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The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, September 03, 1908, Image 7

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Ardmore, Thursday, Sept. 3, 1908.
Inflammation of the blad
der, urinary trouble and
backache us:
PeWltt's Kidner
and Bladder Pllla
A Week's
Trial For 25c
ft. O. DW1TT CO.
roc U fcy w
W-, tlio iipresontutlvis of la dctn
, oerncy or the state of Oklahoma, In
hi nlo convention assembled, affirm
ing our belief mill renewing our al
ii Iglanco to Oto principles of II. o pur
ity, cognizant of tlio IncnsiMiiK signs
of tlio awakening of tli public con
clenco throughout tin1 nation on nc
fount ol tlio depredations and on
croachmontH of predatory wraith, not
only upon tlio jiollllcal hut also ico
iioiiilc.il and Industrial rights of Un
people, take prdo In that tin' demo
cratic party of the republic him align
id itself In the pending natloiml po
lltlcal contest -with the onus of the
for tin1 ri'iiii'd) lug of siioi
n n n tt n u u neunnsi
nnntttiR it n itauana'
... , , , j Rights of the Masses.
tho early life of our national
11. C. I'otterf. B. A. Walker
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Ardmore, Okla.
James U. Humphrey. T. N. Kobnclt.
Attorneys at Law.
Hooms 2, I, 0 and S, l'ennlngton-Slms
Building, Ardmore.
Also have otnee at Muskogee.
(Registered Attorney)
Formerly With Dawes Commission
C: '.eat, Citizenship Coses and other
matters befoio the Interior Do
partmcnt, Exclusively.
Offices Washington Loan ft
Trust Hulldlng
Washington, D. C.
Attorney At Law
Careful and painstaking attention gtv
cn to All Matters Intrusted to mo
Office Hooms 9 & 11 Wheoler Uldg
Office phone 213; Hes. phono 773.
Compiler Indlnn
Cbas. J. Kapler. Chas. H. Merllllat
Compiler "Indian Active Court
Laws and TreatleB" Practitioner.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Practleo beforo all Courts; On.
ares. (Jovernment departments and
Commissions. Indian Cases a spo-
Office, Itoiid nid'g. Washington D. G.
Attorney at Law.
Justice of tho Peace Notary Public
Hooms 14 and 16, Noble Uldg.
Phones: Ileal 83G blue. Ofllcn 166
Surgery, Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat
Eyes accurately fitted with Qlaaaaa.
'Phones; Offlc 146, RosldeM 44.
Drs. von Keller, Hardy A Henry.
Modern equipment for tho scientific
treatment of all surgical cases.
Trained nurses In attendancco.
Ardmore. Okla.
Veterinary Surgeon.
Ardmore, Okla.
Office: Smi h'a Livery Barn.
Phono 128.
Undertaking and Embalmln
North Washington SL
Pbonoa 341 and 433.
W. A.TiU'kt-tt T. W. Myall
Office In Slras-Pennlngtim" Dullding.
Ardmore, Okla.
Public Stenographer
All work neatly and promptly done.
Olllco I Ilmer Hotel. Phono 178.
Residence phone 521.
existence In tho cont.isl between
centralized ower and the rlghta of
tho massed, tliu necessity for the ov
Intend of tho doinoonitlu mrty arose
and wltli the approval of the people,
Thomas .lollorsou, its found, r, was
placed at the bond of the administra
tion of our notional government, an
nouncing tho doctrine ofniunl rlghu
to all and special privilege to none.
There never wuh a time lu our history
when the application of tills doctrine,
was more no- Hsary nnd it cm nev
er b truly applied except when Uo
people rule not only In letter but in
Dire Prophesise Unfulfilled.
A long sutforlng people In the two
territories when they catno to their
own by securing tho right to govern
thenm-'lvet), in adopting the consti
tution of tlilH Htato, readily embracod
tho opjKirtunlty to write in such law
principles by whloh tho iiooplo might
rule, and, notwithstanding tho fact
that tUtt're -wor prophecies of dlro
eoimnercial and economic disasters
an the result of thin adoption nnd np
idicatlon. though co-lncldont with
such adoption, and approvnl by Uio
manipulation of this samo predatory
power, n groat panic was preclpltatiU
without any cause for exlstenco, un
der tlio republican administration,
contrary to their claim, that panics
imiiio only under deinocr.it Ic rule,
y t wo are proud to say that we
liave our commensurate share of
prosperity under such constitution,
laws and democratic government not-
i withstanding sucth anlc.
