Newspaper Page Text
F PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. Ardmors Sunday, May 17, 1908. (c ... frOCdlii 1 i i, ii i- ti. pi. .......i u. ....... ii.'i.i . f iiiii i. n. y n :: t: :: i: tt n :t tt :::: tt THE SOUTH 13 Iji Hit Jest about the Jullp III the camphor IwIIh at lust, For th mlrarh has hapieneil nn, I In- nldfti tUys ri past. That which iiinkps Mllwuiikow fatuous doesn't go 'n TotinoMt'o, Vml Urn 1 11 In old Missouri l an tllitlyloektl tin can Iio. Oli, tin1 oolitic paper colonel ami hl cronies wll may ari wli . For tin) mini Is waving ami tint South Is glii dry. ll thi stlllslds on the hillside in Kentucky till In itlll Kit tin only damp refreshment mi ust ho dipped up from the rill. North Carolina's stalely rnliT kIvom hl soda gins u huv, Ami discuss loonHiptlnii with South Cnlllnn's (inv. It In useless at the fniinialn tn be winkful of lhn eye, l or the coektull glass Is dusty and the South Im roIiir dry. It's water, water everywhere, and not n drop to drink, We no Ion kit hear the music or the mellow crystal clink. When the Colonel mid the Majorand the Goni and tliH .lodge, Meet to have a little nip to H'vo their nppotltes an edge, l'or the oggnogK now Is nogloss and Hie wry has gotie awry, And the punch-how I holds cariiailiins and tho Smith Is koIhk dry. All the nightcap now have tassels and are worn upon the head, Not the nightcaps I'11'1 w"r" taken when nohoily went to lied. And the breeze aliove the hluogrusii Ik as solemn as In death, l'or It hears no pungent clove-long on lis odorlflc breath. And each imin nnn walk a chalk-line when the slurs are In the sky, For the (I.. glass now Is tlzloss and the South Is going dry. Miy the JeHt alioiit the Julep 'noatli the elieHlnut tree at last. For there's hut one kind of moonshine anil the olden days are past. Now I he water wagon rumbles through the Southland on Us trip, An dlt helps no one to drop off to pick up tho driver's whip. For the mlntbeds make a pasture and the corkscrews haiiKeth high. All Is still along the sllll slde. and the South Is going dry. Kxchnnge. Tho Ladles of the Loaf vr III meet iidor vk,;vlieiih ; hllle bum with Mrs. .1. It. Wall Monday after noon, May IS. "Fitness to govern Is a perplexed business." Kloctlon day. "All's love, yet alt's law." Hostess, Mrs. Walt. The Chautauqua Class will meet with Mrs. 1'. II. Woods Monday after noon, with Mrs. .1. i:. Uiliutihrey as leader. The Home Mission Society of tho llroadway llaptlst church will moo: at the church Tuesday afternoon .it thrxo o'clock. All the division, are pe iiuested to ho present. r: Till' lllhle Study Class, leren'!) organized and with a membership from all the churches, will meet with Mis. Conway Wednesday after noon at three o'clock. The Home Mission Society of the Flr. t Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. I). II. Dawson Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock. Hvory mkhiiIii i' Is urged to Iw present and to answer to roll call with a Mis Kionarj current event. The Mission Study Class of the llroadway llaptlst church will meet with Mrs. Wynne Monday afternoon at four o'clock. The HIkIi School Auxiliary will hold their last meetlUK of the pres ent school year at the Uneoln build in: next Friday afternoon. May 22, nt ?, 30 o ciock. Kvery patron of the Hl,-h School or Third Ward Is urged to tic present. The followliiK program will be ren dered 1 Violin Solo Miss Mabl Sny di r J U. adlim Miss m Gwlnu. What should we do nest year? It' end Table Talk, ll by the pres ide nr i v.hwI Solo Miss Daisy Maud W i no r Piano Solci' Miss ltnchet Camp bell t Heading Miss Ethel Ijiwaoti. " g'urutt--MlsseB NeUI ikanl. I- ii ' i.i Nlvoche, Margaret Wlllluis and I.iuile 'Kelt. COMM1TTEB. The members of tho Gleo Club enjoyed a most pleasant meeting with Miss llanuii t her studio Fri day ufternooii. A number or new pieces were practiced and there was ii kooiI attendance. Tin cluli will meet with Miss Hall na iiK.i'n ne.t Friday. Mrs ILilmos' dancing class meets on the afternoon of Tuesday. Thuro- what Snail Wr Have for Dessert? jrj jh i. o.tiio lUintj. iirti(iii;,rciniiiuifai 5m rt Ciiu lie irrpnil m.niiU init7 .Ut Ui! iiiy watT mil i"tp wlicii . 