Newspaper Page Text
, THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN DISTRICT MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ALL THE LOCAL NEWS FIRST. WANTED Family wash. Ing Cc per pound, flat work Included. Ardmorc Steam Laundry TELEPHONE NO. 10 Cream Bnltery Bread Try the New Process Urcam Loaf. JOHN N. IMRIE IMione 258. NT? VOLUME XV ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA WKDNKSDAY EVKNINC1 ,11 LY 22 IIHKS NUMBER .17 Ik iW WESTHEIMER & DWBE'S BIG SALE NEWS Prices Make the Business SX WORTH FOR Si Big lot 50c Wash Materials, good patterns, Clean-up Sale one-half price. All fine Embroideries Clean-up Sale one-half price. All Shirt Waist Suits Clcah-up Sale one-half price. All Val Laces, and the patterns good, bought this season, Clean-up Sale one-half price. 1 lot 50c Lace Stripe Hose, Clean-up sale 1-2 price. Big lot ioc White Lawn, Clean-up Sale one-half price. 1 lot 25c Wash Materials, "new" and good patterns, Clean-up Sale one-half price. 1 lot. 50c jap Wash Silks, check and plaids, Clean-up sale one-hsll price. 1 lot Ladies' Belts, bought this season, Clean-up Sale one-half prhc. 1 lot 8c White Lawn, Clean-up Sale one-half price, 1 lot 2 7 'inch cream colored Lawn, 15c regular, Clean-up Sale one-half price. FOR STATE CHAIRMAN SPEAKER MURRAY HAS WORD REGARDING FIGHT ON HON. J. D. THOMPSON. Uulhrlo, 01:1a., July 22. Speaker Win. II. .Murray makes .-. statement with roforonco to tho recent press dis patches that .1 light would bo inado on the- Hon. J. 11. Thompson ot Pauls Valley for state chairman, aji.l that r.j lineup had hecn niado for .lames Men ofee, stato treasurer, havluc the at tainment of tills object In view. Speaker .Murray says: "1 do not know anything about the proposition of running .Mr. .Menefee, except from rumor nml tho statement!! contained In tho press. I lmve not talked) to .Mr. .Monofee about It, nnd shall assume, that he la not n can tltdato. "Why," enld Speaker Murray, with considerable cmphaslu mingled with evident Indignation, "nhould anyone attempt to celoct a stato otllcer na one of tlu nr. 'lagers of the party? The pioiKialtlon Is prepusteroiiH, No r.tato olllcor or member of tho legls latuie should even be n member of tho executive committee, much letso chairman of It. Wo certainly do not want to build up an omco-lioldlng ma chine in IIiIh stato, arl the people will not stand for It. They have Just defeated an oHlce-holdlng republican machine and thoy certainly will not eland for t democratic nlllcc-holding jnnchlne. If tho fact that Joe Thomp son, as chairman of tho party, se cured an increaso In the party vote In the whole stato from 20,000 ma- Jorlty in tho election for delegntes to tho constitutional convention to 110,000 majority In the election last Septem her, does not warrant his ro-olpctlon ufter such service, the opposition should certiilulj select someono other than an olllco holder." Sieaker Mur ray understands very well, as has been stated In tho newspapers, that this opposition Is not really an oppo sition to Thompson, but a supposed opposition to him, and he said: "I am a private citizen and not u can didate for re-election, and not a can didate now for any office, and as soon as the Torrens' land amendment, the ochool land bill, ow Jerusalem, and i m Ml W I "Hk JUUJ HUU AUU JUU 11 I ba glad you gavo It to us. Excelsior Steam Laundry other questions are disposed of In the election this Tall, 1 iuten 1 to retuni ( to my farm near Tishomingo a)'l try ' to regain some of the financial loss jiuhich 1 have sustained during my two years official career." "Don't It amuse you," asked Shak er Murray, "the way a few appointees not all, I am glad to say In the various departments here In, (luthrlc got together, name a chairman of the