Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore Wednetdaj Apr t 3t3. PA..E FO..R. THE OA LY -JflDMOP.EtTTL The Daily Ardmoreite t! m id Jinn t muaw cwui. jD'tEr auGOn, PrtatdtnL H T v-r.gTT wm rr Ttj rr , r . ,r,-nultr ort I. rvm, W f Wt T'- ' L. rr. ft T Bm4mj-. B. tnt.reu at uw roetotne " amu"" im a .Vsod.a Mtter. Official Paper for Carter County i' t : in the ArdmoreiVi it in ie.'. OF SUBSCRIPTION, Tfi Dl A3oreltt Cm V It fA .ti v r.5- i ,'.a Out The Wtt'i Afdmoreltt. r"r r ya H W Kit &.tnU.a w It i4utb Prvontt. l!ujtrHi Maoajcafi OSto Cit ttJIUcr'a OfcHc! M; MtA0;, '.III hrt'tr-.rt VednetOa, April 1i, 110. t .iriK about polor HoUlitr, v. i , tr,l th'- prnld' ii' i (-'Mr.K , Vrula a parlor war? oo 1 . i.ibllc d-bl of the T'nitwl . . incriiaaod t,2Ml daring ' , Morn bond laauea Immloent w dal won Id be ao Improv . 1 1 the old ''aqttarw" oao, which "me rotten. Olva us a new i.realdent u aaid to thraatea ! ,il . of the public buildings bill In u force congreaa to provide j ir new battieablpa. r..- f- tiQ V.i may be on tbi verge of war v. it'. V' DTtu-la, and there I a llttl cloud Iu Maacburia lovolvlng ihla t i in" i) Huaala aud Japan. Tt.i- rltfht of the people peaeeablr o n mill Hoea awA Include the right of p'-raone to aaaatnblo with bombs i:, tM-lr pockfta, readjr to kill the I ' i and the byatandere. A hy not let Anua (Jould no her v. . ' naha the ChlragO News. Wull. x'.' - Kolng. Isn't she? Yeg and a ' i . r Jay Oould'a mllllona are go u.K Kolng gone with hur. o 'l 'n Itoston '1'ralisrrliit has illacnv mi ao actress who won't jmy for n phologrnphs liecnuse they n Ik-- her appear (oo.pretty. It reully (I - 'ake h smart press agent Uiwao ' ' to dig up some-thing new In H i- way of advertising. 'i.ittitnooKft has Just opened one t' !,' finest hotels In the I'nlled the I'alion and the jiopulace i hirliied, ami wall It mny he, the I "' I l.' lng a million dollar xlrnitur. M'.i'Msi.r, f'hattanooga opIni-H that H ' ';'n a few wore of the name iimvldi'd It n iiormltti'd to us thi prlnrlpal "mslM" fur 'niMty ufr'ni In Oi-oik.u and i 1 .una. -flg in' of lb greaest evils of the V' ' in system of education. If we I'- said to have system, la the i i . mtnioer of children who rinlxli it education t the gn of H," ' - rrlMnlNiii of 1'realdent (Jharlea I i:iloi, of IlnrrBnl Unlveralty. "The i ' ni falluro of our a)slm," he'd, "In the limited period of ' .1 i diieullon. It U the fashion now that our schools Iruln for llf ' I not for college. Ilul what la need i . ilie continuous ediiratlun which nil Uiroiigh life " At it bun ii " ' Iven by the Chicago Harvard I'n-Hldenl Kllot told 100 uitlm M' graduates oT the changes that "i I'luco In Amurivan unl- orgnnliatloi) and methods dur ' ,' i he ,'IW yeum In which he hits been , ' "i ut of ll;muiil. 1 Iu made u plea ' i lu'llvlduallsm And a wider spheto influence, for unlversltltes. During i.i, my in thu city ho nmila suv - other ddreMne and attended it 1 ii " i as many liuiuheuiis and lan i " ' wa A presidential cHiidld.ito. SQUAHG DUAL POM ALL. it' Clmrlyoa UU iitle, suiterlltlPiiil m "f the I'reali) terlaii Department r i imrrh and Ibor, aaya: mm r all, the whole, llwr iiioetl()ii i ' Klve every one the square deal. niMi to do that It seems In m that i nwoasary to get at the other fel i,a kiewpolnt. To my mind the la- ' 1 1 ' k tnsl) la too close to the labor i, i' 'in. i, to understand it. And ao Is t mployer. Ti ,- labor union la not the lulior i ii Moii If til) the unions Kent wiped i, ' xi. Mm. id.' (jih -lion W'Mi'd I J i II iii 1 1 , I', i ,t f 1 1 , i - . tm i.fJiti l fa4 wo ao .nd :nt the laat tut- "hi be "or :.!, T. firT The setter 4al fof ery maa should be oar ideal We r. makleg BlalakM. bat art making 4r. It tb ckerck did I not ear ebWt th CdtUOM Of ifcf ; ,1 tll you right no 14 gt cmt 1 f.r i-'h, out of ear church. Hit tne tkur'.a does art. tb ' Ya her the socialist Uit ar.arcbu'a an taat Ckrtat aa i wi1 rtalJat or aa aaarcblit- BoUi eaa't rich" '"hriat a k' .l aa lata. Ma act oat to attr ta ladt lul Joak DDIiw oae id. "Bfora eaa tara aa boat bom rat 'U 7 tuQKt aa aa t'iiit butraa ru-," a..i4 I rM tb.'