort a 'dream faker, " said Col. Alexander S. Ita con of this city, In a letter of srn pnthy to ltev. William J. Iing of Stamford, Conn., the naturalist, whom Mr. Roosevelt doiiounced as a na ture faker. "You misunderstand our president," said Col. Uncoil. "Words with him merely portray dreams, not facts Ho belongs to the purely Ideal .stle, not to the realistic gdhool of writ ers. Only dreainors can appreciate dreamer. If you but Knew tho presl dent Intlinutob, Mr. lying, you would not condemn him. He Is not so blood thirsty ns ho seems. Mr. Roosevelt Is a harmless soldier in that ho kill and wades In the gore of droaui soldiers only." Col. IVacon quotes from his "Wolly Horse" to show that, as ho claims, Col. Roosevelt did not see, much less kill, a Spaniard at the battle of San Juan on July 1, 1S98, and was never In bullet shot ot the enemy. in tine about which there is skci ;rii unanuiiifio a;iiiiioii. It is ton tnlhi regrrded as the tonic, iifcuful Fill dfbiiitaU-d suites " IRWOOD WANTS A DEPOT SINESS MEN FILE PETITION FOR STATION AGENT AT THAT POINT. ""ho bir.lnosii Interest of Diirwood lit more suitable nil I road aeeoiu datloiiB than they havo at present il havo goi to the corporation minlu'lon of the Htate to secure in. A petition has been filed with i corKraMon comml-siou of the state hy V. .1. Howard and other citizens of the town of Diirwood through their attorney. . i(Iuy 11. Slg ler of this city, to require the Rock Island-Frisco railroad companies to maintain a station and employ n feta tion agent at that point. The petition set out the facts that the town of Diirwood ha a ixipula tlon of between HOI) and -100 people and that a considerable amount of freight Is shipped to that jKiint and from that point to other points. The petition further alleges Unit freight Is shipped to Diirwood for Inland town nearb. and that the Northwestern State Normal School. The spring term of the Northwes tern Htate Normal Sifliool will open on Monday, March t. In addi tion to the regular work ot tho Nor mal. Including Instrumental and vo cal music, manual training, drawing and oratory, review classes will bo organized especially for the accom modation of the teachers who wish to nttend school after tho close of tilielr schools. The summer term opens Juno 1st. In addition to the common school branches coursos will ho given ni manual training, music, oratory and advanced courses iu literary and sci entific studies will bo orfered. Freo tuition. For further Information and catalog, address WADTUR U ROSS, President, Alva, Ok. Pert Rarber. of Kltou, VIe., says: "I have only taken four doses of your Kidney and Uladder Pills and they Jiavo done more for me than any other medicine has ever done." Mr. Harbor refers to DeWltt's Ulad der and liver pills. Thoy aro sold by W. IV. Frame. d&w About Beef Cattle. A Night Alarm. Worse than an alarm of flro at night Is the metallic cough of croup bringing dread to the household. Careful mother keep Foley's Honey and Tar In the house and give It nt tho first sign of danger. Foley's lliiiie and Tar has saved many lit tle lives and U Is tho only safe pre- pa rat Ion for children a it contains tin harmful drugs. For sale by all druggists. ditw .Subscribe for the Anlmorelte. The Drovers' Telegram of Kansas City contains the following: M. T. Harrlnger or Ardinore, Okia., who marketed 180 hean ot meal fed steers and bulls yesterday Is ono of Hie 'best known cattle reeders in that part of the new state. Mr. Ilarrm ger Is hi the cottonseed district, where very little corn lu fed. The string that he marketed yesterday wase the last of his winter's feeding. "You must look some other placo for fat beef cattle, than our country," said Mr. IVarrlnger. "Feed