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Ardmore, Tuesday, August 25, DOS. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE CAGE FIV Cold Jewelry Designs appropriate for the prevailing styles in costuming are shown hcic ill interesting variety: Necklaces, - Pendants, Brooches, - Rings, Handy Pins. - Veil Pins, Belt Pins, Hat Pins, Bracelets, Combs, Etc. Walter C. Bean No Trouble to Show Goods. An Edison Phonograph It makes the children happy and keeps the father at home. The Edison Phonograph sup plies the same sort of amuse ment that people go to the theater to get. In no other form can so much amusement be had for so little money as in the form of an Edison Phonograph or Victor Talk ing Machine. One dollar a week pays for one at LUKE S MUSIC STORE ARMY NOTES. Captain Warren Dean of the 13th Cavalry, Oklahoma City, will arrive hero llila afternoon to cxamliio two boys who have inn do application)) to join tho army. Otis Hatcllffo ot tho Crescent Hotel Is ono of llio ap Vllrnntu. Walter lloldpn, who mnde applica tion some days ago for ro-tullslineiit was nccoptcd and will lie cent to Fort Serlven, C.a.. to Join tho lOfith eonipany of Coast Artillery. I'd Ileon. a meinour of Conipany U ..ntlnnal Cuanls who lort here wltn tho company to ko to Fort Hlley heeanie 111 whllo absent anil return eil home. Ho siih tho drilling at Outhrlo was hanl wlik. Tho boys ilrllleil In the hot sun for several hours ami wero review 1 by tho Coventor. Mr. Dean Is a gallant young attorney ami would make a gallant young army olflcor but that iIiIUIiik for about seven hours In the hot Him In August weather took all dot-Ire to bo a soldier hoy out of him, Money to loan on filiort notlco on good farm lands. Oklahoma I .nnd I"rokerng and Ivoan compony. oftlcojj ovor nitzlor's dry goods store. 1 Hi" Axministcr Art Squares Brussclls Art Squares All Wool Art. Squares Granite Art Squares. All kinds of Carpets, Matting, Linoleum, Etc. If you want any floor coverings come to my store and look over a complete line. R. A. Jones' Big Furniture Store -1 PERSONALS In C, W. Crlaler, a piofcssor In the A fc M. Collego at College Station, Hryan, Texas, was In tho city today on a brief visit with his friend, It. 0. Tabor, Jr. John 11. Whayuo left today at noon for iiolnts in northern Oklahoma. While on his traveling trips ho will meet the members of tho legislature uinl become acquainted with them. J. II. Champion and W. F. Gilmer left today for Wilson to attend a pic nic at that place. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Vaughn .of Flor ence. Ala., are rcglsteicd at the Oil inor. J. T. Hyan. fieorgo A. Haw ley ami 1.. S. Knily of Heiinliiglini, are in the city. C. O. IlltiU-k Is here from W. A. Clinton of Mill Creek is In , the city. A. A. AM rich nnd family of Sul phur were Ardmore visitor yester day. II. II. Wilson of Chlckftsba Is In the fny th guest of Ills sisters, Mrs. T. I. Hasty ami Mrs. Abbott. W. T. Olenn. coutMy judge from Himo, Is In the city today. IIo says the sortRllsts In his county will not (oil 22(1 votes this fall. Kills Wilkes ( f CorslosiiH. Texas. Is Iti the city. Mi- Wilkes has been here listing for tniur nine with rel atives. W. A. MeUln of Dixie was an Aril more .visitor toihy. He moved his date on the dally jmper up to l',in:i. Dr. J. It. Mayhow of Kort Smith was a business visitor to Anlinore today. Mrs. Kugenn Hurt and sister-in-law. Miss Hurt, arrived yesterday from Iji donla, Texas, for a visit with Mrs. Hurt's sister, Mrs. I'aul Jones. Miss Nil a Williams Is homo from a short visit to Oklahoma City. Mr. Fry who was at one tlmo as sociated with tho land olllce hero but now of Muskogee Is an Ardmore vis itor. Mr. Illackbiirn who has been a guest nt the homo of Itev. Sims, left yesterday for his home In San An gelo, Texas. Miss