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m OLDESf DAILY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN DISTRICT MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS-ALL THE LOCAL NEWS FIRST. V 1NTKD K.itnllT wash Ini Cc per pound, flit work included. Ardmore Steura Laundry Tri,r.piio.K m. 10 Cream Bakery ftreud Try the Now Process Cro&m Loaf JOHN N IMRIE Phono 258. VOLUME XV A II DM ORE, OKLAHOMA THURSDAY EVENING SEITEM l'.EK :i 1D0S NUMBER M 'V, TAFT-FORAKER HARMONIZE PEACE PATCHED AND HATCHET OURIED AT TOLEDO. SENATOR IN CAMPAIGN Will Open the Kansas Republican Campaign and Dattle For Taft. Are Politically Together. Hello! and Laugh. Toledo, Olilo. Sept. 2. That Taft anil Foraker tiro politically together ltt not only the public admission of both Taft and Foraker hurt! today, but also the political sensation of Ohio. At a dinner Riven hero last night by CharleH T. Lewis, who la Inciden tally ithe host of Judge Taft at the .Middle Hass Inland club, being pres ident of that organization, there wore prosont Senator Forukor, (Jon. Henry C. Corbln, Iteprosontntlvo J. Warron Kelfor of Ohio, and .lames Hoyt, an attorney of Cleveland. This dinner reunited la an Invitation to Senator Fornker to lonialn in this j ofcy today and attend both the re view af the parade of the Crand Army of the Republic In the stand with Judge Taft, but also tho recep tion to be given later by tho coin republican club. Those wh at tended this dinner ate authority for the further that when Senator Fornker left tho dinner ho was called on the long distance tel ephone from Chicago by Chairman Hitchcock of the national committee, and icipicstcd to open the republican campaign In Kansas. Senator For aker has not yet given his answer Ho this Imitation but it Is stated that ho told the national chairman that be would take part in tho spunking program for ithe contest. .indue Taft left Middle Dass Island at 0:30 o'clock this morning in a small power yacht and after a tern pestous voyngo of four hours reached Toledo, vory damp from the spray, but otherwise unimpaired, lie was taken In an automobile direct to the reviewing stand, .ludge Taft said on the Journey Mint be did not know of an arrangement whereby ho was to meet Senator Foraker, nor did he know of any endeavors to offect such an arrangement. Hut the city of Toledo seemed to know all about it, and when, after tho candidate had been In bis place only a few minutes, a carriage which headed the parade, stopped in front of tho stand and dis charged its passengers, there was a tremendous shout as tho thousands who were within sight of tho stand in tho Immense stands adjoining and across the street caught sight of tho senior senator and ills co'leaguo, Hvuiv'ior Dick, Governor Harris and Mayor Whlllock. Senator Foraker was the last of the little party to reach .ludge Taft'B side, but when ho did and each rais ed high his rlxlit hujid, Taft saying "hello, Senator," and Foraker "I am glad to see you, Judge," and then shook hands, long and heartily, and smiled cordially, thoro was a mighty shorn from the crowd, and then ap plause and thou cheers. Tho two sat down together and remained In car nest conversation for moro than an hour. Incidentally together receiving tho plaudits of the ma chlng veter ans. Senator Foraker left to keep a business engagement and Mr. Taft remained till tho four-hour parado had passed. Catholic Church Notice. Tomorrow after the eight o'clock mass, the members of tho Altar so ciety will meet In tho rectory for the purpose of eloctlng offlceis for tho ensuing year. Ml are kindly leipiest ed to attend. i I bo glad you gavo It to us. Excelsior Steam Laundrv BREACH OF PROMISE SUIT FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR DAM AGE SUIT FILED BY DESCEND ANT OF