Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Tuesday, May 12, 1908. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. PAQE THREE Good Luck Flour It's hotter for bread. It's better for biscuit. IPs botter for pastry. It costs no nioro than other brand and gives better satis faction Try ono sack. Soo that your grocer does not substitute soino other Hour. PALACE Elmer Wright, Prop. Main btreot, Next Door to Ardmore Dry Goods Co. Wo offer the best .service and the best equipments in the city. Wo want your patronage. CALL 631 For Frenslcy's Transfer Wagon Baggage a Specialty now: is a good timo to build lumber is cheaperand labor is plentiful. Come in and let us figure with you. IIii(Lson-IInii.s(on Lumber Co. Hrondwny and Washington Sts. Phono .'12 Century Sheet Music 10c Per Copy Catalogues Free Call and Get One HOFFMANN DRUG CO. 4- - t: COMPARE OUR 8ERVICE WITH OTHER8. Postal Telegraph Cable Co. N. Washington at. Tel. No. St. 4 4 4 Barber Shop For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use PeWitfs Kidner and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c ft. O. TWWITT CO., Chicso, IU For Sale- by W. B. Frams. EPISCOPALS I QUIT CHURCH CONCERTED MOVEMENT PLAN NED BY FIFTY RECTORS. The Deserters Will Align Themselvei With Catholic Church "Open Pulpit" Is Explanation for Change In Faith. Philadelphia, May II. Fifty Kpls copal clergymen in different cltlos have agreed upon a certain day u.iou which they will renounce KplscojKicy as a preMiratory step towards em bracing the faith of Homo, according to the Hov. A1m1i II. Doran, fonuorly ! an Hplscopallnn minister of this city. Ten of these ministers have charges In Philadelphia, seven In New York, tight In Chicago anil six In Fon-du-Ijc, Wis. The others are scattered throughout the t'ndtod Slate. Tlie wholesale defection to the Catholic church, according to Dr. Va ran, Is due primarily to the "open pulpit" whii h Is rcpudlatod by high ! churchmen. Tather Doran is connected with tho j Church of the Kplphany, Kleventh , and Jackson streets. Previous to his j conversion to tho Catholic faith, I about eight years ago, ho was a minister of the Kplscopnl church. Ho was one timo connected (J with SL Clement's church. It Is also declared that a strong propaganda in favor of Catholicism Is being conducted by tho companions of tho Holy Savior, an Kplscopnl or der, to which nil the local ICplscopa Hans who have renounced their faith belong. It Is said that thero Is a perfect understanding among tho clergy allied In this order mid that they have been working In conjunc tion with Catholic authorities for bov eral years. Dr. Doran is the author ity for the statement that on a defi nite date, within a month, tho deser tion of half a hundred F.,discopallant will occur. Dr. Doran retimes to make any names public, on the grounds of bo ing premature. As a result of tho adoption of the "open pulpit" canon by tho general conferouce, tho Its. Dr. William McGarvoy, rector of St. I'llzubetli's church, resigned his pul pit last Sunday, carrying with him three assistant priests, the Hev. N. L. Cowl, the Itev. W. I.. Hay ward and tho Rev. William M. McClollnn. Tho senior warden also resigned. Announcement has also been inado of tho resignation of two moro cler gymen widely known, In this city, where they have served in Important parishes. They aro tho Hov. Albert S. Cooper, for soino years a mission ary In China, and tho Hev. IMgnr A. Cowan, ex curate of St. Mark s in tills city. The Hev. Mr. Cooper ha3 severed all connections with tho board of missions. He has started for America to Join Dr. McCarvoy in 1'' .iN'sent movomcnt. bishop Coadjutor Mackoy Smith ot tho Kpiscopal dloceso expressed his vlows on tho matter ns follows: "I havo the greatest sympathy for Dr. McGarvoy. Ho Is a lino man. So are his associates all 11 no men. But tho -wholo thing is a tompest In a teapot. "Tho only criticism I havo to make is that theso gentlemen tali: as II they were tho whole church, when, in point of fact, they aro an Insignifi cant part. "Tho great fact about tho Kpisco pal church Is that It Is In no senso a sect. Its great vlrtuo U It magnifi cent comprehensiveness, livery onco In awhile either one extremo or tho other gets tired of trying .o transfer into a sect and determines to leave. "Tho low church did this thirty or forty years ago. This started a new sect, tho j so-called Hofoiaied ICplscopnllans. I bolleve a few ot theso still exist. "They sny that they woro drlvon out by tho ritualists, who formej ton other oxtrome. Now, It npptais as though tho ritualists' time ha.j Cir.n and they must tako tholr ova bitter medicine. Iletween thesq two ex tremes tho vast majority v!l; stlH go on contoutod and quite saUlld." Dandertne Works wondors. It produces hair Just ns surely as rain and sunshine produce crops. It produces a thick growth ot luxuriant hair when all other remedies fall. Wo guarantee Dandorlue. All druggists goll It 25c. COc nnd $1.00 per bottle. To p-ove Its worth send this sd nnd 10 cents In stamps or sllvor and we will mall you a large freo samplo. Know!;on Dandorlno Co., Chicago, 111. Dtf John Deore cultivators and lohn Deoro "Go Dovlls," at Bivens, Corhn : Frensley's. TO KEEP GORE IN OFFICE. Blind Senator's Friend Trying to) Discourage Possible Opponents, Guthrie, Okla., May 11. At a cau cus of democratic members of the house today, resolutions wcro adopt ed titmnlmously indorsing Senator Thomas Pryor Goro for ronomlnatlon and election next fall. No roferonce was made to Senator Owen. Friends of Senator Gore wUh to keop him In national iiolltlcs that ho may aid In the campaign for tho olectlon of William .1. Ilryan. Thoso friends reel that the resolutions adopt ed today may prevent other candi dates coming out spmlnrt Core for the nomination, which would lonvo him free to spend much of his timo outsldo tho state next fall. They Nr, however, that M. I. Turner ot i Oklahoma City may be n candidate I ORDER FOR HEARING PETITION TO SELL REAL ESTATE DY GUARDIAN. Stale of Oklahoma, Carter County, In County Court. In the matter of tho guardianship of Moron S. Lester and Orin Wll llnms. Now, on this fith A.- of May, 100S, comes doors; o M. Williams, as guar dian of the estate ot the above named wards having filed herein his petition for the snlo of tho real es tate ot Bald wards for tho reasons In snhi petition stated. It Is ordered, That said potltlon he and hereby Is set for hearing on tho Cth day of June A. I). 190S, nt It o'clock a. in. nt which timo the noxt ot kin and nil ponsons Interested In the estate of snld ward aie required to appear and show cause, it any they have, why an order should not In- granted for the suto of so much of the real estalo of snld ward as Is neeossnry for tho reasons In said petition stated, and that personal ser vice hereof be made upon said next of kin and porsonsc Interested In tho estate of said wards as required by law. It Is further ordered that a copy of this order ho published for four succosslvo weeks In tho An! morelte, of Ardmore, Oklahoma. I. H. MASON. County Judge. By CLKNIi: MITCIIKLL. Clerk. Dated this Ctli day of May. 190S. C-13-20-27 l The Most Common Cause of Suffering. I Hheumatlsm causes morn pain nnd , suffering than nny other disease, for the reason that It Is the most common 1 of all ills, and It Is certainly gratify ing to sufTcrcrs to know that Chamber lain's Pain Halm will afford relief, and mnko rest nnd sleep possible In many cases tho relief from pain, which Is I nt first temporary, has bocomo perma nent, whllo In old peoplo subject to chron rheumatism, often brought on by dampness or changes In tho weath er, a (permanent euro cannot bo ex pected; tho relief from pain which this liniment affords Is nlono worth ninny times Its cosL 23 nnd CO cent sizes for salo by F J. Hamsey nnd Hoffman Drug Co, d&w We also have the celebrated "White Mountain" ice cream frec.ers, it is the original TRIPLE motion freezer, lias a heavy char-coal tin freezer can that does not rust, the can top has a high collar which prevents anything getting into the cream while it is beintr frozen. f COOLERS! We have in the city, 11 " -It ; -r' We also carry in stock a combination Stone Filter and Water Cooler which is one of the great necessities of the household. They are cheap and every one something for smmmer STEVENS, KENNERLY & SPRAGINS 50C GIVEN AWAY 10 THE ' PUBLIC SCHOOLS. READ OUR OFFER Wo are In rtm.t of some of the very latest in., pa t the new slate. Those mnps tOiovv the congrei" ' slonal nnd legislative apportionment . shows the mi tuber ur.d boundary lint of onch -enutorlal ( xtrlct. It Is n complete iiiup of of tiu counties, townships, pout otllccs, - 'press olllcos, etc. It kIv the mine of nil rnllrouus, eli-rutc ro.ids com ! pleted. under comn net mil nnd po- posed. Kvory man, wonu-n and child In the entire stutu will gam a lot of valuable Information from stud) lug this map as It Is the very latent printed. Now to secure the map send $1.00 for the Daily two months or $100 for tno Weokly 12 months mid tho map will he given to you upon cnllug nt thin ottioe. If you want It mulled to u send 10c extra, and to all public k lumla the map will be Klvun nbilute1y froe by handing thin coupon properly filled out, cut out and nii'ilod by your teacher or superintendent. If by mall send 10c postage stampc rilli AHDMORH1TK Pt'tlLtSlIING COM PAN V. Plonao send by bearer one latest map of Oklahoma for the use of room No. which wo agree to hang up In said riH.m for the bene fit of same (Signed) Teacher or superintendent. For Public School In District Catarrh cannot ne Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cauot reach tho sent of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional dlsoaso, nnd In order to cure It von must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cur Is taken internally, nnd acts directly on the blood and nni- cuous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by ono of the best physl clans In this country for ytsira and Is a regular prlscriptlou. It Is com posed of the best tonics known, com bined with tho gest blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucuous sur faces. Tho perfect combination of tho wo Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful remtltH In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHKNKY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price "Gc. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Wise Ih the man who knows when to turn the other cheek nnd when to knock his opponent down. A Happy Fatnir Is soon turned to a sad ono if ho ha.i to walk the lloor every nlg'nt with a crying baby. McGco's Ilaby F.llxlr will mnko tho child woll sooth? Its nerves, Induce healthy, normal slum ber. Beat for disordered bowels and sour stomach all teething babies ncod It. Pleasant to take, suri, and safe, contnlns no harmful drugs Prlco 2K and GO cents per bottle,. Sold ny F J Hamso wltly WHITE-MOUNUIN ..REFRIGERATORS.. "STONE WHITE" SOLID STONE 'THE CHEST WITH A CHILL IN IT" This "White Stone" Refrigerator presents all "While Mountain Grand" oxe 'Hence, including the patent ice cham ber arrangement, tho duplex system of circulation and per fected insulation. Tho freo access of cold, dry air from tho ice chamber into tho solid white stono provision compartment below insures perfect rofrigoration, and at a moderate expense. COOLERS! COOLERS! COOLERS! one of the best assorted lines our line comprises all sizes should have one. Give us a comfort. SANDERSON FOR VICE PRES. ARDMORE A1AN ENDORSED f-OR VICE PRESIDENT STATE FEDERATION OF LADOR. 11 II. Sanderson i o' tlii rllv In ! - . ,d date for first i president of tli Oklahoma auto Federation m lj.bor. The an luial mooting of 1l. fnii iatlon will l '.I'd In this ty Inly 27 and vi i y effort will 1. 1 made to make tlu ii i t su it -ru meeting in ,ii - ilu .1 uni - lii-lorv. Mr. s.tndciMui is a menibor ot Ard inure Typographical Union No. tilt), and the American Federation of Mu sicians Ixvcal No. 157 of this city. Ilo has nlway boon an active worker In tfho ranks of orgnulxod labor. Tho following resolution was unnnlmniinly adopted at a recent meeting ot II. a Ardmore Central Trades Council: "Whereas, our worthy brothnr, II. If. Sanderson. Is a candidate for llwt vice president of the Oklahoma Statu Federation of Uilior; therefore be it "Hewilvod, that this body unani mously endorses and .urges the can didacy, of llro. Sanderson for tills po sition, knowing him to ho a an 1 fearless worker for the lnterists of organized labor under any and all circumstances; nlso know him to b a sober honorable man, nnd ono who will always strive to uphold organized labor. Further, that he Is woll quail lied to 1111 this or any other position of honor, ami a ninn who will bo an honor to organized labor In Okla homa. "C. C. CALLOWAY, "0. S. VA 11(11 IN, "C. H. MKHTHN'S, "Commli'on Mr. Sanderson will havo the Tilted strength or nil the labor milium of Ibis city ami tho typographical ond musicians' unions nt the coming elsj Hon. Notice to Creditors To tho Creditor of Geo. W. Mc Mlllnn, deceased: Tho creattors of tho above named decedent aro heroby notified that tho undersigned was, by tho County Court of Marshall County, Oklaho ma, appointed administrator with tho will annexed of the estato of said decedent, nnd that all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent aro required to exhibit them to said undorslgncd adminis trator with will aunoxed with tho necessary vouchors, nt McMillan, Ok lahoma within six mouths from the dat of tho first publication of this tiotice, to-wlt, from tho twonty-Borenth dny of March, 1308. Dated .March 21, 190S. C. A. HUHNS, Administrator. Subscribe for tho Ardmorolto. of water-coolers shown at the lowest of prices. call when in need of CO., Ardmore, 0k. 111 W 7n rrl i IT AIRSHIP FLEW OUT TO SEA WRIGHTS GAVE A DEMONSTRA TION OF THEIR INVENTION. An Altitude of 3,000 Feet Wa9 Reacn ed and the Aeroplane Went Eight Miles Out Over the Atlau tie Ocean, Muntoo, N. c, .May 11 With n much esse nnd tho sumo grace at a sor gull sails over tho water In si si oh of ilsh to devour, Orvllle an Wilbur Wright of Ohio, In tholr new est Invention, the "war