l'atl Ailams. after studying under Sherwood at Chautauqua and visiting nt Niagara Falls nnl othor points of Interest, stooped over In Ardmore last night and oday visit lug with Mrs. M. T. Felker. before returning to her homo In Hyan. Carlo John Hoffman and grand daughter. Miss Clam Hoffman, .have returned from Davis, whero they went to meet a brothor-ln-law of uncle John's. I'hlllp Fisher nnd daughter. Miss Ida, of Ohio. Mrs. 11. F. Cummlngs nnd two chil dren of Clobume, Texas, went home yesterday, after a with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. It. Hmdy. Mr. Holmnu returned yesterday from D.ivls, having been called thero by the Illness of his sinter. Hurt Slmpon Is In (iitthrle on bus- tics. Mrs. Jordan, ouu of the teachers In the Ardmore public schuols re turned today from a delightful sum mer sput In Colorado. Airs. J. A. Hixeiis and daughter Vir ginia, hau gone to Cement, Oklu., to spend a week with relatives. .Mrs. W. I. Smith left oday for Ok lahoma City on business. Mrs.H . I'. Conleo has returned from a weeks visit to relatives at Sulphur. V. F. Wilmington is In Pureed on biislnet-s. .Mrs. T. T. I'aco and children have gone to Sulphur to spond a while. Utile Mies Mildred Whtl' man of Oklahoma City who has been Wbiilnt; relatives hero loft for her home to ll ay. Miss (ieorglii Simpson Is u Tow days with frltuds In Oklahoma City. Mrs. Tom Floyd and baby who huvo been visiting Mrs. Clay Merrill , left toduy for their homo In Chandler j Oklahoma. Joo ,M. Ixjudon is In Wynncwood I on business. j Warron Martin left today ou a bus- j incus trip to Mndlll and tho towns I east of hero and as far us Hope, Ark. Itev. C. F. Trimble left today for Shawnee whero ho goes to attend tho Statu Convention Oklahoma Chris tian .Missionary society. Alaska rotrigcrators al very low prices. Tho season Is closing and wo havo a few choice ones left. Ill ens, Corhn and Frensley. PHONE 618 Chas. Kirner. up to date meat mar ket. I kill my own meats and fur nish tho very best Satisfaction guar anteed, (live mo a trial. 21-tf FOIt RENT Two business bricks. also dwellings li part of the , city I'lione 501. ll 1. Dalls 251m :: :: :: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt :: :: I PICKUPS HERE AND THERE. tt it it tt t: u tt tt u tt if tt tt tt n it John H Morgan camp bus purch ased a new book ease and have It placed In the office of Adjutant Fill Ham In tho Sims building. All books and imptrs belonging to tho camp will bo kept there ami all sou them Ixioks given to the camp will be tak en cure of In tho new case. I .eo llyrd has gone to Sulphur for a fuw days. A number of representatives of the Ardmoro commercial club loft today for Guthrie, whero they will go be fore the state equalization board tomorrow to seo If tho taxes of the city of Ardmore and In tno coii;m can bo reduced. Govornor Haskell and Dennis Flynn will cross words at Marietta, Thnm il ty afternoon, deques! has been made for a special train from Ardmore leav ing here about noon and returning at 7 p. ni. Tho Santa IV will put ou the special If ns many as Ifio tickets can bo sold. Mr. A. 11. I.evlne lias returned from an extended visit to Hip Bt. I.oubj and N'nw York markets, whero she bought n largo line of goods for fall trade. Mrs. I.evlne Ii.ib faith In Aril froro aiul hns ninde imrchases for a .it g business. doy Hanks Is reported quite sick it the homo of his parents on north Washington street. doy was con fined to his bed several weeks In the iprlng nnd his friends will regret that te Is 111 ngnlitv -S. S. Tolson, Carler county's ro omier of deeds, has a democratic alctnro gallery In his olllce. His art jallcry Is now, but he hns some good llctures already. Among them aro the ilctures of Hryan, (tore, Hnskell mid Carter. Each' one Is In a nlco frame and Mr. Tolson delight to show his friends '.what a flno looking set of men aro loading the democratic party. Yesterday when the south bound Santa Fo had given to Ardmore Its share of travelers and tho baggage was being put ou the truck, among that baggage was a little plain nil .tainted pine coffin upon the lid of certificate from a physician as to f Il'v V !