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The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, April 02, 1908, Image 6

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Ardmore, Thursday, April 2, 1903.
Our Show Room
Presents a very plonsitiK appoutaiue with its stock of
brand new plunil.mg Hoods. Hathroom sets and mirrors
here, in rofusion and every lady is especially invited to
call to sro our lino of bathroom tlx tures. We are equip
ped to do your plumbing right anil on short notice.
Phone us and wo Will legaJ to submit 5 on an estimate
Phono No. !'
IS The Ardmore
Miss Hinds has charge of training school for
rurses. Ivecmey both medical aid surgical pil
lions Tho' oimh y modi rn 111 every particular.
Speiuil oper.i'ing room (iood s t ice, terms
reasonable. Tliemediial profession soncitul.
Ardmore, Okla
Loans, Abstracts
I The Ardmore Su
insurance, Bonds
During the months of April and IVIay we
are Loini;" to iivc to our customers 200,000
fect of Vas 'absolutely FRLL.
In order to induce the people of Ardmore
to have their as ( 1 tti n li done durinQ the
summer months, before the rush of the
fall work, we are oin to offer, absolutely
free, 100,000 feet of as on piping" con
tracts as first prize, 25,000 feet as second
prize. As a prize on stoves we will give
free 50,000 feet of gas, and on lights and
fixtures a prize of 25,000 ft. will be given.
Every dollar expended with us entitles the
purchaser to one chance. The final
drawing to be left to the wishes of the
holders of the tickets. We will be Q'lacl
to explain this offer in detail to any one
calling at our store.
Sello Sllversteln, Who Threw Satur
day's Domb In Union Square, Had
a Membership Card In "Anarch.
1st" Federal Union."
New York, April 1. Alexandor
I lie rktnnii, thu mmrchlit lender, who
, hi rved a long term In prison for nn
j.it'cmpt (o usMMaalnnto Honry C.
I'uiK, was taken Into custody hy
t'n' police hero toilny. lie wu taken
t:i 1 1. llf ui hospital this afternoon
nnl confronted wltli Sellg Sllveriteln,
Hie in.ui who threw the bomb At
t'n1 I nl"ii Sipiare meeting last Sntur
d.ij In 'ikm.m'a vlilt to the lioapital
Hhi-iv ho wri confronted with Sll-
:-.'. in fnlli-il to bring any show of
moduli Ion on the pHrt of tho two
nun. s Sllveratelti'a tyea were sight-
U mill overcd with blindages, two
li tocMves engaged llortashlro in 11
vlrllod conversation In Yiddish ns
tho trln stood liv Him alilu of Silver-
' loin's rot, at the aaiuo tlmo watch
ing ho wonndod man closely for any
Ign or inovoment which might Indi
cate recognition of llorkinnu'a voice.
Nothing ot this Wild occurrod, how
ever, and when llerkmnn declared
po-itUelv that he never had seen Sll-
crsti'ln before there waa nothing to
do but take him back to the jhiIIco
Tho police any that Iierkmnn,
wlii'ii shown the signature at police
headquarters today. acknowledged
that It was hla. When he was voituht
out by newspaper men after the c.ig-
pply Co.
idy of Saturday nnd told that hlsj
iKiiatiiro had been found In Hllw r .
-ti'n'a homo ho denied acipialntanlci I
with the wounded man and said tha'
If It were truo that the signature .
had boon found It undoubtedly wan
attacheil to some formal letter with
referenco to a request that he de
liver an nddreaa boforo aotno socie
ty. Hu hhIiI that many requests of
this kind eaino to him and that fre
quently they were made by persona
unknown to him.
Sllvoratoln, who was fruitfully In
jured by the explosion of the bomb
.Saturday, wns reiwrted to have
Hindu conaldernhle progreM toward
recovery today. The physicians at
llellevue aald that unless some un
favorable development come they be
lieve he may recover. He la Ileitis;
closely guarded In the prison ward
at the lioapltal.
