Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Thursday, April 30, 19C6. .11 MUMOHMTk. PAGE THREE 1 MOVED I have moved my stock of now anil second hand fur niture from 803 Hast Main .street to the V. ('. Kendall old stand ut 21 1 West Main street, where I wi.l bo bet ter prepared than ever to givo you what you want in new and second hand furniture. See me. L. D. MASON The Furniture Man J. A BIVEN8, President DON LACY, Vice President A. H. PALMER, Caihler. FREB C. CARR, Ant. Cashier. THE CITY NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE, OK LA. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus Fund 75,000.00 Account of firms and Individuals solicited!! Courteous treat ment accorded to all alike. ASMORE TRANSFER COMPANY Tom Carter, Proprietor. Phone y. Moot All Trains Day or Night Time. Polite Attention Your Patronage Solicited 200,000 FEET Have You Received Your Chance on That Free Gas ? When vc do your gas fitting, sell you ranges or fix tures, be sure you get your tickets on that 200,000 feet of free gas. A visit to our store is an education in the gas appli ance business in itself, and all callers will receive the most courteous treatment that can be accorded. Ardmore Supply Co. THAT 13RIGIIT SPOT The Ardmore MfiH Hinds lias charge of training school for 7ZS nurses. Receive!; both tnodical and surgical pa- 3J ticn's. Thoroughly modern in every particular. Special operating room. Good service, terms PWW reasonable. The medical profession solicited. 553 I DliS. IIAUDY, VON KELLKli & HSNRY.' &J Ardmore, Okla. 7jgi l. P. ANDERSON, President D. P. FRENSLEY, Vice President 0. Ii. ANDKItSON, Cashier FI) S N"I)MN'. Assistant Canhler FIRST NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE, OKLA, Capital Paid In 60,000.00 Surplus Funds 165,000.00 Total $225,000.00 Tho oldest bank In Indian Territory. Accounts ot firms and Individuals solicited upon tho most liberal terms consistent with good banking. Our Show Room Presents a very pleasmg appearance with its stock of brand now plumbing Uathroom sots and' mirrors hero in profusion and every lnly is especially invited to call to see our lino of bathroom lixtnres. We are equip ped to do y.ur plumbing right and on short notice. Phono us and wo Will i e g ml to submit you an estimate Phone No. 0. SPREKELMEYER COMPANY TINNERS. PLUMBERS AND OAS FITTIRS. OF GAS FREE Sanitarium GLASGOW'S GOVERNMENTS THE SCOTCH CITY THE OF ITS CITIZENS PRIDE I Everybody Talks Glasgow (or Every Man Woman and Child Has an Interest In the City and its Government. The glory of Olaxgow's iu riiiien' la not an American myth. It I a con crete reality, even to to the ha'penny man on the train. "We have the best city In the kingdom, probably the bent in the world, lr." a casual neighbor on top of one of Olusgow's train cars sum to me. That sounded like Pittsburg, like lii. .. . .- , - .Chicago, or like the boaslfiilness of I I ,, . , ,, ... . ! (he Vmerlc.ui l-'nr West wasn't the slime thins;. Hill It 'You seem to be proud of your c,n;' 1 Invitingly, i "Of course I am.' my friend re- j sponded. "Olnsgow sell me gun at two shillings a thousand. It give me telephone service at little more than half what It used to cost fiom a private company. It sells me wa- 1 tor and electricity and docs a lot , of oilier things. As fur the (ilasgow trains, they beat tho woild." I ' And tho tax ratu?" 1 inquired. i Is quite low," was tho reply. ' passed a bowling green Minnoth as a billiard table. "The city has jum opened those greens,' mild ni ...Mum,,,., and pointing ,0 a gr, of working men, he adiled: "Anv .1 I.I . .1. 1... one 111 unite men cuiim leu vuu nil' iblnnv I am tclllnir vnu: ihev know 1 ,, ' , .'