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Ac) re Tuesday August 4 10D8 THE DAIV.1 ARDMOREITE. PACE PIVE Silverware Beautiful and equi site work mans h 1 p, our solid silver table wear ii i n d e c d a u n itpie creation ( f the silversmith's art. and cannot but proe a desirable addition to the best appoint ed tabic. No Trouble to Show Goods. Walter C. Dean FINE WATCH REPAIRING Don't KicK Yourself! Jones boURllt his ihono- t;raph months ao on the"" i,,,v initiation f.-o of r,nc. Tho , i vrvU will glvo an lc proam anpptr easy payment plan. j Thursday night wopk and tho funda Smith iot his yesterday and j n-aiUdi win ho nai to purrhaap ro naid cash Todav he rc-'RH"ft' A l,,R,p ah""-' f ,M given marked to Jones: "What a fool I was to lose those months of music and fun, sav lones please kick! me. Come and hear the lulison ' ... , .... ... ,. I'lu.norapli and u tor 1 alk- in; machine and ask about our easy jiayment plan. LUKE'S MUSIC STORE FIRST GENERAL PRIMARY The campaign b fore tho flrht gen cral primary ever held lu the stale cIOM-.l last night. The Carter county j candidates on the democratic ticket spoke to a large crowd of voters on the streets last night. Hvery candldnto acquitted himself with eroillt and now life was instilled luto tho election. Marly this morning the precincts of ! tho city were rendy to receive votes. 1 T1"' f U"t 1M loi- wero The candidates have worked the coun I r' mnv,,il ,nU f('rn 'lf,r i,. ,ov. n.n.i,1miit. , takers osta iillshluciit to the home of Interest has ben taken all atong It Is ' .wild that sonto wngers havo been Hindu on the outconio of tho rnco for rejr sentntlvo lu tho democratic rank. Krlends of the different candl i dates havo been rather active and the j votes am steadily coming In at the i linur of going to press. It is lmpos! j bio to forecast the result nt this hour, i Jlyrnn Drew, chairman of tho county ! election hoard, said ho hail received no i telephone calls from any section ol i the county todav and he is of tho i opinion that ihe election Is going Monthly lu every precinct of the coun ty. Ho statedhow ever at 1 o'clock this afternoon that a light vote would he the result throughout the county. Hargrovo collcgo Is offered forty acres of land In the City Park addi tion. It la an ideal place for homes. Ixits are very cheap. Heo W. P. Po land. 2StI Conic in and enjoy a pleasant even ing at Tho Arcade and liaten to the re cital of Mr. Light. 3-tr Music, each Tho Arcade. evening this week at n-tr Cold drinks. Ico cream, shorbert fins nnd music each evening at Th Arcade. 3-tf I Gov Wm Guy iniiti IH'lit Im! tiili i -I r V , 1 1 I . 1 1 1 - iilmis In r1 mill- Iv. ii ii i. v PICK-UPS HERE AND THERE. ' ! W V r.i'inil who lui- riluiiH'il from a trip to the count i uortliweHt of In n1 Hlatm that thi: cropn aro f1n In tlio Arliiicklo tnoiiiitalnx. Corn la good for :tf. hiiHlit'la to Hip arrn nnd mnrli of It Ik tnnkltiK in IiiikIuIh. Cotton la i-ry fliif. h In ttt-r rrup waa iivtr rata- il lnif than I pxpcctPd thl year. I'lic i'ld will .iornt' a half IibIp to tin- ncro. In tlio SivrltigT eoniiiiiitilty t)ii cotton Ih very lato nml tho clmncfa iiiv all apilnat it pood yh'ld tlion-. j Thp Woodman Clrclo of Uila city H t vpry artlvo nnd tho niotnhpr arc building tti tho Order. A appclnl die :iiiiaatlon ha Ihmi Kranlcd and tho an- piiranta for mptnhorahlp ar rmpilrod Hip third Friday nfjsht In this month. The lailloa frpipntly kIvp pntcrlnln nnnta nnl servo refroahnienta nn thfy havp grown tlrod of ronlliijc diahea and wit alvo thp plato ahower t' the inrpop of getting platca of tholr own. V 1'. l'pcd loft for lloaton today, whoro he ws to ,.,, ,., imtloiml nippting of tho Typogruphifai union , of America. ll( kk' aa a dclcgati from tho union hr In aponklnB of t tho nntlonnl iiipoIIiik Mr. TcimI