Senators by Direct Vote.
Adhering to tho .leffersonlan Idea
that tho people have tho enpacliy as
well as tho Inherltent right, to rule,
tho democratic party stands for th?
election of United Stntes senators
by direct vote of tho people, and lu
pursuance of that Idea tho il.miocr.itlc
members of tho first legislature of tlm
sUito of Oklahoma memorialized con
gress to submit amFiidnient to tho
constitution of tho l.'. S., requiring
tlio I'nltod States senators to he so
elected; anil wo endorse and com
nv tud tho democratic members of tho
I'nitod Stale somite and houso or
representatives from Oklahoma for
introducing measures lu each Iioiibo
of congress submitting such amend
mint, anil wo charge tho rcsonslbl
ty for Its defeat to tho congress
which is now and -Ikis been for tho
past 14 years republican In both
Republican Trick Nipped.
In tho recent primary, tho demo
cratic nominee for the United States
senate received more than 16,006
votes and tho republican 2(1,000
votes. Tho demand of tho vopubll-
Public Stenographer.
Office Whlttlngton Hotel.
Most Centrally Located Hotel
in Oklahoma City
Elegant Cafe in Connection
Grand Avenue Hotel
The Mast, ol Service.
Oklahoma City, - Okla
Postal Telegraph Cable Co.
N. Washington at. Tel. No. 11. 4
c .iiM' at which our rc i uulicnn sia-
i r state, Kansas, is In ill.-, .ulmlnl
tcrod, the san.e bring practically
I'ipiiit lu area and poulatioii.
Commend the Legislature.
We poind with especial prlilo to
the following laws enacted by the
legislature: l-'irst, tho creation of a
banking boards and tho depositors'
guarantee fund,, making n hank de
posit In tho state of Oklnliomn as
good ns cash lu hand, and thereby
bringing into this state from neigh
boring states, deposits equal to 1(1
per centum of tho money owned by
the people of our state.
Second, making provisions for the
loan of school moneys of the state
upon high-class securities and giving
preference for tho antiie to tho far
mers of our state.
Third, tho enactment of a stnte
printing Iniard and state printing
system by which tho price of stat
utes of the stale are reduced from
$11 to $2.60. and tho session lawa
from $:!.00 and 15.00 to r.O cents.
Urge Separate Coach Law.
Fourth Tho enactment of a sem
rato coach law for white and colored
Fifth The enactment of a primary
election l.i w by whleli the people
choose their ontii candidates nnd
through which candidates for United
States senate must pass the expres
sion of the will of tho people.
Sixth Tho Initiative and referen
dum act Is the most complete and
finished product of tho kind ever
written Into law.
Seventh The antl lohliyliig Inw
which prevents and punishes corrup
tion before legislature, board of coun
ty commissioners, city councils nnd
school boards.
Kighth To make ample provisions
for punishment of public olllcers for
uccciiliig passes and other favors
from railroads, telegraph. express
and other companies In this state.
Ninth The graduated land tax
prevents laud monoHily In the stato.
Demand Inheritance Tax.
Tenth The graduated Inheritance
tax, placing proper burdens upon
large estates.
ICIevonth Tho enactment of tho
gross receipts tax upon, oil, gas, ex
press, telegraph, telephone nnd other
companies owuln nlgatnglbjfrf shrd
companies owning Intangible proper
ty and Incomes, required them to pay
their Just portion of revenue.
Twelfth For tho enactment of the
eight hour provision for labor In the
public service.
Thirteenth For having provided
for a full stato government and the
purchase of stato supplies at one-half
the rost of the stato of Kansas for
Inferior orlce.
Fourteenth For having enacted a
complete system of agricultural and
mechanical education for the children,
of the state. The same being the
most complete and thorough of any
state In tho union.
