Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Sunday, May 3, 1908. PAGE TWO THE DAILY ARDMOREITE Notice. All I'.iitlea who ordered Roods through Mr. P. II. Wood from Wi nona Mill", will tiloiiBo bo jiroiinrod to same this week. Col. Sox will lio In thu city to deliver name Don't cause lilm to linvo to make twi or three trips. It's expensive and talus time. "It yo always ready ' mid oblige yours truly 0.1 , T. A. PANKHY. n.i'i ' man m Idem illricr III i ( I'M' until i In- KTl in i t . , li'iu in Brand New Buggies We have just plat ed on the lloor a car ol the Jon Deere, Velio and Columbus busies. They are the newest styles and most durable makes. See us before you buy. Wo will make the price and the terms to suit. Bivens, Corhn & Frenslcy LITTLE JAP PIN Oi'AI. AM 1? UIDINC. Cl'l TIVATOK A Nrt KtnJ nl DoJtfintf or (ui1im I'midi'lr itukr it lISllN(. IMI'tl MI'NI' Nil I ftlltallf )rl llr Jlcy l"lnl ir tbrm. I M n ll'xllr, Imiji 0'rtr iTMl.1i m fli I im H J 1 1 II h Iti t ..MitH ftrr n ji ii'. 1 nt h i (' III 1 'i ' IMtt l(U 111 Dull I" Till lli'kah I h Oti art lwv prllil l vltMVAr potui I tin cul II valor In wot king WrptiK the hwlt SgUAUIl AND CUt UMt AN IAI N Dtil'ltl. I'fetiu.e tprlitit ic luiniklird lor ur tn KiJ inmiiJ, III III 1 1 V Annul J I lua Culm (nr ltr prifrrl tvotk ami ilo no drift in i rnimnon in Mhfrl cultititmi tpfitor naiufally Ull thr ) t iilhtaltr Iran rarryiiU the arat-har with linn, auJ rfUrttnt I lie nlirrl and twl urticirnil to ir the cultiiatttr an upward cmitte which lnn it to the correct pitilioii. Different weiiht iipciator may uc the I.I I I 1.11 JAI miiIi equal lucceii. 'I he doJe vtiih tin ruttitator may he deaenhed a aitiiilar lo the inntementa one inakri In teppin out nl hi path lo attod tlrikmt aontc nhjrrt, etcept thai when mi mo in mc direrlion the cutiator imci in the opposite directum. I hi leter worka Ireely and produce a quick dodie. I'OCIt 'IDOLS IN OM! 1 he I. Mil V. JAI mar he equipped at a aliiht mat to nrk aa a Shovel Cultivator; SuiIaum Cultivator Dink CultlvMorj nd a. Disk llairuw. w Call at our atore and wr'tl ahoM tmi thia and other economical ItraJlet Implemenla. Hear thi in mind Sold by T. K. KEARNEY, Ardmore , MM I Sulphur, Okla. Directory I I A List of the Lead in;, Hotels, Boarding Houses, Livery I and Transfer Stables, Ktc. Read These Carefully. H I .". ii i. .. , -,k I I SUMMIT HOTEL I FRAME & PARKER H M The Covington Hotel MI"0N r'"'' Prescription Drugqlsls r oii,u n Si ,r ti. in.i HrUMi -u i li-ir H U. r OlVln. rtop. U(j ir,,,U(, S,nnif( Soil founlun In Icnntclitn H r - rh mi 2d sulphur omihom phoh iji svifhvr omi H I FRANKLIN HOUSE ..-. m. .n., , r.r wk THE PARK HOTEL I H Mrs C IV Young Prop Cliff ColldQC Hotel Htw rhti H LbbbI ii I n t'l""l I'atk and Sr.nk LB Kiit I 00 Pti On H 0"i Pti Heei At C CllCK, Prop. luwwlUnnl.1, H 23 8a. it f'(iliisj fmi tun SVIPHUH 0M Itnlrs (iritmi' H H liuusjl vi pit t:ijr liat. s J (HI iiikI nl. l'lume N. V) H I PALACE HOTEL THE ARTESIAN Sulphur Livery Co. I H Mm Rclbtt I Djufntii, Piep S)'i 0 Wib ln 0nm w ' 'UMM5 Vji H H --u ili'ir (ikiii Sulphur dkla 1 ' iuhmI I: . H I t ii i a i McKEMIE HOTEL i,.,,,,, ,., , I Htn Id McAi'ittns , D , D iluj,'l) Urcwstin-so Is HI , ? MtKtmlt, Prop. M , H Hunt From Anl v,., , ,u , 11,0 ),ltIv A'lln.or- J IliUlC td .Sulphur i M rjUu. i: I irl I ( It" 111 Slllpl.Ur HJ HJ lialmii It lit if ii HJ WILL HENDRIX IS RELEASED ' COUNTY ATTORNEY OF MURRAY COUNTY DISMISSES CASE. HENDRIX HARD LUCK STORY Says Olficers Have Mounded Him Shamefully, Not Withstanding He Has Ueen Trylno to Make a Good Citizen, Sulphur. Okla., May 2.