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THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPEk IN EASTERN DISTRICT MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS-ALL THE LOCAL NEWS FIRST. WANTED Family wash lng Co per pound, flat ivork Included. Artlmorc Steam Laundry TELEPHONE NO. 10 Crcnm Bnkery Bread Try tho Now Process Cream Loaf. JOHN N. IMRIE Phono 258. thmmtil VOLUME XV AUDMORR, OKLAHOMA SlTNJ)AV MORNING 21 1S)()8 NUMBER li) Treadwell Sells the Best Clothing for the Least Money 150 Spring and Summer Suits on table No. 2 at ONE-HALF PRICE 300 Stein Bloch and Kirschbaum New Spring and Summer Suits at 25 Per Cent Discount 250 pairs Men's Oxfords at 1-4 Off 350 Howe'3 S3 Felt Hats ior $2:25 One lot $1.50 Shirts at $1.00 $1.25 Men's Negligee Shirts 98c Call and let us fit you from head to foot. Treadwell & Co. TRADES COUNCIL MEETING ! PROGRAM COMMITTEE APPOINT ED MASS MEETING CALLED FOR MONDAY NIGHT. TI10 Ardmoro Central Trades Coun cil at tlio meeting UuUl Friday night appointed the program committee to nrrango tlio program for the holding or the Stats Federation ot Lalm nice.u.g to ho hold lti thu city in Ju'y. Tho comtiittce npmlnted consist- of W. 1. I'eed, Sam Morltz and Frank Kolh. A mas meeting of trades unionists has been called to ho held In the labor tomr.lo Mondny night to con Elder the commission form of govern ment for the city of Ardntore and as to whether or not it Is advisable fir trades unionists to support such n form of municipal government. Tho arrangements for tho holding ot the convention ot tho Stato Fed eration of Iibor In this city are about completed, nnd when tho next meeting Is hold all of tho roinuln lng committees will be named. Signs Prohibition Document. Halelgh. N. 0., June 20. CIov. C.lonn today, amidst Imposing ceremonies, signed the proclamation making pro hibition effective In North Carolina Jan. 1, 100D. Miners' Pay Day. McAlester, Okla., Juno 20. Tho first big pay day In tho mining district here will come early In July, when more than 10.000 miners will receive a full month's wages each. Sovoral thousand dollars have been paid out slnco tho miners resumed work, but tho first full month's wages nvlll not 001110 due until next month. Your Driving' We are interested in your driving horse. We give our best time and thought and labor to properly shoe him. Every shoe is made to fit an individual foot. Our pride consists of doing better shoeing than you ever had before. It costs no more to get the best work. 19 Broadway & Co. OFF FOR THE PEN WITH EIGHT PRISONERS SEeJj TENCED LAST TERM OF COURT FOR OFFENCES. Yesterday morning ShorllT J. Holmes Akers recolved orders to hold the prisoners sentenced to tho peni tentiary at Lansing, Kas., for further orders until tho stockade or tempo rary prison ut .McAlester has been built, and on yesterday nfternoon a telegraphic communication was re ceived by the sheriff to take the prisoners to Lansing as flr-t directed, the orders recolved In tho morning having hpon abrogated. This morning the sheriff and four guards left with eight pr'sonors for the pi-nlt 'iit'sry loeuttd at Uinslng. The following are tho prisoners: Henry I'lppln, negro, burglary, sev en years. IUirtle ltnglaud, white, burglary, one year and one day. Charlie Hoss, white, burglary, one year nnd one day. Tom Crowe, white, grand larceny, throe years. Will Ingram, white, life Imprison ment, rape. Hub Johnson, negro, grand larceny, one year and one day; also anoth er negro for a like period. Marriage Licenses Issued, Tho following marriage licenses havo been Issued by County Judgo 1. H. Mason slnco Friday afternoon: J. A. I'rultt, Graham, and Miss Ada Patterson, Snood. S. U. Fltzgornld and Miss Liza Fitch, Iloxbar. W. D. Cook, Mulkey, and Miss Lydla Itlevlns. Dunvood. John Ilalley and Miss Allco Murtl shaw, Healdton. Horse AL. RICE The Blacksmith CINCINNATI