POCAHONTAS. Muskogee. Okhi., Soph, 2. Mary 1), Taylor of Foit Smith has filed a suit for 150,000 damages against Jncob S. Drown, a wealthy Creek Indian, who lives south of Muskogee, alleging breach of promise. The plaintiff alleges In her peti tion that she was horn In the West Indies and Is of Spanish and Arabi an dcHccn' . with a strain of Indian blood, being a lineal descendant of Pocahontas. She states that she mot Ilrown and that they fell desperately In love. They weie to be married March I, WO", which was tho first anniversary of tho death of Drown's first wife. The wedding was post is). .ed. Drown insisted that his love wns true and "prayed that (Jod would vis it on his own daughter the same re suit and treatment if he proved dis honest and untrue to her. " On the second day of August a child was born to tho West India woman. and iihe suit for $.10,000 breach of promise was filed in the district court todai. The petition al leges that Drown Is woith $l."i0.000. COMMISSION IS ENJOINED ARKANSAS RAILWAY COMMISION LOSES IN COURT. ON TWO CENT RATE LAW And Interference With Railroads of Arkansas on Increas: in Freight Rates on Interstate Traffic. St. I'aul, .Minn.. Sept. .Iiidgo Vandov.. liter In the United States circuit court today granted the In junction requested by tho St. Iiuls, iron Mountain & Southern and three other railroads operating In Arkan sas against, tho Arkansas Hallway commission. The Injunction test rains the rail way commission from enforcing the n w two cent fare law and from In terfering with the railroads In rnls trelght rates on Interestato traffic. ACREAGE DECREASE SPRING FLOODS AND RAINS TERFERE WITH THE COT TON YIELD. IN- Hobt. Law, formerly of this city hut who Is now a cotton buyer at Davis for Love & Thurmond, Is In the city on business and visiting with his sister, Mrs. Fannie Crosth walte. In speaking of tho outlook for cotton around Davis, Mr. Imw said the acreage Is not quite so good as It was last j ear, Moro of tho crop was planted but the floods ruined a portion of the crop and the continued rains caused some fields to bo aban doned. The crop, however, will tnako a good yield. Davis will probably get 1.000 fewer bnlos than it bought last year. Continuing Mr. Law said: "You had as well add that Mr. Dryan will bo tho next president of tho United States. Oklahoma will voto for tho first tlnio this year In a presidential election ai.d as Oklahoma goes so will go the union. WRIT OF PROHIBITION GRANTED To Prevent Opening of Missouri Pri mary Ballot Boxes. JetYersou City, Mo., Sept. .1. A writ of pari Ibltlon 'was granted by the state supreme court hero today to prev rot tho opening of tho ,i.iu it Imxis cast In the r'leent primary elec tion In this state. Fred fiates was o visitor to Outli rlo ye Unlay. BARRETT FOR PRESIDENT GEORGIAN IS AGAIN ELECTED CHIEF AMONG FARMERS. GOMPERS MAKES STATEMENT Only One Change in the Selection of Officers and That Is in the Ex ecutive Committeemen Bus iness of Congress. Fort Worth, Texas, Sept. 2. Through an erroneous statement made by nv local Kiper In the roKrt of the speech of Samuel Gonipci's at Lake Como last night, tho National Farmers' Congress was thrown into a slight tumult this morning. Tne re port in question said that Mr. (lum pers had opened the campaign for William .1. Dryan by announcing that he would dellier to the national democratic pni'.y the combined vote of the National Farmers' union and the union labor organizations of the country, amounting to more than ti, 000 000 votes When tho farmer delegates wore Informed of this there was quite a commotion and some little oratory on it lie subject. Finally it was decid ed to ask Mr. (lumpers f he, made such nn assertion, although it was known by almost all tho delegates present who had listened to the labor leader last