.i.l i have a fair Idea ot what the system earns, and wbal it font to carry them. They'll tell you whether the profits should be used to reduce fares or to pay off the tramway debt They regard the trams, the gas. the water, the electricity as their busi ness. .V councilman hn got to at tend to the business of these men. If he doesn't they "heckle" the life out of him." Thar what ii.e iu.ui on the street 1 says about his (llasgow. Thats what the ,,nr ui.fnr. n.mte. lii-lnc n n -1 room leneiiieul, says. That's what Hie merchant, the nmnufiiciurer. the big business man says. The talk (ilasgowall the time. Kdlnhnrgh say, i this is vulgar. 1-Mlnbiirgli says It Is undignified. At all events It's tin-lil,i-.weglan way. Km-ii at the club 1 found It. 1 w.i introduced to a knot of sandv liairi-d business men. -They were deep III talk. I heard the phrases business men conjure with In Ameri ca I heard of ti'iimwnys, of gas. of electricity, and of telephones. Anil ( especially f some lug corporation In I which they all seemed to be Inteies. ed One of the men was a sh'p own er, another wu a large merciiaui. an other an editor all were men of , eminence. I The talk turned to parks to horn. lug schemes, to symphony concerts, to a Whistler portrait In a local art gallery. Tho corK)ratlon so ali-.ii! nig to the mall turned out to '- ill' roi'pnnitlon of (llasgow. the b.-ges 1 corporation In Scotland. The nun ways, the gas, the eluetrlci'v n.e l K5 uipiiiiiiy cuuceris, uie wniHi.i-r pur chase all were nirts of this OI is w These men were discussing e imn u Ic.s, not pHrtles; policies, not m!i i s .mil they did It as if It wnv h en own liiislneds. i I went out to the !vca ' db'ioml woiks at D.ilmiilr. An old e,ii.lo I lock me In tow. lie x;iIhI.ico how 'the newiige was collected; how it was Isepaiated by chemical ti vatim-ni . how the water was juirlfleil before being poured Into the river Clyde. 1 It was so pure, he said, that it was i fit to drink, lie offerwl me a kli3.,- ml. but 1 told him I wasn ' feeling Ihlrvly Just ut tllHt lliomeir. So he it himself. He told mo how much the city received from the sale of the sludge ii fertilizer, lie explained the pro 'v. as a gardener inlglit describe Hi' i ulilvatloii of sonic rare flower he had given his life to producing. 'I In- mnii had been In the city out pb a long time. There was little dignity, and less pay, about his position. Hut he was a citizen of no mean city, and he was proud of his job. Ho wus loath to lei me lene hint and his cesspool. It was all so imiKirtaut to Iilm he felt it iinihi be equally Important to the rest of the world. Knthusinsm and Interest, devotion and pride -these are the character lanes or Olasgow citlzrnshlp I have talkul with the heads of thn city department)), with a score of town councilors, with police and flro of- JO J of the Miticriiig aii.l l.un cr in store, oi nil pici-.mi .imiciji.itunis ot the coming event, and casts over her o sliaiknv til .kiii wiiu 'i i annul in- shaken otT. ThotisntwU of women have loiiini the um of Mother's l-rlciul during pregnancy robs cuiifuiciiieiil of nil pain .uut danger, nud insures safety to lit c of mother and child. This kviciitiiik liniment i a god-send to all women nt tho time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend carry women safety through tho perils of child-birth, but its us gently prepares thu ity-icui lor the coming event, ptevents "morning licknet-s," s.iid other dis- comforts of this period. FlfiSTH E JWT 9 b Sold by all drills., at MwioJ M f? 3" fl li.oo per bottle. Hook mmmm m containing valuable Information free. Fmf aJTM t s The UrdfiN Bequlfltorfo.. Atlantn.Ca. af iPmmELMWmJt flcials, with clt-rkM, bathhouse ciih todluns and conductors on the tram cars with all wirts of men. Tories and Liberals. Itadlrnlx and Social ism, with the Provost down to the can driver. And thin Is the iin i in i-niAf iimiiM i lint , tlirlilllll , found. ..r ..i.i....,..i.i.. t i.... i I Ketiiontber. we. will awnv us 0iivoiilrs thtee hundred and flftv half pound package r lluylcr's c.