- (Bpcrliil)--I'll- case of the stato of Oklahoma v Will lliudrlx us called for nu exniu iimiK tilal before County Judge Harry I'li-ldlliK yesterday. llendrlx wan charged by Hherlff Maxwell wltn the oITnso of jecelvlnn stolen properly III connection with the joiiiik mnn Shut' ton who was killed by thu oIllecrH of Murray county a short tlmo ago. Sbol ton s companion, who escaped at the time, was thought by tho sheriff to bo Will llendrlx. llendrlx was urroatutl a few- dus later and guvu bond In tho sum of $500 to appear at bin ex amining trial sot for yosturday. On appealing In court yesterday, llendrlx ftmuto tbo following BUtloinent. "1 knew nothing nliout this trouble at all until I wan arrested. 1 think I have been mistreated. 1 was at my homo sixteen miles north of Sulphur when on nmj (, company or this city tho light occurred lu which Sheltou (,ly ,riiKht In what Is said to be was killed and lu which 1 was roiiort- rll.0ui).iil)ll Kasser lu the new llahl ed to bavo taken a prominent part. I mi IM)t W)t, f this city. Tile am hero ready for trial. I w;u arrest' w,,j eIMtB lv roar that can be heard ed by Tom Karris, deputy sheriff or fve lnitm m r,.gHt every elfort (larvln county.'' to cup It, and is one of tho greatest Tho county attorney dismissed tho Kasers eer discovered lu this conn caso for want of evidence, and llou- n-y, drlx waH discharged. . lu coinersatlon about tho matter Cascasweet Is for bnbles and chll nfterwnnls. llendrlx iiald: "It seems dren, and Is csreclaly good for tho . Ills so common In hot weather, lxik - . or tbo Ingredients on tbo bottle. Con Ni. IJIlh hard, because n mnn tian hocn unfor iiuinic In getting Into one trouble, nnl i -pi i liilly In-fore lie 1ms bad a hear ing tbat be xbould be charged with c-r crime committed In the conn tr. have Ids linine published all over the country "by tho newniipors with out a ayllnblo of testimony, and get tin- holts country prejudiced against him unjustly. 1 have lieen pulled and hauled about shamefully, ami the have never tiroved nnylhlnat ' HKiilnnt me yet. I am getting tlrod ot i It, and Intend to see If I can bavo tiny j recourse or protection In tho courts of the country. I am trying to imika n good citizen, and I think I ought to haw the same chmiee wllh other inun to redeem myself from tbo vllo lnu- ders of tlx dirty, cowardly deputy marshals of the old federal courts who , have riilm-d and hounded no many , j men to death. Men who would have made good ciHxeiis If they had been 1 let alolle." PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD I how tn cure yourself nt tinmen : l.l-.l If you suffer from likullng, lich-1 Ing, blind or protruding Piles, Bent, . , ,.. me your nddrc's. and I will tell yM ' honor of the semi-centennial a.iuUei how to cure yourself nt homo hv j sary of the ordination of Pope Pliu the new nhxnrptloii treatment; nud X. A lingo throne, which his holl wlll also send some of IliU hoin (HH occ,,,,, ,urii,K today's cere- i ri-in iiii'ii ( iri'ii mr 11 1111, nun ii-im-ences from your own locality If re. ipiesled. Immediate relief and per manent cure assured. Keud no mon ey, but tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers, Hot P, South lletid, lnd. SIX Fifty Million Gas Well. Tulsa, Okla.. May 1!. The Canadian tains no harmful drugs. Sold by W. H. Kratno. d&w WANT CLOTHING FOR CHILDREN Benevolent Society Desires Clothes for Eight Poor Children. The Ilonovolcnt soolety desire clothing for eight poor children, ran, Ing lu ages from 3 to 12 years. Fam ilies lu tho city hnvlngold clothing hiiitable for children of theso nges will kindly telephone Mrs. 0. Kendall, who