Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX Ardmore Sunday, May 17, 1908. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. The Daily Ardmoreitc l THE ARDMOSLITE PCBIISHIM CCHPAM. IDNEY 8UQG8, Prssldsnt. . I.. H Y It N K Vlrc-rrrililMil II T NISRKTr .. Srrlry-Treni'tirr Ilrrotors -Mlilncy Hiii-us. lnCruii-, VV. Y. Whlltliuiton.C. I.. Hyriif. S. T. Illeilsim. H. W Pick J V Kiodey. Kntrred nt tho I'ostofflco nt Ardiuure a Second Class Mnttor. Official Paper for Carter County If It is In tliu Anlmoriiitu it is lopit. iC.tMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. The D..IW Ardniorelts Oct VVek B n-n. Month (0 One Year H " The Weekly Ardmorelte. . r Yeiir v Mm' U 00 nir s.nntl.H CO Tjrwi MntitliH 1C Phones. tliiM'tin( Munnger's Oltlco H8 City fttltnr'a Olllct I tig Dlstntico r,33 Ardmore Sunday, May 17, 1908. The court declalnn which returns to h.iloon men unearned license fees In in the Intereat of common honeaty mid fair dealing. oo The defeat or l'llny Soper'a nnibl tK u to become a federal Judge In mi is the loan of alx duleguUm to Tap In Oklahoma. o-Hi ndrcw Carnegie says tills coun try s money system la tlio worat In the world. Mr. Cnrneglo might ex plain his Hyatom to the country, o-fro Senator Warner of Missouri talks like a republican who realize that the negro vote of Missouri can not poHslbly change the result this year, oo Speaker Cannon's Joke wns wafted iiKin the Japanese visitors. It Hound ed to them very much like Uncle Joe's Joke on tho newspaper pub lishers. A Mnlne mnnufactuier offori Con grcssmnn Uttlefleld K.OOO If he will prove to the satisfaction of twelve disinterested men or women that tne protective tariff la 'i gnul thliiB for American worklnginen. Coiiki-o:-'-man I.lttlefleld resigned In order to make more money than u congress mini's pay, here Is a ehineo to make a good start. oo Hays the Fremont, Iowm, ller.ill: 'The n'gro republicans ot Okl&hnma arc organizing and say they are no lug to send an antl-Taft delegation to the national rcptihllcHU enliven Hon from that stnte. Take the nig rer rt pulillcana out of Oklahoma and the democrats would have practically no opposition politically. That Vreelaud financial muntuni ha-, 'tie appearance of Creek hear ing gift- 'P ( K.inana City Journal ha all imI n i.ii denyliiK that tmmey la be ing usi .i to prevent Mr. Hrynn'n in n 'n.i'ioii. It aaya "Who would i I), I money to defeat Hrntl' lioill ti ,!!. ' Certainly not the tmata or ri " It la unfortunate for the J al that thla editorial came out 1 i .nut the time when Mr. Hyan w 1 ti ' In :'tln upon the wltneaa aland iln Metropolltnn Street Hallway '" of Xew York, contributed i million to politic In 10 0(t and lt " i of It wa lined In nn of- ' prevent Mr. llryan nondna- ''in year. The Journal says trust uj the railroads are ' i.nt Mr. Itryan'a tioiiilnation, ' ' t!i fact that Mr. Hyan and I ' 1 " are opposed to Mr. Hry a' i . ruination la a complete answer i loiirtiurs own statement. - oo- GOVERNORS THE CONFERENCE. Hnosovelt In welcomlnK ii', l...rnor, their asstx-lated dole g v - .Hid ccrtnln illstlngulahed Anier cu i the conference Intended for th ilNciisstuu of the preservation i' ut natural resources, could not r r-,iui from a charncteristlc ev ir ion of hi view as to hi ab f.oiutly Irreaponalblo and Imperial pow r He could not refrain from as hcr'iun again his absolute dnmlim t nn of the national government. Kv crvtimlv believe, the mnmbors of congr. sa, tho governors and the dele pates e.nmlly, that this conference will Mne a useful purisise. And et whin the president made the state mi t which follows there was soiun shaking of heads and some wonder ;is to whether