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THF OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPEk IN EASTERN DISTRICT MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS-ALL THE LOCAL NEWS FIRST. We t lit it to j'y II' uies. Ve ' unrgiitit' Pronnit S rvjcf Ardmorc Steam Laundry TELKrllONi: NO. 10 Cream bakery Bread Try thr Vpw Wrofos n-nin Loaf JOHN IS. IMRIE Phone L'SH VOLUME XIV ARDMORK OKLAHOMA, TH riSI)A KVKNhNCS APRILS) WS MWIRKR 288 JAPT LONDON PRINTERS COKING HEAVY FBOST HURTS FROST DIES FROM OPERATION RESENT AN OVERCHARGE PUSH HDGMOIDACV ILAOAMA HAS SHIP SINKS WILL CONFER WITH INTERNA TIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION OF AMERICA. l L. H. BICKFORD, ASSOCIATE EDI NAME OF NEW YORK GOVERNOR WILL NOT UE WITHDRAWN I UNTIL CHOICE IS MADE. I CGMTIQN TOR OF INTER-OCEAN, PASSES AWAY. mmmtilt, Wmm J, RAINING DISASTER DUE TO EXPLOSION OF A PROJECTILE. MANY OF THE CREW LOST Only Fifty-eight Saved of the Comple ment of Three Hundred Sons of Japanese Officials Included Among Missing Ones. Toklo, Japan, April 30. The train ing cruiser Matsushlma was sunk off Pescadorres Island this morning by the explosion of a projectile. The cruisers Itsukshlma and Hash Idato rescued thirty of the crew, but It is feared that over two hundred, In cluding the captain of the Matsushl ma, are tost. The Matsushlma Immediately sank until only the bridge of the vessel was visible. Efforts at rescue by boats from the cruisers Hashldate and It sukshlma were continued until 9 o'clock this morning, saving the lives of 141 men, Including some of the officers. The majority of the officers, however, were not saved, and at the time of the admiral's report the ca dets saved numbered 58 of the .com plement of three hundred. The sons of Baron Chinda, vice min ister of the foreign office, and of Prince Oyama, field marshal, are among the cadets who It Is feared are lost, also the captains, nam-d Yoshc moi and Yashlro. The cause of the explosion is not known. Was Ito's Flagship. Washington, 1). C, April 30. The Matsushlma was of 5,000 tons dls liliicciiiciit. The Kcull.irty of the Mntstishlma wan her armament, which constated of om 12-Inch hum mount ed on th poop deck addition. She curried twelve -Much gum and a battery of smaller calibre. Tho vessel was luillt In France In 1890. The principal history of the vessel Is that It was tho flagship of Admiral Ito In the Yalu Ulver battle, and nlso In a battle at sea during the Chinese war. A dispatch to tile Chinese em bassy from Toklo says tho saved Include three olllcers. twenty-four ca dets, seven nou-commtssloned olllcers and HI of the crew. MAN SHOT BY HEFLIN IS BETTER New York Turfman Wouned by Ac cident to Leave Hospital, Washington, April 21). Thomas Mc Oreary, the Now York turfman, who was recontly accidentally shot by Rep resentative Thomas Hellln of Ala bama, lwn so fi- rcc.viTed that be will I ao th'- i.ospltal r.e ,t Prl.l.iv. A conference was he' J today 'utween Mr. llellln, .Mr. McCreary and tho hit i.. i.ini. tm II. till, t-sil. y offered o"'n;,;;r Mo - i n.iii r..R n.i i.... , .... - meiit, It was announced tonight. t satisfactory to all par'les. NOTICE! On and after the first day of May all orders will be sent out C. O. D. and tickets will positively not be made out to anyone. We will continue to sell the finest dressed poultry and fresh and cured meats. Cold Storage Market Jesse James, Manager London, April 30. (Special) At a meeting todny of the executive com mittee of tho lyomlou Society of Com positors, which has a membership ot oer 12.000 It was decided to send a delegation of English printers to con fer with tho International Typograph ical Union of Amorlcii at tho conven tion of the latter In lioston next Aug ust. The society will Invito tho Ixird Mayor of Dublin, who was formerly a union printer and who still rotalns his card, to head the IJritihh delegation to America. Fire at Berwyn. Herwyn, Okla.. April U!t. Ab Wright of this place lost his dwell ing house by fire early this morn ing. It caught In the cook room and was In a great blaze when first dis covered. Uelng well afire and n north wind made It bum very quickly. He lost everything. Including $20 money that he had In his hoes 01 it PASS BILLS UP TO SENATE SEVERAL MEASURES NOW HANDS OF UPPER HOUSE. IN THREE NEW STATE NORMALS Bill for School of Mines and Mining and State Printery at Enid" Also Passed by Lower House. Strict Rules Defeated. Cltithrle. Okla., Apt 11 I!0. (Special) The house today passed the fol lowing bills finally up to the sen ate 'JU' nrovidiug tor a state school of ami mining. 