(y .lM , a t).y , cneh lat,y ,.,18lom0T ,M,miK ir. r,,IltH r ,,. t our fl(Ulltl1 Saturday. May 2nd. bctierit Mothers' (iuu ( t)u, .'rt Ward 2,;.6 WALL'S Dim! STOIli:. -.VKUY IIKST" IN KVKUYTIIINu ... Rheumatic Pains Relieved. Mr. Thomas Stonton, postmaster of Pontypool, O11L, writes: 'Tor thn past olght years I suffered from rheumatic pains, and tlurlrg that time I used many different liniments nnd remedies for the cure of rheumatism. . " relief from It than anything I tiavo ....... ....... I I -l. I . tin iint-u. iiiiu i;iieunuii rcuuiiiiuuiiii "'I llnitnont to nil sufferers from rheumatic pains." For salo by F. J Ilanisey and Hoffpian Drug Co. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. Stato ot Oklahoma, Carter County, In District Court. C. If. Woodward, plaintiff vs. Uornard Moskowitz, defendant. No. 101. Said defendant Bernard Moskowitz. will take notice that no lias been suod In tho abovo named court upon debt as evidenced by three- notes and In- torCBt amounting to four hundred cIcvun dollnr3 and y-flvo cents, I a"l Mr i-dginont foreclosing lien on I It No. 4 IMock No. 321 of tho city of Ardmore, Okla., under mortgago that was given by him to plaintiff to 8CCUro l"1 ot ",d "ot,e3 . ftml jiuijt answer tho petition fllcd there in by said plaintiff on or before tho Sth day or June, A. I)., 1908, or said petition will bo taken as true, and n Judgment far Bald plaintiff in said action for $411.45 and Judgment fore closing lien on lot four of block threo h.imlre,! nn,l of Ardmore. Okla., will bo rendered accordingly. Dated this 7th day or April, 1908. ,I3DI)BTTER & MOOIIE, Attorneys for I'lalntlff. Attest: 0. T. VICrtNON, District Clerk. ry S. M. PARKER, Deputy. FlrHt published, April 7, 1908. Nervom women slionld profit i liy.'Mi'S. Iturlon'.s experleneo with ' Lliii i:. I'lnKliaiii's Coiiiiioiiiul. Jlrs. Helen Marlnn, of 07 I "ear con Mn-ft, Chicago, 111., wiiteH to Mrs. l'mkhitm-. 1 whs all run-down, and on tli vergi of nervous prostration from overwork and worry, and 111 in bed, when I br(,an tukhiK' I.ydia K. rinkhaiu's Vegetable Compound. After I hud taken It a week " I conimeiiced to get better. I contuim-il ! Its use, my nervous tmulile disappeared, and 1 am completely restored to health I I hope l.vdla I-;, I'lnkham's Vegetalilu Compounil will bciiuiit other women i as it bus inc." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years I.ydia K. Pink- j ham's Vi-Ketalile. Coniisinnd, made ' from rootb and heilis, lias Im'cu the i Htandard lemcdy for female ills, I and has isit iely cured tlioii.saiulnof j vomcinli(iliavel)ci-ii troubled with i ilLsplaeiMiK-iits, inllammation, nice ra tion, libtoid tumors, ineKiilarities, (H'lioilio pains, biukaehe, that bear-itiK-down feeling-, llatuleney.indiife.s. tioii,di7iiiess,nriii l viiusiuostiation, Vhy dun't you trv it 'i Mrs, I'liikliiun invites all sick women to write her for nilvlce. Hlie Ims gulileil tlioiisiunls to Ucaltli. Address, Lynu, .Muss. Is an ordeal which all women npproacli with itnlcfcribalilc fenr, foi nothing compares with tlic pain nnd horror of child-birth. The thouuh' for her, robs the expectant motlie. UNIVERSITY NEWS NOTES. Norman. Okla . April 30 I Spe cial) The number of the May conceit will be a popular by Win. II. SherwixHl. pianist. This culiien May 1!. Other evenings begin ulng the monthly concerts nnd a little ilay will be given. The May Festi val has always proved ery successful and iMipular heretofore. Twenty-three schools sent track tenuis to the Inter-sehnlastle Held and tnu k meet, sonietlilng like two hun dred entries. The weather was Ideal and the meet passed )IT without ,i hitch. The university preparatory school ut Tonka wa won tho cup. I'Vlday, May 1st, Knioilu college nnd tho university havu a dual track and Held meet on Ilojd Held at Nor man. I'rofessor V. I,, l'nrrlngtou has com piled a nyort on college architecture ii- a result of several jenrs study