will call fur same. For Sale. 130 acres ot land, known as tho C'ruillp Jackson surplus situated two jtiillc mil o( llromlde, Okla.; CO at res In cultivation, 30 ncrej In mead ow and 10 acres In timber; has valua ble deposits. Hestrlctlous removed, title perfect. Call on or ndilress mo at 3 111 (? St. S. 13., Ardmore. Okla. 1 dw lm USSIH M. JACKSON. For the expert, for tlm amateur, wi have all kinds of fishing tackle 1IIVUNS. COUIIN & KHUNSLKY. BEATIFICATION OF BARAT A CEREMONY OF SPLENDOR Rome, .May 2 iS ' t :t With i eeri'iiion) of ureal -pPmlor. In which l'oi" I't'is X. and anllnuls par llclpated, thu beatllu .n ion of the Ven-1 eralib - Mother Itarat, fmindiess of tho , Order of the Sacred Heart, tooK piac-j Another hcntlfhdtloti which prnh todny. .Metrftwrs ot to order are here i ably will take pluce this year Is that from all over the world, IncludliiK I of Father Kudos, the founder of thu many from the United States, whers the order has n strung memboriihl.i. under tho consideration of tho Oongro HHrial privileges have been granted gHtloii of Itltes, which aasumblcd Hie at the Vatican to tbo roembwi of thts order In attendance, as the order has , borne all the expenses connected with J I hi- beatification und celehratlon. ; Today's ceremon) was held lu the ' will end only when thu lHipo has said .iHt Hall uf lteatltliation, out the hi Jubilee muss In St Pctor'a lu Sep pon h of the Church of Si. I'-ter and I tember. communicating dln-ctly with the papal Itoth the Immeillate predecessor of apaituients. The hall has been pro lusely decorated for this occhsIoii and the Mirlous other ceremonies of beatl ,,,,,,,,,..,,,,.,,... thu vear hi mony, occupies a prominent place lu the ball. Two tribunes, erected for the iK'iaslou, accommodated the mum hois of tho diplomatic corps accredit ed to tho holy sue. lu this beautiful ball there will be this year some big functions. One will be the caniionl.atlun of Joan of Arc, tho Maid of Orleans. After dis cussion pending nearly fifty years Plus X has decided the ceremony shall be performed lu his Jubilee year nud preimratlons aro being tnnde In France to attend It. It Is believed more than live thousand French Catholics will iDine here for the occasion and that nearly all tho bishops ot Franco will be present and surround the papal ST. VICENT DE PAUL NATIONAL CONFERENCE AND CELEBRATION OF ANNIVER SARY OF ORDER. Klchinond, Vn May 2. (Special) V national conference and celebration f tho "jtb anniversary of tho Society if St. Vincent do l'aul will be o.ioned lu Itlcbmond tomorrow morning with tho celebration ot high mass at tho Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, and hundreds of visitors aro arriving In tho Virginia capital today to partici pate lu the meeting. The society is devoted to charitable work and has HI" conferences In the United States, ulili a membership In this country of ovei lo.oOO active workers, scattered from Maine to California and from Michigan to 1oulslatia. Tliumus M. Mulry of New- York Is president of the national 'branch. Most of tho del egates will remain here through next week and will participate In the na tional conference of charities and cor rections. Aciordlng t the reports of Secro Kduiond J. llutler, nearly 10,000 familli's were assisted by tho Amorl . .in nieuiliers of the society last year, und near!) L'00.000 visits wero mado to lu homes uf families assisted. The general or public meeting of tho national confeienco will he held to Midi row c cuing, when addresses ot u i uomo will he made on behalf ot the cltj and state by Mayor Carlton McCurth) ot Richmond and Governor