Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Thursday, Sept. 3, 1908. 'AGE Five THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PERSONALS '.' PICK-UPS HERE AND THERE. t: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: t: :: :: s: A RECEIPT FOR THE BLUES An Edison Phonograph When you go home at night from your work or place of business worn out wiih the work and worries of the clay, often too tired to seek amuse ment up town these warm evenings. Then is the time the phonograph does it part. With an improved ldison Phonograph you can hear ac home the voice of the Grand Opera Star. It tells stories in the comedians pest dialect. It is never out of practice or out of tune and never gets tired. The prices are in the reach of all only one dollar a week pays for an Edison 01 Victor at LUKE'S MUSIC STORE Giving Him a Hint. 'Pliny wero walking timlir a little umbrella, and lio liked It well enough not to want a largo spread of alpaca. Ho was modest and Doomed to bo nervous, and she Jlnally remark! vory softly, and with a note of In terrogation: "Charlie, I'll carry the umbrella, If you'll let mo?" "Oil, no! I can carry It." 'Yes, Charlie, but you see your arm taken up bo much room ithat one side of me Is out In the wet.' "I know, Tannic, but what Hhall I do with my arm? Won't It bo In the way Just the name?" 'I don't know, tCharllo; Tom Clark always known what to do with his arm when ho In under an umbrella wlUi Mary .Martin." Xtsbltt who has been ! out of town lsltnrs are here an 1 will ' . n t . . . - kodol will, without doubt make your stomach strong and will almost instantly relievo you or all the symp toms or Indigestion. Oct a bottlo or It today. It Is sold hero by W. U. Frame. Alaska refrigerators at very low prices. Tho season Is closing and wo have a few cholco ones loft. Ill ens, Corhn and Frcnsley. Phone 618 Chas. Kcmcr, up-to-date meat market. 1 kill my own meats and furnish the very best satisfac tion guaranteed. Give me a trial. HOT DAYS Require llol Utalbcr Rrqoisris Florescence Violet Tiilcuin Violet Amoniu Water Violet Sua Salt Use Kreso Dip for disin fecting anything, any where, anytime. COLEMAN BROS. DHLViOISTS JEWELERS ANNOUNCEMENT Messrs. E. and S. Lowcn stein announce that pupils on tho piano anil violin will bo received uftor Sept. 1st at their studio, Harmony, Coun terpoint, Ensemble Playing and Orchestral work without extra charge- to pupils. The family of V It Ingram arriv ed hero yesterday from llealdton. Mr. Ingram this morning sent his children on to ltloomfleld where thoy will attend school this year. Miss l.oulsa Howard has returned home to Durnirt nfter a sovoral dajs' .fit with friends In Ardmore. John TJinisher, formerly of this city, Is he.u from Shawnee on a brief visit. .Mrs. J. W. Uttorback of Chlcka sliu Is visiting at the homo of her rel atives In this city, .Mrs. H. D. Nor rls and family. .Mrs. S. K. Wallace Is the guest of her daughter In Valley View, To.ns. Homer Hoyil has arrived here from Elk City and will npalu make Aid more his home. It. W. Dick. A. C. ('nice, 1. A. Homier, Chus. 1). Carter. .1. 11. Cham pion, Dick HlunlRhi, W. T. Simmons, hey Cotfee nml Hob Heed returned yesterday from the slate convention at Tulsa. J. A. Williams or Glenn was In the city today. Ho came hero to moot two or his old Mississippi friends who ho will take out to Glenn to visit with him. Tho Allssisslpplan are Prof. W. W. Cornelius and Tom lllchle, both of Hluo Springs. Ed Glover, accompanied by his son .Master Vernon Is In tho city from lllossom, Texas, visiting with his pa rents, .Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Glover. .Mrs. K. K. MoJtnnls and Mrs. J. K. Iteluerd of ifulphur who nro hero to lake part In tho organization of the I'ythUn Slstors tonight wore visitors to the Ardinoiolto today. Mr. and .Mrs. Will Stewart and chil dren arrived hem this morning fiom Chicago to visit with Mr. Slfwnrt's mother. Mrs. Duncan Taliaferro. From here they will go to Toyah, Texas, to visit, with Mr. Stewart's mother. Mrs. Nannie Tucker and her brothers Conroe and Kirk Tucker bo- fori they return to the north. Miss Alary In tho city visiting her brother. W. M. Gwynn and daughter Mrs. John Whltcman returned today to her homo in Hoekwall. Texas. Mrs. Nos bltt visits hero every year and she has many friends who look forwnnt 10 her visits with much pleesnre. V. It. Hodges Is In tho oily today from Orr. Mrs. J. W. Golledge is entertain ing her daughter Airs. Frank Solvally of Orr. .Mrs. S. S. Tolsoit and Mrs. W. A. Gllllnin anil Forney GIlHam went to 011 Springs yesterday where thoy will spend ton days on a camping trip. V. A. Nlhlack lert today on a busi ness trip to Springer, .Mllo and Wood Toid. W. A. Gllksple of Arizona is in the city visiting with his Trend S. A. New kind. Mr. Gllesplo says lm has studied the OklMionin constitution and holds It In such high regards that ho would llko to live under such a law. He Is tmiptel to move to Ok lahoma. Ho says his people would rather bo a territory lor llfty years than to romc in with New Mex'co. Everybody hi Arizona he says hopes to hco Ilryau elected and h! believes he will sweep the entire west and bo elected. .1. T. Coleman left last night for Muskogee, ids wife and boys accom panied 1i!m as far as Sulphur where thoy will visit sovoral days. .Mrs. II. A. I'dggs of Orr is hero at tending and visiting Mrs. It. A. How ard who is very sick with malaria fever. 1. I.. Header representing tho Geo. . - . I.. I., I IllA ! li. i;ernar.i bi. "". " Mack organized city today. I W. H. Fninio Is In Ok! iNim-i City attending a convention of Ccun'y clerks. Mrs. Sadlo Goldberg ami baby io- turned home today after an o.tinla 1 visit to Texas points with friend and relatives. Robert Law who 1ms bon visiting friends hero for foiho d.tya returned to his homo In Sulpau.- to.Wy. V. It. Hlciikiuoro of the Orm or Crute, Calico & Hle.i,nioi lilt to day for Aluskogeo and otner towns In th i Hi part of ''.u sfite. Miss DaisyNlehoU Is In AlannsvlUo today looking artor nor Urn: and oth er Interests there. Tom Xorrls of Minnsa. e wr.s a business visitor here today. S. A. Lindsay, who has been doing business hero left for Maniisvlllo to day Harry Stoiium of OkUloma flt who has been vUlting here for sov oral days returned homo today. Win. II. Horry, Sr., who has been wry sick Tor several weeks Is able to bo out again. Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Eakln of Ma dill aro In the city the guests of Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Kandol. They aro accompanied by their charming daugh tor Miss .Merino. Hen. II. Corbcrt, of Tishomingo, formerly United States marshal for the Southern District of the Indian Territory, was her- tast night eu route to Oklahoma City. Mr. nml Mrs. .1. F. Gibbons have gone to Dfitlison, Te. to reside. Mr. Gibbous came here recently front Wichita, Kaiimis, as tho ropnmoutn live f trw Cudahy Hacking Company, but has since been transferred to Dcnleon. MILK SCARE ON NO CAUSE FOR ALARM .ii. "in lie Mill he uses noililiiir in 'ii. I wt- an- ! mid Unites his cnMmie-' s A milk m .u e Hwoope the town tost mtR'. mid ded to the flniiw by newspaper re-1 Mi dairy at any time an i . orts. If milk li being iidnlteintcit how te csrl me oat'd i th- ienle wlH wmiii be made awre how the milk la treated of It us wimple of ml k were sent nw) today to be HmiUr.od The milk that was reported in h.ive been tested ns from the -m I . i 1 1 and was taken by Mr. Wiilkei or th1 Statesman office to Ijnn Fr.wie'i drug store. Mr u 1 iM tl. tlitki It la milked until H n,un the customer. Mr We-t ui id le nay th expense ot luwiv an v it? the milk aniilyiert and to in li ' i remilt of Hie analysis. Mr. Walker wild be w.i- ivtUti' ,md Walker -tatiMl thli ll to make a all. 1 W. A. Woiley who went as a dole gale from the local Aerie of Haglcs morning ho lieliowd the milk waa while lie iH'llevett the tmlk .) lo the annual aesslon of the lirand j ailiiltiieted but the rtieinir.v wer. , formaldehyde he was no' t Aerlen. t Sentto. Waah., has returiiPd oi m hand to make .i iem. Mr., lie sent a portion of hi homo ami made his report to t.' j Know anld the milk w.i- nm anaiy- the 1alry liihpieior at Sh.iw local aerie last irtht. Mr. .nMev ! od in hla at ore nml he did nut be- tho remainder ia at Hoirnn " HeM Mr. Weal, d his milk, i ennian.v'a. .lame Met . mil ul IK roMrts I hat extensive elmim made In tin Grand Aerie , at the inP nt stated that Mi West had , A utile tneeilng. He any the north .more order for milk un l ic.