Newspaper Page Text
PAGE ELEVEN Ardmore Sunday, May 17, 1908. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. -PfAHMED fSU rif-ifl..r'. tli-m, ls. A.I oi tins . Mother's f ricr.J rU'itx comes, as tins liniment prepares me bodv for the strain upen it, rtul preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend irakis the d..nger of Unld lirth Uss, ami carries hersafdv t'-roisch this critical period. Hiousuuls grattlully tell of the beneht .m.l rc.!ct licnvcu from the use of this remeJ S..1.I I.t in nun' imh k. ' hill ! mtt I r I- t . (it r t - VI n.H.t f tin. I'T'1 ins nvuai -t nsrji..iT0R co. Atlanta, Gj. BANKERS NATIONAL ... BANK... PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000.00 SAFE METHODS. CAREFUL MANAGEMENT. Wo solicit account whether largo or small, which our caroful attention. 8AFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. ITTLE JAP 1 l OTAL AM li UIDINC; A New KinJ of DoJiinl nr (iuiJiii 1'rincinlc make it DIMI.NCi IMI'LK MUNI'. No Imiuiort at )rt HraJIcy rtcnt bar them. Off ralri;iiMi tin MTTI.K JIT Mli ti v ' .i hum. I.n ih 1 m Wi ii t I Ml ltl II A! KhIE I-i IlkMKTHK tiukftfct. The Rants .r. ilu'iiyi parallel at whtlnvnr po.lllon llin cultivator I. wotKln( ketpina Ihe atmvrla SUUAKIi AM) CUTTINO AN liVli.N Dlil'lll. I'rcaiurc prln in furniihcil lor use in hard frund. In hilly (round thia cultivator iSntt rntct work and does mi JriflinK o common to wheel cultivators Operator naturally falls Ihe war Ihe lultlvator Irani carryint Ihe acal-har ilh him, anj elfeclinl Ihe wheels inJ (ants uflicicntly to live the cultivator an upward course which brmlt it to the correct position. Different wciiht npcralora may uic the LI JA1' with equal success. The Jodie with this cultivator may be detcrihed at similar to the movement! one makee in stepping out ol hit path to avoid striking tome object, etcrpt that when nu move in nr direction the cultivator inovca in the oppmilc direction. Thia lever workt freely and produce, a quick dodlc. I'OUK TOOLS IN ONH-The I.ITTI.K JAP may he equipped at . slitht covt In work a Shovel Cultivator; a Surlaoa Cultivator a Dlak Cultivator: and a Ulak Harrow. Call at our atore and we'll show ou thia thia in mind. Sold by T. K. KEARNEY, Ardmore Read the advertisements in this paper &l a S BETTER FOR BISCUIT IT'S BETTER FOR PASTRY . &4 $!r w W 5 J Every woman covets a shapely figure, and many of them de tMore the loss of iln ip f Forms after mnr- rl riace The bearing of children , often destructive to the .... .i.i i-. . ...... r can ne uvtmica iy me ; ui Ill No. IJH6 lfj.r.1 and other economical Ilradlcy Implement, Hear &l $'4, t& 9,$ $'6 w 3 w ARDMORE MUSICAL CLUB Arilmore In to bo congratulated on the lariw number or good musicians It contains. Tlu name of those who have aptearod on the club ,iro;rani t a rolloun: Kacnri lampiKMi, ibbupi Di-hii, Mr. .1. It. l't'iinlngton, Glmlya AilHlr Holilnnon, Mia. N. II. McCoy, Mra. N. V. Wood. I.llllf ll.llo llopxoii, Mima Allen. Floy Alvli. I'ottle Ilakci. DalB.v Miuitlt' Nbb, Mm. It. M. , j tor, Olina. W. trillion, Ozclla l'ugh, 1 Annlo Tlioinimon, (lall Cruce. huverna Lanihui, Klizatntti Slinpton, Jo.iimt ' llniwn, .toy Ilrown, ICtliollim Hill, Iot i Mi" Gray, Wllllo Dyor, Knielluo O.I l.uiilon. KlU'ii Dixon. AimiIu Tin - 'man, Mm. C. K. tiooilwln, Dalay I Miiuili' Webb. Myrtlo Kranic ami Abby ) llanna. The teachora of intiulo ot tho illy have rx)iiiletl hrttifully In ' muilliiK Hiilli to take iart In the pro 1 gram. 1'iiplla of Mlsa Iiter, Mr. (iiv-iiliif, MIks llanna, thtj Mfnu, ! l)Wfiistcln and IjuiiIoii bavc fre j UHitly appearod. That a cultivated taato U conunoa amotiK our muiUal peoplu la niiule clear through tho lint of iuantor coin-1 I poaorvs iinjHentott at tho moetliiR ot i tho club, it lx hero appended a.