Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO F simir.-y, r -i i -. -.-.r-n . &&&ZiZ3Sifil , ,,, 1 IP". -'ffyTii 1' " " 8,1?'',"",tM " .'j, . I'ompress mill let- Plant The Following Arc Some of the Institutions Which Are Building Ardmore and Surrounding Country. Distributing Point for 192 Towns. She is the Hub. W. A. Pride Co. "tadushed o.. pi,,,,,,, . , x. whi,u, Nortn Caddo Cash Horse shoeing Ardmore Foundry V'o'tncJL JONES' MACHINE & ,, .... A. C. Stitiehley, Treaa. I u,n 1)0 w REPMR mRKS KEEP-U-NEAT Grocery and Marke (The Very Best) Machine and n. c. potted 8ccy. GAS u.pnir. iniv, soil nn.i KxchaiiRo. Pressing Club o O McKinzie URB' aiK' Wagon Repait- I Br'ldcie ',e Pennington Grocery I tilting as cheap as thu cheap- An wrk owairtco.1. Proprietors :,nd Gcl,t;l, Black- - Company est and as good a-, the host. Proprietor and Manufacturers of Dow HrazicI, Prop. smithing. CO. Wu!!,C???,VV'e the standard gin saw ' North Caddo and 3rd Ave. riTr wholesale grocers. ,,,",,,u Bf nLER' W nil fur 'iiifl deliver nil Telephone No. 591 AL RICE W. A. HARDING, Capital Stork Paid In $100,000 20.-. 215 south Mill street. e can tor and deliver all 1 3 . Wo us Ilobgon.B cipher Code IL'0 10 Broadway AHDMOItn, OKU. work. Fresh Barbecu" Hvery Iay 19 Broadway Manager. Ilranch Houso: Pauls Valley, Okla w, j.u.m...r.. Pres. Han way Owens JHE GILMER W A WTrTkl B8fiies Painted c. SlirpreTsORS: IF h. V. Anderson, Vice Pres. WAN I hi)' Rpt Vrnih mil C. B. Fraley, Vlco Pres. Il II K. Poster See and On. Wholesale and K-.tail f f M.ll 1 JLil DeSt VamiSn and w s Praleyi Sec. ' " m Diinlc TTcn1 C. T. Ilarrlnger, Trcas, 'NllW Munufaetnrers and dealers in Ardmore's Only rainiS USed yr p BURNITT A J I Marble and Grunlto Monu Z?nn ffi 1,000 spring snits to .. . SMITH-FRALEY LUMBER " ' A "Mlll Ardmore Ice, statua,., Luropuin l,otd BuSit Does it Light 8l,,,p!:-1:lt::u-,n''a nnw RRA7IFT cAPru D p UUVV BKAZILL AIT UM Lumber. Saeh, Doors fxnd bu.ldlnB IT IS WELL DONE rOWer LO. Ardmore, Okla. Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 North Washington St. 1), t. ALLfLri Materials of all Kinds. C A. Sammons Money to Loan on Ardmore Fire , . , , some excellent Agency oPe PHififc'AQAW Ardmore Dairy 'a Ardmore Whole- "s for00(1 Llfu Illsu IHt ufflUIVAbAW Lumber Co. Farms and City Insurance , Cream salg GrQCery TELEPHONE CO. Property Agencys Co. "a Lumber and Kooftmg Lowest Rates-No Delay Newton and Kiner Managers, Wholesale Ice Cream Volunteer State Life Material. liooms h and lo Kdduman and Water Ices Jake Bodovitz, Pres. Insurance Co. tOVerS tfte Lmire DrPW 'g RamV Hmllmg, Pire, Tornado and Chatanooga, Tenn. Fipld "n""CJ Plate Class Insurancu in llrst Phone 2SS Phone 333 Koom 2 Bunkers Natl. Bank ilcm Ardmore, Okla. Ardmore, Okla. class Standard Companies. Building, Ardmore, Okla, Oklahoma's Proures. That Oklaluuna contlmitw to forRO to 1 tic front In the Imltnttrlal world Ih iiKaln manlfcHti'd thin uci'k liy the followini; llHt of new Industrlim otal IihIuhI Accordlni; to tho TradoHiuan's fcl,ly Itt'vlew Oklahoma ii'iortn: lltiKt 130,000 liiiplfiuont works; KrlHt mill. Oklahoma City $25,000 construe tun .oinimny: $100,000 rrmumry com lian K'j.OhO llnht and Ico i-oniany; in.inufiif lurliiK 'omany; $lf!0,000 i'liott'!ai comiaii. ; jiO.dOO coiiutruo Hon company. 1' "nil $10,000 liiirdw.iro nimpany- ll tfllihlll- . I' I' till" Tili-.iluiIH' ' ! 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 -rl. . ,. M,!1II' 11 mi HI';,ltiv FINE CATTLE SALE 1 l-ae la s.i)i tin hrul ,.t yearhnu; ImiU tl.e U. down EBSS? and fifty dollars and let buyer select what he wants. J. C. WASHINGTON MARIETTA, OKLA. 'l'ulHa--$l!r.000 inauufarturlnK plant; $50,000 oil company. Indept'iidiMici Tflcphoiua company. UNCLE JOE'S SLY GAME. How Kly dcvllUh uly In Spoakor Cannon, lie fttln the puhlle ,iulno and llit'ii uudortakin to have an In tilKatlon of tliH kiht irunt. Unclo Joo opteti to kill two lilrdH with ono toni, and aUo outwit the rcpuhlU'au ni'WKpapt'r puhllHherH, who are khoiit Iuk for tariff re-form. The llrst bird that Uncle Joj expects will llutter Is Atiorne.i (ifiieral Konaparte, and If n t.a Hhol hits tho president, so much tin- lii-tti-r llv Infi'ietu'e tlirse ri'PUh 1 .111 Imi-Iiimi an- wliidH to blame 1. r ,il .w n.