GREETS TAFT SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE GIVEN HEARTY RECEPTION. SHERMAN BREAKFASTS THERE Party Leaders From Chicago D'ne With Charley Taft In Clncini?t'. Roosevelt Leaves Washington for Oyster Bay. Cincinnati, Ohio, Jimp 20. A hear ty reception home was given Sucre Uiry Win. H. Tnft. who arrived hero this morning at S o'clock. .lames s. Sherman arrived half an hour before from Chicago with a mini bor of party leaders and 1I10 elgh members of the national committee. who were appointed as a m.I. commit tee to confer with Mossr Tnft and hhei limit as to tho soleo'loi. of tho manager for tho approach. ng cam palgn. The eight members f the sub committee are Powell ChnUvi, Arlr.ui sns; Mjron T. Horrick, Ohio, Frank H. Kellogg. Minnesota; Chnrles Nngle. Missouri; U. A. Hart. Iowa. Senator W. IS. Unroll, Idaho; K. f;. Duncan, North t'Mrollmi, and Frnnk O. Low- .leu. Illinois The party hroakfnsted tliU morn In? a: o home of Char!u. i' ' nt Ohio friends of Taft want either Arthur I. Vorys or Myroa T. iljir ik appointed tc inanago the lumpnUo, h'le members of tho nationa: c. 111 uiittee aro said to desire Frank 12 llltiihcock. Messages of congratulations from all parts of America and foreign coun tries continue to pour In to both Taft and Sherman. Roosevelt Off to Oyster Bay. Washington. I), c., June 20. Presi dent Koosovelt and juirty left horo at !:!.. for Oyster Hay In a special trnln. consisting of n private car. a parlor cur ami n baggage cur. Tho jmrty reached Oyster Uay Into this nfter noon. On thy eve of his departuro for a vacation the president said: "Don't wnste any sympathy on me. I have enjoyed every minute of my stay hero and my thanks are due the American people and not theirs to me for the opMrtunlty I havo had to serve. 1 have had .1 perfecitly cork ing time," he ndded with a character istic Koosovoltlan smile mid 11 final handshake. SANTA FE SCHEDULE CHANGE. Trains Nos. 315 and 316 Discontinued Today. Heglnnlng this morning tho Santa Fe has taken off two trains, train Nos. 315 and Illfl. Train No. 31C has been passing through here going north at ii o'clock In tho morning, and train No. ,11 tl has been passing through go ing south nt lo o'clock t night. These two trains were known as the Hooze specials. Otherwise no cliango In tlio sched ule Is noted. Codifying the Laws. Ham P. Hoe Is In Uio city from Outh- rlo for n day or two to spend tlio time with his parents. Mr. Heo Is at present engaged In ipdlfvlng tho laws of tho last legis lature. In speaking of tho work Mr. Dee said: "We havo reached tho "Its" and I think that wo will bo nblo to finish by tho 10th of July. When the work Is flnlihed it will bo tho most com plete session Inws of any of tho states up to date. Hacli subject Is Indexed nnd cross Indexed so that It will bo no trouble to locate any of the laws that were passed, Fich law will havo sldo notes so that you will not havo to read tho en tiro Bectlon to llnd what you want. Tho contract was lot at tho lowest bid. to the Leader printing company and I think that tho peoplo of tho stato will bo nblo to socuro copies of the sanio nt about thirty or thirty live cents, Of courso tlio attorneys will be ablo to seouro tho samo In sheep binding by ordering tho samo. EXPLOSION A f POWDER PLANT DUPONT COMPANY'S NEUTRALI2 ING PLANT SOUTH OF DEN VER EXPLODES. Denver, Colo.. Juno 20 Om man u.ih killed iiihI tnimy others Injured K an explosion which blew up tho Pu iKini company's iKMitrsllrlng plant m Doiivlers. twenty miles no ith of I :i 'r today. Several parties tiro report.! 