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THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN DISTRICT MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS-ALL THE LOCAL NEWS FIRST. Creiim Bakery Bread Try the Now Process Cream Loaf. JOIIN N IMRIE Phono 258. V W'TKIi-Fintlr wish li p Oc iir ponud, flat w.ik li-'uded. Ardniorv Stcum Laundry rn.ri'iioNK no jo vrOLUMKXV ARDMORK, OKLAHOMA KKIDAY KVKNJNCS Alf(.lNT' ltH)S NU MB ICR 7!) rm. Mai uu iw tu i ! idt m iw w" rrx v SHAWNEE iS SELECTED AS STATE DEMOCRATIC CAM PAIGN HEADQUARTERS. AND ENTHUSIASM ABOUNDED And Promise or Effective Campaign Work Is Apparent Mayor Dick Is Manager of Speakers' Bu reau Good Selection. Shawnee. Oklu., Aug. 27. In the puiior of tlio Norwood at 4 p. in., today tlm executive committee ot the stuto democratic central commit too hold Uh Initial mooting, presided over liy J Thompson, of tlio cen tral commltti--. Shawnee was soloo toil JIM hendiiuurters ot tile executive committee during the cauialgn. I. O. Tliurnnm of Oklahoma City, was hulecU hi an treniBurer of the central oomnrittee; Mayor It. W. Dick of Aril morn ns manager of the speakers' bureau and A. 1. llumb:irei "f Guthrie as manager of the Blato press bureau. It wns the seim- ot the committee that Judge W. I,. ISugletoti ot Pawnee lie made temimnury of the state convention at Tulsa next Tues day, and Frod Hardy, ot Alva ns tuiuiKirary secretary. The niiHIng was attended by top rosontntlvos from etich of the con gressional dhrtllcts uR follows. Klrst district. 11 Troii, of Guthrie, and 10. u. Shoplur of Pawnee; si-cond dlstrlot, (J. A. Matl.ick of Oklahoma City; third district, .1. .1. Curl of Hnr tlosvllle; fourth district, J. V. Lank fold of AUiku; tifth district, F. IV. Swmnk of l.awton. The inottlUK was ohnrjiclorli'eM by onthuslasin and promise ot efficient work In the i-uuipalgn. t'liithrle and Shawnee wore the only candidate for headquarters. Unch ofleriiig a bonus of $1.0n0 and pmrtcrs for the chairman and an wry. Shawnee won wltihout a spirit ed light Headquarters are to b" opened Mollda. AT MELBOURNE TOMORROW AMERICAN BATTLESHIP FLEET WILL ARRIVE AT MELBOURNE AUSTRALIAN CITY. Melbourne. Aug. 2S. Tho Amerl Van battleship fleet will arrive hero tomorrow, ami Melbourne Is ready to receive Admiral S perry and his inun with a proper degree of cordiality The city Is handsomely decorated for the occasion, American colors being profusely Intermingled with the Hug' llsh colors. 1'oriralts of Kins I'M ward, President Roosevelt and Adtnl nil Spoiry may bo seen on every hand. When tho American fleet en ters Port Philip's head early In the liiornhiK, It will bo met by n recop tloit, committee composed of govern ment and municipal ohicluls. An elab orate program for tho entertainment ot tho olllcrra and crows of tho fleet has'been arranged, and this olty will endeavor to outdo all other ports In receiving the distinguished guests of Australia, A Big Indian. Dinger, Okl.i., Auk. 27. The big Kest American Indian Is Soa-kouslto n Caddo who wolgwt fiSti iH)und. He Is twenty six years old. Is six feet toll nnd nitisur-H seven foel and four Inches niound the waist. The In dlan will be taken on the eximsltlon tour of the cost this fall. Mrs. 1). T. Nlfbott nnd dnutrliter, Miss ICtliel, returned heme tudity front Vnu Alstyuo anil other points in Texas. We want your work and you'll be glad you gave It to us. I Excelsior Steam Laundry BALTIMORE HAS.TWO KILLED A SENSATION; IN COLLISION i i SCANDAL WILL RESULT FROM ' FRISCO ENGINEER AND CONDUC ATTEMPTED ASSASINATION. T0R MEET DEATH. WOUNDS MAY PROVE FATAL Police Scoff at Stoiy of Attempted Robbery and Say Developments Will Prove of a Very Sen sational Nature. Imltlniore, .Mil., Aug. 