-V V" J - ; T- , u V B I nini n n i a ii T a iniirTfC5aBC3tegaMHCTaggaBBgi AND YOU BUILD BUT ONCE Wo iiuve spent half a life time learning how to eonstniet HuMness IJlocks, School Houses. Good Hosidi-nci s, Good Mai ns. No building too largo for our cu juicily, no buik'irg too small to appeal lo us. Tholarger tho building, the more jmrticular the owner tho better, pleased we are - Wo know how to give you your money's worth. We take contracts anywhere in Oklahoma or Norm Texas. Wire us or too us. M. J. Gill Court louse Building the cans-- of death. Tue father and niothci of tho baby with aiiothci child in their arms walked up and down the track hardl) knowing what I to do. Strangers in a s! range town This morning on tho six o'clock train the coffin bearing the ftall bit ot humanity was taken to Madid, and tho iKirenls how-id with gilcf went from our midst. Was ihi-re a hand clasp or a word of comfort given them that they might know the milk or human kindness had not dried up In our hearts. At the station esteidy a woman, old. and fi-etiK and gra wnlktd up to the ticket window hii.I gate to the agent a newspaper .ilng thank you for the iwpor, Mister, but Its lepubllcnu. and 1 hate th m so lmd. It don't say much for Mi Hran. but I think he'll be elected A ripple of amusement was visible on the faces of those ln h rd the remark and the dear old mother went on her way. pleased with her con - tldenee In d inooniny'- future. I'he heavv ruins -In i' spring and enn siimei. i so Intort' red with the dire rent dnvs sot iiit for town elt-anlng. why not do that delsyert work et. bitforo lln hildren are back In sehool and In-line th fever genu have Ardmoro i i ihelr grhsn. An ordinandi prohli.ulng curlnte Hi the sireets might !" a splendid thing If enforced. An nlninr- citi zen n few days ago nnd such ait overabundance of pn.taiilty of the blue blare variety, he Mai limed him self at th corner of Wa-htngtnn and Main streets, and ga- forth a vol ley so highly charged that he had to be threatened with the "cooler" be fore he shut up. A lady leady to alight from th" street car today said. ' Conductor at which end shall 1 gu off?'' It doesn't matter,, both nds stop," re plied the good natunil man. W. II. llyrd, tho tailor is moving from Main to Vnshingion slreot Ho will occupy n portion of th" pos tal building and will lime larger and more convenient quart- is. I.'st your farina mm city property with Tho Oklnhoma-Ark.inxas llealty Co., doom 0, Noblo llldg 2.V3 Foley's Kidney denied will cure any case of kldnev or bladder troub.e that Is not beyond the reach of cine. No medicine can do more Sob', bv all druggists. dw Construction COUNTY TEACHERS FI"ST MEETING WILL DE HELD IN HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING IN SEPTCMDER. Tho Carter county leachus iirso elation organised here al tho tunc the normal was in session wl.l hold Its llrst meeting In Septembi r An Intdestlng program has been nrrang ed for tho occasion and much Is c peeled to result from tlu-se meet Inp. Among the Interesting fi.i tures of these meetings It tin qui ry box. Hvery teacher In the state has problems to solve In school mauagi j went and In (ho proptr prem utation of difficult and non-inter Ktlng :,ub Jects. Prof. I'uiholU, ii,inil.,r ' j school for the Chickasaw n.rioii ha J been placed In charRt- of 1 . - d- , j incut and every toncht t ui 'In ,i i 1 elation will be Interest d in tit n. I nl question mid hearing Hit in an 'swered. FoIowIiir Is the pi.i-i.iu I'rogram of the Teachei- - m a Hon of Carter comity in in- in A tile High School ItltlltlltiK mIuk ' on tepU inner 12. liwv. 10 a. m. 1. ling Salute. 