Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWCLVC THE DAILY AP.DMOREITE. Ardmore Sunday, May 17, 1908. Our Graduation Hats lnve been so much in demand that a second order Ins been placed with the wholesaler. We are equipped to take care of your order. We also have new thns in Mid-Summer Mil linery ami our prices are the lowest Parisian Millinery Co. Mrs. Hcli, Manager l$ul":iv Ardiri'r- Dry (nods Co. Ardmore Fire Insurance Agency Newton & Kiner, Managers Rooms X and 10 liddleman Building, Ardmore, Okla, Kiru, Lightning und Tornado Insurance on fiinn and illume property. We iNo writ hail insurance in lirst-cluss standard union tompani-'s. Insure vour tton and grain ro s against hail (luiniigi'. Cost is small and losses paid promptly. Stock Killed by Hail. ( lilfi.aHlKi, Okla May 1; J. K Khlir t. celved a letter yesterday j from IiIh mm, Claude, who lle at lllKli KM Ik county, telling about the norm la that wet Ion Saturday afliriiiMin HlKlev i-Mcaped wlili lit tie ilamaue except from hall which Ml in Kri .it (uatitiiy thi "toni - ' Sacred PRKiS: Season tickets $ I .SO; single re served seats 7Sc and $1.00. General admis sion only SOe. Concerts will he given .in large tent auditorium with seating capacity of over . 1,500 people. Special Trains on Santa Fe and being of enormoiiH al.e Mr Kills ay he picked up hailatoiies aa ,Hrge , ,mato ( nnl lhRt I In driving from hut 101110 to Vlcl, ul V . .... .. ...II... ........ 1... " ""' meruiis horen cattle and hngs that ha( been killed by the hall The la'ti 1 town w:u wiped off the earth Reserved Seats Now on Sale at Dean's Jewelry Store for ...Grand- Music Festival ARQSWE, SUNDAY, MAY 31 INNIiS ORCHISTRAL BAND Of Sisty Men live Griind Opera Soloists Kcst ivul Chorus of One II unci red I'mlrr 1 )irc( tmii Miss Abby Manna TWO CUAiNI) CONCIiRTS Altfinoon at 3; Ni;ht at SPOKE BY PROXY JEFF DAVIS SPEECH ON REMO VAL OF RESTRICTIONS READ DY SENATOR CLARKE. WaBhiimton, I) (', May 1 (Spe cial i fti-r Senator Ovsod had MM t.ic removal of restriction Mil thn.iiKh Hi.- senate and ' mad the recipient of many congratulation Senator riarke of Arkanaaa rose la hin xt ami explained that hla col-Ioiikik-. .I'.tT Davis, had prepared a upeeeh on the removal of restrictions Mil an.) before leaving the city (or hin home had. requeateti htm to r-;ul I' hn the bill win brought iiixiii th- floor for a vote. I'ermla ln havlnit ben granted Clarke In IiIh nr 'Un and Meltable manner In mm to read th now famoua Davla removal of restriction apcech. No Davis known a much about the In trlcarlpn nrenieii by the ((ueatlon :ih tin- a vera a Fill Inlander but that did not prevent him from expreaalnn hl- vlewa on th atibb-ct. It wan a bold anil determined atnnd for On- rights of thouaanda of Indians whoHi- tribal status had bNn cloud rit i tin- anion of the rltlzmiblp court in the f'hortnw and Chickasaw nation Thee Indiana he declared should have a day In court and that he restrictions on the lands to whl4i these Inllana might have i prior right ahould not be removed It wan a touching appeal from a touching source and the way thu t apeerh was read made It all the more touching t the conclimlon of his remarks or ra'her the Davla remnrka, Clarke was xurrounded on all aldea and con-gia'ulaU-d for the areat forenalc effort Ji ff Davla mould have It