i laudo Shannon of Virginia. At the sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday chnrltablo work lu all Its phases will ho considered. The Society of St. Vincent do I'aui was oig.iiuzed In Paris, l'raiu. In the Mai ivct l. a small baud of college Midi ins under the leadership of Fred i ni Uzauaii) The plan uf tho organ- u ion its objects and the means of attaining them wore not new, but mrc ti.isiil upon the various works of c' arii instituted centuries before by St ineeiit de Paul, after whom the HiKiii was named. Tho headiiuarters of the soctet v aro In Paris and raiitiit'.s o' it are established lu all cltilized pant, of the world. At the present time there are over h thousand branches of tho Miclety and a membership of over lOO.OOo ac- tin' workers None of tho members , , is allowed to receive any lompensa- tlon for his labor and the only re ward offered for service In the socie ty Ik the sanction which follows a meritorious net. Chronic Constipation Cured M one wno suffers from chronic con - stlpatlon Is In danger of many serious ailments Foley's Orlno Iaxatlvo digeitioilTnd stimulates Tiw"lveVaiHi bowels, restoring tho natural action Of theso organs. Cominonco taking II tnd-iv ninl vnn will fuel tmttnr nl 11 t0il. nilU OU Will till llClter at OllCe Foley 8 OrlllO UoxntlVO does not nauseato or grlpo nnd Is pleasant , ,, ,,... ... ',i, , . ;.. , to take Refuso substitutes, tor salo by all druggists, d&w throne. Thu topo will make a speech do- tailing not only his admiration for France, which caused him to add a new saint to the country" calendar. order called the "Kndltos." This Is other day and pronounced Itself ftiv- orably on It. There will ho many mora mn-li cole- hratlons at tin- vntlcnti thla year which the present popo had Jiiblluu yours. Plux IX. celebrated the llftluth anni versary of bis episcopal consecration and be received thousands of presents. They caiiio from over all tho world and a great number of them were of cash, which was sot aside for a rainy day. The money amounted to more than 1.000,000. Then came the Jubilee of Leo XIII. ! and ror tho occasion special hulls had ! to be found to exhibit to the public the gifts received. Some of theso iwere of great value, consisting of gor geous church vestments and sacred vessels of silver and gold. A largu sum of money iiIko was received; amount was never known. This jour tho Jubilee ceremonies will not be so elaliorate as thoe un der the preceding pontltlcntcs becauso Plux X. shrinks from publicity. Already the iopo has received a French, a (Senium and a Plednionteso pilgrimage and tho receptions will continue until September. ' TOWN OF VERDEN BURNS SMALL OKLAHOMA TOWN DE- VAST AT ED ORIGIN UN KNOWN LOSS $30,000. (iilckasha, Oklii., May i. live frame business houses on the prin cipal street of Verden, a small town ten miles west of here, were razed to the ground with their entire contents as the r'vuilt uf a fire that originated In tho grocery store of J. II. Protz mini at I o'clock this morning. The building was lu flames all over when the fire was discovered and no cause has been assigned. The total loss Is $30,000. Tbo losses aie as follows; National Hank of Verden. $.'i,i00; A. II. Carton. dr goods store, Jl.fiOO. Protztnau's grocery store, $1,001); I). T. Hansen's lurnlture stole, $1,500; Shield's dry goods store, $S,000. The National Hank of Verden was owned and operated by II. II. John sou of this city. Ily 8 o'clock this morning Johnson had purchased the fl.viures of tho Washita Valley Trust company and had them loaded on wagons here bound for Verden. At 11 o'clock the