Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Thursday, Aprtl 2, 1903. THE DAILY ARDMUREITE PVGE EIGHT WANTS 3 LINES 3 TIMES 3 DIMES Answer at ItiM one Ardmottile .U enh dfis 3 good ttttd lor lite folks (ft OCIETY... Hy Mr. I . II. MiiriiiMiu, I'l ei Home (;i I, Oirici- f. meeting days are Thursday nt ono of homes. 4 WANTED. ANTI'.D To convince those In need uf Maclne ami Hiir work of any description that jouil mako no mistake, neither w the "old reliable." i .lONBS MACHINB AND HKPAIIt J WORKS. ' ?n.v21S South .Mill at Poll HUNT Five room bouse, close in. H'X'd I'irii. and city water, fu-nlshed or unfurnished. Hlgglns Puggi Itmlty Co. 2HI III 1, If sent to f'"K HKNT My old home place on Caddo street, j. . n. aphiub. WR HUNT Out I -room and one room hoiiw clot In. W. 0. DlUtor. lltf ANTtfiD-Canvassers with teams. A I no have a fMd pay Inn trailnwe for isle at a sacrince, wUn stors Mx tures. flood location. 011 at ones .it 11 North Caddo street. M WTEDOuo goi.d horse and de li ery wagon. Muat be a barKaln . W. Light, 128 K street, south eaut. 39 WANTRD A woman who has a on or daughter for eotniny, to keep houM for Address J. lteml, Ardmore. Sl-S W A N'T It D A ghi or woman In fam ily of two, mostly aa companion. A good home for right party. Unqulro at thli ottlcs. MONKY TO LOAN If you aw in need of money b sure and U Ok lahoma Land, Brokerage A !wn Co. OWce over Miller's. Phone 121. 1 SIM FOUND A fur near the W. S. Wol verton home. Rnquire at Ardmore re and aj charge for ndv -rising. STRAYED.- 8THAYKI) OH STOL13.N From my home Monday night. March 30. one amall bay maro pony, 13 hangs high, 8 or 0 years old, branded A. C. haa blase fa-. Will pay reward for return tf ioiiy to me. 13 W. 11. JOHNSON. APRIL. SOCIAL CALENDAR. II. NTHD To buy a good fresh milch cow. Apply to lwensteln Millinery Store. 1 ; For Sale WANT ED Clean morotte attic. mga at the Ard v NTBt 'Buyer Tor 7-room liouae. two blocks from High School. Ar thur Sinclair. Whwler Hldg. iui WANTED Clean morelte ollleo. raga at the Ard- ANTUD Uuor for lilock ii.'G. Ar thur Sinclair. Wheeler Hldg. 3it FOR SALE. FOK SALU On easy tonne, lxts 0, nnd 8, In Mock 20, 5-room house, concrete stiinn cellar, boiirlUR fruit of sovoral varieties, plenty of ber ries, barn, chicken homes, Pleasant place to live. See mo at otico. S. .1 Fryo. UOtf l'OH SALIC lly owner, clionp four vacant lota :ia follows, It 9, block 111. lot 7, block -ITS, lot C, lilock D17, lot 2, block 177. Wrlto for prices nnd tonus. Tlio Chriatlan Warrior, 130'J llousou St. Kort Worth, Texan. 31-7 l'OH SA1.H Krosli cow, good milker, with calf liireu weeks old. Apply -5 ltfth avenui', N. W., or phono t'.ao. i l'OH SA1.K OH H ISN'T Sewing ma chines, tonus onay, seo J. N. Mooro. Agent for the White, 'JUS Uroadway l'hono 152 Kh1. 2-3 I OH SALIC Urown l.PBborn obk 15 for 11.00. riiono -117 rod or wrlto box 811, Ardmoro. 19 lm 12 woll loi'iiU'il lotrt ;)0xir0 h't, sewtr ami wator I'nic SltH) each, ln down ami $10 a nmntli. other th'sirabU' proporty iniprovfd and iinitiiprovi'd. Arthur Sinclair Wheeler llldj;. l'hono (IrtU liluo 4 t: COMPARE OUR SERVICE WITH OTHEF.S. 4 Postal Telegraph Cable Co. N. Washington St. Tel. No. 31. 