naid 1 tho most Impnrtnnt matters to he con j i?ldi red are to otnlilili an Insurance feature to tho union, the establishment ' of a home fn- tnlierruloal pntientn nt I'hoenlx. Ariz., and the etahlliihmeut of permnnpnt In adquartera. St. Iiiils j hn offered tho typographical union i $100,000 with which to Imlld permn npnt liendiiunrter lu Hint city. The l homo lu I'hoeiiK will lie operated In I connection with the printers' homo In Colorado nml will ho known aa the ' "tint city.' , Krncat Moore on a charge of assault to kill haa been plareil In the county jail. W. M. HurrlB on a charge of In sanity Is in Jail here and .lohn .lohn- I son. a negro, has been placeil In the Inck-uii for wife beatlnir. Chns. Kemn of ,,oolPvm wllo (,xol)i,n,,,a ,nc8 with his friend and went to jail on a whiskey charge, has been released on bond. ,1. .i. Hopper, charged wit! dander, has been released on order of tho court. .loiinna itoneriH on nouin .miii ' - . . ,. 1, ii... r.. . . . I ........ I ... ... ,..tti ',-, n iti-ii- tun ittlll'ltll Bt'itiuuB mil be hi Id tomorrow afternoon. Hov. .1. M. (irons will olllclale and the burial will be In Hove Hill cemetery. A broth er of the deceased will arrive on the noon train from south) rn Texas. Ardniorelto Wain am rct Kosults ll persons who hae not stttled their accounts with us by tho "Hi of this month will no lnngfr lie considered credit customers of our.. We have been prompt to deliver you gro ceries, we have sent to ..our ta ble the best tho market afford ed. Some of you ,nre behind with your bills, in fact jou are so far behind that we must stop making deliveries or rum our own credit. Now as man to man we ask you to com and make settlement of your gro cery bill. I'nless you have paid by the 7th please do pot ask us to send out your orders This rule will apply to eviry customer alike. I I . FW-KHH. tho Crocer PERSONALS r . ii '.i i t ii in i li .1 r li ri Mtit i -H- Ada Id a business ' today. - ft bUSlni'SS VlSltOt 'II :lv ,l i Id lle Murltiw m in town Ia- has gone in Memphis i. I l-.lltKACt bU4tn s . . scales left today for nil ox . iit with friend in Houston. .iiul (lalvpaton. I w hoti ami Htfpti.'n sturgeon i. I .;. V It ll.'IM' ROM to Oil Spring1' for a wk outlttp. Miss Sinclair i.f 1'hHkh lu th.. pity the guest of her mother. Mis Ouy I. Cobb. MIm fllnrl.ilr will i.ava In H week for ii n extend, il vim i'ii-t mill will in- accompanied liv MWh Am miii tm (.'ohb. Mr Ada Hortph and daughter. M'.hh Bltuodor, of Fort Worth, nr.i t Kin-Hi of thp former parents, Mr iitnl Mr. T A. Iedbetter. Mr. II. I. tjnarle. who ha been Hie guest f her tl.iiihlfi-. Mr. .1. I. ItlggliiR, the pai three month, I' ft M iihda for an ext.mlcii visit with relnllvo lu Mlshourl. .Mm K Owen i In the cltv from Ht Unit on a pronporMng tour. Ml Murlle Hell Ih home from a May with Mends In Dnlla. II. c. I'otterf rPturned Monday from a vinlt with hi mother a Harrlm vlllo Mo. Mr. AllKrt Itennle ha rottimed to her lmrne lit l'anla Valley after a pi.vant vlalt with her motlipr, Mr. A. I) Matthew. Mip l.uclle and Mary Ilynl have returned fniin a pleaannt vlalt with friend In Ijiilonla. Tfxaa. John K. Owen of St Itula la It the city from St. lnl. tranautlug liimlne. MULKEY. Mulkey. Okla.. Aug. 3. There la ninn sickness in tho community nt present. Among thean are Misses Ada Mitchell. Cllde Thompson and Mottle I.lfidsey. Mrs. V. 11. I'atmn and fioo. DcMoss. Quite a crowd will attend tlio Ice cruim auiiper at llurwooil. K II. Iuiulicrt and ilmighirr, Mary, have returned from a visit to Vnu rika. I. .1. Ward, .Too Creatmau and V. I). Itlchnrilson visited In Simpson lust week. Quite mi enthusiastic crowd met at the gcliool house lait Tuesday night naid agivtcil to Ibsiip 3,000 In scliocil bonds for the erection and equipment ot a new school. The site