2S. The at tempt on, the life of Chns. li. Hob- orts of this city at Atlantic City, on Wednesday night, have created u tre mendous sensation In llultiniorc so ciety. I'he report that Mm. W. S. (!. Wll- llaiiit. nlo of this city, was In t ho rollhiK clntlr with Robert, whon Hit shoo'tlnft occurred. Ik milling Inter est. Mr. Williams ruttirud from Kurope Inst Monday, lie expressed surprise today when told that the woman with Itoberts at the time of tho shimt- lug was Mrs. Williams, saying that bIim was In Iloston the last time ho heard from her. Roberts' Condition .Critical. Atlantic City. Aug. L'S. Chas. 11. Itoberts. the financier nnd club man of Baltimore, who wus the victim of the mysterious shooting on the Hoard Walk, Wcdnesdny night, Is still In a very critical condition. The jxillce scoff ut the story ot highway robbery nnd hint at sensa tional revelations. WOLF ATTACKS ERNATHY WOLF LATHCER ENGAGES IN COMDAT WITH MONSTER IS BITTEN AND LACERATED But the Varmint Is Finally Placed if. Captivity Absrnathy Has Class He Is Teaching the Art of Wolf Catching Uiwton. Oklu.. Aug. 27. AiiHhdr very painful Injury befell Join Ah' ernuthy. Unll'-d Statos Marshal of Oklahoma after he (Kid capture 1 tho male to the large gijiy wolf w'ulih Inflicted his llrst serious Injur Tho monster wolf 'taken today win the largist ever seen In Oklaho'iin and weighs fully 12!i iiounds. Winn be win, captured n wire was wrtppeil securely around his nose, and Al ,'cu uliigs passed him to AberuatUv, who wus on bir,sob:tck. The wire snapped In two and then a llerce combat had betv'ii the gray wolt and tho not ed wolf-catcher, which i exulted In tihreo severe wounds on Abeinu'iby's person. One linger was badly chew ed up, while a linger on the rlgnt hand was woveijely lacerated ind his kneo severely Injured. Five times was the llerco ouught before he was llnally plaH In captivity. 'Ho was acknowledge I by all of Abemnthy's party as n bail one. Twice 'bo ran Into tho croe i and the hunter lind to wado In afl'-r him. Yesterday two kIimU, llorcti sray volvos wvro taken by Abernathy without so much ns a sin gle scratch. Ho has n corps of ton men under Jilni. To those hn lb te iching Hie art ot catching them alive. When the national convention ot the league of American Sportsmen miet in l.awton October 12 to II, It ii expected that tho greatest wolf hunt known to Oklahoma will he pulled off vlth Iiirhtal Ahernnthy mid students In tho foremost ranks. AO DUE TO CARELESSNESS Agent at Antlers lo Hold South Bound Patsenger and it Crashed Into Woik Train Near Har den this Morning. l'ort Smith, Ark.. Aug. 2. South bound l'rlneo passenger train No. 1 collided heaiNm with n work train tno miles enst of Harden, Oklu., tliU morning. Tho dead are: A. .1. HAI.LAUI). engineer of work train. THOMAS (5 HA HAM, conductor of work trnlik KiiKluecv Campbell and his fire man of tlie passenger. train and Fire man Van Wagner of tho work train was slightly hurt. The collision was duo to the fail ure ot the agent at Antlers to hold the passenger train ns ordered. DAUGHERTY AT CHANI LABOR COMMISSIONER SAYS STRIKING MINERS AT THAT PLACE ARE IN RIGHT. CJnthrle, Okla., Aug. 2S. State La bor Commissioner Daugherty loft to night for Chant, Okla., to Investigate conditions Incident to the strike of 100 miners employed by tho San Hols Coal company. The men have boon out since August 21. They refused to obey the Instructions ot the mine foreman to carry explosives Into the workings. Thon tho superintendent shut dowib the mines. Tho miners, according to Commls sloner Daugherty, nro right In their conteiiihm. Tho new mining law pro vldes the company shall convey the ixploslves Into the mines. The olll eials of the San lilols company up parently are "under the Impression that the law did not bear the enier gency. A prompt adjustment of the trouble Is uti'tlclpntcd, Commlslsouer Daugherty yesterday at Tulsa applied more patches to the S-hour law, punctured by violations ot the city otllcers and prlvato con- ti actors. 