'Hill ptovldlng for three state nor mals In former Indian Territory. Hill to establish u state printery at Knld. The senate amendment to the Whit ton anti-pass bill was accepted. Tho resolution laying down Iron bound rules, forbidding members lo even leave the room during session hours, was defeated by iii over whelming majority HADLEY WILL ACCEPT MISSOURI ATTORNEY GENERAL OPEN FOR REPUBLICAN GUB ERNATORIAL TOGA. fit v. Mil. Anrll :ill. Hit bert S. liadley. attorney general of MibHouri, today author. zeil tho publi- stntlMti rf n Inttur ivhlnh tin nmllnil Ifittt ', night to Walter' S. Dickey, chairman ' tP Mm ntiMiliUt in Ktntn runt ml Piiin ..." . . . ept the republican nomination tor gownicr. If li s bealtl) will permit MUCH DAMAGE REPORTED OVER CENTRAL WEST LAST NIGHT LIGHT FROST IN AROMORE But Fruit and Gardens of This Sec tion Will Not Suffer Heaviest Snow In Years Reported This Morning From Kentucky. A light frost fell over thin fee tlou of the new statu last night, but whi so light that no damage to the trull crop or gardens will tesult thereform. , Heavy Frost In Iowa, lies Mollies Iowa .April :!0. A killing frost was general over Iowa last night. Wisconsin Fruit Damaged. laCrose, Wis., April SO. Frosts throughout Wiscous.n and southern Minnesota last night caused much damage to 1 1 tilts and green products. Misbourt Fruit Crop Suffers. St. Joseph, -Mo., April 30. A heavy frost last night did much damage to the fruit crop of southwestern Missouri and the northeastern por tion of Knnsas. Vegetables also silt fered from the frost. , Heaviest Snow In Years. Lexington, K April HO. Two Inches of snow Is -eported through out Kentucky today. In some places the snow Is rejMirted the heaviest for several years. DEATH WATCH FOR FORD. Oklahoma Wife Slayer Will Hang at Lnwton June 12. Lawton Okla.. April 20. Frank Ford, the wife murderer who was convicted by a Jury last week at Frederick and sentence of death passed upon him was today noti fied by Judge J. T. Johnson of Law ton In open court that he would be hanged on Friday, June 12. Adeath watch has been ordered i while he Is confined In tho Frederick Jail chained to the floor. Ford Is III with fever, and this has caused delay In date setting. AGAINST DISPENSARY SYSTEM, Alfalfa County Medical Association Adopts Resolution at Cherokee, Cherokee. Okla., April 20. The Al falfa County Mudlcal association yes terday adopted tho following resold tlous condemning tho statu dispensary system: Whereas, We feci that ethicj of tho medical profession and the t-tatus of Its memburs will bo Jeopard Ired by the operation of tho statu d,B- . ""'T0'. h,c hai en I established; thoroforo, bo It "Resolved, That we, tho mom&o;vi ' " Mod leal so.ety, ,,. to lt.n.l no tuiimort toward tb.i .. . ... dispensary by refusing to wrlfj vro si rlptlons uiKJii same In i w Imtsoever." any cases For Electric Railway. I'auls Valley, Okla.. April 20. Scott ' Jones and a civil engineer aro hero looking aftur tho Interest of an dec trie railway which they aro promol , Ing between this placo and Anadarko i by way of Chlckasha and Lindsay. Mr, Jones wants tho towns along tho way to advance $1,000 to pay for tho pre liminary Biirvey. Chlckasha is ox I .lccted to give $2,000. I'auls Valley $1,000 and tho remainder to bo made up by thu other towns along tho way. Poisoned by Canned Corn, Fort Iteno, Okla.. April 20. Mr Hoy Stannard 1b critically 111 as a re sult of ptomaine poisoning, which lot lowed her eating canned corn for dln nor yesterday. Her husband aid chll ili'.'ti who did not eat of the corn escaped uninjured. For tho expert, for tho amateur, we have all kinds of fishing tackle, UIVBNS, CORIIN & FRENSLET. Chicago, 111., April 30.