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TMl DA tf AKDMJREITt. Ardmore, bunday, Ma 3, 1008 Spring Chickens I I .! f- -.. r IS J' )i " ' ' -njnlr iiuVnr 1 M-nh Kirn i ,;ulrv i'rcJo Jli aJounrWa for nv, id k avda I WrtTit voir yr'ft'ry UkU: W. M. Riggs I' t, palace! Barber Shop Elmer Wright, Prop. M '. Mr t, 1 xt )'r Uj "ltntrn )ry lutein '; t 'itfor tin- li')t Hcrucf III 'I Mil- l( Mt (I-IiII-Ih l( U.i if y V v.oi t oui DAY or NIGHT you niivy Imvo prompt tniim f r at tl b!if.'Kitp MTVit ii ly t ailing ihon li.l.'i CECIL FRENSLEY why n vv I! Hid new hoiihO wlnli 111 niter In i liciii and tilt in penti'i-H m o Kile. Let uh H'.'uik with you. HUDSON-HOUSTON Lumber Cm. Kriiiuiwiiy uml Wiihliiiiliin I'litinii ;pj Century Sheet Music Cnlalotius Kivf Call nnil Cct Om- HOFFMANN DRUG CO. M tOMI'AML OUII 8LIIVICU Willi OTMCKH. I'oal.n Trlfurnph C.tlile Co, N iiMlilniuii til I i-l No J) 4.4. - ' For Weak Kidneys Intluuinutton of the liliul. ilrr, unnuty troubles uml tmeknehc use Dtt Witt's Kid nor mid Hlnddur Pill. A Week's Trial For 25c i K. O, DaWlTT Co,, Chiuin, iu. j For b.tlo by W. U. Frania, I Copy J " nnroTinu nr nnumiTin.i yiltOMUH ur muniDIMUIl Mty ',,-orge W Vnh ) 'I ','ittrut, . .'.,ii '. ,t,g iii . , , inf '. i-',uuHu '-ivstloa tor 'J . AMroo-Ht oM tt h r ' i.el t f M."ni'ia Tent. May I - Chat : g Un handSOIOSWt Nd t -iftlMiLg Cities of tkU BuVlh, in ,j. l- vicinity that Which . i i- fkittou tor as wtr " rept. , 1c hli live ' ' . ,d of the Civil v. i thuh i.ff iu Iron ; ' ' . 1' in nor inter :-,..r. -uring of kl. gnd be 'r.f o' 'j -rev to irt ii It to OHWlls i. ml of ' i 1 Jtut i faiii'ni O'll'V iMltl "at hiiif i' i inid'alii . . . tlll'l Wi.O fl II I i.i.'i imd rlter Miiiiarii o ir sr. ' . park " -fl.-'l H man-. "l lilrk f" if.. 1'i.rk thi-r an- tuindfc'ln n' .-f, . rrtd ,y tli- Koiom ' 'Ik aof ml n'aii a uonlj " ' i bad wMl-ra In ac ' 'i,. i. afjij thf t,uf 4-rat and ' ''' ao tiK'-lv inarkMl ' Blrnoal ncht t,- l,afll ! f.liut 'Hi. i'iiwmmht ' Hi. moat ! t roaMa all i-.iii'l i in- .ink, tut th- vlaltor fn ' iiioiiPiiiK-tii and Pry plar "' "hi urn) thcr an- tuld- lo " I v.i wl -li Rldtt atK thl iKHIt Of " a !. WmooiiHln .oldlT, I vaa i" .!'i to n .- th. beautlhil mono turn i t ri KlniHiita and battrla U om tin- IiwIkw num, and trvHry ! a Mi.k or an Inatrumpnt of h.i t.iijhiii tin- old nttrvea to tinitlti i . t ii.i i. ui, to i-omo. OoIuk iMiak 'i. i. .hi. hi- .aaiuj along Oilrs. tiiiiif i iIiIki for ttillia. hf mouu mid miiikiTa. ahowlnic wbr 'oiif. rj.-iMtfa liild (Jh fort with "' i.ilaili'a, dlvlalona. and ii. i. i.,i... uml tiionumttnta ahowlng Hi - n i in- imH in t,Ue (.m M0 tqjlt .r. - 1 1 .1 . . - ini, wlilppi'il hi- whole ii''li. wICh (iranl Hinok H'K ii hum,. Hxar Ml Olchanl Knob, s h, i in i, ii Hint iIih real ooaaltiK tbr J"ii hi, I hll Sli..rl,an. awllh lila ii-lioil li-Kit ImIiik lo ki'Mi ("with Mb h lln-y atTHlitNOtl arwval with IIiiki ! iiiiIIm anil to imlla. K(,IK up Will i I' lu ll H Hk U IMililiInu tl... I - 'n iihi inn urn hiIiIiik u hlalory of thi Htir Iiiiiiiih,. oihiTa hn ilomi It ltiii tliiiti I coiilil To look ilown Ih Ioh. to ilio town no ImaiitUtil ami IMHi.-mi, hikI Mirnaa lo Unikout M otint.iti. Hli.-ri' IIHikir'H mrii aoi hiiImmii iin nxli'iiHloti ladilcra. In ih. nuly iimriiltijn and ilrorf away ii- f nil. in,. n wni wiTf, onn wo'ii.i nut iliiuk thai thor.. i.v, H.u him ami I'uiiiiona, mid trim I'l' fin I. tilt lfc you k,w. wlmn I iii Mimloimrv ItlitKn from "" wl mr Hnuy wtut up, llintilior it,, . u f ' 11 H'l If 1 hail ii...n tirHtii ' 1 ' ' ' " 'inliiinl Knoli, with i ii.iiiii.I mi., would havn '" 1 ' ' 1 .iiiiJ a,ni won) ui 1 Ki'iii-ral In ( inn . ' "" 'I"" and Inn,' II ' I' !. ami If h rffijMMf 1 """''I havn tod him " ' "l t would fif'r "' ' " him again, lint, of ' ' ,f ,l" llKht bad h i ,,,wn ' ' ' 1 '"' v tttuld ni'v.