1. Kltcftirtt! Ju-t 1 Klit, t rii. iljiul ntlu, ixrtixt 111 rirr A 1 tho paikv0 tuHkf-i i-ii 'tiK1 Ucfesirl fi a Iftrn fan Ijr, All Kiortti II Pon'l nrrpt 'Ui' -IuIik JKl.UO colnnllri wll.i nil I'jrv I kIi.hj. ; ltnir luion, Oianr, KmiUrrr, MiHbrrr, Ciutouu, cttm, ,1'tttcu. ' - --- it it tt tt u it t: t: tt t. tt tt t: tt t: :: GOING DRY. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t: tt tt it tt tt tt tt it tt tt it tt it it it tt it tt it it it tt tt t: it tt tt tt day unit Saturday. A new term be Kill) Monday and n number of new implls were tidded to the member ship list. A bundle of laundry was found on the street and Is In tho Ardniorelle olllee awultlni; a ckilm and If It Isn't culled for In the near future It will he laundrled and sent to the Cornish Orphan Home. There will be a call meeting of the Daughter or the Confederacy with Mrs. Walter Hardy Monday after noon. Kvery meiulier hould be pres ent as there Is Important business to be transacted. The members of the Helping Hand Society will serve nt the Arcado next Saturday watch for (hem. Al tho nicotinic held Monday of the Daughters of tho Confederacy a program committee was appointed to niTHuae ror the Confederate concert to lie given nt the Cllmer on the twonly-thlrd. On this committee Mrs. W. T. Nixon, Mm. A. .1. Addlimion and Miss Nellie Hall were named, nml with these ladles at the head of the entertainment there Im nothing hut success In store for tho affair. Miss llenulo Klggtns will entertain with a reception .Monday afternoon complimentary to Iter guest Miss Fro oar of Weatherford .Texas. On account of the very disagree nblo weather tho lxist week scarce ly any of the societies and clubs havo mot. Tho meeting of the Moth ors' Club hi the First Ward was postponed. Their meeting will be an nounced later. The most enthuslastls practice of the limes Chorus, since lis oruaniii ttou. was thai Friday night, were eighty five present an. I three of the choruses are well learned Miss Ilanna read an Interesting let ter from Mr. Innes. The clai-s Is Mill onn to new imi-h be-s and they should otHer their name on Ihe meM'iershlp list at once roll will be made out next week and called each evening. The ladles were all out In their white shirt waists, and the gentle men were looking their best. Mr Webb was there and a plctuie w.n taken of the chorus, which will tie used In advertising. Monday night the basses and ten- tors aro urged to be out and Tues day night the eutlro chorus will practice. Mr, and Mrs. It. U. IMImer of F.l lteno are plousnnt guests of Mrs. T. Y. Morgan. Mrs. I'altner will be remembered by Ardmore friends as Miss Lillian Collins who made her home here for several years, she being In the millinery business with Mrs. t. y. Morgan, she was popular , and has a host of friends who . U(,ipn, i,n. r Mrs. Almond of Oklahoma City Is visiting her daughter Mrs. Fred I ., , , , . , Gates, and son, Sub Almond. 1 .Miss Delhi F. Conboy of Dallas U I lie guest of Miss Poarl Mooro. Mrs. Kenny, In the ready to wear department at Dlt.ler's, Is spending tiMlay with her parents In Lexington, Okla. Mrs. N. XL Tuckr returned Thurs day from n two woohs visit with her sons, Conway and kith, in roymi, Texas. Mr. mid Mrs. M. S. Dudley of at F. Chlckushii were pleasant visitors tho home of Mr. and Mrs. John Itasloy Wednesday. Miss (inra Talltt left this morning for Matiow for a visit and from there alio will go to Ardmore to at tend the normal school this sum mer. Ada News. The Chautauqua Circle met with Mrs. Mary Williams last Monday aft ernoon. In the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. A. C. Cruco, Mrs. Kd Ilynl ptoslded and Mrs. I'. II. Woods wan apisilted lender. "Signs of I'rogresa" was tho sub ject discussed and Improvement