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7P OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN DISTRICTMEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS-ALL THE LOCAL NEWS FIRST. WANTED Family w(uh lag Cc per pound, flat work Included. Ardmorc Steam Laundry TELEPHONE NO. 10 Cream liahcry Bread Try the New Process Cream Loaf. JOHN N. IMRIE Phono 2f8. thmtmtih !'' VOLUME XV ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA TUESDAY KVKNINU ,Il'LY2l l'.IDS NUMBER 1(5 maxim mu NOT ADMIRAL ROJESTVENSKY RUSSIAN NAVAL OFFICER VERY MUCH ALIVE. RUSSIAN OF SAME NAME Died at Bad Njuhelm, Germany, and Was Supposed to be the Former Commander of the Ill-Fated Russian Fleet. Berlin, (formally, July 21. The an nouncement made, yesterday from Had Nauhelm, (formally, that Vice Admi ral llojestvensky, who commanded the l!l-fatil Uusslnn fleet, had died there July l'.'th, was Incorrect. A Itushin. named Uojestvonsky, died there on that date, hut he was not the admiral. A Russian, named Hojestvotisky. ed himself in the Uusso-Turklsh war of iS77 and was promoted to com mander a few years later. He gained much prominence in the war with Ja pan In 190 1. ONE FARMERS CROP PLANTS COTTON IN HILLS AND ELIMINATES THE CHOPPING. AN IMMENSE CROP. Apache, Okla., Jul 20. Hy entirely eliminating the chopping of his cot ton, through, the process of hill plant ing and scientific methods of work, .1. A. Kltchlngs lias thus far In the season heeu enabled to cultivate with out assistance 210 acres of corn and in acres of cotton. So far us Is known this Is Hornet hilt); that his not been accomplished by any other farmer In this state. Mr. Kltchlngs arranged the iiincliin ory of his planter so that the weed are dropped regularly ami In hills, as corn was formerly planted hy hand. He has u double planter and puts In '-' acres in a day. This eliminates the long and tedious process of chop plug and enables him hy cross-plowing to cultivate the plant from all sides. He Is careful In the selection of his aecd and seldom falls of a good stand. MARSDEN. Marsden. Okla., July 20. Wo had another good rain Saturday night which was appreciated hy moat far mers. This will about finish making old corn. Young corn is doing flue. Cotton is growing fast and fruiting well, hut there is unite a boll weevil scare us many of the forms aro fall lug off because of being punctured. Fanners aro about through working their crops and are going fishing and attending picnics. W. H. Pit (man of Wood county, Texas, was heie last week visiting rcl at Ives. Miss Maggie Ilutt and Miss Joanna itlco of Marietta visited relatives hero lust week. Miss ilutt has applied for a position as assistant teacher In our school for the coming term. 'Mrs. Pearl Hodges of Simon Is here visiting Mrs, Dr. Jackson. W. M. lleaufbrd ami wife of Mill Creek are visiting their daughter, Mrs W. C. Clifton Mr. Ilenuford, prior to his moving to Mill Creek last Jan nary, had long been a resident of this place. K. K. Forbes, clork of our school hoard, went to Marietta today to as certain the amount of taxable prop erty In this district that we may know about what rate of school tax to vote in order to run as long term of school as desired. The annual school meeting will bo lield at the school house Tuesday All voters should he present and vote for tho best Interest of the school, r W wn mt ma-U .it1l bo glad you gave It to us. Excelsior Steam Laundry FRUGAL HETTY GREEN HOTEL PLAZA TOO EXPENSIVE. HAVE TO KEEP DRESSED UP ALL THE TIME SHE SAID. New York, July 20 . Chhpiltous hut frugal Hetty Oreen was found today In a boarding house at 075 .Madison :tveiiue, comer of Sixty-first street, living with her daughter, S.vlvla, and her pet dog, Dewey, In two very or- llnary rooms. Her newly made friends In fashion tide circlet believed that she would go to Newxrt for the summer, after her surprising debut In the Hotel laza, and they are greatly amazed to learn that ho ha returned to a life almost us simple as that In Mu red brick Hobokeil Hat where she lived last spring. It's too expensive," she explained to an acquaintance. 