- un Item of particular Interest: Chopin, wirti iiiiiiilier; Conoouu, ' two; .Moszkownkl, one; Loachotiiky, , four; LlMit. four; (lodanl, llvo; Schu bert, tun: Hoethovon, two; Donlzattl, one; Chamliiado, ono; Vordl. ono; (ii'li-n. two; Haydn, one; Olmithur, one; llohm. two; Daucla, two; Wlen-, lawskl. out: Hiina, ono; Heller, ono; ' i llaeh. throe; Stern, ono; line, ono; Went, one; Druaalli, one; (touuod, one; (iaynor, two; Halo, one; anil I'lenie, one. Tho meetings of tho club arc to bo rcHiitned October tith, when an olnbo rate Mcliedulo of educational woilc will be Inaugurated, ami the work will be pleasliiK aa well a Instructive. Tho literary work will bo mainly blo grnphleal, and tho Uvea of tho mas ters of music read like romances. Ono of the special features will bo descrip tive remarks on tho proKtUms by Mr. Laudou. Ho will also sum u,i tho work and place of each master In tho work that he did for the development of musical art and show tho trend of the master's lnlluenco on tho futuro of music, and how his work wns taken up by subseiiucnt masters. The membership has been of tho leading literary and musical peoplo of tho city. New members will bo cn rolled at the first mooting on October fith and tho program for the season M nV Mf, v,r, 4 V ; if f if Good Luck Flour Riven nnd tho placing of tho work among tho membera udmsted. i READ IN THIS LOOKS SEE THE THE ADVERTISEMENTS ! MORNING'S PAPER. IT j LIKE PROSPERITY TO LOCAL PAPER SO WELL! PATRONI ZED. IN FACT THE PAN- i IC IS NO SECTION CERNED. MORE AS FAR AS THIS , OF OKLAHOMA IS CON- j BOOST, BOOST, BOOST MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES WILL nc HELD BY CHICKASAW POST G. A. R. OF THIS CITY NEXT MONDAY. Aa per tho cuttoiii" of the organl luttion tho Omnd Ami) of Kepuldlo posts all ovor tho count iy will In i befitting manner observe niemorial i day by di-coratllHt the Kraett of the ileimrtoil i-tinirados with tinners, luol ! atteiidltiK sorvcn on the Huiida. re loiliiiK the day Ml aside an memorial day. ChlckNMiw l'nH No. 1!. 0. A. It. of this it) will ohtamvo both days and CoilllliHIlder JltllUM. Olisley has pr miilRatetl tho following two orders railing tho commduti to the two sarv h os to bo hold: lltiidipiurters Clilolcunaw I'ost No. 18, tiiand Army of the Republic, De partment of tho Indian Territory, Ardmore, Okln., May 16. 190$. Memorial day being a uttered day tAry eoinnulu should apiiniarh It with clean hamlR and a pure heart and our laws riHulro eveiy iKt to attend religious service In a body tho Sunday before tho 30th ot May each your to propai-o for a moio sa- mil ob.-ervanco of mtuuorlal day; therefore, Chlckawiw l'ost will nietit at tho court house at M a. in., May 24, and march to tho Christian church ami thoio worship Coil, asking him to ac opt our offerings and light our altars with tho true and living lire, and mako our nation a (iod-foarlug and (Sod-loving people. JAMBS OUSLICY. Commander. T. II. JOHNSON. Adjutant. Headquarters Chickasaw Pout No. IS, Grand Army of the Republic, De IMirtmont of tho Indian Toriltory. Ardmoro, Okla.. May lfi. 1H0S. In compllauco with general orders of tho commautler-lii-chlof of tho Grand Army of tho Republic through tho department commander of tho In ti'Hiljory, tho niemln' s of Chickasaw I'ost and visiting comradea $6f, Mb 1)$ 9 -9,$ $'6 if f if 3f if are iv,ut"steil to meet at the court house In tho city of Ardmore at 1 30 j P in Saturday, May IV, and march to, Hixe Hill remoter) for the purMise of obwrvlitK our annual memorial day mt'tre b dortiralMiK with avwrt't j spring rlouir tho last rotttlng ,ilar of our comrade who o nobly gao tl.elr liven for the land they lovad fo wvll. JAM ISS OU8I.KV. Commatirfr. T. It. JOHNSON. Adjutant. 