executive committee, elect the gov ernor and other stale officers two and four yecirs hence, when there Is no campaign on for such and whcia no one has announced for such offices and Imagine that they can, and have settled all of these questions. As noon as you gtt out of Muthrie you don't hear of those things, but they Imagine they have decided it all. "I am too busy to bother with this controversy, but I do not mind ex pressing my views and contempt of such K)lltlcs." WILL STUMP INDIANA. Congressman Chut. Carter Will Fur nish Oratory During Campaign. Ui l'orto, Intl., July 22. Congiess man Carter of Oklahoma will bo fea tured as one of the hit; oratorical guns in the campaign which will be formal ly opened in this state within ih? next 110 days. State Chairman Jackson, has the assurance that Congressman Carter will fill a number of appoint ments. While Herculean effort will bo made to bring Senators Goto and Owen Into t'ho stato lor a number of big city meetings, Oklahoma oratorical talent pmmlscB to play a cnusplcuuua part In the .state campaign. Will Move "Model" '8tock. J. Upstate of Tyler, Texas, iKitight the bankrupt stock of who The Mcdel Dry floods company from .Mr. ropiitz a row days past, will move tho stock iiMXt week to Tyler and 'KliI It to his stock of dry gooJs there. Mr. Upstate Is very favorably Impj-frssod with Ardiuore, nnd wiys Mint he would like evry much to In cato here but that he has business 'n Tyler at present and could not leave there. The fixtures and lease on the building are still owned by Mr.Toplltz, ami will be for sale after the stock Is moved next week-. All Guilty. I eglslatlve bodies, llko Individuals, sometimes make grave mistakes that ar0 not only hurtful lo tho town and country but sometimes they hurt themselves If they do not correct them. ' Vaurlce Miller - p'tnlln ilr: in Sulphur. a few NEW TRIAL FOR STANDARD OIL 1 COURT OF APPEALS DOLS NOT 1 SfSTAL. JUDGE LANDIS ! OPINION WAS UNANIMOUS Judge Grosseup, (Inker ami Seaman Reverse Decision of District Court a"d Case Is Remanded With Instructions for Nrw Trial. Chicago, III.. July 22. By a unant. mous opinion in the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Dis trict, the famous cacc of the govern ment against the Standard Oil Com pany of Indiana, In which the latter was fined $29,210,000 by Judge Lan dis in the district court, must be re tried. The dccislo", which it co"curred In by Judgrs Baker a"d Seaman, wn de livered here today by Judge Grosseup, who wrote the opinion. The concluding sentence :' tho o,i!i icn reads: 1 .e Judgment of the district e rt 11 revised and the case remand-' wIMi Instructions to grant a new trial and proceed further In nccorJnncc w.Mi thl- opinion." The opinion continues: "The lnWrstnto commerce us", was Intended to promote, not roUraln trade and commerce; lo secure fair dealing In commerce !irow;h uniform ity and not '.o put an lufstiuctlou In ulio way of commerce." The opinion begins with a brief statement of (he manner In which the rare was brought from the district court to the court of appeals. Section C of the Interstate commerce ict relating to the publishing and fil ing of rates Is quoted. There are 10 assignments of error, taking up sixty-seven pages ot print- d record. It was generally believed hero yes terday and last night that the fine as sessed by Judge lindls would be sus tained, with uho result the opinion cieated considerable surprise when an nounced today. The court remarks that a number of nice Judicial qiiestlciib were raised In this case. 