1 mln Ing and there may hae been otber fatalities. TOLSTOI'S BOOK SUPPRESSED CENSORSHP DEPARTMENT OF RUSSIA PUTS BAN ON OLD MAN'S WRITINGS. St. Petersburg, Itussla, June L'i Tlie censorship department of the ministry of the Interior has supprei ed Count leo Tolstoi's book on "Ch ! tlanlty. Patriotism and History Mate rialism." FOUR YAQUiS ARE KILLED IN BATTLE AT BEUNA VISTA WITH TROOPS. ONE SOLDIER IS WOUNDED Modem and American Troops and Posse of Citizens Rout Band of Yaqui Indians in the State of Chihuahua. City of Mexico, Juno 20. In the bat tle of Henna Vista near Onjon del Nordes, In tho state of Chihuahua yes terday, four Indians wore killed by tho American and Mexican troops. Onu soldier was wounded during the battle. A large posse of citizens aided the troops nnd tho Indians were put o rout. .1 It Is believed that tho Yaqui war has now been resumed In earnest and tho government troops will re sume operations against tho Indians as before the recent futllo peace ar rangements were made. AUTO DRIVER KILLED WHILE GOING AT TERRIFIC SPEED ON TRIAL TRIP, MA CHINE OVERTURNED. Fulloiton, Cal., June 20. While go ing nt a torrllli. rato of spued on tho trial ship of a new automobile, S. O. M Inter, aged thiity-llvo years, was In stantly killed yesterday two miles north of this city. The machine was overturned. DECREE FOR DEFENDANT. In Case of Rufus tied Against W. C. Kendall. The case of ltufus Hell, a Choctaw Indian, ngalnst W. C. Kendall which has been on trial In the district court, resulted In a decree being handed down by Judge Itussoll In favor of the defendant In tho case. This was a suit brought by an Indian to cancel a deed given to the defendanL From wlint can ho gathered of tho caw it seems that W. C. Kendall bought a piece of land from tho plaintiff that the plaintiff Inherited from a deceased sister and received part payment of tho samo with a balanco duo on tho land In January. 1909. Tho plaintiff then brought suit to cancel tho deed, and during tho courso of tho trial a tender was mado of tho amount that was to bo paid later which was re fused. The case has been nn trial for two days nnd decldod yestorday about noon. havo but their Intellect for fortune tuno. MANY KILLED IN EXPLOSION SERIOUS ACCIDENT ON GERMAN SETAMER ARCADIA VESSEL WAS AT PHILADELPHIA Nature of Explosion. Which Oc:urrcd In the Boiler Room of the Vssicl. Is Not Known Score of Peo ple Injured. Philadelphia. Pa., June 20 Several persons were killed and a store of others Injured In all explosion today on Ixsird the dermaii steamship Ar cadia, which arrived here yesterday from Hamburg, (lermnny. The nature or the explosion aus not et been learned. The li tin- boiler room of the vessel ,l.i.tiag a lire In tho big ship. PROSPECTS GLOOMY FOR RAILROAD SERVICE NORTH OF HERE ANOTHER RISE REPORTED IN WASHITA. Prospects are anytniiig but br;,',i. for a renewal of train -ervlce thr uh 1 to tlie nor h tor soiny .inie t-i ri..e I yet. UepoiU received from Chirk islia 1 aro to tho effect that an uli. iloial is ' coming dow.i tho rivjr mrt that water at that pi::it u higher Hi in ei.i before, but should thrf floU n ,t reaoh this section, tho'i the H.tu i Fe expects to have a traei tluoiuMi ih Ilttlo oanyo'i l.y Mondny la irning Uoports wen also received staling that tho Santa Ko bridge across tlie Washita noar Lindsay was washed away yesterday and thero are no trains on tho Chlcliasha branch Tho Hock Island Is open In ail directions except on tho Chlekasha Lindsay line, which Is closed to ' fie on account of tho high water Tlie Frisco Is In less trouble Uian any of Its competitors and a Hue open north of Maillll and sou-li of Donlson with nothing doing Ik tween Denlson and Madlll. On ace Jiint of the high water ut Aylosworth. that bridge Is out of commission mini tho floods recede so as tho bents may be repaired. The recent rains to tho north havo caused tho latest rise. RUN ON NEGRO BANK. I Only Institution of Its Sort in Arkan sas Closes Its Doors. Little Rock, Juno 20. Tho Capital City Savings bank, tho only negro bank In Arknnsas, went Into tho hands of a receiver today on request of Charles II. King, tho cashlor. Mar!n Harris was appointed receiver