he regarded himself s a kin" w- h v civil Ls' amount Ing to uilinr-. f d I'.in or turrtly rrhcodoro Jtooscvclt, a mnn with n modernfe IncNiino who Is now prol deni of tint United Stnlea. "I wm compelled to bring this com mission Into existence myself." aid tlio president. ''I naked eongrea to appropriate a aufllolmit amount of money (or thHt purpose. Congress did not aee fit to do bo. Now, 1 have naked emigres for u sulllclciit mini of money to perpetuate mo Inland waterways commission. If con gress duett not tipproprlute the money 1 will perpfi .te tho comtnlaslon my self." Home of I ho governor and many of tho membera of eongioaa who were present expressed wonder na to whether the I'nlted Htntoa wua to hiivo Ilka Kuaata, a "l.lltle Father. ' They expreased aome Interest In the proMialtlnn thnt If eongnms re fused an appropriation for any pur pose, whether Rood or lml. the prea Idenl might takrt out of unappro priated public funda, or out ot hta nwn purae, money to carry out that purpose. Hut at tlio end they walked away from the white houae shrug ging .their ahouldifVH and saying, after nil It la mil) another piece of lloosevelt rhetoric )( BILL FAVORABLY REPORTED SENATOR OWEN'S DILL FOR $20, 000 APPROPRIATION FOR PL ATT PARK. WiuhHiRtmi. 1). C, May 10. (Spe cial) Tho Dwhn bill providing for uii nppniprtatkm of 120.000 for the InipnivmiMMrt. of the I'lntt Xathnial ,ark at Sulphur lm Imhii favonibly ..K)lted by tile m-lNtto coiiunltteo on Indian urrtura, but owing to tho late iu4 of the siimIoii will hardly pass. Semitor Owen hwovr jiwmlaee to do nil In his Kwer to have tho Item made n part of tle sundry civil bill In conference or get It through In Mime other manner. Congress It would uii'iii will udjourii about May 23. HEAD TORN FROM BODY HORRIDLE DEATH OF MACHINIST NEAR ATLANTA WORKMEN COULDN'T HELP. Atlanta. On.. May 1C.. While work ing under the plant of a pumping station at ChatLihoochle Itlver to day, l-'mnk lluey, a machinist, was caught in tho machinery and his head torn fiom his hod). Several hwud lluey wnsmi In ag ony and ran to Ins assistance but reached biin loo late lie was !.' ai id age and ksnes .1 wife and ton. ARE EXPECTING EARTHQUAKE ACRE OF LAND IN GEORGIA SINKS THREE FEET PEOPLE ARE FLtEING. Collimbua, On., May 10. Dispatches rocoiwd here tonight iroiu llox Spi'toiK h tlmt nu aero of laud on tho top of a hill In that locality to kl nildtlmwy Mktllk lliliH- leet and tlMiit a Kmit ci.u-k HpiH.ns lu the stir fm-e of tho urouiul. TlK'i-u Hiv lorty on tints hill. nioMl of which ia under cuHUatlou. The InhublUiiiLs of tho uurrnuudtuK country .o ahwiuud fenilnn an eiuth ipwke. .Miui) uio lieHng from that mkm1Ii. RETURNS TO AMERICA MISS GOODRICH WILL HASTEN ACROSS CONTINENT FOR MAR RIAGE TO MILLIONAIRE. New York. N Y.. May Hi. Miss ' lMim CllHMlrtch. the noteil actress. ie i tunwst tuitay from liiirupe on the 1 KaUertiH Augusto Vlctoiln. SIk as sunitil the inline ot I t-Hillelne Adams. Sho entoUt In a fow day to cro. tho couttuent to lierkele), ful , mid Jlilk 10 Imxouio the wife of J. 11. Mac Mllkvn, a OoldlloJd luUltonalre. She dmiNl tliat Nat Ooodwin, the actor, haul lollowisl her over lOuropc. hut admitted that ho was a grout admirer of her. TAFT'S MANAGER TALKS. Says Secretary Will Have 700 Dele gates at Chicago Convention. Washington. I). C, May 10. At Tnft headiiuartei-s tonight Manager Hitchcock Issued a statement that 6SI republicans to the tuition. il con vention are pledged to Tnft. lie estimates that Taft's strength in the convention will be fully 700 Subscribe for the Aramorelu. ASSASSINS SLAY THREE FARMER, HIS WIFE AND SERV ANT KILLED AT THEIR HOME IN NEW JERSEY. Mutnwnn. X. .1.. May 10. V. 11. Sluyjiurd. ft mnuur, living uewr hero mid Ida wife and aerviMit, mimed Jen nie ITwt)', wu.o found dond at their rm house uuur hero today. They tmd ImMhi murdered. The vie tlma with Bitot to death. Mr. and Mi Hhepixird were About 35 yeura of iiRe. STRATFORD'S COMMERCIAL CLUB Organization Perfected Friday Night. Will Improve Roads. Stmtford, Okie... May HI.