Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Thursday, April 2, 1908. THE DAILY AH0M0.4EITE. Brown&BridgmanJ. R. PULUAM THE INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE TO TEST OPINION Funeral Directors nnd justice of the peace Licensed Embalmers lR ,,,,,,,. Largest l.riff.f I-urunlOoufis -' in Oklili'" a. 11 AW k r. li ' f g 1 " ' f.rUr ii , i n 1 i r,' J Hudson Houston Lumber Co. I" r ARDMORE HACK LINE 0. . FLY NT, Prop. H rk "irM for II"Hton at f ' am n K I'-ftTtn for RTk at 7:3 it tii J r, ronnxtl"n with all p'vd ons wMt of Ard' I.. i. ail jrfn-VagM at tho r fi- i Htore 17 Barrels S vrlw-r, barrr-.i of f k i f ' a wTf- ni-rvwl at our '..nUiiiin I l rinks durn f,' Oh- past vanon. It h morn r H Cola than all theothor fi mUns in Uif city mII V Know how to Hrvf dr.r.Ks Hoffman Drug Co. E. I GUILLOT Screen Doors Screen Doors Screen Doors S' TCfii Doors, fniu-y iiml plain at T. K. Kearney's ( r Cotton, Grain and Stocks l'OHTnll'ICK IIUII.IHNU AHDMORt, OKI.A. Minimum Orders Accepted V billon of cotton, 1 (MM) IiiihIioIh of grain, 10 shares of stock. Reference Arilinorn Haulm. Long Distance Phono H'.'S For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles und backacltc uhc DeWitfs Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c JR. C. D.WITT St CO.. Chlcnso, III. For sale by W. U, Frame. Beautiful Surrou n clings Tim aMnirtlvone.m rif your home iilaci' ran not tut com plete without a tilcu CliUUilll Sidewalk livery dollar Invested In hui'Ii permanent improvvo iiii ii t h Ih more llian lialani't'il In Inereitsed property tilth". THE COST IS SMALL I 5CE L. R. Marston ( omrele ( iiiilriu lor Highest tirade of ork Only PRESIDENT SPEAKS OF RATES L EDBETTER RETAINED BY STATE BOARD OF REGErlT TO TEST OPINION. i,.- -,. '!; ; r.; 2 0-org . ,.'J:.' i'l .r - l- rr of h Okla .!.. i Inl-:ri1-iit T''."t,hone Asso- ' l.i'ion. o.m I ) Id th as'rn part of lh niafc. hat just given out an inter Guthrie, Okla., April 1. The board I . ' of regent of the State L'nlversi'y hare retained W. A. Ivwi better of Mr. I.ibtter vu here today in confer enc with stats officials regarding the proposed ault The question In volvsd a stated by the Oklahoma law upon the boards of regents of the aute educations. Institutions hal been supplanted by the constitution In creating the state board of edu cation. The suit will probably be In tltuted the last of the week. noi.j a:.i i siffer seriously and h- ;" of the K'ate, In the oual' !'v- ,,f -heir service, gull more no t.irh ha its membershlo faiitai rould be withheld from the Ardmore to bring suit in the supreme buslnass. extensions would be Impot-, court 10 P ot lne a -.bie and the ore tent caoacltr of the loroe general. In which it ws held with referent, to the trsmt lines, already worked beyond the ot educaUon ha . . .... k..t.. i ,h. nM. limit. wonUl ha armxtd with re-1 ple"ry powers la the Rovernment ... . ...... u, nAA .nltin. rhao. and control of the Unlterslty. sui-er- h.. a. in the telephone buslne.i -As an Independent. 1 hare to say . lh of. T'sn? !n IiliiKJta for ten rears before com- that the Pioneer compear Is iriTlss in here, and who not only owns the ioo per coat hotter serric than Is i Unite at fo-ga-1, out publishes a given In the state of Illinois. This -A;,a;-er there, says: in the face of enormous new con- 'The public irenerally It prone structlon, which has taxed their re- o l-,k upon public service corpora- tources to the utmost. For this there '.'