- lot f r.'rra ai in that 'x!tMrai. It la not ao noeh a aaaaUoa o a otaa'a iijrrron'lii.a;. -t aat tt it vi'titn, i!Mn kiu.Mif, that baa to do with 'rr.t-ofctrr r xUI oarvat. Ta fburtb Itaaif baa crmtad tola i tocroaaed .octal aaroM la aboln ..i- ik. K.i.h.. i .kik tha niiu auio. That la M J-au r.brtat oui4 h. M. a hoalthfal diaaatJafacttoa 'th pwraonal eoodltioa to teach mea J how to rta higher. THE RBPUBLICAH SITUATION. It is becomlog evident that the cam- palKus of various republican caadl j datea for the preslderic are growing stale 'radically the only work that la being done Is for Hecretary Tart His campaign la being pressed vlg orously oy both Frank H. Hltchcoct. the aecreUry'a manager In Washing ton and by Arthur I. Vorya, the Ohio manager at Columbus. "It Is yet too early,'' aald a aena..-r at Washington, who has re-en closely (identified with several .tetiou, ua t onal campaigns, ' lo u d-'finit l tie, the op'"i 4U f Trtt om; l'liin the situation go by default, but It c rtalnly ba atr.tngo Iook A i '.r a anybody k.ij.. t.tli ir i.'i'lihig ' bjlttg dw'.'i rfi" : III In nil l r iedldalet .i"oit I j'. 1 or ' 'tidldatei c illn .) who a. op- noa)l to th secretary of war. No ottloaa or headquarters have been es- ubllsbed and only a small amount of campaign literature Is be'ng distrib uted. Nobody but Talt seems 'jo care much about the nomination." Washington newspaper corresiiond enta, always alert for good political news, are able to ilnd little of real value there. Through Manager Illlth rock 'a headquarters, they have fol' lowed the Taft campaign closely, but the work along the lines of only one candidate, grow a monotonous. Some efforts pretty Important ones, perhaps-are being made to bring about a renomlnatton of I'res Ident Koosevelt. The efforts are be ing carefully guarded, however, and no details are being given to thu public through the newspapers. What this work may amount to It Is now impossible to foretell. last week more unlnatructeii ! gales to the Chlcugo contention w -elected than In any prctloux i. , hut, nevi rilieliMK. tlie jiroj.oi t ion ,,r InHiiut'tloiiK for H'intBr 'l,u' mi tlnue larire Tin- mImi.iiIoii. ho, . practlrnlly unlii'i" In Atnerir.iii i . 1 1 tlCH. Among the delegatea lntiiiiMi for Secretary Taft there are tnuny antl-Taft men; and anwing thoae -! i ed as unilistruiied delegate tli-n are ft good many Taft mlli'-nn h ' Among the delegations of Kta'cn which have "favorite aon" catidldnM'H the sentiment Is eurlously inudilled. 1 Not u Mingle one of the fnvorliu j oiin with the iioaathle exception f l-iil'ollottu, of Wisconsin, ran deliver ; his state itelegatlun to any particular candidate, unlens that cundld.ite 1 Mhotiliniappen lo be President ItooHe-i vet, hlmaelf. Among the avowed cm i dldates for the nomination, the deli--gatlons from the favorite nuii Milieu would be divided aerloUHlv. TIiuh far. no effort has been made by the uh , puiients of Hecretary Taft to combine upon nny candidate, mid, from all outward appearances, sinli as effort, I If made would prove futile. That soma doubt about thu election ' of