4 I- Thursday. FortiilRhtly Music Club meets, (iliiger Bread Man at Rooi'ui opera house. INmevotenl Boetetjr mwtn. Damon and l')ihlas at K. of P. hall, binders' dance. Friday. Orm Club meets wltli Mr. G Webb. South Anlmore sociAt ftt tbi cbttrch. C. n. U. Club meets with Mm hu rtle Dashner. (ilec Club meets. Sweet S.vtcen Club meet. Saturday. The lllrnls nt the ltoblson nperti Ilollfh'. Young Indies' Market at Chickasaw Furniture Store. APRIL. Wistful April weens y turns, Then with smiles her sorrow npnrns, (irlef and Joy, each lu Its way, Heart throb wakes tills April day. ICvery tree n sentient thing, I'VHh the Impulse of the spring, iiilies lii dimpled apple blooim, Slglis lu drooping willow plutuos, 1 Argent f.pldt of phlox surprise 1th their blue the April skies, Ilutiercup and culunillno i Pour their gold at April's shrlno. I.Ike a lover, for a maid, Ioiiglng and yet linlf afraid, Still reluctant lu retreat, 1 Wistful April, sadly sweet, i f Miss Nataleo IlllauiB will ontor tain this evening complimentary to the OUdurs and their friend. Mrs. (5. II. Wolib will bo hostess to iho members of the Orlo Club lu their regular weekly session tomor rowevery mouther Is urged to bo present, It Is tlio day sot for tlio n drummer had on exhibition. In fact, It took two girls at the ex change to keep her wire connected the Invitations were so numerous. Another lady, who Is ever on the alert when fun and frolic Is In store, had out quite a bunch of the Oulld ladles and so the merry mak ing went on throughout the day. Circle No. 2 of the Home Mis sion Society of the Itroadway Meth odist church met with Mrs. J. C. langran on H street northwest. Wed nesday afternoon. The house was beautifully decorated In spring flow ers and pot plants and a dainty course luncheon waa served. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. C. II. Hanks and Mrs. Van Clove. There! were a number of callers and quite a neat sum roallzed to po to tlio church treasury. On next Teusday all the circles wilt meet at the church and nil members are requested to be, present. : rno parlors at airs. Hell's wero astir nil Wednesday afternoon to see what this lady had brought from the mnrkets and what D.ime Fashion had designed far our bond gear thn coming season. Her dis play of bats, veils, nnd novelties nro well solected anil of the latost pat ternsand one to be qulto tip In the latest styles does not have to "order" from eastern markets now adays for Ardmoro has taken read ily this season to the Metropolitan styles and can fit you out In tlio smartest toggery. Mrs. Iloll was ns slsted lu receiving nnd showing bor giMds by Misses West and Dixon, Mrs. H. A. Haglnud and Mrs. Mc-l-'lroy. Tlio display rooms wore beau tiful lu draperies, and each caller was given a huge carnation n3 a souvenir of tho occasion. The hostess Is over ready to show her goods and all who wero not nt tho opening have a cordial Invitation at any time. One seldom sees a merrier bunch t a- I I The following wedding Invitations were Issued today and will unite two i of tho city's oldest and moat sub-1 stautlal families nnd tho contract ing parties being favorites socially and In the business world Mr. and Mrs. Croad JAilton Fraley.. will give In marrlngo their daughter Phyllis Pearl to Mr. I.lnus I;o Tyro On tho afternoon of Wodnesdny, the fifteenth of April nineteen hundred nnd eight nt half after three o'clock Hrondway Methodist Kplscopal Church South Ardmoro, Oklahoma Tho honor of your presence Is expected. At Homo after May tho fifteenth Hnrgrovo Heights Ardmore, Oklahoma Did It Ever Occur to You? When state or county funds are deposited with any bank, whether state or national, a ilt-ede bond is required to guarantee the safe return of such funds? If the county or state demands this pro tection, why shouldn't you? This bank gives you protection in Depositors' Guaranty Fund of tho State of Oklahoma. No other bank in Ardmore docs. This bank pays you three per cent interest on time deposits. Itsjjctlcr than letting your money he idle. TRY IT. ARDMORE LOAN AND TRUST CO. Banking, Real Estate, Fire Insurance and Loans. election of olllcers for the coming of m,1 'rla tllil nt th """ NOTICE All grocery account on my Inioks miiHt lie paid by April fi. Whoie acouuts are not lald by this dale we will bo forced to discontinue deliver ing goods. POHTUIl STAI'I.KS, The Heil Headed (Jrocer. Phono 11). 