agreed on Is alMiut onelialf mile troin the Mul key post olllce to the rant. Tho now Kile Ih one half mile from the goo grnplilcol center of tho school district nnd Is located im public domain. A two weeks' vacation waa granted to Prof. McCoy to be made up In .Sep tember, so lie may go to I'ort Klley with the Oklahoma militia on a ninnou ver. II. W. Hunter was re elected direct or of the school board. Cotton looks better than It has fn: the last four yours. Alaska refrigerators at very low prices. Tho pcason Is closing and wo havo a few cholco onus left. Ill ens, Corhn anil Frensley, Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kldnov or bladder trouble that Is not beyond the roach of mcm clne. N'o medicine can do more. 'Sold by all druggists. dw Investigate Hie City Park placed on sale by W. P. Poland. lots 2SU Plenty of barbed wlro Corhn and Frcnsleys. ! at Illvcns, ALBATROSS That 8 the name of the host flour sold In Ardmore. A $25 Knamel-Lined j Sanitary Cold Wave Refrigerator for $16.00 at R. iA. Jones' Big Furniture Store THE TOWN IS TIED HAND AND FOOT Not a Street in the Gt Ct People Vote Honda For La;n;; Sewers. It's the Votn Tin- Ideas of the ti tioi to hnvv eonfornn ' uacll hi m i tin' ideas ot i hi- general public In n, mictpiii affairs of hue and I ho 'iin.. ii h.i placed th burden of mimlpl.'.ii iniprmemenM UHm the KHjlp at 'iiki- Th.' city dad Hiliil out thin it, ,,r affairs. No paving can lie done uii'il storm am sewer pipes have 1 l i d .mil h .t.1 pipe connection hav. umi mmi, . IV I sir. Pt crossings haw in in' paved mill 'Hit.' walk across the stiits mils , Imllt There U hill one w.iv n. i tli. Mitiid to this work in, I that is i. i - mltig bond. And It '!) people w.nil ' these bond t li - in i IhKi'Uh r 1 mill li eh thii rmmril 1 fni' tin- election. Th. i!' resolution ,iiiii; i will maltp no furtli. ue l he call mil ii.iiii lit leu iiml 'o t ,in . 1 1 : 1 (In- p. n npiinf Ii 'Of plan into rxrcu' pie in ma eon von Resolution Whri-a: J'lllilli r-hlty .i niand that for H .'oi etion of pulillc health, convt i m i- mid rout fort of the clllren ot f . Cli of Ard inoie, Oklahoma, Therffore, lie I ifo veil by th City Coiiiicll of tho City of Ardmore okla.. In regular ai'ssion nenilii'il that the mayor ot the nld rli -ln r-li atlthoriied aiid directed to call an election M the law direct for 'the punHie of acoctalnlnii whether or not the nullified voieru of aid city il'lre i tn laauance ot 20 year 5 per cent anltary aewer j bonds In the Mllll of V,00o; to be used for tho purpoM of putting In sanitary sewers In said city and for the election of septic I a nk K to tak' caro of tho illflimaa! of said sewers Hie Issuance of 20yiar . ier cent storm sewer IkmhIr in the sum of i.'iO.OOo to he used for Hie purpose f taking care of Hie storm water I'j said city ; tho iMiiance of n year . per rent Improvement bond lu t!." sum of $20,000 to be used for i'p purMifi of grading and working the fttriet In Raid city; the issuance of 20 year r, per cunt waterworks bo id in Hie sum of $fir.mifl to be use t fiT'ln go lulo the courts to net It. the purHsA of extending Hie wi'iv Tho city clerk. iollce Judge and tn5 main-, fixing tho dam at Hi" dam site, raising the pump staK.i.i and clearing off tho water sh ' I an 1 building a filter to purify cltv water; the Issuance of 20-yar . per cent park bonds In the sum of $2.",0fi0 to be used for Hip purpose of purchas ing, beautifying, laying out walks, drives and otherwise Improving Hip park belonging to tho city; nnd for the Issuance of 0 year 5 per cent fire deimrtiuent bonds in the sum ol $B.00u to be used for tho purpose of buying eqiilpiiont uecesnry for tin tire department. Tho interest to bo paid seml-nununlly m said bond. I That the mavor shall call an elce-' Hon to lie belli in the Cltv or