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THF OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN DISTRICT MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS-ALL THE LOCAL NEWS FIRST. Wf rater to I'lly limine;. JJl.1 uiirniiti-e I'rmiiiil fjervkj; Ardmore Steam Laundry TKl.r.l'lIONi: M). 10 Cream Bakery liread Try the Mow Process cream Loaf JOHN N. IMRIE Phone 2;)H. tomott VOUJMK XIV AHDMORK, OKLAHOMA, FRIDAY KVKNIN(J, MAY i:, I HON NUMHKR 301 SYMPATHY FOR CLEVELAND CONFERENCE AT WASHINGTON ADOPTS BRYAN'S RESOLUTION. ROOSEVELT EXTENDS THANKS To the Conference of Governors For Manner In Which the Work of the Meeting Was Accom plished Bryan Speech. Washington D. C, May 15. Tho conference of governors today adopt ed .with no opposition, a declaration for tlio principles which will sug gest thu president to call a future conference, but provided for a per manent organization. The president thanked tho confer ence for tho manner In which It nun done Its work and then presented W. J. llryan, who addressed Un delegates. The conferenco adopted by accla mation, and at the suggestion of the provident, the resolution introduced by Mr. llryan expressing symputhy with o.x-Preslednt drover Cleuvland, who Is now quite 111. 11. S. Clair Puttnnn of Now York addressed tho conferenco today on "Tho Conservatism of Power He sources;'' Emory II. Johnson profes sor of transportation and commerce at tho University of lenslvanln, on ''Tho Navigation Hesources of American Waterways," and fleorgo M. Kober, professor of hygiene of Georgetown University, on "Conser vation of Life and Health by Im proved Water Supply." LIFE IMPRISONMENT. Was the Penalty Assessed In Sanders Murder Case. ino Jury In thu Sandurs-Carnnt-au murder caso which has been on trlai in tho district court at Duncan re turned a verdict thl morning t?ft lug tho defendant, 10. S. Sanders, guilty and assessing his putishnicut nt life Imprisonment in tho peniten tiary. W. 11. Johnson of this city was employed by tho family of tho deceased to assist in the prosecu tion of tho caso and A. C. Cnio of this city and W. I. Gilbert of Duncan represented tho defendant. Sanders shot Curnahan on Decivn bor 9th of lnst year whllo Carnnhan was engaged in shelling corn. Tho caso was a hard fought ono on both sides. Tho defenso was self defense. New Suit Filed. P. M. Snyder, as trustee for A. J. Snyder, hns brought suit for tho rocovory of thu sum of $220, balance duo on a noto and secured by n mortgngc on a lot In this city against Sam Smith nnd Anna J. Smith. Tli petition prays for tho foreclosure of the mortgage. Cruce, Cruco & Ule'.t'k moro represent tho plaintiff in tho cose. Sailor Back Home. Thurmond I'ulllam, tho sun of Capt. nnd Mrs. A. S. I'ulllnm of this city, who was flrumun of tho first class on tho battleship Minnesota, arrived home this morning from San Pranclsco. having served his time out in tho navy. Thurmond reports that tho sailor boys had tho time of their llos while tho fleet was nt Los Angeles uid Son Prnnclsco. Tho young man may reenlUt. Serious Results Feared, You may well fear sorlous results trom a cough or cold, as pneumonia and consumption start with a cold. Poley'a Honoy and Tar euros tho mo3t obstinate cougns or colds and pro Tents serious rosults. Ilofuso substi tutes. Por salo by all druggists, d&w A woman's "no" doesn't mean yes when sho says It to tho wrong man. If you havo a good friend don't try to convert him Into a good thing. Many comedies look llko tragedies from tho stngo manager's viewpoint. n tt j: :: :j :: :: :: :: :: . : s Heads Socialists. j l 'iligo, in., Mny 15. Tin- it ,11 Socialists iiittlonnt convention tt i it at 2 o'clock thU morning tt tt mimed Pugunu V. Deb an the i tt candidate for president, mid tt tt ltciijnmln llnnford of New tt tt York for vice preslodnt. tt tt Cal T. Lipscomb of Sedalla tt tt Mo., who was placed In nJinl- tt tt initio for vice prcsldeut re- tt tt ceived but one vote. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt WOULD SUPPORT BRYAN JOHNSON SAYS CHOICE OF NE BRASKAN AS NOMINEE WILL FIND HIM DEMOCRAT. Washington, May 1 1. Gov. John A. Johnson of Minnesota, wlio is In Wash ington to attend the conference of governors of states and territories with 1'resldeut Itoosovolt at the white house on the conservation of tho country's natural resources, when asked his opinion regarding the po litical outlook, said: "There seems to lie a split In tho republican party which no doubt will Injure it considerably. I am con vinced that the democratic party has an excellent chance of success In tho approaching campaign.'' "Would you support Mr. llryan If ho is nominated?'' Governor John son was asked. 'To bo sure." ho replied vigorous ly. "Why not?" ''If tho people believe that I can get enough votes for election, I will gladly entor the fight and do all in my power for tho success of the party. "Will Mr. llryan support mo If I am nominated? "I think Mr. Aryan could better answer that question. Hut I can see no reason why he should not. I.Ike myself, he Is desirous of the party's sucess ,nnd I believe Hint hn will support any man selected by tho party." FIND PIECE OF JAWBONE RESEMBLES THAT OF MRS. GUIN NESS SAYS DENTIST WHO WORKED ON HER TEETH Mrs. Guinness Said to Have Been Dancer in a Show at Christiana During Her Youth With Her Three Sisters. I.aportc, Ind., May 15. "Thoro Is no question but that tho ,)lecu of Jaw bone found on tho Guinness farm yea terday Is from a human being. Pur thormoro It bears a strong resem bianco to the lower Jaw of Mrs. Guln uess." Tills punitive statement of Idcutltl liitlou was made today by a dentist, who had worked on Mrs. Guinness teeth. Dancer When a Girl. Chtlstlana, May 15. Mrs. Uello Gulnuoss, thu central tlguru In tho La porto murder mystery, details o which lnuo been received hero, Is re membered In Christiana as a girl as hlsting her father, Peters I'aulsen, a traveling conjurer and magician and who gave pei fonuancos at all tho lairs in Norway. Sho performed as a rope duncor and often was seen In short skirts uud fleshings and half lleshlngs before tho tent, extending an Invitation to the public to step In side. Her three sisters and brother also took part In tho entertainments. The father made enough money even tually to retire to it small village near Trondhjem. Mrs. Guinness has many relatives In Norway. For the expert, for the amutour, we have all kinds of fishing tackle, I1IVENS, COiUIN & FUENSLEY. INTO THREE DIVISION DAVENPORT'S BILL FAVORABLY REPORTED TO HOUSE. ROBABLY BECOME A LAW,: Appointment of Additional Deputy Clerks Is Also Provided For In This Bill Salaries For Mar shals and Attorneys. Washington, D. C, May 15. (Spe cial) Three divisions of the eastern judicial district of Oklahoma are pro vided for by the Davenport bill, which was today favorably reported from the house committee on Judici ary, which will be made a part of the omnibus judicial bTII a"d probably be enacted into law at this session of congress. Vlnita and Tulsa comprise one di vision, Muskogee and McAlester an other, and Ardmore and Chlckasha the third of the divisions. The purpose of this legislation Is to facilitate court work. The appoint ment of additional deputy clerks Is also provided for In the same bill, which also fixes the salaries of United States marshals and attorneys at $4,- 000 per annum. It will be remembered that the en- abllng act failed to provide for the salaries of these officers. SENATE TO MAKE CHANGES WILL INSERT PROVISIONS OF AL- DRICH FINANCIAL BILL PASSED BY HOUSE. Washington. D. C, May 15. Tho j senate eommltteu on tliiauce today vuttd uniinlmously to iiuiend thu V tee laud curren y bill passed li the huuso .u-hU-rday, striking out evirthin-' after the enacting clause anil ln-ot nig the provisions of tho ALL ill. bill, as passed by tho senate. It will then be reported to the sen ate 'by Senator Aldrlch. In Justice Peace Court. This was one of Judge Winfrey's busy da)s In thu Justice of the pcaco court and several cases were tried. The Hi Ht caso to come up for hear ing was that of tho State vs. Lllllo Norful. a blaikberry blonde, who was chanted with assault to kill. Tho case was dismissed with the proviso that Llllle leave the city of Ardmore within the next twelve hours. Lllllo has gone. (1 ativllle McKlnnlo, a whlto man, wns placed In Jail charged with rob bery. The preliminary hearing lj In progress this afternoon. Granville was turned over to the Justice by tho city authorities. A warrant for tho nrrost of ono Crowe clint god with tho larceny ot pellx King's horse and buggy was Is filed nnd placed In tho hands of tho sheriff to serve. 