-r Imv.- I i. .if .... i .. .., . I ' I'lnne Ii. I llioiiu " hi I.. 1 1... ti i,ii,iiii, H" .nMH..t Wura i,,Hk,. troulili. '"l Ill ho iiHlully r J I .mi now,mj i ,K,limg ' " f Tiiint,aa,,.. mliU-h liaa " Ihi' h luitll hH liiul niy. himI M ""h i.uiit on i, w,r wuu,,,, ,) ' M ", t mil Hh,. a . 'Mniii tli,. vkiimm .. .tt ilrlvlnif ' 1 ' 'll nf IIIIIIIHll) i ,.h ,, ,, ' '"" h, r "" HtlM until MHIll'thlnn ' " iii-'i in,, win. I.- iiinili will a., ' '"IHL' .I.ihii tin Ili.iiiuUln aide, win '" ' i"iie under the wagon. hii.I "' UhiiorH for a .1,,,' "I ll beetl SAtll by ilnl ii. nt mini hero, that the natural K.iH nf a 'IVnuraMee Imrae U nm iiIiik intiiy, uml Hm jiooplii here an iii-Hug like a ruiuitvny on the ijuea nun of prohibition, hysterical nnil n.iti.iiH, nrtlng like Indians at h f.lii"i, lirlnglng tulnlaleis, to iniii and i-hllilron Into pollllPH hi Hi. MihlliiK of Miuhitlinia ami tin -.i ii pulotiH ilnmaKiiglli'a, i-jiiuIjik iii'UlibiiibtHnl UrIiIh, bU-ktrliiK iui.1 loHlniuy. luat on invonnf nf u Ilnl.-bi-ir mi. I srhnappa thai ttin bun iiobndy If they Ut It alnns, ami any iHMy i-an lot it nlnno If thoy will half H v I never illil rim Into a hi reel to stop a rinuw ay team, bo III IImI DIAGNOSING TENNESSEE f suae f" .lr I title a runaway ! wl'l '.f'l M " i. '. . )! trying to rhow ; Of III iriouri'aift '!.at ) la time to quit hi mrM hir parade, and get down to buainwta and nmli Tennessee the greatest state In the union. Thin -s'' ia kwg tin MNoeupl4 land, and nf.or on people lo work !. latd T', rtate baa root lor hair a min.o- or more fanilha & Ocrtnanc. )f lanta, m-n from gwltnrlatid. No' way, abd atwdB, 'lh '-( eblltfru, who rM rnni .. h,';i- ail- th-) o (''I transfur ti . .i-'t- of tfi fariii Th- atat K J :atured lonr rile aill Itto .i , 4arifk, and wdat i n' : Iii-iii , a:,. i M,r . f- Kii'-tn af.t !,.,-,. an 'tn-y r,joj tin , , ' ''t Hind, ii foul'l 'i,n )Lto T-..r, - i 4-. oth-' Ko'iihi-rn p'Ohll. f.on Kia'i- :'b a i.i ill M.MIi'ih ni.ij rt.k. 't, :i, ta) nltrhi l'.ttii5 av..,t Kifjivtll Mont of the bookf an, looking at the l,Ula and raUja 'iu' .. k a J I Uttitjd a! moat InaUnctlttily for ryt, oj' to U- ar ti.- aout.d of s ia fill- t" i .' of a.'.'l I IO'ik-1 f' r i,j,r.! work Inr iM-opl who otirM u, -, 'tiff Ur im-ti-ad thri- ri- ', m m-i f.o ni ti-r lu t an ofK bi-aui tli y ir-ji raMon to ri)o-'l arti lt. liriad li !. n,a. I.roaa. and tb- Ih-m'i"'.jI ui tln'ir 'ointr;. la iaritclt unrxvnipli t T - i-'.-y i voted dft. an one of u,eiw reign families turned looac there would f-l that th-v wer unwelcome to lake Mwthlng drink, and the;, would look at a time card for (be train thai wpejjd ttk Uim an-ay. And ret Xnoxvllle u the moat txau - tlfiil elty of Its aire i ever haw. and has a population of good people. a Hill ttrir Unit ot rtHod prohibition, and Joined the dry band, and they are trying fau Ue up to their convictions, and so far they enjoy the situation, but they do not alwaya expect, or want to be dry. 'Ho- rlty voted dry oceans the li quor Intercuts rompelled iheru to. u.uur iDiereaia Became uuoesr- ably arrogant, got control of the pol'tlra of the city, had low aa - loon a everywhere, wormed their way Into residence dlmrtda, allowed peo nl to become so drunk they could not navigate, and turned them loose on the strut. The liquor Intereata ei.-. it . - were simply luoaner tban "pusley,' , the bleaslng of a good, hearty laugh, and (lot hotter citizens, who wanted or the p!-iu,uie ol nssociatlng witli aalooiia controlled ami kept a man with good rwl blood in blh able, tried to argu.