.nn as monsters who are eating ought to be general appreciation. ;.ay die vital of a long-suffering "i do not hesitate to say, and I t'-o.le. To the uninitiated there Is rink my reputation upon the assertion, fabulous wealth In the telephone bus- that there is not a telephone exchange Inesa This impression has attracted In Oklahoma that is making ten per to the telephone ttHd winy who. cent or anything approximating that u ja"e"uhftt ayoun baby ought moth-like, have bad their wings rate of profit, upon their present to sain in weight. Does yours? If no singed by bitter experience. The fas- actual Investment. Some may think Uiw's torn-thing wrong with its di cinatlon at first Is so alluring, and they are doing so because they con-, ",!TBh U ,McGp,1 "bf El'c,r the apparent security so promising tribute, without charge against the " l .JJJJJJJ .JiS troublw! to the new man In the business that service, the serrices of their wives, aids ingestion, stops fretfulness, good he has to have two or three years sons and dsughters, their own efforts for teething babies. Price 25c and eip-rience before he wakens to the for long hours, the rent of prop-, 60c- For al F- J- IUm8y realization that his dreams have been crty which they themselves own, Roses and Kisses Will Sell, fantastic and hopeless and that all the Insurance and risks which they Cojwrihagen. April 2. With mem that glitters Is not gold. I themselves carry and a score of oth-' ber(J of tne r0y,uty and nobility of 'The people who have complalnod r Items, individually trivial but 1 8everlll nRtions participating, a "lop to the corporation commission that significant in the aggregate, which ' py fc.t-v(ti," a grunt charity affair or telephone rates are too high, are sin- come out of tholr own pocket and aro eAntzeu by Princess Mario of Denmark, cere and really believe that the tele-' thorBforo not noticed at the time and wgl O,l0,loj today In tho royal con phone companies are exacting undue not taken account of at any tlrno. c)ft paitlC0 ami wj- iasl three da. tribute from the people. I do not do-. If this Is true and It Is true at ' Tho prncoi- ) the most democratic sire to question their honesty. Many ' present rates, how ridiculous the talk (f j.-urope-g royalty and is interestc-d of th.-m. no doubt, have been loan-'f reduction. Ile4luctlon could only ',n many charitable institutions. Tho Ing to the ngro and the poor white J mean one thing in the end and that r,tVi will dote Saturday night with n.nn at two and three per cent per'X-id be poorer sorvlco. less servico a mttW1,ierade ball, at which tho kings month, taking as security everything . and no further development ot the jf uenmark and .Norway are expected he had on earth, without conceiving telephone business. j anything oppressive In the process. While these men have been faring He Got Whnk fie Needed. to be present. I Several royal princesses and all tho j lejidiog members of aristocracy aro hi i i.Kn,. nt viirlmm linnths. where an' - "Nine years ago It looked as If my . . kisses are sold ii..,.. h-.i .Qv. Mr rv Pnrihini-' thing from rosea to Kisses uri- uiu. Is slowly but surely ontlng tip his of Mill Creek, ind. Ter "I was so run , The affair Is held for the benellt of a et,iii in Dm omlnnvor to wait until 1 down that life hung on a very slender number of charitable Institutions, to such sumptuously, the Independent tele phone man, with his small exchange, Excursions California One V i St tiiitl C I iss COLONIST $30.00 On sale daily commencing March 5U1, k'S. Stop-overs allowed at many intermediate points. 11. I). McCOLLOM, Agont For the Farm I Ins store h is .ilv.i s ninle a specialty ol pro vulinu the best haidw.ue tnr t h e farmer. 1 1 e needs the best, he de serves the best and we have in stock only the best. There is a bin de mand now for John Deere Cultivators and John Deere Co DfMls. We have these stan dard noods for the farm and everything else the farmer needs. his exrhnnge can grow portions as lo allow nn Increaso rates surh as will wararnt dividends anil allow him nn oati table compen sation for his labor. "When that time comes yes. even bffoie a larger rorixiratlon with mil lion at its buck, will be waiting to reap tlie fruits of his labor. "That the commission Is acting in good faith anil believes there Is need for reform, 1 do not for a moment doubt. They are not telephone men hmI having had no experience In the liiiHlneMH, they are not expected to l.niiw. They have given ear to pub lic clamor and are now giving Die ini'ii who know something about the iiiimimi'hh, u hearing, if they do not deride tlwtt