Commends Legislature
Wo coniuv'nd the -legislature ot
Oklahoma for passing tho setxirate
school law whloh provides for hOM
rate schools for tho white and negro
Wo further endorso the provision
permitting lHigroes to select their own
school trustees from their own race,
for their own separate scnools. At
M to wimo time tho convors" to be
1 1 H 1 i .
, . e
it i u
cms hii their stato platform, adopted j neutral, that the whlti ico, which
Aucust 20. l'.ios. to place tho niiiues . unlet- our law Includes tho Indian
ot such nominees) on tho olllclal bal
lot Is elthor a swaggorlng bluff or a
cheap trick, with tho sinister design
and purpose of Invalidating tho elec
tion this fall nnd withholding tho
electoral voto of Oklahoma from Mr.
Hrynu, tho splendid standard hear
er of democracy, and thus aiding In
tho olcctlon of Mr. Taft, tho confess
ed enemy of self-government nnd tho
proved enemy of tho man who tolls.
I promptly oiiiaium in an rouotriM, or no ric,
I VuADC.MARKS.raYr'.tlalt.l L'mivrmlitlirmi-
Itrrnl. N-nil bkilcli .tuIrl or 1'tiulu. lor lrw I
rfoorl on ivtriitaliiliiy. All eutlKtlt I
STRIOTL. CONflDlNIUl. 1'aU'llt pincUl I
I CK'llulTriy. puiiwwiiK rrir,rri-r
I ik iiiMflwitKV invriiiuis Biiiiiiiu njiTr u.ir umi.
txu.k tin 1 low toitlrfamamlht 11 UAtriiti.Wti.it in.
trntinna will pat. U"w to irriMutr tirraii'lotht-r I
I vuliutuu information, pi in irru t'l aitj anurtia. I
.501 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.J
Two-Cent Fare a Saving.
Wo congrntulato tho democratic
party for tho Inserting In our consti
tution of tho two-cent faro provision
on railways In this state, and tho
placing of tho same Into practical
operation. Such operation shows that
It has como to stay. Tho railway
reports for tho fiscal year 100S show
that tho passenger earnings unilor
tho two-cent basis Is In oxcoss of
that of tho provlous yenr under tlio
three-cent fare habls. Ily this provi
sion alono the democratic party has
mndo an annual saving to tho people
of Oklnhomi mcro than tho taxes ne
cessary to support the stato govern
ment. Expenses are Reduced.
Wo congrntulato tho democratic ad
ministration now In. power in tho
stato of Oklahoma, for having nd-.
ministered the affairs of tho said '
stato at less than two-thirds of tho i assuranco so Invested capital
race, are permitted to select
trustees for their t-chools.
Wo favor tho purchase of the iok
regatod coal anil nsplxi.lt lands at a
mlr pilco to bo ngroed upon between
tho said state authorities ami the
t?liootnw and Chickasaw poo pi o sub-
1 -et to tho approval of tho jH-oplo of
this st..to, at the 'ballot Ikk before
the contract of purchase shall become
Wo favor Wh fullest development of
such ' lands lu tht iutorvst of the
schools nnd charitable Institutions
ami lu tho production of tho cheapest
fuel for tho people for such state
Wo favor as soon as pnsslblo nnd
practicable tho snlo of the mirfaco of
suoh igregated con! mid aaphalt
lauds lu small tracts to actual sot
Oppoclng Timber Monopolies.
Won trongly opposo tho passing of
tho timber land and other natural
iMfKotireos of the st.to into tho hnnds
of privnto mouotiolles.
Wkti bellovo that the various fodoral
bureaus lu this stato should bo lm
medlatoly terminated.
Wo Irollovo that tho ostntos of tinoso
mentally Inconipot' (lit of ivhntever
rare, should b& protected by our stato
Wo bellovo that It Is tho greatest
iniiKirtanco lu tho dev Oopment of our
new stato to glvo perfect safety and
ghully seok Investment a the l w i
iate of Interest. We di.n a 1him1
lin,' of distinction hetw i ( iium.
