Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 8IX THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. Ardmore, Monday, June 22, 1908. Important Notice Tlie followlne Btorcs aro Union Stores and In sympathy with t'nlon people, and observe- Union hour-. Von are urgently requested In patronlie these stores: DIIY GOODS Hmkrunt Storo Ui stheltner & Danho Dli .t Dry Goods Company Madden R Company Hvlen-I lodges Won ler Store A Kloskl Haiti more Mercnntll Coniimuy lwciiitelB CLOTHING .1 K Nelson well A Coin puny Ml 'it Parlor J J Stolf.i The llnh SHOES Hatnllioti c Company Y. II. Lynn Kniigsr FURNTURH Chickasaw Furniture Company I D. Mason A. C. Voiing C. P. Ilitl w. m. mills It. A. Jones ii ...SOCIETY... Ily Mn. T. II. .Sturgeon, I'lumeu Home (J.'VI, Office ft. SOCIAL CALENDAR. Cloln hour, (1 p. Snturd.ix . which In 0 m, except p. m. Doors open at 7 a. in. Tin- puMIc In urgently requested to trade with the nbovo Il.UllCd llOUSCS. ...USK... ALBATROSS FLOl'R Quality Guam mood Pennington Grocery Company Wholesale Distributors C. T. HAHKINGER President E. A. WALKER, VIeu-Pros. iiAitoi.D Wallace. ciiHiiiiT O It (1 A N I 'A E I) MA Y 11, 1 (i OS OPENS MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1908 'I III Ardmore State Bank Ardmore, Oklahoma OKLAHOMA STATE DEPOSITORY Four IVr Cent Paul i.nTniie Deposits I)IRi:Tl;S: I. II I.OVK, Pres. Chickasaw Compress ItYIfON DREW, of firm of Drew Ac Ramsey, farm and city loans K. ,. WALK EK, Vlce-Pres. Potterf Walker, towers FKFDERirK VON KKI.LKK, physician and surgeon HA HOLD WALLACE, formerly with Ardmoro Natl. Hank tiEO. DASHNER, Mgr. Ardmore Oil and Milling Co. C. T. HAKttlNdKIt, President, ntt Ionian DEPOSITS GlAKANTIWn Kery dollar deposited in the Ard.norc State Hank In Kuunintocd by '. fiusrantu- Fund of the State of Oklahoma-dollar for dollar. ' .r ftVt-M i"f np.-rit-n.ed bankers. Our directors aro well kr ui-ii t, iio tn"neii men. they are directors who direct. jrfx.ur ) : irifcr Hue, hut liberal. Every proper uccommo- 'a' . nr.d-i dfpointois fall on us when you plaeo your busl- r m ttv would like to li ve your account. tjlf't-r of this bit k are not allowed to borrow u dollar of f ? r K t u, ,,,, VICTORS Sib i gggEu3ggflgNgDgk A -IGO , l '"' existing? Got a Victor and lto' Enjoy tho Grand O r.i SmK, r, Uio jiopular songs, the ureal bands and orches-fr- old time melodies, sacred music, dance music -all tho ,rfj! variety of melody- sentiment, am) mirth that conies " a irtor and makes life worth In Inc. ' ar ea -payment pi in you can have tho Victor right &'-i - 1 pay as convenient. LUKE'S. MUSIC STORE I Monday. I Violin recital at llroadway Metho dlHt church by Ilu.vy Rom W. C. i. I'., moots with Mrs. J. A. i Madden. Mh Htmly etnas meets with Mis. W'i tine. i Voting Woinnns' llntne Mission So I i lety meets with .Miss Iteu Wolvot ton. Tuesday, i MI.inck Ada Hellnni'tt and Adn Crui'e entertain the Kosroos KltiU at tie- hom of the latter. circle So. :i of the llroadway Melh oilmt church entertains at the par- scin.iKe. Ml sections of the Klrst lresby- t- i .iiii uld meet at the church at four o'clock. chriRtian aid meets at the chiiholi at three o'clock. ; South Ardmore lktptlsl did meats at the church. Carter avenue Mehtoiltst aid meets it the church. llroadway Haptlst Mlsslontiry So cu'ty meets at the church. Guild meets. Wednesday. 1'r.ner tneetslngs til nil churches. Mr. George A. Homtey onterUiltig t u lllllble study class. Y M. V. A. meets with Mrs. Frank'ie Maccabees meet. Thursday, Music.ilc recital by pupils of Mr. U .titer Nichols at Ihoadwny Hap-ti-i church. Quaker Quartette at Itoblson opem hou.e. lidles' day at the 'Rlks' club. HeipitiK Hand at the Christian church. Mr-. Untitles dancing class. Airdotne. Majestic theater. Friday. Muslcale of Mr. Walter Nichols at the Hroadway Haptlst church. Reception for Mrs. S. T. Hlodsoe at Elks' homo. Sweet Sixteen Club moots. Saturday, Bachelor Girls moot with Miss Natl lee Williams. Majestic theater. Airdome. DE PAY-DAY GRIN. De worl' Is stuffed plum full oh work, An' each one has his share; Hut dey's heaps ob ways odln t'lugs Dey' some folks tint don't enre. An' doy'u some tint pest lea teg wld tlmu An' fools days