11. II. Prngor nn experienced shoe salesman formerly of Port Worth, Texas, has located In Ard more and has acepted a position with Lynn ,tho shoo man. Mr. Prager Is an expert in fitting shoes. Innes' Band Chorus Practice TONIGHT Baptist Church 7:30 Sharp Last night for admission of new members. Letter from Mr. Innes will be read. Picture of entire chorus will be taken. Ladies are requested to wear white shirt waists. If you want to sing May 3 ist, you must be there tonight. it tt it tt tt! tl Believes Thaw Insane, tt I'oughkeepsle, N. M.i 1 T. it Alo T. linker, a. t.n mi tt I'd lnt ndclit of M.ittr.iwuii ti ltmi, today In tli habeas tt corpus proc8dliini tiKtlfled tt that in 111 opinion ll.ur K. it Thaw was Insane. , tt Maid iu his opinion It lit would be dilliKf'K'U- for the tt public safety to lue Thaw it go at law. t: tt tt tt t: tt tt tt tt LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET OVER 9,000 DOZEN EGGS SHIPPED THIS MONTH GROWN HENS SHOW DECLINE IN PRICE. During the llrst two weeks of tho present mouth, one local produce dealer has shipped 0,000 dozen eggs, or thirty cases, notwithstanding tho fact that the rainfall has been execs slve and tho roads In bad shape. Tho local market for chickaus and eggs Is getting better and the farmer who raise poultry as a side Ittsue makes money, with but little trouble. Tho demand for chickens is so great that to Hood thu market Is almost an impossibility. Just nt present tho best demand ox 1st for broilers and frying size chick ens and but little dc-nund for g'rowu hens. The pi Ice on 1' us hns declined with thu past two or three days and are worth about 7 cents per pound wholesale, which will make a hen worth about 30 to -10 cunts for tho farmer. Kggs nt this time uro selling at in cents per dozen wholesale. The farmer who raises good chick ens, such as Plymouth Hocks and li'r.ahmns, can uwiko monoy oven though prices decline on nccount ot tho fact that one Plymouth Hock hen will weigh us much as two ordinary hens and thu cost ot raising a Plym outh Hock or any good bred chlckon Is no moro than the common variety. FRANK FRANTZ DISAPPEARED OKLAHOMA'S EX-GOVERNOR MISS ING FOR A MONTH. FRIENDS THINK FOUL PLAY His Effd ts Remain at the Raleigh rioiel in Wasnington Unclaimed. Detectives Have Been Em ployed to Locate Him. Washington, D. C, May 15. (Spe cial) Where is Frank Frantz, ex. governor of Oklahoma? His disappearance from Washing ton has cau&ed grave concern to hit friends, v.ho hae not seen or heard ot hlni for the past month. It is feared that he has met with foul play. Detectives have been em Ployed In the ropes of locating the iTiicsing man. His effects at the Raleigh hotel In this city remain unclaimed. Illvens, Corhn & Frensloy havo car of new barbed wire. Things that mako some girls bltiBh mnko others turn palo. tt REPUBLICANS T i GET BUSY MEMBER3 OF STATE LEGISLA TURE SPURRE DTO ACTION. WILL CAUCUS ON PROCEEDURE This Is No Doubt the Result of the Statement of Chairman J. O. Thompson of the State Dem ocratic Committee. Guthrie. Okla., May 15. (Special! Spurred to action by the slinging philippic against republican Insincer ity mid misrepresentation, given out by Chairman J. II. Thompson, of tho democratic state committee, In an Interview last week, the republican members of the state legislature nrv planning to cull a caucus to delcdo on certain amendments to tho statu constitution to be offered In either branch of the legislature at the pres ent session. Tho calling of tho caucus comes as u direct result of the Interview given out by Chairman Thompson In which he proves the absolute In sine rlty of republican papers and re publican politicians by showing that, although they condemned the Okla homa constitution during tho cam paign last fall as the most Iniquit ous document over conceived In the mind of man and pledged their party It entrusted with power, to Imme diately amend It the