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Newspaper Page Text
Ardmorc, Tuesday, February 11, 1908. SIX Manufactur ers (ias, per iooo feet. . . , l).;nestii (ias. per too ' I ret, 4 1 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. PRIftF I ill hm t 11 i I I it A The Ardinore 1 1 cat an,l Light Company finds the consumption of gas is so small they must cither shut down the plant or secure more customers. When they approach people who should use gas they are met with the statement that the plumbers' bill is the barrier. "We simply can't pay the plumber even if you give us the gas." The Meat and Light Co. is not in the plumbing business, but we must have our gas used or quit business. For the next 120 days WE WILL POT m YOUR OAS PIPING, FIXTURES, ETC., AT ACTUAL COST! BICTTT OYU 9 We will allow the customer FOTK MONTHS in which to pav his PLUMBING BILL. 4 tyffi ItlMA 8 H left W 1 ELL One-fourth will be added to each monthly Sas bill. THIS OFFER will LAST ONLY ZU UA I d ! No order not received within that time will be handled, as we are not in the plumbing business and only do this work at cost in order to get a market for our gas. TO ANY MANUFACTURER: If you doubt the cheapness of gas we will fit up and install gas in your establishment and run it sixty days for you. At the end of that time if you do not find it much cheaper than coal or wood we will take the fixtures out and you will not be out one penny. . I .j. .;. .j. .j. .j. .J. .. Probably today's most serl- 1 otis business anxiety would be t j a simple problem (or an Ard- , morelte want ad. to solve. 4. .j. .j. .. .j. .j. 4. 4. 4. 3 LINES 3 TIMES 3 DIMES. WANTED. WANTIOD Men to lourn tho barber trail few weeks coinplott, lio clnlri constantly busy, licensed In iltriictor tools given, dlpiomuK granted. Saturdays, position wilMiur. wonderful demand for rradiutes Write tor catalogue. MiKr ll.irber College, Oall, Tex- a ; O'flt FOR SAUK Work lnre for sale, cash or Unit. Apply Luke's Music store. 27tf FOR SAM4 A good runabout ami harness, cheap. Phono (ill I. FOR SAMJ A "few choice Jersey tn f It'll cows. Phono :i"L'. Felix .1. King. '.:! FOR HEN1. FOR SAUK At a bargain, tlio bar becue stand, flrml door oust ot llanliH hotel. SKIt ,1 a 3 vmi:d to imy n . h ) i ni.l lot. M. I'll m ! threw room ,. Alexander. 0-8 " W ITH If ou wnt to rent, buy V 1 plume 00 1. R. T. Dllfts.9tf , VVNTO It- A. Jones wants, to buy or trade for all the sotjond hind furniture, In good condition. In rUmn l pay tbo highest pnro for .secondhand furulturo. p 31 tf R. A. JONJ3S. WAN1PH Hallway innll clerk tin-iM'Hii'-'- Salary f 1,000. Kxamlna tlfMi Miuh 2.. Common oduoatton cuff1- . f. I'reimrntlon frea until npi i. Write for plan. Franklin In it. . Rochester, N. Y. 25 KOIt HUNT Two or throe fninUhod rooniH, ino4hrn, nt 0;t 0 Street, oornor Second Avonue, northwost. 10-3 FOK HHXT Sulto of nicely furnish ed rooms for llRht hnuse-keepiiiK la qillot home .or one purlor bttl join. Apply cor. A and nro4dwny N. , lMforo S n. in., or after G p. m.. or phono SOU. 10tr POU HUNT N'lcely fnrnUhed rooms, ltaths, lights and giis. Mrs. W. M. KIrkh, cor. 2nd avenue- and C street, northwost. l'hono CO t. 4-tt FOR HUNT Nice sulto or oTllce rooms over DIUler Dry Goods Co. City water and (jas. Apply R. W. Rnndol. lit Ful'S'I) I'alr of K'ld Miimid sjiro tacles. Call at Ardinore Supply coin panyV. U-3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SAI.U OR 1 1 ISN'T A n y I b I n k you want, farm or city property. Write us. HoutiO & Jordan, real estate, .Ma rl otta. Ok. r.