1'or tho export, for the amateur, u harp all kind of ftihinu tarhlo. 1HVHN8, COItltN & KKHN8LKY. Personal, If any person suspects that their kidneys are deranged they should iai.. Foley's Kidney ltamedy at onco and not risk having lirlght's dlsoaso or diabetes. Delay gives tho dUeaso a stronger foothold ami you should not delay taking Foley's Kidney Hoinody. For sale by all druggists. d&w ANiiiAfvs'yiTws ON MATTERS OF INTEREST TO THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY AND INDIANS GENERALLY. Dave Swley. a full IiIinhI Chicka saw Indian and a member ot the sen at tho Chickasaw nation represent ing I'lcktMs county, was here yester day on biisliioss. D.ivo Si'ley is one of the pionee ivo lndtan of tho .oimtry who lias the welfare of his people at heart and the betior devel opment of this section. Mr. Soeley was opHed to the wholesale rrmov al of restrict 1 1 his, but furors the bill passed by sounto a few days ago, nnd bellow that it will he beuellrlal U this K'etloii of tho country. Mr. See iiy also favors the Indian ,M)iug ih1I tax to luvp up tho roads and govern meiit. In talking with the Ardmorelte man yesterday he said: "I was opimsed to tho wholesale re noval of riMstrlctlotm on nil ot tho In dian lauds, bortiuso 1 did not think that all tho Indians wero capable ot managing their own arfalis, but since tho bill as passed has reduced the wholesale removal of rostrlctlon.4 to the removal of the restrictions on tho sale of lands owned by quarter blood, fn-etlmeii and intermarried citlzeiiK, 1 am withdrawing my objec tions. It will Is) ot much bouellt to the Indian and a soon as tho surplus lauds sold have been pur based by $'4 W 1'$ $'6 $'4 if if f if if if noiiio Mowers who will an xam p.e of funning for tho Italian, and im hue hint the Idea that lahoi W Innu4-able. "As a repre.-ntal.lve of my people I ftt v tho payment of road tax. be cause ll wo haw hihhI rxtads it will tleelo,i this chantry. (Itaal road bring a high rlass of farmers veait mwls lo (Mill their crops to mar ket. Another thing of Importance to this sortlon oi the country and state At large that t would like to oe car rid out, and that is the establishment of good chiHils. If the state will give us hotter Softools than whiu wo want In tho way of schools, 1 would favor tho state control of till tho s hools. The lark of education lias 'been the one gnwt drawback to this se tloti ot tin' mum r. uxl tile irchools that huvo I "n furnished us by tho federal gmomiuvtil roilbl lw grently linprov od iinmi. lit time wo hoH- to g-t all ihe reforms we mill, ami In the mean time we "III work for that end." It Is a pity to seo a person neglect Indications of kidney or bladder trou ble that may result In lirlght's disease when l''ole)'s Kldni" Uoiiwdy will cor rect Irregularities and strengthen tueso organ. Tako Foley's Kidney ItHinedy at thu llrst fllgn of danger. For snlu by all druggists. III France the Janitor of an apart ment house Is called a riuuiorge, hut what he Is called In some oilier parts of this country wouldn't look well In print. When your food sucntb to nausoate tako Kodol. Take Kotlol now nnd un til you aro right again. Thoro Isn't any doubt about what It will do and you will llnd tho truth ot this state ment verllled after you have used Ko dol for a few weekH. It Is sold hero by V. 11. Frame. d&w Now, tilt-to date Spring Matting Just III at It. A. Jones'. lTlf The reason a woman flints lots of clothes Is they'll go out of style before sho wears them out, so she can got more. New, up-to-date Spring Matting Just In at It. A. Jones'. 