was too high last fall for us to put many on feed. Ko the number was cut down. They are about all gone, so that from now oil there will bo very few beef cattle to come out of that country. If fat cattle should become as siarco elsewhere as tfioy aro with us, the fut cattlo market would go up lu a hurry. There Is a general scarcity of stock cattle, as well as tho fat kinds, and I do not know where our cattlo are going to come from." Foley's Orlno I.axatlvo Is a now remedy and nn Improvement on the laxatives of former years, as It does not grlpo or nauseate anil Is pleas ant to take. It Is guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. d&w Spoken of as Delegates. Among ti'io proposed delegates ni large, to bo sent to tho democratic national convention to hu held In Denver, from this state, tho names of Governor C. H. Haskell, Hons. Loo Cruce, W. II. Murray and George W. llellainy are being prominently spo ken of by their friends. Oklahoma. Is to be allowed two delegates from each congressional district, with four delegates at large. Among tho names of tho delegates to be elected from each district ap pears those of numerous prominent democrats, and Oklahoma should be represented at Denver by the brain and energy ot tho state. Tho names proposed as delegates at largo are those of men who havo proven tihelr ability and democracy, and who have proven their lutereat In the success of the party. Death at Leon. News reached here Saturday of the death of William S. Hodges, which occurred nt his homo in Loon. Mr. Hodges has lived In this coun try all of his life and has many friends In this section of tho now state. He was postmaster at Leon. Ills father, Dr. Hodges, lives nt Ada. Mr. Hodges made Ardmoro his homo for two years and has many acquain tances .here. Ho wns married to Miss Jesslo Forkner, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Forkner, nnd Is survived by her and several children. Ho was prominent In Odd Follow circles and In his death the new stato has lost a worthy and useful citizen. FREE! FREE! FREE! Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until further notice T. N. COLEMAN Sole Distributers B romonia "Will givo "VvTniOUT COST TO EVERYONE a full bizo bottlo of BROMONIA, abso lutely FREE. This offer is intended for thoso who Buffer from CONSTIPATION, STOMACH TROUBLE, HEADACHE, INDIGESTION, or ANY of tho NERVOUS DISEASES resulting from ti disordorod coudition of tho Btonmch. Tho BROMONIA COMPANY assort that in BROMONIA thoy hnvo found n remedy so speedy in nction, nud bo Buro iu iia results, that thoy will givo to imy ono, no nmttor whoro thoy live, n full bLzo hottlo FREE, in order that n tost may bo mndo before purchasing. If you cannot call at our storo, CUT OUT THIS AD, ntUich to it your immo nud address, mnil it to tho BROMONIA COMPANY, Now York City, and you will reooivo a full Bizo bottlo FREE. Mistake Corrected. Correo the mistake of risking pneumonia hy neglecting a cough or cold when Foley's Honey nnd Tar will not only stop your cough but epel the cold from your system. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no 1 opiates and Is the best and safest throat and hm$ remedy. For salo by all druggists. d&w Constable shot By Negro. 