Ard-1 more not later than the - - day ot August I'iiiS fur the purpose of vot lug mi said bonds, nnd thus, nei- for the Ifmi.iiic. of said bonds -'m'l l.ave ir t.d oi tin Ir tlcint' 'For SILVER, LEAD AND ZINC IN ARBUCKLE MOUNTAINS There N ,11 Aidmore sin 1 1 1 way of miii, 1 found and the ig l'i MI11, 1 iinpanv lie ti ll.lS Ii, t 11 ik not tl,e necessary funds at hand to put In a smelter and maKe the mines a pay ing proposition. Tho Arbtii'kle lie vflnpmcitit Con pauy is the name of th- concein. The company 1 not In corporated. It l'i made p of me u who own lands in tho Arbuckle moun tains west of Havis olght tulles. They have contributed a small sum each and have some miners digging ore. William F. Heard of this city who Is president and central malinger of the company returned from the mines yesterday. He brought 100 nouiMs of ore with him. This ore lost mil In zinc from i' to fl." per cent. An assay of 10 per cent Is considered good paying on Some of this zinc runs a high as !'0 per cent which is the highest test made In this couitfry. In silver this ore assays from $10 to $t;o per ton. The lead lias never b en assayed, but It shows for Itself j that there Is vast iii.'inJllk'S of this I metal there. A car of ore has been taken from the mines, and as noon 1 as the country toads become passable 1 It will be shipped to KmiHirla, Kan-' t-ns to a smelter there Mr Heard is 'llrm'y cwnin 'd that he In- 'he IV I'.ned t' Stm : i .l'lil Saint n Ntt Move Hi,, i T of i'Oji.u -.uiiiHiy ei i- til,' K I'll .!.' .- . III,' l-'l.llli I ' ;'D i ,i r "Fiir tin I rent 'Jii . ., "IN- 111,' N . 'i' In w.i I i ttr nl ,ii ItiWl i .11 i !ln ,' II, I'll uf .1', i' m k I..,.. I'.i-k 1 ,n,l' at i" ,.r in, i ' i,i ,i V fl!'. ,. Mil ( Millni; -., .1 ImiihI i " tit k."- au.n. i tin' i i -Ii ii U ,11 r i -ixt IS. , at . H i eein .'" In, II, I' U.1H1 t ' .it . per ( , nt I I'. ' V:ali J ,t .'. p.'i , ' it rWt l Hi. i of I I II MU HI I'lOO of . i v'ri' I t!ii,r,iv,'tin lit llie li.1llri' of $ llllll, " U.llllt ' in r cut '.'o m it- wattMwnil, bond:" "Apaliist the lnanci' nl $ at .", per i ftit 20 year in,' hi'H.U." ill', I ' c.lllltt thr Ixsll.iiK'. of f - r. n i ni ;o i.,ir fit, Ieini'llieiit bond " TlMie in ft law koiuewheri' oil the --t.ii ute hook of the atnte which mv thin If wnrrant are IhhiiciI by a ci council and (hero are 'no readv fund to cart for theao wnrrnnla tin n phi Ii mt'tnbpr of Ihp council who vole,! to luo tho warrant become personal lv reponllip Tor It prompt THiymci.. The mayor I not mr' whethfi- he i under the law under which the re PtillP of Hie city I being colleitiil or under the new stnle law nwa th' finance committee mm iipixiintel to liHcatlgntp nnd report at next meet ing. Chairman CrucP of the Improvement ,v .p MXmI1v ,, ,,,,.,. , conmilttee retried that in his opto-lllir ,,.,,., ,.,.,,,,.,. W(, ,.Nl(n(1 Ion ,. council had t, auihorl.y to ,ipu, , .. u m, ,miu, (n compel Hu xas cnmimny to tap their;.. ... ... , ' .. . ... It v., mat ii ( iluhe uiiiln lilgh jiressiire line to supply (!uy T I Ledhetters homo with gas. Mr. I-ed-j'"" , . ,, , ,,. .... .... I: 1 I.H.I. .mil f im ly. better will likely appeal to the courts. 1 Ho say he used gn two year ago! at WTieeWT and lias lenrtiPd of Its ' convenience and wants It bad enough ' hcsMir and rollertoc mnde their month ly reports to the city and a uumlter or bills were allowed and warrants order ed drawn for same. Tho city lake was opened for the season and fishing permits except In cases of em rgeney are (o be lssinul exclusively by tho city clerk Chief Slaughter was given a leae of absence together with ueci ssary ex puises to attend the firemen's me, t Ing thi month In Chicago and also Hie t chief's ine' ting In Toledo j will leine hero about tin The chief middle ot the month. An estimate