- the question veltiB The dry, who Is dry for buni with the political mi loon men, and ' woa or political reason it, who pro all tin. answer they could get . 1 clalma that he is a dry, and wink "Ah. swan." and the people lc ! when he aaya h is. Is like the man cldid to "fl'wsn." and kept going, on the car. when those preai-n-though "what you gwlne to do about 'ete teiaug what atates they lived It." was frequnily hurled at them. In. Kacb waa lauding bis atate, an t uuiil t Iwksii to look an though a proud of it. Finally they n-k- tin- drta would win, when the 11 j the last man where be lived, and In quor Interests that had been ho tin- ' looked around, smiled nod ald, i beam hie beuMti lo sugK-Ht that they j am from Missouri. Now, Isush, dam would compromise, segu-aste the 'you!" budge joint, cut down the number 'hattanoog4 Iish thy laugh inako all pbtaoa ilseotil and Ucorgi. and Alabama, and ia m', well conducted Then the peoplo j hing It In awful. 1 stood at tb- . t aald: "tl'wan. we will wipe y,.u h press oUIco for hours yesterila). an l the earth," und luat November j saw tho wagon loads and tar load. hey dd It to the queen's taste. All of l,oxo ooiiUlnlm; bottles of lri:o HuliHiiiH me wled out, aud ou land small, and listened to the ex can't et M drink unless you know j pressman check off th packagea In mime man The mayor and the luial 'a loud voice, and all Ihe package ueaa men were courteous lo me. were for Oeorgta and Alabama, ami and allowed me everything worth . the uieaaengera and clerks looked leelim, ami i h,,. ihe mayor ' upon the whole thing as a greai iiiiout the diyni-hi, ami linked lilm the ,.',.,t,. did when they ' h i H I .1 drink, and he aald they , iliiln i Hunt a drink, hut I tumid 1 Hint Iota or ihetn did. Wlioji I got lino Unit town the first dry town , I w.i. , wr in. m tongue bi-Kun to ' ki div. and hung out and the amok aioa.1 from ll like Kolug Into a cold room. At homo I would not care a whoop whether I had a drink In a month, but where I could nut get It I was dry an a Imne. i told the mayor he iinixt aate my life Ii) telling in,. Hhie I could get the ailda. hut he IllUK licit llie In Hi-inn I found out afieiwarda fiai lie had been It t'oufetlerale wildler, and waa "oumled. and 1 thought he laid H to mi, and was golii: to got net! for 1S0.1 by KtHdnx me (ltd of thirst Well, snnip frli inU aakml iin if I didn't want to k" and suo a man. anil l oonaciited, bciaiinu hluiIhk iuii inoro man could nut muko iiim dif ftucuicu lo a tl)iiiK man. U!.. ii we got to tho pliiro whero tho man waa, out of thorn niiiili.up a i.ue, an- lll.UH !.' t ,1... . ... I ,..-, I...... mi. i.uiii mining aiKii "i tllatresK, and l coukIu d a hiMiae Mm! of pliMiro piieutiiiiu..t cuiikIi, and you van bellevo It or nm. but the ' roloroil riu-o hogan to inarch In pro- I cowlon ivut us tlth trnys, on which woro bottlt's of Northern hour In a .turfat iu t,, ' la .it ' fi- f) aj lit t, iii ; I ' t t d d t.-- )!;. a "Lt, !'. tt f'Jk. aror- C ff s i r. 1 west back aloat, - ( i aSotbr mm of loan. ; . , for gotta tka awktr and u. i j train for Ckatttaiaaoga. wber n - jtbinK was -t. and -bti p jbr I didn't 'aat a dx. .. bw HWf vtt HOrtM os lit drr ie!)oa ail tba (Ibm. Om .r i.;wit bnnca nan : - . . wk 1 . .t ir Jjad o: at : . . -, oiia a- B.f i .. itrtuan t'uk t , 'u ijy ic. t f. tfi" , Minion .!; ia i. miL. '.-.' -allot . - etit hm. '. In ' . atl Th ti i a rn ottof- f, f ay fc f a-fit a !.'- to tf.- h'l ' .tf"rt C'JV.' iff)?.' ' th- Sk : la - I k f k r i lr.' a'-way . u i, iltMiai" hi it fu! .a tha 1. like Hrtfl1 ilk. cut. hi linger. ', yellow, whose baud ' elaiL::. who lookr . cold fc .l :.ot in t ' r.. a n a- ti itor,,i t,n you talk who d' a iitvr ;,. and atit.ive pl!l it. di.'