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Ardmore, Sunday, July 12, 1908. THE DAIIY ARDMOREITE. PAQE THRER It Is No Joke Lumber is cheaper a n d labor is plentiful. Why not build that new house now? Hudson - Houston Lumber Co. Droadway and Washington Phono 82 CALL 631 For Frensley's Transfer Wagon Baggage a Specialty Ardmore Transfer Line The only lirst-class line in the city Calls Made Promptly Wagon Out All Night Packaues and grins han dled with care. Phone 201 STEVE ROWLES, Proprietor Open Day or Night. The Praetorians National Headquarters Praetorian Building - Ds'las, Texas Writes all forms of life Insur anco at the least possible cost consistent wltb salcty. You cau not fio suspended while yJU nro sick'. Prtld up or extended Insurance In (Use you drou out Admits both men and -women See M. B. WHEELER, State Manager, Room 6, Slms-Pennlngton Dldg. Wolverton $ Son Oldest and most reliable ab stracters In Cartor county. Send to us for abstracts anywhoro In Oklahoma. Wo also write cyclone and lire Insurance. Wo are bonded abstracters. ARDMORE, OKLA. f. i ., ,i GOV. PECK ON PROHIBITION CONDITIONS NOW IN MAINE Hy Oeor'o W. l'eck 1 to my companions (Former governor of Wisconsin, hell!" s.itd olio of them. "There Is who Is studying tho prohibition ques- moiv whisky Fold In Portland than tlon for The Ardmorelto nnd tho Mil there Is In lmlsvillc, Ky.. and not n wnukoo Sentinel.) saloon In town.' 1 could not believe Augusta, Me., July 11. No rnllr.xid trip could be moro pleasant In Juno than otio from the Brent, free, laugh ing west, ncross Uio benutlfiil coun try from Milwaukee to Hoston, through rich states that are not hypocritical, and whose people eat and drink what tliuy want to without apologizing to any one, or without going behind tho door to do It. Through tho slates of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, New York and Massachusetts, a man Is proud to meet Uio citizens and hear them talk freely and without looking furtively over the shoulder to see If anybody Is listening. If there ever was a frco It. but wo wandered around tho streets and the frequency with which we had to side-step to escape a collision with a drunkuu man was monotonous. "Well, where do they get It?' I asked, and the boys told me that thcro wero several hundred boot-legging joints In tho town, and "kitchen speakeasies." 1 asked what a "kitchen speakeasy" wos, ond my companions for f business Is had they simply shut down the factories, or prhnps cut wages, while the poor laborers, who have the mime appetites and df siren as the rich, ride In the street eirs for their outing. k to out-of-town park nnd gardens, and If they drink It Is of vile stuff they get oil the cly. and with no Intention to get runk, a spoonful will go to their heads aiht eut o it the'r stomach, mid ' Temperance, niany go to work on Monday, after a Sundiiv outing, wishing they were dead, nnd looking as If they were. If there was one saloon or beer garden where t.ioy could for a nlckol get a good schooner of stuff made of hops and malt, Uiey wotiM go home at night sober and happy, with a song on their Hps wh'le going to the next day's lalior. and smile on their faces They know this, and all tho better class of people know that Maine needs a few places where good old ale can be drank, or good beer, with the fin gal luncheon these laborer are con tented with. The time Is coming wthen Maine will change her prohl Iioopio on earth, they live In such told me to como on and they would show me. We went up the steps of i.ui,,., inw- . ,,,, in, unto, nml a respectable-looking mldu.o class . ,-,0 ,,0(),n admit It. but they do house, not two blocks from the old , nol now when home of uiq oot Iongfollow, which Al Augusta, the capital of Maine. Is kept as n show place by a society on tlle heautlful KennelxH! river. I i which nas douki i n. anil Keens n u: i it.i..i ti... ........ ,..,..,(. states as one imssc throng1! In going ! jst t was when Uingfellow lived ' ,ottt. everywhere Imught of boot east, nnd the country outside tho ,t. and rang the bell. Tho lady nr:lwrHi . Patents drank on speeding train shows It. nnd the crowd ) house cntne to tho door, one of i ,,u, gt.. om, would Wi money at the nations, of clean, well-dressed, j ,v friends nsk.