called. Ml o' thin goe to ahow that even 'be "taici old senatH appreciate a joke when It nets) It. State Press Association. Sidney Sugg leturned lant night from Kl Iteno. Okla. where th aiimiNl meeting of the sta'o jiress a aoclatlon was held. He hay that alMiul 1.10 newspaper men were i" attendance, and that the cling wis erv MllcceHRflll. Claremore was elected nu ho meet ing place for next ear 1 Frisco Lines LABOR UNION CONTEST ! FOR ELECTION OFFICERS AUDIT ING COMMITTEE WILL MEET MAY 27 AND DECIDE. Oklahoma city. May 16. A spirited contest new is on anion; the 107 local ualOHg ootoprlslng the aute fed eration of labor organisations tbroughoHt the entire auts in the referendum election of officers, for each oltkiN there are at least five candidate, a total of approximately K peraor.s for wfum votes are being cast. The result will be known a few days aftw the auditing committee, which convenes here May 27. has had an onportanlty to canvass the return. Fully S.O'W. or 23 per cent lef the qualified electors, are partic ipating lu the election. The present officer of the organi sation are K. A. Rowernian. Shawnee, president; W. II Dlckerson. Okla homa City, first vice president; V-V-I ter ISvana. Kiowa, second vice pros ldent; J. I.. Vaughn. Kreba. thltd vice president: A. V Hair, Knld. fourth vice prealdent; 0. E Warren Tulsa, fifth vice president: J 1-utliur Langs- ton, Oklahoma City, aecretary-treaa- urr. ('. O. Scott. Shawnee, James Klllolt. Coalgate, and D. X. Kerguson, Ard 'more, coiniKjKt- the auditing commit tee. There are a Rood many men be hind the barn la thin glorious land of the free n a n u a u u n 1: mi k H H U PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. tl n tt tt nnnn tt t n n n MISS NELL NOLEN, Public Stenographer. Oillce Whlttlngton Hotel. ... LAWYERS. II. C. I'otterf. H. A. Walker POTTERF & WALKER, Attorneys and CounnelorH at Ijiw trdmore, Okla. WILLIAM W. WRIGHT, I (Heglatorod Attorney) 1 farr.iorb With Dawes CommlHalon cr'.eBt, Citizenship Casen nnd othni nmtti.TH before the Interior De- partmeut, Kxcluslvely. Offices Washington Loan Trust Untitling Washington, D. C. R. F. TUFINER Attorney At Law I Careful and painstaking ntlontlon glv I en to All Matters Intrusted to mo I Office Rooms U & 11 Wheolor Hldg J Office phono 21.1; lies, phono 773. Compiler Indian JIiiih. .1 Kapplur. Chas. II. Merllltat Compiler "Imtixn Active Court Iiwh nnd TreatleH" Practitioner KAPPLER & MERILLAT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law J;nrtlce before all Courts; Con ress (Jove rnmetit departmentn nntl otrmlsslons. Indian Cases a spe laity ifflre, linnd llld'g, Washington n. C M. F. WINFREY Attorney at Law. ! liiBtlcu of the react) Notary I'nbllc ! Rooms II and 10, Nohlo Illdg. 1 Phones- Hesl SSfi hluo. Olllco PHYSICIANS. FREDERICK P. VON KELLER, M. D. Surgory, Kyo, Kar, Noso nnd Throat. Hyos accuratoly fitted with Olassos. 