31-3 CROSS AGAIN STRICKEN OUR SECRETARY OF STATE STRICKEN IN ST. JOSEPH, MO. ON A POLITICAL TRIP. IS FOH SAI.IS A man's bicycle In good condition, cheap. Phono 7SC (lieon or call at this office. tf FOH SAI.15 !t In old Philips block Arthur Sinclair. Wheeler Uldg. 9tf FOH SAI.14 Cotton child's Iron tied. mattress for Phono Oil. F'H 8AI.K Cheap, a flye-room house, loss in. Phone 63S. .lltf J ilt SALE Cash or on time, nice inlet driver, safe for ladles, rail .it room 6, Slras l'ennlngtou building. 31-3 Foil 8AI48 A ladles' bicycle nl- 'Most new, only been used a few months. Phone 7S C.reeu or call M this office. tf " FO R HEN I . l ull RENT Four-room home, fur nished, on Fourth Avenue, northeast. Phone 857. 31-3 Foil R ISN'T Nicely furnished large loom, all modern conveniences, -outheast exposure. Mrs. W. M. Hlggs, 131 C street, northwest. Phone 61)1. ltt Foil RRNT Two furnished rooms also an office room In Nobl llrM. building. Apply Noble Pros fitf. FOH RENT Nloe suite of otllce rooms over Dltsler Dry Goods Co. city water and gas. Apply H. W. HhiuIoI. 4tf Foil RUNT Furnished room, lady preferred. Mrs. Ada W. Ilennott, 118 N. Washington. 1-3 J-OH HRNT--CTOOI11 house oloso In on Coddo streoL T. K, Kearney 23tt Full RIJXT FurnUhed rooms In modern new liuc- c!os In. Phono 711 Mr-. Mi a 22 lm St. Joseph, Mo., April 1. William Cross, Oklahoma's secretary of state, ami a member of a parly of Oklahoma ollk'lals, Including Coventor Haskell and State Treasurer Meuofeo waa en route to Des Moines, la., to attend tho annual banquet or tho Iowa state democrats Thursday night, was strick en by uu acute attack of congestion and lnllammatlon of tho bowols hoio today and Is in a critical condition. He was put to bed at a hotel and pha!cinn wero called. At Kansas City Mr. Cross suffered Intensely from aggravated indigestion but thought he would be able to roach hi destination, although a physician was tmmmoned. Coventor Haskell and other Oklahoinans ioka at a big tiuiBb meeting here tonight under the aus pices of the democrats. The munici pal election occurs Tuesday. Mueh Improved Today. Guthrie. Okla.. April 2. A telephone message today from St. Joseph, Mo., states that Secretary I till Cross, who was taken seriously 111 there yester day Is much improved unlay and W44 utile to speak last night before the Democratic Club. The Cream Hakery lias moved to e. it'tr Main and M'll s'reets JOHN M. mint:. ear. of Dr. J. F. Son on Wednesday when Little Atlases Madge and Ma rio celebrated their ninth blrthdny The members of tho South Ardmoro Baptist church will give a social i anniversary nnd their mint, Mrs. ut the church Filday evening, all . "'-""torn, una invitea n number or friends are Invited. I thlr llttlo friends In to celebrate with them. All kinds of games wero Indulged In, and an Interesting and Vassar Colego teaches houso sani tation but 'will bavo nothing to do with domestic science. In Germnny domostlc sclcnco and housekeeping , schols nro patronized by tho daugh ters of tho well to do as woll aa by those who arc not In that class, j The girls market, clean house, keep accounts, study and chomlstry of food and loam nil that Is necessary to make them competent liousowlves. j i Tho lingerie waist In 1,00 dlfforont gulsos, each seemingly lovelier than Itie last, has lost nono of Its popu larity. !! A plnuo coat with thrco capos daintily embroidered suggosts