-1. 11 Hick- ford, associate editor of the Chicago liter-Ocean, tiled hero today following an operation for appendicitis. lllckford was 37 years of Hge. He as at one time managing editor of the lener Times. Old Negro Woman, llroketi A tow, Okla.. April 29. Nel lie Princess, living at Hed illrd, Is b Moved to be the oldest negro woman In the eastern part of the state. Shu does not know her age, hut as tho emembers Chief Mcintosh and An- lrew Jnckiwin when she was a girl Shi left riorlda when the Creek In- Huns weie taken to Alabama, where they lived until 1832, tlun coming to bis country. She was a slave in the south for many years. She thinks she Is over a hundred years old. Tho Cold Storago Market will re quire cash after May 1 2Ctf OFFICERS ARE BAFFLED CONVICTS WHO ESCAPED FROM GRAYSON COUNTY JAIL HEY LEAVE NO CLEW Three Suspicious Characters Seen Near Denton Officers on Alert and Believe Men Will Try to Reach Western Oklahoma. Shermnn, Tex,, April 20. After an ill night search for thu prisoners, !Cd Cash, Harry Falrless and IlDb Tram mel!, who earl yesterday in i.-nliig scaped from tho Grayson county Ja'.l, tho members ot tno sheriff's depart ment retried to tho olllco at various times this morning that not tho slight est clew had been discover! 1 that would even lead to the dlrcctlo.i wlilcn tho prisoners took In taking their de parture from Sherman, unless the tracks near the Texas & I'.icllis rail road on Kim street InJIc.Vcd that they left the Jail In a northwomrly direction. At this placo the track.! W'tro lost, -and all clowa reported when run down proved to bo no clenvs at all. The horse belonging to-H. II. Shlv- el, who resides on West Houston street near tho county Jail, which was reported missing yesterday, and which It was Intimated might have been tak en by ono of tho fugitives, was foun i in a back alloy near thu homo ot its master last evening, and showed no signs of having been ridden, but was (liiletly eating grass. A message from W. S. Fry, sheriff of Denton oouuty, to Shurlff Sau Hl:h here thU afternoon, said tint thn-e men thought to be those who broke Jail yesterday got off a freight train at Kim, nine miles from Denton, to day and were soen to go Into some tall grass and lay down. Sheriff inch Instructed Shorlft Fry to get a ihisso and go to tho placa nt oneo. which ho acrced to do. It was utfitml flint ttm TTl.ti, ttrt i-itmt ttwt trfllu at Colllnsvllle, on tho Joint Katy and Texas & l'nclflc track this morning at daylight. Trainmen told Sheriff Fry' that tho men Bulled tho doscrlpllon ot tho Grayson county prisoners. Shcr- iff nich has offered a roward of $150 for the capture of tho threo men. or $50 for any one of thotn. Immediately upon receipt of Sher iff Fry's message, Shorlft Hlch sent a deputy to Kim and ono to Gainesville, and went to Wichita Falls himself, as It Is thought tho men are trying to get Into Greer county, Oklahoma. Fair less and Cnsh nro both vull acquaint ed In that section and have a number of relatlvos there. Fleet Sails for Mon'erey Santa lhirbara, April 30. Tho At lantic battleship lleet sailed this morn ing for Monterey, whero anclw will bo dropjied tomorrow TO AND SMASH A RESTAURANT Culmination of Many Small Difficul ties During the Stay of Fleet at Santa Barbara Boys Are Dispersed by Patrol. Santa llarlmru. Cal April 20 An outbreak occurred in the street last nlglit In which several hundred mill ers threw stones and clubs and pir tidily wrecked a snuill resliienuit at 121 State street, owned by John Se nlcli. It was a culmination of uu uieroui small dHlleulties. whtch have occurred during the week the fleet has been here between sailors and local tradesmen. The bad feeling has been due principally to an .:l!erf ! ostein of cerchurge In paynien h . i ini-aln and other purchases ulHi w hull the sailors lmo recti eon fronted. Last night the sailors claim Seuich, attempted to charge two of th men $ nplcco for a meal, which 'hey deemed exorbitant. They demu'red to tho payment, but the shore pa trol compelled a settlement o' the bill because the men had n in quired the price before ordering. I.1. ter they