'l'lionofl: Olllco 14C, Ilcaldcnco 44. ARDMORE SANITARIUM Drs. von Keller, Hardy A Henry, .loileni ciiuipnii'iit for the scientific reatment of all surgical cases. Trained nurses In attemlancce. Ardmore, Okla. I OH. J. U. COX Physician nnd Surgeon Oillce In ltandol lliilldlng. "Iinne f t Ardmnre. Okla C. U. CLARKE, M. D. 1 Practce limited to Diseases of the I Hyp, Kar. N'osu and Throat. ' Ullce l-eilhulter I-'rensloy ltilllillng r, 1 Main St Ardmore. Okla. W. M. ANDERSON Veterinary Suroeon. Ardmore, Okla. Office Sin! h's I.I very Tlnrn. l'lione 125. TALIAFERRO'S Undertaking, and Embalmln North Washington St. l'hones nil and 433. DENTISTS. DR. E. J. WOODWARD Dentist, Office over Haulier's Old Stand Phono fiH. ARCHITECTS. W. A. TACKETT Arch tect. Offlco In HltiiHl'ennliiKton nulldlng. Ardmore, Okla. Itesldenre I'hoim 170 Rlut. office rhonn 170 i. ' ANTI-TRUST BILL VETOED Continued from page ouc- in tin- i.mldhig program Tiie change n.iit-inii..ite the locating of thre east aide state normals with thu aj ltxinatm of small aunts to tttart them and cutting off the nppropiia Ikmt for the new buildings for the tbr weat aide normals. The house today iwwed rtw senate bill u,.,.r prlt ng 30.000 lo have IO.'hki copies of the laws of the state prtued and annotMed. The house t'xlay had up the school wid bill but took no definite vote. Prospects for legislation are growing dimmer. Speaker Murray's projw d amnlifletH restricting the land to be sold to ofio-flfth of the una! left, was periling at thu adjournment th'u afternoon. AmonK the bills pasted by the house tutlay was one by Itepremnta Uve Hobdy making the oritih? of rape ,(tinkhable by death op life Impriooii meiit; the Unruot bill appioprlutliig J2.60U for thu trntiHHjrtutloti of Ok lahoma iirlwmo.s to LanwitiK; i'lUMo tor tho (Milk oomm Mriioners; I'JI.OOO fr thu A. & M. .ollegu and $30,000 for a statu dunf school. The huikWu Mil im1diiiK for pub llslllllg uniiotated ulaluti-H wax also adopted. The governor toila signed thu Hir rols mining bill, ci siting a board of examiners und utabllHhlug rnlex for acsn-vuiiig coal. Thu HUpremu court today granted u now trial to Kmmett Hutherrord, who was convicted at Ourant and giv en a two years' sentutico. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: t: :: :: :: :: WITH THE CHURCHES. tt :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Coth . C-.-c Mass services v II 1 "..1 .tt ttiu Catholic church " r-1 i. :lii monitng to will-; p"irri i . 1 1 -tlon Is extunda' i , d'e JAM KS I. W V l-.I'l', I'.ik'.c-. East Ardmore Pror i I Ti.i.i Church Kabhath morning au;.'I-- II o'cUiok, followed by luhtall.illon of an elder; Sahhath hcIiooI 3 p. a. ovunlay scrv Ico 8 o'tlock, subject. "S.inojtti Sihcd MIhkIoiis." A most cordi il welcome, Is exleul(d to all, It. (1. CAUNAI1A.N, Ias;ot. Christian Church. Monilng H'rvlciH today; Sunday school, lulfi; hoiiB service, 11; ser inoii, "(liMrs MortwiKo to tho Weary." reiiliiK service: Special souk scrv lve, 8; Hormoii, 8:0. C. K. TUI.MHLK, I'aator. St. Philip's Church. l)iirth Sunday alter H.utter. Holy Conimiialoii, 7:30 a. in.: Matins and Ciii.echlHin. Si:15 a. in.; Choral ISucha risl and kimiiioii. til: I.', a. in.; Kven--hhiik and sermon, 8 p. in. AUCIII)I:acoN SMITH, Hector. Texas Base Ball Results. Although Ardmore will not have a base ball team this season, the fans of this city have thu privilege, of hearing the results of the games played in the Texas I.orguo every afternoon by wire at the DoWItt Smoke House and Tool Room on North Washington street. The article of haso ball that Is being played In tho Texas tongue, this season Is- gilt edged, and Dean Wood, the local Ardmoie boy. 1m doing fluo work behind the bat for the Waco Navigators. The following aro the results of the Karnes played yeslorday after noon: Atintln and Tort Worth playud at I'on Worth. The Panthers and Sen ators were compelled to o olvn Innings to decide the game with I'ort Worth, winning In tho last In ning by Uie scoro of 1 to 0. 