'You have to keep dressed up all the time. It's utter non sense. Hobokeu should have suited mo well enough.'" At alt events she seemed happier In her new home. There she pays ap proximated $10 a weuk for a plainly furnished . lttlng room and a bedroom, with board for herself. Miss Sylvia and Dewey. Her saving Is at least $C00 a mouth. It Is said that her daughter Is not pleased with the change. (leorgo Wheatley, the negro waiter. bellhop nnd door attendant, vouches for the fact that .Mrs. Hetty has tic- liilred the tlplng Jtubit. Why," said he, "I always clears two plunks or more of her a week. She gives mo a dollar now, fifty cents then. It counts up. .Mis. Oreen iln't grouchy or particular; takes the dishes Just as 'em comes. She ain't stingy, like some folks say. She hand ed Caroline, the maid, $2 the other morning, just for nothing. I can't say that she wastes it, though." There Is other evidence, too, that her brief stay at the l'Uua has left an Ineffaceable impression on her. She actually sits through a course dinner. Stays clear of the fish though," luterixdated George. "And ain't stuck much on desserts. Hut she eats 'em." BIG CROWD OUT TODAY OLYMPIC GAMES DREW A GOOD ATTENDANCE TODAY. PORTER WAS HIGH JUMPER American Cleared Six Feet and Three Inches, Beating the Best Record of Cteahy, England's Crack Jumper. London, Kngland, July 21. A big crowd was out today to witness the American sprinters and juinpe-s liii the Olympic 'games. The spectators were given n sur prise when Hurry F. Porter of the Irish-American Athletic club cleared six feet and three Inches In the third suet Ion of the running high Jump, I'hls beat the Jump made hy Cleahy of the I'ultcd Kingdom. The 800-metre Mat race was won hy Melvln W. Sheppnrd of tho Irish American club. AMERICANS AT FRANKFORT FIELD SPORTS THERE RESULT IN NUMEROUS VICTORIES FOR AMERICAN CONTESTANTS. Frnnkfort-on tiie-Maln, July 21. A number of American victories were recorded aguln today In tho field sports of tho International Gymnastic tournament. The events today Included the hlg ami broad jump, putting the shot, tho triple Jump, long throw, running nud free exercises. KOll HUM l-urnisneil House o rooms, close In. G0t5 West Main BRYAN IS INTERESTED IN ACTION AGAINST FEDERATION OF LABOR OFFICIALS. CHARGED WITH CONTEMPT Democratic Nominee Believes Case Is One Directly Within the Purview of the Injunction of the Denver Platform. Fair view. Lincoln. Neb., July 21 -W. J. Hryan Is taking an Interest In the action of Justice Anderson of tne supreme court In citing Samuel Com pels, o.lhn Mitchell and Frank .Morri son to show causo why they should not be punished for contempt in th an' of the American l-'ederatlon of Uilxir and officers of the Buck Siov ic Range Company of St. Louts. The case Is one directly within the purview of i lie Injunction plunk of the Denver plattorm anil It Is believed will be seized upon by llryan as an Illustration of t'he le-ed of a law. which will accord to accused a trial by Jury. Part of the forenoon today wiw oc cupied hy Mr. llryan In making three- minute speeches Into np iioiiograph on tile Itmllug Isues of .the day. The records will be reproduced and distributed throughout tho country. WILL BRING STATE CONVICTS WARDEN COLES GOES TO LAN SING PEi.lTENJIARY TO STUDY THE PRISON RECORDS. Guthrie. Okla., July 20. The Mate board of control today authorized the transfer of 17 convicts from the Kan sas penitentiary at Lansing, where they are now kept under contract, to Oklahoma, under supervision of Warden Coles, About 75 of the con victs will he held in the old fedeial Jail at McAlester and used In build ing temporary penitentiary buildings, while the others will be worked on the roads In Muskogee, Mcintosh and Wagoner counties. Warden Coles will go to linslng tomorrow to become familiar with the prison records of the Oklahoma con vlcts and arrange the details of the transfer, which probably will be made In about three weeks. The minor de tails wilt not be decided upon until the warden makes his reixirl to the board. TWO MEN IN RUNAWAY. Horse