of 11" subject which he will lay before the board of regents for their consid eration. Tulsa and Ilobart canio the longest distance to tho high school Held and track meet. The .lapauetiu Ivy which ivfts trans ferred from the first university build ing, has survived two tires and Is clamlxiring this spring over thu ruins of Main hall. The tlrst faculty In 1S92 consisted of four members; tho present ono has forty members One Touch of Nature Makes tho Wholo World Kin.' When a rooster finds a big fat worm ho calls nil tho hens In tho farm yard to como nnd sharo It. A similar trait of human nature. Is to bo ob served when a rnan discovers some thing exceptionally good ho wants his friends and neighbors to Bharo tho benefits of his discovery. This Is tho touch of nature that makes tho wrld kin. This txplalnB why !,eonl Who hnvo been Clirod by Cham I bcrlaln's Cough Remedy wrlto let- ters to tile, manufacturers for publl- cation, thn-t others similarly ailing I may also uso It and obtain relief. Do I hind every ono of these lottors Is n I wann hearted wish of tho writer to bo of uso to someone else. This remedy Ib for salo by F. J. Ramsey nnd Hoffmnn Drug Co. I''at Fryers Hig Mroi ers fiiuntr Butter Fn sh Mgs,'s Co nil v Produce Me (low Gold Creamery Headquarters for hwift's goods I want grocery trade W. M. Riggs West Main Street Phone 12 For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use PeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pilli A Week's Trial For 25c X, C. ".WITT & CO, For Szle by W. , Cfatcaao, UL 8. Frame. I Spring Chickens I SENATOR AGEE MAKES REPORT (THAT THE DILL FOR SENATE i PRINTING PRESENTED DY THE LEADER PRINTING COMPANY Be Not Allowed Decause of Fraudulent Contract Attached Thereto by the Company Claimed No Contr.;t Exists. Outhrle, Okla., April 2!L Charging that the Imdor Printing couiimuy or Its represeutatlvo had fraudulently a tnched to a purMirted contract for thu senate printing h reiiulsltlou bearing the signatures (if Hie iiiembers ot thu ptlutliig committee of the senate, and had used such fraudulent contract for the purpose- of securing tho u.iprowil of bills fur Semite p haling at rates higher than a reasonable charge. Sen Htur A. K. Agee today presented to the senale the lepmt of a special comuilt tee of which he W chairman, lei-oni-tnisnlliig that the Leader company be not allowed the amount approved by Hie state printer. "If we eau find that fraudulent con tract, members of the committee will go before tho prosecuting attorney of this county and ask for a warrant for tho arrest or tho person who Is guilty of attaching It to the requisition hear- , lug tho mime of tho members of a j senato committee," declared Agee. "Thai senate committee signed the icuulsltlou In good faith and under tho belief that the charges to he paid tho Lender would 1)o tlxed by tho state printer, as Is provided by law. It was attached to this purported con tract and after It had been dated back thirty days to a time before the crea tion of the oillce of stato printer. It was shown to the state printing board as evidence that a contract for Dm senate printing existed before the hoard was created." Tho rejKirt or the stato printer show ed that the Leader had overcharge! the stiito over $!i.K)0 III bills amount ing to $10,(1(10 when tho work was llg ured at tin; prices quoted In the al leged contract which the senate cIiiIiim Is fraudulent, having charged the stato fiO cents a thousand ems for pHKir-readlng mid composition on the white spaces between the lines and at the toji and bottom ot each page. The stato printer approved the bill lor $.1,000 but Agee" committee claims I that no contract existed, nnd that 1 een at that llgure tne stato 'would J still be required to pay considerably I more than the wink was really worth. An attempt wax made by Senator J Davis or llristow to criticise Senator t A gee for