bank was opened for bus iucHg in the postolllco building. A Smile Is a pretty hard thing to -lccouipllsh when you're blue, bllIos nnd out ol'jto walk tho lloor every tiUUt with a sorts. Tliero Is a sui-a cur'; fnr nil , crying baby. Mcfiee's Raby Kllxlr will kinds of stomach and liver complaints constipation nnd dyspepsia. Hal - lard's Horblno Is mild, yet nbsolutoly effective In all cases. Prlco 50c per bottle. Sold by V. J. Ramsey. wkly Indian Qoys on Warpath. Perry. Okla.. May 2. Charles Ar kekatah and Ceorge Carson, two full blood Otoe Indian boys, were arraign ed yesterday In the county court on charges of assaulting J. N. Sliced, industrial teacher at the Otoe In dian school, alter he had thrashed Porter Aikekatah, a young brother of Charles. Snood was left on the ground unconscious with several ugly wounds on his head .The boys con fessed later to Dr. llrlde, the agency superintendent. A Living Skeleton is the final condition of nnv child that 1 I has worms If It lives. Think of hiv-1 ling something In your stom.uh that ,?,. voll 8 ourlshnmnt. Nino I'tim .1,1 1FW D ,-(,,, ....... tenths of the babies have worms, may be yours has. Do certain that It has not by giving It Vhlto, Cream Vcrml - fugo It expels all worms and Is n tonlo for tho baby. Prlco 25 cents-, Sold by F. J. Ramsey. wkly Lots of peoplo would rather move . than pay rent, and yet claim that heaven is their home. I What Shall Wb Have f or DessBf t ? I Try jr.i.Ui.the iiint;, ppuiri:,oiiomlcl !"'. fan be prrpan-d lii.lantljr-iimply add twlllni; watrr ami ftur lirn cool. Flaroml Ju.t ,, ..Mmi-JJii.t rilu. in-rfi-ct In rmy xaic a IOc . imikacr niin rnmish ill rt for a larK-9 ''""r- j-il1,'" ;in crrJt, Inli-a JKI.Ml compliM with all I'lim Fund Ijtui. jm,or,, i,,on,o:.o :c, lia.ptitrrj,Mrabtrrj, j ciwcoiatf , CLtrrj , 1'iacb. I n t: t: tt it tt tt tt tt tt :: tt :: :: i COMMERCIAL CLUD NOTES I 1 tt tt tt tt tt tt tt :: tt tt tt tt t: tt j Tin- Comuierclal Club Is In receipt t I of a teller from a young physician who Iris met with good success in i h!s practice, hut who wIxIhm to come I to a larger place where he can form n partnership with an established ' idijslelnn and take on the hard 1 work of tho olllce. If any doi to: i wanin a partner here Is the chance . A young electrician In a northern New York town also seeks nil on- gagotnoiit. It Is particularly gratifying these days to have people come to the front volmita-Ily ami hand their names Into the Commercial Club for membership. One particularly z-'al (Mia member yesterday dropped In with six new names for uieinbei. ship and said be had Mime others in line who would he cnllsti-d soon thu Commercial .('luh Is bringing ninny new people to the city and each one coiiioh with some money so there Is a direct gain In every frosh acquisition. N'ews from fiuthrlo Indicates Hint Ardmore Is still lu the race for a normal school and Its friends are lemly to light for It to a finish. If we do not win It will not be on ac- count of lack of effort on the part of our representatives who have stood by their guns nobly In the light. Don't fall to enclose a postcmt or something advertising Ardmor'' In every letter you Fend out of the state. Tho club will supply you. A fresh lot of Illustrated booklets Is 1 now being printed by the Ardmore- Ito and will bo ready for distribu tion In about a week. Our fame Is spreading and we want to keep up the good work and everyone can help. Among the Impiliies received yes terday morning wns one from a Colo rado Investor seeking fnrm Innds. If our land owners will get together and agree on a plan nnd work to gether there