reported the Incident t shore liberty parties, and finally large crowds congregated In front of the place and commenced to throw stones and other missiles. Windows and glass fixtures were smashed, while the proprietor and employes fled. Tho shore patrol rushed to the scene and soon dispersed the crowd. The sailors have been dissatisfied with the lack of entertainment here. More than 11.000 of them have come ashore each day, but after spending a few hours la tho town have eith er taken the train to Los Angeles or returned to their ships. Alleged over charging has been numerous, and considerable Ill-feeling hag been en gendered. TO AID STORM VICTIMS JOINT RESOLUTION FOR RELIEF OF SUFFERERS IN SOUTHERN STATES GIVE $250,000. Washington, April 20. A Joint res olution providing for the relief of the sufferers from tho recent cy clone In Alabama, Georgia, Miss issippi and Louisiana was Introduced In the house today by Mr. Dowers of Mississippi. It authorizes thu sec retary of war lo procure In the open market or olfewheie subsist ence ami quartermaster's supplies, provisions and medicines, and in ad dltlon to such supplies beloimluK to tho military establishment and Issue them to such persons as have bueu "-U're.l homeless or In needy cir cumstances as the result of that cy clone. The amount appropriated by the resolution is $250,001). SPECIAL TERM FOR ADA. Chief Justice Announces court in I Pontotoc County. . Guthrie, Okla., April 29. Chief Jus 'tlce It. L. Williams today announcml a weeks" special term of court for Ada, In Pontotoc county, beginning May 1. Threo murder cases are sched tiled for trial nnd judge M. K. Kosk er of I'oteau will preside. A special term Is set for Guthrlo with Judgo A. H. Huston presiding, from May IS to August 31. John IK-ero cultivators and John Deoro "Go Devils," at Hlvens, Corhu & Frcnsley's. W I 11 AN Tho pltico to not what you want in good photographs. AMERICAN SAILORS DEMUR PAYMENT ASKED. New York, April 30. Tim tiamo ot (ioermr Charlcrf K. Hug bos will not be withdrawn from the resldw.uial canvas until Uio national convention at Chicago has made Its choice of a candidate. This statement wns mndu today b General Stewart L. Woodford, presi dent of th Hughes l.eiiguo of tho l ulled States, who presided at the conference of the delegates elected to lb' notional convention from New York held here today slid which was called In thu llileresl of Hughes' can-dldniy. Royal Arch M.evnj. At a meeting of Anlinore chapter No. II Itoyal Arch Masons held last night John S Cade) will given the mark and the past masters degree. I'he local chapter Is said to be one if the mot piogieslc In the late and the memlieishlp Is reaslng at every meeting In- ORTUGESE CHEER KING MANUEL RECEIVED WITH MARKS OF AFFECTION. KING FORMALLY OPENS COURT Royal Mourning for Late King Car los and His Son Suspended King Reads Address ?ntl Dedicates His Life to His Country. Lisbon. April 20. The Portuguese urtes leassembled today, the elghty- secouil anniversary of the oitnbllsh- ueut of iu Indepen le'it goveruii lit n I'oitugal. Tho royal niiiirniiif. for the late King Carlos and hi i sou was suspended for the occasion. The utlro garrison ot Lisbon was turned out at daylight anil formed alon : he route fiom the Necessldades pal ace to tho parliament building. King Manuel proceeded to the cor- tes, accompanied by many dignitaries of state and escorted by a strong guard of troopers. The floor of the chamber was filled with deputies and peers, whllo the galleries were crowded with a brilliant audience. Ills majesty mounted the trlhuno that had been specially erected fur his use. Ills uddruss, which ho lead In strong and full tones, not unlike those ot his father, was a pathetic and at thu sumo time a vIkuious dlscouise calculated to win the uym pnthlos of tho people, oil touched iiik)ii tho trady ot FeJ). 