night, that he had not, and to request him to come to it ho congress and make such a statement. Mr. (lOiupors came at the afternoon session of the congress, prior to his departuro for Dallas, and denied making the statement attributed to him by the local paper and authoriz ing I'lesident Darrett in his behalf to sign Mich a statement, if lie thought It was necessary. Mr. (lumpers wns applauded when he said that he could only promise to deliver his own vote, hut that ho would 110 his utmost endeavors to persuade his fellow workmen to voto for 'the democratic party, as In this particular, caini algu at least, It was the party of Individual liberty. A committee was appointed to ask the local paper to correct Its mistake and the Incident In itho congress was closed. Business of Congress. There was considerable business done at both tho executive sessions today. In the morning l'resldent Dar rett rend his annual address and Secretary-Treasurer McCiillough sub mitted his annual report. Doth re ports or addresses were applauded This In iiddUlon to tho discussion over the (lumpers matter, took tip tho time of the morning session. In Hie afternou sefewlon things begap to tnovo lively, otllcers for tho en suing year were elected, but nil but one of the old olllceis, W. S. Miller of Lake Creek. Texas, member of the executive committee, being re elected. Mr. Miller declined to allow his name to bo used for ro-electlon and W. T. Ixnidcrmllk of Comnncho Texas, was elected to the position The congress voted a gold medal to Mr. M.ller for his ulllclont services as member of tho executive commit tee. Tho presentation will bo tnado before the congress adjourns. Tho of fleers are: Charles S. Darrett of (leorgla, president; J. K. Montgoin cry of Alabama, vice president; It II. .McCiillough of Arkansas, socro tary and treasurer; Alex Davis of Arkansas, assistant secretary and ti cannier. National board of direct ors or executive committee: W. A Morris, Alabama; T. N. Jeffords, Ok luhoitiri; H. I,. Wilson. Mississippi I. N. McAlestor, (leorgla, and W. T Ixiudcrmllk, Texas. During tho aftornoou session the reports of tho committees on grain co-operation, auditing and long stu plo wore received, Tho long staplo cotumltteo has, It Is declared, docld ed to fix no minimum price Just now, but to hold another mooting in October, at which tho mattor may bo determined. In connection with tho short staple itc! that no fiv i at this "mention I c.Ud. the minimum price will h session of the national Tu.noirow morula, i convi ntlon will take up l discus sion of the subject of binding; a na tional headquarters building In Fort Worth In conjunction with tho rradoH Assembly and tho Factory Club. The building contemplated will he five stories high, built by stock i ml popular subscription method. REPUBLICANS ARE BUSY. Press Bureau Established and Cam paign Literature is Plenty, (luthrle. Okla., Sept .! Th tepuh- Ihiin ciimimlgn forces lu.e liecti well rptiulzcil In this city, and atreaih rite stale headquarters nt the Hotel lone present a scone of gie.ii activity. halruiHli Norrls Is In neiUe elm rue. with Secretary It. O. House as hit hlef assistant. The press bureau has been fully establish-d. and Mcssis Fred Darile and Corb Sji-!.. t. nre nl- ' ready sending out their line of repub II can argument. Clinlrmiin Norrls i has taken up corro,ondciie with leaders ill tho various sections of the st-ite looking to the Imui Ul.ite Inau guration of ii ikjII of ii" state. This h1I is uxpectod to be c .t. pl.