'The most wo can say," the opinion reads, "Is that the tariff rate question is one upon which the Judges, -after 1 full discussion, might very reason ably disagree. "The error of the trial court In tnklnc away from tho plaintiff in error Its right to submit to the Jury the whole question of whether It had knowledge of the tariff sheet from which It Ik enld lo have accepted con cessions and thoroforo with Intent to violate nn honest bollof that It was a lawful rate. Is nn error- that arisen Into cue solid substance." Bryan Is Astonished. Pnirvlew, Lincoln. Neb.. July 22. Not n r.omo time has uowb of bucIi Importance reached here cm Mint con tnlnlnrr the announcement from Chica go that the fine of $2fl.2I0.00O ImiKised upon the Standard Oil company of In diana by Judge lanills had been set aside by the appellate court. Rryan, when npprlad of Uhe deci sion, seemed astonished and eager to know tho grounds upon which It was baml. but would not permit himself in be drawn into a discussion of Vi? case. Charley Itvnn, one of tho Selvldge IJusiness College graduaies, has ac cepted a iKisltlon n stenographer and bookkeeper with 0. W. lllnghnm. I'rof. W. I). Jnckson left here to day for Lebanon, where ho will tench a summer school. Tho school will start August 1 nnd continue for two months. and the balance of the eight mouths term will bo taught In the months nfter tho crops nre gathered. Miss Stella Smith of this city will leach In tho same school ns assistant Miss ninlth wns reared In this city nnd wns educated In tho Ardmore schools. Sho 's n bright girl and In tho classes she has handled has been a success In teaching BISHOP POTTER DEAD PROMINENT EPISCOPAL DIVINE SUCCUMBS TO MALADY AFTER SEVERAL WEEKS ILLNESS. itl-hnp Henry Codm: ;:ot.. . .ie i:pI.-ooiral dlocc0 Of Nov; Ye: : d heiv tonight. Dontli usiUn.v; - e' iiess 01' suvornl woclo', v.'h'?-. ocguti with stomach trouble c.t.' developed complication. For tfc? suet week :h bishop hud appeared 10 cr.!;:, !u: It-.-suffered 11 relapfu yetiterJay, nail lam I'lffht hope of ultlmr.-.- ;-?ccY?ry wn al. mdoned. 'iMlKM'Htuwn, N". V.. Ju'. Qalii- ered at (he bodsldo .'' 'JAcl'.sy Pcttor were Mrs. I'olter, liic v.:r-: .Mrs. Mi;- son C Davhlge. iho ca:::e fioni Onll- lomla, and Miss Sarah Patter, hl iwn daughters; Alouzo I t ; -.-. his sett- lldwnrd S. Clark, Stephen C. Clark and Mr. and Mrn. K. A Clark. Mm. Charles Itusell mid Mm William llyle, his two other daiiglitprti, Who are nbioad, have been notified. Death wn due prli!;:ri!:. te embol ism in the right lot!, fallowln;; a lonn aitnck of liver nnd steiniicli irouble. and the end had be ;: foroaeMi fir several days by tho l.lshnp'i-. physl elms, lllahop Totter :;iilfered a hp- ven- relate yoterda inornJng, and though oxygen wns gleii. his decline was Knuliml, and he san!-. InUi uncon ciousness early toJp.y. v.h'eli lasted iiuttt the end. The bishop's ph"lc'.'.n:i Issued the following announcemenl :T lib death tonight; "lllshop Tolter pas .1 peacefully away at S:n5 tonight. Ills atreng'.h gradually failed during the past twenty-four hours, and there was no phy sical suffering or pain." No arrangoiniu'iUt for I'.ie funeral hnve as yet been mnde, but It Is prob able services will be held here, anil that the body will bo removed to New York, where a public funeral will ho held nt Crace church. Push, Progress and Prosperity. There are some men that and do push. Many of our citizens believe In push, prosMr!ty and progress, and all want prosperity and want It now. While Ihe slogan of Ardmore. 1. 