In. social, buslueos mid political life wait noted on every hand. Whenever u community becomes tonsclous ami sensitive about an ivll ' progress has begun. It may be care of tho Insane, cruel ty to children or to animals or to bad streets. To get n new social feeling as to what cruelty tneaiM or to be-, come sensitive about a social or po litical question, which would havo Ih'cii tolerated by our ancestors a century ago us is progress, mid It Is evident that this Improved feeling will coullno Itself to one avll alone. It will slowly assert Itself In revolt against other forms of evil as their social barinfuliieHS becomes evi dent. The Improvement in our press also came In for comment. The fear lessness with which our lending pa pers bring to light till sortH of evils would not have been tolerated a con I ii ry ago. Y OU'LL be well dressed for any place, any com pany, any occasion, if you are dressed in our Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. Wo make a special feature of summer clothes; if you're going away from home, talcing a vacation at the lake, at the seaside, or anywhere else, better get the good clothes matter settled beforehand. These clothes will settle it for you in the right way. Suits SuS.oo to $25.00 This store is the home of Hart SchalTner and Marx clothes. More and more to tho old adage that "honesty Is the best policy'1 ix coining nn axiom. The oluio will meet with Mrs. H. Woods next Monday with Mrs. II. Humphreys as leader. J. Mrs. Harry Loo Crockett, wr contributed sovorat smart little :if iniih no tho social whirl, untortalneil a bunch or her friends Thursday at live hundred, followed by a ptettlly set and served luncheon. Tho hostess had her homo, on the south side, as How 4 ry ami fnigrnnt n a Itlvlura gar den with rosea, carnations and honey suckle, tilling crystals and ,iorclultij. i our tallies woie set for tne pi.... . n i.'io all out In their smartest tltiery. ami were. Mesdmuos Fred (itites ami her mother, .Mrs. Almond of Oklahoma Lily, Hal Cannon, John Nl( hols, llortha Whilemau, .1. N. Dod oii. Will I'otto,, J. 8. lliirkshlre, C. O. llunii, Fierce, It. F. Turner, Ui uiont 1 1) a is and the Inmtes. The ilnnoe of the Klks Friday night ghen In honor of Miss Freuur of Weatherford, Texas, Miss Klgglus' guest, and a number of the newly elected ineiuburs, was tho dancing nf lair of the week, being largely uttulid ed, and while not strictly dress de rlKin iir. displayed some p.etty spring frock.. The loccptlou suite was In roses mid purple and white Muttered from '''''' I'1"'"' ml l,,,-t- signaling 11 'lconie to Its houoree mid now charges 1'iiuch was served throughout tho evening. Tho music w-aa excellent und Terpsichore, who Is a very per sistent goddess, reigned supreme un til midnight. Those who danced were: Misses Klgglus, Freear. Addlngton, Hobson, (irny, Natlleo Williams, Tutu, llyburn, t Fay Hobson, Dr. and Mrs. N. C. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Krueger, Mind Mrs. .Sutherland; Messrs. John (!eon'o, Joel Buchanan, Tom llogie, Dm ItiUMcll, Tom lOaip Tom and Jim Frame. I laminar, Spalding, Fierce. Miller. 1-ouls Iioyd, Crockioft, Hay Copyright 190S by 1 1 art SchafFncr &: emdden'd The Place to Buy Good Shoes l'oland, llarrald Young and Mr. Slo cum or Chicago. The Orlo club held a very Interest ing session Friday with Its president, Mrs. (!. II. Wi'oli. This was the last meeting or thy jour and the reports or the olllcers wero reud. Tho presi dent had not missed a meeting and In the twenty-six meetings had to lend the sessions two-thirds of tho tlmo on account of Uiu absence of the leaders. Mrs. Webb Is an untiring club worker and tho success of tliu Urlos Is due her. Miss Frame, the socrutury, gave a good reiort. Sho has been the club's faltlilul feeretary two years and at tho recent election was again ctioseu. Ti.o tresurer's report was given by Mr. Webb and showed tho club to be In good standing financially. They havo bought a number of rcferenct