Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Sunday, July 12, 1908. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. PAGE 3EVEN United States Depository Oklahoma State Depository City Depository Ardmore National Bank ARDMORE, OhLJMOXl fapilil, Surplus and Atiiliooal $250,000 If tills bnnk Is n safo place (or tlio city, Btnto and nation to deposit tholr funds it In a snfo plnco for tho farmer mid busi ness mnn to keep his funds. THY IT. LEE CRUCE, President G. W. STUART, Cashier Good Luck Flour It's better for bread. It's better for biscuit. Il'Sb. Jtter for iastry. t costs no moio than other brand and gives better satis faction Try one sack. Boo that your grocer docs not substitute eonio other Hour. Thru Sleeper to Chicago VI V heaves Cloburno Every Night. Vacation fares very low this year to Colorado, California and Great Luke Region llnrvey in i-ii Is en roule W S Write for vacation booklet. Keeniin, (1. I'. A., (liilveatlon Abstracts! Abstracts! Abstracts ! If you want an AHsl'KACT or TAKK-OFF to any piece or parcel of land or any city or town lot, In what was formerly tho Chickasaw Nation, write us. All orders executed promptly House Jordan Ileal Estate and Bonded Abstractors MARIETTA : , OK LA. ROYAL BATTLE IN MYSTIC CAVE EXPLORER ATTACKED BY IMPS of nether Sulphur. Ok, .luly 11 s a result caress and pet th-e of a fleice hand to hand combat with Hiiinbolt wan permi u b.g nulo or bull 1 Imp' this after- ml,1S(, of t0iu.n , (ll I ... m his scientific mw.tiKatioii .fill I I UNI imii I, II ll utrpBHi ill.., nvuir ,. . i.i - .1.. ,t..i.... i... II. 'UllSl uni iiuiii mo i uiu'isii) in m-Miun ... ...,, ,,, , ..,..,., u lies In one of tho sanitariums of rr;""'"'"" thl city horribly ated and I had struck him. Vi.. ... . i . t lKwerful bull Imp. ltli i.K. ..... and mad grimace, challenging i im iik i ., , 7. i tnZL l''ch and sight the profess-.r r l i.i L Peering Into tho darkness to see what tin. i win- the form of the Imps plain h men b this first paleface explor ing; pititv. though they could be heaid cli.iiteiiiiK r-ntlnunll in their Imp latiKiiaKe. and screamed and I.iurIh d iU illel One of the exploring party flied .ii a Mia.louy form, and the ImpH then became so threatening In i luir tone that the exploring part, ithiMiKh well armed, beat a hasty re treat Itepeated expedition containing thin Von all kind of adventurers, geologist and il to in lug Ills I scientists, hae iilnce entered the cave aid of his sight J thelmp-asllornianVonnu, inlet shr in mil noiio nave ueen so near biici-or-, fill In their efforts to capture a p.itri of tbe Imps as Herman von llumbolt and liK party. lillimi Ttln l.i-i.fnaui. n ppi ml lin II In. I lixf n i :l:;.;. ..... v". : . Vi... rs..'..,. had sir PIIIITI! students from the ty of tlerlin, of llelil Prngue, arrived In this Von llumbolt aw lid gestures to mortal combat to I duel. It Is evident. fight htm a BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does of bed wetting. not cure children There Is a const I- COMPARE OUR SERVICE WITH OTHERS. I T1...I- it.fldl ...! fix tin UJnlvosto... and It was supposed they' S J.' 5 'I'" lucre pleasure seekers here i .r an outing and to get away from tho the piofessor '""""nl cause for this trouble. Mrs. I Imp thought Hummers, llox W, South lien. I, Postal Telegraph Cable Co. N. Washington tit. Tol. No. II. 4 I 8 It It tt tt It 11 U K U It K I M jtj PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. i U tt tt tt tt tt tx tt tt it tt u tt tt ti MISS NELL NOLEN, Public Stenographer. Olllfo Whlttlngton Hotel. ... LAWYERS. I. C. Pntlerf "l3. ATwalker POTTERF . WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Ardmore, Okla. WILLIAM W. WRIGHT, (Registered Attorney) tormerl With Dawes Commission. Cc test, Citizenship Cases and other matters beforo tho Interior De partment, Exclusively. Offices Washington Loan A Trust Building Washington, D. C. i.. u-nl riirtiii with th.. fornntn iiniM I"" . will send for free treatment, and became Jealous of the caresses, full Instructions. Send no inon i. i