1 Paris. Tex.. Feb. 10. Constable 13. I I.. Threlkeld of firant. Okla.. was I shot lu the leg Friday on lted IUer. above Arthur City, while trying to at , rest a negro on a capias for violating the game laws. The negro seized the constable's revolvor and while struggling for possession .It was dis charged. The bullet took effect Just above tho ankle and passed between tho mnnll bones, indicting a serious wound. The negro, woo home l In Paris, wa arrested with the as sistance of another ollkor and is in jail at Hugo. TO THE PUBLIC Tho Bromonia Company desiros to Btnto that tho roliof given and euros oflbcted by BROMONIA havo heon so successful that thoy will distribute, freo of cost, over Two Millions of bottles during this year. If you aro run down m gononl honlth, havo dyspepsia, nro Bubjoct to fainting spoils, insomnia, biliousness, kidnoy or liver tvoublos, disposed to cutch cold easily, BROMONIA can holn you. But if you havo blood poisoning or consumption, Bromonia cannot euro you. Tho Borvicos of a skillod physician aro requirod. A doso of Bromonia taken in tirao often provonts an attack of PNEUMONIA, MALARIA, LA QRIPPE, and many of tho various discasoa to which tho human hoiug ia hoir to. NEVER BE WITHOUT A BOTTLE OF BROMONIA IN THE HOUSEHOLD. Guaranteed under tho Puro Food uud Drugs Act, Juno SO, 1000. THE BROMONIA COMPANY. AVAIL YOURSELF OF THIS? FREE OFFER AS OUR PIICJ?ENT SVVVL,X MAY US EXHAUSTED FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS THREE SIZES, 25c, 50o, $1.00 EUROPEAN PLAN Grand Avenue Hotel OKIahotna City, OKU. I havo ono of tho swollest cafes this sldo of Kancaa City. When you aro In our city would bo pleased to have you uioko ns n visit. T. C. WILLIAMS, Proorletor. J. II. M, Pfrs. tt. J. IHMiR, Sec. S Treas. JAS. I J. HUG, V. P, Ardmorc Supply Company Wholesale and IlcUil Gas Appliances. Only n few of our iroods lmve arrived. Amonju' tin in are a number of ln'iiter.s now ready for delivery. The Economy Heater will in our opinion extr ct tlie greatest possible number of heat units from a ettb e fool, of natural and di.ti ibtH the heut evenly through n greater spi-e than any other heater The line is very complete and th worKtnansbip nnd material used are the verv liight M gi"ule obtainable. We will personally superintend tin- installnMon of and ri giiJate to obtain peileet rest Its from nil yoods sold by us. We ate from Missouri and will show you, 212 W. Main St. THAT BRIGHT SPOT Phone 6o Selvidge Business College, JlT. The largest, tho best equipped, the most practical, the mo,t progressive a d the mu4 successful business colli ge in Okla homa. Occupies its own building. Business and stenographic courses only. Students enter any week day of the ear. No vacations. Next class in short band begins Monday Kob. 17. Special combination offer on scholarship Fox typewriter, tho visible tvpewriter. Send for catalog. o. v. si:i.vii)(;i:. a. .m.. m. acci., i're.. 2EGIL FRENSLEY BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER WAGON Phone 631 or leave orders at Jake Williams' Meat Market. T. JST. COLEMAN .... THE CITY DRUGGIST .... Telephone 1 9 VV. Main St. BIG WOMAN IS DEAD. Fort Worth, Texas, Fob. 0. Kmnia Dlllard, aged 37, said to be the larg est woman In the world, weighing (150 pounds, dropped dead at her homo here today of heart failure. She has been unable to walk furth er than across the room for some time, and was confined to her bed much of the time. t: u n tt t: tt u u t: i: :: tt :: :: it tt It PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. t: :: it tt tt tt tt it tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t: MISS NELL NOLEN, Public Stenographer. Olllce Whlttlngton Hotel LAWYERS. II. C. Potterf. 15. A. Walker. POTTERF & WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Ardmore, Okla. GEORGE R. WALKER, Lawyer. Ardmore, : Okla. WILLIAM W. WRIGHT, (Registered Attorney) Fornerl With Dawes Commission. Contest, Citizenship Cases and other matters before the Interior De partment, Exclusively. Offices Washington Loan & Trust Hulldlng Washington, D. C. DH. J. L. COX Physician and Surgeon Otllco In Itamlol Hulldlng. Phono 91. Ardmore, Okla. C. B. CLARK, M. D. Practco limited to Diseases ot tho Eye, Far, Nose and Throat. Oitlco Ledhotter-Frensloy Hulldlng. 