away, An' dey'g some dat nobuer t'luk ob work When dey has n clianst ler piny. An' dey's some dnt koops a puttltt' off Till dey finds dat day's too Into, An' dey's some dat says no uso tor work, 'C'uz eb'rythlui? Is futo. Hut dey's somo dat works wld pn tlent lum'rt An' does do bos' dey kin: An' dem's de ones dat winds up wld A pay-day grin. .Indue. II Club Women In Boston, Huston, June 21'. Never before hits itii- hub of literature and culture ' ! n called upon to entertain so ii .my brainy women aw have gathered ' l,iy from every city and (own of " i land to participate In the dellh ir.iMotis of the ninth biennial meet nit the General Federation of Wo- ' Clubs. Thousands of delegate ) now In tho city and there Is w r likelihood that the estimate of oei. i - tors during the week will 1 1 Ihled This convention Is oh i i h tii.'ahle as the tlrst held In i i.i-t since the stirnll beginning of tin national federation, which now u.i a half million women in Its ranks intuert of tho Hotitoit Symphony i) ciu stra this evoultiK will I" the opt niiiK feature of tho gntherlug. The formal opening will take place tomorrow evening, when It Is ex pected that Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, the "grand old woman of America." will deliver one of tho addresses of welcome The respoue will be by Mrs Sarah Piatt Decker of Denver, prc-ldettt of the Fcdcatlon Among tho mere men who will spank tiro Senator Ahthtir J, Hov orldge, or Indiana, whose subject will bo "Child Labor;" Commissioner Noll I of the Department of Commerce mid j Labor, and Owen It Lovejoy. A great (deal of at'etitlon will be paid to leg islative and IndtiHirlal forestry, li brary extension, household economic I mill pure food will come up fur con sideration. The entire fedortUlon will be the guests of the Rhode Island Federation at a clam bwke on Satur day. The convention will be especially notable for the reports on work al ready done and opeciflc statements of work yet to be accomplished. Tho .reports of all the presidents of state J federations will be delivered on I Thtirxilu v. Miss An tin Lewis Clark, chairman of the committee on civil service reform, has completed tho arrange ments for tho meeting to be devoted to this subject. Miss Julia H. Perry will deliver mi address on "Practical Working of Civil Service Reform in Institutions." Mrs. C. H. Main will have for her subject "Women's Clubs mid tho D. A. R. In Practical Pa triotism." Rabbi Morris Feurllcht of Indianapolis, will deal with the appli cation of "Civil Service Reform lu Institutions." - Mrs. (1. C. Hikes, chairman of the committee on education, will report upon tho general work along these Hues In the federations, and will also present Miss Laura D. Gill, ex-dean of Harmird College mid president of tho Association of Collegiate Alu mnae; Mrs. Ella M. D. Glltios, of lnil(in, mid .Ml s Desha Heckeu rldge. Mrs. SIkos Is especially Inter ested In manual training, ami has been active In presenting Its claims to tho clubwomen of Illinois through tho state federation and the Chicago Woman's Club. Mrs. Clarence Hums, chairman of the committee on legislature. Indus trial, and child labor, will have tho evening meeting of Saturday. Mrs. Joseph Medlll McCormlck, chairman of tho Woman's Department of tlu National Civic Federation, will deliv er an address upon "Welfare work." Miss Sarah I Arnold, dean of Sim mons College, will spook upon "In dustrial Education" and Senator Hov erldgo will discuss "National Leg islation on Child Labor." This pro gram will bo repeated on Monday ovonlng. with tho addition of Mr. Owon It. Lovejoy and Commls.dnner Nelll of tin! I'ulted States Depart ment of Labor and Commerce, as svenkers. ,On Tuesday afternoon, Juno 30, there will bo a conference of thli committee, when .Miss Edith M. How os, of the Consumers' League, will present legislative matters, and Mr. laivojoy and Commissioner Nelll will Introduce their topics for dis cussion. Mrs. A. F. Hromball, chairman of tho committee on library extension, will report upon tho work dono by clubwomen In behalf of tho estaidls't inont of libraries, and will present as chief speaker Dr. James II. Caullell, librarian of Columbia