hits been made of th money u'ciIimI for the next fiscal year and all funds were reduced as low a thev could bo made. C ol'tterf and II A Simpson ap in an d lietore the council mnl asked 'hat bodv l build cros walks on Hndi S 'l" i i n ' t a I a 1,1 ,iit 'li 11 1 . el si'i, , an lead els'ltlg III field aid t" wants to induce a company 10 put in a slamp mill In, the the mountain or put In a smelter In Ardmore N, t more Can fo.OOO will be ineoiled to pa th" mines In a position, to pav dividends. It Is necessary to have thii smelter put In here on iiecuuii.t or having the natural gas for fuel. When a larger company lias been, organized a largo force of minors will be put to work and as the dejKMdts of min eral are neiir the surface the mines ORiu h operated with practically no eqiilmuciKH and at small expense. Lawn Social, The officers of the First Presbyter. Inn church will emcrtuln the congn- gat I on and friends with a lawn mocIiiI (lit the oJiureh lawn this evening. The east Ardmore church Is ospec - tally Invited to be with us. There wli bo lots of Ice cream and oake, such as the Presbyterian Indies know how to make, so lets all rmiui and have a good KwMablo time together. A hearty Adenine to all. DiWf's Little Burly ltlstr. safe r.i--' . ,, sure, .ittk liver pi,! So I i W It Frami LYNN, The Shoe Man I F A R M S !()).()( )().()) i liii'.i'iu' t, I,, an i: C.irti-r tmnity in tln nf.xt lio tl.iy.s at i t i it, iiii.illv low r.iies. Alwoliili-ly the la-Ht hiiiii pnijiiwii ii in in th( sUUo. Will loan on DI5A I) (.'I j A I. MS with approved t,U!. I do my own inspection nml tins nioney will ln ready tus soon as the papers are m utetl. If interested it w ill pay you to see a k o . Ivooin 1 Wheeler Miiildni";. Card of Thanks. To the main friends who gav.- so free ALBATROSS That's the iiaiiio of the best Hour sold In Ardmore. ' For Sore Feet, j "I have found IVuekleii's Arnica Salvo to bo the proper thing to use j for sore feet, as well as for healing ' burns, sores, cuts, and a., maimer ol ' iilira-loiis," Willi's Mr . Stone, ot Hist Poland Maine It Is the ,uoper tlilim too for piles Trv H' Sold under cjiaianli i at W II Frame - drug More 25c. C. P. THREE BLOCKS Water filters save d etor bills. Poreli shades all sizes. Ivofrieiators new and second hand. Freezers, all sizes. We swap new goods of all kinds for any o'd thing, ard rent, repair, pack, era to, store and ship all kinds of household goods. No rents to pay. IYeo delivery wagon. Phone IJGO P. II ALL HoiiM'liold 1' iirnlliire Sloro In Okliihomu IMlitiost P N. s ,V sell ironing H. Kasy payments For 30 Days we will sell all fresh Canned Fruits in our stock at exact cost. Very close prices will be made on all groceries for these thirty days Phone us or come to our store and get prices. , ! J j ) 1 FELKER, West Main St Keep Cool I ) , , ,., ,, ,. !' i li.ifi - i,' t.iti t i , i'v t 1 1 ;i"-(ls 'I'l' !tii hero j, f ,ii"il ix lirown UhI. iHn !i,.i' f'V'l'1 ll', ui'lt , ' ' u i m In1'! bmw n w t, ih itit'.i 'iiimj fm it w ,ir. J.OO I. A X S F I S II Ardmore, On a Announcement. 1 wish to announce to tin ' lends ami patrons that 1 have opened a t:il. orlug establishment of my own .ml am lu a ihihIHoii to accoiuuiod t'e 'he pulillc In their wants. My fall and winter line of f.ibrlr , Is now open for your Inspect ion a I K Nelson K. Co'. I will appreciate your Ntnn,i u l guarantee you satisfaction. 21 II. KAMI'S Kit Cascasweet is for ba)iles and did (lien, and Is especially good fin "it ill so common in hut weather I.oo fi, t he inurcdionth on 1 tie bolt i Coll tains no harmlul drugs. Soiil i W. II. I'rame. ALBATROSS That's the name of tlio bust Hour sold In Ardmore. American Hog Fencing at Myitis, f'orlin and Fienslijs. HALL UP CADDO STREET furnaces and charcoal to newly married people. The Grc Ardmo