1, when his father and brother weie shot down as ' the cruel uisappearanco oi my father mid brotlmr." He f illed upon the country to concentrate all Its oiieriiles lu u Huprwua effort to attain a reslUu tion of th4 destinies of Portugal. T hoi lo work with you,' tho klliK said, "In order to bring alwuil tho happiness of our great country; to these I henceforth dedicate my life anil activities.' CoutlnuliiK King Manuel recom mended a revision ot the coustltu lUn, tho rtt-ebtMbllshiueutot tho lu dividual rights, a new electoral law fixing rlxhts of suffrage, a revision of thu decrees promulgated by ex Premier Franco nnd moru rigid and careful methods of finance whereby tho country could bo placed on more economical basis. At the conclusion of tho king's speech the members f the cartes broke out Into cries of "Long live the king." which were taken up am: reechoed by tho others present as King Manuel and the state dlgul tarles took their departure for thu p.ilace. While Journeying to and from the building of parliament. King Manuel was respectfully greeted by the people. Tho spot cash system strictly after May 1. at tho Cold Storage. 2GU Or FREE LANCE POLITICIANS. LABOR AND REFORM BODIES HE INDEPENDENCE PARTY This Party Is Affiliated With Hearst's Independence League and Will Act With That Body In National Elections. lllrmlnKliam. Ala., April 30 Hpe lull Free lance politicians of Ala bama and representatives ot various labor and reform bodies met here to day In what Is called a state conven on of the Independence Party of Ala num. The convention wlll tiaran an ticket, select delegates to a national convention and perfect a per manent organization. The party Is tllllated with William lUuidol.Vi Hearst's Independence league and III nit with that body In national elections. ItH objects and purposes ro set forth In Uio following Inn- gunge: Wo believe that the tlmo has come for luduH)iidont political action, anil that a great national party Is Imper atively demanded, that will unite lu die solid phalanx tho fanner, the wnge-tamor and the non-privncg'i seeking business man. These threo letnents represent worth producers of this country nnd are Its backbone ml sinew, but, remnrkabla im It may seem, they have no volco In making laws. ViHoth old parties are controlled by he mime -,Kwor, and no genuine re form can como through either Wit ness tho rutllo efforts of President Roosevelt In thu republican party, the failure to effect reform under Grover Cleveland, when tho democratic party was lu iiower, and tho failure of Mr tryan to prevent the nomination t f Judge Parker three years ago, and sub sequently his weak surrender to the isilltlclans on tho question of govern ment ownership of railroads. Genuine reformers aro helpess so long as they remain In tho ranks ot tther of tho old partlos, and It lui been the jKilIcy of predatory wealth and Its political henchmen to keep tho -iieoplo divided into two parties, both being under the same control. And so long as this can bo dona all tills huo nnd cry against trusts and monopolies and special jirlvllegos Is but as bounding brass nnd tinkling cymbal unless accompanied by inde pendent political action. "The farmers, wago-enrnors nml non-prMlcgo seeking business me'i have heretofore been divided between tho two parties of plutocracy, and It Is tho purposo ot tho Independent par ty to unite these throo elements and gain control of our government, whlcii Iihm long been In tho hands of tho rep resentatives of predatory wealth. In no other way onn we have the govern ment of tho peoplo, by tho peoplo an l for tho people." Jim Crow Prison Dill. Guthrie, Okla.. April 30. Tho tat penitentiary bill contains a Jim crow- iseutfon governing tho feeding and tho housing of colored prisoners, It also carries tho Toxa3 provision re quiring perhons who assist convicts In ecapliig to werva out tho unexpired terms of tho escapod convicts. It It Is legally shown that a convict Is In nocent of the crime for which bo ! held, ho shall bo pardoned and pnlcl by the state $2 per day for tho Um ho has served. Upon being discharg ed from tho prison, tho convict Is to bo given n suit of clothed, $10 In money and a railroad ticket to tho placo of conviction nt tho state's ex Iiense. It Is provided that wardens shall also furnish convicts with Itlbles. nr 1 1 I SI I IYM WILIlIi Vlllir WI Iri 41IILL you'll ho glad you guvo It to us. Excelsior Steam Laundry inon((