-d If the husband was wlll, ;o owmir was ,,, looking; the laughing citizens, with no ono having mme. nnd was told that he hod gone j ,.m)tv bottle klekeil about or lloatlug a grouch, clinches tho argument, and ()t u Htore, ' lint step Into the ' down t, rVers Into the 'ocean and the traveler knows he Is r.mong tho kitchen.1 said the good old Maine i ,,v,,rJ. mRt ,,, who drinks of the best peoi o to be found anywhere ...if,, .,., ,nother. and ho sboweil us ...... i Iloston is always most Interesting, for, t nnd closed the door The man j n7vi ,y w tlmt liquor exists In wno nau neen mere noiore saw. mvo ;,,e, m, mere Is no comiulsslon or me a bottle of John's beer.' and tlie oitlcers whose duty It Is to analyze old lady said she guessed .nihil had tm. Htuff nli destroy It If found pol a little left In the Ice box. and he sonous. so the dealers who deal In told her If any of his friends dropped n. dark nre not compelled to furnish In to. let them have a bottle, and she ,lro Koods. In fact, thev do not want went out of the room. The beer was ,,,,. eooils. They keen certain stuff good and cold, and when we loft ono nn,j yoll don't have to buy it If you M. & 0. G. RAILWAY ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION WORK TO BEGIN BETWEEN RED AND CANADIAN RIVERS. In Hoston you get your first fresh codfish, and as yon eat It you rolled on the fact that the did moro to welcome tho Pilgrims nnd make them fat and brainy than anything they found In New Knglnnd, nnd hut for the codfish, which fairly yearned to be caught, and would blto at any thing thrown Into the water, our fore- of my companions left hmf ft dollar do not want It, and If you buy It you ratners would nave starved nnu irozon on the kitchen table, nnd we went take your chances. They nre like the . .. i ... 1 1. , i. ,i . ...I... .. . ....... i . ..... ..) in iit'iiwi me nrsi. winter on uie.iit Cape Cod, and as you think of theso things you arc glad that Massachusetts has made the codfish Its trademark, by erecting nnd kooplng In Its state capital, In a public place, a bronzo codfish, rampant. Hut when you re flect further, about the carp, nnd suckers, and dog-fish that you havo oaten tor salt codfish, put up elthor out. the lady opening line door for Kreen goods men who sell n box or us and remariving that sho couldn't Haw-dust to the man who thinks he Is take anythln from us, ns It would ho getting counterfeit money. WT'.on he against the law. and one of the boys , n ihIm he has got the worse ()r It. he said. "Why. of course not: this Is KOes home nnd kicks himself, hut he on John, from his prlvnto stock." and , does not kick to the man he lind the as we went out she returned to the , dealings with. If Maine Is going to kitchen, and no doubt put the half continue to he a "prohibition" state, dollar In the teapot. That was a and wnnts to remain a healthy state ' kitchen spenkensv,-' and thorp are i r eoeil and irrost men. she must make I hv these YnnKeo admirers of tho coil- hundrouit of such In Portland, kent by , li nrtm.. nnnUhiiblo wltSi death for flub, or some wicked, Imitation Yan respectable families, who would keep ' men to sell to the men. women nnd kee, you nre saddened, nna want to a few boarders If they couldn t make i children of the slate alleged .liquor kick. In Hoston It seems that tho more money giving away a l'ttle prl-1 that eats out their Interior decora most of tho stores are conducted for vate stock to those who know where ! tlons. or beerlne that Is so full of gas the sale of liquor, either for homo It K and who leave the price on the i that a man has to wirry sandbags In consumption, or to help out neighbors table, i ills woman that I met looked I his pockets to keep him from sailing wSio nro dry. Some of Hoston's sub- h-i-Mit and intellltrent. ns a farmer's awav like an airship. Augusta Is full urbs nro awfully dry, but by crossing wife m'ght look, but I thought sho of the Joints that enter to the people the river and striking tho sacred soil looked a trifle ashamed of her calling, wtiio want a drink, and everybody of Hoston, the. first hulldlng Is always As walked up the street an express I laughs about It. No man, business a saloon, and tho first man to greet wagon came un and unloaded several 1 man nr otherw'se. seems to care how the suburbanite Is n bartender. Many cases of beer, dkect from Iloston. and I many places there aro to get drunk pans oi .Massachusetts are ory, oui nonoiiy turned n hair as It was un-! In, or who keeps them. They all tell the same story when asked If prohi bition In Maine Is a blessing to the people, "messing, hell!" s the almost Invariable answer, and they will add Hromlde. Oklahoma. Julv 11 ' William Kenellci'. president or the