--Tin or jBUrimthm of Stratum!' new Com- men tail club wna porfeotod Friday evelHUK, with A. Ilmwley mm prl ilwit id Snmuel !, a-crtary. A comrnlH- na nniHtlnteil to letixi ! rtt Hfi ,f Hn.l ot.i. It ui a .iiiIh i lie road, IwdinK to several Inland j Si.iitfonl. Th orgaiiUatloii will bear ' I tlx oxih'iikc of Imjirovlng these new roadways. RETAINS CHAMPIONSHIP AMERICAN TENNIS PLAYER SUC CESSFULLY DEFENDS TITLE AGAINST ENGLISHMAN. In tho United States. Us hlatory 1 l.ndmi. Kuk.. May 10,-Jay Could niltsiolubly Interwoven with the his tud.iy ,u.e.Hsfull the title 1 u"' of otlr country for the six icoro of ih w..H,iH rnai.i.r mrt teurita 1 ' slnco the coiistltiilloual coiivou- ( humi4(iu(hlp, ih'.l tlllg KllSUCrt I Mlltw, the KhRllsh ilu)er. Could Him the championship huro lu 1U00 by defeating Cecil Fulls, the world's clmmplon. and 1ias since suo eeHfully defended It against all con tesUmts. OUSTER SUITS ARE FILED KANSAS OFFICERS CHARGED WITH FAILURE TO FURNISH EVIDENCE OF VIOLATIONS. Toska, Kan., May 10. Assistant Attorney Oenoral Trlckett today (li ed ouslKi suits In tho supremo court ugaliiMt eight of the leading police men tuid detectives ot KUusas City, alleging that they failed to furnish evidence to tho attorney Kcnorul re garding violations of the prohibition luw. EAST ST. LOUIS FIRE. Five Story Manufacturing Plant Con sumed by Flames, Knst St. Unils, III , May 10. The llestory plant of tho Seudel-Ilack Wlnvl company, at Second street and Division avenue, was destroyed by llio toilny. The loss Is estimated at $100,000. WHO MAKES LENOX SOAP ? Tho Proctor & Camilla Comp my. Where- is their factory? At Kansas City; also ut Cincinnati What sort of fnctorios have ilioj ? Tho best in tho country--tin- cli'inicst, the brijjIiteM, the in ist modern. Do thov iniiko any other Uinils ol soap? Yes, Iv ry Soap and 1'. V CI. Naphtha soap. What is Ivory soap prin cipally UM'd for? The Imth. toilet and for line laundry. What :s 1 A G. Naphtha soap UM'd for? For quick, easy washiiiL' esp' cially by women who doth- ir own woik And Len xsoap what is it used foi ? For dishes, etc. washing clothe, wo. d work, Hoot.-, It is so cheap that you can use it freely without fooling that you aro WUhtu lul or extravagant, For sale by all grocers. Tyler S Simpson Co. Ardmoro, Oklahoma ROOSEVELT'S ADDRESS TO THE THOUSANDS ATTENDING GENERAL CONFERENCE TO THE METHODIST CHURCH Tells of Growth of Methodism In America Says Whole Country Is Under Debt of Gratitude to Methodist Circuit Rlderr. WnhuigLou, May 10. The trustees of the Amor-lean University, In course , of constrtiotlon ner this city, Imd as ""''r ! PloHdent IlWMwvelt, Vice I'rea.deut IVIrbanKs, and thousands ) genunil conference of tho .Method 1st 1 Kpiaeoiatl church M lialtlmorv. 