-ttii by alstut the tenth of Oiio'i.m LINCOLN'S PIPE DREAM U. ON A VISIT TO MUSKOGEE HE SEES OKLAHOMA IN THE RE PUBLICAN COLUMN. ('. Lincoln McCulie. an Ardmorc attorney and prominent in siato le- puhllcan politics, was In Muskogee I yesterday on legal Intuitu ss. McGulru I Is called the nonchalant politician. Nothing over disturbs his cqulllli-1 rliim. It has been said that If every- I thing went against iln ho would still pursue tho oven tenor of his i way a though everythng was "lovo-, ly as plo. l'ho national republican I committee" said yesterday, "Is Meeting Oklahoma to go republican! this year. You watch. Oklahoma , will surprise some people In the po lit leal line." Muskogee I'hoenlx. WANT COUNTY SEAT ELECTION Davis Circulates Petition Asking for Contest with Sulphur. Sulphur. Okla.. Sept. 2. Citizens it lYii-la tire elrnl.'iHnir u ititlttflll asking for a county seat election. Tho redorni census taki n Just before state hood gives 1,310 as the population of Davis and 2,!.ii as thu population of Sulphur. Sulphur is said to bo In tho exact geographical omter of tho county and Is on Isnti the Fr.lsto ami Santa Fe. While it Is not believed that there Is the shadow of u chanco for Davis to win. i lie usual animos ities and oxclteinent of a county elec tion art' browing and will no doubt enter Into tho llgh' OHIO BANK IS CLOSED FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MILES OHIO, CLOSED BY ORDER OF DIRECTORS. Washington. D. ' . Sept. a. Thu Flwt National lnnk of Mllos, Ohio, was closed today by order of tho board of directors on the grounds ot Insolvency. 1'. Tilllugliast has been appointed receiver for tlui Institution. Th'i statement of tho condition of the bank July 15 last, showed resourc es and liabilities to bo $l,381,02ri of liabilities $01,iito ue duo to dep iwl- tors. IS FAILURE IN DES MOINES. Two Iowa Cities Where Commission Government Falls. Des Moines, Iowa. Sept. 2. Aftoi a six mouths' trial of tho commis sion form of government, Des Moines and Cedar Ituplds nro pun ning to ask the legislature to rotitrn to tho former plan of govornniont, or greatly modify tho present char ter. Mayor John T. Carmody of Cedar Ituplds has written Mayor A. J. Matlils asking co-oporatlou and proposes to send cny Solicitor John M Itcdinond here to nppear before tl'ie special session of the legislature and p esent the pi ition W. A.Tallaferio of Mllo is an Ard moro visitor. oiniulfiee it may he AERONAUT'S AWFUL DEATH BALLOON BURNS HIGH IN AIR FALLS WITH WRECKAGE. CROWD HORRIFIED AT SIGHT Motor Exploded Igniting Gas Bag and Quickly Burned all But Frame of Balloon. Wife and Child First to Reach Him. Watervllle, Me., Kept. 2 -In full view of 2fi.00n horrified HpecUlors us- simbli d on the (Vntrnl MhIiio Fair grounds here today, Charles Oliver Juno, the well known aeronaut of HiMiiuioiidiiport, N. Y fell a distance of fiOO feet to bin death. Among tho wit muses of tho frightful iriiingo were Mrs. .lone ami child, and fiiy wort) almost the llrst to reach the side of tho dliitc man. an hour and a Th aeronaut died halt alt ir the aoel- deal. Junes lul l been at the fair xroiuids with his dirigible balloon Donmornlig. known as the SlroHu-t alr-hlp since f Monday. Tc4ny lie arrange! to make a Might between threo and four o'clock High winds post veiled It. At I o'clock conditions had iiiislltl l and bo gave tho woj'U to have Hie ma eliltie released. When thu aeronaut reached a height or more than fiOO foot the spiictntorH were horrified to seo mniill tongues of flame Issuing from under the gas bag In front of the motor. At this time the balloon bad passod out of tho fair grounds. Many pvr sons In the great crowd endeavored to apprisu .loii(s of his danger, hut sevirnl minutes elapsed befro ho no ticed the fire. Then ho grouped '' rip cord and by letting out gas en deavored to reach the enrt'i The machine had denccndul but a nhort distance when a sudden burst of flamo eiivoloped the gnu bag the riHine work Inunodlatujy sparl lug from the bag. .lonti i'ul wltu the frame wotk of 'his mo'io, ami when tho spectators ra tl.ed lint h