hooka tho last year, besides giving liberally to charitable Institutions. At this meeting twenty dollars was col lected for the Cornish orphans' home. Tho answer to roll call on this oc casion wero farewell quotations. ICiich - member was asked to Pit f i om what part or the year's work she had derived the most benefit. number were parltal to the selections, some to the plas and others to the study or Uuskln. Tho new year books were distrib uted mid are neat In the club colors with a cut or Shakespeare on Ut front page. The program commlttou, .Mrs Wobb, Mrs. Walter Hardy, Misses Olive, Corlow mid Franu aro to bo congratulated on the year's work that Is mapixjd out. At tho close of tho busluess ses sion thu hostess took her guests to the dining room where delicious re freshments were served, tho table be ing laid In drawn linen and centered with a cut vuso of carnations, thu dub's llower. Hero the president re ceived a round or merry toasts trotii Misses Daisy Nichols and lCllen Dix on and Mrs. 10. I:. Fugli. In another issue w-o will publUh an outline or tho yeur'b study. Marx A wedding of Interest to many ot his Ardmore friends Is that or John Spain Yates, son of Mrs. H. O. Hey iiclus, to Mis Ida Myrtle Watkln ol Hldorado, Kansas, which was soltnen Ized nt tho homo of tho bride's pa rents Monday evening. May the 4tli, tho llev. Airred Ogden being the olll elating clergyman. Miss Violet Wat kins, sister or the bride, was maid ot honor and Mr. Glen Watklns acted as best man. The btido Is one or HI Dorado's sweotest girls, a graduate of tho 1. 1 C. S. and a gifted musician. The groom was reared In this city and Is a young man of splendid bust noss ability. He Is now taking a training course In the Kansas snulta-i rltini preparatory to the study of medicine after tho ceremony a iccep- tlou was held. Mr. and Mrs. Yates will make their home In Kl Dorado. The following Is the program for children's day which will be observ ed at the Broadway Methodist clnir.ii today at 11 a. m.: 1. IJuby roll. 1. March. It. "Wo Are Going Onward," chil dren. I. IKiptlsm of babies. C. I'rayer. Itov. Sims, t!. Itespotmive reading. 7. Gloria l'atrl. S. Apostles creed, tt. Lord's I'rayer. 10. Scripture lesson. II. Greeting, little Joyce Adams. 12. low In a Manger, Jewel Hanks and chorus. Kl. Recitation, live little girls. It. I'll Ho a Sunbeam, Nettle llutcher and chorus. 15. Itecltatlon, "Mttlo Sunbeam," Ixnilso Wall. lti. Song, "Mttlo Sunbeam," J's tlier .Ike and chorus. 17. Hcuillug, Palestine, Miss Ma mie Gross. IS. Solo, "My Faith In Thee," Miss Vella Wolverton. 1!. Song. "Mttlo Ones Mke Me," children. 20. orfertory. L'l. March. 'ii. ilenedlctlou. Commencement of tho City Schools begins Friday .May i'i .School boys und girls will soon lay their books asldu ror awhllu for a long looked for avcatlon, Next Friday Is parent and trustee day for city schools and the parents mid trustees will go to look upon the children mid teacher In rooms where they have spent more time than at home for thu last nine mouths. Kvery llttlo tot and stately high school pupil, the whole squad will Invito mother, father and trustee and friends to tho school rooms next Friday, all day or u part of tho day and they aro not going to take any excuses. Actual work will bo done In the 1 usual way and parents will seo the school work and tho school teach ers as they are. llesldes some spe cial music and readings will bo In terspersed to glvo variety. Kvery parent will get a program for this day, Hero Is the run of the exercises Tor the whole week: Friday, May 'Si Parent and trus teo day. Sunday, May 24, at 11 a. in. Baccalaureate sermon at Uobldon opera houso by Dr. K. N. Falrchllds of the First M. H. church, Guthrie, Wednesday, May 27 Junior recep tion at Klks Hall, to seniors. Thursday night, May 2S Gram mar School Commencement. Friday May 29 High School play at tho Itoblson opera house. Tho Alrdomo was crowded Friday nnd Saturday evenings to seo tho per formanco of tho