Two dptectlvea were Mid today to
have none from New York to some
mummed city In the northern pnrt
of this state to search for mem
bers of an anarchist group who fled
from thin city after the bomb explo
alou Saturday. Detectives also are
reported to bo searching; for hnunta
of anarchists In al'leraon, N. J., nnd
It la reported that the ixillco do
partmenta of Chicago, Denver, New
Orleans and San Francisco have
been naked to co-operate with the
New York police In their efforts
to discover any accomplice ot Sll
versteln. "One Touch of Nature Makes the
Whole World Kin
When a rooster finds n big fat worm
he calls nil tho hens In tho farm
yard to como nnd share It. A similar
trait of human nature Is to bo ob
served when a man discovers some
thing exceptionally good ho wants
hla friends and neighbors to shnro
the benefits of tils discovery. This
la the touch of naturo that makes
tho worhl kin. Thla explains why
people who have, boon cured by Cham
berlain's Cough Keniody wrlto letr
tors to the manufacturers for publi
cation, that others similarly nlllng
may also uso It nnd obtain relief. Ilo
hlnd every ono of thee letters Is n
warm hearted wish of the writer to
bo of use to someone else. This
ivm-iiv i tIYe s(li,, i,v k. j. uatnsoy
and Hoffman Drug Co.
Shawnee. Okla., April 1. In n dca-iii-rati'
battle in the dark between
rolciinaii John llatllold and two
holdup men at 2:110 o'clock this morn
ing, one of tho holdup men was wound
od and la now said to be dying. Thu
oilier desperado waB probably wound
ed, lllood was seen along his trail
in the Camiillnu Klver bottom.
Alter the two men had held up and
robbed Will Craig, a grocer, nnd Dr.
W. C. Bradford at tho inuzlo ot pis
tols on tho streets. Policeman Hatlleld
Jumped them out ot a freight car In
the Hock Island yards, lloth robbers
drew suns and opened nj wnlch was
answered by Until 1.1 One wul down
from tho olllcer's second shot, tho bill
lot passing entirely through his body
near the heart. Tho second robber
continued the light ns long as ho had
a cartridge and iheu escaped, falling
as he ran, but regaining his feet, and
made for the Canadian bottoms, leav
ing a trail of blood behind him. Fif
teen shots In all wore llrcd.
llaitliid Is uninjured. Ho has two
bullet holes thiough his coat.
The wounded mini says ho Is from
Santa Anna, Tex. Ho cannot live.
Chamberlain's Has the Preference.
Mr. Fred C. Hanrahau, a prominent
druggNt or Portsmouth, 'u., says:
"For tho pant six years I havo sold
and recommended Chainberlaln's Col
ic, Cholera nud Diarrhoea Kcinedy.
It i a groat remody and ono of tho
beat patent medicines on the market.
I handle mime othois for the same
purposes that pay mo a larger profit,
but tins remedy Is so sure to effect a
cure, nnd my customer so sure to ap
preciate my recommending It to him
that I glvo It tho preference." For
sale bv F. J. Kamsoy and Hoffman
Drug Co.
Norman City of First Class.
Norman. Okla., April 2. The steps
which tho town of Norman Is takulg
In the way of municipal improve
ment has evolved Into tho establish-
meut of a "Twenty Thousand Club."
Since tho building of Uio main hall
at the university, tho cltlzons havo
taken stops to havo Improved water
works facllltlos; a boom spirit start
ed and bonds wero voted for $100,
000 to build a new sower and water
works system. Tho university and
tho pleasant location of Norman arc
special inducements toward tho place
as a resldonco city. Tho "Twenty
Thousand Club" Is to stand for a con
tinuation of thoso municipal Improve
ments and proposes to present tho ad
vantages ot tho University city
throughout tho prlnlcpal nowspapers
of tho state. In tho futuro tho stu
dents may expect to hear tho whU
of streot cars and know tho bluo
uniform of tho metropolitan cop.