was lying undor It. Ttie gas b:if was ; mmV .lentroyod. t -1-1... tilit.alfiUna w. riio physicians wiio weri In .ho crowd found that Jotifw lad no ohanio to survive as ho was Injured Inter nally and his spine wm brokBi. PROHIBITIONIST VICEPRESIDENT Aaren Watklns Notified of Nomina tion Today at Ada, Ohio. Ada. O., Sopt. n. This little city was early astir today with prepara tions for tho opening of tho stnto prohibition campaign bent tonight coincident with the official notifica tion or Aaron Watklns of his nomina tion (ib candidate for vice, president. RESULLT STILL IN DOUBT. Both Shellenberger and Dahlman Claim Nomination. Omaha, iNob.. Sept. :i. Full roports of Tuosday's primaries nro not In yet and both Shellenborger an I IXibl- , man claim th democratic nomination for governor. ENGLAND HOLDING ALOOF BREAT BRITAIN HAS SO CAR RF. FUSED TO RECOGNIZE NEW SULTAN OF MOROCCO. !oudon, Sopt. 3. It was learn ed hero today that the lirltlsh govern ment Is holding aloof from Mulai I Infill, the ne-v sultnu or Morocco, for tho present but that It Is propp ed to recognise him In lue time. ARMY OFFICERS DEPART. Inspection at Fort Riley Completed. General Alshlre to Fort Sill. Fort Itlley, Kan.. Sept. 3. After tho Inspection of tho camp hero this morning In company with Major General Dell, Seciotary of War Wright left for the east Major (Sou crnl Dell and wife left for a trip T rough Yellowstone, and General M . hln win', to Fort Sill, OMa, to In wpoct tho post there. MINES CLOSE DOWN NINE MINES CLOSE AT MeALES TEH THROWING 2,000 MINERS OUT Of EMPLOYMENT. Mi Alt hler, OkIh.. Hpt. 2 Nine uilii weie rloseil In this district toiiiu b the operators, throwing 2 Olio miners out of employment. The law passed by the lenlslature las winter rovldcs that timbering the mines shall tie done by the op erator and intllcis ii penally on the miner for so doing The operators' coiitmct with the miners calls for tin- miner to do the work and I lie firmer claim It would add five rents per ton to 'the cost of priNluotlou. This affects only slope mines, where the ginde Is 20 er cent. The iwr alt rs hay the law abrogates their contracts which have nearly two years to run f:d die mat' lor lll !) tnken up with I'rasldeiM. lwis of the Hulled Mlno Workers of Ainer'cH, petuHiig which the oper ators decided to shut down. Weather Forecast. Chicago, 111.. Sept. 3. The weather forecast for Kansas ami Oklahoma Is fair loliklit and with mod- it, i li in i if latme COLLISION AT CHICKASHA WORK TRAIN CRASHES INTO STRING OF BALLAST CARS. THREE MEN INSTANTLY KILLED Train Was Backing into the Yards on the Pauls Valley Branch Con-, ductor Pressly and Others Slightly Injured. Chlcknsha, Okla., isept. .1. Willis rojiubllcaii, ociullst,liidependenc par leaking Into tho yards at a rote of iy liml peopios lmrty printed on tho ten miles an hour, about eight ballot in tho onder naniod and rero o'clock lasst night, Uio work train on will bo on an average of 11 caudl the I'auU Valley branch of tho Hook dulm to bo voted for on thedemo Island railroad crushed into ti slrlut; crnUc and republican tickets. Thu so of ballast cars. , clallsts nominated only four out of TSie cabooso telescoped upon a the seven presidential electors so that ballast cur and three niun wero bur-1 their list Is a little shortor, whllo tm led under It, and killed Instantly. Tho dead. .1. I,. HOI, I. IDA Y. briikeman. SAM F.AfH.K, brakemau. JOH AHN1CW, car repairer The men wore standing on thu ond of tho ro ir car Percy l'ressloy. the conductor, os - caped with slight ...Juries, and two others wuro sllglrtly Injured. Responsibility for tho ncoldont has not been fixed. OKLAHOMAN SUICIDES. Attache of Wild West Show In Eng land Was to Marry Today, Liverpool. Kng., Sopt. 3. Ocorgo I'rlce, a cowboy from Oklahoma, committed sulcldo hero