Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY ARDMOflEITE. Ardmore, Monday, June 22, 1908. PAGE FOUR I The Daily Ardmorcile IT THE ARDMORriTL PIIBUSHIKG CCNPAil). rtluNEV SUOQ8, Prildnt. . r,. HVItSK - . Vice-President II, T. NIMUKTT Socretnry-TrciiiiiriT Directors-Sidney Sinrifs, l- Oruce. W. V. WliltlliiL'toti. f. .. Hjrrne. a. T. lllt-risoe. It. V Dlik.J. K KnMcy Eutfred at Hit) i'ostofflco nt Ardmore is Second-Class Matter. Official Paper for Carter County If it Is in tho Anlmoroito It is login. TCHM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. The D-lly Ardmorelte I m Week 1& On Month 60 One Year & 0 Th Weekly Ardmoreltt. J't-r Year. y Mnt tl 00 Kit Votitl.s 60 1h.i'u Mnuthrt Phones. I'uslness Mnnngor'M OUIco US Utty Udllor'B Otilco 5 tip Distance &3S Ardmore, Monday, June 22, 1908. ELr?S' DASEDALL TEAM. Organised to Play Game With Dallas on July 4 Here, Tlic very newest organization In tlic city In the HI kit' IiiihcIhiII nsaocia tlon. The ollleer of the association aro Col. Sidney Suggs, president, and Robert Jones, liimmRor. There was u necessity tor such mi organization uml tlmt necessity was foiinil In tliu fact that till! lot-ill Klks lltlVB llflMI challenged to piny ii scries of game of hall with tho l:iKn of Dalian. Tho D.illus ICIka Imvp ii magnlnneiit team, thry have challenged other lodge In Hi. i big cities, hut when the record of tho Dallas ICIka Iihb been lookuil Into tho other lodges have been itfrnld of thf Toxin Iiimhorna and now It'a up to Arm ore to accept the challenge anil play tho banner town of tho Iiiih Star state. The game will he played hero July 8 and I. O. II. Wol wrton has been npt'Olntod " chair man of the commltteo tn.,dlMe o, m, tiCKets. lie win nppiniu in.n. ,)ryR(K)(Umml ,lf Sl. lho to help him In the work. lCxnlted Jh(J rwn jf M )mg rt. Killer Walter C. Dean waa made h CmmercM c)tln to fur. chairman of the entertainment I B cnnclM. mmmnmi of tho mltteo. John K. ltaaley waa made wlch nro oip,0ajy fliv. chnlriimn of the Advertising commit- ornMe ,n lhf colmtry JUBl Rt ,, - COMMERCIAL CLUB NOTf.C. Word was received this morning from the gentlemen at Rock Inland III., who were en route to Ardmoro to look Into the propoaltlon of a hroom factory, to the elTect that they had hccii detained at Oklahoma City and finally had decided to re turn home and try again later. Mr. T. J. Oorrali an win, J. W., of Sprlnglleld, Tenn., were callera at the Commercial Cluh this morning. They are making their ltendnunrtora In this city while Investigating tho tributary country with a mind to going Into business. J. W. Dorrnh waa employed In Ardmore at one time for more than a yenr and hna since desired to settle H?rmanently m this aectlou. ? Sl rniiiii's latest march to the sea will tie prefaced by a side excursion ii.i S.i.t river. o-ho The collapse of CSvernor Cummins and the "Iowa Idea" fills tho hoarU of tho protective tariff league with Joy not unapiluible but very loudly ox pressed. o-h I'nder new IndlctinenU for rebating the Standard Oil trust la liable to be Html JCS.000.000. Thla la tho repub Ii xm way of trying to make people be lieve U It tniHt hiutliiK, hut It Ua not seem to worry llockufollor. And Olilahoma really not Into the oratorical Hat nt CIiIcbko. Dennis I'lynii secoiuleil the iiouiluatlon of ('oiiKreaamau Shorman. Alas, great ueuH means little for Illrd McRulre. irf-n Taft and good tlmoa la to he the republican alogan. hut how cnu Taft change republican policies that nave brought panic and business dlaaater won- than Roosevelt could whose poll- u k he Is pledged to follow t c-ro A- Mr. Harrlman te a 'practical ii. an ' he is no doubt pre red as an ' utnli'sirable rltlien of great wealth' v auuin furnish his share of the cam en iModl tor the republican nu i ti.ii oommlttee. oo t: odd to see Chicago importing r d goods: but so tt Is. Canned - i- ! lates ud canned platforms, put .a the great whit house caontrr. i'. imported In Job kits, nnd dlahed c " delegate under the name of oo ic from having some money ami - Ndng mayor of Utlca. New York, drrl'date Sherman represents the K(sewlt elemewt of the party it nominated him. Surely no one tee. others on thla committee aro .lax. Wallace. John George and 1'. H. Adams. The most Important commit tee la the one apMlnted to dlaNiae of the iKVinutH. popcorn and rel lem