The Father of the Cherokee Bandits
Says Thomas Did Not Kill His
Prolher, but Nothing Definite
Is Known of Cate Yet.
.Muskogee, Okla., April 1. The fun
eral of Charles WyckllfTe, the Cher
okee outlaw, waa held at tho Wyck
llffo home, twenty miles eaat of l'ryor
Crcok In the Spavlnaw hills, late yea
terdny afternoon. Thomas and John
Vy klllTo were at the funeral. It w-.is
aupitoitcd thnt o Ulcers would bo there
lo an eat thu outlaws, but they were
The first dellnlte Information ot the
killing of Charles Wyekllffo was ob
tained at the funeral. Tho three Wyck
llffes nnd Henry Downing had gono
to Cochran I'rnlrlo for a load of corn.
Returning, Downing and John Wyek
llffo were walking and took a differ
ent route, leaving Chuiius and Thom
as on the wagon. When they Joined
them again Charles had been killed.
His head I mil been crushed. Downing
ami John WycklllTo heard no shots.
A man living near the scone, how
ever, says that he hoard a fusillade,
and there were bullet holes In the
trees and marks on the wagon. A
cartridge was found near by which !
held an explosive bullet. I
WhiKj Thomas Wjckllffe was at tho j
funeral fierday he i tinned to talk ,
to auyono, and If ho has told the
story of the killing It wat only to his 1
father. John Wyekllffo. Tho latter
made a statement In which ho Insists
that Thomas did not kill his brother.
Unless Thomas Wyekllffo is arro.Ued
i he story of the killing probably will
never be known. It is understood
that the olllcers were given notice
that there would be n light If they
attompted to lutoirupt the funeral,
and they deemed It best not to do so,
Many friends of the Wyekllffo fam
ily wero present and moxt of them
hud their arms handy. Charles Wyck
llffe's body was laid by tho side of
that ot his brother, whom ho Is said
to have killed several years ago.
Works wonders. It produces hair
Just ns surely as rain and sunshine .
produco crops. It produu's a 'hick !
growth of luxuriant hair when all I
other rcincdlos fall. Wo guarantee
Danderlne. All druggists sell It 25c.
r0c and $1.00 per bottle. To p-ovo
Its worth send this ad nnd 10 cents
In stamps or silver and wo will mall
you a largo freo sample. Know'.;ou
Danderlno Co., Chicago, 111. Dtf
No Green Bugs.
Ivey Coffee and Uud Dotson ot
llrock wero In tho city yesterday.
They report that corn Is coming
up to a good stnnd, that there Is a
good season In tho ground nnd that
there are no signs of tho green bug.
Death Was on His Heels. i
Jesse P. Morris of Skippers, Va.,
had a close call In tho spring of 190G.
Ho says: "An attack ot pneumonia
left mo so weak and with such a fear
ful cought that my friends declared
consumption had me, uud death was
on my heels. Then I wa3 persuaded
to try Dr. King's Xow DUcovory. It
helped mo Immediately, and aftor
taking two and a half bottlos I was a.
well man again. I found out that
Now Disoovory Is tho best remedy
for coughs nud lung dlseaso In all
tho world." Sold under guarantee at
W. II. Fr.imo's drug store. GOc nnd
fl bottleu. Trial bottlo free, (
Accidentally Killed. '
Tecuniseh, Okla., April 1. Stumb
ling on the edge ot tho porch nt
Oglesby aftor his return from hunt
ing. U. W. O. Haley was caused
accidentally to dlschargo his shotgun,
and his wife, waiting for him In tho
open door, was shot and fatally In
jured, dying a few hours afterward.