todny, I'rlco was playing with a Wild Wost show. Ho was to have been married t.lny lo a MveriMiol waitress. Sold Two Ant Eaters Chief Slaughter of tho fire depart ment yeMerday sold to a traveling menagerie two of tho young ant out ers. This does not detract from the fire depirtment soo however ns there are flvo of these queer looking ani mals left ami If you have never sou them It Is worth your time and trouble to go and look at thsni. Danger Averted. Sonora. Ortllf.. Sopt. 3. Reports re reived from tho big two seotlotu to day Indicate that tho forest lira ha' N'fii turned away from Calavra Krotc and for thci present the b.g tree group is out of danger, Police Court. Svuiomls Johns, a Choctaw Indian, was Ii' fore Judge (Salt on the usual charge, ten dollars for btlng drunk anil disorderly Subscribe to the Ardmorelte. DEBS WON'T GO BIRMINGHAM SOCIALIST NOMINEE CANT CHANGE HIS ITINERARY AT OMAHA TONIGHT Spoke At Leavenworth, Kansas and St. Joseph Missouri Today Tour Continent On His "Red Special" Kansas City, .Mo., Sept. :i Mitch refri-Mied from a good iright s rest, Kugene V. Delis, the socialist candi date for president and Ills puity dc iwrteil this morning on their lied Special - for Omaha. Slops are to he made toda . at Leavenworth, Kansas, and Si. Joseph ..o , iiml iIm special train Is due to n-Hcli Omaha nl 6:10 this cwnltig. in the later city n big event lus .een planned. Debs said he bad not yot determined wl.iii to do in thu matter- of going to Dlrinliighaui, Aki., to onuipaign for Hi i striking miners there. He said he thought It would be too xpen she a proposition now to alter Ills schedule. FOR PRINTING BALLOTS STATE ELECTION BOARD ADVER TISE FOR BIDS FOR PRINT ING ELECTION BALLOTS. i (iithrlc, Okla., Sept. 2. Tho statu printing iKHird will tomorow advertise lor bids for printing tho ballots for the general election In .November, in accordance with tho copy prepared by Secretary Will Mnu of the stat ulMitlou bouid. Tho ballot will bo & small olio as Australian ballots go, owing to thu fact that there Is not u full stnte ticket in the Hold this year. Thor win bo live tickets, democrat. j mlitiudeico and people's partes ; have only presidential electors on tho i ballot. Altogether chore will bo about l.M) candidates on tho ballot. The- olflcens to be votl Tor this ' nl.l....tlnl ..t..A. mcmuo nuu ,r.UBiuu.m. v..- i ,HM' 11 tongrossman In each district. , lw" J"H,lco of 0,0 BUP",II" col,rt' ' " ntlo.i commtss oner, statu I senators In half of tho districts, and ' from otiu to threo representatives In each county. Whuro county or town ship officers aro to bo electnl to till vacancies, rhelr names will ap pear on a separate ballot, to b pre pared by the county election board. Tho four propositions referred to tho people by the loglslaturo und tho one initiated by popular petition will also be placed on ii separate ballot, pro isiroil by the siato Itoard. Three Aged Women Die. Flndlay. Ohio,, Sept. 3. Threo wo men, whose combined ages wero 20 1 years, have Just been burled at Fos torln. under rather peculiar circum stances. Thu eldest ono, Ut years old, was burled first, and Just us the car rlagos of the first party were leav lug the cemetery, th procession of thu second entered with the bod of tho noxt oldest woman, SO years. Just ns this cortege was leaving tho cutnutury the body of tho third wo man, aged S3 years, was being car ried In. Independent Leader. Indianapolis, lud.. Sept. 3 Wil liam H. Hearst, Thomas U Hl??.en and other loaders of tho new Inde pendence party. sro In ennferenco huro today. The eonvsntion which was scheduled for last week was In definitely postponed, and It Is i Un tied to arrange at tho confcrinc today for this convention. It lo pro posed o make u vigorous campaign, for tho Indiana electoral delegation.