by Chancellor Mnrtlneau. Uecauso Illiterate negroes had over drawn thelr accounts and cJiecks were turned down, started tho roiort yes terday that the bank was Insolvent and started the run. Today sovnral hundred negro depositors appeared at the Institution clamoring for tholr money. There was only $2,000 In cash on hand and tho doors were not open- Ml. Liabilities are about $75,000 and as sets considerably In excess. Following the failure of the bank enmo an application for a receiver ship for tho People's Mutual Aid as sociation, a life insurance Institution operated on Uio Industrial plan in con nection with tho hank. Marvin Har ris was apiiolntod recolvor for this company nso. Attention, Union Men, A mass meeting of all union mnu In Ardmoro Is hereby called for Mon day evening at 8 o'clock, ut Labor Hall, to consider tho commission for.ii of government. F. . LAWHO.S'. Pros. Ardmoro Trades Council, Quakers at Hoblson opera house Thursday night, June 25. Admission 25c, reserved seats 10c 21-5 Bi Clearing Sale Wo He-gin our Semi Annua! Clearing Halo MON DAY, JUNE 22nd I'Tcm't'01'' (l XC't ')t -staI'll's) (,ur gut's on salo at Hondo many linos of vends which wv will clean up 111 1 1ST HALF Pit I CIO We Mean Business and No Foolishness Wo do not propose to carry over our goods from ono sea. son to another, wo prefer giving the profit to our customers .JT'ST THINK OK IT. Wo aro going to sell all our 75c, SI (H), $1 Uf anil ,f l.fii) Km broideries, all brand new goods and the pick of tho market, in this sale just HALF PUICIS. r0f Crepe do Chine, L';i inches wido, r in this sale ZOC fiOc Hmbruideriod Lingerie Wasli Goods, nr in tins s.ilo Z0C lc in-1 Uleuohod Sheeting, full width, " aa iu this sale f. OC iiricll-1 Hlesched Shooting, none hotter. AP in this sale JjJuC ( 1 L'c Standard C House Canvass, a 5 inches wide, 11 in this sale !.4 2C All Silk Suits at II ALP PRICE WATCH FOR OUU CIRCULAR MONDAY Don't fail to attend this, the greatest money-saving event of tlio season. No Old Goods- Hvorything New Mmimwuuudiu MILLINERY One-Half Off livery trimmed hat and all flowers in my stock will be sold at ONE HALF long as they ' last. MISS GRAY At Diiler Dry Goods Co. LIFE INSURANCE CO., SUED BY SAM NOOLfc TO COLLECT POL icy on life of george McMillan. Suit to collect tho life Insurance, pol icy carried by tho Union Mutual Life Insurance (vmpany of Portland, Mnluo, for Uio sum of $5,000 was tiled In tho clerk's oftlco yesterday by S. T. lllodsoo, attorney on bohalf of Sam Noble, ono of the bonollclarles of tho jolcy. Tho petition alleges that tho policy was Issued Dec. 28, 1305, and that O. V. McMillan died in May, 1900. That every payment of tho promlumB was paid that became duo until tho death of tho risk whou tho dofondant com pany refused to pay tho same. Tho policy was mado payable to Nancy McMillan, tho wlfo of tho deceased, but that Sam Noble, tho plaintiff In tho case, beainio a bonellclnry uuder tho policy by reason of an agroomont entered Into between Mrs. McMillan and the plaintiff, Sam Noble, which was sanctioned by tho comiany, wherefore tho petltloa prays that judgment bo given against tho com pany In tho sum of $5,000 together with Interest nt eight per cent per annum slnco tho default In tho pay ment of tho policy. Tho case of A. C. and Leo Cruco vs. V. J. Wilson et al was transferred from the old commissioner's docket to the dockot of tho district court and llled with tho clerk. ANNOUNCEMENT OF WEDDING. Danns of Anna Gould and Prince de Sagan Published In Paris, Paris, France, June 20. Tho banns of Anna Oulld and Prlnco Hollo do Sagun wero published hero today. About tho easiest mark wo know ot Is tho father who is always threat ening to tako drastic moasureu with bis children. It Is a flno thing to make yours'lf needed. I ,w " . . V jwm. null, AUU fVUU bo glad you gavo It to us. Excelsior Steam Launrlrv V J