Took Fright at Auto and In jured Lee Cathey, What came near being a serious accident occurred yesterday evening letween here ami the Chickasaw I.'ake club house. While Lee Cathey and Duncan Tallaferio were return Ing from the lake, where they are building the club house. The horse driven by Mr. Cathey took fright and ran away. The occupants were thrown out and Mr. Cathey received a very severe bruise between, the knee and ankle. While the leg Is mot believed to be broken. It Is seriously bruised nud Mr. Cathey will ha con lined to his room for some days. Purchneca "Model" Stock. J. I.lpstatl of Tyler, Texas, pur chased today fiom M. Topllt. the stock of merchandise known hh tho Model Dry Goods company. Ho did not buy the lease or fixtures. Mr. I.lpstatl will not take the goods from here and has not fully decided whether or not he will reside In Ard more. Bishop Potter Still Low. C'ooperstown, N. Y., July 21. Dish op Potter, who has been critically HI hero for several weeks, Is still In a very serious condition. List your cltv proporty, for rent or for sale, with Leo Sims, Slum build MESSAGE REACHED CHICAGO Message reached phis;, . RUNNERS CARRY MESSAGE ONC THOUSAND MILES IN 199 HOURS AND 22 MINUTES. Chicago, III.. July :i The Y I C. A. .Messengers, be trim the word from Major .McClellon of New York m Mayor llusso of ( Inc.igo. reache I the city hall here at '. IS 'his morn lug. The distance of inoie than one rhnti sand tulles was ,u one hun dred and nineteen hoc.!- and tvveut.v two minutes. In the absence of Mnor Itmso the message was repel veil 'u eriior I. secretary of ti . cm service commission CONVICT CRIMINALS ESCAPE SIX GAIN FREEDOM BY SLAYING GUARD ARMED POSSE OF A HUNDRED MEN PURSUE. Houston, 'lexas, Jul J'i Si negro criminals, armed una guns and knives escaped fiom the convict farm late .vesterday nttei n. Roper Ware ami Will Howard killed Cn- vici liuaru .losepn union vvitii i nop and made their escape Meeting Ceo. lohtison, a negro, and fe.irlng he would Inform other negi s, the shut uid mortally wounded him ami he lied last night. About the Mini" ! nin th e negroes escaped from the Ch Hi nts plantation, pursued by blood hounds. One of tho negroes was e.ip tared. Armed posses numbering aboil hundred men are scorning the woods. An unverified rumor states thai six moie negroes have escaped from Dews plautatlon.ll! tulles from Klcn mond. It Is believed that there bid been a concerted elfoit to break from all the convict farms at one time. WILL PUMP CITY WATER POLL LINE BEING BUILT TO CITY LAKE TODAY WILL BE PUMP ING IN THIRTY DAYS. In ease no unavoidable delay oc curs, the Ardmote lc Light ami Pow er company will he ready to carry out Its contract made with, the city co-in cil to pump the city- water within thirty days, Men w.-ro put to work today to ktrctching the poll llnu or cable to the city lain . ..Inehlnery has been purchased and will soon he placed In Msltioii to do the pumping. Tho city council t llnves the water will be pumped more cheaply than it Is now ami that to.- service will be much inoro efflclen' ELECTRIC CARS IN COLLISION FORTY PERSONS INJURED NEAR AURORA, ILL., TODAY. Chicago, 111., JuU J 1. Nearly forty persons were Injure,! some perhaps fa tally today In a lu-ad-on collision he twoeu two Aurora. Illgtti & Chlcag Kleetrlc railroad cars at Uivedale Stu Hon, four tulles north of Aurora. Tho coaches weie running at the rate of forty tulles per hour and IhuIi cars were telescoped for more than half their length. Among the pusscimers were fifty women. DILL POSTERS' MTETING. Through the lt-i'lueiioe of Klllot Al ton of Oklahoma CP and W. It. Ilur ultt of Ardmore the January uieoilu of tho board of directors of the Na tloual Hill Posters' association will be held lu Oklahoma City. TJio members of this hoard repre sent most of the hiatus ami money of the outdoor a.lveritsltw business of the I'nltcd States and Canada Representatives fiom .'ill of the larger cities of the I lilted States will ho present This move Is the llrst sup toward getting the national u social leu to meet itu Oklahoma in 1910 