bringing In this report, on tho ground that It would hurl tho I democratic party. I "When Christ drovo tho money I changers out of tho temple, did ho In- Jure his own causo7 When ho brand- eu as a traitor an nixistlc or Ills uu u choosing, was his causo Injured?" de manded Senator Hatchet t lu uu Im passioned reply to Davis. "I ay that tho only way tor tho democratic jiarty j to havu and keep the conlldenco of the I people or Oklahoma Is to drive out or ' the'r ranks and exposo to tho public gaze men who 'would try to wrongfully Mho money from thu public treasury by dlsliuuest and fraudulent prac tices." On motion of Senator Hatched the wholo printing matter was reftirrod ! 'lack to the same special committee with Ageu us chairman, with Instruc 1 lions to investigate, and liqsirt to the senate what would bo a fair price for I the work dope, without regard to any I purported contract. How Is This. An annuity isillcy with the Prae torlans would xiy you $S0 per mouth for life for tho loss of any two limbs; $00 per month for life or the loss 'of both eyes from an accident. $15 I per month for life for tho loss or any 'one limb, or after reaching the age lot 70 all payments ceami, and uu would m-olvo $00 per month for life j for physical dUabllity, ami at your (loath tho amount of thu annuity would revert to your widow mull death or remarriage. On tho death or remarriage of said binoflclary the C0 per month would rovort pro iwrtlonately to thu minor children , until each of them attain the ago 'of 21. See M. II. Wheeler. Stato I Manager, room C. Slms Pennlngton 1 Hldg. 12-lm DoWitt'a Kidney and Uladdor Pills aro prompt and thorough and will In a short time strengthen weakened kldnoys and alUy troubles urlBlng from Inflammation of th bladder. Sold by W. D. Framo. 50C GIVEN AWAY 10 THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. READ OUR OFFER We nre In receipt of soma ot the very latest maps of tho new state. These maps show the congrns slonal and legislative apportionments shows the number and boundary lluo of each enatorlal district. It Is a. complwo map of enc! or thf 75 counties, townships, post olIlcM!, ex press olllces, etc. Il glrtti the nums or nil riillroaus, eUctrlc roads com pleted, under construction and pro mised. Every man, woman and child In the entire stato will kIii a lot or valuable Information rrom studying this map as It Is tho very latest printed. Now to secure the map send $1.00 for the Dally two months or $1.00 for tne Weekly 12 months and the map will be given to you upon calliig at this oillce. If you want It mailed to you scud 10c extra, and to all public pchools the map will be glvmi uliMdutcly free by handing this coupon properly filled out. cut out and incilod by your teacher or superintendent. If by mall send 10c Mistage stnmpr THE AllDMOREITE PU1ILISIIINO COMPANY. Please send by hearer one latest map of Oklahoma for the me or room No. which we agrco to hang up In said room for '.ho bene fit of same (Signed) Teacher or superintendent For Public School In DU'rlct Fishing tackle at Illvons, Corhn t Frensley s. High -Grade Groceries Van Camp's Soups and Canned Goods, Hoitiz's Pickles and Preserves Plenty of eggs and country hutter. MARTIN THE GROCER Phono HOI A Forceful Reminder Doesn't tho inclement wumher prove the need of huildin"; Cement Sidewalks Then you want firbt class work with a re liable guarantee. See or phono L. R. MARSTON Concrete Conlractor Phono 825 Pest Grade of Work Only Out West There is moro Undisturbed Creations than in all Europo Now is the time lo plan your Summer Trip. Kn route you can Hop at the GRAND CANYON Auil llir I'rlrlllrd fi.rl They are reached via Suntii Ke Only IIAHVr: MK.llN All Hi- Way May I hend you mr Illustrated booklets V pout card will brim: tht'iu, W. ,S. hrrnan O. 1". A. lilllvClOU Tho time ot a man who walks a mllo to save a nlcklo Isn't very valu nblo. .