.!he. ami Ulke indlget'ion taut- after hia mwals, .sd gulps wind, and SocKa 1U weak und smypatheUt omen in atead f full blooded men. and think , he ia doing Cod's work in looking after bis nelghbor'a' moral Th other kind of prohiblUocUt Is the tmslness or professional man or poli tician, who it in it tor what t&r la In It lor him, who pulls the lug of the dyspeptic dry man, who will proclaim aloud that he la a diy. when in the presence of drya, but who wi;i wink and Isugb a shame fail laugh when talking with a wt. j . . . . . . ... 1 uim 10 one siae ana wmspei I that h don't believe In It, but i "you know how it la. we have to atand in with the drya, or they will 'ruin our business. One has more j respect for the dry who waa bom i ao, and never had a eie;roua lui pulse In hla life, and never knew Jttke, making reumika to tho etferi that so aud ao, at ao and so, Ueor gle, would have a JaB at about p m , and have to be put to bed Most j of the whiskey shipped to dry alatea la aqulrrel whiakey, two drinks of which will inakn a man climb a tree. I aaw one train go out ulth exti.i tispieaa cara, and ChaitautaigM Hit back and laughs at lur dry mi.-ii (Kirs, (luorgla and Alabama are Mu tt boy who has hail hU ii . . pulled out from under lilm, uml i. . struck Hie Hour kooiI and Inn l v laiy who Iish had I lull trtck i.l.i on lilm la prcti msd, ami mm Is an outrage, hut when 'li i ceiiaea, ho 1 1 lea to play the I- k on aoimi one cine. Ho afier 'l.n neasee liceomi'H entirely dry. a n i llnblo to do next fall, OnotKla im i Alatmiuu limy bccoino vtnt ni-iin ami then look out fur the tii'iu thuy will iii to Tetinuaseii in He Hhlpiuont or the antilrrul wh. : Ixirk ai-rnas the bnnlar with it i -I lulurost. In the niuMiillmo all n wots and iiillu a proportion of 1 1 . . - . , una are aeriuiiai) uonalilerliiK Hi" Inttlm; In of ugh beer to keep tlu tongues from hcooiulug too ln As It Is now tho dryiuniM Hhure 11 U dry, ia an that men dato mil IhiikIi. for because) thdr llpn aro chappcil. and a bottle of beer luol.a to Ihem RIGGENS, SUGGS, ADAMS REALTY CO. Farms and City Property 2 OFFICE IN POTTERF BUILDING. u.1 t.'i- v v f , t . ii fr'. ir", I unnf t' it.jf Wi:; t. l'. '"'H' 'I'I'r for a -,' Ii' rn - m' ! t ,-n t'.- 'Ide wjl; tun,. ' 1 t' te j.lotii'i r that ulll lochte in the dry towns, and then graduslly all will get bark to the old condition, with fewer saloons. better men to run them, all undei an exds bjrd that will uke a license away when there la dirty work done, reasonably farly closlni;. no politicians allow wi to handlo sa i loons, and when that time cornea 1 you will see everybody happy, a smile on every faro, and every I body tmjoylng a personal liberty that will make ihi'tn protid of their country and alad that they are alive. 'Notice of Sale of Lands Under Exe , cutlon. I Notlco g horoby given that in pur J suanc of a writ of elocution Issued lout of the Clerk's offico of tho DIs- ' trlct Court In and for Carter County, Stato of Oklahoma, on the 28th day of March, 1908, in an action wherein J. K. Son waa plaintiff and J. B". j Wilson, defendant, commanding mo to ' levy ujion property belonging to said defendant, J. Ii. Wilson, sufficient to ' satisfy a Judgment rondored in Bald action In favor of J. K. Son against ' said J H. Wilson for tho aum of! TH:,00 , with $12 7G costs, with In terent thereon from tho dato of Judg ment, the 2Sth day of Octobor 1007; I hat-,, levli-d upon certain lands and The Tornado Season is Here Texas, Mississippi. Tennessee and Louisiana have been visited