i.. .i. .. l.... i'V. but write to her todav If vour I iXiT'lm, ! lv "ih.n IIS' .heT; I UrtUlng h sclenrifle' rsea ch es. The ! ; !!' , WV iqultoes. Hut early this morning their . .i.ipiut f ,ueh iw.ip ' 1("' 1 hlnme the child, the chances nil- iji iniiri m.i I-..I.. . in. n i, ,ui,i,. . .iii.l...,. it.., I, K. in amii i-iiifFi iiiiiinn mill nj;eu well 'pmvll..ied t-nnfn. they! wl l " " " w ' people troubled with urlt.o dlfflcul- startel out as It on an extendeil , ;' ' 1 h' (1 ,",, , ties by day or night. expedition into the country, learning ch,; Pl- ln- P" that they were accompanied by Count t (,'M,"r' n 1'""",v from Where You Can Register. Henri D.'1-Vres .tin- French nobleinan J matltlened bull Imp, and he Imme. ...i... , ,i ...... 1 dlntelv acceiitiHl the challenge to mor-! 111 ,,r,,rr ,,ml 1110 our may noi " I'""1 ....I .... i..i.. .. .u ...lJ ..l.l....l.r.ll..,l ll.a .Itimllni. nn.l l II I llilllirni nit. I .1.. I. Kill Willi URft-tl . . ........ ... ... " ...... hands begun. The professor states , whore to register the following Is a that the Imp fought htm in a gentle- 1!gt f rogigtrntlon olllcers and places manly manner himI that not onre old ' . .. , , , , he attempt to use a which whoro ,hu vo,er wn' B to reK,8tcr were thick on that patt of the caiern , to be able to vote In tho coming floor over which they fought. Von primary eleotlon. Humboldt, from the limited investi- Ward 1. gallon made, does not know and can-, .ircclnel ono W II Derrv In not say. whether these strange be-1 1 rcclncl un Utrr' ln lugs are genuine Imps, or lost m-j lector, telephone oltlco. illrtns and white peoplo who from Precinct Two Frank Ilydon, In loii b.ibltatlon In the dark cavern 1 upector, Ilyden-HodgeH store ami irom suoiisiauee on uie wniie i.roPip, Tl.r.w. ! II Mn.,.fl..l.l In. specter, Mansfield's store. $10.00 Will take any lYady-to-Vear Suit in all spring and summer weight. $25 .00 will nijke to order an Suit in house. All $ts and $,,7.5v") Suits, spring and summer, black or white all go at the same. J. J. STOLFA 1 1 1 Wct Main Phone 020 eral months at this resort, your cor respondent secured a horse and over took them, but was refused an Inter view, the professor saying. "Not yet, iny gooil newspaper friend, not yet. Hut soon we hope to have much of interest to the scientific world to tell j nu." Late thU afternoon the count and ills friends returned, driving rapidly, and stopped at the sanitarium. The professor was lifted carefully from his carriage and carried within. A Kicnt crowd of citizens and health an d pleasure seekers gathered about W1 cavern fish alone have ovolvid a sanitarium, curious and anxious l'ldsh forms." "Hut gentlemen and learn what had happened. Tho, ""lies." coirtlntied the count.' I wis.i GAS USERS Do you know that you can save one third of your cas bill by using our til.'bratcd JEWEL GAS RANGES? Our ranges are put u' ndcr an absolute guarantee to last longer, do better s( ! with less gas than an) Gas Range on the market. A call at our store will convince you. AKDMOK1-: SUPPLY CO. That Bright Spot. the to learn what had liapt count to nppeaso tlio crowd and to get them to leave, mounted the steps and In a brief address tol l the peoplo that the young men were friends anil scheolinates of his and that the pro- to disabuse your niliid of one thing. Those Imps or degenerate human be lugs whatever they ma; lie haven't horns and forked hoof and sidk"d tails as tho newspapers n.ivo pictured spector, flowing ha.r Ward 2. 1'reclnct Four C. V. Hall, Inspect or, C 1'. Hall's Btore. 