IttM'siiil In hnticftt tnit
lueil.tloiy CHpltfl! i'll!ftlc)l n i
ac against the people ami 4 i
ic.-tls of the labor of i.. Vm
pcojile. W-.J oppose tlkwi' ti.r
iHimtlons, which tiro urtfui
tng to destroy couiitltW''i ami ih i
ll. nrbliitiry jirlces on lv -r n -of
llff and on those thliiKs liU!i ,ui
prodiiciil by our people. vc d not
Int-lid to encourage pred..toi ,i i
tal In this state. We do iiitiml t.i
I tin toot our people In the imu'ciiIs of ,
tfnlr honest lnlsir. $v f.uor i-iecial
nro for the pi-otei'tlon of -li ilgltts,
and Interests of the labni-ing pi opto,
such as farmers, miners, Hii aittsnn.
tho small tradesman nnd t )t.- women
nnd children of this stni-.
Devslopment of Resources.
We faor he speedy di'M-lopmciit
of all our natural rosoinns ,,M)
pi-chilly of our oil and g.ts r pmi
Wo favor tho doveiopiiim i.i ,u t
form of nianuRictitre, for w .n li mn
natural rources so will ipnlif ib
stale. Wo reeixsirizo th iiluci i.m 01 tin
p kiple us iilrsoltltoly esscniial 'o tin
tltv1oHnent of this sti and in ill i
contlnufluee of suprenmci or tin- d m
iKTntto isirty. Wo pledge tin- pai.v to
vlKormwIy pnmioto lu cm icion
abl I way our public school -.'Hi-iii.
so that this stato sl.till -mii.i Hi Cu
front rnnk lu tho eduoatliin.il nihimti.
V pledgo the people of thU sljtto
to the continuance of an comnnlcai
ami faithful administration of Us af
fairs ami that Uio stale lavs shall
he as low as posslblo for the i-ouduci
of n stato government properly coll
Fulfilled Plsdges to Ptople.
We commeuil tho Ilrt-i li-Klslaturi-of
Oklahoma for tho ralihful rullilt
ment of Its pledgos to lit- people. It
was not to 1 suptroti-d that at its
first sslon It was phjsiiHlly ios
slide or practical to jrass every law i
mcosary to carry Into effect all the
provisions of the coiistiiuilon or t. ui
tho public necessity nipilwtl. and it ,
was not to be exii.tctcd that their
work would be that of ,ier;ectlon.
We pledge the people that the dem
ocratic Kirty of tho slate will con- ,
tluuo thi enaotineitt of lavs until
every provision of the constitution is
made effective and tfcvU whenever the
lawH that may have been pass, d iiku
piovn to be defective that the sauie
will be amended by the lilentls or the
people anil not by their enemies.
Wo ro-afflnu the principles and 1
d lunations of tho stato plattorm ot
1 J07. adopted at Oklahoma f'itj ami i
lu I'.tOS atlopted at Muskogee and en- .
dorse the national platform atlopted i
at Denvi r In last .Inly. J
Commend Administration. j
We congratulate the people of the
state of Oklahoma upon tho admin
istration of all the state olllcers, tho
executive, liicludtiiK all the depart
ments thereof, the corporation com
mission, thi supreme court and till
courts of Inferior jurisdiction.
Believing in I lie Jcffcrsnjialu
principle ot democracy, that tho pco- I
plo should rule and pursuant to such '
belief, having incorporated the prln- ,
clplos of Initiative and referendum
Into our organic law, and with com
meiidablo ldelity, the legislature hn
lug enacted tho necessary laws o
carry tho same Into effect, not only
is to stato but also as to county
nnd municipal and district govern
ment, when such pi "visions nre suli
uilttod to tho people, either undt -tho
Initiative and referendum fen
lures, It is to be done with a view
that tho voter shull express his In
dividual Judgment under his couscl
once iiiitraintueled b partisan dec
lnrntloiM, and to that end we declare
that a voto upon an Initiative and
referendum proposition is not to be
a test of otto's party fealty.
School Lands.