the thing for tho 2-year-old's summer wrap. --j Tlio elbow sleevoa with tight tin dorsleovoa which extend over tho hands nro popular for afternoons. Just now tunics and tunic bands and draporlos are being emphasized in gowns of all kinds. Sleeves made In ono with tho bod Ico arc In accordance with tho latest decree of fashion. t Straw hats that look llko mlnlaturo sombreros make a Jaunty headgear for a 2-year-old boy. Children's millinery this spring will bo ns ornate ns that of the grownups. & P. ANDERSON, President B. F. FRENSLEY, Vice President C. I,. ANDHHSON, Cashier.... i:i) SANDMN, Assistant Cnshler FIRST NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE, OKLA. Capital Paid In 60,000.00 Surplus Funds 165,000.00 Total 225,000.00 Tho oldest bank in Indian Torrltory. Accounts of firms and Individuals solicited upon tho moat liberal terms consistent with good banking. BANKERS NATIONAL ...BANK... PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000.00 SAFE METHODS. CAREFUL MANAGEMENT. Wo solicit accounts whether largo or smalt which will have our careful attention. 8AFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. J. A BIVENS, President. A. H. PALMER, Cashier. DON LACY, Vice President FRED C. CARR, Asst. Cashier. THE GITY NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE, OKLA. Capital Surplus Funds Accounts of Arms and Individuals sollcltedfl ment accorded to all nllko. .1100,000.00 . . .75,000.00 Courteous treat- a Koiitucklan you are If you are oxpectod at the Gilmer hotel this ""inslng feature of the afternoon was evening at eight o'clock. There Is a'tbo coinle songs nnd recitals of a good time In store for tho natlvos of "Plendld phonograph that has recent- this state anil unite n lilt of plan ning for future entertainment will be discussed. Mrs. C. M. Campbell will entertain the Indies of the Glee Club In prac tice Frldny afternoon. It has been whispered that Ardmoro will soon hear the ladloa In an ohiii session this Is looked forward to with great this Is looked forward to a treat to lovers of voice. Mrs. T. K. Kearney will enter tain Friday afternoon In honor of Mrs. P. P. Kearney of Chnttanoogn and their baby daughter. The affair with be one of tl-e smart and dresy doings of the season, Tho pupils and teacher of the fourth ward are rejoicing over a set of New Stauard Kucyclopedla donated them by the Mother Club of that ward nt a cost of seventy-five dollars. So much for mother's work --what about father's? ! There were a number of invitations Used to parties yesterday over tho phones and by ladles who were not authority on Invitation committees consiMpiently they amounted to nothing and tho Invited guests were well onto the Jests of the day and few If any paid hoed to thli however, after one hail finished her list and culled all sho thought he might catch tho tables turned and each party she had called called her up and extended her an tin Itation to the Wliittlnglou ho tel that she, being a lover of pretty gowns, might view a sample t.'.eK Kansan Goes to Oxford. New Haven. Conn., Apr. 2. Georgo XT. J ! n pn pp Powdp? Kllswo.U, Putmau of Ottawa. Kan., a iOinC t &CC I OWQCr student la the graduate department at Yale, was today appointed ti lucolvo a Hhodes i'olarhlp at Oxford. .Mrs. H. F. Dent of New Corners, Ohio Is In the city tho guest of her sou, 11. H. Dent. 71S, A streot N. 13. Tom Koft of Tishomingo was a bus iness visitor here lust night. Lee Collins of Stonewall Is hero to day on business. A Produces a Dcautlful Complexion. Soft and elvtty. Rcmainf until wnlieJ off Purified hy a nwl- diK-overcd nro" ccm. Ilarmlcat at water Prevert rc- V3" turn of diKclorationi . m8! ''" V'rn U'et only.) ,l.Q. 