5 1-2 Main St. Ardmore, Okla. W. M. ANDERSON Veterinary Surgeon. Ardmore, Okla. Offlco: Snil.h's Livery ham. Phono 125. TALIAFERRO'S Undertaking and Embalming. North Washington SL Phones 341 and 433. DENTISTS. DR. E. J. WOODWARD Dentist, Offlco over Honncr's Old Stand Phono C8. ARCHITECTS. W. A. TACKETT Architect. Offlco In Siins-Pcnnlngton Building. Ardmore, Okla. Residence Phone 170 Hluc. Offlco Phono 170 Hod. R. F. TURNER Attorney At Law Careful and painstaking nttentlon glv uti to All Matters Intrusted to me. Offlco Rooms 0 & 11 Wheeler Ilhlg. Office phono 1M3; Res. phono 773. Compiler Indian Chas. J. Kapler. Chas. II. Morllllat Conipilor "Iniii"ti Active Court Ijiiws and Treaties" Practitioner. THE TELEPHONE NUMBER .OF Kodol Is a sclontlne preparation of vegetable adds with natural dlges tanls and contains tho same Juices found lu a healthy stomach. ICaeh tloe will digest inoro than 3,000 grains of good food. Sold by W. H. Frame. d&w ! The Ardmorc Heat and Light Co, Three B"rned to Uentn. (luthrle, Okla., Feb. 10. Mrs. Julia Williams and 3-year-old daughter weio burled in the same grave today at Splro. The child's clothing Ignited from the stovo. The mother hugged tho child closoly to smother tho llaiucs and both burned to death. Mrs. .lohn Lancaster burned to death yesterday In a tent near Sa pulpa, resulting from a gas explosion. Caseasweet, the well known rem edy for babies and tJl)ildron, will unlet tho little ones In a short time. Iho Ingredients aro printed on the bottle Contains no oplntos. A' T Vramn. iSrw IS 168 THE CITIZENS WILL CONFER A GREAT FAVOR, SHOULD THEY DISCOVER ANY LEAKS, BY CALL ING UP AND NOTIFYING THE COMPANY. THIS IS FOR YOUR IN TEREST AS WELL AS OURS. Ardmore Heat and Light Co, KAPPLER &. MERILLAT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Practice before all Courts; Con gress. Ooveriiiiient departments and Commissions. Indian Cases a spe cialty. Office. Ilonil Illd'g, Washington D. C. M. F. WINFREY Attorney at Law. Justice of the Peace Notary I'ubllc Rooms 11 and 10, Noble Hldg. Phones: Resl S3C bluo. Olllco ICC. PHYSICIANS. DR. F. W. BOADWAY Physician and Surgeon. Offlco In Randol Hulldlng. Office Phono ill Resldenco Phono 395. t: :: :: :: :: :: :: : tt tt tt :: tt tt tt ARDMOREITE DIRECTORY tt tt OF OKLAHOMA HOTELS. ti tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt :t u u ti ti GAINESVILLE, TEXAS. LINDSAY HOTKL Rates $2.00 per day. GAINESVILLE, TEXAS. ADA, OKLA. , HYRD HOTEL Rates, $1.50 per day. DUNCAN, OKLA. ROYAL HOTEL Rest $2.00 house on the Rock Is land. McKAY & SONS, Props. MADILL, OKLA. ROCK HOTEL. W. W. CARTER Prop. Rates $2.00 per day. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. (IRANI) AVENL'E HOTEL First-class In every respect. PAULS VALLEY, OKI.A. HOTEL HAMPTON Rates $2.00 per day. SULPHUR OKLA. McKEMIE HOTEL FIrst-oIass accommodations. ARDMORE SANITARIUM Drs. von Keller, Hardy & Henry. Modern equipment for the scientific treatment of all surgical cases. Trained nurses in attendancco. Ardmore, Okla. DR. B. F. BARKER Chiropractor Offlco In Criice-Maxwcll Flats. Offlco hours 10 to i a. in., 2 to 5 p. ni., except Sundays. Telephone 312. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINA TION FREE. West Main street Ardmore, Okla. ARTESIAN HOTEL. Sulphur, Okla. Finest Hotel In Southwest. ,. Rates $2 and up. WAURIKA, OKLA. HRYAN HOTEL Tho leading hotel of the city. THE ARLINGTON HOTEL Tho Now Hotel at WAPANUCKA, OKLA. WYNNEWOOD, OKLA. HURTON HOTEL. MRS. HURTON, Prop. Rates $1.00 per day. RYAN, OKLA. HOTEL ROOERS. Mrs. J. A. Rogers, Proprl tresa. Rates $2.00 per day. DAVIS, OKLA. GRAND HOTEL H. II. Allen, Proprietor.