Missouri, Oklahoma & (inn railway. I Is expected here this week with a 1 vlow to beginning nctlve construction work between tihe Canadlnu and Red rivers. V. S. Young, chief engineer, stated today that President Kenellck secured all necessary mono) while In Kurope. nnd that oetlu work would begin at once, lie said the steel bridge across the CuiMdlan. near Cat vln, would be finished early this fa'l and thnt Sherman. Texas would li" reached next spring or early sum mer. Mr. Young declined to stale deflnlt ly ns to tho rxirled chniiKe in th. new line, hut said recent high walem would entile them to construct many bridges from ttree to five feet higher than at llrst pmitoneil. lie said the oldest InlmbltantM along the Hue de clared the recent Hoods re.u-ln-il high er levels than ever In-fore, and this fact alone would cause numernus changes In their bridges ami ni . proaehes. j The engineer In charge of construe lion is minding a handsome home here and when asked If Mr. Kenellck would erect a nildeneo here, replied- "I nni not at liberty to say what Pn-Hldeut .veneflck will do, but I know he thinks a great deal oi these min eral springs, especially the Hroinldo water" lie snld his line would bo construe lt-d on a six-tenths grade, preparatory to handling homy freight tr-alllo. The M. ). Ar (. ts operating HIl miles of track, between Wagoner and Lamar, a small station just north ot the Canadian river near Calvin Tho road will bo llnllil Into Hiomid. early in November or l)i-conihcr. ..BURN GAS.. Have us do your gas work and furnish your gas stoves. We can fill your orders at once. There is no strike at our shop, we work only union men which insures good work a tid safe work. Practical Tinners and Plumbers. South Washington St. J. A BIVEN8, President. A. H. PALMER, Cashier. DON LACY, Vice Preildtnt FRED C. CARR, Att Caihler. THE CITY NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE, OKLA. Capital Surplus Fundi. ., .....I100.OOU.00 $100,009 Account! of firms nnd Individuals solicited. Courtnous treat ment accorded to atl alike. Messenger B, 121 113 Three choice fine Poland China male pigs for sale sired by Messenger 13, a nephew of Meddler, the world's champion dams by Keep Ons and Perfection fa milies Mo. and Ohio winners. West End Wagon Yard J. T. I3yars Hoston tries Its host to Keep such loaded In the kitchen. On the way I places from cracking open from tho drouth, ns It has done for n 'hundred years to nil the world lending Its Medford rum wherever there was In telligence enough among the natives to manipulate a corkscrew, and It Is wonderful how quick tho weakest brain of tlhe most doprnved race on the face of the oaith will comprehend the workings of that great Invention, the corkscrew. Hut for tho cork screw the people of the world would be digging corks out of bottles with rt-lKsors and Winner forks, pushing hack to i no hotel four little girls, from ten to fourteen years old. wuiio up bes'de us and asked In a whisper If we didn't want them to show us where we could get a bottle of nlc. fresh beer. Thnt was a new ono on tf-nt there Is mote liquor drank In Maine than there Is In Hoston. N u nsk the banker what he thinks about Notice. Notlcel h hereby given that a the next meeting of tho city council, July 20th, 1U0S, bid will bo rocelved for the olllclal printing for the Cltv of Ardmoro by the city clork nit later than 12 o'clock m. on inld ilMo. This July 7th, 190S. O. It. imuci-:, City Clerk. 8 Per Cent-8 Per Cent--8 Per Cent Money to loan on farms at eight per cent net. No commissions charged. Loans closed promptly. All or any part of loan may be paid at end of any year without notice to company. GORMAN BOGIE OHico Over City National Bank Delny In commencing treatment for n slight Irregularity that could havo been cured quickly by Foley's Kidney Remedy may result In a serious k d ney dlseaso. Foley's Kidney Remedy ullila up tho worn out tissues nnd strengthens theso organs. Commenco taking It today. Sold by all drugglsU. W. 1'. Poland W. U. Foster Poland & Foster Successors to lioborts it Poland Loans and Abstracts, Fire and Tornado Insurance. Prompt Service. Reliable Companies. me, and I nsked my commercial men .Maine nnd prohibition, and he wMl what It meant. They said theso girls ay. "Well, you know. I nm no drink could make more money getting a nj man. though I keep liquor In my rake-off on tho boor they brought house, nnd I am classed among those customers lo buy than thoy could by ', who favor prohibition, but our law never has been enforced, and wo aro the laughing stock of the world, wltlu moro drunkenness than Cheyenne In Its palmiest davs, and Maine Is the .lek)l-IIyde state, and wo nil know It. claiming to be bettor than other j states, and with purer morals, and at tho same time winking at crime nnd raising the devil nfler dark, but wo nre going to have a change and open up some respectable saloons nnd working In a factory: that the chll dron were respectable, and all thoy did that was wrong was to act as part of the cork Into tho bottle nnd cappers for a "kitchen speakeasy." 