1'rccliKt Five W. 3. McGownn, In- fessor was Herman Von lluinbolt, of, them. They have lot flowli tho University of Merlin, and one of on their hoads and the hair o R. F. TUFJNER Attorney At Law Careful and painstaking attention glv en to Ail Matters Intrusted to mo Office Booms 9 & U Wheolor Ulilg Ofi'lco phono 213; Ilea, phono 773. tho greatest scientists of Kuropo. That iho was a" descendant of the llumbolt whose written nccount of his explora- Ward 3. I'recln. t Six T. C. Brldgman. In. spector, Brldgman's Undertaking Compiler Indian Jhas. J. KappJor. Chas. H. Merllllat f many of them conies lo their feet. Some of tl.nt.i Icti-ii tlw. reil Mkln of tliA Indian. Other have lighter skin, aro In fact I'arlors. lions In Mexico and South America as wlillo as many a i auc.isinn. on , i-recuici aovon i.eo r.uuy, mspec had electrified both the eastern and Hiiinbolt," continued the count, "is , tor Applo & Franklin's omco. western world. That the party had. Buffering more from the oxoitomcn, WarQ 4 come to Sulphur as a result of let-, of the fight than from his bruises. I i.-inht-W P Davis In- ters which ho had written for tho Ho will be out In a few days and' Precinct h,Bt-w; P. In French and (Jerinnn paers about tlio, will continue his explorations until spector, law olllco, Slma-rennlngton marvelous curative properties of tho ho has learned all It Is p-mlblo for 1 building. mineral waters In this national health man to Know auoin mose imps aim r..ocinct Nino M. Ikard. Inspector. uanaerrno wonders. it produces hair Compiler "Indian Active Court ; l.t,ort aml ,,i,lVgronnd In tho heart of tholr dark and mysterious aboilo." Laws nnd Ircatleh' Practitioner i .! ..,., i.n ,.,,., .i- r.i,n,.il a iiiU tnnetiire. while the count KAPPLER & MERILLAT, jj,0 milluu Kl.0loglcni formations of wns turning to enter the sanitarium. ' Attorneys and Counselors at Law I ,., ,, ,i .k. ,.., i, i.ln nniitv tnillm, nmlil rushed wlldlv orks Practleo before all Courts; in-1 .. m,..i .... ti,.. i,,.ii. n... nmu-ii nnd men .md women I lust ns surelv as rain and sunshine jiress. Government departments and W0,i,rH greatest undorgrotind cavoin'gave way and let her pass thiough. ,,roiitiro crojis. It produu-s a thick j J" omu. uuiiiu vurej u bud- ,. .,,iu.t i.,vcl..rv "Mv frlio.iW " lll.lirll.i- tin rilllllTII) oil lie COllllL .. i -i .-l. ...I -III nun h"-.' 1,1 l.lo.v.... ... " - clary. . , ., . .i.. , . i .i.,.i. i....i,.i i...rti. ...... ,v... ... I L. P. ANDER80N, President D. F. FRENSLEY, Vice President U. 1 4. ANDKILSON, Cashier. ... Kl) SANDLIN', Asststnnt CaBhlwr FIRST NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE, OKLA. Capital Paid In $ 60,000.00 urplua Fundi 165,000.00 Total .225,O0O.M Tho oldest bank In Indlar Territory. Accounts et firms and Individuals solicited upon the most liberal terms consistent with good bunking. Patronize Home Industry. Wo disponse A Soda Water, Atdmoro Ice Cream by Ardmoro Dispensers be cause they are most reliable. 9 Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup CONTAINS HONSY AND TAR RiIIitm Cold br wtrkiiif Umni Mt of th tjtttm through a iiptwii Md hlthjr etkm of Ihi bowsU. RiliTss Coufhi bf elesnaliui Mm nuoou msmbrann f th tret, tiMt r.d bronohUvl tubi. MAa pJMMBt to U Uata M Mafd Sugar" Children Like It i fw Salt ,.y W. B. Frame K Bond Bld'g. Washington D. C. I 225,? Zt otsuleeeoinirt'theT5 remedies fa. Wo guaranty m f winphfv' gay Indian resort, and to explore proachlng girl .luanlta Mghtfoot. toOandcrlne. All druggists Bell It Sc. m. r. wmrncT Mystic Cave to learn all. whom ho had recently become en- BOc and $1.00 por bottle. To p-ovo Attorney at Law. i . ' . . . .... .i. I ,. i . i ... ... . i..,. .. .. . .i. . j . n Attorney at Law. ,, . . Imhiw about Its creath caned, and he hastened ot meet her. lusiice oi mo i-eaco .oiary I'unnc ' doniiw nnd irnviter mvster lea. T hoy , Throw in? her arms arnuncl tnei. . . .,i... j .... ,ii ,. .... - ... - , .,. Ill Bl.ll' ni.'i. " " iiuuiiin 11 uuii io, ,oiiie uiug, ; made liiei." nrsi .iiieinju ai i-.iuui .i- i-iiuuin m-i:i, nue iiini.