Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Monday, June 22, 1908. PAGE TWO THE DAILY ARDMORMTE. There Is A Our Millinory is always so reasonably priced oven at the hoyinninf,' of the mwihoii that a 1-H olT lioru muans more than a 1-2 off at other places. Kemombor our swooping discount sale on mid- Sutninor Millinery and our special discount to the teachers. PARISIAN Millinery Parlors MRS. W. T. HULL, Manager. I3ALCONY AKDMOKK DKY GOODS COMPANY The Densmore Hotel DTU AND LOCUST STREETS V-T, r'n' - r r rrlll.Il'" JX1X UJ. tea: Try us next time in the Avenue cars at Union Depot, and walk one block south. Ardmore Fire Insurance Agency Newton & Riner, Managers Rooms S and 10 Eddleman Building, Ardmore, Okla, Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insurance on farm and village property. We i!so write hail ii.surance in first class standard union compinu s. Insure your cotton and grain crops against hati dau..igo. Cost is small and losses paid promptly. ..BURN OAS.. Have us do your gas work and furnish your gas stoves. We can fill ) our orders at once. There is no strike at our shop, we work only union men which insures good work otid safe work. WEI Practical Tinners ind Plumbers. South Washington St. L. P. ANDERSON, President C. I ANDEILSON. Cashier . FIRST NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE, OKLA. Capital Paid In I 60,000.00 Surplus Funds 105,000.00 Total 1225,000.00 Tho oldest baulc in Individuals solicited with good bunking. BANKERS NATIONAL ...BANK... PAID UP CAPITAL 1150,000.00 AFE METHOD8. CAREFUL MANAGEMENT. Wa solicit accounts whether large or small, which will bars our careful attention, SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. Difference FKKKS the best ac commodations a n d service of an Hotel in Kansas City at moderate rates, We especially solicit the patronage of the great southwest. Our rates arc Anirtlrnn I'lnll S- lo .VI I'rt l lllirnnr.ll I'lnll SI I" S2 I'rr ln Sl'w lul Ititlt'K by week or imiiitli city. Take Independence get off at Stli and Locust s $ BROS. B. F. FRENSLEY, Vice President . F.l) S 1)1.1 N, Assistant Cushlur Indian Territory. Accounts of firms and upon the most liberal term conslstont HE'S IN THE POPE'S FAMILY AN UNUSUAL HONOR CONFERRED UPON FATHER KUHLS. Ths Venerable Priest of Kansas City, Kan., Is Made a Domestic Prelate In the Papal Household A High Place n the Church. K ii ii mi k City, Mo., June 21 t xm the Hoy. An tun KuIiIm, for halt a century rector of SI. Alary s Human Catholic church In Kansas CHy. , ha-i been conferred the li-.nor of uplioliimeiil lo the olllclnl family of the pope. The Itev. 1'atliprKtihls Ull lit .ir the title of domestic prelate, and wear the imriilu rohes of a hi hop with the while linen lace ovtrdrtMt called the rochet. If he IMt-, It ime he may enter the pope audit llio room aiKiiiiinuticeil. The title win conferred upon Fath er Kilhls lit the request of lllshop Mills of the l.eiivenworlh dloce.-e. wlio, when he vlilted Home last year, spoke of the work the pno-i had done for the church In Kalinin City to have thin title, and the only one In the Leavenworth dlocoKe. The papal hull conferring the honor on lilhcr Kuhl Ik dated May 21!. and wax rend lo him hist iiIkIiI. "Tho honor Is too great," he said. "1 have only done my duty. 1 The He. Father Kuhls may don the purple robes next Sunday If he so desires. The Hev. Father Kuhls Id 70 years old. He In a Herman by birth. Ho wan ordained a priest In 1M".:I. lie wan then 'S.l years old. A year later ho i ciiiue to old wyannoite ami louuiieti ! St. Mary's church from which tho I other parishes In Kansas City. Kan., 'have grown. IIIh congregation now I worship In a large stone church at i Fifth street and Ann avenue. Ono jof his greatest works was the build ing of St. Margaret's hospital, estab- llshed in US". Central State Normal School. l-Miiioiul. Okla.. Juno Ti. Tho boo ond term of the teachers' review coui.