1 drinking the cork In instalment, could not go to s!oi that n'ght from Next to the steam unglne and the cot-' thinking of the Maine method of ton gin. the corkscrew is one of our bringing up children to act as agents greatest dlscover'es. and I wish I for the solo of liquor In a prohibiten knew who discovered It. for he ought state. During the night dozens of to have a monument. The best of It drunken sailors passed under my w'n- is. one dives not have to take lea- dow, on the way to the docks, singing sons In tho use of a corkscrew. Put sa'lor songs, and In the morning I let people drink In public nnd smlli a corkscrew Into the hands of a child. empty pint and half-pint bottles lit-! and help ly taxes. Instead of drink a blind person, a lunatic or a jmlltl tered tne street. The next day I went I lug behind the door, nqua fortls and clan, and Instinctively they begin to to an engine house where there Is a I carbolic nc!d, diluted with wood nl work It. 1 suppose the use of a cork- city agency, where liquor Is sold by the J cohol, and Hinting everybody, ns they screw Is bred into us all. like walking city for medicinal, mechanical or do now. Hut don't say I said so.' on all tours, and creeping. ' scientific purposes, where a citizen Asked when this was to bo brought I knew tiiat It would come to this may. by signing the proper affidavit, about, tho banker will tell you to and that 1 should eventually land In secure a bottle of fairly decent liquor. I wait until the people get a chance Maine, but I stood off ns long ns pos- but If Hie swears to a He to get It. he to ote on "re-subinlsslon,,' and you sihio. l could go to near proamnion may be fined from twonty-llvo dollars j will hear something drop, siates. and jony tne people necauso up. or sent to Jnll. and nobody not a citizen can got any liquor there. though he may need It scandalous, for they were trying to Imitate Maine, 1 hut I thought It well to keep away from Maine, because people In that state aro Just truly good, do not want to drink, nml It must be a crlmu to make fun of them 1 thought ove-y man, woman and child In Maine hud been brought up to think that nny Do you know, much ns I have looked up to Maine for half a cen tury as th.' temperance state that For convenlonco For economy, For comfort, Burn Gas When you havo onto used It you would not do without nat for an hour, and only saw oik- citizen buy a bottle, but while that bottle of decent liquor was being sold 1 doubt not live hundred tiottles of tho vilest liquor, beer or wlno wns sinful to , stuff ever concocted wns sold u dir think about, and that probably in thnt ferent parts of tho town, to eat out Pine Tree state there was not a case the vitals of tho poor working class of thirst . though they religiously oat . of people. salt cod, nnd that probably In tho I visited Hlddeford. where great whole state there wouldn't bo more factories cover block after block of than a couple of gallons of liquor, ' the streets, and where thousands ot kept for sudden nttacks of heart fall-' factory girls and hoys, men and wo- nro, and only used ns a modlclno. men are employed a part of Uho time, medlc'nal, mechanical, or scientific has produced so many statesmen, but purposes. 1 remained at tho agency which has gone out of Uio business of producing statesmen since Hlallie and Tom Heed passed away, when I ' go about and see the hypocrisy of I a truly good state ;Kislng ns a tern- i perance state, and making Home j howl with hor drunk-nness, I nm I ti-liiimcd of Maine, and a. most every i respectable man I talked with In the I state Is nnhamod. ' .now, honest, how does prohibition affect your stale?' I asked of a prominent business man In his own counting room. He looked over his shoulder, ns all Maine men do before they oxpress themselves on To ask lor or expect to find a drink and where cotton goodB, ginghams, in Maine wns to mo like expecting to ami so forth, nre