1 2 3 I 5 7 8 ! 10 It Aiiitln . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l J 0 00 I'l Worth 000 0 000000 11 lilts, Austin 7, i'ort Worth 7; or- rors Austin 1. I'ort Worth 1- Hatter. Auntlii, Herbert ami Cor don; Tort Worth. Orlllln and Wick. Houston and Paling at Dallas: 12 3 15 0 7 8 H II II 14 Houston . .0 0 0 0 0 a 1 0 01. .3 I Dallas 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 x 3 11 1 llatterlcs, Houston, Nelson nnd Powell; Dallas, Cooper and Miller. San Antonio at Waco: 1 2 3 I 5 tl 7 S ! H 11 14 San Antonio 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 02 fi 1 Waco 0 00 1 0000 01 S 1 llatterlcs, San AuUmlo. Colgrovo Harris and Knnupp. Waco, Hensllng and Woods. (iahebtou and Shroveport nt Shroveport: (lalveston ..0 0200000 0-2 S 2 Shroveport .0 0001000 01 4 2 lkitterlos, (lalveston, Christian nnd Wolff, Shrevoport, Hoolos and White, IMPORTANT! Things You Ought to Know Deposits in this bank are guaranteed by State of Okla homa Guaranty Fund. The State Law provides ab solute safety to our depositors. The state guarantees that their money will be paid to them on demand under any circumstances. e pay 4 per cent interest on de posits and jou get every advantage consistent with good banking. We want your account. Call and see us ARDMORE LOAN AND TRUST CO. Banking, Real Estate, Fire Insurance and Loans. Selvidge Business College, Ardmore, Oklnlionin Tlit, tlit bt'.st cquipp) tl, tin most practical, tho most progressive it tl thi mo-,t successful business collrp In OUIn liiitiKi. Occupies its own building. Business nntl stenographic courses only. Students enter nny week tiny of the year No vucations. Special combination offer on scholarship und Fox lypowritor, the bet visible typewriter. Send for eutiilog. O. I. .Sn.VIDGi:. A. M.. M. Avvt., Tr.-.. WANTS Ansvtr at least one Ardmorelte Ad each WANTED. WANTI4D -Men to learn bartn -trade. Will equip shop for your or furnish positions, few weeks com pletes), constant practice, careful In structions, tools given, Saturday wages, diplomas granted. Write for catalogue. Molur Harbor Co lege, Dalas, Texas. 17 C WANT14D To mnko you loans on farm lands. Ours 3 tho only com pany that can mako you loans without delay. See us over Hankers National bank. Hurwull & Duxter. 12tf WANTI4D Clean rags at thu Ard morelto oillce. FOR 8 ALE. FOR SALIC Homo tnado quilts at l'lfth avenue, and N street north east, or W. U. Gardner's, 215 West Main. 12 3 VOll SAM-! A snap In an SO-acro farm, must soil at once, well lo cated. Sec Oklahoma hand. Hroker ago and Ioan Co. 2Ctf FOR SALE About ono inllo north of Ardmoro, 40 acres of Intor-mar-tied surplus land. Plenty of wator and good truck land, for cash. A. D. Chase, Ardmoro, Okla. 7-lra FOR SAI.I4 Oil R14NT 10 by CO tent, suitable for camp meetings. ,1. (iolilsmitli, lan Olllco, Main Htreet. 10-lru FOR SAI.I4 A two-burner Perfection oil stovo and oven ainiost new, a bargain If taken at once. Phono C5S blue. dhtf FOR SAI.I4 A good Charter Oak htovu very cheru. J. F. Kasley, Phono Gil. lltf FOR SA 1.141 5,000 strawberry plants nt 50 cents per hundred. J. A. Tip Pott, Phono 091 Red. 13-3 (FOR SAI.I4 A fluo range; almost new, (it half price. S. S. Tolson. 