-e of live weeks begins Monday, Ju'.s t'.th desiring to tnke rot lew wi.ik m tin- eonunoii branches may on ti r ,ii that time or prior as classes will In- organized In all common school branches. Tuition free. Hoard and room at wr reasonable rates. Attendance at tho llrst live weeks ti i m cluhlng July :! will approximate 100 A larger enrollment Is ex.iected during the t-econd term. For further particulars address, I'KOF. J McLACClll.IN. IMmoml. Okla, DATE CHANGED The auction salo ot tho Mlddloburg TowiiBlte lots has been postponed from Juno 10 to about July 1 (deflnlto dato will bo announced later). This change In tho dato of tho salo was made necessary by tho crippled condition ot the train service on. the various railroads. 7tlJ MOB OF BLACKS HANG NEGRO. Enraned Negresses Drag Offsnsivc Member of Race .j Pale. Hamburg, Ark. June 21. A mob o enr.iKeil negro women dragged I.i'i.ost w a negro, to a telegraph polo , on the outskirts of l'arkdale, a town I in this count, and ln"'ul nlm one night -ei-en i- aotordlng .o a report lereh.-d he.c today. Negro women of that town are reported to luwe or g.inUctl a leaKiie to enforce u-'ier i mo, ,ii eondiict by their race and to irotivt themselves from negro rem. It is aliened that Williams' conduct was offensive to some of them and Hi. u the captured htm one titglr. and i.Hik his life. It has caused a seusa i ion. not only among the negroes, hi. Huong white residents of tho vlclu- it v Hie l netting oc.Mrrod between and y o'clock at night and the body was not discovered by the authori ties until the next day. A coroner's Jury returned a verdict that the Mask had met his death by being strangled nlib a grass rope at tho hands of per sons unknown. I The town marshal disclaimed all ' know ledge as to who constituted tho I mob, or as to its cause. Ho said no Investigation had been conducted nnd declined to give an opinion ns to whether tho mob was composed of whites or bliu l,s. Williams, It is said, had used objectlonablo language In the presence of sotno of the wo.iien In til's repotted league, Ho was a resident of l'i ale, Doifi If vou arc sick, don't to mako yourself well. the words of thousands womanly ills, when wo say: TAKE QJ It Will Help You For 50 years, this wonderful female remedy, lins been benefiting sick women. of Cambridge City, Ind., with femalo trouble, and MMwi uoinlnH in rmnrnfn I made me feel like n new this wonderful medicine, AT ALL DRUG STORES REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FROM CITY COUNCIL AND COM- MERCIAL. CLUB.. RELATIVE TO CITY LAKE Recommendations by City Enrjlneer Favor Walter C. Dean Reports Voting Bonds for Reconstruction of City Lake Dam. Ardmoro, Okla., May 12, 100S. To tho Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Ardmore, Oklahoma, Gentlemen: After making survey and calculat ing tho quantities of material and la bor to raise tbo present dam at the city lake, six (C) feet in height, mak ing roadway on top twenty (20) feet In width find making slopo on the out side of same two (2) feet horizontal to ono (1) foot vertical of clay for tbo construe ion of masonry wall at tho top of outsldo slope, to stripping barrow pits und base of new dam of all soil, sod uud vegetable matter, to constructing concrete coro wall across old spill-way, to tho present spill-way to building retaining walls ot