onade on the diamond. Thla com- I mlttee Is headed as chairman by 1'. C. Dings and associated with lilm In thla lmtortant work are J. R. Spra glna, W. P. Poland and Don ley. time. A very similar request has hew rocelvoil from the American Lumberman at Chicago, which Is carrying on u ''Build Now" campaign In order to hurry a restoration of normal conditions. No lees than four remieata for stores have been received the past three days, ono being from Phil- Everybody Is given fair warning jndelphla, another from Westchester, not to stand too long In one place ', j. ( sm two from Oklahoma points. In Ardmore on the 3rd and 1th of Tne Inntilrers do not seem to caro July There will be something doing for nny fUrther Inftirmatlon. appar- when the Dallas Klks arrive. Police Court. Police Judge Halt has been holding court throughout the entire day o as to clean up the docket of canes that occurred since hi departure for lllr mlngham to attend Uie reunion. Sev enteen violators were present In court to greet his honor ana n good auni In tines was collected. Tho offend" ranged from wife beating to plain drunks and disturbance of the pea h. ontly having made up their minds to come to Ardmore If they can get roof over them. DeWttfs Wltcn Hazel Salvo. It Is especially cood for piles. Ito sure to get DeWitfs. Sold by W. R. Frame d&w Eastern Star. Regular mooting Anlniore Clnptcr Order of Eastern Star at Masonic hall Monday evening at S:30. UBSSIK i'ALMKR, W. M. Mrs. S. U Iioweu ot Wayne. W. Va., writea: "I waa a autterer fioin kid ney disease, w that at times I ouid not get out of bed. and when I did ' i cou.d not stand straight, i took Fo I le's Kidney Rjmedy. One dollar j bottle and part of the second cured me entirely." Foley's Kidney Rem edy works wonders where others are a total failure. Sold by all druggists, i d&w Don't forget the musical treat nt Roblson opera house Thursday niuht. June 25. Ye original Quaker quar tette. Admission 25c, reserved seats 10c. 21-5 Attention, Union Men, A mass meeting of nil union ni"u wo hai ever looked at IJIll Taft j In Ardmore la hereby called for Mot:- ko he will sicken and leave a va-1 day evening nt S o'clock, at Labor ufi for Sherman. ! Hall, to consider the coinmUslon In u ot government. V. R. LVWHOS'. Pres. Ardmoro Ti.ules Coirn II Msdel Stack Sale. T1 e sate of the atock of gooda of ' Model Dry Goods Company of " - ty Is being held thla afternoon. T stock waa not sold up to .1 ( ' 'k. at vhlch time over $1'..o00 is Md by Oklahoma ctty parties Oiticial Route liryan Oklahoma Special for Denver National Democratic Convention VIA The GowTiiur. and all State otluials will use this train. Through sleep ers. Loaves Ardmoro 0 10 a. m. .Inly!!. For full particular see II. I). McCollom, A Rent Or write l", O. Jackson, Division Passenger Aent Okliihouia City, Okla. MORE REUNION TALK BY MORGAN CAMP OF VETERANS AT MEETING HELD YESTER- DAY AFTERNOON. The stny at-homc members of John II. Morgan enmp of Confide" Pi vet erans heard a further report on wHi' tho mnglc city of hlrmlngliam, Ala. did for the old boys who wo" the Bray during the last rounifii La?t : Sunday Comrade (lolled tamle a short mort and on yesterday the mime comrade completed the report mado last Sunday. W. F. Ollmcr, v. ho , is a son of a veteran, save his version of the treatment accorded tho visitors and how woll the veterans nnd sons woro entertained. The speech of tho day was made by Richard M. Lester, a sou of a veteran, who maiH a soul stirring speech to the Vetera id pr out on what the Confederate soldier was duo. Tho meeting was opened with p'iy- 1 er by Rov Wynne, pastor of tin Flrt Baptist church, In which house of w r ship tho mooting wns hold. A Grand f-amlly Medicine. "It gives ino pleasure to speak a good word for Klectnc Hitters," writea Mr. Frank Conlnn of No. I3G Houston street. New York. "It's a grand family medlclro for dyspepsia and liver complications; whijo for Initio back and weak kidneys it can not ho too highly recommended." Klectrlc lllttors regulate tho digest ive functions, purify tho blood, nnd Impart renewed vigor nnd vitality to tho weak and debilitated of both ' sexes. Sold under guarantee at W. H. Frame's drug store. t0c. d&w 1 Money to Loan Farms for sale, City property for sale. We have now some special bargains in real estate, Several vacant