17-tf FOR SAI.I4 No 3 Oliver Typewriter. Oklahoma Land llrokcrago & Ulan 17tf f-OK RENT. FOR RI4NT 3-room cottage on north Washington, Phono 521 or 217. J. M. lllbb. fitf FOR 1H4NT Four-room House, close In, with city wator. Apply at Weit helmer & Dauho. 27-tf FOR R14NT Nicely furnished rooip. Mrs. Ada Henuet, 119 N. Washington. 27tf FOR 51AI.14 Harred Plymouth Rock and Ilrown Leghorn egf,s, 15 for $1. Phono 417 red or write to Hox 311, Ardmore. 19-lm 1-OR R14NT 17 unfurnished roomu. A. I). Chaso. lltt FOR RENT Four-room house. Ap ply Mrs. E. A. Eraser. 1U First avenue, southwest. 12-3 FOR RENT Ono 7-room and one 5 room houso, closo in. Apply Mul len & Mullen. 12-tf FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms with bath, southern exjios tire. Call at 21S A stieet, north west. 17-3 FOR RENT A largo front room, closo In, all modem conveniences. Mrs. Mays, Phone 741. 22 lm 3 LINES 3 TIMES 3 DIMES da ..$ a good treed tor live folds FOR RKNT On June 1st .two rooms for light housekeeping, partly fur nished, near In. Apply COG West Mala street. 17-3 Foil 1N4.VV Furnlshid rooms lid iril First neiw nautliwst. inuct have occiii -.i. h at once, price no object. Phone 710. 17-3 FOR' RI4NT Six-room houso on (J Htrcet northwest. Alt modern con veniences, gas, lights and sewerage. Seo T. K. Kearney. 3-tt FOR RKNT Two-room bouse, big yard, garden, well water, chicken yard and pleasant surroundings. Ap ply 221 Ninth Ave. N. W. H-3t FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, east exposure. Mrs. Ida Alex der, 129 A street N. W. 111m FOR RENT Two large furnished rooms, gns and city water. 211 Sixth avenue, northwest. Hlionr 310. 153 MONEY TO LOAN On farms and city property. No delay. Oillce Ard more IOan & Trust Co. J. W. Kemp. 17-lm STOLEN. STOLEN From Ardmoro on the night of May 11 ,ono brown mare, 15 1-2 hands high, branded largo L on left thigh or shoulder, 12 years old, very free, driver; oni llynes buggy, half worn, hind bow on left sldo repaired with Iron socket, rest of bows aro wood, leather covered. Will pay $30 re waid for return of property with evidence Hiilllclent to convict thief, or $10 for return of property. Ref erence, Ardmoro National Hank, F. J. King, Ardmore. Okla. 13d&wtf FOUND FOUND Hunch of keys. Owner can obtain samo by calling and paying Ht of advertising. 17-u Abstracts! Abstracts! Abstracts ! If you want an AHM'HAOT or TAKE-OFF to any piece, or parcel of land or nny olty or town lot, In what was formerly tho Chickasaw Nation, write us. All orders executed promptly House Jordan Real Estate and Hondud Abstractors MARIETTA : ; OKLA READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS MORNING'S PAPER. LOOKS LIKE PROSPERITY IT TO SEE THE LOCAL PAPER SO WELL PATRONIZED. IN FACT THE PAN IC IS NO MORE AS FAR AS THIS SECTION OF OKLAHOMA IS CON CERNED. BOOST, BOOST, BOOST. Mortuary Record. I Miss Sophronla Hollls, aged nbout 50 years, who dle( Friday after noon, wng burled yesterday morning by tho ladles of the city. Tho de ceased had been 111 but a short time from an acute case of congestion of 'the brain. Miss Hollls was a nativo of the state of Mississippi,