the nominee of the Chlciigo eon ventlon Is growing among the li-adeiK , of the repiildlcan party and union 1 the piHiple of the country Is heyniul j question. This growing doubt may ac- , count for the IImIU'hhiii'hs of the pre- 1 1 in I n;i ry rampalgn and to the lu- creasing fedlng that tint nomination I will ko oventimlly olthnr lo Secretary j Taft or to 1'resldent Itooauvolt. rUty Dollars Reward. Strayod or atolen, smnll tiunch cows and helfera, britiuled fhliiK V on left shoulder, H on mIioiiMit. O on Hide, K on thigh, one II Imr II i.ihi nrtaltMj), Will pay tho nUovo reward for recovery of cattle and conviction of thief. Notlr me at Sirlnx'i HKIi. RtHlT. F. r'. M M.I.V DoWItt's Carlwllzort Witch Hruol H'.i- Ii irt t nerlLllv L'ntMl fur Tioim Idold by W H. lYauie. BRONCHO Ow""H-'S FAS" T3 A Pee Vin Ffi Ltit in a Tetv-v.ii isaritt D6Tr April 14 tn .a N-w M-xiro there ur l a Iltt; brontao ktck will be loag UK recovering t it will b :i twd for F Tr(tp. ! ( ,h W . h aid of tb lnu bora oa a re tta a paaarr mti iu cot :a I"' iB tis t ,OT bl fas.i.y by fir. Mr Tremp iu la Santa F N M tea he got a srM froa Uear-r u;f that fill ufTitt.r boo at Ri l. ' o; . fc d,.1 frua Btrkchtr. ; '3 ftl Tha &ot aa l4lrvr4 to b oa flr Wt4aa4af I aiorala. and aa it aa impotatbl to t aid, It bara4 to tb trvaod. ! , ia Mra. I t-mp ac4 her four cbli i jdPMi wl'boyt ali-IUr , j Mr. Tnmp relT4 th newa Jo at ' ;aa th train araa laarlag tba dvot. 11 tc oUlr 4' . tare be felt that sot a eo,J4 10,1 ,okl ,h' ! rtII n.:b iu- to '"- a detoar o reaea the -ttuon or la eona. There was a broncho standing In front of th hotel and. without wait ing to find out who It belonged to. he mounted aad started on his crois- country ride, en reacneu tne a'.at'on Just as the train was pulling In. but , at the aama time the gallant little : horse dropped from exhaustion. A i soon as he reached D-nver and car ! for bin family Mr. Trmp rot- to , Hanta Pe aaklng friends to see th tt the bor wail well cared for and to reimburse the owner for any damax done. A Common Mistake. ! Many women rnlatako Itldnoy and bladder triMblea for home Irregularity1 tuuHtlM li th,. inr l.V,leva ltrttirr 1 Ittnly oorrectH lrrKUtariUo aad makea women well. Mlw Oarrlo Har den, Howling tirwn, Ky., wrlterf: "I euffered much from kidney and blnitder trouble until I Hurtod to uho Foley's Kklnoy Hoinody. Tho first bottle K&ve inu rjwl relief, and after inking the tacimd bottle I waa ontlrely wtjll." Sold by nil druKKlsta. London has Just discovered the peanut. Peanut roasting machines aro now to be seen on the streets and the cockney small boy has u new and delightful delicacy to spend his pennies on. Until now peanuts were not to he had In Kngland, where they were only reatl of In the Ameri can comic papers. Today they are the latest development of the "American 'Islng" of London. Kvery farmer who moves to town to educate the children does It at a great sacrifice of personal prefer once. In most cases, his Income dimin ishes and his expenses Increase. rixliltiK unkle at IIIm'Iih, rorhn A KreiiHley . WHO MAKES LENOX SOAP? Tin- I'mm ti.r A (iamblo Cutiip my . Wlii-ri' is tlii'ir factory V At luinsu.s City; ulso at Cincinimti What sort of factories luivo tlioy V Tlio liost in the country -tin; cli'iincst, the- brihtoht, llm inosi, uiodorn. Do I hey inako any otlit-r kinds of soup? Yes. Ivory .Sonj) anil I. A- (i. Naphtha soap, What is Ivory soap prin cipally ust'il for? The hath, toilet and for line laundry. What .'s 1. ,fc CI. Naphtha soap listed for? Kor quirk, easy washini; espcrially ly woiiion who do their own work. And Lenox soap