the rates should be rais ed liiHteiid of lowered at the conclu sion of the hearing, It will lie because acirx do not count or have not been prcMciitfd Intelligently. "I came to Oklahoma feeling that I uiih bettering my condition. Itc hing upon what seemed an assured bright future for the coming new --tali', and having full faith In the Justice of Its pimple when freed from the shackles or carpet-lKig rule, 1 niM'Hteil my all and with tho pa tience that must ever characterUe the early settler, I have waited for the dawning of a brighter day. Slow h but surely, 1 have semi my lit tle exchange grow mid bright vlslonn of a balance sheet with tho credit i-hle oerlialauclng the debit, have in, I'll- my heart glad and content reign id In my breast that I struggled on, lei pmllim' to a consldeiablu extont a t many otliu Oklahoma Independents ilo on other sourccH of Income for a livelihood. Then ennio the notlcu fiom the hoard, looking to lower ' laieM. "The effect of tho proposed order, Hlioiild it become effective, will fall nioKt heavily iiiKin tho Independents, who have little or no toll business upon which to depend to mako good Iokkck. And yet, while tho proposed cliiinge would ruin tho Independent i leptiniie Int, ri"'H. ttie Pioneer com- .ir(. thread. It was Uien my druggist rec- CRthol!c. Protestiint and Jewish. strength. I had one foot in tho grave, , is mo unuoii ami but i:iectrlc llittora put It back on tho M. I Kgaii, who has become exceed- lurf again, and Ivo been well cvor popular hure. Mlnco." Sold under guarantee at W. j II. Frames drug store. Cue. i p,rfrr Rrr.urltv. Toloy's Honey and Tar affords per fect security troni pneumonia and consumption as It cures the most ob stinate coughs nnd colds. Wo have never known a slnglo Instance of a ,.l mciUI.,.. I., tmitiimrmln nftnr Pr REMAINS ARRIVE FROM TULSA. VliT.n, INTERMENT IN ROSE n ill Sold by all druggists. CEMETERY. I0SEPH SAMUEL HARPER To Hang Bad Nerrjo. ! lllchmond. Va.. April 2. Grant Tho remain of Joseph Samuel liar-' Goods, a negro, who murdered Sam per arrived here yesterday afternoon ' uel Hlvers at I.awronccvlllo In reb uild wore taken to tho home of thu rtiary and Inter mado a murderous parents lu north east Anliiiore. ! attack iion a deputy sheriff In an They were accoinp.inled by his wife effort to escape, will bo hanged to nnd mother. Murrla Harper. j morrow. Tho nogro killed Hlvers by j The deceased was taken 111 last Sun-' "Vllttlnfi his head open with an ax. day. His illness was not ot a serious ' When loiUed In Jail he attacked his nature at llrst and hu v "cted ' cnI,tor wlth 0,,n,n nml 11,0 do'm,y , to be up again wlttilnaHhorii.iiio.but "l'"t him through tho lungs. Ho wan acute heart trouble developed and hu fled within a week nfter the crime 1 succumbed at 10. td Tuesday morning. d convicted ot murder In tho first At bin bedslil were his brother. Moi-. uegreo anil seuienceii 10 no iiuukuu. lis Harper of Oklahoma City and his' wife. Sam formerly lived In ! Clean rags nt the Ardmore. He deputy U. S. mar-1 "Cl- Mint! here under Capt. J. S. Hammer. ' aftivwards lie held the snmo plnc0 un-! , B. C. DeWitt & Co Chicago. 111. , , .... 1 (leiitlemeii In 1SU7 I had a disease of der l.eo beiuiett at Muskogee. 1 hen (hu 8,)lmnoh aml ,M)WlM , tll0 fiprinK ho served as special ollicer lor tho f 1002 I bought a lottlo of Kodol M. K. a T.. railway company. At tho and the benefit I received all tho gold Anlniorelto of- In Georgia could not buy. May you live long and prosper. Yours vory truly. 0. N. Cornell. Hoding. Oa.. Aug. 27. 1!0G." Sold by W. II. Frame. time of his death he was assistant chief of police of the town of thirties vllle, Okla., whore ho died. -Mr. Har per was only 'A'i years oi age at tho time of his death and was apparently strong and healthy up to thu time the linger of death was laid uixm him. When the remains arrived here they wore met by n number of frluiids and 2 common at $21 per thousand LUMBER LUMBER I will sell you lutntier delivered In Ardmore: Hough, nil dimension No. relatives. The funeral services wero held this morning at tho family resi dence 321 1) street -V H conducted by Or. Wnn of the llroadwny Baptist church. The remains wore laid to rc;t in Hone Hill conietoiy. Surviving the deceased aro his wife nnd his parents, Mr ai.d Mrs. u. W. Harper, iM-Miles a sMcr and two brothers. Drop siding, celling. Mooring, etc. nt 22. KO per thousand. Other j;rades In proportion. Soo J. IV. HHOOKS. 