- 11 ,.u r tru--f to .AM. pure S1.U1 h Short I lorn hLaktv kind, the hrectl for beef and the lured lor milk. They run in ages from eleven to twelve months and will wcij;h liom eiht to nine hundred and fifty pounds. Will take one hundred dollars p e r head for the lot. Or wi" take one hundred j Main street for Khotild not all bad trusts have lu-en prosecuted under tho Sherman anti trust law7 That lays tho blame, on the adiiilultsratlon. and proves to Unclo Joo's satisfaction that thi IMiiRley tarllT Is not itisoiislblii for tho paper trust. For did not Un. le Joo'it tarllT factotum, tho chairman of the committee on ways ami means, show conclusively tho other day that tho tarllT on pulp and paper was tint low to account for tho Increased prices of tho paper trust. It Is pretty dllllcult to beat Unclo Joe 111 hiuiotltiK jHilltical birds, or In playliiK the Riime of politics. He call, unlike other members of coiiKross, 11I w.i.xs net 10 ogultlon. What other mi'inbcrs must lifK for Uncle Joo can .ila.. i,ih "Spe.tkir Cannon," vi -. the .New York World, "Is the iiw-t fni innately situated member of "i.k'' b llav'liiK previously express i ll I i views, he Introduce, his own 1 . 1 Urn to InxertlKato tho paper 1. 1-1 It is referred to the committee -i. miIck, or which Im Is chairman. It - 11.1.--11I at his ul. He tiamos the louimlttco of tuvestlKiitlon. They liuir been fully advised as to his po mi um on tho puHr t'ust and tarllT iliiestiou. If the committee should 10 iioii in faor of repeallllK the duties mi wiHitl ,uli aud print a'i, next itcKsiou Speaker Cannon will still con trol the commltttv 011 rules, which du termliies the order of business. Any tariff bill will be referred to the com mittee 011 ways and moans, which Is siilixi rlelit to his will.'' .Mimuwhlle the special committee of the American Now simper Publishers' association are Huttcrlng around the aud means committee, and threatening all kinds of things If wood pulp aud print imper are not put on the free list. Then, now and then l' nclc- Joo shoots off bis pop-gun In their direction Just to keep thorn on ti.c wing until lie can ctniuniently ad join 11 couKrtuos, and thus (lostpono ecu such a small matter of tariff ro foim as tho publishers ask until "aft er election." Then "after election," if Uncle Joo Is still lu the saddle, U THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. a long way off, for there Is always another election coming, aud If tho voters hau' endorsed tho republican party, they hae also appioved Its IKillcy of protecting tho trusts, so why not enaut a maximum tariff, to pro tect them higher. It's a great politi cal game played by Undo Joo and thu republican loaders. Dad Attack of Dysentery Cured. "An honored citizen of this town was Buffering from i suvero attack of dysentery. Ho told a friend If he could obtain a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, ' Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemcdy, ho 1 felt confident of being cured, ho hav ing used this remedy In thu west. Ho was told that 1 It lu stock and ' lost no time In obtaining It, and was promptly cured." says AI. J. Loach, druggist, of Wolcott. Vt. For salo by 1'. J. Hanibey and Hortmnu Drug Co. ditw NO MORE QUOTATIONS NEW YORK EXCHANGE FORBIDS SENDING OUT QUOTATIONS OVER PRIVATE WIRES. Now York, Ma 10. Manage: s of Cotton lixehaHMe tt night rendered a final decision on tho iiuestlou of vending (iiiotatloiik madu on the local , exchange to cotton exchanges In six southern statoo w here tho anti-option laws are lu effect The managers de cided not to ,)onnlt Haywood & Clark, members of the exchange, to send quotations to points lu Texas, Arkan sas, Alabama, Georgia, North and South Carolina, j John P. Clark, a member of the llrm which operates a comprehensive sy- tein of wires throughout tho South, I asked for a rehearing on a recent rul ing of the exchange, which forbade his llrm to use the exchange's quota tions, and this was given last night. Ho brought with him loams from tho j Western Union stating that the latter did not consider the service given by his wires to exchanges In tho so'ith a Commercial Club untl