what is it used for? Kor washintr clothes, dishus, woodwork, floors, etc. It is so cheap that yon can use it freely without feeling that you aro waste ful or extra vacant, Kor sale by all grocers. Tyler S Simpson Co. Ardmoro, Oklahoma GRIFFITH TOMORROW NIGHT - fa::. - i front of tit joi-. '.JSt Pr f Mb CA.T'.ei feU 01 ai cbeatra. Dtm v.jv ti Goad It will i a aort of it-atif.c' -to tb Mea4t of beaa Wooda. .. total ball alajrar to aatoaaca u. . tbac he haa aaaal food : . the Wi-. tea) aa4 at om of ':r fr.. ca'cbera. i.Ha has co: apar-: taaf liana as far thu aeaoa i to the fact that b recelred aa :c iarjr oartr la the ; nn aal .r fetU&g er It ao aa ', . olajr Wood a&4 Orr .;. ;r cj- lag ataS toe tko Waco Nt;-vo.- t- aaaaoa. Daaa la wnUcc to a la tali dtr aouaa thai i.- ha, a good battiBC ) aad a aooa aa warrn arauef caatea l. will b - la Ma fom. Death Among Nffreei. Within the taat ft- dara an un- naoal namber of deatba have ocrur- re) among negro n.en in this c't Taoae wao aave passed to the great beyond being Fran Lee better known as "Wg Tree.- ' B. Martin. Albert Bll, James naveaport and WlUlam Alazaader. Davenport, wbo died of consumption, drove trie wagon for Pennington Grocery Co. for v- eral years. In adit, on among grown rr. i. .Hhrrr,an Marin ' the f!-J he r'llld .h I, CU aH t,iriid tula her., ttiat .','-1odbs t, GRIFFITH TOMORROW NIGHT i Prof crimth : . ., . jnlKhtii' eugagemen' ,r. '!, tomorrow night. . To:, o- h- will make hi. -I front of the post otflf !' fith carries cb:8tra. bia o ti !,ati I Necrologies! Record. It M. Rotf aged alio it r. j , , died at his former hon.e i-i t' Mlllan section yesterday tf and was burled Ihlx afM rnoon l. McMillan lodge of Odd Fe, hwlch order tho deceas'-d was a :i ber. Mr. Hoy I MirvHi-'i . family. r.f W. It. HeiiMUl, u?-il I'Vm' J " )i i dlej last night at Oveiliroo. in t . -county. Tho doceaned had b'cn 1 but a short time, and v,,i- a r of the Moslem owdoVW fon-I q, ' of the Modern Woodnv i, of . i i which order M1 conduct i services from the home of t.i fa tr In the soiitlu rn section ( tomorrow afternoon at 3 o' i k GRIFFITH TOMORROW NIGHT Prof ;nmt', win o-,i r,- nlhtH' etiM-n-'et! r-nt a' "h- i tomorrow nlKlit Tomoiiow ,ir t, he will make his wild d': - f" ' fnmt of the ost office. Prof Grlf lith carries chestra. Ms own lian 1 .itid " "In the pint." said tin- t:ix n ' "KOVeriillieiitH v ere Miner Id' taxii that could not lie f or'i T There uiih. fur nstini,-e tl.e birth lux of the kimi-iimci, :, ii ', A laUirer paid ' nlilllliiffH - ' r"i t-i n duke paid L'M. You co'ie.ii t K ' roil ml It. "ltiiriiil were taxed. '-'-ordli the Million of the dead, fr-.u, :i s' . lo f'AV That. too. eould not lie d 1 1' I "Marriage v.ero taxiil A ili i t mnrry paid f.'iii: a cumei n person like yourself, paid half a i-riun "In those iIiijh you puil a t.ix on every t-civMiit, mi every ilg on er hore, on jour ciirrliiKe. your le hMi your window h, wHtcliex I'k-i.m. u .gi hair imwder, plate, riblions, li-i coil, i;aii.e and caudii-s" run luna'i ICnqllller. A Madman's Strangi Delitf. An unfortunate maniac wan -on'1n'd In one of tlie Si ottlMti lunatic iih-, m IiIh particular lutlriirty Iii-Iiik an u KlmUiible liellef that every dnj w i I'hrlstmaN day and that ho ua d-n Ink' HUiiiptiiiuiNly on turkey or ro:i,t Ix-i'f and a khmI nlli-e of c urn iil dine UN real diet, however, was of the ilalnet. hu Ih'Iiiu' nerved tui . dally with a dlxh of oatmeal porridge After dally detu-rlliluK to his iiUi-n i.r.iu the plt'iiMiires lie had tasted tn his i-r of turkey or what not ho as reu nf ndiled. "Vet, Miini'liou' or other, cvu.v tlilin; Unit