1' res ident ltooolt dellveied an address. i.i BiibauMao he said; It Is u pleasure to be with you to day ami to bid you welcome on be half of the nation, here in tne cn.ilul oi tne nation. Important though the Melhodlat church la In many lands, there la none In which It has played so great and peculiar a part a here uu" '"""O " ruuiij a iiuuuii. Metho distil in America entered on Us pe its rlod of rapid growth Just about the time of Washington' llrst presidency. Its essential deuiocnuy. Its ilery and restless energy of spirit, and the wldu play that It gave to Individual Initia tive, all tended to make It peculiarly congenial to a hardy and virile folk, democratic to the core, prizing Indi vidual Independence above nil earthly possessions, and engaged lu the rough and stern work of cotunierlug a con I tiro. or. Methodism s.iread oven among the old communities and the long settled districts of the Atlantic tide water; but Its phenomenal growth was from these regions west ward. The whole country Is under u debt of gratitude to the Methodist clicult riders, the Methodist pioneer pleachers, whnqc movement west ward kept pa..o with the movement of the trontler, who shared all the hard ships In the life or the frontiersman, wh.le at the same time ministering to that frouUci'Miian's spiritual needs, and seeing that his pressing material cures and the haul and grinding pov erty ot his life did not wholly extin guish the divine lire within his soul. Such was your work lu the past; and your work In the present Is as great; for the need and opportunity for serv ice widen as the Held of national. In terest widens. It Is not true lu this country that tho poor have grown pooier; but It Is true that lu many sections, and particularly In our large cities, the rich have grown so very I much richer as to widen the gulf be tween the man of very large means and the man who makes each day's Ihi'llhood h that days work, and i those who with slncclty. and fill- ciency, and deep conviction, hand to gether for mutual help, are those who i an do most to Keep the gult from becoming too wide. True relig ion, through church organizations, through philanthropic organizations, in all the Held of kindred endeavor, can manifest Itself as effectively in the crowded and complex Hie of to dn aB lu the pioneer est. rdas. and the xouls of men need the tight now and strive blindly toward it. in they needed It. and trove toward it in tin vanished puM. It is our t.i-k to d t the work of ttu lird on the titrni and in the in lie, in Die couutiugroom and the lactor). in the car shops and be -ide the blasting furnaces, just as it was the task of jour fore liearfc to wrestle for the souls of the men and woiutn who dwelt on tin. stiimp-dotted clearings in the w utili ties. No nation In the world has more right than ours to look with proud onlldeiice toward tho future No. where rise has the experiment ot demo.ratle goei-nmont, of govern ment b the p.iiple and for the peo ple, of government based on the prln clple of treatiiiK each man on his in nate worth a a man, been tried on so vast a scale as with us. and on the whole the experiment has been more succitikful than anywhere tide Moreover, on the whole, I think u can bo Bnld that wo have grown beitcc and not worse; for If there Is much evil, good also greatly abounds and If wrong grows, so In even greater measure grows tho stern sense ot right beroro which wrong must even. tuiHly ield It would bo both unman ly nnd unwarranted to became faint hearted or despairing nbou Uu na tion s future. Clear-eyed and far- News About Furniture I sell Furniture, Rugs and Matting at the very lowest possible prices. You can save money by coming to my store. I pack, ship, repair and store all kinds of Furniture. Phont 173 A. C. YOUNG sighted men who are both Lruve of heart nnd cool of head, whl'c not for a moment refusing to see and ac knowledge the many evils around u, must yet also leel a contldeir. assur ance that lu the struggle we shall win and not lost, that tho century that has Just opened will ee great trluui,ih for our people. I Ii t the surest way to ac.:tevu this triumph la, while never losing hope i and belief in our progress, yet at the same