-i''n f.iui- Phones: Itesl 83fi blue. Offlco lfifi I tlon this morning, and the success thing In his ear. .Mounting the kieps -1 of our expedition was greater by far, with a protoclng tlio success of any of tho nu- pretty niniil. ti than arm about Its worth send this ad and 10 cents ips or hllver and wo will mall you a largo free sample. ivnowi:on tho Danderlno Co., Chicago, Jll. Dtf io count again faced tlio i Dramatic School. Mrs. Georgia H. Brown has just PMVRIRI ANR tii..i-ii.iu nnrtliw nlilrli liavo ornu-il. "Ijullott niul ITi ' II 1 1 111 I ' II ." ho I FREDERICK P. VON KELLER, M. D. CMrr(.i i. cavern jli :'i my ni:iv.l I snld. "some ono has Jokingly told c . . . . T r-.. x- I my . . . . . . i .. I . . . l. . r 1...I 1 ouifaii, nju, xMti, hudu nuu iuium. your cny some mouuis ago. uii niy oeauunii in-iriiuii'ii nun i iih.i ,,..,. ., ,,ii.,i, ,,,, nu ,iir,,,.inr Eyos accurately fitted with Qlaases- entering tho lako chninbo " said tho fought a duel with a former Indian ' i,P(1.n nrnmniie Phones- Offlc UC Residence U. count, 'tho Imps retreated and Kept sweetheart or nors, ami inai mis , ' ' "c"ucm- ,, r -.,,.,. nf our iMiwerful search-, was the cause of the excitement ! School Auditorium Theater, Kansas ARDMORE SANITARIUM i llnhts. Thev did much chattering or which brought so gront a crowd to-.City, Mo. and haa again goiw Drs. von Keller, Hardy & Henry. ! talking ii. tlio Imp language, and it Modern equipment for the scientific wns evident that they wore vory jeatment ot all surgical cases. Trained nurses In nttendancce. Ardmore, Okla. I much excited ovor our Invasion. At j though we worked hard until tho noon hour, and tried from many view to W. M. ANDERSON Veterinary Surgeon. Ardmore, Okla. Offlco: Sml h's Livery Barn. Phono 125. TALIAFERRO'S Undertaking and Embalmln North Washington SL Phones 341 and 433. ARCHITECTS. W. A. TACKETT Arch tect. Office In Slms-Pennlngtnn Building, Ardmoro, Okla. Hesldonco Phono 170 Blue. Office J1-- 170 .ty. I. W. F0LS0M, M.D. SPECIALIST Ovor 30 years cxperlcnco In ma laria and Its complications, hemor rhoids (piles), rheumatism, cancerous conditions, venorlal diseases, nervous affections nnd diseases of this cli mate. Offlco Phono 15. Hesldonco Phono 126, rod. The Old Way Cirnprtd ulth tho'MJailaiid" Way. For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidner and Bladder Pilla A Week's Trial For 25c C O. n.WITT at OD., CfclMc. 1 For Mia ay W. B. Frama. gethor nt the sanitarium. You will New orK to secure engagements ior bo kind enough, I am sure, to excuse her graduates. Tho new term begins her public display of genuine affec- ' third Monday In September. Dcscrlp " Bowing, 'he ocunt and hlslve, illustrated catalogue, giving price sweetheart en.tered tho building amid of million, etc., mailed on application. P'li.tsfl to icach the Imps villi tho the wild cheers of tho throng. to tlio secretnry, K. M. Baxter, 11 ! rays of our powerful lights, wo at no Tho existence of tho Mystic Cave W. 9th street, Kansas City, Mo. T;n j timo got more than glimpses of Bliaw..bas long been kniiwn to the Indians, cloco postage. 12 0 lowy moving rorms. At tweivo ociocKnnd they nave many lege is amiui. ' wo nindu our oxlt from tho lako or tho cave's great mysteries and about 1 i Imp chamber and ate our dinner In both Indians and whlto people wnn tho sunlight at tho bottom ot tho from n spirt of adventure navo cn big circular entrance to tho cavo. Af- tered tho cavern nnd never came out ter dinner while stretched out In the rbey beliovo that these nnf' rlun- sunlight and talking of Germany and.ateH were captured nnd retained as France, the professor suddenly sat captives by the mysterious Inhabit up and nnnounced to the sttidontH and nnta ot the, dread place. In spea lng myself that he had a schonio which of these mysterious inhabitants of tin 'ho believed would work that ho was, great dark cavein. tlio I. dlans repeat I going down Into tho cavern without j over nnd over Hint they are "chick. la light and feed the Imps from his ama oxsho anlo"" that they havo hands. He Immediately picked up a nothing of good In them, meaning basket of provisions. plos, cakes that they belong to the bad In pi chickon, apples, bun.inas. etc., and! Tho first nttompt nt expl .ration by 'started on his way into tlio dark, white people was about a car ago , ..h.uS'lKM-. i'i ins iih 'In' if bo did 'when Jesse H. Luffirn and Vrothcr, not appear within an hour to go in1 adventurers and magazine writers .e-ar.ii ol him, nnd hat If he c.u- d I from Now Hampshire, enfred