- cream J weaUrn city gave the Iig1e a idiau he ootild All uimI i.eie ahs no weJeomo and that all vlsi'.vi wer.- mK-essliy of atteniiptliig u pivaervv well entertained. ' tt inHk. C. I). Davis got milk night Hairy Koenlg, who N einbniktiw ; thflt Hr,UlNi hla ausplcUm and he did I In biiBlneae on North WVahlimton ' m W )t Tim milk whlrh Mr. Ixiv-I street baa received hli Cbampion j j W)1 WH invi, in Hi. iilMith mid j the dairyman was win repii' machine mi l Is piHIii. it In j to j)r v ellor. lloth l these phy- Mr. Weal said he was i-u-mmei- , ixtaltlon ftir bualncaa. Ilia motor has , ,(,)4U11, Hlaiod that tie eonUt se j of hla own dairy. If bis milk vs.u- not arrived yet and until It does he ,ltnll(t wfoiig with It. adulterated ho would like to know U cannot bo ready to begin the rapid Mr vit. proprietor oi Hie Ardniore ; hlmaf lf niid asked a iiewspir re n imlrliig of shoes. dairy stated this niornlm; flint some ' porter to send inilK elf and 'lave It! or his cttHlomera had retmed to lake niiBlyT.ed. Th milk In question Ik j milk rrom Mm wagon tins morning. Hie hsiih- Mr Walker had. , man's anld t'.ie milk Imre of 14ng adulterated. Hamplea of milk h.n to PixH. Jellarr at ainl lh milk ia being adtili i.ited tin people will know It. A Kiiivle ,i milk taken at a time when no scare was on mid not In the knoulMbu- o! I & Bi Reduction I shoes I ",1 I 111 TL fI M. ine man i it Hoii' H I U' II y lit HB News hits reached Ardmore to the efr-v-t Hint C. T. Hoeves. traveling aalesuiiiu tor the Hrown Shoo Co.. bnd died In St. Umls following an operation. Mr. Hyden of the Uyden Hodges Co., wired to St. lnils Tor in roriimtlon. The reply stated that Mr. Hooves had undergone an i.ji-iratlon but was getting along nicely and no apprehension was felt alsmt his ul timate reeovery. Mr. Ileevoa Is well known 'here and has many frbinds who aro anxious to hear rrom him. C. M. CAMPBELL RESIGNED. LAID TO REST New President Elected for Ardmore Wholesale Grocery Co. At a meeting or the stockholders or the Ardmore Wholesale Grocery Co. yesleidiiy afternoon the following business was transae ed: .litdgo ('has. .M. Campbell, who has been president since the resignation ' , of J.A. Hodovlt. some time ago, re- ..signed, and his nephew. Mack D Campbell, of Solma, Madams, FUNERAL OF JERRY McLISH CONDUCTED THIS AFTER NOONWAS AN ELK. The remains of Jerry McUsh, who died hole yesterday morning at the WhlttiiiKton hotel, wore laid to rest wnsj'" Hose IIII1 cemetery this afternoon The ladles auxiliary to the K. of I. lodge will bo organize,! l.c.e lo i ,,.,,,,,., ,lr ,.,, at I! o'clock. Funeral services wore night In K. f I' hall. A number of ; , m,lt, ilt ,ll0 h(mi0 ot tho oroli,or f 1 IIOl illlltvll ,J- itviu 'l ; tin (U'oi'iiHCil, JMchanl F. .McLisli, hi ' Mill lul. IILwi,. I.i .miiiImh.uI ..,!........ .w l tin i i mvf 111 nuuuinioi di II t . Dr. .1. M. Gross of tho Methodist church olllcinted. The deceased was a member of tho local lodge of IClks lustituto t. io Temple. visitors are Mrs. A. i'ressley Clckaslm. Mrs. .1. W. I'tterhack Chiekasha, Mrs. Lena Morgun the of ot of inilckasha, Mrs. 11. K. McGluuis of (Sulphur and Mrs. J. 1'. Helnerd ot Sulphur. The team will anlvo here this afternoon from Chiekasha and will -.ixeniKlIfy the work tonight. The I'ythlau sisters will be launched here , president. with a membership of sixty. At the ; Tho following hero in a few days to take an aethe interest I In the business. .Mr Camphell is a i 1 pruetical grocery iiinn having been In ( . tho wholesiilo business for several I i and this firm Is the gainer lor j having seemed his services mid co I operation. 