ma sonry in new spillway, to tho paving of tho water slopo with rock and ce ment titter, to sodding tho outside slopo of tho new embankment with llermuda grass, to lllllng Tipc under tho embankment wltti concrete, to raising tho pump bouse Moor and cementing outsldo oT said houso be low water level, and to cleaning out tho timber and bush on water shed below tho now water level, and to placing of clay roro wall In tho pres ent dam Blx Jeet wldo, fifteen feet ' Women Wlio Wear Well. It l HHtoiiMilug how great a chunsr few )er of married life often make u the appeatunce it ml disposition of ma:,; womin. T!.o f.rshtios tho charm. 'li brilliance .ims!i HUe tho Moom fro:., i pem-h whie!. U rudely handled. "I ' . matron is only n dim shutlow, a faint oe'ii of the chtirin.iig maiden. Thero uro tw i reasons for ihl ehungo. Ipmirnnrn mii! noRlett. l-'ew young women apprecli-.ti the shook to the system through tl.i change which conies with marriage h..,i inotberliiHHl, Many neglect to deal will: the unplc.ivtiit pelvic drains and week nexes winch too often come with llai;e ami iiiutherboed, not iimlerM.-iti.ina that this mi r. t drain Is robbing thochi h of Its frivhuu and tho form of It. fulrn". As surely in tho gi neral health suffer, wlien tl'"rediiementof tho health of thedclicite HoniurrtKorgans, so furoly whcT:lu;e organs aruViabiishcd It healVh the"hicc aiuVXJTiUiHic() wlttu-M tothrIictln'rJcd coineTni Jferlj a in tlln ii w-o-Mcn hive found health irj liaupr , I- u of Mr. 1'i'Tci''' i .f HTI'o 1 It in ikes weak w tn fining tin, i sick women well. Inredl MiU un l;iUI contains no alcohol or harmful habit-forming drugs. Made holly of thoM native, American, medic inal riMus rnist hlchly recommended l y loading uie.l;.-al authorities of nil the v v etal m hex Is f practice for tho cure ol woman's peculiar ailments. rornurntiB mothci . or for thoo broken- down in laultli I y too frniuout beam el children, ab. i for the expectant mnturv to proparo llic system (ur the coming ot baby ami trakln? Its advent easy nno almost painless, thero Is no medicine qui ir ro go! a "i'avi.rito Prescriptium" It can do no harm In any ciHmition of the fjstcm. Itlsaniot potent invlgoraMiiK tealc and strcimt.'ienltitf nervine nicciy adaptul to w , .man's delicate system by a pi.yii-iiin ot iaraeexieriMicein inn trri- nieuioi wnmni ' x'cui'.ir iiuincnn, l)r- Pierce may Nt coikiiIIiM by Ihiij frte of chnru-ii, Addns Dr 1!. V Pier-,., Invalid' It a col fcul iiurlcl liuiituu. kctfalo. N Y. Worry worry, but begin at onco To do this, we but repeat of other sufferers irorn J 23 Mrs. Jennie Merrick, says: J. suiieretl greatly the doctors did no good. hllf. T fnnlf Cfirdlll. ntlfl it. woman. I am still using with increasing relief." deep and 1 2b feet long, tho total amount ot cent to bo $28,5S5.S0, and for tho ext-nslon of water mains 1 around in n-w district mid for two I Inch lines in now paving district,, $3,000.00. I -would suggest $:i0,000.00 1 for tho lakn, as there may bo more troublo beforo theso Improvements ' nro completed, and by making same, . $30,000.00 would nllow for any extra repairs that would have to ho made, to tho extent of $1,100.00. Kospectfully submitted, WALTHU C. OBAN, City Engineer, The ground plan of tho reinforce ment of tho dam and quantities of same are on lllo at my olllce. WALT Hit C. DEAN', City Engineer. Wo, tho Waterworks Commltteo of tho City Council, and tho Commit tee appointed by tho Commercial Club ot the City ot Ardmore, hereby state that wo havo personally inspected tho dam at tho city lake, and have carefully gono over tho plans nnd estimates of Walter C. Dean, nnd wo unhesitatingly - recommend that the Improvements outlined by Mr. Dean and hereto attached bo made. Wo are confident that by making tho improvements as herein outlined that tho said dam will need no fur ther repairs nnd will stand as long as tlmo lasts. A Bmaller amount ot mon ey could bo probably used In fixing said dam; but taking into cousldera tlon tho tremendous importance o tho city lake to tho city, nnd reallz lng tho fearful consequence It any thing Bhould happen to said dam, we therefore, think It is tho safest and wisest courso for the city to fix the samo as thero will bo no possibility of Its giving away In tho future. The plaus nnd specifications In every detail and even tho estimated cost ot each item can bo seen at the olllce of Walter C. Dean, City Engi neer. Itespectfully, MORRIS SASS, J. M. SHElrON, J. It. PENNINGTON, Waterworks Commltteo. J. N. DODSON, 11. A. SIMPSON, M. GORMAN. Commltteo ot Commercial Club. Election Proclamation. Ity virtue of authority vested in mo ns Mayor of tho Olty of Ardmore, Oklahoma, In conformity with a reso lution ot the City Council of said city, an election Is hereby called and the same shall bo held In said city on tho 2 tth day of June, l'JOS, for tho purpose ot determining whothcr or not there shall be Issued by said city J.i;,mt0 at 5 per cont 20 year water works bonds. The proceeds of ald bonds to be used for the uurposo ot tho dam at the City like C feet In height; making roadway on to,i of same; for tho constructing of masonry wnll at the too of said dam; for stripping barrow pits of all sod nnd vegetablo matter; for construct ing coro wall neross old spillway; for excavating through rock for new spillway; building retaining walls of masonry lu now spillway; for paving of tho water slope with rock and ce ment tiller; for sodding tho outsldo slopo of now embankment with ller muda grass; for tilling plpo under dam with concrete; for raising pump house lloor nnd cementing outsldo of said houso below water level; for cleaning out tho timber and brush on watershed below tho new water level; for placing clay coro wall in the present dam; and for the extension of water mains In tsald city ot Ard more. All persons who are legally quali fied under the law shall bo entitled to voto at said election, Those vot- tig lor tne issuance oi saia Donas shall havo printed on their tickets, For tho Issuance of $35,000 at G per cent 20 yoar waterworks bonds." nd those voting against tho Issu ance ot said bonds shall havo printed on their tickets, "Against the Issu ance of $35,000 nt C per cent 20 year waterworks bonds." That the places of holding sold elec tions and tho Judges and clerks ot snuio shall 'be as follows: Voting Precinct No. 1 at First Bap- Ist chun h Judges: Dr. W. M. An derson, 1.. West, M. J. Hayes. Clerks: I j. ltlgglns, U. S. Curtis. Voting Pieclnct No. 2 nt First ward school building Judges: Paul Jones, M. U Alexander, Guy P. Cobb. Clerks: T. II. UankB, J. C. King. Voting Precinct No. 3 at West End Wagon yard Judges: Ed Hoffman, It. F. Jordan, J. ii. Manstleld. Clerks: Ed Devn, Win. Kllgoro. Voting Precinct So. 4 nt Hall's store Judges: C. P. Hall, John F. Easley, Moran ScotL Clerks: O. L. Clvlugton, Ed Alton. Voting Precinct No. 5 at Second ward school building Judges: Charles Fraley, Sam Dauhc, James Smock. Clerks: James Chandler, L. N. Murdock. Voting Procinct No. C nt City Hall Judges: W. M. Robinson, W. P. Poland, George Dashncr. Clerks: A. U. Edwards, T. E. Choate. Voting Precinct No. 7 nt Staples' store Judges: Porter Staples, Z. st, W. C. Kendall. Clerks: W. F. Wiiltehurst, C. O. Uunn. Voting Precinct No. 8 nt Fourth ward school