I eat tastes of porrl ' This story It was which irave rise to the Miylng, "As palatalilo as thu mad nian'H porrldKe." Some Famoui Salt Laket. The Dead mmi Is forty miles Ioiik nil) nine miles wldis. The Great Salt lake Ik ho en ly mlli'H Ioiik and eighty nnici wide, the largest lioily of hrliui lu the world. There Is evidence to show that once the Great Salt hike was nt least !IM miles In lenuth nnd l.M) lu width nine Hull's Its present area. The Dead pea contains noout '.'I per cent of mil Ids, imi'-tlitrd of which Is pure salt, while of the 'Si per cent of solid mat ter In the waters of Great Silt lake uearly nil Is salt. MONEY 70 LOAN We want $200,000 worth of farm loans and can pay out the money the day papers are signed. If you want a loan come to see us. You get your money quicker, cheaper and on better terms. You get what you borrow when you want it. tSVVc ARE AGAIN MAKING LOAMS ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY WITHOUT DELAY BURWELL & DEXTER BANKERS NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA :: FROM THE EXCHANGES. :: i.ov : groi .crenesn " . wood met Tuesday evening axd or' gaaited a driving and riding aaaocla tlon. The plans are to secure a plot i uf .r .nit f.r a drirlag nd ; Clve matinees during the season. A ' womnr.'a I-; -ui. and rt'.,-w tlon. Plana are under way .or a rnre "ihow wher- I'T'.Z' w!!'. t " for r.- -t s J L. IL.'. s Cel. RIGGINS, SUGGS, ADAMS REALTY 00. Farms and City Property 1 1 OFFICE IN POTTERF BUILDING. 1 Sulphur, Okla. Directory 1 A List of the Leading, Hotels, Boarding Houses, Livery and Transfer Stables, Etc. Read These Carefully. Rati - 11 per dv 1) pi r wwk The Covington Hotel G, P. BIVIH. Prop. I ix :il' Plmnc LTD. FRANKLIN HOUSE Mrs. C. W. Young. Prop. Ktltt it 00 Ptr On. SS 0i Per Wttk 10 Uoonl, rKfjflinj fifil-CIJII Rati e H Wpcr day PALACE HOTEL Mil Rtbblt I Dtughtllf, Plop. Sulphur. Okla. R u i 1 d McAdaiiis Hond From Ard moro to Sulphur. E L Ks. Ti?e ;r1s;dD --.a.Dff s-" ar; -tr-a4 j -t. Gayer; director". E L. Keys. R. W. Jennlnfs, H. C. Bailey, , O. T. Williams, J. T. Wheeler; com-1 i mittee v secure track, S. L. Keys, ! K. W. Jennings aad H. C. Bailey. The admiaelon tee been fixed at fir dollars aad th treasurer"! bonds at 1600. New Bra. Much land In Mirray county i 1 i -Hv alar"'! fru'. R-oii,g i ; - . ft-- I' ' or m I .f y hJs i -- . : R W J Jchr. R. Arthur AdiiTiS Plenty of money to loan on city and country property. SUMMIT HOTEL MAMOh Ut, Plop, Near Depots Ht'tween Sulphur And liromlilu springs. SUIFHUR, . . OKLAHOMA ItmesH PerlMiy fl Per Wick Cliff Cottage Hotel M. C. CLICK, Prop. SULPHUR, 0KIA, Rates f.'.OO and up THE ARTESIAN BiflmO Wtbilti, 0nm h ilplmr. Okla, McKEMIE HOTEL I. P. McKemfr, Prop. Vlnlta Ave and let Strict West Kvcrytlihu? HrM-Hass HnUn on Apptleatiou r! -.- N8. 'ao'.e h re I a- Tie general condition of farming operations especially m to prospects for cora aad cotton, oau and all Made of small prain and hay, wet sever better at this time of the year la the WapannckA section of the tat. A hamper crop of everything la ta prospect ln!e land of plenty. Wapaaucka Press. KnlgWs Templar. Ai: Kigr-.'s 1-. .;!ar arc r'qaost t-d to a"- -A 8' ?.-i !. tonight r hdeh v,.'A (: 1 .r : 7 "!'! a H pTnnn r r 'liiMViTiHllTaafl H Adams FRAME & PARKER Prescription Druggists SoJt fount Jin In Connccficit. PH0HI 121 SUIPHUR, OKU THE PARK HOTEL Nw Minigtmtat fills 5ciion Cil lo Puk tnil Serin, Cutune lUti in C4ly. Rates Attractive, Phone No, &0 Sulphur Livery Co. W. 1, WILLIAMS, Mgr. For (iood RIl's Hugh Brewster soils Tho Daily Ardmor tlte in Sulphur. ! i SSB PHONE 726. I