Wo rolterafo that an soon ns pot
slblo and prnctlcalile tho lands held
by this stato for educational and
other purposes, should be sold upon
terms that shall be absolutely fair
to tho pcoplo f the stnte, reserving
tlio preference right to the lessee, as
provlddl In the constitution, to the
end that such land shall become tax
able and become inoio productive to
tho actual owner thereof, and there
by Increase hoino-ouitlug. We pledgi
that tho funds (lorhul from the sale
of such lauds shall lo faithfully pre
served nnd Invested as proUdcd in
tho constitution.
An Addition to Ardmore in 10 Acre Blocks
Overlooking Ardmore from the North. Only one-half
mile from city. Location fine, soil fine and the price is
right. Best proposition near Ardmore. Five 10-acre
blocks already selected. Don't wait until they are all
sold then ask someone to kick you. Buy now while
you can get the best, all good, but some are better.
I he price is right. Call at our office for full informa
tion. Phone 726. .-' . .-'
Riggins Suggs Adams Co.
Ardmore, Oklahoma
the people declared for state-wldo pro
hlhltlon, we congratulate the legisla
ture for enacting a law vitalizing and
supplementing lu a practical way the
constitutional provision relating to
prohibition and wo commend the
state administration for its vigorous
ami rigid enforcement of such laws,
and pledge tho continuance of tho
same. Tho constitution already pro
vided that tho legislature might cre
ate agencies under tho supervision
of the state, for tho sale of liquor
for medical and scientific purposes;
the legislature, In good faith, enacted
J such a law, with a view of only fa
I cllltatlug the enforcement of prohlhl
j tlon hut also to carry out every pro
I vision of tho constitution relating to
' this subject.
The democratic party, under the
referendum provisions of tho constl
I tutloii, has submitted tho agency pro
i positions for tho approval or rejec
tion of tho voters nt the ballot box.
I We commend tho legislature not only
for passing such n Inw, hut nlso for
submitting the same to the Individual
j Jutlgmi nt of the peopl" for their rati
fication or rejection.
Oklahoma Hotel Men Meet,
(iiilha'. Okln). J-V'ji: 2. Oklaho
ma's hotel men aro hero today m
semi-annual convention for tho pur
iioito of forming resolutions relative
to b'giKlatlon desired from tho next
legislature. Prominent hotel inei
from all sections of the stato aro at
tending trtio meeting.
Foley's Orlno Laxative Is a new
remedy, an Improvement on tho lax
atives of fonnor years, It does mt
grJK' or nausejito and Is pleasant to
take. It Is g-mranteed. For salo by
nil druggists.
Educational Institutions.
Wo bellovo that the present stnU
school should ho maintained nnd that
other schools nnd stato Institutions
should ho established eiptltnbl'
throughout tho state and we com
moud tho stato administration for Its
zealous effort to orxnnlzo tho com
mon schools to the remotest district:;
of tho stnte
Tho democratic party has evi r
hocded tho volco of tho pcoplo as
expressed at tlio ballot box nnd r.s
Three Cent Gas for Factories
There is no reason in the world why Ardmore should not have 3-cent gas
to otfer to every manufacturing concern that will come to Ardmore. This is
the only requirement now lacking to give Ardmore every facility that builds
cities out of towns.
Natural gas experts have examined the Held southeast of the city and they
say natural gas exists there.
Poland & Anderson have a body of land lying south of the City park which
will be sold to tho people at $100 per lot. The lots are large and beautifully
located and worth more than the price asked for them.
But this is not all, the purchasers of these lots are members of a large
company who will spend $5,000 in sinking a test well on the property. If
gas is found every purchaser is an ctjual owner in the well. In the event
neither gas or oil is found each purchaser of a lot will be given his deed. .
Remember this one thing that the money you pay on your lot goes into the
fund to be used in sinking the well, no extra assessments will be made for
this purpose.
'J he proposition is safe, sane, fair and reasonable and one that may mean
a vast deal to the growth of Ardmore.
We want you to buy a lot. The terms are so easy that you will not miss
the money. A well 2500 feet will be sunk in two weeks after the machinery
is placed on the ground.
Lots $100 Each, $25.00 Cash, balance $12.50 per month.
For further particulars see
Walter C. Dean

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