1'.." Is not written In flaming letters, but by close examination you will find that Joe Kohlsou has the won! imprinted on everything er taluJiig to nml connected with the street cir proposition 'TIs the duty of every citizen to stand up and lend a helping hand to all legitimate en terprises that come to our own city. Hunting Up Voters. J. 11. Champion, president of the democratic club, has begun actual work to see that every democrat In the city register, for the primary election on August ; nnd tho general election of Noveinli r I!. Mr. Chnin- plon litis sent 11 mun to overy pw clnot and will make a hotiso to Iioiibo canvasn, and llnd how many voters lu each and their politic nnd see that tholr names nro registered be. tweou now and the 25th. ROCK ISLAND CUTS RATE KNOCKS HALF CENT OFF Wlfil MUM TWO-CENT RATE FOR MERCHANTS' MEETINO Chlcaax), 111., .lulv 21. The 2-cent stoi wull patweiixei- mite, which the railroads maintained uver since the stale lugls-lature began whacking at the n-wnuo derived from this hninch of the biiHlnoss. has gone to smash. Hereafter reduced rates will Ihe made and will he as low os any Individual railroad sees 111 to make It In order to Induce business, control It or please "constituents." .Notice was given t v the Itnck Island lines today that if a proposition to Tally.Ho and Hay Ride. Those who are kii going In prlvaie rigs to tho reception of Miss llobsons this evening will meet at the KIKs hall at 8-:i0 o'clock Tho young men have arranged for a tally-ho and ha rack to convey tho guests to the Colbert homo MAY HEAD COMMITTEE WILLIAM l. OOl '.,. IN'.' VtR , NOR Of- MASSAHP ,E 1 . I BEEN OFFERED CHAIRMANSHIP 01 National Democratic Coiunuttee and Is Mr. Bryan's First Choice ll Desirous Of Bringing About Democratic Sliced. i-ilirot.... Isoo., Jul I; Willi nn I.. Douglas of MOBsiehiui ti . Mil ,n ' ,it the post ho will be elected eh ill mnti of the democratic uatti.-uil m mltleo nt tho conterence In I'liicmo Saturilny between the tui:iilin-' ..f tho Denvei cunvciiitlon mid the -ub euminlttee of cloven appointed .1 k ago to olllcor the national rumiiilH. for the campaign. Vhlher Mi Imik Ins Iuim yet Riven a dei-i-d-.e an-.w : lo the tentative offer can not In-leariii-d here. There In. hov.evcr, .. cellcnt auUinrlty for the Ki,tteinni that he hn ben made aw 11 10 that lie U Mr. Bryan's first choice. Negolla tlons loolilng to his relectliin were virtually Instituted several dijs In fore the Denver convention met. Mr. Douglas cnlM.I oir. Mr. liryaii nt P'alr vlew, eu risite to the national eon veutloti, nnd Mr. Ilryan then Informed him that If he should not he nominat ed for vice president nt Denver he would be pleased to have him con apieuoiisly Ideiitltled with tho manage ment of the cumpiign. It Is said that the Massnchusetts man demu-reil n little to both suggestions, but assured Mr. Ilryan of his enrust desire- to do everything within his power to usslst In bringing democratic success this year. NEW PETS AT ZOO. J. S. Dl.inton Makes Contribution From Vernon, Texas. J. S lllautoiu a former citizen of this oity nnd a reader of the Daily Ardmoreito at Vernon, Texas, ) is read of tho nulmals collected by the lire department and has contributed to (he fireman's 7.00 Ho has sent two prairie dogs. The lire hoys aro very proud of tholr mew pets and 1hey occupy a brand new cage which Mtta In tho center of the zoo. With the prairie dogs nro two red fox squirrels. Thoy get along nicely but the animals have nothing In common nnd the squirrels seem afraid of the dogs. i farmer recently brought to the llremeii n young crow. The .n1111gster Is very black nnd duos not fall to caw, "caw." at regular Intervals Ho looks very much llko a Jim Crow, lu fncl. hit so reminds Chief Slaughter of tho Jim Crow no much talked of In Oklahoma that ho bus named the bird "Clint Cirulram," who was tin: author of tho Jim Crow measure passed by Uio first legislature of tin' atuto. The baby ant oatern are gronirg ulcoly. Ou4y ono lw been losi t death. Tho pots are all lu good health mid furnish a great deal c f ainucwent for visitors. Krnoct l'Iylr of the department i-; tr.hlnc hlo -vacation In Texas WITH THE SICK. .Mm. Armor .MoKluney i up fun: 11 severe attack of Illness