1'nder five different men tho laborers were working 10 hours. The matter was taken uji with the county ittoruey and the shift cut to the regulation eight hours. A similar Infringement of tho labor law was reported from Klk City. Mr Daugherty settled tho dllllctilty over th'- telephone today, , HAINES ARE DENIED BAIL WERE ARRAIGNED TODAY FOR MURDER OF WM. F. ANNIS TWO WEEKS AGO. New York. X. Y.. Aug. 2S. Captnln l'.ter C. Haines, ,lr. nnd his brother T. Jenkins Haines were arraigned at Long Island City this morning nnd held without ball, tor the action ol the grand jury. They are utoirged wltli the murder oi Wjii. F. Aunls two weeks ago Count Tolstoi Seriously III. St. Petersburg. Aug. 27. Tho St Petersburg morning papers state that Count J.eo Tolslel's condition Is very grnve. He has been suffering for some tlmo with dilation of tho veins of his feet, which tnoro recently bo came complicated with an nttnek of Influenza. He Is suffering greatly from 'Weakness. Mr. A. H. Mnyhow und daughte. Miss Toy, returned homo toda from nu extended visit to Denlsou and Paris, Texas, Ardmorelto Want in oet Results FOUNDATIONS ARE DAMAGED! AUGUSTA BUILDINr.s ARE TUM BLING FROM FLOOD. MASS MEETING CALLED As Waters Recede Better Estimate As to Amount of Damage May Be Had Property Damage Is More Than a Million. Augusta, On., Aug. 2V The flood is aiMipdiietly ilumiiKed the founda tions of a great many building In the lower part of the city. This morning the Central Oranmmr school building collapsed, the walls of tho National Biscuit company fell In nnd the uudef-plnn!:'-.-. of a "nit of l Icji'il flrldge iv:'il away. A mass meeting of the cltlseim has been called to tnko Immediate no tion. Tho waters havo been receding since yesterday nnd as they recede some estimate of the amount of dam age can bo bad. mimervntlvo es timates now place the damage at $1,000,000. All cotton mills and oilier manufacturing establishment havo been shut down since tho flood. Tho newspapers nro now Issuing abbre viated editions of thilr papers. Fatal Fight at Tulsa. Tulcn, Okla., Aug. 27. Davo Wobb Is dsul. William Webb, his brother fa-tolly wounded nnd William Culpep per seriously hurt as the result of i light In n grocery store owiudl by hi- Ltilpepperx In Mio western part f the city tonight. mm goes TO LINCOLN DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE LEFT TOPEKA THIS MORNING. WILL TAKE BRIEF REST And Then Resume Campaigning He Slipped Through Without Letting Friends Know of His Pres ence There. fopeku, Kan.. Aug. 2S. W. J. Hry nn, who was to havo left TopoUn nt Italian plans i night last night, changed his and did not leave until 3 o'clock this morning for his homo nt I. In coin. Tho trip will ho made via Kniir sns City and St. Louis. llryan Is duo to arrive at Lincoln nt C: 15 this evening. Hetweon Knn sas City and Lincoln ho will travel over the DurlliiKton railway. Brief Stay In Kansas City. Kansas City. Mo., Aug. 2S. Uryan paused thtough Kansas City this morning on his way homo from To peka. Ho remained In tho city only be tween trains and did not leave the station. Tho fact that he would come this wny was not gonornlly known. Wynnewood Picnic. Wynnottood, Aug. 27. The Seventh annual two days barbecue and picnic will eiccur In Wynnewood Soptemibor I nnd C. lion. W. II. Murray will ho the orator of tho occasion. Prop amtlons are being made to make this Die most liitcreHtlng