2. Song nnd Devotional sen in 3. ftcLool Decoration Superintend ent ISvan. Ardmore. I. Heading anil l-'xprofstoii Mis-. Onidn Faster. 5. l'cholojy- Frof. Canterimiy of Ardmore. . Question llo gunervlsor I'm holts. 1:30 to 1:0(1 1. Song. 2. School Dhk'lpllne Sir.wnlso I'mlioltz. !l. Discussion Miss Scott. I. A. Hnsy Work I'rof. linker. Solo Mr. Wright. Cnurte of Study Mr. NMblack. Geuernl Dlscusalou. lliislnoss. No one Is Immune rrom kidney trou ble, so Just remember that Foley's Kldnev demedy will stop the Irregu larities and euro nny case of kidney or bladder trouble that ts not bevoml the reach of medicine. Sold by all druggists. dw If you want to buy, sell, exchangi or rent property, seo The Oklahoma Arkansas dealty Co., doom ft, Noble llldg. 25-IJ It's as unblessed to give as It I to receive offense. Company Ardmore, Oklahoma New Oxf oi ds LYNN, The Your Money or Your Name! IS YVIIAT, nh ur easy psiyimMHs. Any thin to kut'ji liotiso mi from now or MuontMminl Funiltnro. Wo will jiiivo to niovi! Si'iiti'inbcr 1st back to our liiK Catltlo Strt'ol llotiMO, whiob is ulri'udy ovor crowded witli uooiIh. Tho 'rt ittost barpiins ovor offered from now until Sept. 1 tit my West Main Street Store. C. P. T. N COLEMAN ... THE CITY DRUGGIST .... Telephone . 9 W. Main St. CLUB DIRECTORS NO OPPOSING TICKET WAS NOM- INATED WILL MEET TOM OR- ROW MORNING. The annual meeting of tho commer cial club for tho purpose, of select Inn d rectors was scheduled for to da. I'nder the provisions of the bv 'as the dliectors must be nominat ed a week III advance of the election aid Inasmuch as no opposing ticket a- nominated those formerly nom inated will be the directors of tho club ibis year. Predicant Cruce has Mime matters to tJke up with the club anil a meeting w'TT! bo held nt 10 o'clock tomorrow liiornlii. The olll cms and directors of tho club nre: Cruce, president : C. I). Carter, xlce president; l.a.Monl dyers, vice pro-ddent ; A. V. Doak. treasurer: II. (1. Spauldiiig, secretary. Following are tie ni w directors: J. A. Hlvens, 1'. C Dings, II. :. Foster, Kciinott Hud son. C. M Joiner, J. W. Kruoger, .1. d Pennington, C. P. Selvldge and ,Ii ! idi Weiss. I Di V, ill's Utile Harlv itlsers. safe. i-. , '-'ire. little liver pins ' V it l-ri'iii Conklin's Vacant cornor lot 100x140 feet in McLtsh Addition SfiOO.OO Vacant lots in Highland l'.irk $85 and up. 4 room house, West Side, $700.00. 5-room house. 100 feet, comer lot woll located, $1050.00. h rooms, hall, bath, pantry, closets, now fUOOO.OO. Kusy terms on oil this jirojiorty. CONKLIN, The 1 2 N W.v-hingcon Pull patent, plain toe, welt or turn sole. Hide nbl o i luce. Shoe Man WK S'AT HALL NEGRO BOYS DROWN CLASPED IN EACH OTHER'S j ARMS THEY SANK TO THE BOTTOM. Oeorge Slovens, aged lTi yctirs. nephew of Hen Stevens, tho well known barber In this town, and Man ford .lenkliu, about tho Famo ao whiMe mothor Is employed nt Or. In, diiVfold'H woro playing niouml ;o pomi norlh of town late yesterday nftoiiion and oboth lost their lives b drowning. The Stevens boy attemi t ed to swim across the pond, while In tho water about fifteen feet deep h sank. The boy could swim nnd ! I ' bolloved by his family thnt he wa attacked by crampi. The Jiid, Ins ltoy, who was sitting at tho watci edge wlih his clothing ou, Immodln'i ly divoil Into tho poi.d to save li i compnuJop Tho drowning boy cl.i jv ed him and whllo locked In each oth er's arms thoy sank to tho bo'tcn. Their bodies were recovered an 1 i later. The remains will be buil-d Mn nflernoon late In the colon d emi terv. Ilotli boys were negroi Subscrltm for Tbf firdmon'lte Bargains Real Estate Man Phone 20