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Image provided by: Oklahoma Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Tuesday, August 25, 190. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE OKLAHOMA CITY'S PAGE as 4 Ho" MR. MAN Don't you want to get a start in a paying business? You can do it on very small capital. We can sell you Billiard and Pool Tables on a new plan that will interest you. Write us for information. Wc have the only sample line of tables in Okla homa. Also fill all orders for supplies same clay received Patterson & Hoffman Oklahoma City, Okla. Moving Picture Managers Take Notice Wo siro nov rioin; hnainnss ami toady L mtvo you. You are sure of :ool Films lOvery tliinjr new TIIKI5I5 lirXDKHD HKANI) NI'.W KKELS To Mart with All the new sulijects coining in each week. We want your business. We'll treat you rifjlit. If you can't enll anil se us personully wire or photic us your orders at our expense. Complete Stock Kdison, Powers and Lubin Mai hiues Also machine parts, repairs and supplies Monarch Film Exchange Member of Film Service Association lijoms 201, 202, 203 1-2 W. Second Street Long Distance Phone 072 Oklahoma City. OUiu. Watch this space for Theatre news. Excellent attractions arc now being booked for the week of the State Fair. THE OVERHOLSER THEATER ED OVERHOLSER, Manager One of Oklanoma City's specialty firms, The Conway & Henry Co. have placed on the market at Ardmore the College Hill Addition and they will be pleased to have all their friends and those interest ed in a high class real estate proposition to call and see them during the State Fair The Conway Q Henry Co. Opera House Building Nineteen years ago the ground upon which OKLAHOMA CITY now stands was a vast prnlrlo inhabited only liy the Iteil Man ami the wild animals, now almost extinct. Why fSncl. In Ills infinite wisdom, should allow such a glorious country as this remain unoccupied for mi long a time, Is a mystery to all, anil tlio present Inhabitants have concluded that the only way to recom pense the Ureal Crotitor for Ills kindness Is to build up a great City, ami fill it with people who will do lllm homage, anil recognize 1 1 i ill In all things. Such a City, wo arc now creating; ami In a few more years will have It accomplished. Within this brief space of ilmo our population has increased to nearly 50,000 people. coming from every state In the I'nlon to cast their lots together and build their homes. To make room for the vast Influx of people THE McCANN INVKST.MKNT COMPANY of OKLAHOMA CITY has been organ l.ed and INCOUPOUATKIl Into n JOINT STOCK COMPANY to place on tho market the McCANN SOl'TIl HIGHLAND ADDITION that they may be able to tike care of tho people ns they arrive. This Company has placed the price of lots at $70.00 each, and offers to take the small sum of $10.00 cash and the balance In pay ments of $r..00 etich month until they are paid for, and thus glvo eve-y man a chance to own his own Home. The ADDITION thus platted lays only three miles from tho business center, and In full view of tho City. This Company anticipates that within IS months a street car line will be ninuJnU through the addition, which will niako It ono of the most desirable parts of the City to llvo In owing to the fact or Its laying South, and away from all dirt, dust, smoko and malaria, that IiiTcst all Cities. It has been our exporlenco thnt. only those who Invest make money; nml tho sooner they niako the Investment the sooner they get on top. -'s The person who never Invests his mmwy Is the man who dies poor. Such Is tho experience of tho world at large; and will continue to bo until the world learns a lesson. The time to buy I now, and tho sooner the hotter, for tho reason that you can now have your choice, which Is a great benefit to you. Tho question naturally arises, should I buy without first seeing lots? Yos, you cannot ninko a mistake unless" by not buying at all. If you have any doubt about ti e ultimate result of the in vestment, you euu wilte to any bank in the city and at-k them about our responsibility and the pennam ucy of the City, and if they say not to buy, then we will h,ie no more to say to you. Ono thing Is sure, the most of those who did come here and invest have become wealthy, and are now on easy siren, while those who came and d!d NOT InveBt, have nothing now. Tako care of jour earnings und you aro safe; spend your salary foolishly as you earn it and 1 will guarantee that you will never have any thing to your credit but discontentment and sorrow. COMK, see our Agent mid buy a pair of lots In this NHW ADDITION and start on the road to prosperity at once, and feel like a MAN. All Western men who have made great fortunes, have bought lu advance of the market, just what wo are asking you to do; and If you do mi you will win out to advantage. All our greatest men known In history are men who started poor, nml Invested their earnings as they went along th ough life; and continued to keep their money earning somethln, fer them. The time has couio. wheiti a poor man Is at a great disadvantage, nml Is compelled to accept positions that he might avoid, hnd ho tho proper woalth to help himself with. NOW Is the time for every younk man to make a start toward bettering his condition. Iluy some property and pay it out, then buy more, nml keep on buying until ou feel the preneuro. and you will soon have plenty. OUH AG1CNT will call on you and explain the propollon and when ho does, do not turn him down fer ho will do you good. In ease the agent falln to kIvo ou tho desired Information, write to the Home Olflco, uttMlng our wants und th dealrcd Infor mation will bo furnished. It Ik not our desire that unyonp misled to buy our !.v. for there Is no reason why they should not Know nil about what they are getting. In closing this article I tntmt sv you that no mailer which b.ts yru may rheose, ui will rrwko n mistake, for thoro is net ONK poor . iimleslrnl I ioi In this addition. We shall bo glad to lime Stale I'.iti usltors call at our nfllo and W8 will tako pU'.in'iie l.i i n ihiiilng oar pioposiilon more fully. S. W. McCANN, President THE McCANN INVESTMENT CO Salesmen Wanted. Oklahoma City, Okla. YOU AIJ. KNOW That Oklahoma is the comtncr'iitl center, and Is hound to make the prosperous, thriving Hull of the State anil Hnuthwost. 1 1 1 1 1 Kstate In such a growing, prosperous anil promising city. Is an investment that has every olr meat of security ami assurance of iul iiii-eiuent anil in crease. Other cities arc good . other real estate Is ood, but Oklahoma Clt Is better is t ic best. CULBERSON'S EAST H1CIILAN Is the closest, moderate priced property now ottered on tho market , highly nml sightly, streets graileil, nine houses now erected , more to follow immediately, Iris the largest park reservation ICast ol Hi- Simla IV. .lust two IdockH oil the Mb street paving ami promised .State Pair car line. Anil remem ber II is not suburban property, but ctv property, being with in the city limit. Lots l fill to mill, full sired, alleys and nice streets. Nowhere else In Oklahoma City can you get full value, nml such nhso lute assurance of Increase, as it Is In demand i v, (be clt being built up NOW wilhiti a stones throw of it. OKLAHOMA REALTY AND INVESTMENT CO. .1 I I llltl-r-rll I'M- I'll' 'III' J, 1 ( i i i ! r IIiiiIiIiii, rli -lit. Hotel Threadgill Oklahoma City, Okla. PERRY & RIG BY. Proprietors A Strictly Modem Motel With. Cuisine Unexcelled Rates $2,50 and $4.00 Per Day AMERICAN PLAN There are three things which the traveler con aiders in selecting his hotel. First Absolute safety from fire. Second Modern service and Third The cuisine service. The Threadgill Motel combines the first two features with an un excelled cuisine service with the added advantage of being located in the central part of the city with street car service and automobile service at its door to all parks and the State Fair Grounds. PAGE SEVEN