building Judges: T. J. Jones, W. F. Whlttlugtou, A. F. Pye ntt. Clerks: Chns. Cook, J. F. Var- null. Voting Precinct No. 9 nt WhltUng- ton hotel Judges: M. V. King, C. D. Worthnm, Tom Hell. Clerks: H. T. Rutherford, F. M. Snyder. Wltnoss my hand this tho 14th day of May, 1008. R. W. DICK. Mayor. DoWltt's I.lttlo Early niscrs, tho famous llttlo liver pills, ore sold by W. H. Frame, d&w itnttiiiinitttiii: :j t: M H tl PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. M u t: n u n n MISS NELL NOLEN, Public Stenographer. Olllce Whlttlngton Hotel. ... LAWYERS. H. Brown John S. Cadel BROWN & CADEL Attorneys at Law. Olllce, Wheeler Hulldlng. Ardmore, Okla. H. C. Potterf. E. A. Walkor POTTERF & WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors nt Uir Ardmore, Okla WILLIAM W. WRIGHT, (Registered Attorno) Formerly With Dawes Commission Cc '.est, CltlzenHhlp Cases nnd other matters before tho Interior De partment, Exclusively. Offices Washington Loan Trust Hulldlng Washington, D. C. R. F. TURNER Attorney At Law Careful nnd paliiBtaklng attontlon glv en to All Matters Intrusted to mo Office Rooms 9 & 11 Wheolor Uldg Offlco phono 213; Res. phono 773. Conpller Indian Chas. J. Kapler. Chas. H. Morilllnt Compiler "ImlHn ' Active Court Laws and Treaties" Practitioner KAPPLER & MERILLAT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Practice beforo nil Courts; Con i?ress. Governtnont departments nnd Commissions. Indian Cases a spe cialty. Office. Hond Illd'g, Wnshlngtnn D. C M. F. WINFREY Attorney at Law. Justice of tho PeaCH Notary Public Rooms 14 nnd 1C, Noble Hldg, Phonos: Resl 83C bluo. OITlco lfiG PHYSICIANS. FREDERICK P. VON KELLER, M. D. Surgery, Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat Eyes accurately fitted with Olassos. Phones: Offlco 146, Resldenco 44. ARDMORE SANITARIUM Drs. von Keller, Hardy & Henry. Modern equipment for tho scientific treatment of all Burgical cases. Trained nurses In attendances Ardmore. Okla. " DR. J. L. COX Physician nnd Surgeon Olllce in Randol Hulldlng, Phone 91. Ardmoro, Okla. W. M. ANDERSON Veterinary Surgeon. Ardmore, Okla. Offlco: SmS.h's Livery Barn. Phone 125. TALIAFERRO'S Undertaking and Embalmln North Washington SL Phones 341 nnd 433. ARCHITECTS. W. A. TACKETT Areh'tect. Office In Stms-Pennlngton Building. Ardmore, Okla. Residence Phone 170 Blue. Otfico J""- 170 .. United States Depository Oklahoma State Depository City Depository Ardmore National Bank ARDMORE, 0KUH0M1 Capital, Sarplis and Addilioa al $250,000 If this bnnk Is n safo placo for tho city, stato nnil nntlon to deposit tliolr funds it is a safo placo for tho farmer and busi ness tnan to keep his funds. THY IT. LEE CRUCE, President G. IV. STUART, Cashier Good Luck Flour It's hotter for bread. It's better for biscuit. It's hotter for pnstry. It costs no moro than other brand and gives hotter satis faction Try ono sack. 8co thnt your grocer does not substitute somo other Hour. Thru Sleeper to Denver Leaves South Texas at night North Texas next morning Arrives Denver following day Vacation fares very low this year to Colorado, California and Great Lake Itciiion llnrvey ineiiK en mule Write for vnciitlou liookletH, W. S, K'l'CIKIII. (i. I' A., (illlVI'StlOll Century Sheet Music 10c Per Copy Catalogues Free Call and Get One HOFFMANN DRUG CO. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup CONTAINS HONIY AND TAR RIIstm Colds br working Uram tfnX ot th jrtUtn through a otploo Md htftlthjr aotlon of lh bowl. Rt)lvi Coufhi bj eUrtlr.f tfc Kiomu mtmbnntt of tin throat, barf and bronohuU tubta. MAs aJaaaaat to la tart a Maala tuarM Children Like It For ) y W. . frama.