occasion of Its kind e-vor hold In tibia city. Court House Wedding. U. C. Barber of Dixie and Mrs Oeorgla Holder ol Sprjnge-r were united lu tin c-'juuty judge's ortlco ut noon today, Judge Mason perform' ing tho ceremony. SOUAWMA GUARDIANSHIP HIS FITNESS TO ACT TOR TOUR CHILDREN QUESTIONED CASE INVOLVES INTEREST And ,i Special Agent Has Been Sent to the Sub-Agency near Lawton To Make the Necessary In vestigations. Lawlon. Okla.. Aug. 2. -For tin puryHwe of oouiluetlng u special In voKtlgiUlen In (he ease of V.. M. Ful ler, a mimnviimn, churned with being nu unlit guardian fur his own chil dren, the Interior depart iniMit at the reipi, t of Coiigvommuu Seolt Ferris, ami Seimtor T. P. (lore, has ilb-patch- d to the Comniiclio Sub-Agency near .iiwton, Ttirr.iiHH Hounds, tin- agent, who has just completed tie' iwyintnl of $375,0110 to (he mm ih western Indian tribes Mi. Hounds last evening compteUd tlx- cxamiun tlou of about 2."i wltncsse.. T.,. it-' ostlgatlou was conduct d in cr -The case Involves four ipi.iru-r si? tlons of land t-i u:. s llotten fi mi that portion of tho Klowa-Coin.uiche country opened to Gcttlctncnt lust nr, besldeH the payment of $10) each to his four children, John W. 'uller, Daniel Fuller, Fldrdgo Fill let- and Louisa Fultir, which was neiil up by Ulio department in the recent IKiyniPiit. Fuller, n prominent white farni"r living noith of Uiwtou, had imiriled ui unusually Intelligent Indian worn in and, prt'vlous to the tlmo ot the recent allotment owned live ipiarters sections which ho hud boon farmliig. When lands wore allotted last year, his four children for wlom he hnd l)en npiHilnted guardian, received tlnir ui'pnrtlouod lauds In tlu'i Dig Pasture dlntilct. Part of tli"H hinds, however, had previously been leased for live years' time to two brothers . .1. uiwt I'nuik .liii(on, but with provision that If sold or ulhittod, the lease would It icomu void. In order to hiM lllvelr lenses tho Muiisou brpthors brought charges ngnlirat Fuller that lie was nu unlit person to be guardian for tho children Induced tho Indian ugent, John I I)tn"kmoii to tnko the children from him, und brought suit In the loool courts for the property. Fuller on tho other hand, brought Injunction pm c.'illng4 ugalnst tho Momsons to pre vent the improwliuouts on the land and obtained nn order from the court to secure his children fmm the Indian Agent. The matter of tho land suit Is now before tin state supremo court. Tho present special Investigation Is to detonnlno Filler's standing ns to securing the lwymont to d:lin as guardian to tho four chil dren. KEPT NERVE TO LAST JOHN HOPKINS PAID PENALTY ON GALLOWS AT MIAMI TO DAY FOR MURDER. Miami, Okla., Aug. 28. John Hop kins was hanged today for the niiir der lust January of lma C'rnlg, n school toacher. "I am nu Innocent man, cut the dog loose," exclaimed Hopkins a uiO' ment bofore the trap was sprung. Hopkins' body w.ib shipped to Seneca for Informant. Repubs Confer at McAlester. McAloster, Oklu., Aug. 28. Promt mint republicans of the state nro gathering hero for u conforonce that Ih to ho hold tomorrow. Chairman .loo H. Norrls of tho republican stato committee Is expected here this even Ing, Candidates tor congress from tin various districts will bo prosent. It wns announced yesterday at Outlirle, that Chairman Hitchcock of tho na tional republican coinn(ltteo would be hero tomorrow to confer with tho republican lcadors, hut the report could not bo vorlfled. NEW CORSETS N e are the snip agents in Arilmori f.T the TWO lll'.SI' MKI.H OF rOIISlMH .SOI.H AMERICAN LAUY AND KABO We now linve t lu ll ew Full JloilelH -vnr one h perfect Nhupe KERMIT GETS IN HERO CLASS! PRESIDENTS SON IN RACE WITH RUNAWAY TEAM. PROBABLY