ItaiikcrH .N'ntl. liatik breach of tho Western Union's agree ment with the Cotton Kxchange. Tho Postal Telegraph company, however, did object and the exchange decided against him. .Mr. Clark pointed out that at present there was very little business being done, but that his linn desired to maintain tho service It is now supplying minor exchanges lu tho southern states. Alter tho hearing, when tho result of tho board of manager's decision was announced, Mr. Clark immediate ly sent word to discontinue service 011 H.oou miles of wire tomorrow. Tho tUr of states mentioned as the nntl option status will alter tomorrow bu nit off I rum New York quotations ex cept those pa.d tor at regular rates from the two telegraph companies. un the Cotton lOxchango It was -a il that the action of the hoard of manager was .1 direct rebuff to tho southern states, which piohlblted by law speculation lu futures. The Cot ton KxehaiiKe will now prevent quota tions from entering the six nntl-optlon state ex.ept through the usual com mercial ohannols. Tho Haywood Ci Clark llrm maintains a system of wires, tho rental of which amounts to $2BC,000 a year. Throw away thoso old I.nco Oir tains you have. It's cheaper lo buy a new pair at It A Jones' than to have those old ones washed. 17tf READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS MORNING'S PAPER. IT LOOKS LIKE PROSPERITY TO SEE THE LOCAL PAPER SO WELL PATRONIZED, IN FACT THE PAN IC IS NO MORE AS FAR AS THIS SECTION OF OKLAHOMA IS CON CERNED. BOOST, BOOST, BOOST. Human Filters. j Tho function of tho kidneys Is to strain out tho Jmpurltlos of tho blood which Is constantly passing through thorn. Poley's Kldnoy Uomedv makes tho kidneys healthy so they will strain out all waato matter from tho blood. Take Poloy'g Kidney Homedy at once and It will mako you woll. For palo by all druggists. d&w 1 lllKli To Span Rio Grande. Washington. May Hi. Tho houso has passed a bill authorizing tho St. Iuls, Hrownsvlllo. and Mexico rail way to build a brldgo across tho Illo (ir.rnde at liTowiisvillo. An effort will bo inado to get tho bill through tho sonnto before final adjournment. Tho houso also ymis&cu' tho bill au thorizing tho contractors engaged In govonimotit work at ArausaB l'ass to build a brldgo across tho channel lu that locality. A Happy Fatnv Is soon turned to a sad ono If "no haa to walk tho lloor ovcry tilglit with a crying baby. McGco's IJaby Kllxlr will make tho child well soothi Its norvea, Induce healthy, normal slum ber. Best for dlsordorod bowels and sour stomach all teething bublea ncod It. Pleasant to take, sun, and safe, contains no harmful drug? Price 2T and fiO cents per bottlo. Sold by P. J. Hatusey. wldy Unusually good values offered In I new Spring Matting at It. A. Jones'. 17tf REMEMBER! Ill AT your ideas in selling are the same. You want value for your money in quality and price. We want you to have it and to be satisfied that you have it. We intend to be more particular about our part than you are about yours, if we can. YOURS FOR PROMPT SERVICE FELKER THE GROCER Ardmore Sunday, May 17, 1908. School nml Flour Mill Ardmore is the Train Injures Deaf Mute. Shawnee, Okla., May IC After hav ing been knocked down and run over by uu ontlro Katy train nt Shawneo today. (Jeorgo Harry, a deaf mute, Is still alive and has good chances to recover. Harry stepjiod oil the rail road track and started to walk north, not seeing a train approaching from tho south about fifty yards distant, and not hearing tho whistle, madu no effort to get off tho track. Heforo tho train could be stopped It had passed over him. Ono of his legs was brok en and his head badly bruised, but his kiill waa not fractured. He was consolouu when picked up and car ried on sign conversation. A Living Skeleton ... . i. n.t .il.t . . M . . V. . I IM lilt llU.ll UMUUIIlUIl ui Mil UllllU lUU ' has 'worms If It lives. Think of hiv ing something In your stomach that eats all jou tnko as nourishment. Nino tenths of tho babies haro worms, may bo yours has. Ho certain that It has not by giving It Whlto's Cream v'orral fugo It oxpela all worms and Is n tonic for tho baby. I'rlco ?5 cctiN. Sold by P. J. Uarasey. wkly Grocery buying, and ours in