17tf Colds That Hang on. Colds that hang on In Uio spring de plete tho system, exhnust tho nerves, and open tho wny for serious Illness. Tako Foley's Honey and Tnr. it quickly stopd tho cough and expels tho cold. It Is safo and certain In results. For nalo by all druggists. d&w -Sv6 '4 Va IT'S FOR FOR SALE BY All GROCERS f f 3f f f f if Keep Your Bowels Open It la a noticeable fact, and one which any doctor will verify that people who sutler most often from disease are tha onus who have the most difficulty In keeping1 their boweli open. bowel action Is half the battle of health. People who have a tendency to con stipation must of necessity use something to help nature along-. Thu should not be n violent aid liko salts or purativ wateis, i.tthattic pills r powders, but a syrup lirpiid that will oil thu intestine and membrane that it comes in contact with. Children, women nnd weak people generally should never be given a iron; tihir. .is u wrnkM the item. And II Is rulllr for thi1 alnmifint jron because tho rellft lsltnir fur Hi it iliy, ami then thu rcao tlon h In ami jom aro worn olt thiin brtoro bat In nepilwl Is a prompt but senile laja tlv UiDln like Dr. Ciil.lwril'a Sirup Pernio. People h.ivu been tnltlnit It for liteen years anil It In tM-lmMwiirr llke.1 br more tsoiuo everr jcir. The trason in that it Hlet a want, It I unlllte nnvlhlnic elte ItesulUi nre w ture In r.miliiUon. ilviei.u, imllirnstlon. lirer truiihle. iiiliiiusin s, tuuilenoy. noiir stomach, weak stomach. Miirvtnl slonmch ami SUi h 11H thnlurur.' of uni of ihrstMillmi-nUunbsiiulclr itu.irnU'.il Aliottli- cats iiui mi rents or 1 1 uni la worth ii hiimlrcHi limi-is that to anr suderrr Vi' mntiii'rikii. ttr. iinr,Ur In tn hDasq for emeriti ni-h-s. Ihv iuho II Is ne'vliil ot. Fomo time or nth. r I , i v. rj nv mher of me fami,. l)r l.urlia t'O'tiThili. tin- iniiil.'.il nunfrintrn rt'tit m tin- W.rkinrf Woman Home of tnirarfo has keel hor c i.iinri lni'-rtMth-ilih br the use of llr t'.iUlwrii syrup I'Fpsm whenever a stem1 soli etmipl tint m l.rouuhl lo hiT nitenllon No other lui.itlve Is ttsislin the IIUTfktioUle yourself to.! ty ami watch tho prompt and per Inanen re-, ills t?n TCCT T,"lle iwir " try or.Ciid- I tw I wtil'a sruo PtDtin tvtura buv -e . ten. Milt KM to tnelr hom rjy loarMtirt- tne company, iMtcn.r u lo provt inaitnt remcvly will da ai ve claim, and It enly ocrs to Uwi no nave nrver taken it. send tor It ll you ntvt my tymctoml of ttomJCH, Intr or tctl dilute. Dennett ytt nvott cflectlte laiatlvc for children, women and ok) fotki. A euaranfred, crrmanent home cure. THE PUULlC VLHDICT! "Ni Laiallve So Good and Sure at UK, CAIOWUL'S SYRUP PEPSIN." This product Heart purity guarantee no. II, watntngton, u. c, PEPSIM SYRUP CO. Ill Caldwell Dltl.. Montloello, III. THE OLD RELIABLE Texas Wagon yard & Feed St jro Still open, not in tho trusts, at tho same old price. Teams over night only inc. Single horso fie. No charge to anyone in day tlinn. Feed as cheap as you can 11 nil in Ardmoro. Ito member It's only Hshort Blocks up Caddo street, by O. l Hall's lilif store, (lootl beds, cook stove, plenty room, otc. Your trntlo respectfully solici ted. .Satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. Reams After a girl baby getH too big to play with her toea she begins to lllrt. ""fl31 &Cr $t, $i sr s BETTER BREAD n 5 f if if if if if w w 6t