Cad Dennett Is again conJIned in the sanitarium and suffering an at tack of fever. Mrs. Wither Hardy, who Inn been In the sanitarium for some time Is slowly Improving. Mrs. W. W. Taliaferro was reponod sick yesterday. ALBATROSS That's tho name, of tho host Hour sold In Ardmoro. DoWltfs Witch Hazel Salvo Is es poclally good for piles. Uecoramendod aad sold by W. U. Frame. One - Fourth Off ONLY THREE 'it' . the hniiM' noes during those tliri-t d,ts -i1 th 11; -sorwil. If ..ti don t iDiiii-, don't blame us -uu-n ihi- . v is nviT it is over. AH f our NhW I.IMiN S"ITS art: included in this sale New Voile Skirts nnd Net Waists all o. Ma1 l3BVWBllrHkrf-lr Wlii'tc Tliert' is Moro Husuhhm ami Less Hragin); SAM GARVIN PASSES AWAY ONE OF PAULS VALLEY'S WEAL THIEST CITIZEN. A PIONEER OF COUNTRY IS DEAD. I Paul.; Valley, oliia.. July 22. S. J Marvin, olio of Uio wealthiest ainl most widely known cltleus of the state, and lor whom Marvin count) was mimed, died al his homo here nt HI:. in o'clock Monday night as the result of a complication of diseases. He wns lift jours old, 13 years ot which ho has been a resident of 1'auls Valley and vicinity. Mr. Marvin was a native of Ken tucky, but at an early ago his Inclina tion for adventure and desire to de velop his own resources In a new country, led him to Oklahoma, then a wild wilderness Infesti-d by ranging cattle and roaming Indians. Ho ap plied himself variously at cattle punch Ing. stock raUIng, business and hank ing. At the time of his death he was owner of largo real estate Interests In l'auls Valley and elsewhere lu the state, was president of the I'lrst Na tloual Itnuk ami mercantile Interests, and was Identified as one of the lead ing and Influential democrats of the state. He Is survived by n wife nnd three children, John D. Marvin and Miss VI vlnn Marvin, Pauls Valley, nnd Mrs T. M. Mays, Maysvllle, Okla. Local Showers Tomorrow. Chicago, Ills.. July 22. The weather forecast for Kansas and Oklahoma Is generally fair tonight and Thursday, except M)sslbly local showers Thurs day. Tho many friends of Mrs. Joe Hied boo will be gl'id to learn that she is much belter, but st.ll couthuM to her room at the home of her relatives. Dr. and Hrs, ltro.-ll, In Ada, where she Is visiting. DO YOUR FEET EVER Tnnnni r vmti You will forget you have feet if you try THE FAMOUS CORNDODGER LAST. Worn with comfort by men who had differed foot dis tress for years. Let us put a pair on your feet. Don't buy EXCLUSIVE AGENCY J. . IvRUEOER 214 West Muin Street DAYS MORE "fQQY'S BOAT IN COLLISION PRESIDENT'S YACHT SINKS LUM BER SCHOONER MENAWA. CAUSED BY DENSE FOG Jar of the Collision Was So Light on Doard the Mayflower That Presi dent and Party Knew Nothing of Accident Until Today. Nowport, H. I., July 22. Tho pres ident's yacht Mayflower, with tho pres ident aboard, In a dense fog last night ran into and sank tho lumber laden schooner Meuawa. All 011 board tho Bchooner, consist ing of captain anil five men, were ta ken aboard tho .Mayflowur. Tho president's yacht had Its how sprit and ouo of tho anchors carried awny. The Jar of tho collision was so light that none of tho president's party knew of Uio accident until tills morula-;. Tho collls.on occurred about 1:1ft a. m. Retain Attorneys. Muskogee, Okla.. July 21. Capt. A. S. McKcnnon of McAlcster, formerly a member of the Dawes commission, and J. II. Shoenfelt, formerly United .Stat4-s Indian agent at Muskogeo. have been employed by tho Chickasaw na tion to act as general attorneys dur tug the final settlement of tribal af fairs Tho contract wai slmM before Jlldg" Campbell in the federil Jiirt here jjjjjpjfjja &(0 unless you're pleased. 17 Tho red dtamoud on a shoe strap Is alwyi fuarantoo oi excellence. Stetsoaa cottSS.SQ (o $9.00 the psttr.