29 Caddo Street 3-1 m d IMvfMis, Corlin A Frcnslev livery woman covets a hli.ipciy, pretty figure, and ir m oi tlictn deplore this l,s f their girlish fonm after m image. 1 he ecarin oi children isoftcn ilcntructivo to the mother's f-li.ipoliness. All ot tins can be avoided, however, bv the use if .Mother's Prictul before baby comes, as tliU preat lini-mMit alwas prepares the body for tin strain upon it, ami preserve the symmetry of lu-r form. .Mother's Priciul overcomes all tho danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without pun. it i woman s greatest bleing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and rcliv.1' derived from tho use of this wonderful reincdv. Sold by all druggists at .fnxi per bottle. Our little book, telling all about -s m tins liniment, will be sent free. Jaffmg Tin Braiifield Reculitar Co., Albnta, Ca. S E Notice of Application for Appoint ment of Guardian, In the County Court. Carter Coun ty, Oklahoma. In the estate of Odle I.ovo ot al., minors. Tho stnto of Oklahoma, to the heir next of kin and .minors of the said Odle Love ct nl, minors: You nre hereby notified that Cal vin Williams has applied fir letters of guardianship on said estato to bn granted to him, nnd that said appli cation will bo henrd nt a regular term of said com t held at tho court room of said coirt on the 4th day of April. KiOS, Rt 10.00 a. III. Odle 1ovo, I.eola Iive, Marglo Ixive and l.ula May Ixive. Witness niy hand nnd tho seal of said court hereunto affixed this 2Sth day of March, 190S. CI.K.NIH MITCIIKI.I., JScal) Clork of County CourL 2C-8 Charlie Grant Will si: ,v ou the snippiest line of up-to-date new tailor made MISFITS At half price of their original value at J. J. STOLFA'S MERCHANT TAILOR 1 1 1 West Main St. - - Ardmore, Okla. DO YOU KNOW That we have the most competent gas fitters in this town or any other town. They are men who have grown up in the business and know every phase of the gas fitting business. We have a line of stores throughout the Southwest and carry the best stock of gas equipmencs and we make a specialty of in stalling gas in homes. We know how. Our work is done under an absolute guarantee. Phone 6o for a quick estimate. Ardmore Supply Co. that iiuic;irr SPOT IW.RBYRBI The Tailor Don't Forget I lis New Location-. 13 West Main. Ardmore, Okla. Fresh and Cured Meats We have in stock at all times tho llnest, fresh meats and lnso all the good cured meats. Ik'sidcs Swift's Premium Uncoil we have the home cured breakfast bacon that is line, lresh and sweet. Wo mnko saiiHiigo, pressed meat, nnd handle everything that bolonga in a llrst-eliiHS market. Phono your order and prompt deliv ery will lie made. Tho Inrgest market and best market South of Kansas City. 1 aVBSjasjBJBiJMHUMgMiM IS Cold Storage Market JHSSK JAMKS, Malinger. Summer Household Goods Ilerrlck IBeOlgeratura, best on earth. Frigid Zono Cream Freezers. .New rubber tired Go Carts fl.M) to $11. Art Squaros and Hugs nt one-half peddlers' prices. New Straw Mattings at 12 1-2 to 45 cents per yard. Carpots ISc to $1.20 por yard. Wo are stilt soiling to nny and everybody for a littlo down nnd a little each week. Wo fit up hotels and swap now goods for any old thing. It will always pay you to got our prices. Wo havo no rents to pay nnd can sell you choaper. We do all kinds of repairing, store, pack nnd ship goods. t Tho new nnd second hand homo outfitter. Up Caddo 2 blocks past denth block. J Phon C. P. HALL 1 66 P. S.-Wp nro closing out our stock of all lengths roofing Iron nt $2.50 per square. j T. N. COLEMAN Tolophono THE CITY DRUGGIST .... 9 W. Main St.