'i -I lluyone 50c. r"' v J 1 0 EST" 'j a(e ana money win p relunucd if you art i.iii i. .ii , v. t... iui entirely vtiifiivu. .iiiip ,. imis, . ...h Hlllson. Guthrie Is In tho city , . . ,..,', ,u. i,llni, jr,1,.or,lii on l uslness. ! Prrn,HivNailOALU)ILLTCO..Purl&.Tciin. H it Iteul of rtrock Is In Ardmoro S. Id bv Hoffman Drug Co., Coleman c a 1 j- 'K3 tr.p. Ur ?.-, and ot icr d.ugejlsts. ly been Installed In the Sou home Mr. and Mrs. Son, grandparents of the honoreoa, vveer present and seem-. ed to enjoy the affair quite as much ' ns tho participants. The houso was beautifully set In pot plants and li- j lacs and a delicious refreshment J course such as delight tho children ! was served. . ! Mlssoa Madgo and Mario received an army ot remembrances and good I wishes for many, many happy birth days. , j "Oneo f tho special events of tho , week was tho social afternoon Mrs. Orlu Hedfleld gave tho members of the Merrlo Wives Wednesday. The house w.ts put Into a charming spring decoration of rocs and ferns, green and whlto being her color scheme. After a bit of social c'int the hostess put tho guests to sewing and a busier bunch of ladle one seldom sees. A choice two conr?o luncboon wns served. Tho guests were Mesdames Stone, Lewis, Fran!. 'In Hedfleld, Ilnmmor, and Mrs P C Dings, a guest of the club. Tho Ferndale Heview club members mer with Mrs. Plttman Wednesday the attendance was small on ac count of there being so much e!s for the day. Tho members are studvn Stodard's lectures and enjoved a re view ot Athens and Greece and a number of character sketches wrro given by Mesdamo Strange. Carpen ter and Crlner. Tho hostess served delicious refreshments. The club will meet with Mrs. Georgo Crincr next Wednesday aud still study Greece and Athens. The ladles of tho Iivrenco Mis sion Aid Society mot at tho jnr sonnge Thursday and onjoyed houso cleaning. They recently bought a home for their pastor, Hev. I.ivvrence and his estlmablo wife, aud on thnt day It was cleaned, and tho occu pants moved In. Mrs. Lawrence has been qulto sick for some Itme. but Is slowly recov ering nnd In theco cosy quartora wo ire sure sbo will bo out soon. The members of tho society are making quilts now nnd will do any sewing that Is brought to them. Tlulr Wc want $200,000 worth of farm loans and can pay out the money the day papers are signed. If you want a loan come to see us. You get your money quicker, cheaper and on better terms. You get what you borrow when you want it. BURWELL & DEXTER BANKERS NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA A PLAIN TALK ABOUT RUBBER TIRES During tho past four years wo havo given a vast deal of thought to rubber tiros. Tho ordinary rubbor glve3 way in so short a tltno that people began to uso tho old stylo vvheol In preference to buying tho rubber tlied wheel. Tho problem -was n knotty ono. Wo went to work lu earnest to solvo It. Wo lea rneil that different cllmatoarcqulroa llttlo dlfforont composition. Then wo learned tho oxact proiiortlon ot gum and of rubbor to bo used to mako a perfect rubber tiro suited to this country. From our own formula wo secured 0110 of tho host rubbor manufacturers In tho Unltod States to mako our rubbor tires. This rubber bears tho namo of "Proddy L-agonda Sprlngflold." It's al ways new because wo manufacturo It as wo uso it. It Is best becauso It Is mado right and becauso It is not aged vvhon you buy it of us. When yon have your rubber tires put on, no mattor vvhero you havo your work dono, insist that "Preddy Lagonda Springfield' rubbor bo used and you will get tho best J. C. PREDDY BUGGIES SADDLES HARNESS I 4 HI