Catarrh cannot oe Cured
with I.OCAI, APPLICATIONS, ns they
eanoi reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional
disease, and In order to cure It you
must take Internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mil
cuous sut faros. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed hy ono of the best physi
cians In this country for years and
Is a repilar prlscrlptlon. It Is com
posed of tho best tonics known, com
bined with the gest blood purlflors,
acting directly ou tho mucuous sur
faces, T)io perfect combination of the
wo Ingredients is what produces such
wonderful results In curing Catarrh.
Send for testimonials freo.
F. J. CHKNKY & CO., Props.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, prlco "rc.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. Fishing tackle at Ulveiis, C.orhn &
Whose Sayso Is Best ?
"With nearly all medicines put up for sale
through druggists, one has to take the mak
er's say-so alone and exclusively as to their
curative value. Of course, such testimony
is not that of a disinterested party and ac
cordingly is not to be given the same credit
as if written from disinterested motives..
Dr. Pierce's medicines, however, form
single nnd therefore rtnktni exception
to the above rule. Their claim to the
coutldencu of invalids does not rest
solely upon their owiits' and makers'
(ay-so or praise. Their Ingredients are
matters of public knowledge, bring
printed on each separate bottle-wrapper.
Thus invalid sufferers are taken
Into Dr. Pierce's full confidence. Pcores
of leading medical men have written
enough to fill volumes in praise of the
curative value of the several ingredients
cntuii into these well -known med
icines. In favor of Dr. Pierce's medicines is
the frank, confiding, open, honest state
ment of their full composition, giving
every Ingredient in plain limjhsh, with
out fear of successful criticism nnd with
confidence that the good sense of the
nflllcted will lead them to appreciate
this honorable manner of confiding to
them what they nro taking into their
stomnchs when making use of these
WHAT THIiY CUKU. People often
nsk "What do Dr. Pierce's two leading
medicines 'Golden Medical Discovery'
and 'Favorite Prescription cure'"
Briefly, tho answer Is that "tiolden
Medical Discovery" Is n moit potent al
terative, or blfioil-piiritier, anil tonic, or
Invignralor. and nrts especially favor
nlily In a curative way upon all the
mucous lining surfaces, as of tho nasal
passages, throat, bronchial tubes, stom
ach, bowels nnd bladder curing n large
percentage of catarrhal cases whether
the diease affects the nasal passages,
tho throat, larynx, bronchia, stomach
(as catarrhal 'dyspepsia), bowels (as
mucous diarrhea), bladder, uterus or
other pelvic organs. F.ven in the chrome
or ulcerative stages of these affections,
it Is generally successful in affecting
cures. In fact the "(iolilen .Medical
Discovery" Is without doubt, the most
successful constitutional tcmedy for all
forms of catarrhal diseases known to
modern medical science. In Chronic
ftasal Catarrh Dr. Sage's Catarrh Item
ed)' lluid should be used for washing
nnd cleansing out the nasal passages
while taking tho "Discovery" for its
blood cleansing and specific, healing
effects upon the mucous lining mem
branes. This combined local and gen
eral trep'ment will curu a very largo
percentage of the worst cases of chronic
xuisnl catarrh, no matter of how many
years' standing they may be.
As to the "Favorite Prescription." it
is advised for the cure of one class of
diseases only those weaknesses, de
rangement and irregularities peculiar
to women. It is a powerful, vet gently
ucting, invigorating tonic nnd nervine.
For a Home or for
Wo havo soma choleo property
at attractive prices.
Now 5-rootn housu, Mcl.lsh Ad
dition, owner must sell nt onco
and will give n bargain on
torms to suit.thu puruhaser.
Choleo Main streot business
Tlireo cottages, well located,
$100 down and fl'i per month.
If you nro interested In agri
cultural land wo can pleaso you
in plots of 6 acres to f00 acres.
Ardmore Loan and Trust
Kemp A McCarty iiMiiiipr.s
real estate department
Phone 1H4
Kowden cotton seed Town
silver mine corn, vJneltss
pumpkin yams, sweet po
tatoes nnd Spanish peanuts
Kosideiieo 1 I mile South of
Fair grounds.