constitution hns heen In force for five months and the legislature In session four months without a republican paper or a re publican politician proposing a sin gle amendment to tho constitution. Whatever tho amendments mny bo on which the caucus decides It is an absolute certainty that they will b. Introduced for polf'ci' purpojet. only nnd that not ono s nslo mem ber of tho caucus believes that nny of tho amendments will bo nccepted by either tho legislature or the peo ple. Aa proof of this It Is only nec essary to point out that the repub- llcan caucus was not called until after tho ibjmocratlilTmaJorlty of tho legislature has decided In cau cus .than no new bills or propositions ot any nuturo would bo considered at this session. Safe, through tho operations of this majority resolu tion, from being forced to defend, on tho floor of tho houso or senate, the amendments that they offer, tho re publican members feel Mint they may may bo able to devise l rtain amend moms wnicti will puss muster as campaign thunder. No Intimation has been given out as to the nature of any of tho nnieiidtnenth. It is rumored that an amendment to the state constitution eliminating tho provision for a stato dispensary system from the prohibi tion article had been seriously con slderod and probably would liuvo passed the caucus had Senator Har per S. Cunningham of Guthrlo not pointed out to his political associ ates that special suction of the Ok lahoma constitution wits taken ver batlm from tho enabling act which was passed by a republican con gross and signed by a republican president. When the republican "Med Iclne-makers" of the legislature real Ized that to propose an amendment striking out the clause providing for state dispensaries where liquors should bo sold for medicinal purpnxett, would be proposing to strike trom,s.lmuel sonhelmer of Muskonee. The thu Oklahoma constitution a provl- I slon which tho republican national congress it obligatory for the Tne two ma cerk are ,erloutly Vns.lf.lional r.onvintlon to , op I hurt( but t be,eved that none for that section of tho stato formerly!, the paengeri are dangerou-ly known ns tho Indian Territory, they ,n.uredi conciuueu uiai ti might prove a boomerang and It Is not believed that nny amendments touching tho prohibition law will bo offered. Ono or two of tho republican members wero Inclined to favor the offering of nn amendment doing nwuy with prohibition and providing for a local option with high license liquor law, but wero confronted with tho fact that In th lust three months, In their zeal to nrouso opposition to the dispensary law, practically every it it it it ti tt tt tt ti tt tt it ti tt t: tt it it.. Earthquake at Washington. tt tt Washington ,1). C. Mil) K. t: it - An cNithqflftko that Initr.l tt tt f.r ono hour nnd whs of eon- it it k der.ihle Intensity wss record ti tied here today. t: St The origin waa apparently it from thirty to one hundred ;j ti miles from Washington. it t- i! ti it it tt it it t: tt it it tt tt tt ti tt republican newspaper In the state has declared editorially for absolute prohibition, nnd It hns been decided taut to offer such nn amendment would do their )rty more harm than good. Whether the republican ciniciu, In th.-lr combined wisdom, will Ingenious enmiRli to conduct a row proKised amendments to the constitu tion which will be of no little Import ance as to not amuse general oppo s'tlou and yet ol siillliient moment to hltiKe a cumiMiKti speech on, re mains to be demonstrated. No Indi vidual republican member will admit that he bus any amendments to the constitution to offer, hut two or three ot them has stated that the matter Is to be taken up in caucus Imme diately. CALIFORNIA FOR TAFT. Secretary Gets Delegation From Gold en State to Chicago. Sacramento, Cal., May 15. Tho re publican statu convention hero last night elected delegates nt largo to the Chicago convention, all of whom are Instructed for Tuft. AGED PHYSICIAN DROWNED. Dr. Wllklns Drowned Near Bee Yes terday Relatives in Arkansas. Mllburn Okla.. May 15. (Special) Dr. H. P. Wllklns aged C3, was drowned near Heo yesterday. Ills only known relatives live at Llltlo Ilock, Ark. A man who