-tf FOR SAI,KJ 1.000 stock of Keneral merehandlHe In ono of the liot In land towns In Oklahoma,' also ooil dwollliiK. barn and other Improve ments together with 10 acres of land upon which Improvomontsure located. Will sell or rent storehouse and oth er buildings to purchaser of mer chandise. For Information write IIoiiho and Jordan, real estate, .Ma rt etan. Ok. 5-tf Society IVY MRS. I. II. Nil IHJl'.ON riiiiiiiiM llmisr Ul I, ()ltki'.'. "HELP WANTED MALE." SALKSMAiN WANTISO TO CALL ON PHYSICIANS. A VHRY UXCUP TIONM. OPPORTUNITY IS OF FKRKI) FOR IM.MFDIATK WORK. l.?TATH AOI3 AND UXPURIKXCH. 10CIC IlOX 121. PIIII.ADHLPIIIA. WVMi.D Cash buyer for seveo roo i. Ii.mih', oloso, tn corner lot. f-ool I ui.mi. TUIs Is a rare bar l ,i , ldnHs J. R. D., Bos 103, Ci, Otf VN'Ti.D Hoarders and roomers (en l t iie service, quiet ami nice roo-n. Mrs. Ingram, Cor. A street and ve. N. U. fitf WWTKD Position by expwloncetl book i cper and clerk. At present j (mpl-d. Address box 811 or I plono oil. 10-2 I - ( WANTUD-Ohl oat and Brain sneks nt Joe ll.astlno's. lt-lm WANTICI) A blacksmitli. Write A. W W infold, Mndsay. Okla. 22-1 FOR SALE. FOR SM-For cash or good note, oiio black Jack, four years old, I 111-2 handH hliih. whlto points. jt Jolinson, Ardmoro, Ok'.aho ( inn. 31d&w tf FOR RUNT Two furnished rooms nlHO an office room in Nobl llros. bulldliiK. Apply Noble llros fitf. FOR RIONT A farm of 100 acres, good pratrln land, fairly good Im provements. 1 1-8 miles south of Springer. Crop or ensh rout. Soo D. M. Seller & Co., Springer, Ok. 9d21U FOR RKNT OlUce room, Carter Hooker building. Apply J. C- King & Co. 11-3 FOR RIONT 4-rooin house closo In. Apply Furthlng Uros. lOtf TO THE 1'UHLIC A now shlpmont of liomemnde ribbon enno syrup Just arrived. I cnn supply you In any quantity from ono to five Bal lon. This syrup Is guaranteed to be absolutely pure. Phono 300 and your order will Iw delivered promptly. J. 1. DoArmond, Agent. 31-dl2-w2. LOST. LOST Pocketbook contnInln money and receipts. Please return to llrondway Cnrrlngo Shop. K. J. Redfern. Gtt FOUND. FOUND Snturdiiy. Fob. 8., on road two miles eat! of Ardinore, a suit ' case. Owner can obtain same b 1 cillliiB and paliiB costs of ndvor I tlslnr, lOdHwl Seek to Convert the World. Philadelphia, Pa.. Feb. 11. Special -Plans to convert the world to Christianity will be considered nt the Men's Foreign Missionary convention. opening a three day session In Phil adelphia today. The meeting will be conducted along tho lines of the Presbyterian foreign mission nsseinbly held in Omaha last fall. The woiU of the mlsshvis In all iion-Ghrkstlan countries will be discussed- As a result of the convention It ts evpeeted that 1250,000 will be raised for Korea alone, and It has been planned to send twenty-five men Into this field at once. This country Is said to resinrnd more readily to missionary effort than any other and tho Importance of this work will be emphasised during the -onventlon. The first missionary en tered Korea only twenty years ago and today there are more than sixty thousand Christians there, SOCIAL CALENDAR. Tuesday. Aid Societies meet. Carter Avenue Aid with Mrs. As ton. llroadwny Daptlst with Mrs. C. R. Buchanan. South Washington Dancing Club dances at the (Riders' home. Use DoWltt's Little Darly RlBors, pleasant little pills They are easy to take. Sohl by W. 11. Frame, d&w Wednesday. Merrle Wives with Mrs. Wirt Fran klin. Y. M. C. A. Auxiliary with Mrs. Frank Little. Isabell Irving nt tho porn Houso. Ferndale Revlow Club. Vlany a man who arts smart Is inndo to smart for it Thursday, llenevolent Society with Mrs. A. C. Cruce. (Riders dance at their home. Woodman's Circle shower for Mrs. John A Smith. Friday, Valentine party at tia Episcopal rectory. Orto club. Elk's dance. VANISHED, Ry Mcljindbtugh Wilson. Where Is tho girl Unit 1 used to know, With pigtails down her hack? The boy with Uo cow-lick on his have they gone, alack? i Oh, life