The 1303 meeting will he held MODERN METHODS! i OPPORTUNITY TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN COUNTY. MRSNIBLACKS FAITHFUL WORK Two or More Districts Will Br Con solidatedFree Wagon-, Running in All Directions To Trans port Pupils Each Way. Mrs. Nlhlack, supeiliiiendeut of Carter county schools. Is milking an effort to Introduce the most modern tueihiMU of school work iu this coun ty. The method Is to unite !nn or more school district In one. In this wax the trustees can have twice the amouiiit of money to three times as much to invest in school propel'. A house can be built e.puil to ail ward school In Ardmore. The schools can be pioperly graded lor the rea son that the attendance will be larger Tne little folks can he graded and given, u teacher and the lamllhtr com plaint of the neglect of the Ills' ami second graders will not be lie.ud. The children will have farther to go but when they are in school they will have a much better opportunity to advance than by the old liiel.hodH, and hy grading the sellouts one teach er can handle many more pupils and fewer teac.heis will be needed. This will make a saving In the tichuol fund mil Hie amount saved on salaries. arcotdltiK to the new method, will he use) in transporting puplhi from their homes to the schools. Free wagons will he run In all direction:!. The hildren can be comfortably and safe taken to and from school. This s.vstetu Iiiih be, m used In the north Hid west and has proven to be an Improvement over the old system. In. old Oklahoma there Is a school building, a one-room building, even three miles. Tho schools are close to the puplhi hut the lionise are small. Ouu teacher munt teach all i lie graiies ami tne work Is moie poorly done than under the graded system. .Sliced and Wheeler are two and a Imlf miles apart. They could he easily Joined, and with the rich oil lands In the school district they could have as good a common school build ing as Micro Is In tho state. Tlx three districts of Young, Ilaiim and Wyatt could bo easily consolidated vnd they would have the same advan tages as Sliced ami Wheelei There are twenty cintial points In the county wher magnificent houses coul 1 he built mid graded schools es tablished. In the sparsely settled negro dis tricts the hoard of commissioners Is puzzling over the situation. It Is dif ficult to maintain school where then ire only a few pupils. In these dis tricts a special school tnv will have to he levied lit, order to support the schools, on account of the low scholastic itopiilatlou. The Grain Crop. Mr. und Mrs. Sam G. Wnixl have returned homo from Cumberland where they visited Mrs. Woods father. Miss Anna Gardner reiuriiei with Until and will r.'imiln bote a their guest for wveral days. While Mr. Wood won awiiy he vis Ited his farm near Mudlll. Ho su) the com crop Is very Hue uml cot ton Is looking better. He Is now threshing his grain crop. Oats ure making from 20 to 25 hus-hels to the icre aim wheat Is very tsKir, mak ing ouJy ii to S bushels to the wore. He will return tomorrow to finish threshing. NOTICEI NOTICEI DOB'S PLACE WILL BE OPEN AGAIN AUGUST THE FIRST AT 303 EAST MAIN STREET, WAS FOR MERLY LOCATED WHERE THE ALEXANDER LUNCH STAND NOW IS, SHORT ORDER3 AND CHILI ALEX POSEY'S BODY FOUND FAMOUS INDIAN SCHOLAR AND WRITER WAS DROWNED IN CANADIAN RIVER MAY 27. I a' ml.) okt.i . ,-ah .'it Tie- "i lex T I'oiej. the famous Greek Aii'ei who 'aiis drowixd in the over How waters itf tin. North Citnaditiu i v i tn'sr l-'iilatiln on Miv JT. wan teiimi in a lilft todiv at II o clock, -iliein line,. mile down stream from tin- seen,.' of the dmw uim(. The txwlv was luoiiKht to Killiiuhi unit will lie Ither hurled hen or At the old Po sey lionieMenil nl Sthllmin. ten tulles iwuy l'iiey and tt negro iiiinied Joe Scoll wen drowned vhile attempting criMM Hie North C-uiiHill.i-ii In a small boat. The negro's lsdv was found Thlirwlu.v of the next week. bodv was found bv a far mer named .lud Newton while he was hunting sipilrrels STEEL RAILS ARRIVED FOUR CAR LOADS FOR STREET RAILWAY EXTENSION COM PLETED TO