yells nt tho top of his volcu seldoms wins an argument. COLLISION ON KATY OCCURRED NEAR MUSKOGEE AT NOON TODAY. SEVERAL DEAD AND INJURED Known Dead Aro Engineer Hotchklss and Two Express Messengers. Two Mail Clerks and Several Passengers Injured. Muskogee, Okla., May 15. South bound Missouri, Kansas and Texas passenger train No. 5, known as the "Katy Flyer," which left St. Louis late last night for Texas points, col llded head-on with a freight train on miles northeast of Muskogee today at noon. Several cars are badly wrecked a"d all caught fire. Six or seven persons aro reported killed and several Injured. The known dead are. Engineer Hotchklss of Parsons, Kansas, of the Flyer. Two express messengers, names u". known. The Injured Include two mall clerks nnrl several cassenners. amonn them Lame9 aro not obtanabIe at this I noup Cascasweet lu tor babies and chil dren, and Ib o 'eclaly good foi tho Ills so common In hot weather. liook for tho Ingredients on tho bottle. Con tains no harmful drugs. Sold by W. 11. Pramo. d&w Mr. John Hlha of Vlulng, la., says, "I havo been soiling DoWltt's Kidney and Iiladdor Tills for about a year and they giro better satisfaction than any pill I over sold." Bold hv W. II. Framo d&w AEROPLANI GETS WRECKED FLYING MACHINE MAKES SUD DEN DART TO EARTH. OPERATOR IS UNINJURED Accident Occurred at Time When the World's Greatest Triumph In Air ship Navigation Seemed As suredWill Try Again. Manteo, N. C.. May II. After scor ing a triumph iu a splendid lllght ot more than eight miles tills afternoon, thu Wright llros.' aeroplane was sud denly dashed to tho earth and com pletely wrecked. Wilbur Wright, tho operator, wan not Injured, but tho wreck of tho ma chine was so comploto that tho parts will be shipped back to Dayton, Ohio, whoro tho craft will bo rebuilt and tho practice work continued, probably at this jtolut. Tho cause ot the nccldent Is not dellnltrly known, but It Is supposed that while going nt a rapid speed tho operator pullud tho wrong lever and sent the machine downward instead of upward, us ho had Intended. I lad tho machine continued In tho air for another three miles It would have beaten ten miles continuous lllght, ns moro than alght miles had been covered In tho most thrilling lllght thus fur made. At this point tho machine had traveled at about forty live miles an hour, but wns probably making much greater speed nt tho moment ot tho collapse. It came down behind ono of tho big sand hills and in a spot where no ono could sco what happened. Orvlllo Wright, an assistant, and a few life savers, saw thu machine suddenly dart to tho earth, nnd wont to tho nsslstanco ot Wilbur, whom they found unharmed, physically, hut wtdl nigh crnzod with grief and dis appointment over so serious a set hu k at this time. Today's (lights wero undoubtedly, nil things considered, tho most im portant achievement In tho history of aerial navigation, and tho accident occurred when tho Wrights seemed at the very threshold of ono of tho world's greatest triumphs. GUILTY OF BLACKMAIL MAN WHO THREATENED TO BLOW UP OMAHA BANK FOUND GUILTY. Omaha Neb., May 15. James J. Pee, who on March 10 cala-d nt tho Merchants National Dank uud threat ened to blow up tho bank, unless Cashier Drake produced $5,000, was today found guilty of blackmail. Tho defutisu was Insanity. Thu sentence of Peo was reserved. Tho arrest of Peo at tho tlmo was effected through tho coolness iof CaMvr Dralt0 who Invited him to go to broakfust witn mm at a nearby restaurunt, whoro they would talk tho matter ovor. Whllo there partloa from tho hank seized Peo from behind nnd plncod him In tho custody of olllcors. Street Car Conference. A mooting of those Interested In tho construction of tho street rail way is being held this afternoon In tho renr of tho Pirst National banko Donald Pltzgerald and Mr. Ilea haw roturned from tho oust aud In 1 probability tho lino will be completed within tho uoxt month or so. It Is understood that tho necessary capital has been procured and tUo construction work will bo resumed within a few days. Subscribe for the Ardtnorelte. 1IU I1IIUU YWUl fV4. I you'll bo gliul you guvo It to us. Excelsior Steam Laundry Phouo 575