Uuulvorslty, who will have for his subject "Tho Place ntid Value of the Public Li brary." Tho hoadnunrters of tho General Federation of Woman's Clubs aro In tho Hotel Vetidomc on Common avenue, ono of tho famous streets of wealth avenue, one of the famous streets of tho world. Tho principal meetings are to bo held In Sym phony hall ,wlth overllow gatherings lu tho neighborhood smaller hulls .which form n remarkable group of I public gathering places. Thus, dele gates whilo thuy aro attending busl jtioss sessions will ilnd themselves In tho nowor part of tho city, the (Hlnok Hay region that part of Hos I ton that represents tho city's modern .development, where aro Its lino resi dences and most of Its semi-public Institutions. , Misses Ada Hontiett 'and Ada Crttco win entertain the members of the j Forty-Two Club tomorrow nt the jhnnio of Miss Ada Cruco on Hnrgrovo Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Ham P. Hy of Guth rie, aro pleasant guests In tho city and are at the Glltnor with their parents, Judge and Mrs. Stlllwoll Russell, . Mrs W. T. Strange nnd children of Oklahoma City, who have been 'visiting hero the past two weeks, left Saturday for I'valda, Texas Mrs. Cyrus Pycatt Is visiting ber sister Mrs. N. M. Hum, In Orr The muslcnto to be given by tho class of Mr. Walter Nichols at tho Hroadway Hnllptlst church are being looked forward to with much Jntorest by the music lovers and friends. Tho recitals will bo on Thursday nnd Fri day evenings. Tho Missionary Society of tho Hroadway Haptlst church will moot nt the church Tuesday afternoon. The high school graduating class attended services nt tho First Pres byterian church Snundny, Rev. Welth having prepared n special sermon for thorn. The opening meeting of the season of the Hachelor Girls was an un usually Jolly one with Miss Grace Williams us hostess, on Saturday evening Miss Dotothy Dixon was in- i Mated Into the mysteries of tho or ilvr. Fortunes ivoro mid and all kinds of games Indulged In Dalnty refreshments worp nerved. Miss Natllee Williams will enter tain next Saturday evening and Miss s Lillian McN'ces nnd Marie Gilmer will take the degree. The guests wore Mlsa Dt.rothy Williams of Denton, Texas, Misses Clara Tate, Madge Roberts, It.'imle Rlgglus, Vera Olive. Dorothy Dixon. Grace Majorle 'and Marie Williams. Circle No. !! of the Hroadway Meth odist church will entertain nt the parsonage Tuesday evening from four to seven. All members nnd friends aro cordially Invited to attend. BODY RACKED WITH P&I2I Ko other disease causes such wide-spread ns H' c itnatistn. 1 ft a nerve racking- torture, nnd so thoroughly docs it dominate the system when it becomes entrenched in the Mood, that its victims ate usually com plete slaws to pain. Rheumatism is due to tin excess of uric acid in tit blood brought on by stomach troubles, weak kid'icvs, indigestion, nnd i sluggish condition of the system. The natural refuse of the body, ins tone of passing oil thro-igdi the ordinary channels of waste, is left to sour one ferment in the svstein because of theso irregularities, forming- uric ncii which is nSsorhcd into the blood, nnd Rheumatism geta a foothold. As tut l:ood circulates through the bodv it deposit the act id, irritating- sub stances with which it is saturated, into the ditlcrcnt muscles, nerves, tissue! nnd bones. Slurp, b'tiii pains commence, tho flesh becomes feverish swollen and tender, the muscles and joints throb and jerk, and the bod Is literally racked with pain. Plasters, blisters, liniments, etc., can novel cure tho disease; tl.ev iclievc the pain, per haps, temp irarily, but do not roach tlx trouble, wliiili is in the blood. S S. S. in tlu proper treatment for Rheumatism. It row down and attacks the disease at its head, nnd 1v driving- out tho poison nnd ncrtd fluidi which aro cnusiuj; the pain, and sticugtlirii. iti'' and cnrichitikt the blood, cures Rheuma tism p-nu Mcntly. fi S S is t le .ttest of all bloc l purifiers, jll: t h it is net i.ed ia (.wr case of Ul-.i i i u 11-tc i-u K'i tint dr-in end any l Tilt-: MVIVr SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. (Vv. tf)o 30 PURELY VEGETABLE Who will catch the Order for Hearing Petition for Pro bate of Will. State of Oklnhotnn, County of Car ter, ss. lu County Court. lu tho matter of tho estate of Jack Mathers, dooonsod: William Noll having on tho luth day of Juno, A. I). 