time to rotiue to blind ourselves to what la evil In the coivplex piny j of the many lories, working througli, i and w ith, and against one auother, in the upbuilding of our social structure, j There Is much that tend townrd evil as well as much that tend toward good ; and the true p.l.rlot Is that mnn who, without losing faith in the I good, does his best to comb it I ho evil, to stamp It out whe.v that Is IHisaible, and at least to lnl-jlinUo Its results. Prosperity su?h m ours nec essary though It be a.i the material basis of national great n,u-, laevltaMy tends to undue exaltation of the mi rely material side of the national charnctcr; and wo must largely rely on the efforts of such men and wom en as those I tun addressing to build up the spiritual life without which the material lite amounts to nothing. As generation succeeds generation the problems change In their exter nal shape; old needs vanish, and new needs arise; but It remains as true as ever that In the last analysis nation al greatness, national happiness, na tional success, depend upon the char acter of the Individual man and Indi vidual woman. We need good laws; wo need to have these laws honestly and fearlessly administered; we need wealth; we need science and art nnd nil the kindred activities that spring from the clever hraln and the deft hand. Hut most of nil wo need the csscntinl ipialltles thnt In their sum mako up the good man nnd the good woman; most of all wo need that line and healthy family life tho lack of. which makes any seeming matT-'Ui prosperity hut a glittering sham. If tho average man Is bravo and hard-working and clean-living, It the average woman has the ipialltles which make a good wife and good mother, If each has Belf reapect, and If each realizes that the greatest thing In life Is the chance, to dJ nerv !(" why, then the future of tl; na- i tlon Is secure. Wo can not stand up I for what Is good lu mauh'ud and Sulphur, Okla. Directory A List of the Leading, Motels, Boarding I louses, Livery and Transfer Stables, Ktc. 11 cad These Carefully. Itiilcs l mr day. W per week The Covington Hole! G. P. BIVIN, Ptop. II.. X Uti. Phone 270. FRANKLIN HOUSE Mrs. 0. IV. Young, Ptop. Rilti it CO Pit Oil J5 Uil Per Wttk 70 Ritmt, (tt',Dilng fin! Oil! Hnti'! 11 W per tiny PALACE HOTEL lln. Robblt I Di5d(il(. Prop. Mllplmr Okla. B i) i 1 (1 McAr'unis IJotirt From Aid inort' to Sulphur. womanhood without condemning whnt Is evil. We must condemn the man who Is either brutal nnd us. or weak and cowardly, the man who falls to do his duty by the publ'.c who Is u bad neighbor, an Idler, an Incon siderate and Bullish husband, a nci; leet ful father. So also we must con demn the woman who, whether from cowardice or coldness, from selllsh lovo of ease or from lack of all trmj womanly iiiallty, rcfusi- to do aright her great and all-essential du'l's of wifehood and motherhood. 'Va nd mire a good woman more. V be lieve lu her more. All hen ir Is i'uo the man who does his full duty lu peine, who na a s'iMler does his full duty in war; but even more honor Is due the mother; for the birth panga make all men the debtors of all wom en. N'o human being has a greater title to reject than tho mother who does tier lull duty, who bears and roars plenty of healthy children, so that there shall bo national growth and not national decadence, so that lu (utility mill In (piuntlty our people slinl Increase. Tho measuro of our belief In and respect for tho good man nnd tho good woman must bo the measure of our condemnation ot the mnn nnd the woman who, wheth er from vlclousness or selfishness or from vapid folly, falls to do each hl3 or her duty In his or her speclnl wpherc. Courage, unselfishness, com mon sense, devotion to high Ideals, a proper caro for tho things of tho sterlt. n nil yet also tor Die things of tho body theso nro whnt wo most need to seo in our people; theso aro the ipialltles that miike up the right type of family life; and theso nro tho qualities that by precept and by ex ample you hero, whom I am address ing, are bound to do nil In your power to make tho typical qualltloa ot American citizenship. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS MORNING'S PAPER. IT LOOKS LIKE PROSPERITY TO SEE THE LOCAL PAPER SO WELL PATRONIZED. IN FACT THE PAN IC IS NO MORE AS FAR AS THIS SECTION OF OKLAHOMA IS CON CERNED. BOOST, BOOST, BOOST. Serious' Results Feared, You may wcll fear serious results from a cough or cold, a3 pneumonia and consumption start with a cold. Foley's llonoy and Tar cures tho most obstlnato ougnB or colds nnd pro vents serious rosults. Hefuso substi tutes, For salo by nil druggists, d&w SUMMIT HOTEL MtlllOH III, flop Near Iiepoli Between sulphur And Ilronililc sprint" SUIPHVR. . 0KIAH0M Hates 11 Per Day II l'er Week Cliff Collage Holel M. C. CLICK. Prop. SUIPHUK, OKI. Hates l.'.noimdup THE ARTESIAN 0jfIm 6 IVttiiltr. 0ncri Sulphur Oklu. McKEMIE HOTEL I, P. McKtnut, Ptop, Vlnltn vi' and 1st street Wiit 1- eryilili ! ir ( lass h:itii in pll iiiion State of Oklahoma. Carter County. In County Court. In thu matter of the estate of Sal lie Davis. Now. (mi 1hls lfiih day of May. 190S, i. J. Aker htwlng filed herein IiIh petition for the wile of tho real eatato (bscr1hcd lu wild petition, for nwsona lu mild petition stated. It Is Ordered, That said petition bo nnd hereby la set for hearing on the -0th day of June, A. I). VM. at 10 o'clock n. in., at which 1 1. lie all per mm Intorosted lu until enate are re quired to apjiear and sii 'W cuiuo, it any they have, why nn order should not Ir) grunted for the sale ot so much of the real estate of sa'd Sal Ho IXivls as Is uecoasnry for tlu rea sons In said petition tntcd. It is further ordered that a copy of this order he published for four successive weeks lu the Ardmorelte, ot Ardmore, Oklahoma. I. It. MASON, 17-2 1-31-7 County Judao. Suite of Oklahoma, Carter County. In County Court. In the matter of the estato of Helton Davis, deceased. Now, on this ICth day of May, 1008, L. J. Akers having filed herein his petltlo nfor the sale ot the real estate described in said petition, for reasons In "aid petition stated. It Is ordered, That said petition be and hereby Is set for hearing on the 'JOth day of June, A. D J'JOS, at 10 o'clock n. in., at which time nil persons Interested in said estate are required to appear nnd show cause. If any they have, why nn order should not bo granted for; the Bale of so much of the real estato of said Helton Davis as 1 necessary for tho reasons In said petition suited. It Is further ordered that a copy of this order he published for four successive weeks In the Ardmorelte, of Ardmore, Oklahoma. 1. It. MASON. I 17-24-31-7 County Judge. Cascasweet Is for babies and chil dren, and Is o 'eclaly good for tho Ills so common In hot weather. Iyxik; for the Ingredients on tho bottle. Con tains no harmful drugs. Sold by W. II. Franio. d&w Throw nwny those old Cur Lilns you have. It's cheaper to buy, a new pair at K A Jones' than to have those old ones washed. 17tf FRAME & PARKER Pttscrlplion Drugqlsls Stilt Fouirliln In Cenntilhn, PHOHt tJ SULPHUR. 0HIA, THE PARK HOTEL Ntw MimQtmtnl Dili Sriion Clti to 'rk int Srrmm. Cuiune IWtl in City. Hates Attractive. rimne No, SO Sulphur Livery Co. W. 1, WIllHMS, Vjr I'or (mmhI Itli: Huwli Ilrowstcrsn Is Tho Daily Anlmor- it" in Sulphur.