PARK SITE. Four car loids of steel rails have irrlved for the Ardmoie street rall- wn.v nud work on the Hue going north Is rapidly ucuilng the end. The tiol- e.v to the park site has been com pleted ami In a few da.vs the car will he rumitiiK to the terminal. It Ik iii uv up to I lie people or the town to provide an tiiimseineiu park ol some Mud for a summers evening oil 1 1 eg. Aidmore claims the best paved streets iu the state and all she lacks Is more of them, atwl ore long sbe will boast of a network of car llni-ii over the city. With her splen did watei svstcui, natural gas, elec tric lights free delivery, asphalt street- tin toil, lie foimdrv. and stieet ar line i-'uioro will rank as the mctiopollt.ui cl. of tin- southwest. CHILDREN IN A PANIC FIRE FROM WASTE PAPER AT PITTSDRUG CAUSES PANIC. MANY TRAMPLED UPON Hundred and Fifty Children Attend ln(j a Vacation Term of School De come Panic Stricken as Guild Inn Filled With Smoke. Pittsburg. Pa., July 21. Plre, which Hturtisl In the Holmes public school building from burning waste paper to day lu a basement of tho building eatiwd a panic among the 150 chUdien attending : vacation term of school The large building was rapidly fill ed with smoke, and the children screaming nnd almost suffocftr:g rushed from the structure lu great ill" order. Many were thrown down and trampled ujion. The Injuries to umw of them were slight. TAFT TO SEE ROOSEVELT REPUBLICAN NOMINEE WILL LEAVE HOT SPRINGS TOMOR ROW FOR OYSTER BAY. Hot Springs, Va July 21.--Vm. II Tuft will leave hero tomorrow for fUhter Hay, where he will take luncheon with tho president on Thurs day Ho will probably go to New York Thursday night and lanve Now York for Cincinnati Friday afternoon or night Wesley Mcxire, who wa? pined in Jail Monday for disturbing the peace was released today oa nu order from tho Justice of the peace at Fox os REPUB'S ON PIKE'S PEAK TAKE HIGHER ALTITUDE PARTY SECRETS. FOR WILL FINISH TONIGHT Hitchcock will Then Depart for East. Leave Denver Tomorrow Cade and Hunter Plead With Committee For Assistance in Oklahoma. Colorado Spring. Colo.. Julv 21 -The conference of western- rcpii'd' e.inn with NitthMHil Clialrtliau Hltile cock was transferred from the An'lers Hi let tixkiy to the top of Pikes Peak. Shortly afler noun, however. In ihirt returned to the hotel and 'he confi icnce was resumed. It is expis'ted t'lmt the confer, uce will lie completed tonight ami Hit h cock will start for the iiisi. Ic.ivin Denver tomorrow. The representatives fro-in California, Colorado. Idaho, Kiumiis, Montana, Ne braska, .North Dakota, Oicgon, South Dakota. 1'Uih. Washington and ) tiling Kiive assurances that tin Ir states can be curried for Taft and Sherman, hut Insisted Unit the cam p.ilgtm theie must he can led on with much vigor. National Committeeman Oade and State Chairman Hunter of Oklahoma Imiliitcil that the light lu that state iniist not be Ignored. They assured (hone at the cunfeicnce that It an earliest effort la mudo iu Hh new state that u close race could he rim with tho dotuocr.ats, with some pros pect of success, notwithstanding tho democrats have the election tnnch n- ry. The Nisltiveiiess of tho repre- sentatlvtfl from Oklahoma Impressed their colleagues uml It was agreed tacitly tint strong work should bo done lu Oklahoma. CATTLE TRAIN WRECKED FIRCMAN KILLED ENGINEER DY ING CAUSED BY SPREADING RAIL ON FRISCO. Hickory, Okla., July -20, Fireman W. B. Goodrich was killed outright ami Engineer Thomas W. Myrno was fatally Injured In u wreck hero this afternoon at .1 o'clock-, when a spread. lug rail dltelii-d a fast cattle train on the Frisco going north from Sher man. Texas. Iloth the engineer and firemen live st Francis. Okla., and were Immedi ately removed to their homes, Tho train was loaibsl with cattle nud a large number were killed in th" stna-h up. To Keep Cool (Jet a ptM'fect lit in it pair of in Vici Kid, Tan or HlatsU Oxford Men's, Women's, Hoys or Girls. Prices $1.35 to $5.50 Watch our wiudows for now styles, J. W. KRL'EGEK 511 W Main I'hone 375. 21 lug, Ardmore. I'hone 109. " if "ii Vtlnut