homes for rent. We have a few bargains in close in prop erty, if taken up now. Street car is a sure go and restriction remo val will cause a boom in Ardmore dirt. Buy now and be ready for the raise. Riggins, Suggs, Adams Co. OKLAHOMA'S POLICY ROOSEVELT IS INTERESTED I PRESIDENT TAKES HAND IN SUS. PENSION OF TWO HARVARD STUDENTS SENDS LETTER. Cambridge, Ma., June 22. Presi dent Roosovolt Is ba cT; of a communi cation to President Klllot, head ot tho Harvard University, regarding tho sus pension of Sidney W. Fish and Chas. Morgan, Jr., members of tho boat crew. Fish and Morgan were surpuiidcd lust week for violating a rulu pro hibiting certain books from tho uni versity library. TOWARD CORPORATIONS AT TOR. NEY GENERAL ON LAW GOV. ERNING FOREIGN CONCERNS. GAS USERS I New Suits Filed. Max WeHthelmer, David Dauho, Simon Weatheimer, J. C. Graham and F. II. Conrad have died suit ngnlnat U. W. ItiiiKhHiii, Slim Coyle, Coo. W, McLiuiKhlln and LUlle McLaugh lin to recover the sum of $10,000 as damagea for entering Into an agree ment to swindle the plaintiffs, and for swindling the plaintiffs out of a certain tract of land which ono of tho defendants sold to plaintiffs, and for which one of the defendants received payment, by having ono of tho de fendants to abandon iter suit In con test. o'clocsroIlllkF.dfontotnoln shrdlu shr Public Notice. firm of blacksmiths are ndvertls- M1.1t they occupy the Al Ulce stand on Rmadwav. The people will remem- r that I occupy my own stand on Rmidway and ask them not to form i' . Impression that I am out of the ! LM.-shoelBg and black smithing bust- - 19 Broadway. Phone S7. iw AL M. KICK J. A DIVENS, President. A. H. PALMER, Caahler. DON LACY, Vice President FRED C. CARR, AssL Cashltr. THE GITY NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE, OKLA. Capital S100,0Ou.0O Surplui Fundi $1 '0.000 ... Accounts of tlrms and Individuals solicited". Courteous treit nient accorded to all alike. Rony Austin, who for the past four teen years lias been In tho saddle and harness business In this city, has embarked Into business for himself. Ho has been with J. C. Preddy al most all the time, Mr. Preddy has been In Ardmoro nnd van with the same house before It was purchased by Mr. Preddy. Mr. Austin Is a good workman, he lias ninny friends ami will do a good business. Ho will build noddles nnd repair ovnrytlilug mado ot leather, ilia place of busi ness U In ono of the Wheeler build ings on West Main street. HKALDTON. H. Hdton. Okla.. June 2- uur a heavy rain the first of the w e have had warm sunshine lie t. r part, and a good deal of both i"r-i and cotton Is being planted The outlook in th fanning line is ijui i gloomy. ll creeps have been up and road' nre luipAssnblc. Mrs. M. H. Ingram was call, d to Ardmoro by the lllnoM of her sister Mrs. t)r. Hardy. J. W. Onno is n visitor to Ardmore. this wook. Messrs. Wlnfleld nnj Caglo nre hco n8gcsslng taxes. Mr Nihlnck Is on our stroots soiling clothing. Little news of Intorost. Kvorybody Is at work and our town Booms desert ed. Our farmers are going ahead with a vltn. and planting most of the washed land In something. Mr nnd Mrs Wm Hcnon from Texas aro hero visiting relatives. W ill take a n y Keady-to-Wear Suit m all spring and summer weight. $25 .00 will make to order any Suit in house. All $35 and $37.50 Suits, spring and summer, black or white all go at the same. J. J. STOLFA uancTerme Works wonders. it produces hair Just as surely as rain and sunshine jiroduco crops. It jiroilinus a thick growth of luxuriant hair when all other remedies fall. Wo guaranteo Handerlne. All druggists s'il It iGc. liOc nnd $1 00 jier bottle. To jrove Its werth send thla a1 and 10 cents In stamps or silver and wo will mall )ou a largo free sample. Knowl.on D.uiderlne Co., Chicago. 111.. Dtf ALBATROSS That's tho name of tho best Hour sold in Ardmore. Mirth, melody, musical monologues, readings. Impersonations and a laugh for one and all, Thursday night, Juno 2!, nt Uoblson opera house, benefit Y. M. C. A. Admission 2.rc, reserved seats 10c. 21-5 Ciuthrio, Okla., Juno 21. The state's polley toward forotgn corjioratlons de siring to operate oil pipe lines In Ok- j lahonia Is outlined In a letter written today by Attorney Oenoral West to Representative A. F. VandemiL t llartloBvllle in roily to a letter a -It I lug what tho differences wer- beiwe n the attorney general's olllco iu-1 the oil men. ' Thoro is n constitutional inhibition against foreign corpornUirH exrrc!