are many sales that could be made to people 111 various parts of the country. The Most Common Cause of Suffering. Rheumatism causes morn pain nnd suffering than any other disease, for the leason that It Is thu most lommnii of all Ills, nnd It Is certainly gratify ing to sufferers to know that Chamber lain's Pain Halm will afford relief, nnd mako rest nnd sleep possible In many cases the relief from pain, which Is at first temporary, has become perma nent, while In old peoplo subject to chronic rheumatism, often brought on by dampness or changes In tho weath er, a permanent euro cannot be ex pected; the relief from pain which this liniment nfforda Is alono -worth many times its cost. 25 nnd f0 cent sizes for sale by V. J. Ramsey and Hoffman Drug Co. d&w Says Will Sign Dill. Washington, May 2. Tho president announces that he favors tho bill pro viding for tho removal of restrictions from lands of former Indian Territory Indians which has passed tho 'house and has been recommended for pass ag;e by a senate committee. "I will sign the bill," said the provi dent today. A Happy Fatnv Is soon turned to a sad ono If ho lin.i , make tho child woll Booth Its 1 nerves, induce healthy, normal slnpi ! ber. Rest for disordered bowels and , sour stomach all teething babies need It. Pleasant to take, sure, and , snfe, rontnlns no harmful drug? Prlco 'IT, nnd 50 cents per bottlo. Sold by V. J. Ramsey. wkly Ardmore Bar Association. The regular annual meeting of the Ardmoro liar association will bo held In tho district court room at tho court hoiiso in this city Monday evening, May -1th, 100S, at 8 p. m. Tho elec tion of officers for the ensuing year Is to take place and other business of importanco to the association Is to ho transatced. Kvery mem'ber of this association Is earnestly urged to bo present. W. A. IiKDRETTHR, President. RICHARD M. LKSTKR, Secretary oys Will Be Boys , . ,m .,' ' ," ' ! aml nr0 "l":' Rotting scratches. I , .... lnn ...... . , " " '; ' ! .r ca'': J" l'nss- 1 'h,p , . 'u" s0r.lo"f. LJ 1 d' AlT i .'V. m " . VV ru; Ing to directions right away -mil u will rollovo the pain and heal th troublo. Prlco 25c, 60o and $1,00. Sold by F. J. Ramsey. wkly For Sale. Four choice lots In Rromlde, Okla. A raro bargain If you buy now. Ad dress mo at 319 0 St. S. K Ardmoro, Okla. KSSIE M. JACKSON. 1-dw-lm John Deere cultivators nnd John Deero "Go Devils," at Dlvens, Corhn & Frensley's. ROBERTS' BARBER SHOP Noxt.door to Kirst Nutionnl Hun It Ardmore Transfer Line Thj only lirst-class lino in I lie city Calls Made Promptly Wagon Out All Night PiK'kiiycs nnd grips hurt -dud with euro. Phone 201 STEVE ROWLES, Proprietor Open Duv or Night. United States Depository Oklahoma State Depository City Depository Ardmore National Bank ABDMORE, OmilOMl. Capital, Surplus and Additional $250,000 If this bank is n snfo place for tho city, stato nnd nation to deposit their funds It Is n safe placo for tho farmer nnd busi ness mnn to keep his funds. TRY IT. LEE CRUCE, President 6. W. STUART, Cashier E. E. Guillot BROKER Cotton Grain and Stocks In Hear Postal Telegraph Oflico Ardmoro, Okla. Minimum Orders Accepted SO Rales of Cotton 1,000 Rushuls of drain 10 Shares of stock Reference Ardmoro Ranks Lone Distnncu Phono fc'JH SUMMER HARDWARE The time of year is ap proaching when you must think ol providing for hot weather comfort and lux uries. We invite you to inspect our line of Ice Cream Freezers, Quick Meal Gas Stoves, ,Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves, Water Coolers, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors, Screen Wire. Bivens, Corhn & Frensley