1 Morgan Hays remains In his posi tion or general manager and vice Moving ! Yes Moving ! My branch store, the ( inter Vt ui ty Furniture Store, lHclt to my hitf store on Cnddu Strut, and al the lowchl jiosible llgiire I mv 1, GOO pir your cost in lei t it ml Milury of i ne mini. This itotniH ut the Mini 1 1 pmllt 1 litiru on, some f 1.000 s'tles or until in, which i.s a pretty jiod size .salu 1 have no rents lo pny nt my hi' sioro on Cud do Stroot, only i luce hhoit l loclts horn Main St. and can mivo joii from 10 lo id pi r cent or. most all purchases, less than my Main Streot competitors. Onco in u while they may have a small Imrpain but we havo ot tin in from now on. Here to stay lor small prolit.s, t' or tuny piijmtnts. We rent, icjair and (.c)iaie -Ues. Ship and sell on easy payments. See me at once. C. P. HALL The New and Su-ond Hand 11 omo OuttHterw aro tho directors organization tonight will ho served. refreshments I'rof. I'mliollz phoned from Don! son today to II. G. Spnuldlng, socio liiry of the coniimircial club stating t'.int he would 'be hero tomorrow after elected. J. W. Stoiium, secretary and treasurer; -Mack D. Campbell, Al. J. Hayes, C. M. Campbell, W. Al. Hutch inson. W. A. Tweed, J. A. Hodoiltz, W. D. Holler. Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers. Foley's Honey and 'liir affords im- All pursous Interest- .nie.imie reuei i asuii .ii si. u-re ,n I III me lirni muKi n .11111 it i.wvii ,11 tluio will efrect a euro, l or wile ny all drj'Kglfits. noon to lecture to tho fruit growers of the comity, ed in growing or shipping fruit are cordially invited lo attend. The 111 eting was called by Waller Col bert, president ot the Carter county I "ru It Growers mid a number of iu temlatits iiro expected. A big barbecue ami picnic will bo given at Wynne wood tomorrow and next day. William It. .Murray of Tishomingo and T. N. IloaiuH. of Oils citv will take part In a joint debate tomorrow. On the Saturday follow ing H. .1. Glddings of Oklahoma City and Henry M. Curr ot Hauls alloy will debate the Issues In the campaign t'.wit Is now on. I-argo crowds aro exH-ctod. and Wynuowood Is sabl to bo prepar nl oimies. Tho speakers are among tho ablest iu both parties In tho state and tho discussions will bo interesting. Woodmen Circle. On account ot Monday being Uabor Day. a called meeting will bo held Friday afternoon September 4, so that the clerk run goLJior roKirt oft without delay. MILS. ISIHI) SANDMN, Guardian. AIHS. CI.HAl.MIH A1AHTIN, Cloiif. i Notice K. of H's. j There will be no meeting of the I K. of H's. Thuredav. Septeinbor Ilrd, tho hull tlmvlng h en loaneil lo tho to tako care of all who : I'ytamn .- .... i....t vm. 11. iii';ni(i , v.. H. II. A DA. MS, K. of H. nndS. County Suporliitendent Airs Nib- School Dlstiict No. and t.iiat order olllclated at the grave. The floral ollurlims wore liixuiiunt ami beaullftil. .lorry Alcl.lsh was cut down while atlll In his youth. He was only l';t years of age. Ills health became poor some time ago and ho quit his pusl- I Hon with ono of the banks at Da- 1 vis on that account. Ills Inst Illness was of only a lew hours duration ami nil efforts to save his life proved ftrtlle. Jerry Alcl.lsh was a member of one of the most prominent Indian families in old Indian Territory. He had enjoyed splendid educational ad vantages and bad Just embarked up on u lite which had every promise or being useful mid nappy. Ho grew to manhood Iu this town and is known by almost everyone. A large number of fi lends accompanied the remains to their last resting place. Among tho out of town relatives ami friends hero for the funeral are Richard AlcLish and wife or Wapu liucliii, parents or the deceased; Jer ry Washington and family of Alarl etin; Airs. Husk, Gainesville, Texas; Cub Ileum and wife, Wapaniicka; Airs, tiiiith, AlaiioUa; Cutch Smith and family, .Marietta; Dr. T. H. Dow II and family. Davis; II. 1". Mill drew, Tishomingo; I'M l-illo and family, Wynnewood. T.N. COLEMAN ... THE CITY DRUGGIST .... Telephone . 9 W. Main St. Hungry poets aie with empty honof. not satisfied jo voMterdav northwost of town. J. ! Announcement Gabriel was chosen one of tho I Miss llaiinn will return to Aid trustees. Tho now district will build more Saturday, September Mh, rendy a, good school house. It is the. pur-1 for work and can bo found at tho . . . ..... . , r... t,.....-.ll... liniicn lhrmn 'I.V una,, or Mrs. .NimacK io s irroui u , .iimnum iim" ,....,, ........ Ardmore with good school buildings. W. P. Poland W. D. Foster Poland & Foster Successor.-; to Uoborts & Poland Loans and Abstracts, Fire and Tornado Insurance. Prompt Service, lit liable Companies. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS I i Colored Sunday Schools of the State In Annual Convention. Tho state convention of the color- j ed Sunday schools convened bore I this morning In .Mount .Ion Hoptlst church. Tho president Hov. II. J. F. Westbipoks called the convention to order at 9 o'clock this morning. De votional services wero conducted by Dr. l'rinco. Tho forenoon was con Mimed In preliminary work and in the appointment of committees. Tho colored pcoplo extend a cordial Invi tation to all persons to attend and witness the proceedings. Tho con vention will remain iu session until Sunday night. Among tho visitors aro 1). J. F. Wostbrook, S. S. Jones, ....Hryant, C. A. lluchaimn, '. D. Garnulian, Dr. Prince and Dr. H.y-wcod. W. A. I.edbctter has returned from Tulsa, whero ho attended tho stato democratic convention. I'resbyteriaii choli prnctlco Saturday nlglH TitK 1J Axministcr Art Squares Brussclls Art Squares All Wool Art Squares Granite Art Squares. All kinds of Carpets Matting, Linoleum Etc. If you want any floor coverings come to my store and look over a complete line. R. A. Jones' Big Furniture Store For Sale of School Lands. A mm-iKirtlwm meeting r busi ness and pioft slon:iI men, farmers, iuicIkiiiIcs, ami citizens geu-,,iily, who are opposed to a system of state tenantry and who b llevo that the school ilaud of the stato should be sold to houio-makers. Is hereby cat' -u to be hold nt Guthrie, Okla., on Tin" day, September 15, l'JOS, for the pur- jkuw or rructlng a state organization to work Tor Uio sale or those lands All eainmt invitation Is extended to nil who favor the sale ot the sch i.n IrihIs to attend this mooting n I .is slst In planning and carrying out tin eifectlvo and sucotnitfnl canipulKU u this end. Hy direction of the l.incoiu County Citizens' l.eftgue for tho sal of the school hindi. H. II. C.ll.STHAI', Chairman. C. U. WILSON, Jr. Secretary. Wagers on Cotton. Homo few wagers aro being made this year on Dlio local yield of cotton. One man offered to wager that the town would not get 1 .1.000 bales by the first of January. Some ofTer to wager that the town will not buy as much cotton this year as It did hint year and others say there wlll be more cotton produced In Carter coun ty. Tho crop Ik fairly good. Tho re cent rain will bring tho plnnt to lull development and should tho county bo favored with a Into frost Ardmore will buy more co'Uon than It did last year. The Farmer' I'nlon will make Its minimum price this week, but the farmer here generally Is not In a position to fully co-operate with the union in any plan to hold cotton and the innjorlty of tho crop will be marketed before tho first of the year. Notice. Hiibllc Weigher's Scales are now ready for use ami are located. Wag on scales In alley back of W H, Frame's UK store. Cotton scales at Compress yard. It Is the duty of the I'ubllc Weigher or his deputy to wolgh all cotton, grain of every kind, live stock, hay, cotton seed, coal, wood, broom corn, and all other prod nets sold hy weight nml no othc n allowed to weigh any such prodji's either free or for hire. Call on ii'h for the law on this. W. I SMITH 3-C Hublle Wolghc NOTICE SONS. To all members of Camp Sam Davis Sens or Confederate VoUrons. and those eligible to membership, deslr lug to become members. Camp Sum Davis will meet at 3 p. in., Sunday. Soptenib'r fith. 1!8. At the Hroadwuy .Methodist church. Officer will be elected und other mat nix of Importance nttend il to. J. A. HASS, Comnmiilei i: Al. (SALT. Adjutant. It takes mi experienced eleva or boy to let a man down easy. Forced Sale Owners, of These Properties Need Honey Bad 3 room house, line place, $1100.00, 1-2 cash balmue $li per month Fine corntr lot in McLisli Addition, $560.00. Easy terms on this, Nice farm in Northeast Tt .ns for sale or trido for Ardmore resl deuce property. SEE .ME FOH HAKOAI.NS CONKLIN, The Real Estate Man i? N. Waslni),'con Phone 320