100S, tiled In this court an Instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Jack Mathers, deceased, with a petition that the same bo admitted to probate as and for the Inst will nnd testa ment of Jack Mathers, deceased, and that letters testamentary Issue to Wll- I Ham Noll. It Is hereby ordered, that Monday, the UOth day of Juno. 190S at 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day. at the court room of this court, at Ardmore, In said county of Carter be. and the samo are, hereby appointed tho tlni" and place for proving sad will and hearing tho petition of said William Nell and any person lute rested may then and there appear nnd contest sa'd will nnd Hlo objections in writ ing to tho granting of letters testa mentary as prayed for by said ,icll Honor. It Is further ordered, tha- notice tluveof bo given by on no less than ten days before said 2inh day of June, A. D. 1008. In the rd tnorelto. a dnlly newspaper printed and published In said Carter county And that wr'tten or printed op!rJ of snld notice bo addressed to Cio he'rs of said testator resident in this state, and to Charles Mathers, Ludy Mathers, Gertrudo Mathers and Rothu Adams, nt their places of resi dence, If known to snld petitioner and deposited In tho postolllcc, with tho postngo thereon prepaid bv ald potltlonor nt least ton days before tho day sot for hearing said petition. Dated this loth day of June, A. D. 590s' J j I. R. MASON, (Seal) County Judge. J. W. HARRELD, 10-11 Attorney for Petitioner. Prize Bass this year? P'K have just received a fine line of Shakespeare's Fishing Tackle, which is on display in our show window. Before you buy see our Special Offer. BIVENS, CORHN FRENSLEY ALBATROSS That's tho natno of the best Hour sold In Ardmore. Attentlo'-, elks. All members of Ardmoro Iidgo No. G'ij, It. P. O Elks, are renuosted to meet at tho club rooms Sunday morning nt 10 o'clock. Consumptives Made Comfortable. Foley's Honey nnd Tar has cured tunny cases of linilplont consumption and even In tho ndvnnccd stages nf fords comfort and relief. Refuse nny but tho- genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by all druggists. a&w On Thursday night, Juno 2.1th, tho Orlglnnl Male Quartot will glvo thoir entertainment for tho bonellt of tho Y. M. C. A. This Is the famous quar tet In America. Each of tho quartet Is a soloist of groat ability. They glvo part of thoir entortalnmont In 'ho quaint old Quaker costumes. Thoir roportolro contains all classes of music from grand opera to beau tiful pickaninny lullabies, readings, Impersonations. It will bo an ovon lng of music and mirth, Admission 25 cents. Ton cents extra for re served seats. 21-5 HIGH WATER PRICES Co mo thrco blocks up Caddo street to tho biggest household storo In Ardmoro, no rents to pay and got 'cm cheaper. Wo rent, exchange, repair, 6toro, pack ship. Sell completo outfits on easy payments. New comers nnd newly married people especially Invited to got our knocker prices. Phjno us. 366 C. P. HALL THE HOUSE FURNISHER P. S. 1-ot us send you a Herrlck Refrigerator on approval. Ask othors It they will do It.. Lotus sond you a charcoal furnace and n bushel of charcoal. Lots of them In uso. Ask Phono 36G It wo swap new summor goods for any old goods nnd wo will say yos. N. I). Tho Herrlck refrigerator saves Ico. It Is odorless. Has many advantages over all others. Try It 3 days on approval. It circulates cold air and keeps tho grub pure and swoot. Try ono and you will havo no other. C. P. II. Our Show Room Jonn Deere cultuaiors ana Jcin Doero "Go Dei lis," at HIvocs, Cerhn & Frensloy's. Presents tv very pleasing appearances with its stock of brand new plumbing goods. IJathroom sots anil mirrors hero in i ro'usion anil every lady is especially invited to call to see our line of bathroom fixtures. We aro equip ped to do y mr plumbing rignt and on short notice. Phono us anil wo will he glad to submit you an estimato Phone No. 0. SPREKELMEYER COMPANY TINNERS. PIUMBERS AND HAS FITTERS,