bvfdestruc tive cyclones in the last three days. Many people have lost their homes and all they possessed. Ardmore may be scheduled for the next storm. If your home is swept away today are you able to lose it' Of course you' are not. There is no need of financial loss. Use the protection offered by our tornado policy. It costs very little. It assures indemnity against loss and affords a feeling of security and satisfaction. Phone 224 and we'll tell you how small the cost is. We want $200,000 worth of farm loans and can pay out the money the day papers are signed. If you want a loan come to sec us. Vou get your money quicker, cheaper and on better terms. You get what you borrow when you want it. MTIVE IRE AGAIN MAKING LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY WITHOUT DELAY BURWELL & DEXTER BANKERS NATIONAL BANK Arti i r A'l Plenty of money to loan on city and country property. tirentn's belonging to sa'd J n WoS'jn, not from ealo under exi-cution for want of goods and chat-U-.s of the said J. B. Wilsou, towit; Ijts numbennl ono (1) and twel to (12) in block numbortl flvo hun-dn-d and thirty (030) situated in Ardmoro, Carter County, Okla'aoma, and havo duly caused said lands and tenements to be appraised according to law. at $000.00; now, thorofore, notice s hereby given, that In pur suanro of tho commands of said writ, I will offer for sale and soil for cash to tho highest bidder, Hald lands and tenements or so much thereof, as will satisfy tho said Judgment and costs, on the 18th day of May, 190S, at 10 o'clock a. in. ot wald day, at tho front door of tho Court House In tho city of Ardmore, In said county nnd state. Witness my hand this lGth day of April, l'JOS. J. il AKnns, Sheriff of Carter County. 1C-23-30-7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Stato of Oklahoma, Carter County, In District Court. I. I. Koarney, plaintiff vs, Oliver Ilenjamin, Ilebeoca rioujamln and W. R Tyro, defendants, No. 48. Said defendant, W. B. Tyro will tako notlco that he has been sued In tho abovo named court for upon a pe? tltlon filed by plaintiff against him self and tho othor defendants herein asking for the foreclosure of a mort gage on mt No. 2, In Block 215, In J. G. King & Co. Insurance That Insures. I'ostoflke Building Y TO BUILDING 1 1 ..f r Atlm.h r i PHONE 726. t n tl'y ' rj- ' r t i a &nd the carr-e'.a'.'.n and '.g as ie of a n.or'gape lien rialrr.'-d y W B. Tyre thon-'if; lr.Rr.rar as It eCects plaintiffs rlgh and must answer the petition filC'l therein by said plaiatlfl, on or before the 3rd day of Jane, A. D., 1005, or said petition will be taken as true, and a Judgment for said plaintiff in said action for the cancellation and setting aside of said mortgage Hen on ttald lot insofar a It atfecw I'. 1'. Kearney's rights. uHl be rendered accordingly. Dated this ioth day of April. 190S. THOS.' NORMAN, Attorney for PlalntlC. Attest: C. T. VERNON. District Clerk. By S. M. Parker, deputy. 20-27-Ml. Combat Prohibition. Milwaukee, Wis., May 2. (Special) Uquor dealers and those Interested in tho preservation of the liquor trado arc hero today from all parts of tho state for a mass meeting of the Wis consin Liberty Iaguc. A campaign against radical prohibition and tern Iranro agitation will be commenced. Several prominent speakers will de liver addresses. Colds That Hang on. Colds that hant; on In tho spring dc ploto the system, exhaust the nerves, and open tho way for serious illness. Take Foley's Honoy and Tar. It quickly etoiM the cough and expels the cold. It Is safo and certain In results. For sale by all druggists. d&w LOAN ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA in