Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Tuesday, May 12, 1908. I THE DAILY AROMOREITE. PAGE FIVE Rich Cut Glass The Natural Gift Selection. 1 ho nlmost transcendent bontity of our display gives oppor tututy for tho comparison of urtltitlc effects In linos which nro widely iltllcrent, nnil rovenls tho gift possibilities o( our ex clusive stocks. Wo invito comparison of goods as well ns prices Icwolry, Watch liopalring, Mod ern rogress "Age is no longer the assurance of a Rood demand that it once was. There arc distinguished old pianos, whose past fame has stood in the light of modern progress. Monuments tell of good deeds past and done. Living deeds tell of what is going on to-day." Musical Courier. That is a plain truth, well expressed, based upon expert observation and induced by unbiased judgment. The is, in pianodom, the illustrious exponent of modern progress. Its beauty of tone, full of human expression and delicate shading, pure and noble, is coupled with f Paris Dand Men to Meet. A mooting of nil thoso interested In tho organization of tho amateur brans liand is hereby callc d lr Tuesday evening at tho city hall, tit S o'clock, when n permanent or ganization will bo perfected nnd re hcnrsals arranged. I'rof. I'etlt, a vet eran band nian.wlll bnvo charge. J. 1,. DA V, Pres. O. .M. UKDFIHLD. Secy. Chronic Constipation Cured Ono who Buffers from cnronlc con stipation is In danger of many serious nllments. Foley's Orlno Uixatlvo euros (ihranlc constipation ns It aids digestion nnd stimulates tho liver nnd bowels, restoring tho natural action of thoso organs. Commence; taking It today nnd you will feel better nt onco. Foley's Orlno Laxntlvo does not nausento or grlpo nnd la pleasant to take, llefuso substitutes. For salo by mi druggist. d&w Mm. It. 1). Dunbar of Gainesville will bo nt 220 C street .southwest, for n few days, nnd will do stamp ing nnd take orders for embroidery. Phono 1CI. 12-2 Whooping Cough. "In February our naugnter had tho whooping cough. Mr. Lano, of Hart laud, recommended Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy and said It gavo his customers tho bost of satisfaction. Wo found It ns ho said, nnd can recom mend It t anyono having children troubled with whooping cough." Bays Mrs. A. 'loss, of Ournnd, Mich. For sale by i . J. Hamsey and Hoffman Drug Co. d&w 1 FT Vl vo,,r l-vp- "-- writer, phono graph, bicycle, ir. fact any thing in tlu repair lino. t'.vpo writer export. All work is guaranteed, tiive n- u uial. Will call for your work MSN C. SCOTT Phone lb'i 227 V. Main St. Something New Wo nro now ir. position to do your work bettor than over before. Wo have late ly installed the celebrated DcVaslicr Dry Cleaning Machine Remember nil work turned out by us is tho samo class of. work done in the larger cities. Wo use no soap or water. No fading or shrink inn of garments, All work guaranteed satisfactory. Farthing Bros. Golden Rule Tailors Wo call and deliver all work. Main St. Phono 496 niuo DOHM Optical Goods. (Past vs. (F ame ' efficient tone-sustaining power and per fect workmanship. It is a splendid example of living deeds telling of what is going on to-day. At Luke's Music Store ARDMORE. OKLA. COMMERCIAL CLUB NOIES ENGLISH COUPLE COMING DlnECT TO ARDMORE TO LOCATE. MUCH INQUIRY. Tho Immigration movement from the llritish Isles to Ardmoro liaB not been dropped nnd efforts will bo con tinued In this direction by tho Ard moro Commercial club. Word was received this morning from a young man and wife ut Hrandosbury, Park, u suburb of Ixmdon, saying they would sail from Liverpool on tho steamship Ilnltlc on May 23 and would comu direct to Ardmore. The new comer has boon head gar dener on a largo eatute for many years and Is also a practical fruit grower. Ono of tho huge land own o.s of Ardmore has agreed to put the new comer on a tiait of land, pro vide houses and Implements and build up a model fruit and truck farm. This experiment will bo watched with lntorest and will probably reault In the coming of many more linuil grunts of tho t.amo sort. The Kngllbh families who are com tug to this district are of a high class and all of them come provided with funds so that fiom the very start they aro self supporting and In a po sition to take an active pari. In the affairs of tho community. Ardmore pussessos the unique dU Unction of being tho only place In tho -.outhwest which is feecurlug this clas-1 of Immigration and It Is very prob able will eventually becomo tho seal of a largo colony. Looking Toward Ardmore. The seetetnry of tho Commercial club is In receipt of a personal let- i ter fiom n prominent cltlzon of Chut- tuuooga, Tetiu., who would llko to hue his son come horo and "grow up with the country.' Tho young man is un expert stenographer and opera tor on typewriter and until recently uan priwito eecretary ot tlio United Staiis judge who lias died during the past month. Ho Ij capable of clerl- i cal work and has jlwayu given sutls- faction, if any of our readers aro looking for a man ot this cbirncter they will bo given bis nddresi at tho club. In fact, if you need any tort of mechanic, otllco man or salesman visit the club and muko inquiry ns scores of letters aro continually re ceived from persona seeking to secure positions before coming to this couu try. Tickets on Sale Saturday, Tickets for tho grand couterts to bo given by Innea Orche-s'ral baud of Now York will go on sala at Dean's Jewelry storo on Saturday morutng. Hoserved seats will be sold for the two coucerts for $1X0, tin giuu'iil ad mlsslou being but CO cents. T! Wniit Mnln Pnrrtnen Pnlnflnt- Co. for first class work. 10-3 PRINTERY BILL PASSED SENATE LOCATES THE TION AT ENID. INSTITU EXPECT GOVERNOR TO VETO ,Many Senators Support Dill With I This Understanding Protests From the Democratic Press. New Telephone Rates, fiutlitlr. OklH.. May 12. (Special) Tlt' hi'iiuto today paused the lioiua bl 1 providing for a state prluipry ,in t appropriating $30,000 for tho 0'i'-''nt ami locating of the luatl t it "u hi Until. M ii.iiur Holding's hard worn kept I'v 1 id amendment In tho bill. A number of sonatora voted for it wi i tho understanding that the gov ir r will veto 11. It I quite likely 1 1, it tho tm ensure will never bo --T,.d. 1 democratic press association ia T' urlm? in telegrams expressing on- 1 i t.ull. R.iilroad Men See Qovernor. (ii'inir, okla., May 12. (Special) - V dW. gallon of 25 railroad ehop t) n fin, n all ov.r the state had a i i. nine today with the tjovcinor .I':-! il. manded legislation preventing ri r .ids from removing from the 'iii- i.iilioad stock on which repairs ar. n- c ssary. T ii y with referred to corporation con.:nihSloners. New Telephone Rates, Guthrie, Okln.. May 12. ((Special. -The corporation commission to day Issued a final ordor, offectlvo In ten days, regarding the linld tel ephone rates, ns follows: HuhIiioss, $2 per month; ofTlco, $1.75 per month; rural, whero there nro moro than two phones to tho lino, 7." cents. This rato towns llko Shnwncc. will later Ardmore, be nppllcd In I.awton and Oil Men Win Out. Guthrie, Okla., Mny 12. (Special) In tho adoption by tho houso of tho Anthony cxclso bill, tho oil men won a victory, tho amendment reduc ing tho tax on tho ground produbKon on oil and gas from one-half to one- four Hi per cent, remaining bill. In tho i CONSPIRACY CASES AGAIN TRIAL OF SECOND SERIES WAS CALLED IN HARRISQURG COURT TODAY. Harrlsburg, Pa., May VK The soe I oud jerieu of the cctitpliaey ca.-b j growing out of the cun. ' tor tin- 1 nulling and equipping tho ut v jUuj capltol building, was called tor trial today. II. Uurk Cassell ot Marietta, Pa., head ot tho Pennsylvania- Construe Won company, which bupplied two million dollars worth of metallic fur niture lor the building; Joseph M. Huston, architect; Win. P. Snider, for mer auditor; Wm. L. Matthews, for mer superintendent ot public grounds ami buildings, and Frank M. Irvine, traveling auditor, weru placed on trial. For False Swearing, Madlll, Oklu., May 0. Hugh and Daltou Scott have been arrested and putted under arrest tor perjury In tuu mil Moore murder cisu hero Ibis week, both were placed under bonds In the sum of each. They will bo trud at tho Oaobor term ot din nut court. RESTRICTIONS OFF LANDS QUARTER OF MILLION VALUADLE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AF FECTED BY THIS BILL, Washington, . C, May 12. (Spo clal) Tho senate committee on In dian affairs today favorably reported the bill having for tho removal ot re strictions ou tho alienation of all In dian lauds In tho Quapaw agency. More than l.lul) Indians and about acrea ot valuable mineral aud agricultural lands aro affected. Tho salo uf tho ugency buildings, school buildings, etc., is also favored, as 1b also tho return of 217 Modoc Indians, , belonging to Captain Jackson's band of Indians, to tho Klamouth rcserva- i tloa 1,4 Oregon, their former homo. PERSONALS Mutnford Junes, n popular banker nnd one of Oklahoma's lending poll tielatiK, in In tho city today from lirixtow. Ho la the guest ot Col. J. P. Mullen and family. W. H. Mullen, Vivian Cabell and Vnltcr Mullen have- returned from a business trip to Oklahoma City. Harry 12. Hoyuolds, who hns been In Dallas for tho past year, has re turned to Ardmoro nnd is ngnlu with tho llrm of Hnnwny & Owen. Forrest Kaaloy ot Clovla, .V, M., Is In the city visiting with his sister, Mr. S. H. Wallace, and IiIm brother, John F. Hnsley. Mr. Kasle hns been In th j farther west for the past six years and ho pays he notes groat progress throughout Oklahoma and I especially In Ardmore. i Ohns P. Whitoman is In the city to- ! day in tho Interest i f Whlteman llroa. Mr. Whlteman lived In Ard more for a number of years and there la always a tender feeling in his heart i for the old town. ! Otis fi. Warron, a well known stock man from Corulah, Is In the city. J Will H. Vernon, with the American , type founders company ot Dallas, , Texas, is In the City calling on his trade. V. H. lingers and Duncan Talia ferro left today for Cool Springs, j where they will fish for a few days, j Arthur Adams Is a busiuess visitor j In Chlcknsim. Wesley Moor of Fox Is an Ard more visitor. M.s. Craig is in the city from crusher shopping with the Ardmore merchants. otweil McLlsh is In the city from Hroinlde. J. X. Armstrong of Pike is In the olty. Grove K. Chase is In the city from Chngrls. T. J. Carson, T. C. Whltflold nnd John Hardy camo down yoBterday afternoon from Dcrwyn. Fred V. Klukndo was a buslnoss visitor in Durant Monday. C. F. Adams ot Oklahoma City, traveling salesman for tho Moon Hug gy company, was in tho city yester day. Harry Nelson, representing tho I C. Smith Typewriter company, Is In tho city. Poto Graham, a former employe of tho Ardmorolte, but now a rcsldont of Ft. Smith, Ark., is in tho city vis iting friends. Mrs. It. McLlsh is vlaltlng In tho city from Wnpanu:kn. II. J. Nelson ot Kansas is in tho city on business. T. A. Tlynn Is a business visitor hero today from Randolph, Okla. II. C. Gorald is In tho city on busi ness from Oklahoma Cltv. Mnnv bluffed. .ire call, il and more are PREMIUMS WITH LENOX SOAP No indeed it kind of .soup. isn't that Lenox Soap is a itself. prize in It is sold at n fair price. It is cut full weight. Anil in order to yet you to b.iy it, a is not neces sary for tlie manufacturers tr: olfer brash jewulry, dolls ot " t r u c k " of a similar nature. In this world, nobody ever gets something for nothing. Soap manufacturers who give premiums include the cost of the premiums or rcducJ the weight or qual ity of the soap. In any event, YOU pay for tho premiums. Don't make any mistako about that. For salo by all grocers TYLER S SIMPSON CO. Ardmore, OKIa. WAITING FOR PIE ARDMORE MEN WHO SEEK TO DE CLERK OF THE FEDERAL I COURT AT THIS PLACE. ! The matter of who will be the J clerk of the federal court In Ardmoro Is still an open question. Their in. three applicants from Ardmore ! S. Crockett, Col. A. V. Doak and j Jnmi - T. Hums. The Indian appro, u I ntlon bill, which ear 1 1 eg a ine.tiie ' appropriating pay for the il. ik. ii.i.i not passed congress jet and will ni until a few days before adjournment and apiHilnttnrnts are not t'XpeiitJ to be made until the appropriation made. Congicas will adjourn tin J .nt of May and by the first of June the appointment will probably be made lleshles those here who would liki to fill the place there are applicants In other towns of Oklahoma btiniie olllce will moxt likely go to olio of the lorul nppliiantH. OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT Tho Franklin 8!ork Company will show at thf oprra houso tonight on account of tho weather. .j. .j. .j. .j. .j. -j. .p .. v PICK-UPS HERE AND THERE. i- -i- : : 'i- ! Mrs. Kirk Dyer arrived last even ing from Kearney, Neb. She was In duced to visit Ardmore by Col. Price, who is moving from that town hero. Airs. Dyer will thoroughly Investigate th's country before her return home And Inter In the year sho and her hua band will both come ou a prospecting tour. Mr. Dyer is a wealthy rancU man and hna considerable money which he desires to Invest In Okla homa. F. K. West went to Norman today, where ho will place In tho nsylttm a woman who was recently adjudged insane hero In the county court. Tho unfortunate woman is Mrs. Julia Lewis of Ino Grovo. OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT The Franklin Stock Company will show at tho opera house tonight on account of tho weather. EMBERLIN GRANTED BAIL 'BOND IS FIXED AT $5,000 AND WILL BE MADE BY CLIENT SAYS HIS ATTORNEY. Attorney H. F. Turner nppeared In court this morning and mudo applica tion for ball for Goorgo Kmborltn who Is coullued in tho county Jail charged with tho killing ot John Alr Ingtou at Graham last December. 1'pon the hearing ot the tostlmouy and the argument of tho counsel bond wus grunted In tho sum of $5,000. Mr. Turner as his client will be ablo to make tho bond. KNi:Uof01at..TLr BeHffqohlG uhleagg DeWltfs I.lttlo Knrly rtlsers nro small, safe, sure and gentle little pills. Sold by W. II. Frame. d&w L. L. Blake Dead. Mr. U. U Illako of North Washing ton street, who litis boon 111 for some time with n complication of diseases, passed quietly away about 1 o'clock this afternoon, surrounded by his fam ily aud near rolatlvca. John Deere cultivators nnd Jom Doero "Go Devils," at lllvers, Cchu & Freusley's. Death of Infant. Terry D. Underwood Jr., nged ton months and three days, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Underwood, died tuld morning at 10:20. Tho romalns will bo lnttrred In Hoo Hill cometery to monow at 10 o'clock. Tho Borvlcoa will bo conductod at tho family resi dence, 720 North Caddo street, by iltv. Trimble, Ilivens, Corhn & Frensley have a cur of net? barbed wire. City Court. ISuslneBg has been very dull tor tho past few days in police clrclos. Tho past two days Pollco Judgo Oalt drew I a blank, and there is only one ca&u today. Ono unfortunate follow who is a coko fiend got loaded on tho dopo and decided to put on a show down In southeast Ardmore, and ns the result will havo to explain to Judgo Gait why ho should not bo fin ed (or disturbing the ptaco aud quiet of that neighborhood. OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT Tho Franklin Stock Company will show at tho opera houso tonight ou nciount of tho weather. Men's Golden LYNN The Shoe Man 'LYNN ..BURN OAS.. Have us do your gas work and furnish your htovcs. Yi tan. fill ) our orders at once. Then' i-. no striki' at our simp, we wi.ik only union men winch insures gnuil viik yi.d .vaft: work. WliEIvS' BROS. l innets and I'luinliors, South Washington St. AT THE AIROOME 80ME CLEVER AND ENTERTAIN ING SKITS BY A CLEVER COMPANY. Instrumental mimic, singing, (lanc ing, Jugllng, lightning crayoning, mlm ler, clogging and a llvidy dramatic sketch nro the eomjioiient pnrta of one of the cleverest hills that was over presented on any stngo which will bo seen this week at tho Air dome. Tho bill last evening proved this In the presentation ot "Samp son of Yale,' a live melodrama In four acts. Mr. William A. Duncan, who took tho lending rolo as Goorgo Hath away and played tho part of Samp son was clever In every net nnd Is a well developed oxpoucnt ot phys ical culture, who besides posing ef fectively performs fonts of strength which exemplify the glories of well trained muscles. Mr. Duncan Is n native of Scotland nnd has only been on tho stagu two years. Ho Is pleas ing nnd courteous and there Is a bright future awaiting him In the the atrical word. Mrt Parker did tho villain net nnd wns good. Harry Wilson wo term ns king of fools nnd funny falls ho does tho Irish stunts that aro dandles. Mrs. Duncan us Cnrllnn, tho Gypilo Queen, Is as pleasing ni her hut band. MIks Monron as the confidence wo man of the piny, did her part admira bly and fully portnrjed tho vlllaln Ism of a mi an woman. Tho specialties wore catchy nnd the Juggling nnd HpliMiiir-r crayoning by FINE CATTLE SALE 1 have for sale ten head of puro Scotch Short Horn yearling bulls the low down blockcy kind, the breed for beef and the breed and fifty dollars and let J. C. WASHINGTON MARIETTA, OKLA. Selvidge Business College, Arilmort', Oklahoma Tho lnrj,'ost, tho bost equipped, Uio most practical, tho most progressive and tho most successful business college in Okla homa. Occupies its own building. Husiness and stenographic courses only. iitudentH enter any week day oi tho year No vacations. .Special cotnbuntion offer on scholarship and Fox typewriter, the best visible typ writer. Send for catalog. CJ. P. Sn.VinOF. A. M.. .M. AccW.. Pres. Brown Oxfords Arc exceedingly popular this season. Leather Strnp and Buckle or wide riblxin lace. I ley wood, Str.ry-Adams. Best on earth $3.50, $4, $5 and $6 M'. A It ilo was well worth tli of tho wholo show. Tho conduct of the audletuo w n a I that routd bo export, d. Mar I on Klioiihl C'lnvnittil ito h'" tho ormltpti hohnvlrr r I' boy. Out a word If th Whlowa" had ben left at t removed during tho porf. there would have been better 11. '' ci -t'l 'J rr..i , ,- rp ancu r'sfa'. Hon all around. Tonight a wertern playlet wrh tho acene laid at and nround Fort Gib son will hold the boards. With nn amuilng nnd Interesting lino ot spe cialties. Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured. "An honored citizen of this town was suffering from a sovoro attack of dysentery. Ho told a frlond if ho could obtiiln a bottle of Chamberlnln's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Hemedy, ho felt conlldent of being cured, ho hav ing used this remody in tho wcsL Ho was told that I kept It In stock and lost no time In obtaining It, and was promptly cuted," says M. J. Leaoa, druggist, of Wolcott, VL For salo by F. J. Hamsey nnd Horrmnn Drug Co. d&w Mr, Blake's Condition. Information reached tho Ardmorelto olllco this nfternoon Hint Mr. U L. 'Hlake's condition was most critical, with little hope ot his recovery. Ho Is surrounded by his family nnd friends. A Living Skeleton Is the final condition of any child that has worms If it lives. Think of hav ing something In your stomach that eats nil you take as nourishment. Nina tenths of tho hnblos havo worms, may bo yours has. llo certain that it has not by giving It Whlto's Cream v.'rnil fugo It expels all worms and Is a tonic for the baby. Price 25 centw. Sold by F J. Itamsey. wkly Illven", Corhn d. Frenolcy havo a car of new barbed wire. Bl for milk. They run in aes from eleven to twelve months and will weih from eight to nine hundred and fifty pounds. Will take one hundred dollars per head for the lot. Or vi" take one hundred buyer select what he wants.