made, as well ns ) prohibition. "It Is n terrible force, and nun a nurginr leacning in n Hiinuay many other Kinds oi goons tor snip- a crltno, and wo aro tho confoundedest school. For fifty years, since Noal inent over the world. On account of Dow'g time, I ha4 thought of Malna 1 occasional labor d'fllcultlos, nnd tho as tho only truly good stato, nnd ha1 uncertainty oi being able to sell goods. noticed all my life that temperat'co overproduction, etc.. the factories da workers pointed to Mnlno ns tho Mo- pot run so regulatly, and the employes hammednu would l'olnt to Mecca, and are not happy and not very healthy, tho wonder to mo was that nil tho and they ?ro nlways hard up, and temperance agitators of the last half century, who wero so saddened at tho way things wero run where saloons wero allowed, did not move to Maine, where nil was dry and peaceful, and nobody was Intemperate. So when I was proporly located In Portland, for a few days, I said, "Now wo will see a community of sober. IndustrloiiB peo ple, and during all the time spent horo thero will bo no sound of revelry by night, and no smell of liquor will tnlnt tho atmosphere." Tho first night I walked up to Monument square, the busiest part of tho town, with a cooplo of trnvellng men. and wo saw a crowd around the lody of un npiKirently dead boy of 11, lying on the s dewalk. Tho.remnlns wero tak n Into u drug store, an nmbulanco was called ,iud tho hoy was taken to the aosppal. Tho doctor Bhought he wns dea l but by tho uso of a s'umuch pump a pint of so-callod whis ky was putuicd out ot tho boy, and in a couple ct hours ho was sent home, alive, b it the sickest boy in Portland, "V( 1 this Is going some. In a strictly tuu peranco state," I said frequently In debt, nnd It Is not an Inspiring sight to witness thousands upon thousands of these tired and dis gusted Inlsirers on tflio street, seek ing nmusement, nnd trying to seem contented when they nre not. Many of them' would like an occasional glass of beer, or ale, which thoy could got, pure nnd for a nlckej, If saloons wero permitted, but If tho working man wants a glass of beer ho has to "hldo out," as they say in the south, nnd when he finds a Joint where he can get beer on tho sly. Sic has to pay twenty-five cents for a pint bottlo of beer, which he cannot nfford to do, and the result is that ho will buy n qufrter's worth of the vilest spirits, ami when ho has got It Into him ho Is almost In tho condition of tho Portland boy who was pumped out. Tho rich people of Hlddoford and Wntervllle, and Rumford Falls, and dozens of other small manufacturing cities, can afford to buy good liquor nnd keep It In their housos, and those people look prosperous and happy, driving good rigs or auto?, living In fine houses, and they make money, hypocrites on earth, and tho soonor wo have a chanco at "ro-submisslo i, j the bettor It will be for us. As It Is now, wo nro making prohibition the football of ioltloal desperadoes, and tho Sturgls commission Is rotten to tho core " Hut nlsiut tile "Sturgls commission" and ' ro-BUbmlsslon." I shall ihnve to hnvo another whack at Maine, after going up tho state, to Hangor. Har Hurlmr, Rockland, nnd all around tho potato and codfish bolt From what I hav0 seen so far In . Maine, I feel mud'ii ns 1 would If I found thnt my favorite Sunday school tmicher. who bad been teaching my J children nnd grandchildren for two generations, had nibbed a bank, skipped out with nnother man's wife, nnd on Investigation It had boon dis covered he had been leading a double life all those years and nod not gone to bed sooor for twenty years, Ono feels thnt ho has been deceived In good old Maine, that most proh'bltlon ists had collars full of good stuff, nnd that It was the othor fellow that ought to l saved Kodol wll wl.nout dauht help any ono who has stomach disorders or stomach trouble. Tako Kodol today and continue It for tho short tlmo that It Is necessary to give you com plete relief. Kodol Is sold by W. D. Frame. May wo o d THE BEAUTIFUL An Addition to Ardmore in 10 Acre Blocks FOR SALE Overlooking Ardmore from the North. Only one-half mile from city. Location fine, soil fine and the price is right. Best proposition near Ardmore. Five io-acre blocks already selected. Don't wait until they are all sold then ask someone to kick you. Buy now while you can get the best, all good, but some are better. The price is right. Call at our office for full informa tion. Phone 726. Riggins Suggs Adams Co. Ardmore, Oklahoma