aeroplane." defied tfie elements today and sailed away far over the Atlantic ocean and back again to their place of n n j iloxtous in Kill tlovlllo, Nag s head. North Carolina. Not only did the aeroplane make a successful lllght over the sea. but all up and down Nsg's hond. wbli b Ms nothing more than nn Island, lor a instance or about tvvonty-nvo milex I'he innohlne failed with m-rfect ease at all times under perfect control ot both the Wright brothers, who worn In the imus'ilue. The machine was at least II.OOO feet lu the air at one time, and It was annrent from tln maiaivifls that tho two Inventors were particularly Interested In prov ing tho ueroplnne capablo of making sharp and decisive turns In all direc tions under all conditions. For some time tho machine soiled about almost In a circle, then it would glldo away om a straight course and mnko a shur.i turn back to the direction from which It started Tho lllght of tho ninclilno as It left tho oarth was really a beautiful sight. It actually shot up Into tho air like an lullnted balloon after It had been released. When it reached a certain, height It would sail awav for some distance, then, ascend or de scend, according to tho will of the operator. Whom several miles nwnv from the land tho machine, then several thou sand foot In tho air, inado a plungo as If It would dlvo Into tho on, and tho few spectators, mostly flahormou or life vinvors, bollovod thuro had been an uccldunt. It rns all in tho game, however, because tho machine, when It reached a certain altitude, sutka peacefully awav. It is estimated that tho machine wiu eight miles awny on tho sea nt Its greatest distance nnd could have gono furthur perhaps had tho Inven tors curod to mnko tho trip. While tho inventors aro averse to discussing tholr Invention In any man nor they aro conlldeiit that they havo solved aerial navigation, and nro nox ious to provo it to tho United States governtnunt. Franco Is said to havo undo uu offer ot oiio-fourth million dollars for tholr Invention, but thev are not eager to sell to any foreign country. 1 -i- GOOD THINGS TO EAT Turnips Deans Peas Hhubarb Fresh Tomatoti Strawberries 1-ggs diutter and everything olso gosd to oat at POHTKH STAPLKS, Tho Hod Headed Grocer's. Phono 19. io-a NOTICE OF SALE OF CHATTELS. Hy vlrtuo of nn oxecution to me directed and dullvnrod, Issued out of tho County Court of Carter County, Statu of Oklahoma, In uu action In said court, wherein J. A. Hodovitz is plaintiff and S. P. Walker defend ant, I will on the 19th dny of May, 1908, butwooji tho hours of 11 o'clock a. in. and 2 o'clock p. m. of the said day, lu front of tho court houxo at Ardmore, lu the county aforesaid, offer at public salo and soil to tho highest bidder, for cash in hand, tho following described property, to-wlt: One brown horse mule, C years ofd, about 15 hands high, no brands; nlso ono brown maro mule, nbout 9 years old, IS hands high, no brands; said proporty having boon levied on as tho property of the said S. P. Walkor nnd taKen on oxecutlon In favor of J. A. Hodovitz Dated this tho "th day of May, 190S. J. II. AKKHS, ShorlfT of Carter County. By F. K. WKST, 7-10t Deputy Shorlff. KUKOPKAN plan Grand Avenue Hotel Oklahoma City. OKU. I havo one o the swellest cafes this Bldo of Kan-as City. When you aro In our city would bo pleased tc havo you miko us a vtsIL T. C. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. ROBERTS' BARBER SHOP Nexi.door to First National IJaniC FREE! FREE! Samples of old Dl'TCII CljKAN'SHlt as long ns they last It chases dirt and is a boon to every house keeper. You can de pend upon this s'ore to keep everything in good groceries. MARTIN Tno (Jrocer WKST MAIN .STREET Now is the Time This is good tinn to cement your cellar and lix up your store house. We build any thing in the cement line Get our prices on walks, curbs, guitars, pier blocks and window sills. Ardmore Concrete Co. Phone 877. J. W. Fielder, Prop. Ardmore Transfer Line The only first-class lino in the city Calls Made Promptly Wagon Out All Night Packages and grips han dled with care. Phono 2G1 STEVE ROWLES, Proprietor Open Day or Night. E. E. Guiilot BROKER Cotton Grain and Stocks In Hear Postal Telegraph Oflico Ardmore, Okla. Ml n I in ii m Orders Accepted 20 Hales of Cotton 1,000 HubIiuIh of drain 10 Shares of stock Heferunco Ardmoro Hanks Long Dlstnnco Phono 629 United States Depository Oklahoma State Depository City Depository Ardmore National Bank AKD.MORf, OhUUOttl Capital, Surplus and Additional Liabilities $250,000 If this bank Is a safe place for tho city, stnto unci nation to deposit tholr funds It Is a safe placo for tho farmer and busi ness man to keep his funds. THY IT. LEE CRUCE, President G. IV. STUART, Cashier