the for help to como quickly to tho res-' mystoriotis depths for the purpose cue. Tho hour had nlmost passod of lenrnlng. If possible, whether or no when we heard tho profosssor callliig tho cavo was roally Inhaldted by to us In tones of uninlHtakable dlv iioworful humaiirllUo beings, ns the in tress. Buslilng to tho professor's ros- Hans believed, and who were "chic!. cue with our lights and gur, wo'nma exsho anlo." The Buffu-n broth found lilni eiigageil In a losing fight,' ers were accompanied by V V ! M with a poworfitl bull Imp. Tho com- Hon. J. W. WIlllnniB, Bird WH'i.mia batants were suriotiiuled with malo o. G. McAdams, N. K. Une-' i and and feinnlo Imps who wero npparont-! Col. Itenfro of Sulphur, ami Whlto ,ly enjoying tho fight or duel, s woKrost, a Bnuaw man from ins rancn I approached, tho professor urged us and farm near tho cave. The squaw not to shoot. As wo eamo nearer,' man cautioned tho Sulphur mm who Mho surrounding Imps glided away wore his friends, and tho two New Into the denso daikness. Tho mad- tfnglanders to keep together nnd well , dened bull Imp kept up tho fight within the protecting rays of their I until wo wero within n few steps of, lights that If any of them straggled him. As ho attempted to break away, nnd becan.e even for a few ii lnutf i tho professor grappled with him and lost in tho darkness, the Imps would ntimiiiitcil to bold him until wo could bo sure to canturo thorn and make reach tho two combatants nnd cap-l thorn ono of tholr tribe. This ndvIcol turo tho Imp alive. But tho powerful and caution was given with much follow wrenched hlmsolf from tho1 earnestness nnd with a hopo nnd a Iron grasp of tho professor and ro- prayer that nono of tho exploring par- BANKERS NATIONAL ...BANK... PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000.00 SAFE METHODS. CAREFUL MANAGEMENT. We sallclt accounts whothor large or small, which will turn our careful attention. SAFETY DEPQ8IT BOXES FOR RENT. T. N. COLEMAN THE CITY DRUGGIST Telephono 9 W. Main St. ' f. niSbl 41 WliiS w 1 ll FJ 1 III -araTaaaagHy ' Mat fix The "Garland" Way of cooking with gas allows you to stand erect, naturally nnd comfortably. No stooping or back-breaking when using the original and most Improved construction which is The "Garland" Gas UanfJe Mioufacluicd only liy Tl.n MUl.lJu Stov C..rapin Detroit Lart'nt Mtkera ol Stove od Konirn In the World. CblcMO cn 03 CO treated slcwly and In a surly manner Into tho darkness. Wo carrlod the professor Into tho sunlight as quickly as posslblo and bandaged his wounds. Whllo wo wero thus engaged Von Humboldt told ub of his adventure. A short time after ho had roached tho lako ahoro of tho cavenw by tho tlmo his eyes had becomo accustomed to tho black darkness, tho savory odors emlnating from tho food 'and fruits ln hta basket attracted tho Imps from tholr hiding and tho feinnlo Imps ate eagerly from his hands. As they ato they became moro nnd inoro ty would Btragglo behind or beyond j IIIO IIRIIIH mid iu eupiiiieii uf mi' mysterious Inhabitants of tho great cavern. Tho crowd Jt-Bted nt tho thought of tho cavo holng inhabited by beings having human forms which subsisted on white eyed Pol. i.Woh according to tho Indian, legends abound in n "heap big" lako and In a "heap big" river. In tho river chain-1 bor thoy found both tho fish and tho Imps which fed upon them. Tho Imps 1 retreated boyond thn rays of th'i rx-l plorlnc party'H powerful searchlights I and onl dim glimpses wero had of COOKING liY GAS has entirely passed tlio experimental, lentative stugo; it Is now aud will probably remain for many years to como lirmly established. There are, however all Winds and conditions of gas ranges somo good, somo bad, some indifferent. In buying such a range, which is intended to last for practically ft lifo time, you want the best, the mobt economical and the safebt and the most convenient to operate. Tho best in tho end is, we assure you, Iho cheapest. STEVENS, KENNERLY & SPRAGINS CO. sentlo and allowed tho professor to ihclr sh)dowy forms, Whllo at no