-' lug tho right of oniluon' douviu m Oklahoma nnd the nltoriey uml unjoined tho Prairie Oil ar.J Cn cm-, jinny, a Kansas cnniet'iit!. from I budding a pljio line into th - Jfe tin j til such time as It becomes a doi.ic , tic concern. For enforcing this provision of the constitution, tho ottornoy general ( slates ho has been classed as a fauat lo, misrepresented and maligned. He alsjn calls attention thnt his dep'.tt' menl, through the sta'. corouratloi c r ni'sslon, has afforded f,.i o'l rate for Oklahoma lower than that of any othfr ataf to tho ndvaL" nt jT.-ni , iicnt oil "ompanles. 1 111 Its policy tl'u stnte wr' lint wal er, tho attorney general states, but j will bo guided by decisions of the courts. i Representatives of the Prairie Oil nnd Ons conijwny has contended here i that It would jmrchnxo its right of j way through the stato Indejieiident of i condemnation proceedings, ami that tho more crossing of n public highway did not Kiustltiito tho onjolnment on ' tho right of omlncnt domain, in view I of this position, tho attorney general suggests that tho iiomjiauy attempt such construction and an Injun nion case will be carried to tho supreme court as a test of tho constitutional , law. Tho Texas Pipe Line company, j he states, Intends to Incorjiorato a part of Its company under the laws of Oklahoma for tliu purpose ot oiier- -atlug its Oklahoma lines, J Tho Pralrio Oil and (las company I desires to build a plpu line from Its : Kansas terminus, through Oklahoma ' and Texas, to the (lulf of Mexico, fiuO tulles distant-, 200 miles of which would be In Oklahoma, but docs not want to take out a stato i barter. The jiroposod lino would tap the J oil Held near UarttesvUlo. Accord ing to llgures loft here by Judge John Shea of Rartlesvllle, the line would cost $5,000 per mile, tho compans agreeing to take nil oil without dis crimination to producers, l.-ibor In the construction work, tho llguris show, would amount to $1,200 jicr day and tho entlro work Is estimated to cost In the neighborhood ot $5,000,000 Do you know that you can save one third of your gas bill by using our celebrated JEWEL GAS RANGES? Our ranges are put up under an absolute guarantee to last longer, do better work with less gas than any Gas Range on the market. A call at our store will convince jou. ARDMORE SUPPLY CO. That Bright Spot. The Ardmore Sanitarium Miss Hinds bus chanjo of training school for nurses. Receive!? both merticul and surgical na tion's. Thoroughly modern in every particular. Special operating room. Good service1, terms reasonable The medical profession solicited. HARDY, VON KELLER & HENRY; Ardmore, Okla. Sill ii $1.00 Per W eek Buys A GENUINE EDISON PHONOGRAPH You can lind hero every Edison record mado and wo will sell you a Standard Edison Machine with Flower Horn and and dozen Gold Moulded Records for $20.20 E. B. LUKE, Ardmore i i i West Main Phone 620 Just a little uascasweet Is nil that Is necessary to give your baby when It Is cross nnd peovlsh. C.neasweet contains no opiates nor harmful drugs and Is highly recommended by moth ers e cry where. Solo by W. 11. Framo. d&w rencflt Y M. C. A. Original Qua kers at Hoblson opera house Thurs day nigh' Juno 25 Admission 25c, 1 tic extra for reserved sents. 21-5 Badly Sprained Ankle Cured. ; Three years nso our daughter sprained her anklo and hud been suf-' fering terribly for two days and 1 nights had not ulept n minute. Mr. j Stnlllngs. of IMtlor, Tonn., told ua of Chamberlain's I'alm Halra. Wo went to tho storo that night nnd got a bottle of It and bathed her anklo 1 two or threo times nnd sho went to sleep and hnd a good night's rest. Tho jicxt morning sho was much bet ter and in n short tlnio could walk around and had no more trouble with her ankle. K. M nmmltt, Hampton, Tenn, 25 and 50 cents sizes for sal bv F. J. Itamsey and Hoffman Drug Co. wky REMEMBER! Ill AT your ideas in Grocery buying, and ours in selling are the same. You want value for your money in quality and price. We want you to have it and to be satisfied that you have it. We intend to be more particular about our part than you arc about yours, if we can. YOURS FOR PROMPT SERVICE era u FELKER THE GROCER