made their hair to stand on and. Risen, ludeed. each lock: She has a wonderful pompadour; llo has a foot-ball shock. The Daughters of the Confederacy did not meet as was announced, there being so much sickness among Its members. There will be a meeting next Monday afternoon with Mrs. A. J. Addlngton and Father Ryan will bo the subject for study. Misses Resale Murnnuo, Eugenia Potter and Cleve Fitzgerald of Dal las are guests of Mrs. E. E, Oulllol These young ladles have visited hero before and aro pleasantly re membered by Ardinore society. I The event of the weclc nround which tho Interest ot society revolves I Is the Elks dance to be given Vnlen- j tine's night in honor of a number of visiting girls among them Mrs. (tilllot guests Misses Murnaue, Eu genie Potter and Clove Fltsgerald, of Dallas. Tlils affair will bo one of the Importance. Iiwcnsteln's full orchestra will furnish tlio dance music. Tho danco to be given this evening by tho Twentloth Century Glldcrn will be one of the gay doings of the week, there will bo several honoreen among the visiting gueets, besides n send off will be given J. L. Miller who will loavo In a few days. Mr. Miller 1" one of the charter members of the club and his departure will bo much regretted by both tho club membeis and lady friends. Mrs. John Whlteinan was hostess to the Ladles of The Leaf Monday afternoon, the meeting was a very pleasant one ami very largely attend ed. Tho following program was rendered after which a short social session was enjoyed. "Many wonder SOC TWO ful things appear in nature, but nothing more wonderrul than man." FAMOUS MEN. Topical Roll Call Current Events Loader Mrs. Uyion Drew Paper John IJunyon Music .Mesdnuies Campbell, Gulllot, Hlodsoc, Foster and Raker. FAMOUS EDUCATORS Memories Mrs. Foster Uast Words of Famous Men Mrs. W. A. Ledbottei Savonarola and Renaissance. Rosikhisos Mesdames. Westholiner. dull and Dings. Paper Mrs. Potterr Music MVS. Wall Roosevelt, The Modern Peacemaker. Discussion Miss Moore Tho homely men of history. "Men are only boys grown tall, The heart's don't ohnngo much after all." Dissolution Notice. The law llrm of Drown & Tumor has been dissolved Mr. Drown ro tains tho old ollicos and Mr. Turner occupies rooms 9 and 11, Wheoler building. H. II. RROWN, R. F. TURNER. 7-1 m "Start a Pile of Dollars By opening n saving nccount with us. BEGIN NOW mid gain you "First, Thousand Dollars" and thereby pave tho way to a higher position and a larger inuoino. Even a limited eapital opens tho doorway to oppor tunities that are always and forever closed to the man without resources other than his hands and head. Como in and mulce a deposit today with the AE3DM0RE LOAH & TRUST COMPANY UnnkiiiKi Real Estato, Firo Insurance and Loans BANKERS NATIONAL ... BANK... PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000.00 SAFE METHODS. CAREFUL MANAGEMENT. Wo solicit accounts whether largo or small, which will have our enroful nttentlon, SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. J. A BIVENS, President. DON LACY, Vice President A. H. PALMER, Cashier. FRED C. CARR, Asst. Cashier. THE CITY NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE, OKLA. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus Funds 75,000.00 Accounts of firms and Individuals sollcltedll Courteous treat ment accorded to nil alike. L. P. ANDERSON, President ,B. F. FRENSLEY, Vice President C. L. ANDERSON, Cashier. .. .C. S. MAUPIN, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK t ' 1- ARDMORE, OKLA. Capital Paid In $ 60,000.00 Surplus Funds 165,000.00 $155,000.00 Total .$225"000.00 Tho oldost bank tn Indian Territory. Accounts of firms nnd Individuals solicited upon the most llboral tonus consistent with good banking.