SAVED THREE LIVES' Young Man Showed Daring Spirit in Long Race After Runaway Team And in th.: End Came Out Victorious. Oyslif liny, N. Y., Aug. 27. Karmlt Koiweveit, who Is to nouomixmy his father, tlw president, on his hunting trip to tho Afrlouu Jungles next year, displayed his courage and his skill as a lionsemnn this afternoon. On horseback 'ho pursued for more than a mllo it pair ol runawmy blooded horsoa dragging behind them u car riage In which was a lulpless woman and her twt 11 tlw sons, und by stop ping the ninawuy by risk of surlous Injury to himself undoubtedly saved the three Hvos. Frunk Hilton, n Now York business mull, was driving a canrlago contain ing ilis wife und two sous. They nud reached a hrldg t ovor llayvllle oreek where tho road Is narrow where they .met a disabled automobile which al most blocked the rond, swerving to the loft lu endeavoring to pass the whi)l of Mr. Hilton's carriage struck a xst. The K4Kik throw Mr. Hilton from the vehicle, nud his frightened horses finding themselviM free sprung forward. They elashed along tlio road tho carriage swinging behind Until nnd Mrs. Hilton iwworloss to do aught to save herself or her two young sons. As they marled Kennlt lloosevoit out for a lido, was a few hundred feet behind. Ho saw Mr. Hilton thrown nnd board Mrs. Hilton scream In alarm. In a i,ocond his spurs w re deep In his mounts sldr und the race bad begun. After a fast spurt of more than a cpiarter of a mllo Kennlt wus ubreast of the runnways. He roach ed out to secure tfUiei rolns but tho skittish animals swerved and then duhed along with redoubled spee-d. Not for a minute did he stop. Again his steed tore Into litis lionsw's fleli, sending him along at a t rrlflc gull. Halt a mllo further tho runa ways ibogan to tiro. Kennlt ranged up along sldo und shouted a word of e-neiounigomeiit to Mrs. Hilton and I It- in leaned far to ono side, caught tho reins. The runaways knew they were tun-Utvtl and their fl'Rht quick ly ended Bubacrlb for The Aramrite. j1 .V. Our House Cleaning Sale will Nino j on money Attend It Saturilny sffsi'i7sTaHHHHB ! LARGE CROWD HEARD DEBATE , BETWEEN DENNIS FLYNN AND GOVERNOR HASKELL. AT MARIETTA YESTERDAY Nearly Two Hundred from Ardmore Went on The Special Train Marietta's Picinc a Success In Every Way. Mariottu, Okla., Aug. 2S. The two day's picnic and imrbecuo closed hero last ovtuilng wns a groat success lu ovory way. The toaturo which was the Huskoll-Flyuu debate yesterday afternoon attracted thousands ot vis itors here. A special train from Ard more brought about two hundred from that city yxHteixlay afternoon. Tho different speakers -woro Intro duoeHl byst eta.taneoracinfwypnifw duceil by Stato Senator Clint Graham of this city lu his usual pleasing way. Tho dobnto began nt 2 o'clock with Flynn as the llrst sp.tiker, followed by Coventor Haskell, then Flynn's rejoinder and thou Haskell closed the dobata with nu Impassioned speech, which brought forth cheer after chtvt- from the thousands, who hoard It. A ft u re was the singing ot cam paign Mings by Ham It. Hoe, Itass Llllard, Gov. Price of Guthrie and others. The picnic was held lu a beautiful grovo ono mile southwest of Mar ietta, win h'O barbecue and dinner was spntad and all the visitors fed by tho people of Murletta. All of tho stores of the town had been closed through out the day lu ordor that tho merch ants nnd th tr employes might enjoy the day with friends ut tho picnic ground, FOR SALE Tlio biggest, best, cleanest stock of groceries in Ard more, including a completn set of llxttuos. Tho big gest lino of customers unci tho best stand in tho city. If sold tit till it must sell bofore tho llrst day of September. FELKEF, Tho Grocer