Franklin Stock com pany, tho celverost bunch of players that havo ever held tho tioards of the summer thenters In this city. On Friday there wns not standing room In the great Inclosurc nnd the play, the Parish Priest, was a high class drama, with Mr. Duncan, tho native Scotchman, as leading mnn, nnd tak ing tho part or Father Whnlou and Mlns Hyan as Nolllo Durkln. Tho specialties were catchy and new nnd Harry Wilson the runny fellow was unusually good ,as was alM) Mr. Alvldo In his Juggling. It has been whispered about that Ardmore would like to engage this company the entire season ,not only for their stago playing nnd ''stunts" but as citizens, as they havo already gained the friendship and confidence or our c'tlzons and seo mas one or us. The coming week the at tractions will be better than the past. Mrs. F. It. I-awhon left today for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan In Donlson, Texas. A nice clean matting will look well on that bare floor of yours. Let H. A, Jones show you some splendid values. ntr . .. .' I.. ,M.--M. - A Leatlsr In Southern Society. Her friends say that this well known member of tho fashionable younger set In the Georgia capltol, owes the exquisite benttty or her complexion to n few minutes mas sage earh day with Nadlnola Cream, n preparation which Imparts to any skin the childlike freshness nnd beauty or a perfect complexion. Slio says that Nadlnola Cream obliter ates all decolorations nnd leave's the skin clear, soft and velvety. Nadl nola Cream Is sold In every first class drug storo at DOc, nnd $1 00 the package. SOCIAL CALENDAR. Monday, Ladles of tho Ix-af meets with Mrs. J. 11. Wull. Chautauqua class meets with Mrs. P. II. Woods. Mf.s Rjjglns gives rece,)tlii In honor of Miss Freear. Mission study class of the llroad way Baptist church meets with Mrs. Wynne. Franklin Stock company at thu Alrdome. Tuesday. Missionary society of the First Piesbyterlan church meets with D. II. Dawson. Christian meets at tho church. South A ril more meets at tho church. Carter Aeuue meets ut the church. Young Woman's Home Mission so ciety meets with Mis. Marvin Hell. Broadway .Methodist Circles: No. 1 with Mrs. 1). T. Nlsbet. No. 2 with Mrs. W. S. Wolverton. No. h! with Mrs. M. 1 Alexander. No. I with Mrs. It. W. ltandol. BToadwny Baptist meets at tho church. Uulld meets with Mis. McNaugkt. Alrdomo. Moving picture shows. Innes chorus practice at the Broad way Baptist church. Wednesday. Ferndalo Hevkw club meets with Alis. Joe M. Loudon. Merrle Wives meet with Mrs. Cruy. Blblo study class meets with Mrs. Conway. Prayer meetings nt the churches. Maci-nbeos moot at thu Odd Fellows hall. Mothers' club of the Second ward meets. Mothers' club of tin First watd UlM'tS. Thursday, Mrs. Humle's dancing class. Benevolent society meets with Mrs. J. C. Thompson. Franklin Stock company ut the Air dome. Choir practice for tho churches. Friday. Innes chorus practice. Franklin Stock company at the Alr dome. Sweet Sixteen club meets. C. II. W. meets. Glco club meets with Miss Hanua. High School auxiliary meets at the Lincoln building. Parents and trustees day at tho city schools. t'nusually good values offered In now Spring Matting at H. A. Jones'. 17tC READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS MORNING'S PAPER LOOKS LIKE PROSPERITY IT TO SEE THE LOCAL PAPER SO WELL PATRONIZED, IN FACT THE PAN IC IS NO MORE AS FAR AS THIS SECTION OF OKLAHOMA IS CON CERNED, BOOST, BOOST, BOOST. Whooping Cough. "In February our uaughtor had tho whooping cough. Mr. lano, of Hart land, recommended Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy nnd said It gave Ills customers the best of satisfaction. We found It as ho said, and can rocom mend It to anyone having chlldron troubled with whooping cough," says Mrs, A. Goss, of Durand, Mich. For sale by F. J. Hamsoy and Hoffman Drug Co. d&w Brown & Bridgman Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers Largest line of Funeral Goods in Oklahoma.