Ardmore, Oklahoma.
Sweet Heart.
Alabama Sweet.
Kllckley Sweet.
Florida Sweet.
Georgia Hattlesnako.
Kolb's Coin.
Wo also havo
Cantaloupe Seed
IUiio Grass
Juno Corn
Millet and
Onion Sets.
8ubscrlba for Tn irilmorclto.
For weak, worn-out, over-worked worn
en-no matter what lias catin-d tha
break-down, "Favorite Prescription"
will be fininil inoft effective in building
up the strength, regulating the womnnly
functions, miIhIuiiik pain nud liringing
nlMiut a healthy, strong, vigorous cou
ditiuii of the whole eytlem.
I)'. Pierce believes thot our American
fonsta abound in most valunble medi
cinal roots for the cure of most of our
obstinate and most fatal di-wes, it w
would properly Investigate tliim; nnd,
in confirmation of this I'nn conviction,
lie point with pride to the almost ninr-
vi'lmi.1 cures eiiecieu oy ins "uoiuen
Medical Discovery," which has proven
itself to be the most efficient stomach
tonic, liver iiniporator, heart tonic nnd
regulator, and blood cleanser known to
medical science. Not less marvelous,
in the unparalleled cures it U constantly
making of woman's many peculiar affee
tions, weak mi's and distressing dcrnnpe
incuts, is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion, ns is ninply attested by thousands
of unsolicited testimonials contributed
by grateful patients who have, been
cured by it of loucorrhen, painful
period, irregularities, prolnpsus ami
other displacements, ulceration of uterus
and kindred affections, often lifter many
other advertised medicines had faded.
lloth these world-famed medicines
are wholly made up from the glyceric
extracts of native, medicinal roots,
found in our American forrnts. The
processes employed in their manu
facture were original with Dr. Pierce,
and they are carried on by skilled chem
ista nnd pharmacists with the niil ot
apparatus and appliances specially
di signed and built for this purpose,
lloth medicines are entirely free from
nlcuhol mid all other harmful, lmbit
fnrming dings. What is said of their
power to cure the several diseases for
which they arp advised may bo easily
learned by sending your name anil
address to Dr. II. V. Pierce, Huffalo.
N. Y., fur n little booklet which be hat
compiled, containing copious extrnru
from numerous stiindiird medical book,
which nro consulted as authorities by
physicians of the several schools o'f
practice for their g.iidancu In prescrib
ing. It Is Kiir.K to all. A postal card
request will bring it.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PcllctB euro
constipation. CniMttpatinn isthecnusu
of many iliea(s. Cure tli9 cause anil
you cure the dises'e. One "Pellet" N
a gentle laxative, and two a mild ca
thartic. Drugeists sell them, nntl
nothing is" just ns good." Tbeynre tlm
oriiiHrif Kittle Liver Pills first put up by
, out nr. rierce, over -ni years ago.
Much imitated, but never equaled.
I They are tiny sugar-coated granules
I easy to take as candy.
High -Grade
Van Camp's Soups and
(.iimneri Goods. Heinz's
Pickles and Preserves
Plenty of efrjrs and country
Grade Odors
That will pleaso you in deli
cacy and lasting quality.
Kim luim,
Ned ni,
.Tn.nl. r,
Ping Pontf,
Allan Violet,
Allan Hose.
Florescence Violet Talcum
Powder is tho best 25c.
Coleman Bros.
Druggist Jewelers.
Cough Syrup
f I'M" CoM, hr ork.ln thf
out.0' f.Vr 'hrouffh copies
aad h.althy etion of tho bow.l
R.li.r.. Coush. b el.anslng tfa.
mucou. membunn of tha thretL
chMt and bronchial tub.a.
"Ai pltiunt to tha tMt
ren Like
For 8a, Ly W, B Fram

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